#early days probably. in their 20s? altho the first one is definitely more like. teenagers.
brother-emperors · 4 months
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some sketches of Lorenzo de Medici and Galeazzo Maria Sforza :)
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All odd o:
   1. What is you middle//full name?
i’m not gonna say my full name for privacy purposes, but my first + middle names are Tristen Mackenzie
   3. What is your birthday?
May 23rd!
   5. What is your favorite color?
aw man like… light pink? dark purple? cerulean blue??? all good.
   7. Do you have any pets?
yes!!!! i have a cat and her name is rose and i love her
   9. How tall are you?
5′3″-ish? i’m not exactly sure
   11. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
uh… 3 i think? 5 counting both pairs of character shoes though!
   13. What talents do you have?
as a lot of ppl who follow this blog, i’m pretty good at writing! other than that, i like to think i’m pretty decent at singing and acting, and i draw a lot. other than that??? idk
   15. Favorite song?
i answered this but i’ll just add more: A Soft Place to Land from Waitress
also Teen Idle and Primadonna by Marina and the Diamonds!!
   17. Who would be your ideal partner?
alright so like my ideal partner is definitely someone who just loves me for who i am and doesn’t force me to change, y’know? someone supportive who’s kinda ready to take me as i am with all the baggage i have and still loves me in the end but doesn’t take any bullshit? like, they accept i have problems but won’t let said problems excuse my actions. someone who can help me improve on who i am, i guess?
also someone sweet and gentle and just understands, y’know??
idk i haven’t put much thought into a person past that, since i guess all i want is someone who actually gives a shit?
   19. Do you want a church wedding?
uh personally i don’t really care even tho it’d probably piss off my family i guess??? like, it could be or it couldn’t be and it probably wouldn’t make too much of a difference for me because imo it’s a wedding either way???? idk man
   21. Have you ever been to the hospital?
like, me being in the hospital? no. visiting people? yeah
   23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
uhhh i met a guy off of broadway once he was cool i think his name was andrew or matthew or something and he was in pippin and actually was charlemange the night we saw the show!! i wish i could remember his name because he gave me really good advice about basically sharpening what i wasn’t good at when it came to theatre
   25. What color socks are you wearing?
   27. Would you like to be a big celebrity?
like… i mean, i wouldn’t be against it? as long as it’s for something i’m proud of, i guess???
   29. Have you ever been skinny dipping?
   31. What position do you usually sleep in?
i usually lie on my stomach when i sleep!!! idk why it’s been kind of a recent thing??? like i use to sleep on my left side for years and over the last year or two i’ve started sleeping on my stomach for whatever reason
   33. What do you typically have for breakfast?
i usually don’t wake up early enough to actually eat breakfast but i like to make scrambled eggs and toast!! because effort
   35. Have you ever tried archery?
no but i want to :’O
   37. Favorite swear word?
eh, probably just ‘fuck’ because i’m not creative
   39. Do you have any scars?
i have a reaaaaaaally faint scar going up my leg from when i did something stupid and was scratched by a wire!!!
   41. Are you a good liar?
depends on the lie and who i’m telling said lie to, honestly.
   43. Can you do any other accents other than your own?
uh i can kinda do a russian accent like Stereotypical Russian and i can do a southern accent (which works because i’m from the south but i have no accent i swear), and i can do a kinda posh accent??? idk man i should sit around and just attempt accents one day.
i’m good at mimicking mercy from overwatch sometimes tho but only when i’m playing her because it’s more of me just sitting there echoing whatever she says i guess
   45. What is your favorite accent?
idk my russian accent is at least fun to sit around and say shit in
also just??? idk what you would call it other than Stuck Up White Girl but that’s also kinda fun because i literally will sit around and say stupid shit
   47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing?
that’s honestly a good question and i couldn’t tell you because i barely remember anything like lemme check amazon because i have this dress??? that was probably expensive
it actually wasn’t too expensive it was only 35-ish dollars??? idk then i tend to not buy expensive clothes
   49. Are you an innie or an outie?
   51. Are you scared of spiders?
hhholy fck yeah i nearly panicked yesterday when there was a spider in my car like i was almost gone but my brother got it
   53. Favorite foreign food?
honestly that’s hard but i??? fukn???? love??? chicken enchiladas????
also does fondue count bc it’s from switzerland and i love fondue like cheese??? good. chocolate??? heaven.
   55. Most used phrased?
probably like “idk man” because i just Don’t Know
   57. How long does it take for you to get ready?
depends!!! sometimes it can be around 30-40, sometimes an hour, sometimes i’ll be ready in 10 minutes i don’t do makeup and throw on something decent
   59. Do you suck or bite lollipops?
i tend to mostly suck???? that doesn’t sound sexual i swear why does everything have to sound sexual jfc
   61. Do you sing to yourself?
i think we all know the answer to this one. it’s a definite yes and anyone who thinks otherwise doesn’t know me tbh
   63. Biggest Fear?
dying young, i guess? it’s something that kinda haunts me still and idk of anything that’d be a bigger fear than that for me rn
   65. Best dramatic movie you’ve seen?
idk i rarely watch movies????
   67. Can you name all 50 states of America?
i mean i’d probably leave a few out but i can
i took a thing and i got like, 35-36 out of the 50 so that’s good i guess
   69. Extrovert or Introvert?
def an introvert
   71. What makes you nervous?
what doesn’t make me nervous tho
uh i guess just??? driving in silence makes me nervous
honestly any silence makes me nervous because i need at least some sort of constant noise??? tests are hell, man.
   73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes?
depends on the mistake??? i tend to but if it’s just something really minor i won’t bother the person.
   75. Have you ever started a rumor?
nah i dont think so. if i have then??? whoops. i know a guy who started (or at least tried to?) rumors about himself tho it was weird
   77. Have you ever drank underage?
not rly??? i’ve had sips of stuff but that was usually with my parents and it wasn’t enough to make me feel anything. altho next time my friend and i hang out without her parents there i might drink a little, just to be able to say ‘i did the thing’ since i kinda wanna do teenage shit while i still can i guess?????
   79. Who was your first real crush?
guy i knew/know (we’re kinda friends??? like we talk but we don’t make extra effort to do so imo???) named jacob!!! he let me down gently because he was also the first person i confessed to, and altho i kinda regret it, i still had that rejection so at least i don’t have to deal with that shit with someone else being “that first rejection” or w/e
   81. Can you roll your Rs?
aaaa sadly no i wish i could tho!!!
   83. How fast can you run?
i don’t think i’m fast but i think i’m fast enough
   85. What color is your eyes?
   87. Do you keep a journal?
i kinda used to??? i stopped writing in it for a while…   89. Do you like your age?
ehh kinda??? like…? i’m still technically a “““teenager”““ (even tho i technically count until i’m 20 but legally i’m an adult at 18) but it kinda sucks because being 17 is lowkey kinda stressful because woah ur a senior in high school time for u to be forced into thinking you need to choose a good college that will get u a degree for a job you’ll always be in for the rest of ur life and just the fact i’m kinda inexperienced in shit??? i just wanna be smooched before i turn 18 man
   91. Do you like your own name?
i mean??? i don’t like ‘tristen’ but i do like ‘tris’! which is why i go by it online and i try to get ppl to call me it. there was someone i know who was like “no one even calls you that” when i said something about being called “tris” to someone and i’m like… that’s because i never said anything about it before…??? no one calls me tris because i never really went by it before….???
but anyway “tristen” is fine but i will always prefer to be called “tris”
   93. Do you want a boy a girl for a child?
i’m gonna say i’d love to have a girl but honestly? i don’t really care? if i have a child or if i have children, i just want them to be happy and healthy and feel they can trust me with anything - or at least almost anything, since i never really had that person growing up.
   95. What are your weaknesses?
uh i’m not the strongest person when it comes to physical activities but that’s also because i’m a dumb egg who sucks when it comes to shit like dancing because i kinda throw myself down a hole when other ppl get things and i don’t and i get really self deprecating over shit
also self deprecation by itself is a pretty big weakness.
other than that, i’m kinda messy?? like my room itself is a mess and there’s clothes on the floor and i really just need to take a day and clean up
   97. Were your ancestors royalty?
not that i know of
   99. Color of your bedspread?
uh its too hot for one rn but i have a white one that my grandma bought for me and i use it when its cold af outside
i want this galaxy one that i found tho….
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