#the last 3 were ideas for more serious drawings tbh. the hand one is going to have blood on it for sex and violence reasons. ofc
brother-emperors · 4 months
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some sketches of Lorenzo de Medici and Galeazzo Maria Sforza :)
⭐ places I’m at! bsky / pixiv / pillowfort /cohost / cara.app / tip jar!
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
Heey just wanted to tell you that I adore your art, especially the way you draw Barok. You humanised him in a way I've never seen an artist do. All your characters, but especially him, look like real, soft, approachable people. I can almost see their chests expanding, I can imagine them laughing and breathing, I can tell how in love your ships are, which is very special and very rare
Your art makes me extremely emotional
(also where did you study, what books did u read, how long did it take you to learn to draw like that??)
AH thank you for the sweet ask! it really made my day to hear this TTuTT
As for your other asks, ill put them undercut with some photos and links to stuff!!
I've been drawing for about ahhhh 16 years( 8 of which are actually like serious school stuff than just a hobby) but tbh its only really been in the last 3 where i feel like ive been making actual progress in improving my stuff. but thats my personal path in art and its always gonna be different for you or anyone else.
anyways 3 years ago i made some changes to my drawing habits and study methods that were like. real specific to where i wanted my art to go (cleaner lines, better foundations, gesture, etc etc). I worked on thing one at a time tho!! it can get overwhelming real quick if youre not careful. So the stuff im gonna give you is geared towards....well, me? both in content im searching for and just the classes that resonate how i like learning
CLEANER LINES. I use to have a habit of making like EXTREMELY sketchy and unconfident lines. This is a landscape book that i literally just copied every single thumbnail. Helped me get into the habit of both using only a few strokes to get an idea across and breaking down complicated subjects into shapes
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ANATOMY. Morpho series. Its not a how-to-book tho its just a compilation of an artists break downs. This one is my fav tho. And helped a lot when i was struggling to understand like ALL BODY PARTS
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CLOTHING. This is probably my fav clothing book. Very short and published in the 1940s. Its helpful specifically to ME cause its clothing is closer to TGAA outfits(mens) than more modern books LOL
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And now CLASSES. I do actually have an art degree from a university and let me tell you. I was left SEVERELY lacking any skills i needed to go into the industry I was interested in 👍 (not cause of the professors but cause the school itself was actively killing its art department :p) So i was kinda just left looking into online stuff on my own (AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE!!!! MY BELOVED AFFORABLE CLASSES )
NEW MASTERS ACADEMY. Its a subscription-have access to all the videos for a month to a year- kind of thing. cheapest is about $40 a month. REALLY REALLY helped my anatomy and foundations. Steve Huston: Good for entire step by step anatomy break downs. Micheal Mattesi & Karl Gnass: Gesture. I've watched a handful of other videos but these instructors were the most helpful to me
DRAWING AMERICA. A lot more pricey. Around $100-$300. but youre basically paying to own the recorded classes and keep them forever. I've only really taken Will Westons classes cause he focuses on BGS and props. But he also has some nice composition stuff thrown in there too.
(I've taken a LOT of online courses and the thing about a majority of them is that they arent really taught by professors or teachers so they tend to be more like a giant Tip video than an actual lesson plan. And if u haven't taken an art class before the difference is HUGE)
and i think thats it? i guess if theres anything else i can give u its this tip:
you mentioned my art is humanizing. Thats a comment ive heard a few times and i guess its odd to say but i dont really know what youre seeing? Like i understand the "ships in love" but cause i did go out of my way to draw sappy love faces 10 bajillion times until i was satisfied. But alive? hmmmmmm like THINK i might know what you may be responding to. Its a combo of the gesture and my effort in trying not to loose the energy of the original sketch when i go to clean it up. And what ive figured out is this. Youre not outlining or tracing your under sketch youre REDRAWING it .
i put the under sketch and clean up next to each other so hopefully this makes sense but like. when i do an under sketch im only really focused on building the figure. When u build a figure youre drawing out bigger shapes and breaking them down into smaller and smaller ones. Lines feel like they have more energy at this stage because the circles and cylinders are fully drawn out, making them have a continuous momentum. So then when it comes to the clean up stage. im not looking to trace the exact lines i drew out (if u notice my final isnt a 1 to 1 copy of the og) im trying to follow the flow of the original lines. thats why youll see lines go thru the figure sometimes, its me trying to keep the energy in that line even if its not suppose to be very long.
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idk if this makes any sense at all.....and maybe i should have recorded me actually drawing this out but [shrug emoji] i could do it later if anyone is interesting in wtf is happening here. CAUSE I SWEAR ever since i started cleaning my sketches like this i started to get those comments. but also i could be wrong too.....then i REALLY dont know what im doing ahahahah
Anyways, i hope something in here ends up helping you anon!!! GOOD LUCK ARTING I BELIEVE IN YOU :O
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 311: Hand Gun
Previously on BnHA: Horikoshi was all “thinkin’ about dropping in some woke analogies of the very real and very presently relevant issue of racial profiling idk what do you guys think” and then shrugged and did it without waiting for an answer, and ngl it was a bit sudden, but I’m here for it. All Might was all “DEKU YOU NEED TO EAT” and Deku was all “OKAY” and took his hero bento and went to go stand dramatically on a tower in the rain whilst having some highly anticipated Vestige flashbacks. OFA II was all, “sup, I guess I’m not Kacchan... OR AM I,” and ngl I think he is?? Alternate universes anybody?? Hello??? But anyway, so OFA the First a.k.a. Yoichi was all “remember that time you guys rescued me from my evil brother and Two took my hand and we Had A Moment?”, and Two and Three were all “ahh yeah good times”, and it was very nice and very, very gay. The chapter ended with it being very unclear if Two and Three have actually lent their power to Deku yet or not lmao. Y’all need to get your shit together dudes.
Today on BnHA: Horikoshi is all “what if I gave a random bad guy a fucking tommy gun that shoots nails” and jesus christ calm down son. The Hawksquad, a.k.a. SQUAWK as per @hotchocolatier​, are all “time to drive aimlessly around town acting like Deku has a restraining order on us because that’s literally the best plan to combat the League we could come up with,” and I have no further comment. Hawks is all “idk about you guys but I want to know more about AFO and Tomura’s whole deal” and I can’t remember the last time I identified so strongly with one of these characters. All Might is all, “[EXPLODES???]”, and the chapter ends with that mysterious hot girl from the Tartarus breakout being all “HELLO I CAN TURN INTO A GUN AND I LITERALLY DON’T GIVE A FUCK” and (1) WOW, and (2) IT’S TRUE, SHE CAN, AND SHE REALLY DOESN’T. GODDAMN.
(ETA: so this wholly escaped my notice on the first go, and also has nothing to do with the chapter itself, but I only just realized that this chapter was scanlated by a new group, TCB Scans. they actually did a very good job, and I’m curious if they’ve found a new RAW provider, because the quality this week is actually crazy good in comparison to what we’ve been dealing with for the past few months. I’m gonna have to get caught up on what exactly happened here lol.)
so what will it be this week? more Vestige antics? more of Sad Nomad Deku standing on buildings and pretending like he’s some cool aloof antihero, as if he could fool us when we all know his hero backpack is secretly stuffed full with his nerd diaries and the remnants of all the hero bentos that All Might keeps giving him?? or, just putting it out there, just a crazy thought, but you don’t suppose we might actually cut back to U.A.? mmm. side-eyes emoji
maaaaaan I’m starting to get tired of this trend of beginning chapters by dropping in on random power-tripping civilians and/or Shindou lol. just once can we get a chapter that opens with someone I actually give a fuck about
oh at least Endeavor is here
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lol somehow that’s more terrifying than bullets for me?? like I’m fully aware that bullets will fuck you up way worse and that in real life nail guns probably don’t work like this AT ALL and only have a range of like... hold up let me just google... up to 100 to 150 m/s and distances of up to 500m wait WHAT
okay wait. hold up. like I was expecting google to tell me nail guns only shoot a few feet at most, and instead the first search result is some CDC blog article that’s “dispelling” the “””myth””” -- please note my repeated sarcastic quotation marks -- that nail guns can fire 1400 feet per second, by explaining that actually they can fire anywhere from 315 ft/sec to 1,295 ft/sec, and that “it is in the pneumatic nail gun user’s best interest to handle these tools as if they were a firearm despite having a lower velocity” dlkjdslkjflkl
anyway, so. there’s apparently a reason why the Number One hero, who can burn people with the intensity of a sun going supernova, is hiding here behind this concrete support column making frowny faces. nope. nuh uh. he ain’t about that. I don’t blame you buddy
so now he’s barrel rolling out of his hiding place and setting this dude THE FUCK ON FIRE because HELL NO. BAD ENOUGH I HAD TO WATCH THAT FUCKING MUSHROOM EPISODE LAST WEEK! YOU TAKE THAT SHIT SOMEWHERE ELSE
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LOL look at his face
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I know the context is actually him being all “I know I’m responsible for basically everything that happened and so that’s why I’m so grim and serious about this mission to set things right piece by piece,” but in my mind this pissed-off face is 100% all because this dude tried to shoot his eye out with a nail gun. look at that. you made him go full flame face again. beard and all. protecting his face so that it can hopefully melt any stray nails that get too close. nope nope nope
good lord. so what’s up next. let me guess the guy fighting Best Jeanist has like an atomic chainsaw or some shit
lol nope we’re just cutting back to Hawks and Jeanist chilling in the Jesla after they’ve wrapped things up
Jeanist has got some serious Groot energy you guys jesus christ he’s like 12 feet tall
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oh snap someone threw a pipe at him now
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today is just the chapter of Endeavor being assaulted by random DIY tools I guess
I mean, I get why they’re pissed at him obviously; I would be too lol. but tbh I also don’t really understand the “get out of here we don’t want your help” attitude that all of these people suddenly seem to have?? like it if were me, I would be fucking DEMANDING for him and the other heroes to be working round the clock to fix their stupid mess. I mean who else is gonna do it?? it’s their mess, I sure don’t want to be the one to clean it up instead. anyways but whatever lol
oh shit?
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so they haven’t dropped the whole “OFA secret potentially gets revealed to the world” thing yet after all. that makes sense I suppose, it did seem like that whole thing wound up playing out a bit too easily
anyway so yeah
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the locals are definitely none too happy. well at least Dabi’s got something to be cheerful about I guess
so now we’re cutting to the interior of the Jesla and they’re chitchatting about the current investigation
oh wow this actually makes a bit of sense now. so there was a reason they were keeping their distance from Deku
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please note that even in this abstract Endeavor’s-Mental-Image-Of-Him panel, Deku’s eyes still don’t have the light in them anymore :( my poor son
also ftr I still think using Deku as bait in this particular sense is the shittiest idea ever ngl. like sure, let’s let the sixteen-year-old run around battling miscellaneous escaped prison convicts while we stay several kilometers away ON PURPOSE despite the fact that you’re using him as bait to draw out the Big Bad, who just a reminder can destroy anything with a mere touch and who you were all basically helpless against. what exactly are you all planning to do if Tomura or one of the other League VIPs actually shows up to retrieve him?? are you even keeping tabs on him at all in real time?? jesus
(ETA: well that escalated quickly lol.)
Horikoshi is all of a sudden dropping whole pages of exposition here and I can’t be bothered to summarize this lol so just,
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a big fat YES to what Jeanist said, though. that’s why imo they would have been better off laying a trap at U.A. rather than just wandering around out in the open. I assume they’re trying to cut their potential losses because U.A. is full of students (and civilians), but those students also happen to be more capable than pretty much anyone else in the manga at this point. and tbh they’re already in life-threatening danger regardless of how things play out from here on, so they might as well at least try to use the few advantages they have right now. U.A. is almost certainly going to come under siege at some point anyway, so they might as well prepare for it
lol I don’t think I’m explaining this very well because I don’t have the patience right now to break it down point by point like it really ought to be, so for now I’ll just say that imo “U.A. siege” stands a good chance of being the eventual endgame even now, and so this whole “Deku runs around being bait” arc is really just killing time until then lol. like and subscribe for more rambling nonsensical takes such as this. maybe next time I’ll even put it all into one single sentence for maximum meandering senior citizen rant value
well it’s nice that they’re finally talking about all of this I guess
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we readers have known all of this for months now but this confirms the heroes are finally caught up. ALSO, Hawks is so fucking smart, as always. kinda wonder if things would have played out differently if All Might had let him in on the secret a bit earlier. probably that’s why Horikoshi made damn sure they didn’t find out until after the War arc lol
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“anyone else wondering why AFO bothered to raise Tomura as his fake heir for fifteen years when he was secretly planning on taking over his body the whole time” YES, [raises hand] lmao Hawks where the hell were you when I was debating this “AFO is the final villain and Tomura is just his pawn” thing on multiple occasions over the past several years lol
lmao seeing them debate the metaphysics of OFA and all of its mystical bullshit is seriously surreal you guys
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anyway so after all that ranting it looks like that wasn’t even what Hawks was talking about after all lol. I just went off for absolutely no reason lol oh well. instead it seems that Hawks is suggesting that Tomura’s carefully cultivated hatred might not yet have actually reached “can defeat OFA” levels even after all of that trauma. interesting!
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don’t mind me, I’m just sitting here while my brain furiously scrambles to put together all the parallels between Hawks and Tomura that it never noticed before until exactly this second. like I’m not even sure that was the intent here at all (I need to check out another translation or two lol), but regardless my mind decided that now would be the perfect time to make the connection between these two twenty-somethings who both had horrific childhoods and spent years being molded by their respective manipulative guardians, and developed eerily similar “laugh at everything because what else can you do” coping mechanisms to deal with it all hmmmmm
anyway so they were talking more about their strategy, but now all of a sudden Jeanist’s phone is beeping??
AND NOW WE’RE CUTTING AWAY TO ALL MIGHT AND HIS MIGHTMOBILE DAMMIT so that means the call to Jeanist was actually something important then!! WAS IT BAKUGOU OMG. DOES YOUR INTERN WANT A WORD FFFKLFSJK please it’s been so long I just need a little crumb or two to tide me over lmao have mercy
anyway so All Might’s following the GPS tracking device he’s apparently got planted on Deku (which in my conspiracy headcanons he’s actually had for a long time now, like since before DvK2 lol because HOW ELSE WOULD HAVE HAVE KNOWN THAT THEY WERE FIGHTING EACH OTHER IN GROUND BETA, PEOPLE) and thinking angsty thoughts about Deku’s sucky life
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lol is he under attack or is he just finally giving All Might the slip like we all know he SECRETLY PLANNED TO ALL ALONG oh my poor dumb angstmuffin
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lmao only fifteen pages this week, and STILL NO KACCHAN (THEN WHO WAS PHONE!!!), but man I don’t even care because finally we’ve got a cliffhanger that’s actually deserving of being a cliffhanger! hot dog. okay then
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
Anime I've Binged: August 2021
I've been crafting a lot recently because I wanna get my yarn work done before it gets cold so LOTS OF ANIME lmao let's gooooo
The Case Study of Vanitas: On god, this anime is gorgeous. Still being upload as it's a new seasonal, but it's a Yen Press distributed work by the same mangaka of Pandora Hearts and Crimson Shell so it's STYLISTICALLY GORGEOUS. The story is interesting and feels new but familiar enough to have guess, people who like men AND women will have something for them, and Noè is my baby boy, my heart, my lovely little lamb, the sweetest green bean on the planet <3. Can't wait for the (eventual, as told on the first episode) death of Vanitas by Noè's hands that will crush me <3. 9/10.
Oddtaxi: I was NOT EXPECTING this anime to be THAT GOOD. Oddakawa is the MVP. You think you're getting a slice of life anime with some furry elements and instead you get Paranoia Agent meets Yakuza and went to school with Beastars. Genuinely one of the best anime of the coming decade. The last 30 seconds of the last episode legitimately left me screaming and my brother had to ask me what was wrong. 11/10.
The Slime Diaries: The offshoot for That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime full of shorts while the second half of the second season was put on hiatus due to covid. Cute, bubbly, but the drawing styles for everyone was a little too off for me to entirely enjoy. However, the extra background and time they gave to all the characters really fleshed them out and gave them more depth so you have more to care about when you're watching the main series again. Not bad, pretty cute, but you won't understand unless you've watched all the way up to the middle of the Second Season. 8.5/10.
The Slow Life of a Cheat Pharmacist: Another Light Novel Slice of Life Isekai given life, I've seen better but this one isn't bad by any means. It gives you exactly what it says on the tin, with NO annoying fan service or gross (bad) harem dynamics. Pretty cute tbh. 8/10.
Mob Psycho 100 S1: The animation is INCREDIBLE. OH MY GOD. Story was solid, depictions of original characters was GREAT and Mob is my beautiful little boy I want to wrap up in a blanket and put to sleep <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Reigen is a sweaty, sweaty gross goblin I found outside the Denny's dumpster at midnight and decided "ahh, yes, a man who is perfect to destroy and objectify all at once." 11/10.
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S1, S2, and Shorts: I'm gonna be real, I'm a mad lesbian who knew I was gonna be disappointed by what I wanted but knew I wasn't gonna get it. STILL super cute tho. Lucoa and Shota gave me HARD SIDE EYE VIBES THO. Tits. Tits for days. Not my favorite but I've seen worse. 7.5/10.
How to Keep a Mummy: SO CUTE genuinely went online to see if I could buy a plushie before remembering I have crafting power and twelve dollars. Slice of Life featuring an adorable cast of high schoolers and their supernatural pets. 8.5/10. I couldn't stop being delighted by how CUTE everything was <3
Elegant Yokai Apartment Life: A Slice of Life Turned Plot-ish about if Tohru from Fruits Basket was a guy and shoved in an entire apartment complex full of supernatural beings, with less explicit romantic plotlines. It's not bad but the plot is all over the place and nonsensical in the the "why did the writer think this was a good idea" way and not the "lol" way. It was a Light Novel turned published piece tho so that clears up a lot of things. Incredibly small internet presence so if you want the world's tiniest fandom, try here. 8/10.
Didn't I Say to Make My Abilities Average In the Next Life?!: Another in the long line up of isekais and light novels that have gained an audience, this is honestly one of my favorite of the Isekais I've watched so far. It's fun, humorous, and it's got the decent premise of "oh yeah, I'm average in all my abilities! ... If you compare them from the tiniest bug to the strongest dragon alive." It's busty jokes and certain dried up cliches are abound tho, so some of the humor falls flat. That being said: the magic is run on nanomachines. That alone gives it enough premise for me to watch it. I watched the dub which I'll admit isn't amazing, but worked for me. 8.5/10
Restaurant to Another World: Another Light Novel adaptation but this one was a much earlier one that was published a few years ago, it's so calm that I like watching it to fall asleep to. That being said, don't watch this while hungry! Or watch it while eating leftovers! Because THE FOOD LOOKS SO GOOD I WANT IT D: Lol but serious it's pretty cute, really normal, there's no plot, I almost hesitate to call this anything other than a fantasy slice of life show instead of just a series of shorts strung together to make a show. I want to eat at Restaurant Nekoya TTuTT 8/10
How NOT To Summon a Demon Lord: I got 6 episodes in before I straight up could NOT take the fan service anymore. Literally, I watched 5 1/2 episodes, paused about 4 months, gave it one last shot and watched the 6th episode, and then called it quits. It's SO GROSS IT MAKES ME NAUSEOUS. Not in a gorey way (which is preferable tbh) but in "all these hyper-sexualized, assaulted, groomed, fan serviced girls are underage or are lolis" way. Ew. Gross. I refuse. I made myself watch PRISON SCHOOL but smth about this show just... made itself unwatchable. Maybe how it's still trying to make the MC seem like a normal dude and in Prison School they were literally all written to be unlikable and everyone knew it was fucked up. Here, it's like... portrayed as normal and positive? I just can't do it fam, I hate this show so goddamn much. I'm going to bed.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
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6x18. Listen, I can't stress this enough: JJ was missing since literally 6x02. Seeing her talking, moving, working with them and helping one, in the same frame as Penelope and Aaron, was just mindblowing. Yeah, yeah, I'm easily impressed, whatever, but I missed her so fucking much? I didn't expect her cameo until she comes back in 6x24 & I was absolutely delighted to see her.
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Literally one frame after another. Aaron being so protective and serious in a sense "I am angry. I will do everything I can to save her. She is one of my own." Emily recognizing them as "her people." ;______; Good for you, Emily, good for you!
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I thought this destroyed me, but I didn't know what was coming after this. Nonetheless, "baby." This episode was a Development for Derek. Even with his already existing respect for women, him going from "I feel like I don't know her. I trusted her with my life." to "I am so proud of you, I am not letting you go. Squeeze my hand if you can hear me. That's right, keep squeezing." was GOOD. I hope he learned something from this experience.
The trope of "let me go" though... a lot to unpack and think about here.
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Oh, that filming in the waiting room. These husbands seeing JJ coming out of the hospital area and still hoping. I genuinely love seeing them from every perspective and in every possible emotional state.
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Listen, that wasn't (was NOT) NECESSARY. This was peak acting. If I were to writing this while live watching, oh, how I cried. This was just so cruel.
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That soft Spencer's voice, not even breaking, but still quietly losing it. And I believe it was directed by Matthew himself? Talented people are talented in everything, I guess (he also draws <3).
Plot wise, Spencer saying this after telling her about his headaches & in such manner, after purposely getting up to see Emily's body to hold her hand and to say her goodbye? The writers seriously want to tell me this kid isn't on the spectrum? Idk about full on autism, but a neurotypical person would never (and I don't even think a talk about him being neurotypical or neurodivergent is even happening, it's not even a question).
This checks a lot of boxes for me (not to mention this immediate raw grief in him, the same one I felt when my dad died last year & I, too, couldn't say him goodbye between me talking to him one day & learning of his death the next day & seeing him in an open casket a few days later.)
Spencer is pretty and all, and I enjoy watching him (and Gubler's beauty and acting skills), but the importance of his character cannot be underestimated. He is so important for this show and for the media (and people that struggle with the same issues that he does). He happens to be so much more than what the show presents you during the entire s1. Whatever he is, I love, support, and relate to him.
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Everybody crying at the news, but not Aaron. If he knew, that's understandable — the weight of Emily's decision, but at least she's alive (I still wonder, what was Aaron and JJ talking about?). If he didn't know, that breaks me to pieces because how stoic can one man be? Just quietly getting up and walking away, but not being able to cry even in the hallway, where no one can see or bother him. And how excruciatingly painful his fall will be when he is alone and no one can follow and support (comfort) him. An interesting idea for a fic but I'd rather see anyone from the team (most likely David tbh, 'cause Aaron allows himself to break down only in front of Dave) following him, placing a hand on his shoulder or even pulling him in for a hug. I understand that the breakdown probably happened at home (and David, that left his grief at the hospital, holds him while Aaron breaks down), in between this hospital scene and funeral (or maybe even after, because i've been there, too, and I understand), but it's still such an important addition to his character.
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THIS what broke me. I literally washed myself with hysterical tears and "what the actual fucks". Knowing that Emily is alive didn't do anything for me, I absolutely lost it (knowing vs seeing and accepting are completely different things). Seeing the entire team carrying a casket of their found family member isn't what I signed up for starting this show & it isn't something that I could've been prepared for.
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I still wonder if Aaron knew (because others definitely didn't). I feel like maybe Aaron didn't know, but suspected & caught JJ on it (but then again, what were they talking about at the hospital???)? He was watching her very closely, but he was still kind of torn about it? I felt some reluctance from him, and there was also something heavy, this burden. I hope they explored it before the girls come back (don't tell me, I want to find out for myself).
As for Paris, I'm not sure I am ready (or want) to to talk about that. Definitely a lot of potential for fanfiction, but if I didn't saw gifs of JJ & Emily in Paris, I would've stopped after the burial and cried for god only knows how much before I could finally muster enough strength to finish the episode. They literally cut such perfect sad music to "surprise, bitch!" Like, that wasn't necessary, lol. Me sitting with tears still wet on my cheeks, and the writers and Jemily smiling in my face. Who knew JJ's appearance would lead to such mischief (definitely not me).
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sarahjtv · 3 years
BNHA Chapter 319 Spoiler Analysis: Found Family
Holy crap what a phenomenal chapter!  This arc in general has been great, but this chapter might be one of my favorites of the arc.  Not just because it focuses on Class 1-A (I’m so glad to see the kids again), but because of the growth we see in these kids in general especially Bakugo and Shoto IMO.  Like, holy shit ESPECIALLY BAKUGO!  I stand by my opinion that Bakugo is one of the best developed characters in the series.  There’s so much I want to say about this chapter and I’ll try my best to do so if my poor injured left hand will let me 😭:
The chapter starts off with the first of 3 colored pages we’re going to get over the next few weeks to celebrate 7 YEARS OF MY HERO ACADEMIA!!!  CONGRATS, HORIKOSHI-SENSEI!!!  This series revived my love of anime/manga and really helped me in some really rough spots in my life.  I will forever be grateful towards Horikoshi for bringing this series to life and blessing us with such an incredible story full of beautiful characters.  MHA may be a little overrated, but I still think it deserves all the love it can get.  
Anyway, the color page.  It shows Uraraka, Iida (who has red eyes here, so IDK why the anime gives him blue eyes though I do think they work better for him personally *shrugs*), Shoto, Tokoyami, and Bakugo after basically figuring out where Deku went.  Bakugo is shown tearing up his letter (which says something like “Thank you for being there, Kacchan”; there’s more but I can’t translate it 😭) and you can kinda see some bandage wrap around his arm where he was stabbed.  Also, both Bakugo and Shoto still have some visible injuries on their faces and Bakugo’s hands, so they’re still recovering from the War.  It’s a really pretty page in general and I can’t wait to see what the next 2 color pages are going to look like.  I also kinda want Horikoshi to take a break after this too again so he doesn’t overwork himself.  Maybe he’ll treat himself to the MHA: World Heroes Mission movie 🍿.  
So, Shoto and Bakugo have figured out that Deku is most likely with Endeavor, Hawks, and Best Jeanist.  Problem is that none of them are answering their phones.  I like that Bakugo calls Best Jeanist “Pair of Denim Pants” 😂 and Shoto’s image of Endeavor is still a very angry version of his old man.  Shoto’s still making amends with his father, but he’s still not THERE yet.  Regardless, these kids are smart enough to know that something’s up.  Especially since All Might hasn’t returned to UA either.
It’s basically confirmed by Ojiro that because classes have been suspended, our Class 1-A kids are still 1-A; they haven’t moved into their second year yet.  That clears up the confusion on whether we should still refer these group of kids as 1-A still or not.  
Now Bakugo’s showing how much of a genius he really is despite his personality.  Bakugo figures out that the Top 3 and All Might are working together as a group based on how they all connected with each other back at Central Hospital.  Also, Bakugo concludes that All Might snuck Deku’s letters under their doors while Deku started running.  Ultimately, Bakugo does know more about Deku and All Might more than anyone else does.  He’s been around his childhood friend and he’s admired his idol longer than most people have.  Bakugo understands how bad the situation is and he’s ready to take action.  
As are the other kids.  You can see how determined they are and you can see Kirishima’s black roots coming in 🥺!  Even Uraraka gets some shine here by bringing up the idea to trick Endeavor to come via getting help from Principle Nezu as Endeavor was a UA student.  It’s really interesting to see Ochako in a more serious roll than usual, but I actually like it.  I hope she’s still as bubbly as she always was at the end of the day, but she’s definitely matured and grown a lot over the corse of the series.  Even the simple things like her hair show it as it’s not as floaty as it was before.  I love it when Horikoshi shows small details like this.  It adds to the characters and stories a lot.  Also, the art in this chapter is amazing.
And now it’s Endeavor vs. Class 1-A in a much needed conversation.  All the kids are wearing their school uniforms to make this as formal and serious as they can.  EVEN BAKUGO IS PROPERLY WEARING HIS TIE YOU KNOW SHIT’S ABOUT TO GO DOWN!!!  And, I must say, Bakugo looks damn good with a tie 😳.  You can also get a decent height measurement on the kids here if you want.  Ngl, sometimes I forget that Shoto’s about 2 inches taller than Bakugo.  It’s definitely the hair.  
Shoto’s the first to step up and he scolds the hell out of his old man.  Rightfully so tbh.  Endeavor shouldn’t have ignored Shoto’s calls even though I kind of understood why.  Shoto reminds Endeavor of their plan to stop Dabi though thankfully that’s what’s pushing Endeavor forward so he hasn’t forgotten.  Shoto calls his father “Endeavor” and gets mad at him fro leaving Deku and All Might alone.  The rough translations say he called Izuku “Deku” here too btw.  Endeavor has no response.  I think this anger Shoto’s unleashing is very justified and has been burning inside him since Deku left UA.  His best friend just up and left him and his friends with nothing but a letter to kinda explain things.  Also, Shoto and the rest of 1-A (minus Bakugo) have basically been lied to for about a year.  I’d want answers too if someone did that to me.  
Bakugo steps in by putting a hand on Shoto’s shoulder (🥺) to calm him down a bit and to say his piece.  Ultimately, he thinks what Deku is doing is right, but that the way they’re all doing it is wrong.  I love Deku and All Might, but they’re sacrificial idiots.  They care more about others than they probably ever will themselves.  That’s how All Might lost his OFA in the first place.  It’s because of that that All Might doesn’t have it in him to stop Deku from going down this path.  They shouldn’t have been left alone.  Someone should’ve kept a closer eye on them.  I know the Top 3 were all worried about getting too close to Deku before, but really, someone should’ve been watching them closer on the sidelines.
The next page is a really cool drawing of Endeavor flinging his phone to the kids to catch.  The previous panels showed Endeavor with this face that’s regretful and I think he realized something: That Bakugo is right and that the kids might be better off finding Deku than he is.  So he basically gives the kids his GPS on his phone.  Those are just my thoughts, but it does look like that.  I don't think Endeavor’s just going to up and give up though.  He’s probably going to start rethinking things though.
As Sero manages to catch Endeavor’s phone, he and the rest of the kids think about how even though they’ve only known Deku for a year, they still think of him as family and cannot let him go down this thorny path alone.  They’ll carry the OFA burden with him if they have to.  They can’t smile without Deku around.  These kids truly have become a family over the year.  It’s amazing to see.  Everyone’s like a brother and sister and it’s really nice to see.  I just love Found Family stories, guys 😭❤️
And really quick, I want to focus on my ❄️🔥 boy, Shoto, really quick.  As he’s thinking about Deku, he mentions how shocked he still is about Deku keeping OFA from them and how Deku thought just a letter would suffice.  He has this sad look on his face like he’s trying to say: “I still can’t believe my best friend hid this from me for so long.  Why?  Did he not trust me?”  That’s just my interpretation.  Still, I can’t imagine how upset Shoto must feel.  I think he still cares a lot about Deku enough to go out and find him, but he’s gotta feel some sort of betrayal.  More so than the other students outside of Bakugo because, again, Deku was essentially Shoto’s best and closest friend 💙😭
Endeavor is rightfully worried about letting the kids out in the state of Japan right now, but now Principle Nezu speaks up and praises the kids on growing up so well.  He’s also took into account Deku's feelings about his mission which is why he agreed to the team up.  Also, Deku’s still welcome back to UA whenever he wants thank god ☺️.  He’s a student who has to be protected.  There’s a cute panel of Uraraka and her mom crying happily after getting her acceptance letter too.  Not 100% why this is shown other than Acceptance Letter part, but it’s cute to see.  Maybe Ochako realizes how much Deku needs to be protected or something.
As for the refugees, Nezu had the security system strengthened in time for the Cultural Festival earlier, but they never used it before.  It’s call The UA Barrier.  God, how strong is this thing?  Is it strong enough to stop Shigaraki who was able to Decay the last barrier?  This seems like something that’ll be used in the final battle TBH.  
So, Nezu trust the 1-A kids to bring Deku back home.  Which is exactly what they plan to do as all 19 of them enter Kamino in a badass full page.  I actually wasn’t sure if all 19 of them were there at first since I couldn’t find Shoto for the life of me, but then my eyes saw the BIG-ASS ICE WALL IN THE BACK AND I THOUGHT “OH THERE HE IS!!!” LOL 😂 
The next panel actually does show Shoto with Momo as they capture the villain from the last chapter.  Momo politely calls Bakugo “Bakugo-san”, but Bakugo demands that he be called his insane hero name: “GREAT EXPLOSION MURDER GOD DYNAMIGHT”!  I CAN’T WITH THIS DUDE SOMETIMES WHY DO I LOVE HIM SO MUCH 💥🧡
Deku sees his friend and wonders why they came.  Ochako answers because that they were worried about him, but Deku tries to convince everyone (including himself) that he’s fine.  He’s obviously not and Bakugo calls TF out on him!  He even drops a good F-bomb for good measure.  Bakugo mocks Deku for trying to act like All Might and asks Deku if he can even smile right now.  I actually really like it that Bakugo’s calling Deku out on his shit.  I think Deku needs some good tough love right now to knock some sense into him.  Who would be better to do that than Katsuki Bakugo himself?
As Deku is trying to convince everyone that’s he’s fine (while still looking like a demon btw), there’s a small focus on Iida.  Actually, a few panels this chapter have focused on Iida.  Maybe he’s remembering the time Deku saved him back when they went up against Stain.  Deku saved him then so it’s now Iida’s turn to save Deku.  Also, Iida hasn’t gotten much focus lately and I really like his character, so I’m glad he’s being brought back to the forefront again.  Also, I like hearing Kaito-san’s voice in general so I’d be happy to hear him again (thanks for that one, Haikyuu).
The final spread shows Deku telling everyone to move away while Bakugo, Iida, and Ochako get ready to stop him.  IT’S DEKU VS. CLASS 1-A!!!  WE’RE ENTERING CIVIL WAR FOLKS!!!  Seriously, though, this is great.  I was thinking that it would be just Bakugo and a few other students finding Deku.  Instead we got the whole class.  And looks like that “helping hand” thing will happen later because we got a battle to fight first.  
Bakugo’s become a damn fine leader and I love to see his growth every freaking time🧡! I like how Iida has his hand on Bakugo’s back to support him btw.  It’s weird that Shoto’s not in this page though.  He’s one of Deku’s best friends, so I would think he would be in this page along with Bakugo and his first 2 friends (Ochako and Iida).  Maybe Horikoshi’s saving Shoto for a more 1-on-1 conversation with Deku.  God, I hope that happens because I think along with Bakugo, Shoto deserves a good talk with Deku the most.  
Honestly, I’m not sure who would win this battle.  I’ve been going through scenarios in my head on who would win, but I can’t come to a solid answer.  Class 1-A has 19 versatile Quirks under their belt and they have more energy than Deku to fight, but Deku still has 6 insanely powerful Quirks that he’s been practicing for a while.  The kids could probably win if they strategize enough and use Deku’s exhaustion against him, but again, Deku has OFA and multiple other Quirks.  If he could beat Lady Nagant, one of the best snipers around, he might be able to beat the 1-A kids.  He could just escape with Smoakscreen, Black Whip, and Float if he wants to really.  That would put 1-A on another wild goose chase.  There’s also Deku’s Danger Sense which will be a pain to deal with.  Also, Deku said that he’s as strong as All Might was in his prime with Fa-Jin and OFA combined.  Only AFO and Shigaraki were strong enough to take on THAT.  Plus, we still don’t know what the 2nd OFA Holder’s Quirk is yet.  Deku might use it in this battle.  God, I have so many theories in my head now.  I think this battle will be awesome, but ultimately, I want Deku to come home 😭💚
Me reading and loving My Hero Academia: 
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yuezhong · 4 years
593 followers special! + appreciation & shoutouts <3
Hi guys! I’m back. Now, I know it’s been a while since I last posted anything as uni has been kicking my butt, and I was busy with my final sem exams. But now that I’m back, I would like to do something simple to celebrate me reaching 506 followers (596 currently) a while ago, and that is to open a discord server.
Yep, you heard me. I’m having my own discord server! :3 So don’t be shy and come join it if you want. The mods are lovely and so are the users that have joined. The criteria for joining my server is that you have to be 15 or older ! And don’t even try to lie about your age, we can tell from the way you carry yourself.
In addition to celebrating my 5th milestone, I would like to thank these people, which are my lovely friends, fanfic writers and non writers alike, those who are in bold write nsfw/mild nsfw :
To start off, I want to thank these three servers/groups as wholes:
1. Jay and Co.:
@oikawasass -- Jay my spicy cinnamon roll! You are very cool person, periodt. Tbh, I was a little intimidated by you when I first spoke to you in your server. But overtime as I spoke to you more, I can see that you're actually a very lovely and sweet person in your own way. Also, I love how you can be super blunt and say the most hilarious things with a serious tone. You’re self-assured, bold and not afraid to speak your mind, and that is what I admire about you. And thank you, for being there and talking sense into me when I needed it, I appreciate that very much 🥺
And boy oh boy, your writing? *Chef's kiss* the first time when I read one of your works, I fell in love with how easy on the eyes it is. Your writing style is simple yet beautiful. Your choice of words, the imagery and the cohesiveness too! It’s godtier💞, must stan it. I especially love your crack fics/hcs and you whole aesthetic as well. Ma'am, pls spare some of your skills. 
@archn my dear cupcake! Honestly, you're the sweetest person I've ever met and you're so so supportive and patient 🥺, plus I love how crackhead you can get when we’re fooling around lmao. Other than that, you’re really easygoing, not only towards me, but to everyone in general. You’re like that cool cousin that everyone looks up to and deserves all the appreciation in the world.
Also, your writing style is gorgeous and you write the characters' personality so spot on! I also love the flow of words sm ahhhj. I especially love your  headcanons of the bnha boyos working out with their fem s/o, that idea is really creative!
@mizukuni -- Mizuuu, my beautiful, gorgeous sweet red date! Babe, you have come so far from starting off as a new writing blog not long ago to finally achieving 1k followers! I just wanna say congrats for reaching your 10th milestone and you deserve every one of your followers! You can definitely go further and achieve more milestones. As for your writing style, it is simplistic but beautiful: you don’t use many flowery words to express your writing,  yet those simple words you choose bring out what you want to show in your works exactly, and the flow of words is just rly smooth and I stan the cohesiveness 💞. Oh and you have such a cute minimalistic art style that is very pleasant on the eyes! And lately I can see that you’re improving at a quick pace; your drawings are getting more detailed than last time and that’s really amazing! Also, did I mention that I love your blog’s aesthetic as well?
Also, thank you for being there for me when I was feeling down and needed someone to talk to, I cherish that gesture of yours greatly luv 💞As for my first impression of you, I could tell you’re a really chill person and go with the flow easily. Honestly, that helped a lot to buffer my social awkwardness and made me open up to y’all easier. So yeah, I must say a very big thank you once again to you babe 💞
@cherry-pancakes  -- Diiii my sweet cherry blossom! You are the cutest person I’ve ever met sjdnjsn. Your antics remind me of a sweet little sister and that is pretty darn adorable. Even though you can be a little bit wild and spontaneous sometimes, that just adds to your charm! Plus, a little wild every once in a while does’t do harm < 3
As for your writing, it has a simple flow but it is easily understood. If writing styles were aesthetics/ sceneries, yours would be a small flowing stream-- small but smooth flowing, simple but not insignificant. Beauty in simplicity describes your works perfectly. Also, did I mention that you have a really adorable artstyle as well? Your art style is relatively simple but it is so so cute 🥺
 @chizo --Guava my gummy bear! Babe, even though you are no longer active here, I just want to say a very big thank you. Thank you for giving us so many beautifully written works. Seriously, when I first met you through discord and followed your writing blog ( @izukyu ) I fell in love with your works. Something about your writing is just really special, plus I love the fact that you start sentences with small letters (Caps lock be damned lol). Your writing is a mixture of sophistication and simplicity, yet they compliment each other perfectly when you incorporate them into your works! It is pretty impressive because it is not an easy thing to do.
As for my first impression of you, I can tell you’re genuinely a vv caring and supportive person. You give off motherly vibes as well in a good way! You’re like the cool mom friend of the group who looks after everyone tbh 💝. So yeah, once again I want to say a very very big thank you to you again. Thank you for blessing the writers’ community with your wonderful fics and thank you for being such a good friend, let’s continue to be good friends in the near future!
@sourbkg  -- Emmie my blueberry! Babey you are another sweetheart who is caring and so so supportive. I still remembered that time when I felt a little ill and sad and you immediately sent some cat pictures to cheer me up, thank you sm for that love, it helped me a great deal 💕, plus I’m never one to say no to cats and kitties! Also, you know exactly what to say at the right moments! Your easygoing personality makes it easy for other people to open up to you as well.
As for your writing style, it has a simple yet realistic approach. It’s like I can see what is happening in your works like a movie scene and I think that is really cool! Keep up the good work < 3! I really love that one shot with Shoto’s s/o attempting to scare him, it’s so cute ahh! And I love the ending lol, Shoto cracking a joke is golden. 
@kozumie -- Kai! Oh man, where do I start. Okay, here we go. When I first met you in the server, I gravitated towards your easygoing, cool and chill vibe. After talking to you more, I can tell that I love the laid-back chill vibe you give off, you’re so awesome! 
Also, even though I haven’t read much of your work, I must say I really love the way you write. It’s precise and your vocabulary really helps with imagery, the words you can help the readers easily envision what is going on in your story, and that is really amazing! Keep up the good work! Looking forward to more works from you. 
@succu6us-- Anni! Babe, ahh it has been a while since we last spoke too hasn’t it? I missed you along with the others too 🥺 But now that I’m back for the time being, I’m going to be more active. Anni babe, your writing style is minimalistic yet gorgeous. I can tell you’re not a big fan of writing long paragraphs and that’s completely fine! Because if I’m being honest here, I tend to keep things simple and short as well if I can. Yet your simplistic style captures the gist of your works perfectly! did I mention that I love your nsfw works as well 
As for my first impression of you, I could tell that you had a very self-assured, confident aura about you, and you still do! But you are not arrogant at all. On the contrary, you’re a humble and supportive soul! I quite envy that self-assurance and air of confidence you have dear, and I can say that I have grown to be a bit more confident in myself by having you around, so you’re a wonderful influence! Let’s continue to keep in touch sweetie.
@mysterypotatoink -- Morgann! Sugarcakes, let me just say that you are the best big sister figure we could ever ask for! You are so sweet, supportive, loving and willing to help us whenever we need it. You are our server’s big sister and guardian 💕💕 You always make us feel loved and warm inside. Personally, whenever we talk to you, it gives off the vibe like a child wrapped up in a safety blanket-- toasty and secured. 
You’re so strong and wise, I look up to you a lot and want to learn from you in terms of being the pillar of support. 🥺
@needs-serotonin -- Joanna! Muffin, you’re another one of the sweetest, most supportive people in the server. You’re so honest about what you say in the group and know when to say it at the exact time.
Also Joanna, you give off a really cool vibe! Initially, I was a bit shy and unsure on how to approach you but overtime as I warmed up to you, you’re actually pretty easy to get along with! I would love to get to know you better, let’s talk more dear. 
2. Deku protection squad! (Aka dps) :
@suckersuki -- Lei! Sugarplum, you are another one of the sweetest, most supportive people I’ve ever met. You are always there for us when we need it and I love how crackhead you can get hahaha, I still remembered that time when we teased you by shipping you with shinsou hehe. Anyways, back to the original topic of appreciating you, you are a great listener and offer good advice! Also, you’re very easy to talk to and give off a cute vibe! 
Did I mention that I love your writing as well? Your style consists of a mixture of comedy and seriousness. Like, your hcs for the tik tok trend and argument scenario for the bnha boys are really funny; on the other hand, your fic with yandere shoto gives off a completely different aura and it sent shivers down my spine. Miss, pls spare some of them writing skills.
@babydabi -- Mei! Gingerbread, you are a another kind, loving and supportive soul that I have the honor of meeting in the dps. You are really easygoing and considerate. You are not afraid to speak up for your friends, but you do it with a careful choice of words and this shows that you’re really considerate.
As for your writing style, it is much like yourself. You know how to choose the best words to express what you want to and you’re cautious doing so. As I can be a little indecisive on deciding my choice of words, I’d love to learn from you! 
@bakugoustanaccount — Bri! Dear, tbh I was a little intimidated by your vibe when I first met you, bc you just seemed so cool,,, and I’m awkward and still don’t really know how to socialise well with people. But after interacting with you more, you’re actually pretty chill! Let’s talk more, I’d love to get to know you better.
As for your writing style, it has a certain smooth flowing, poetic aesthetic. I fell in love with it the moment I read your latest fic. The way you phrased everything is just so fitting! Pls teach me your ways miss.
@bnhatrashh -- Izzy! Luv, you give off a similar vibe like bri, so I was also kind of intimidated by you at first. But like bri, I opened up to you more and here we are! Let’s get to know each other better, I’d like to talk to you more often.
And I really love, love your way of writing! Your writing style has a pleasant, smooth homey vibe. It’s very soothing to the eyes and your vocabulary complements it really well! 
@cellotonin  —cookie! Love, you’re another one of the sweetest and most supportive people in the dps server ahhhh. You’re always ready to support us whenever and I love your vibe! I’d like to get to know you better sweetie.
Also, I love the way you write! it’s so sweet, warm and ahh so pretty 🥺, did I mention that I love your blog’s aesthetic and theme as well? Your style of writing is mellow and gorgeous! I would love to learn some of that from you pls.
 @hoekaashi — Ash! Dear, you give off a cool and mature vibe. You’re like the awesome aunt of the dps. When I first spoke to you in the dps, I was like “this person is really cool, I’m kinda scared if I mess up”, but that thought quickly faded as I chatted with you more. You’re not only cool, but also super chill, supportive and easygoing! Let’s talk more, I’d love to know you better. 
Also, I really love your way of writing! It has this realistic touch and lets people have the feeling of being in that scenario/situation. Plus, the flow of words are smooth and complements your style! Keep up the good work dear, I look forward to see more works from you in the future.
@xoxo-dede — Dede! Darling, you’re bold, outspoken and really cool. You speak your mind and I like that, also I love your crackhead side. Most of the time, you can say the most hilarious and crackhead things that never fail to crack us up (hahaha, see what I did there? Ok I’ll stop) , you’re a big bouncy ball of energy that we simply can’t get enough of! Oh, and your art style is really cool too!
As for your writing style, it’s simple but has that realistic vibe, like I can see what’s happening clearly through your words and that’s really amazing! Your writing is gorgeous dear.
3. 我的家庭!= my family (tree <3) 
@moonlit-xio -- Ara! My sweetpea, love. You are the sweetest, kindest and most understanding sweetheart I have ever met. You are so selfless and loving, making sure that we’re always accounted for and put us before you. You always make sure to give us the attention, love and support. But love, please let us give you back the love and attention too, for you deserve them as much as us. And you’re absolutely adorable!
And did I mention that the headcanons you come up with for us in the server are absolutely 100% beautiful and on point? No? Well, now you know, because they are. Queen ara, your writing is gorgeous, has a poetic touch and deserves more love, your descriptive skills are immaculate! The words you use to express your writings is just immaculate. Also, you’re very musically talented! Your music taste is delectable and refreshing, not to mention that you have the voice of a siren as well. Your singing is lovely, sweetpea.
@sunshhinnee -- Sunni! My darling pudding, love you are literally sunshine (hahaha,get it? Okay, I’ll stop). You’re so bright, positive and always look at the good side of things even if the going starts to get tough. You bring a warm and chaotic good atmosphere to our server, which serves as a nice distraction whenever I had a bad day or feel upset about something. 
Also, your art-style is really really cute! I like your shortcut way of drawing expressions and the anatomy of your characters haha. It’s not too detailed but you can tell what their expressions are saying and their poses are clear.
@bumbbo -- Max! Bubblegum, you’re another one of the most adorable people I ever met. You’re really easygoing and chill, but can be chaotic good sometimes, I like how crackhead you can get when Sunni is in on it too, haha. I especially love it when you two send memes and funny tiktoks to the group, I do enjoy them very much! Also, have I mentioned how much of a cutie and sweetheart you are? You’re so caring, giving and strong. Always willing to help out and so patient with us.🥺
Also, you have great taste in music and you’re great at writing too! Have I mentioned how on point your headcanons you wrote for us are? If I haven’t, now you know <3. Oh, and your editing skills are superb too! 
@sondering-thoughts -- Aria! Macaron, you’re another one of the sweetest, most understanding, and supportive people in our server. You’re like the server’s mom, living up to your nickname. You always watch out for us and make sure that we are doing well; if we felt down, you never fail to cheer us up by writing comfort headcanons for us and console us with the words we need to hear! Thank you so much, for doing all that for us dear 🥺 Also, the way you fluster us? You’re a pro at it snjssk, you make us blush so easily that it’s unfair 😭😭
And speaking of writing, you sure have a way with words macaron! Your writing has a poetic take in it, which is something I hope to incorporate into my writing style one day.
@what-a-creative-username --Liana! Chocolate chip! My bro to my bromance, the kuroo to my bokuto, the bread to my shinya! Bro, you are another 100% cutie plus sweetie! I love it when you’re being chaotic along with the rest of them and spam the group with memes and chaotic Youtube vines/vids lmao. Also, the aesthetics you made for us are so pretty ahh! 
Besides that, you’re also really considerate and willing to lend an ear. I still remember when I was anxious and vented to you and you let me rant. Then you reassured me and comforted me, which both calmed me down successfully. Thank you love, I appreciate that gesture very much 🥺 . I miss your presence very much in the server, hope we’ll get to talk again and raise hell all together soon!
@txmxkis --Linds! Cake pop, dearie you’re another kind, loving and sweet soul I have the fortune of meeting in the server. If Ari is the mother, then you’re the cool aunt who’s always wiling to hype us up! And support us when we feel down or need someone to vent to ofc. You’re really chill, easygoing and so adorable! Even though you can be a lil mischief and fluster us on purpose sometimes, not that I’ll ever admit it  Your vibe is rly pretty, and okay...I admit that I like you flustering me...maybe a little bit. 
Honourable mentions! :
@cosmicskin --Lily, my dear love. Honestly you’re the sweetest person I first met on tumblr. Back then when you gave me that shout out, I felt happy, shocked in a good way, and honored all at the same time. And yet, you claim that you are not an angel. Sweetie, you are wrong. You are an angel, even if you claim that you are not. And the way you write? Immaculate, your fluff works have a poetic vibe in them and I’m in love with it. Even though you are no longer writing, I still want to say a very big thank you. Thank you for giving us so many beautiful, gorgeous stunning works. 
@keigos-dove --Eli my sweet! Dear, you are another lovely soul that I’m really fortunate to meet here. I still remember that time when I asked you to proofread a fic of mine and you did, giving me your honest opinion about it 🥺, so thank you very much for that love! Also, you’re really easygoing and I love the way you carry yourself, you’re not only sweet, but also really cool! I love talking to you and the way you write? Absolutely gorgeous. There’s something about your writing that’s just... so pretty and it tugs at my heartstrings! Keep up the good work, gorgeous! 
@seashellsandshores--Emmie dear! Another fellow sweetheart that I have the honor of meeting here. Dearie, you are really chill and easygoing. I like how easy it is to talk to you and rant to you about ons besides bnha lmao, it has been a while but I want to let you know that I enjoy the time I spend with you and hopefully we’ll get to talk again! Also, the fact that you gave me and your fanfic writer friends a shout out on your birthday says that you are not only a sweetheart, but you’re also a really kind and supportive soul 🥺. And boy, your writing? beautiful. Your url complements your writing style perfectly. Your style is simple, but gorgeous and I can easily imagine what is happening in your fics, like I can mentally picture the scene and hear what the characters are saying. Keep up the good work sweetie! 
@birds-have-teeth -- Ashi sweetie! Again, I just want to say a very big welcome back. I hope that you have been resting well during your break sweetheart 🥺. Also, I was caught off-guard when you posted that appreciation post! How dare you do that when I was least expecting it >:c, you have no idea how flustered I felt when I read that ahhhh 🥺. You are such a sweet, supportive, easygoing and loving person, I really love talking to you! And the way you write? IT IS STUNNING, BREATH-TAKING MMM PERFECTION. The flow of words and vocabulary are just so in sync! Immaculate! Also, your art style is really awesome too! I look forward to see more works from you and can’t wait to get back on a regular basis of talking to you again💕
@90s-belladonna -- Aixa! Queen, you’re another one of the coolest, most easygoing people I have ever met! I was kind of awkward when i first talked to you in our dms on twitter, but overtime we got closer and could talk about almost anything! I really love love your laid-back chill vibe, let’s talk more lovely, I enjoy talking to you a lot! Also, have I mentioned how delectable your writing is? Even though most of your works that I’ve read are headcanons, i can say that your writing style is sophisticated yet easy on the eyes. The way you write takes my breath away, I look forward to see more works from you! Keep up the good work <3
@pastelgurlie --Kassy dear, you are really dynamic, funny and outspoken.Thank you for approaching me first on wattpad and dming me, you give off a really fun and cheerful vibe that makes you easy to be around with. Initially,  I was a little stiff and unsure on how to interact with you, but fortunately you were patient and willing to stick around until I came out of my shell ^-^.  Oh, also did I mention how cool your artstyle is? Your style consists of a semi-realistic coupled with elements of anime in it and that’s really awesome! And the way you draw my and Amy’s oc for free? That’s so sweet of you 🥺. 
@adelheidvonschicksal -- Adel my love, you’re another sweet supportive babe I have the fortune of meeting here! You’re really chill, laid-back cool and I feel like a fan living the dream of befriending her idol when I talk to you! You are the very first Shoto blog I came across on Tumblr, and when I first read your works, I fell in love with them. And to have you follow me back, ahh I feel so honored 🥺! And as for your writing style, it is immaculate! I read most of your fics, including the nsfw ones (cough) and they have this beautiful, realistic touch. You characterize the characters rly well and it’s like I can picture what is happening in your works in my head! Keep up the good work, senpai 🥺, I look forward to more amazing works from you.
@lavander-cherry--Cheska! Dear, my second writing senpai for shoto. First I want to say it’s good to have you back! it has been a while since we last talked and tbh, I felt a little sad when I saw your announcement about leaving the bnha writing community, still I do respect your decision back then! And now, I feel really happy that you are back writing for this fandom. Your works are superb, dear! Your characterization is on point and your flow of words complements it very well. Also, I like how you are not afraid to speak your mind and how bold you are, let’s talk again soon!
@shoutodoki --Val! Dear, ahhhh you are another sweetheart that I'm so so fortunate to meet here! You're really easygoing and sweet and it's really easy to talk to you. Your vibe is gorgeous and I cannot stress enough on how much I adore your writings! The flow of words throughout your stories, works and headcanons is just so immaculate and aesthetically pleasing! Even though you have deactivated your acc, I just want to say a very big thank you. Thank you for all of your wonderful works that you have written, you have been a really big inspiration to many writers(including me), I’m sure of that. 
@random-mha-thoughts -- Rachel! Sweetheart, dear I still remembered the way you first helped me back then, we didn’t know each other at all, and yet you were so willing to stand up for and help me! I’m trully grateful for the help you provided so so much. And thank you, also for sticking by me even after that and being such a kind soul after all this while. Let’s continue to be friends sweetie!
As for your writing, it’s simple and sweet. The way you write brings a mellow feeling that’s very pleasant to the viewers, it brings about a fluffy feeling and is easy on the eyes. Look forward to more works from you! Keep up the good work! 
@min-atoo --Minny my sweet! Man, it has been 3 years since we known each other hasn’t it? You’re just the sweetest, super understanding and kindest person ever! I’m really glad to call you one of my closest friends <333. You’re really easy to hang out with and I love the vibe you give off so much! I still remember the moment when we got into a discussion about what todo’s beard color would be on ig lol. It’s really fun hanging out with you, and yoi and chessie ofc. We should get tgt and have a discord grp call sometime! 
Oh, and you have the cutest artstyle ever! The pastel colours you use and the chibi aesthetic you have go perfectly together! All of your works are very easy on the eyes and are super cute! Let’s stay in touch bb x
Make sure to show some love to these lovely ppl that I tagged above by giving them a follow! Oh, I also want to show some love to @dee-madwriter , @dimplesum , @heroprose @kingtamakimurder @love-toxin  @lovelove-dere , @yandere-daydreams, @trafalgar-temptress @wonderwomanfantasy, @combust-catalyst @talpup @shoutogepi and @bnhabadass ! They are some amazing fanfic authors as well so go follow them if you haven’t already :3
Words cannot express how much I love and appreciate every one of you, both my friends I have tagged in this post and my dear followers. I am very thankful for every one of you, let’s work hard together! 
So, what’s next? Since that I am back for now, i will finish off the belated birthday fics I left unfinished for some of my lovely writer friends above, move on to one last request from the last time and finish off some fics of mine. As for when I will re-open requests...they are put on hold until further notice. Oh and I'll be clearing my asks and tags at the same time.
Until then, see y'all soon!
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shananigans402 · 3 years
1-65 will do, please. Thanks fuck face :)
I knew exactly who this was and I was so tempted to not reply, but your punishment is having to read through all my answers and remember them forever or you fail the friend test. To everyone else, please do not click unless you want to be very bored, my answers are not interesting lol
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1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? Nope
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? Assuming 5 is the most, 1. Maybe 2. 
3. The person you would never want to meet? The person who sent me this (jk I’m excited for our eventual meet up where we hit up a strip club first thing 🙏)
4. What is your favorite word? I answered with ‘conniption’ the other day and still have not found a word I like more.
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? Already answered this, fruit tree! I also like palm trees, maple trees, and willow trees. I know that’s not the question, I’m just saying random shit now.
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? It took me a long while to remember where I was this morning. I honestly don’t remember, I was rushing to get ready for an early morning meeting.
7. What shirt are you wearing? My Orlando Strong shirt 
8. What do you label yourself as? Lesbian
9. Bright room or dark room? Bright room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? Sleeping? Possibly checking on a feverish little beeb who was going through it with her second dose of the vaccine.
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? No idea. I like various ages for different reasons, but this age so far is not bad. 
12. Who told you they loved you last? Probably my sister 🤷‍♀️
13. Your worst enemy? The person who sent this ask.
14. What is your current desktop picture? The apple pic of Catalina island that changes based on time of day (yes it’s the default, don’t judge me)
15. Do you like someone? Lol yeah I hope so 😂
16. The last song you listened to? Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko 
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? Definitely @raginage
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? I feel like I can only attack Raginage so many times. Can I pick a fictional character? This week I was real mad at Dave in The Darkness. BaBe!​
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? Lol no one, you’re talking to a person who feels very uncomfortable with anyone doing anything nice for them.
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) Not this again. Last time I said eyes? Still no pics, sorry
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? What would I look like? Do I get to design myself like a sim? I honestly don’t know what I’d do because I doubt the world needs another clueless white man walking around, so maybe just stay at home. 
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? Nope. And my last answer to this was awful. I do think I have a fantastic ability to annoy my friends but in a way that’s just amusing/endearing enough to make them still want to talk to me 😌
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? Unique? Uhm well my two big fears are confined spaces and deep water so a submarine is like my worst nightmare.
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. Oh this is going to sound so odd. To be clear, I’ve had better sandwiches, but my go-to is provolone, turkey, roast beef, and spicy brown mustard or whole grain mustard. Please don’t judge me.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? Travel budget for future trips to visit my buds and get into trouble and eat food. I know $100 won’t go far, but it’s something.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? Well, after my last answer I want to visit my friends! But there are too many people to visit and I only have one ticket. So change of plans. I’m going on a solo trip to Greece. Or Argentina. Or Iceland. Or Bali. Damn, I’m indecisive. 
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? Rabble red blend. Just a solid red wine. Also because @viola-lloyds stole my answer the other day (Juneshine; to be fair I asked her this question but whatever) and I don’t want to copy her.
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Oh I answered this one, something about respecting others. Yeah, a nice rule like that. Want to establish some healthy communication on this island.
29. What is your favorite expletive? It’s still fuck
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? But what about my PLANTS. Can they count as loved ones? Probably my laptop, I know that’s lame but like...I have a lot of stuff on here. Or the collection of cards I have that my granddad drew little drawings in, I want to get them all framed.
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? To be honest, I don’t know if I’d change big life events in case it altered the trajectory of where I ended up. So idk maybe the ending of Bly, let’s give those lesbians have a happy ending!
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! Italy! But wait, let’s get back to this sleeping with celebrities and super-powers bit...
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? Oh that’s a really tough question. I always wanted to meet my great-grandma Olga because she seemed like a really awesome lady. 
34. What was your last dream about? I can’t remember, this is bothering me because I wish I could! I’m sorry. My gf recently had a dream where I kissed a dude right in front of her. It made us both very uncomfy lol
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? I hate this question because I can only think of one thing.
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? For surgery, yeah
37. Have you ever built a snowman? But of course!
38. What is the color of your socks? Not wearing any? I was wearing blue ones earlier. Jfc my answers are so boring.
39. What type of music do you like? Lots! I tend to listen to indie, classic rock, and some pop
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Sunsets!
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? Chocolate or a variant (chocolate peanut butter, chocolate caramel)
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) LA Rams or Seattle Seahawks. I know they’re in the same division. It’s tough. (Please don’t ask me why these teams)
43. Do you have any scars? Yep, mostly from burning myself on ovens. I simply get too excited for my food.
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? I...have graduated? 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well bestie recently said I have “lesbian hands” and I think that’s code for man hands so maybe that hahaha
46. Are you reliable? I try to be!
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? How many more times will I watch The Darkness before I learn my lesson? (Related: When does other bestie finally admit to her fetish?)
48. Do you hold grudges? Not typically, no
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? A dog and an otter? Can we domesticate otters? No, a horse and a large bird, create a pegasus and then free travel.
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? Oh god. I don’t even know where to start today tbh. Damie and pokemon and cosycon and looming and feet and [redacted] and developing apps for VP. So many fantastic conversations. 
In real life, probably the time I was at a laundromat in Italy and this guy wandered in with a beer, sat next to me and my male roommate, assumed we were a couple, and proceeded to give us bizarre life advice. I wish I could remember more of it, but it was so odd.
51. Are you a good liar? Hmm I’m okay at it I think, that is, I can convince people I’m serious when I’m actually joking. But I don’t like actually lying if it’s not just teasing someone. 
52. How long could you go without talking? Probably a few days if I had to.
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? The haircut I got before studying abroad! It was too short and I was so sad.
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? For a birthday? No. For fun? Absolutely.
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? Not well, no
56. What do you like on your toast? Butter and/or honey and/or jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? My beautiful depiction of a scene of chapter one of Private Dancer. 
58. What would be you dream car? An electric car of some sort. I don’t know enough about cars tbh
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. Nope but sometimes I’ll play music and dance and maybe softly sing.
60. Do you believe in aliens? Yep! Definitely 
61. Do you often read your horoscope? Almost never unless someone sends it to me.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? Already answered, A
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? Dinosaurs! 🦕
64. What do you think about babies? What do I think about them? They’re pretty cool. Just tiny little humans. 
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of. I was very nice and let you correct your mistake and submit one after the fact:
In your opinion what is the best thing you can cook, like your speciality? My favorite thing to make is pasta, I started making my own sauce and I’d love to make pasta from scratch sometime.
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aerielz · 4 years
1, 3, 8, 9, 12!!!!! and like. any others because i love talking tww with you! also i assume your really stressed with finals and school and life, so this is a reminder from a friend that you’re going to be okay! it will all be over soon, and you have so much strength and intelligence that you can surely handle this<33 so yeah, here you go- distraction AND reassurance, hope this helps🥰
At some point you're going to make me cry, okay? You’re the best!!!!! I also love talking tww with you, and it really does help. Finals have been killing me, and I really needed this!
On to the answers!
[Under the cut because I really went for it. and I mean... I went for it. check the last answer if you want just the headcanons, everything else for unpopular opinions, lmao]
1: favorite episode(s)
Ohhhhhhooooo boy. There’s an endless list. I think I can name a season’s worth of them, but here’s ones I can pull from the top of my head:
Crackpots and These Women: and here’s some of my rationale behind the choice. but yeah, I could go on and on about this episode.
Nöel: listen, I’m a basic bitch who’s in love with Josh Lyman, okay, is that simple. But. yeah, like, no. here’s the thing, there’s a reason why everyone won Emmys for this one, ok. the writing is freakishly good, and Bradley Whitford can draw nuance from a fucking comma. that episode is absolutely off the charts when it comes to just about any aspect of the filmmaking. it’s what happens when everyone involved decides to live up to their potential. it’s one of those I need to reign myself in, otherwise I'll just go full analysis and there’s no end to that meta lmao
The Steakhouse Filibuster: the way this episode works is... pure fun. I'm a writer and it doesn’t turn off and I will start taking about structure unless I shut up now, so. also, DONNATELLA MOSS, who I'm, also, in love with.
Hartsfield’s Landing: “You're a good father, you don't have to act like it. You're the President, you don't have to act like it. You're a good man, you don't have to act like it. You're not just folks, you're not plain-spoken. Do not - do not - do not act like it!” “I don't want to be killed.” "Then make this election about smart, and not. Make it about engaged, and not. Qualified, and not. Make it about a heavyweight. You're a heavyweight. And you've been holding me up for too many rounds.” This exchange carries a lot of meaning for me. it’s about being who you are in spite of outside opinion, and this idea has been hitting me like a truck, these last couple of months.
Holy Night: [cries in JD shipper language]
Commencement: hands down the best episodes this show has ever produced, season finale notwithstanding. but I'm biased, because they used Angel, and I loved that song. also: DONNATELLA MOSS.
The Supremes: everything Debora Cahn ever wrote for this show deserves more love. This episode is a work of art, and. like. Glenn Close, man. also: DONNATELLA MOSS. are we sensing a theme, perhaps?
No Exit: THIS EPISODE HURTS SO GOOD. And for many reasons, including the fact that we get cj and donna’s scene. I'm queen of unpopular opinions when it comes to this show, tbh, and this is just one of them. It’s one of those really serious episodes that happened post-sorkin that gave the actors a chance to shine through the lens of a more poignant drama. Janel is so good here, I can’t stress that enough.
King Corn: [more cries in JD shipper language. louder]. I love how they stress just how much Donna is growing by paralleling her routine with Josh’s. She’s on his level now, they’re on the same boat. Not just that, but we see the toll the distance takes on both of them. It’s distance makes the heart grow fonder in perfect visual form. writing-wise, it’s impeccable. and since I actually like the direction the show took after Sorkin left, I really like this one.
Freedonia: Eli Attie’s creative is paralleled by none short of Vince Gilligan (of breaking bad fame). After he arrived on the show the political content got to a whole new level, and under his writing we finally got to see josh being the genius political operative we were always promised he was. I mean, the chickens. the damn chickens.
The Cold: the writing and the kiss and the FUCKING BEAUTIFUL SHOTS OF JOSH AND DONNA FRAMED BY LIGHTS and the kiss and the acting and the kiss and [crying] the kiss.
3: favorite ship
There are ships that we love for a few months and then let go. Then there’s ships that stay with you long after you watched the show. Then there’s ships that change your life. Then there’s what JD did to me.
But Andy/CJ killed me and continues to kill me, and you’ve successfully convinced me to ship the shit out of the OT3, too.
8: scene you watch over and over again
To be honest, while watching the show I had the remote on my hands and watched everything that made me laugh or just mildly happy multiple times before even allowing the episode to play through.
I mean, the kiss from the cold... I literally just kept replaying it when I got to it. I watched it like seven times before even continued to watch the rest of episode. not just that, but also the shots of them looking at each other at the end.
Also: cj and the turkey. cj and toby and the dead brother. donna and the chicken. that scene in which toby lays his heart out for will about writing because honestly that just too close to home and the recognition hurts but like in a nice way.
But, for real. This entire show was me pausing every five second to rewatch something.
9: plot you pretend didn’t happen
Bartlet giving the go on killing a foreign leader, because political assassination does not sit well with me (ʘ‿ʘ✿)
12: headcanons
ok now you really want me to stay here the whole week. here’s a small list:
- unpopular opinion: josh was actually in love with Amy for a second, there. which is why he’s learned so much from the debacle that was their relationship.
- remember when sam once said “I never knew how much smarter than me he is” when he has to step in for josh as DCoS? that’s when he realised that Donna can keep up with Josh. Which is why he knew, before everyone else, that Donna would leave Josh eventually.
- I can’t remember if this is cannon, but I'm 100% sure josh never even thought of taking the bar. sam will never be over teasing him about it.
- after so many bad christmases, josh really doesn’t like it. but he starts reevaluating his opinions after they he gets married to donna. getting to see the kids light up at both Hanukah and Christmas year after year... let’s just say family has this way of making things feel better.
- cj regularly gets called to guest lecture at Columbia. she regularly declines. but she does accept once. and it changes everything (YOU KNOW WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT ALEENA).
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lethendralis-paints · 4 years
Artist Meme
Was tagged to answer this set of interesting questions by @kourvo​
(original post is here: https://kourvo.tumblr.com/post/621355098110640128/artist-meme
Thank you so much for that!
Let’s see....
1) What is the character you've drawn the most (Can be original or fanart)
This precious boy. I can never get enough of him. One of the most compelling characters I have ever come across. Love everything about Fenris and can relate to him on so many levels!
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2. What colour do you often use? 
Gray and brown are my faves. And all other colours have the same chance of appearing in my artwork :D
3. Any colour you are bad at using?
I don’t think so...I love them all, even the pinks and yellows people usually find hard to incorporate into a colour palette. Tell me in the comments if I’m wrong :)
4. When drawing people, where do you start? 
Funnily enough - either with the front of the hairline or with the left eyebrow. Don’t ask me, why - I don’t know myself.
5. What is a character only your eraser will love?
Hmmmm...any sort of villainous character. I can’t draw evil people convincingly. I’m a huge softy at heart.
6. Which of your works took the longest time? 
Big scale commission I did for @pikapeppa​, featuring all the Inquisition companions, along with Fenris, Rynne and Carver Hawke. That one took almost 3 weeks, due to its sheer scope and my relative lack of experience in such large works. Pika was extremely patient with me though, for that I am eternally thankful!
7. What techniques do you use when you want to improve in drawing? 
Classical art studies. Varying my technique, themes I choose and software I use. I try to experiment and go outside my comfort zone often.
8. What do you think of the art of the person who gave you this ask meme? 
I adore Lillymon’s technical skill, refined style and limited colours! She is a huge inspiration for me!
9. What art tools/media are you good with? 
DrawPile, Photoshop, graphite pencils and liners. That’s about it :)
10. Art tools/media you are bad at? 
Traditional paints. I have no formal artistic education and my lack of knowledge comes to the forefront whenever I have to paint on a real canvas. It’s so much trial and error, you can’t even imagine....
11. What do you think about your own art? 
Lately it’s one of the last few things that were bringing me joy. I hope I won’t lose the passion for it. Because at this point I’m not sure I’ll be able to find some occupation I will be genuinely interested in and good at it. I don’t know if me gravitating towards moody fantasy art speaks about my fear of facing reality. If so, idk what to do with that. I do hope to develop my skills and being able to support myself financially as an artist.
12. Do you consult references for your drawings? 
Yes. A lot of them. Anatomical atlases, schemes for both academic and manga art, photographs found online and taken on my own, copying colour palettes from classical art - anything goes. I think it’s essential to develop your technical skill.
13. What do you like about your art? 
Lately - consistency, both in terms of produced results and in sticking to the timelines I set to myself. I hope this lasts. I would also like to branch out to other themes and not confine myself to quirky fantasy characters, so I’m working on developing my own story behind the scenes (spoilers) :P
14. What habits do you have while drawing?
Only the bad ones, lol. Hunching forward in front of the screen, forgetting to eat, drink and letting my eyes rest. Tilting my head to the side instead of rotating the canvas....I’m an idiot XD
15. Are you good at drawing faces facing right? 
I think that’s the thing I’m good at!
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16. How frequently do you draw? 
For the last 1,5 years - almost every day without fail, for good or ill.
17. What do you do when you have artist's block? 
Change occupation and work myself into a depressed state. I changed work places in the last few years a lot, working as an interior designer, draftsman, textile designer, a cook, a bartender to name a few.
18. What must you have when you draw? 
No commotion around me and a cup of some hot beverage.
19. Do you have a lot of stray lines (messy lineart)? 
In the starting stage of my work process - yes, like you wouldn’t believe! If it’s a personal doodle, I sometimes just leave in as am under layer and draw clean lines on top of that mess. It looks cool in a way.
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20. What is drawing to you?
An essential part of what helped me to retain my sanity in the last year and a half. Hopefully a lasting profession that will help me pay bills and survive on my own, if my life falls apart entirely later.
21. Your art goal from now on? 
Broaden the themes I depict, improve my technical skill, work on personal creative project and not only fan arts. And most of all - not giving up on it this time.
22. Artists you've had influence from? 
To name a few: @kallielef​ @kourvo​ @shayafury​ @fairsparrow​ who I met here on Tumblr, and many others who I follow and zealously study their works for clues on how to improve my own work.
23. Artists you like? 
I am following them all either here or on Instagram, I also do my best to share their works on my side blog!
24. Which is easier to draw, humans or animals? 
It was animals earlier. But now that I started to diligently study human anatomy, I would say it evened out! I’m quite confident drawing humans/humanoids now!
25. Show us an old drawing 
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My first digital drawing from 2010 when I first bought my tablet!
26. What is the charm-point of your art?
I ummm....I don’t really get the question? Is that like the the strongest suit of me as an artist? Intense expressions maybe? Idk. Let me know in the comments :D
27. What is the first thing you would draw if we're talking about fantasy? 
Broody warriors, he-he
28. Please draw your most beloved character:
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Here’s a sneak-peek of me drawing him right now! :D
29. When thinking of characters is it mostly female? male? or androgynous/no sex? 
I usually gravitate towards depicting strong-willed, caring, passionate, brave, honest men and women.
30. What did you draw yesterday? 
Started cleaning up that sketch from the last question, actually!
31. What is the funnest part to draw? 
A circle. Mostly because you’d die laughing seeing my struggle to draw a believable one XD
32. What part of other people's drawings do you notice first? 
colours, mood, eyes, hands.
33. Regarding backgrounds, what is your method of making it easier to draw? 
pick your favourite textured brush, find a good reference for mood and colour scheme, zoom out, squint your eyes and start slapping colours like mad. You’d be amazed at how much you’ll be able to achieve in 30 minutes with this approach. Bare white background is the enemy - destroy it! >:)
34. What colour coordinations do you like? 
Gray or brown as a main colour and then deep, earthy, saturated colours to complement the main one. Pink and orange is the combination I strangely enjoy using lately too.
35. What character did you last draw? Fenris and Eris :)
36. Does your style change easily? 
I don’t think so. More like it’s evolving slowly into something more serious and deliberate.
37. What part of drawing do you pay most attention to? 
Facial expression, body movement, mood and light effects. Not so much the composition and framing, he he.
38. How do you feel about drawing adult art? 
Tbh, I don’t consider straight up porn to be ‘adult’ exactly. To me adult art means aiming towards serious topics, exploring complex emotions and ideas, being honest with your viewer. I did doodle a few more steamy sketches of my OTP just to see if I could, but it was definitely a tongue-in-cheek kind of a artwork that I don’t take seriously.
39. Do you like criticism from others? 
If it’s friendly and in done in private - I welcome it always.
40. How many people do you normally draw per artwork? 
1 or 2. Rarely more. Crowded battle scenes are definitely not my thing :D
This was fun! Tagging forward to @shayafury​ @schoute​ @stella-minerva​ @nug-juggler​ @kallielef​ and anyone else wishing to go through such a long questionnaire!
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space-helen · 4 years
Where Have You Been? - Chapter 4
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Words: 2309
Pairing: Jack Thompson x Reader
A/N: Only 1 Part more after this! Thank you guys so much for keeping with this fic. I’m so glad so many of you are enjoying it.
Also I looked into wealthy neighbourhoods in New York in the 40s and I from what I can see on a 1940s New York city market analysis there was some pretty nice/wealthy neighbourhoods in Riverdale, Bronx. So maybe it happens there? But tbh I made it up.
PART 1 - CH1   CH2   CH3    CH4   CH5
PART 2 - CH6   CH7   CH8    CH9   CH10
PART 3 - CH11  CH12   CH13
A week had passed since your first dinner date with Jack and you’d practically shared dinner with each other every night since, but not in a date setting. Everyone in the office had been pulling overtime to get the case moving faster and the both of you had been working closely together and most nights ended up eating dinner in Jack's office.
The two of you had grown close and the date you’d shared had practically been forgotten about, but the friendship you’d built was strong and true. You knew it was stupid to have fallen for the man in this short space of time but you felt this weird connection with him, as if you’d known him most of your life. You suspected he felt a similar way to you, after all why would he have asked you to dinner if he didn’t? 
But for now you were content with this friendship, you hadn’t had something like this in a very long time. Sure you had Peggy and a couple of people back home but nothing compared to this. 
The car pulled up outside Mr Martin’s house, you’d finally been able to get a warrant to search the property. Jack practically fell out of the car and rushed up towards the front door, you hurried alongside him with the warrant in hand, all of the other Agent’s you’d brought along to help search the property followed the pair of you.
“Mr Martin open up. We have a warrant.” he banged on the door and shouted.
You all heard the lock turning on the door and Jack was ready to push his way in when an older woman revealed herself on the other side. “How may I help?”
“We’re agents from the SSR. We have a warrant to search the property.”
“Could you come back in a couple of hours? I was just about to polish the floor.” Jack jammed his foot in the doorway to stop her from closing it.
You tried to reason with her, “Unfortunately we can’t leave but we shouldn’t take too long.” she looked down before stepping away from the door and Jack pushed his way in, all of the Agents filing in behind him and splitting off as he shouted orders around. 
“Is Mr Martin present?” you asked the woman and she kept quiet, her eyes staring at the floor. “Well give this to him when you see him.” you handed her a copy of the warrant.
You walked up to Jack’s side as he watched the Agents spread out “Chief?”
“Yeah” he turned to you, hands on his hips.
“I think Mr Martin might be in the house.” you subtly pointed at the woman who was unmoved by the door. “She wouldn’t deny that he is here or say if he’s out, she just kept quiet.”
“Alright ok we’ll keep an eye out. Wanna stick with me or go with Agent Sanchez?”
“As much as I love the guy I’d rather stick with you.” he nodded and the two of you started to explore the downstairs portion of the house.
You were searching the draws of a desk while Jack scoured the bookshelf, pulling books here and there, you came across a large notebook and pulled it out, flipping open the cover to find receipts for parts and meeting places. “Jack I’ve got something, look.” you flipped the notebook around for him to study while you continued to route through the draws, you soon realised the draw had a false bottom.
Reaching for a letter opener you pushed it down the edges of the panel and forced it up. Slipping your fingers under it you pulled it off to reveal a stash of money. “Woah.”
“What is it?” Jack practically lunged over the table to see. “Woah indeed.” you put your hand in and took out some of the stacks of cash. “There’s got to be at least two thousand dollars there.” he commented.
“I think maybe more than that.” you continued to rifle through the draw. “We can’t prove this is the stolen money though.”
Jack nodded “you’re right. He’s a pretty wealthy guy without the theft.” he contemplated for a second. “Put the panel back and leave it. Are we all done here?”
You slid the panel back on and gave it a bash to stay in place “Yeah all done.” you picked up the notebook and followed Jack into the garden.
The garden was large, the neighbourhood very posh, inhabitants clearly wealthy. The two of you split apart, Jack heading for a garage at the back and you stopped at a pond and looked into it, your reflection staring back. 
A rustle is what made you move your gaze from the water. Scoping the area you soon saw a man that matched Jonah Martin’s description hiding behind a statue. “Mr Martin we just want to talk.” you started to slowly walk towards the man and that’s when he started running. You called for Jack before you chased after the man.
Mr Martin had led you into the street where he continued to run, the only sounds you could hear were your shoes hitting the ground and your breath. You soon caught up with the man as he started to cross a bridge, grabbing the man's bicep he stopped in his tracks. You pointed your gun at him “Running makes you look guilty.”
“Maybe I am.” the man untwisted his arm from your grip and hit the gun out of your hand before smacking you across the face harshly, making you fall to the floor. The notebook you’d taken fell onto the ground. His face radiated pure anger as he pulled you up to your feet.
You struggled and hit the man back, attempting to get out of his grip. However, he threw a punch to your gut and backed you into the railings of the bridge forcing your upper torso over them, the water of the river vicious beneath you. “You little bitch, going through my stuff. Who gave you the authority.”
You held onto the railing to keep your balance and tried to stay as calm as you could “I work for the SSR, don’t make this worse.”
“Mr Martin let her go.” Jack’s voice was stern and close, his gun trained on the man.
Jonah looked between you and Jack, weighing up his options before throwing you to the ground and picking up the notebook and sprinting in the other direction. Jack hurried to your side and took a knee beside you “Are you alright?” he looked over you for any serious injuries.
“Don’t worry about me just go get him.” Jack nodded before putting your gun down on the floor next to you. Pushing himself up off the ground he disappeared after the man.
Clambering to your feet you grabbed your gun and followed after the men.
The chase had been unsuccessful, you’d soon lost the man and brought in lots of attention from the neighbourhood. As you walked back to Mr Martin’s home, privileged, wealthy people were all staring out of their windows at you. Some daring to come out of their houses and stare in the doorways.
It was natural for people to be curious but everyone seemed to be looking at the two of you with disapproval, as if you were in the wrong for chasing down the man. 
You took one last sweep of the property before returning to the SSR with all the other Agents. Everyone came together to share what they’d found and it was slowly organised into piles to be further investigated.
After Jack gave instructions you all split up and got to work. Picking up the box of devices found on the property you quickly delivered them to the lab to be analysed.
The sound of heels brought you out of your thoughts, they definitely weren’t yours. Looking up you caught a woman turning a corner and you rushed to follow them. “Peggy?”
The woman turned with a smile on her face “Y/N?” you opened your arms and gave the woman a crushing hug.
“You finally made it”
“We did. I was just looking for you actually. How’ve things been since we last spoke?”
The two of you navigated the halls of the SSR at a leisurely pace “Everything’s been good, had my first proper chase with someone today.”
Peggy smiled. “How are things with Jack? He was curious about your whereabouts before joining the SSR, did he ever ask you upfront?” 
“Yeah actually, before you called I’d told Jack about my past and since then he’s been very trusting. I didn’t want to bring it up when you called. We actually went to dinner that night.” Peggy stopped and put her hand out on your shoulder “Dinner with Chief Thompson? Have you hit your head or something?”
You laughed “Yeah we went to dinner once. He’s a good guy, he acts tough but I can see right through him. Anyway, how have you been?” you resumed walking
Peggy could see how much you admired the man in just the way you spoke about him. “I’ve been good. We closed the case and I’m ready for something easier and a vacation.”
“Didn’t you use all of your vacation days on the Isodyne case and waiting to transfer to the LA branch?” you joked as you headed into Jack’s office.
“You’ve been spending too much time with Thompson.” 
“Y/L/N good to see you.” Daniel stood up from his seat in front of Jack’s desk and gave you a hug.
“It’s good to see you too. Enjoying being back in New York?”
“It’s colder than I remember.” you laughed at his comment as he sat back down. Peggy closed the door and you both took a seat around the desk. 
Jack talked through the case and brought Peggy and Daniel up to speed. Going through all of the different elements and presenting all of the leads you had. By the time the briefing finished it was dark out, definitely time to go home.
“Since it’s our first night back here, how about we have dinner together. Have a proper catch up.” Daniel suggested. 
Jack sat back in his chair and pointed at Daniel “That my friend sounds like a brilliant idea.”
“Y/N you coming?” Sousa asked as Peggy grabbed their coats.
“Yeah why not.” standing you quickly left the office to grab your belongings from your desk. What you didn’t see was Jack’s smile when you agreed to go. 
As Jack slipped on his hat Peggy noticed the smile and leant in close to Daniel’s ear and whispered “He’s sweet on her for sure.” 
Daniel quickly glanced at the man and smiled. “He sure is.”
“And she likes him too.”
“Where’d you want to eat?” Jack interrupted moving to leave his office.
“How about L and L, decent food for a decent price and a nice atmosphere. Nothing fancy.” Peggy suggested as her and Daniel left the office. Jack closed the door behind them and locked it, slipping the key into his pocket.
“Whatever you want, as long as it’s close, I’m starving.” 
You and Peggy led the way, when you came to the diner, Daniel and Jack pushed in front of you to open the doors. Walking inside they picked a booth and both sat opposite one another. Peggy opted to sit on the side Jack was on and you slid in next to Daniel.
The table fell into laughs and natural chatter, just like any usual group of friends meeting up for the first time in a while. Food was delivered and the conversation kept flowing, Jack and Daniel reminiscing about working together and Peggy and yourself talked about life.
“I don’t think I could handle LA, I might come visit you guys but I think New York is where I belong.”
“Never say never Y/N”
You laughed and carried on the conversation but what you didn’t notice was Jack's head turning at the sound of your laugh, he looked at you and smiled at the sound. 
Daniel caught the man in the moment before awkwardly looking down at his plate and clearing his throat “So Y/N what was your first impression of Thompson?” 
You smiled at Jack before looking at Daniel “I thought he was ok. I didn’t appreciate being brushed to the side, but he did stop another Agent from shooting me as soon as I walked through the door.”
“Wait really? Unbelievable.” 
“Yeah he was reaching for his gun and everything.” Jack added. 
The whole table erupted in laughter and he gazed towards you, catching each other’s eyes, you smiled brighter and noticed his eyes sparkle. The moment was short lived as you tore your gaze away back to Peggy.
The four of you carried on with your meal as the diner got busier. “Is it hard to work with someone you’re dating?” you asked Peggy quietly. 
“Not really, it’s just like working with a close friend. Of course, there’s a little bit more on the line but I don’t find it any different to when I was working with you for example.” You nodded at her response, she studied you and could see longing in your eyes “You’ll find love again”
You looked over at Jack who was in a deep conversation with Daniel, his elbow propped on the table and his head in his hand as he nodded at what Daniel was saying.
“I think I already have. I’m just scared it was too fast.”
Peggy felt her heart fill with joy as she saw how you admired Jack. “You’ve had it tough but so did I and look what I found. Who cares if it’s been years or a week. If you know, you know. Trust me” 
Next Chapter
Tag List: (open)
Jack Thompson: @fandomsandxfiles @itsmissdahliahayward @vintagelavenderskies @britishcorporal @ravennaofasgard @spunky-89 @darkusangelus96 @marinettepotterandplagg @fandomsandxfiles-writes
 All Marvel: @marvelsangels
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Hi Lost! I'm sorry if this is gonna be a long ask, but I think you're the most suited person to answer this if it's not a bother for you. 《Part 1》This was my first time reading the Frau Magazine (the date goes back to August 2014) Q&A's translation regarding Levi's character & how he helps the main character(s) preserve stability (credits to fuku-shuu) . Isayama said-
(Same Levi anon) - 《Part 2》 What's more Levi said during the uprising he's ready to dirty his hands if someone gets in his way for at least in that way not all of humanity would go extinct, which in their eyes it's another proof why Eren didn't mind killing innocent ppl in Liberio and so on, because Levi would do the same thing.
(Same Levi anon) - 《Part 3》 In the last part they brought up Eren's irrational decision of leaving the corps behind and compared it to Levi's decision (which was kinda) reckless in the forest where he said they could strike at Marley again and delay their full-on attack because again (in their opinion) Eren's actions and ideas align with Levi's and how he deals with an emergency. Now what do you think about all of this? Could you please give me your interpretation on each part? Thank u very much
This ask reads a bit like a 3 part exam question and it’s a while since I’ve done one of those!  I’m not sure if there’s a bit missing from Part 1 though?  The section of the Frau Magazine Q&A you’re referring to is here and it’s a little obscure tbh.
Isayama: I have also sensed Levi’s appeal, and he is a character that makes me happy whenever I get the chance to draw him. He truly plays a role that helps the main character(s) preserve stability (T/N: The language here is a bit vague, it can also be “that can even be defined as a main character himself” - a Japanese-English translation might be clearer on this). If Eren has to march forward in pursuit of Levi’s shadow…the entire series could also progress in a similar manner.
@fuku-shuu​ later clarified this by adding
How I’m interpreting this part from the Chinese is that Eren needs to continue chasing Levi’s shadow in order for the series (And himself) to evolve.
I’m not quite sure what question you’re asking about this though?
Part 2:  Are you saying that some people are suggesting that Eren believed he was justified in killing civilians in Liberio, because of Levi’s speech to the 104th in chapter 56? Nothing would surprise me of Eren tbh, however that’s a serious misunderstanding of Levi’s words. I’ve spoken about the context of Levi’s speech here and why it’s so important, but I also think it’s worth pointing out that the people Levi was willing to kill were agents of a corrupt government, men like Djel Sannes who were themselves willing to kill to prevent the truth from being revealed. That’s a world away from the senseless killing of innocent civilians.  Levi may be prepared to kill, but he is also the man who hates senseless deaths remember, and his furious reaction to Eren’s attack on Liberio in chapter 105 spoke louder than any words ever could. 
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Part 3: Again, there’s a world of difference between Eren’s actions in Liberio and Levi’s suggestion in chapter 112 that they should launch a preemptive strike again Marley’s military in order to delay an attack on Paradis.  And again context is key. Levi has just discovered that Zackley has been assassinated and the Yeagerists control everything inside the walls. At this stage they still view Zeke as the main threat, which leads Levi to suggest that they feed him to a mindless titan to remove him from the equation until Historia has given birth and can assume control of the Founding Titan.  It’s a risky plan, because without the Founding Titan, Paradis are vulnerable to attack from Marley and other forces. This is why Levi suggests launching a preemptive strike, to buy Paradis time, and prevent them from being annihilated.
Eren’s actions were intended to do exactly the opposite.  He defected from the Survey Corps, teamed up with a dangerous enemy, and launched a premeditated offensive attack designed specifically to provoke conflict.  
Although I said in my answer to the previous ask that there is good and bad on all sides of the Eldian conflict, comparisons like this are nothing short of moral equivalence, and that’s never a good thing.   Levi’s willingness to kill people like Sannes and Kenny’s Sqaud, is in no way equivalent to Eren’s willingness to kill innocent civilians and slaughter the whole of humanity.  End of.
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wheezykat · 3 years
hello! tell me more about crashing, please!
Hi fw00shy! Thanks for the ask <3
crashing is... well, it’s a ridiculous trope mishmash, tbh. It’s a humorous take on Harry continuously running into Draco in the muggle world and Thinking He Is Up To Something. Harry becomes obsessed (ofc, silly boy) and tries to figure out what's going on, tagging along on various adventures with Draco to “investigate,” but falling in love with him along the way and not realizing it (oblivious!harry ftw). It’s got Big Fish vibes, a serious bi-awakening with feelings and (surprisingly) no angst. I know, I was shocked too. 😂 I’ve actually written a lot for this one! I have two other projects to finish up, but I’ll probably tackle this one after that. :) 
Snippet below for you my lovely! (Does almost 1k count as a snippet? 😂)
ask me something about my WIP folders!
Harry had decided on an ambush.
The idea had sounded great the moment it popped into his head, causing him to cancel his appointment immediately, much to the consternation of the receptionist. And now here he was, leaning against the brick wall under the tiny striped overhang beside the door to the dental practice. He was narrowly keeping dry as the grey London sky turned from drizzle to a downpour, misting his jumper and jeans in a mild barely-there dampness that was more uncomfortable than noticeable. He fidgeted mindlessly, not knowing what to do with his hands while he waited. Between checking his wand holster (still there), flipping open his mobile (no messages), and crossing, then un-crossing his arms against his chest (casual or intimidating?), he started to wonder what on earth he was doing as the minutes slipped by. If he had a pack of cigarettes, not to mention, smoked, this probably would have been one of those moments where he would’ve lit one up- just for the sake of something to do. 
To appear casual, instead of completely insane, creeping outside the little office waiting for Draco sodding Malfoy. 
The little voice in his head, which sounded remarkably like Hermione, wondered if this was a terrible idea. He thought seriously about heaving himself off the wall to walk back to his flat to get a jump on his art history paper that he would likely put off until the night before the due date. Before he could make up his mind, the tinny bells above the door sounded, announcing the exit of the object of his frustration. 
Ironically enough, it seemed that Malfoy did, in fact, smoke. He bent his head, blonde fringe sweeping his forehead and hiding his face, as he grabbed a cigarette from the pack in his pocket and proceeded to tilt his face towards a cupped hand, lighting the fag with a snap of his fingers. He exhaled a plume of smoke, made even larger in the chilly air, before tucking his pack away and turning to face Harry. 
It really was unfair that Malfoy seemed so cool and casual standing on the sidewalk as muggle cars whizzed by, exiting a muggle establishment, while Harry felt out of sorts and awkward. The thought filled him with a mildly displaced sense of jealous anger at so simple an action. His hands crumpled into fists at his side, nails digging into his palms, as he tried to calm himself. It would not do to have an unexpected outburst of uncontrolled magic, he reminded himself, especially in the middle of London with muggles nearby. 
He needed to steady himself and regain the upper hand. He was the ambusher in this situation. Malfoy, the ambushee. 
Malfoy, seemingly, had no such struggles. In fact, it seemed as though he was waiting for Harry to say something to start the conversation. He continued to puff on his cigarette, shoulders relaxed and a faint smirk painting his lips, as if he knew that his mere silent presence was enough to stoke the fire and fan the flames currently combusting and eating away at Harry’s self-control. The hand not currently contributing to his apparent habit slipped into the pocket of the black jacket he was wearing as he leaned a shoulder up against the door from which he had just exited. The silence was just becoming unbearable when Malfoy decided to up the ante- one perfectly plucked eyebrow arching expectantly, disappearing beneath the fringe of his artfully tousled hair. 
Harry took a deep breath, prepared to confront him on whatever nefarious activities that Malfoy was obviously up to. 
“You’re blocking the door, you know?” 
The words that tumbled out of his mouth, were, admittedly, not to plan. Deciding to go with it, acting as if that was exactly what he had meant to say, he lifted an eyebrow as well, just to even the playing field. An action that only seemed to cause outright amusement to burst across Malfoy’s face as he saw right through Harry’s farce. 
“Oh? Have another appointment, do you?”
Harry barely suppressed a grunt of frustration, instead choosing to scowl at him with a wrinkled brow. He decided not to address the fact that he had actually cancelled his appointment just to wait outside for Malfoy’s to conclude, as that would seem rather, well, pathetic, if he was being honest with himself. 
“I’m sure even you are aware of the function of a door, Malfoy. To enter and exit. Someone may need to, you know, enter or exit the building for their appointment. And you’re blocking it.” 
At that, Malfoy blandly looked around as if to spot some stray muggle desperately needing access to their dentist, his body standing as their last mountainous obstacle to defeat before entering the building. 
The street was deserted, outside of the intermittent cars passing them by, windshield wipers swish-swishing away any raindrops that dared to pelt their machinery. 
Clearly having come to the same conclusion as Harry, that there was, in fact, no other warm body currently occupying the sidewalk, he returned his attention to him, his lips now barely suppressing an impish grin. He took a final draw of his cigarette, exhaling the smoke as he flicked it away from his hand, vanishing the charred remains with a neat twist of the wrist before it even had time to fall to the ground. 
“Well, Potter, as enlightening as this little catch up has been, I must be going now. People to do, things to see, etcetera etcetera. Ta.”
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bitch-a-la-mode · 5 years
Okay this is a hella long rant, but ive been thinking about posting this for a long time and well,,,, yea,,,
You know what the overall problem that Into the Spider Verse brought to light in relation to the overall superhero genre (and animation as a whole)? Grown ups are afraid to watch an animated superhero movie out of fear of being called a baby or a weeb or something so the MCU was basically like “let’s make this into a billion dollar industry by making these interconnected live action movies” and people of all ages ate that shit up. From the get-go, comics and superheroes belonged to kids. They were a kids thing. And if you read or watched that stuff as an adult you were made fun of. These live actions were a marketing ploy of the grandest scheme and we all fell for it.
There are so many amazing animated superhero movies, Made with a fraction of a live action budget and with ten times the heart. Yes we all know into the spider verse, but what about:
- Batman: under the red hood
- Batman: mask of the phantasm
- All star Superman
- Batman beyond: return of the joker
- Big hero 6 (y’all forgot about this)
- The LEGO Batman movie
- Wonder Woman (the 2009 animated movie)
- Justice league: gods and monsters
- Teen titans: trouble in Tokyo
- Justice league: flashpoint paradox
- The Incredibles 1 and 2 (yes I’m counting them)
- Planet hulk
- Reign of the supermen
And this isn’t even including some very iconic superhero animated series (*cough cough* teen titans). Some of these films are so iconic they literally changed comic book lore (I’m looking at you, under the red hood). DC comics has a whole, interconnected animated movie universe that no one talks about (and is direct to video/streaming).
Animators are great at what they do, and superheroes are a thing that should and deserve to get animated. You can use all the special effects you want, but it has been proven time and time again that superheroes generally look better animated. They do complicated things that can’t be captured behind a green screen, and deserve an artist’s hand. Even worse, the only animation people take seriously these days is CGI, because it looks the most “realistic”, aka the most like a live action, even though spider verse looked the least realistic and was the most visually appealing in my opinion. And even sometimes, we respect (or claim it acceptable to like) ridiculously “edgy” adult animation like South Park, family guy, or similar shows (y’all know the kinds im talking about).
However, this all goes back to two things: 1) the west has bullied adults into hating animated movies/shows because we equate them with being “childish” and 2) marvel and other industries practically egged this on so they can make these billion dollar movies and get even more billions back in revenue. The reasons spider verse is so highly regarded is because 1) Sony did SO MUCH to get that movie the credit it deserved, 2) people had been begging for a miles morales Spiderman movies for YEARS, 3) the creators held themselves up to such high standards (which can surely be about the whole diversity in media aspect and minority movies needing to be perfect, but lets ignore that for now, and 4) it was tied into the “highly regarded” MCU, so many fans looked beyond their prejudice and saw the movie, witnessing how phenomenal it was.
If we applied this to other animated superhero movies (or animated movies in general) then animation would get the respect it deserves. I feel like in this day and age, we only care about Disney’s most highly anticipated animated film of the year (which is almost always a Disney princess movie or a sequel to an older Disney animated movie). And even then, Disney has disrespected the art of animation by going and remaking their classics into live actions for various reasons. We can argue the legal implications of copyright, but the big thing is that those animated films were GOOD, and Disney thought it would be a good idea to squeeze more money out of people in addition to claiming “why watch the original, silly animated film when you can watch the real, serious, live action”.
Animators are not respected, and its sad to see because some of the most beautiful and memorable ideas were made through animation. And sometimes, people won’t respect animation as “art” because it doesn’t look “good”, even though their might be various reasons for that (such as budgeting since only mega corporations will kind of pay well for animation, awful scheduling because “draw fast so we can churn out this new product, and so many other factors). Look at stuff like avatar the last Airbender, cowboy bebop, carmen San Diego, and others. Amazing stories with phenomenal (or memorable) art. And sometimes, animation doesnt even have to be so amazingly well designed for it to be good. Shows like freaking bobs burgers, and kids shows like phineas and ferb have been heralded as amazing shows with great plots and yet the designs are simple, with a focus on other aspects like plot and characters (on another note, I think some voice actors are better than live action actors tbh).
But again, we dont respect this genre and this art the way that we should (at least in the west), and I think thats so sad. Yes there are people who respect it, but the overall consensus in mainstream American society (at least from what ive seen) is that animation is for kids, and nothing can ever be as good as something “real”, even though that marvel movie you just saw was once a comic, a drawing, an animation. But whatever.
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annppl3juice · 5 years
It’s a Match ❤ Kirishima x Reader
A/N: Gosh, this is my first time posting something here and I'm so nervous aaaaAAAAAAAA
This is part of a linear story in which the prompts mold the storyline, I’m writing for many others too but not all of them are finished.
Prompt: How did you meet?
Gender Neutral Reader
Hero College AU
Characters are in College so they’re obviously aged up
It all started as a joke, for both of you. 
Charlotte, your sister, convinced you to try a dating app whilst you guys were still in Japan. She insisted that you should meet cute guys or gals there, after all, it's not always that you get the chance to have a fling in a foreign country. You looked anxiously at the screen, regretting taking such a big risk, so many dating app stories that end wrong. "Kirishima Eijiro" was the name. The boy has reddish hair and same color eyes, with a thin face and muscular body, it was unexpected that your first match would be such a handsome one.
"OOoooh! He's a snacc!" Your sister thrilled, taking the phone from your hand and going through all the pictures, while making approval or denial noises. "Almost makes me not wanna return to Korea. Catch him!" Another reason not to go through with it, you'd be back in Korea in 3 months, with no time for anything serious. Sure, the whole idea was to have a hookup, but you were more of a hopeless romantic.
"I dunno about this, Charl," you said, looking down with insecurity. Your sister wasn't having any of this, she wanted to see you in a relationship and right now. Being 20 years old and never even kissed was a sin to Charlotte. “It’s dangerous.”
"Yup, but consider: 6 pack!" She pushed the phone too close to your face, with a zoomed picture of the boy's tummy, which she had drawn several hearts around. Your sister has always been more likely to throw herself into situations, more prone to act with her heart and take risks, you, on the other hand, are a thinker.
"Oh right, he can be a fake who kidnaps people, but at least you will have a view of those ripped muscles while he points a gun at me, " you took the phone from her hand, putting on the bedside table. "Mom doesn't even know about it, it's dangerous!" She didn't seem to care, on the contrary, rolled her eyes and growled in annoyance.
"We're like on our 20's you know that, right?" She gave you a look, and besides being right the only reason you survived all those year was preventing Charlotte from acting dumbly. "For a climber, you're such a chicken! Bok, Bok, Thot!" you cringed with fright as she abruptly jumped out of the bed, and started to chicken dance. "Bok, Bok, Bok!"
"And you're so childish, Charlotte," you sighed looking at the phone. You thought that it is true he's handsome, even too much to take an interest in someone like you, maybe he swiped wrong or something like that. Your eyes went from sad to surprised upon hearing the message notification. Charlotte stopped and watched every one of your moves as you unlocked the phone. The text was indeed from him.
"OoOOoh, is it him?" Charlotte asked, Immediately rushing to your side in order to see the messages, the impact almost made you knock the phone down.
"Charlotte!" you scolded her, but she just giggled and quickly took the phone from your hand. Your phone, might I add.
↬ Kirishima: Hey!
↬ Kirishima: You're a fox ;)!
"What a turn-off," Charl stared at you, her smile immediately disappeared and brows snapped together, in an exaggerated display of annoyance. "Bro, who says 'you're a fox' anymore?" she huffed, certainly disappointed that the dream boy was just another Internet pervert.
"See, handsome guys are either weird or perverted! Let's just uninstall this app and..." she wouldn't let you finish, interrupting you by shoving the phone back in your hand.
"Nah way! Let's play along, say you wanna lick him!" the look on her face was almost wicked and you sighed upon hearing your sister's foolish schemes, this was not the way you expected to spend your Friday night. "And send an 'owo' too!"
"Why do I even..."The notification noise caught your attention, and your sister seemed more uninterested now that he started talking, not even looking. "He sent more messages." She snickered.
"If it's a dick pic, send it to me and then block him!" Charl grabbed her phone and laid down, opening her mouth with the tip of the tongue showing for the camera; presumably to publish the picture on some social media with a silly description that would cheer up her 8,000 followers. You felt like an elder every time your sister was traveling to the futility and vanity of the web, where everything looks better than it is, including the guy you were talking to.
"CHARLOTTE!" you scolded her, but she just ignored it and kept taking more provocative pictures.
↬ Kirishima: Hey...I'm so sorry my bud stole my phone!
↬ Kirishima: plz don't get offended that was so not-manly
Your expression soothed at the sight of the text, but still suspicious that it could only be a quick recovery.
↫ You: It's fine
↫ You: Tbh I installed this cos my sis begged lol
↬ Kirishima: Same
↬ Kirishima: I mean almost my buds dared me
He sent a selfie, in which he was on the front with a smile and a sign of peace, on his side there was a blond boy with spiked hair sleeping on a couch, while another one with black hair and a strange shape on his elbows was drawing things on him. Another blond boy - this one with longer hair and a black lightning-shaped streak on it - also holding a marker, but posing for the picture. On the floor there was a girl, with black hair and what looked like headphone plugs as part of her ear, she was on the phone ignoring everything around her. Finally a girl with pink hair taking a picture of the scribbled boy, with a broad smile on her face.
You couldn't resist smiling, it was nice to see so many people enjoying each other. Since you had to move so much, your only friend has always been Charlotte.
"You're taking too long, so I assume it's not a dick pic," she approached to look at the phone, you could see the girl's expression light up again when she saw the picture. "So he's not a fake! Ask him if his friends have a 6 pack too! Ooooh maybe one of them has an 8!" she thrilled.
"You are incorrigible," you rolled your eyes but proceeded to fulfill her request.
↬ Kirishima: My friend asked if your sister's cute
↫ You: My sis asked if ur mates have abs
↫ You: Oh
↬ Kirishima: Oh
↬ Kirishima: LMAO
You and Charlotte jumped on hearing the door being unlocked, your mother wasn't supposed to arrive until later. Charlotte eyes widened and you started typing at a pace that could win a competition.
↫ You: shit! my mom s hom, ttyl.
Kirishima: BUT U DIDN ANSWER IF UR SISTER IS CUTE! - Denki (His nicer friend)
That message was the last thing you saw before you turning your phone off and hiding it under a pillow. Not even the divine forces could prevent the 2 hours scold if your mother knew you were using that kind of app. You managed to act natural when she showed up at the door, but Charlotte froze. You cursed under your breath at recalling what a bad actress your sister is, and thank God being a model didn't require it, otherwise, she would have been fired ages ago.
"Hey, kids, the meeting was canceled...did you behave while I was gone?" your mother asked, throwing herself on the bed with the two of you. "Ouch, my back hurts."
"Well, Charlotte kept begging for candy and stuff, but other than that...and to think she is the oldest." You grinned at both, but eyes fixed on your sister, sending a warning so she wouldn't screw it up.
"T--Totes, momis!"
Even though she stuttered your mother didn't seem to suspect a thing, you sighed mentally, " How about we watch a movie?" [More on the next prompt scenario]
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cryptid-bloodhound · 5 years
can i just have some fluffy gibby and octane??? that's all i need in my life tbh
Thoughts Like Thorns
Octavio was bored again. When he was bored, bad things tended to happen. He didn’t mean to cause so much havoc, honest! Well, most of the time he didn’t mean it. All that destruction and chaos was simply a byproduct of his endless hunt for his next adrenaline rush. He really couldn’t help it. That desire to do something - anything - was almost pervasive. It was a gnawing, clawing need that guided his day-to-day life. When he sat idle for just a moment too long, that feeling would well up inside of him again, like nails down his spine. If he didn’t know any better, he’d compare the uncomfortable sensation to anxiousness. It was like something inside of him telling him to ‘ go go go!’ and not doing that was something really quite awful.
Those quiet moments between drops when there was nowhere for him to run and video games just weren’t cutting it was horrible. He’d bounce in place, jump around, and use his fellow Legends as makeshift springboards. Anything to alleviate that need. For the most part, the others tolerated his constant frenetic energy. Sometimes, if the mood was bright enough, they’d join in on his reckless little games. It usually wasn’t a problem for the adrenaline junkie. Hell, he loved the rush so chasing these little highs was awesome! But, there were moments when it was all a little too much. When his attention felt like it was being ripped in every direction and his mind buzzed like a nest of angry hornets. When nothing could satisfy that need of his. It seemed like today was one of those unlucky days.
He was pacing back and forth in the complex, muttering under his breath rapidly as if he could chase away this feeling through cursing alone. His hands flexed, clenched, and beat an uneven tempo against his thighs as he moved on an endless loop. Sometimes he felt like clawing at himself because surely that would feel better than whatever this sensation was crawling under his skin, but he refrained. The last time he did, Ajay scolded him and gave him that ‘I’m-unhappy-but-also-worried’ look he’s so familiar with. He tried playing games but nothing would hold his attention or quell that buzzing. He tried hanging out with the others but found himself too...raw to handle them right now. This uneasy restlessness was killing him.
“Ughh, estoy a punto de enloquecer!”
Octavio was so engrossed in his own static-filled mind that he didn’t notice the rather large figure walking through the door. Really, it should be a feat all on its own to have Makoa Gibraltar of all people sneak up on you. The giant of a man wasn’t the type to sneak around. So, when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, the borderline shriek that left his lips was all the more embarrassing. Gibraltar looked torn between amused and mildly worried. That expression made Octavio want to shrug the hand off of his shoulder and bolt for the door.
“You alright there, bruddah?”
It was a simple question. It should have been easy to answer. Should . But the nonstop racing thoughts and aching in his nerves told him otherwise.
“Yes. No. Yes! ...Maybe. UGH, I don’t know!”
His hands went from tapping his thighs to gripping at his hair as he fought himself for a moment of respite. After seeing the almost volatile reaction to his touch earlier, Makoa resisted the urge to lay a reassuring hand on the younger Legend. It wasn’t often that Octavio had a bad day like this but it happened just enough for Makoa to recognize the signs. After a moment of thought, Gibraltar shifted his presence, expression dropping from openly worried to casual friendliness. That same sort of warmth colored over the darker tones of his voice. He didn’t want Octavio focusing on the bad - especially if it was thanks to the way he was acting.
“Hey, I seen you’re pretty good at art, yeah?”
The question was so unexpected and lax that it actually threw Octavio for a bit of a loop. His grip loosened and he squinted in slight confusion at Makoa. When he spoke, his answer was drawn out and pitched as if it was a question.
That seemed to brighten up Makoa’s disposition immediately. He gave one of his famous thousand-watt grins and threw open his arms in a grand gesture.
“Perfect! I got a cake here that needs some serious decoratin’ and you’re just the guy for the job!”
There wasn’t a singular part of this shift in conversation that didn’t confuse Octavio. Granted there were a great many things that did confuse him. In his defense, however, he rarely bothered enough to pay attention to, well, anything really. So, he just let his arms drop back to his sides as bewilderment overtook his features. Seeing the shift, Makoa kept on going. Anything to keep him distracted was good in his books. As he spoke, he subtly herded Octavio toward the kitchen area where a tasty but objectively plain cake sat. Next to it was a slew of decoration tools and what looked like a rough image of what Gibraltar wanted on it. It was pretty, certainly something he could imagine giving to a significant other if he were feeling romantic. But his way of drawing was a bit more, ah, stylized than what was pictured. As he started imagining what it’d look like in his own design, Makoa continued on.
“It’s my anniversary soon and I wanted to do somethin’ nice. I made a cake but I don’t have an artistic bone in my body. Figured I’d ask ya for help, shortstack. We can work on it togetha ‘n you could tell me what’s botherin’ ya.”
At the reminded of his earlier unending nerves, Octavio frowned. Without meaning to he started bouncing back and forth on his feet as that prickling sensation started taking over his attention once more. Without wasting a second, Makoa barreled on as if nothing changed.
“Or, I could tell ya about that time I stole my dad’s motorcycle to go on a joyride with my boyfriend.”
Again, the switch up blindsided the younger Legend. The mental image of The Gibraltar doing something so reckless and immature as stealing his dad’s motorcycle absolutely floored Octavio. His jaw dropped and that jittery discomfort was replaced with a sort of giddiness. That sounded like something he would do and not the unofficial Team Dad.  
“No. Way.”
There was a smug sort of smile pulling wide at Gibraltar’s lips as Octavio stared at him with wide eyes. He figured if there was a story to draw him out of a bad spot, it’d be a crazy one he could relate to. The air was filled with the rapid little ‘tinks’ of his feet as he danced in place with all that pent up energy he was so well-known for. He wanted to hear more about this crazy tale. It was drawing his mind away from all those sharp, intangible edges he could never figure out.
“Let’s do it!”
And so they did. They set up their impromptu cake station as Makoa spoke about the shenanigans he managed to get himself into in his wilder days. Of course, he left out the darker parts. No need to drag the kid back down. It warmed something in his heart to see Octavio calming down. His mind was distracted by the story and attention needed to detail the cake while his hands were busy drawing out lines of frosting. It was engaging enough to keep him entertained without being self-destructive (or any kind of destructive, which was a step up). So, when that story ended, Makoa conjured another, and then another, and another. However many it took until that frantic tension melted away from Octavio.
“So, when ya gonna pop the question amigo? Time ain’t waitin’ for any of us! We won’t stay this young and good lookin’ forever. Well, you won’t. I’ll always be this gorgeous. ”
It was Makoa’s turn to be surprised at the unexpected words. Maybe it was the shock, maybe it was the cocky, over-the-top attitude, or maybe it was just the irony that the usually oblivious one here hit the nail on the head. Whatever the case, Makoa let out a deep belly laugh and clapped Octavio on the shoulder. The force behind the gesture was still enough to cause the much smaller man to jolt forward.
“Ha! Keep it up, shortstack. I’ll remember that next time we’re on a team and the enemies are lookin’ for a punchin’ bag.”
Rather than respond verbally, Octavio just stuck his tongue out and gave a rather colorful hand gesture. Though the way his lips turned up at the corners in a grin spoke volumes of his current bright mood. After a moment, Makoa sighed in a way that Octavio could have sworn would be considered ‘dreamily’. He did very little to hide the amused snort at the action. ‘What a big softy.’
“To tell ya the truth, I been thinkin’ ‘bout it. I wanna do it soon. Hey, how’d you like to come ‘n help me pick out a ring, huh?”
The invitation was a surprise. Seems like today was full of those - mostly good, at least. It made Octavio smile wider than he has in a long time. Again, he couldn’t help but do an excited little jig in place, prompting Makoa to laugh at his antics once more.
“Hells yeah!”
His brain was already rushing ten thousand miles a minute picturing all sorts of expensive and fantastical bands. That led to him also picturing crazy wedding ideas and - ‘Oh! Wonder if I’ll get to be a groomsman!’ His colorful and exciting daydreams were interrupted by Makoa as he peered over his shoulder at the cake and spoke up.
“This looks great, Octavio, but uh...you spelled his name wrong.”
Sure enough, when he looked at the wonderfully decorated (in his humble opinion) cake, he had forgotten a letter in Makoa’s boyfriend’s name. With a groan, he slapped a hand to his forehead and accidentally smeared icing on his face.
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