#early strangetown round 1 salamis
simleech · 4 months
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Pas de chichis ou de fioritures avec Circée. Mais sa petite vie normale et parfaite devient si ennuyante.. Il est peut-être temps pour elle de s'amuser à expérimenter ✨les relations sociales✨ sous tous les angles possibles. 😈
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gutosimmer · 3 years
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I mean... She tried covering up this pregnancy, by trying to woohoo with her husband, but It didn't work, she stopped to have a baby bump!
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Welcome Kathryn! A SALAMI BABY LMAO
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At least Grainne is trying to let the real father know!
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Oh, now I see her intentions lol
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annieshowell · 2 years
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and pascal continued playing chess (now alone because xanthos went to do something else that is not for children...) while circe and vidcund played tag
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jacethegaymer · 2 years
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And then after school it was time for the party!
Mainly the Salamis and Vandermorgan family came
And all the adults and teens just danced away
Xanthos didn’t even know what the hell was happening
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simstationdance · 2 years
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Knowledge-seeking Sims move to Strangetown to find the truth to life’s greatest mysteries. Do aliens live among us? Do Sims die mysteriously here? And are the rumors of strange disappearances and government cover-ups true? In Strangetown, nothing is what it seems... -- Early Strangetown by @gutosimmer​ 
Round 1 | Round 2
Smith | Grunt | Vandermorgan | Curious 1 Curious 2 | Beaker | Salamis | Loner | Loste Vu | Howell | Muenda | Specter | Nigmos
== EXTRAS ==
because i genuinely love extraneous bullshit that has nothing to do with my story (a lot of these extras are, or will be, on my Dreamwidth btw)
Photoshoots LRA Dreamwidth Archive (massive WIP)
there used to be a recap here but i’ve decided i’m gonna make that a separate post in the future
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simleech · 4 months
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Depuis que Barnabé s'est essayé à la composition florale, il se sent... plus léger. détendu.
Lui qui pensait apprécier ce désert pour son côté aride, pragmatique et terre à terre, il perçoit désormais une certaine douceur et poésie dans ce paysage atypique. De l'extérieur, on les croit étouffées, asséchées mais à l'intérieur, ou cachées sous ces tonnes de sable, la vie grouille - Barnabé peut le sentir. Pfiou, il semble bien loin le Barnabé businessman qui ne pensait qu'à sa réputation et amasser des fortunes à tout prix. Guenièvre va encore se moquer de moi si je lui reparle de pensées déserticobucoliques. 🤯🌵 Je ferais mieux de me limiter à seulement annoncer ma promotion!
Barnabé: ..Et, j'ai croisé la femme de Troufion en rentrant, encore en train d'essayer de ragoter sur tout ce qui se passe dans le quartier.. heureusement j'ai coupé court à la conversation! Et tout va bien, t'as fais quoi aujourd'hui? T'avais l'air toute agitée quand je suis rentrée plus tôt.
Guenièvre: Ah bon? Ah, euuh oui oui, elle ferait mieux de balayer devant sa porte d'abord. Non moi, je suis restée tranquille devant mon feuilleton d'amour, tout à fait tranquillement. 🙂
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simleech · 4 months
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Chez les Salamis, c'est le train-train quotidien, ou presque.
Après un petit café matinal et une bise de Guenièvre au pied de la porte, Barnabé dépose sa fille adorée à l'école. *inspiration* "Le soleil brille, encore et toujours pour nous!' ☀️
Et la minute suivant son départ, Guenièvre fonce appeler son nouvel amant. Tout est bien organisé normalement, mais avec la routine, parfois, on se relâche... et bon, le facteur ne s'est jamais trop intéressé aux visiteurs de la Cour Tesla, mais lorsque Mathilde est passée à l'improviste - ZOU ! ZOU VIDKRAM! Guenièvre s'est sentie comme un personnage de ces Soap Opéra ridicule, oui, ridicule, mais.. un peu excitant ce frisson du risque, non ? 😎
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simleech · 3 months
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Victor et Pascal n'ont pas pu venir à son anniversaire. Tant pis. Circée a donc passé son temps jusqu'aux bougies au téléphone avec son nouveau.. sujet. Loki.
Circée : Non merci Victor, pas besoin d'appeler pour t'excuser. C'est un peu tard, bonsoir.
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simleech · 4 months
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gutosimmer · 3 years
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Okay! 3 more families to FINALLY finish the round! And now It's time for the Salamis family.
... Wait a minute, when did she got pregnant If she didn't woohooo with her husb- oooooh...I know where this Is going...
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Look who Circe brought from school!
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They might be kinda evil, but they are so ADORABLE TOGETHER!
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Why are you worried, Grainne?
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annieshowell · 2 years
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while pascal was playing chess inside with xanthos, circe and vidcund decided to play catch outside
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annieshowell · 2 years
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and the cars arrived, time to end this round!
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annieshowell · 2 years
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meanwhile circe decided to do some normal kid stuff, maybe she is mad that grainne is spending the night with a "friend" instead of with her own daughter at home....
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...or she is just a little devil
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annieshowell · 2 years
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slay bjorn
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annieshowell · 2 years
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"this neighborhood has a lot of weirdos, huh?"
"what? oh yes... but it's a good place to live when you live in a huge and luxurious castle"
"oh wait, do you live in that castle near the crater and the power tower?"
"yes, me and my family live there"
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"oh, thats cool... me, my wife and my two kids moved into the house down the street"
"that means we're neighbors, so... hello, my name is grainne salamis"
"my name is bjorn beaker, do you have kids?"
"yes i have a girl, in a few days it's her birthday, she's almost a teenager... you said you have two, right?"
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"yes, a boy and a girl, i think my boy must be the same age as your daughter"
"that's cool, maybe they can be friends"
"uh that would be great, my son doesn't have any friends, he's kind of closed off and it's hard for him to fit in with the other kids"
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"i bet he and the circe would get along great... what do you think about bringing your kids to my daughter's birthday party? i'll send the invitation with the details to your house later"
"it's a great idea, thank you so much"
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annieshowell · 2 years
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the boys arrived and immediately pascal joined xanthos' chess game
"pascal we came to play with circe, forgot?"
"i'm too busy right now vidcund, this is a game for people with high intellect, you can go play in the dollhouse with circe without me"
"we're not going to play in the dollhouse, pascal"
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