#each heartstopper hug means something a little different
bairdthereader · 4 months
Another body language appreciation post. I love this hug outside the cinema for a lot of obvious reasons--I love ALL the Heartstopper hugs with my whole heart, Nick looks like the best hug giver ever, the early Narlie hugs always have this wonderful element of Nick fully realizing just how much he wants to be close to Charlie--but I also love it for another reason.
Charlie. We all know Charlie loves a good hug. It's one of the main ways he shows affection with his friends, and obviously he wants to hug Nick in this moment. But he keeps his hands down by his side, even pressed against his leg, until Nick goes in for the hug first. He's just so careful with Nick, all the time, always thinking of him and how this new situation must be affecting him. There's so much respect and thoughtfulness in that brief moment of restraint on Charlie's part and it just makes me adore him even more. Plus, once he gets the hug, his face is a picture of contentment. 🥰
Also, can we note the strategic placement of the green arrow pointing to this perfect pair? Green flags all around!
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waybeforeyourtime · 2 years
I'm done!
Before I begin spewing random incoherent thoughts and observations, wild applause to the amazing acting this season. Edvin is really something special - his talent is extraordinary. And Omar knocked it out of the park as well. He conveyed Simon's inner turmoil over his conflicting emotions so well.
Okay, here goes my notes:
Erik had a relationship with an OnlyFans girl?? I need details.
All I keep thinking is - look at their little faces - like I'm Olivia Coleman trying to make it through a scene in Heartstopper.
Bossbitch!Wille is my second favorite Wille after Pining!Wille
I'm still not anti-Queen. I think this season tried to show us how she's a pawn in the game too. She loves her son, but she was raised like he was, and she doesn't have as much control as people think. I'll die on that hill.
Felice is the real Queen in the show. Seriously. Like she's the only one who kept her shit together this entire season. She's a good friend (even if she didn't see her privilege and how that affected Sara). And her outfit and look for the ball?? FUCKING CHEF'S KISS I kept screaming to show more of her.
I still don't like any of the other students except for Maddie and Alexander. Oh, and the Alexander thing - I need closure on that. I need him and Wille to be friends again. And can someone give him a hug? He always looks like he needs a hug.
Yeah Yeah Nils is gay, and he's still a classist pos.
Marcus is toxic and a manipulator. I have zero sympathy for him getting caught in the middle when he tried to play Simon by bringing up Simon's parents. He acted like a dick when Simon tried to back off. bye bye!
Wille and Simon's kissing was great, but the smiles they give each other are even better.
Fuck August. See. The second he thought he had power back, he became a dick again. And fuck Malte for being so damn cute in those scenes with Sara. August is so desperate for love, and Malte really did well with that.
But talking about August - I really had to suspend belief to buy that he would become next in line. I mean would they really pick the person who uploaded the vid? He'd be such a liability. It didn't stop my enjoyment of the season at all though.
We didn't get that scene where they were staring at each other in the locker room, did we? Did I miss it? I won't be able to watch it again until tomorrow night.
I knew Wille was going to go off script since the moment they said there would be a speech, but I really didn't think he was going to out himself. I thought he was just going to allow Simon to sing his song. But fuck yeah I was there for that!!
Poor Sara. I want to judge but my love life history would like to have a word about that.
And let's talk about the real star who stole the show - The Birkenstock Socialist. Sir, you have my undying devotion.
And my final thought, none of them deserve Felice.
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