#eames institute
iihih · 1 year
The Eames Ranch in Petaluma is a Museum/Home/Workshop/Farm.
Headquarters for the Eames Institute (the full name of which is The Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity), established in honor of preserving and continuing the legacy of architect and designer Charles and wife Ray Eames, reside in a little known barn/gallery/home/studio complex in Northern California’s Sonoma Valley, The Eames Ranch. The Eames Ranch in Petaluma Eames Ranch, image courtesy of…
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conformi · 10 months
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Jean Nouvel, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France, 1981-1987 VS Lucia Eames, steel screen designed for the Peerless Electric Company, 1982
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went to target today and on the dvd case of the fathers day display inception they use the gay ass arthur eames quote that launched like thousands of works of erotic gay fanfiction…….like i love how this fathers day display is supposed to be full of like macho man movies and then you have this. i mean i agree that inception very much is a macho man action movie but i think i just have permanent brain damage from the fancontent
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Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity  
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playburo · 2 years
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analogdialog · 2 years
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The Eames Institute
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shut-up-rabert · 2 years
/3 pakistan had invited wang yi to speak at the oic and the other islamic nations said nothing about it. i am sick and tired of pakistanis on social media acting high and mighty and saying stuff like "sikhs wouldn't get treated this bad in pakistan" like yeah they'd get treated far worse🙄 and the indians calling for international organisations to intervene and get rid of the current government🥴 have they ever read anything about other countries??
OIC is that one organisation that us more than willing to let go the fact that people are legit protesting all they can in PoK but get their panties in a bunch when literally nothing happens in J&K. No seriously, the timeline this is from, Indian Kashmir was very much in peace while PoK was burning. (notice how they use the word “Illegally” occupied. Why do all of them go deaf when Instrument of accession is mentioned?) Not to mention that they have none of the relevance or authority they believe to posses when they run their motor mouths, so obviously India makes sure to give them a reality check, lmao.
All in all, bith Paxtan and OIC don’t have the authority or the guts to tell China off, because china makes them piss dem pants. You can take for example the recent happening when wives of men from PoK were arrested in China for being Uygher muslims, neither Pak who had the right to object nor IOC whose so concerned about the muslims had anything to say.
And the person saying sikhs wouldn’t get persecuted in Pakistan? I agree, you won’t persecute them Paki bois, you’ll either convert them so they aren’t sikhs anymore
(The fact that they are asking EAM of the country “persecuting the sikhs”, Pak takes bigger Ls every day, both Hindi and English)
or just straight up kill them:
Goddamn it. And they have the nerve to call us out.
And people calling for international support to Oust NDA, yikes. They really think it will work? Lmaooo.
Tell you what, the only time PM is changing anytime soon is at 12 midnight, when it becomes AM. Oh, Modiji? Yeah, he ain’t goin anywhere.
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These people will cry “dEmOcRaCy” in anything and everything and then insult the very same institute by trying to oust a democratically elected leader. The audacity to think they can direspect the people’s decisions like they are high above the rest tells you how much they know about democracy, and how much they need a reality check.
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uswanth-123 · 2 months
SAP GRC Emergency Access Management
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SAP GRC Emergency Access Management: Controlling the Break-Glass Scenario
In the world of IT security and compliance, there are times when standard access rules need to be temporarily suspended in the face of critical situations. Think of it like the “break glass in case of emergency” box – you don’t want to use it regularly, but access must be granted quickly and efficiently when you need it. SAP GRC Emergency Access Management (EAM) provides the framework for these break-glass situations.
What is SAP GRC EAM?
SAP GRC (Governance, Risk, and Compliance) EAM is a module within the SAP GRC suite designed to manage privileged user access during emergencies, maintenance, or critical troubleshooting. It enables organizations to:
Establish Controlled Emergency Access: Define special “Firefighter” roles or IDs with elevated permissions, ensuring access only when necessary.
Manage and Monitor Usage: Provide a centralized process for requesting, approving, and logging all Firefighter activities.
Enforce Auditability: Maintain detailed logs of all emergency access activities for compliance and security audits.
Why Do You Need SAP GRC EAM?
Crisis Mitigation: During system outages, urgent fixes, or security breaches, EAM enables swift action within a controlled environment.
Compliance Adherence: EAM’s audit trails and structured processes demonstrate compliance with regulations like SOX, GDPR, and others that mandate strict access controls.
Reduce Risk: Limit potential misuse of privileged access by having a well-defined and auditable emergency process.
Critical Concepts in SAP GRC EAM
Firefighter ID vs. Firefighter Role: EAM supports two primary approaches:
Firefighter ID: A separate user account with broad authorizations, activated only during emergencies.
Firefighter Role: A unique role assigned to an existing user account, granting temporary elevated permissions.
Centralized vs. Decentralized:
Centralized: Firefighter access is managed and logged within the SAP GRC system.
Decentralized: Emergency access is initiated directly on the target system, often used as a backup when the GRC system is unavailable.
Reason Codes: Mandatory explanations for each Firefighter activation to ensure accountability.
Workflows: Automated request, approval, and review processes for streamlined management.
Best Practices for Implementing SAP GRC EAM
Careful Planning: Define clear policies for when Firefighter access is justified and establish a strict approval hierarchy.
Role/ID Design: Meticulously design Firefighter roles or IDs with the “least privilege” principle, granting only the minimum necessary permissions.
Regular Reviews: Conduct periodic audits of firefighters’ usage and logs to identify potential misuse or policy gaps.
Workflow Integration: Leverage workflows to streamline the process, ensuring proper documentation and approvals.
User Training: Educate all relevant stakeholders (users, approvers, auditors) on EAM procedures and security implications.
The Essential Safeguard
SAP GRC Emergency Access Management is like a digital fire extinguisher—you hope you never need it. Still, when you do, you’re grateful for a well-designed and carefully managed system. By implementing EAM, organizations enhance their security posture and improve their ability to respond to critical situations while maintaining compliance.
You can find more information about SAP  GRC in this  SAP GRC Link
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kaashni-co-in · 4 months
The influence of Bauhaus on American modernist design.
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The Bauhaus school in Germany was a revolutionary design movement that had a profound influence on American modernist design. Founded in 1919 by Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus sought to unite art and industry, creating designs that were both functional and aesthetically pleasing. The school's philosophy focused on the use of new materials and technology, and its emphasis on simplicity, functionality, and geometric forms became a hallmark of modernist design.
In the 1930s, many Bauhaus artists and designers fled Germany due to the rise of Nazism, and some of them emigrated to the United States. They brought with them their ideas and design principles, which became an important part of the American modernist movement. The impact of Bauhaus on American design was particularly significant in the fields of architecture, furniture, and graphic design.
Bauhaus principles had a strong influence on American architecture, as architects began to design buildings that were functional, geometric, and minimalist. One of the most notable examples of Bauhaus-inspired architecture in the US is the Seagram Building in New York City, designed by Mies van der Rohe in the late 1950s. Its clean lines, use of steel and glass, and emphasis on simplicity and functionality are all hallmarks of the Bauhaus aesthetic.
Bauhaus principles also had a significant impact on American furniture design, as designers began to create furniture that was both functional and visually appealing. One of the most iconic examples of this is the Eames Lounge Chair, designed by Charles and Ray Eames in 1956. The chair's clean lines, use of new materials like molded plywood, and emphasis on comfort and functionality all reflect the influence of Bauhaus design principles.
The influence of Bauhaus on American graphic design can be seen in the work of designers like Herbert Bayer and Paul Rand. Bayer, who taught at the Bauhaus, brought his ideas about typography and visual communication to the US, where he worked for advertising agencies and designed posters for the Museum of Modern Art. Rand, who studied at the Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, was also heavily influenced by Bauhaus principles, and his work for companies like IBM and ABC reflects the movement's emphasis on simplicity and functionality.
Overall, the Bauhaus movement had a profound impact on American modernist design. Its principles of simplicity, functionality, and the use of new materials and technology continue to influence designers to this day. The movement's emphasis on the unity of art and industry also paved the way for a new era of collaboration between designers, manufacturers, and consumers, which has helped to shape the American design landscape.
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latribune · 5 months
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buzz-london · 8 months
“I defy you to show me discrimination…” EAM S Jaishankar’s challenge on minority issues in India - 29 Sept 2023
External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar spoke on India’s Role in a New Pacific Order at Hudson Institute. Replying to John (moderator) on the issues of minorities in India, EAM Jaishankar challenged him to show the evidence on discrimination happening in India.
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blogynewz · 9 months
Unveiling Double Standards: EAM Jaishankar Reveals a Startling Reality
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has expressed his views on the existence of double standards in the world, particularly among countries in positions of influence. Speaking at a Ministerial Session titled ‘South Rising: Partnerships, Institutions and Ideas’, Jaishankar highlighted the resistance to change exhibited by influential nations and the weaponization of historical influence and…
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blogynewsz · 9 months
Unveiling Double Standards: EAM Jaishankar Reveals a Startling Reality
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has expressed his views on the existence of double standards in the world, particularly among countries in positions of influence. Speaking at a Ministerial Session titled ‘South Rising: Partnerships, Institutions and Ideas’, Jaishankar highlighted the resistance to change exhibited by influential nations and the weaponization of historical influence and…
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solarisgod · 10 months
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it is one of the last several nights micah can have before they will return to the Break Beyond Force, and they are grateful that they can find a time to spend it with charlie. they made sure he would know that they may be more absent than usual because of the one month break they took, so there's so much for them to catch up in the field. though, being with those like charlie, eames, and warlock — and many others — made micah contemplate more about working for the institution — being a saint still despite everything that had happened. is it too late to step away from this job now? three months is long enough to make the point of no return. nevertheless, there are still more lives who they want to help and love, learn and understand more about this side of the universe. micah just wants to live feeling like they are worth enough —
"i love you,"  whispers charlie, holding micah's hand, "nothing’s gonna change that."
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micah's attention on their deep thoughts breaks, bringing them back to reality where they see their hand is being held, most loved as every other parts of themself are by charlie. they give their hands a light squeeze before they glance up at their partner, their expression soft and eyes gleaming with the sweet silver moon above them both. "i love you too," they return, almost saying thank you ( for loving me still in the end ). micah shifts closer to charlie and rests their face on top of his shoulder, gazing up at the celestial blessed sky. after a gentle moment of silence passes, they speak again: "no matter what happens, i will always love you so much." they kiss him on the cheek before they nuzzle the same spot, loving @ratkiing more. "do you hear me, charles?" it's scary how soft, yet, serious they sound, but they mean every words and actions.
micah will always love charlie to the moon and back and beyond.
"i love you, always," they kiss him more until the night feels like warm tenderness.
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playburo · 2 years
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accustiv-archived · 11 months
@4ger said: “ People kill. Sometimes they have good reasons and sometimes they don’t. ” / accepting
“ and, most of the time, a bad reason looks like a good one from a distance. ”       i said, a little sharper than i meant to. i would never understand how anyone could have such a blase attitude to life and death - to pain where it didn’t need to be, and i hated him for falling into that category. it was a flare, red hot and short lived, sizzling to life in my chest before it hissed out, pathetically, replaced with something weak and naively idealistic. i was tired of having to explain that i didn’t hurt people, i was tired of having to explain that i just didn’t want to.
because the truth was, despite the scars that might suggest otherwise, i tended to get away without violence being needed - nine times out of ten i was gone before anyone realised they’d been hit, and three of those nine times they would never realise at all. i stole from institutions, from the wealthy, from the filthy rich who had probably done more damage legally than i ever could from the underworld. why couldn’t people see that it was different? why did everything, no matter what i did, always end up being about blood?
“ i don’t kill people. ”       i said, and finally managed to meet eames’ gaze.        “ i don’t hurt people. and if it’s anything less than a last resort then i don’t fuck with people who do. ”      the flare was back, hotter this time, guilt rather than anger burning it’s way through my ribs and threatening to burst free, bright and blinding. because it wasn’t completely true; there had been times when the weight of a gun in my hand had been the greatest comfort i could find, when the promises of others to harm enemies had eased me into sleep like a lullaby, when i’d wished pain on my tormentors and pointed out quieter ways to rid people of theirs. even if he was gone, the memory of that weighed down, pressing into me and shutting me up.
i blinked, rapidly, i swallowed, i tore my gaze away again.        “ we’ve all heard justification that sounds right. ”      i murmured,       “ but when you look back… ”      i shrugged,       “ s’all bullshit. ”
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