#earthkinous' originals
earthkinous · 2 months
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earthykinous · 9 months
Unos personajes que eran parte de mi historia original de Mundo Misterioso, pero que por exceso de libertad creativa terminé convirtiéndolos en criaturas originales, a día de hoy el Lore de mis personajes ya no tiene nada que ver con Mundo Misterioso, aún así... es agradable revisitar sus diseños de cuando eran Pokémon.
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driftingballoons · 9 months
Ayo! Still making requests? If so... Banette and Honedge?
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I could fix her (she just needs some love)
as for honedge…
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cometiny · 4 months
So I was thinking a lot about how the magic in MLP:FIM might work if there was an official system, and I kind of ended up making my own and coming up with a little bit of lore to go a long with it. I don't know if anyone has done anything similar before because it's honestly not too complicated - these are just some ideas I had that made the most sense to me, along with a few original concepts :3
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There are 9 Types of magic: Earth, Sky, Water, Fire, Sun, Moon, Love, Dark and Chaos. The first Six are called Arcanas, which creatures are able to become bound to. Creatures that are connected to an Arcana are called Kins, such as Earthkin or Skykin. Members of the same species can look very different if they are bound to different Arcanas, this is due to magic-dimorphism.
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Earthponies are naturally Earthkins. They are often overlooked, though Earth magic should not be underestimated. Their magic influences plants and minerals in many significant albeit subtle ways. Plants grown in the vicinity of earth ponies grow faster, healthier, more nutritious and even tastier. Flowers become more vibrant - the honey made from said flowers is sweeter. Herbs that heal become more powerful, as well as herbs that harm… Potions, medicine and agriculture are all traditionally practiced by Earthponies. They also have an incredible sense of smell, hearing and taste.
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Pegasi, bound to the Sky Arcana, grow wings and feathers in the womb as a result of magical dimorphism. They also tend to be shorter on average. The Sky Arcana influences weight and speed, which allows Pegasi to fly easily despite their short wingspan in relation to their bodies. They are the only ponies with the ability to walk on clouds. In fact, their near weightless hooves allow them to be so delicate, that they build entire cities out of clouds. They tend to be physically weaker on average, but they make up for it by being incomparably fast.
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The unkin Unicorn is not bound to any particular Arcana, but they have the ability to draw magic from external sources and command it to their will. This means they can even combine different Arcanas to perform complex spells. Though this requires that they are able to differentiate between the Arcanas - which is difficult, as they are only barely detectable waves. Most Unicorns can therefor only perform a small amount of simple spells such as "telekenesis" (really just a sky spell affecting the weight of the object and the air around it) or flow spells (the kind that Arcanakins already intuitively perform all the time) The Unkins ability to use magic from external sources allowed for the evolution of three more Arcanakins:
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The Kirin, bound to the Fire Arcana, were the first to evolve from Unicorns. Their evolution also lead to the discovery that different types of magic have particular effects on personality; despite Kirins coming in all varying personalities, they're all susceptible to extreme (fiery) outbursts if angered. This frightened other ponies and lead to their banishment. The Fire Arcana influences temperature and light, They have evolved separated from pony kind for long enough to be classified as a divergent species - hybrids are possible, but typically infertile (like mules)
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Moonicorns evolved from Unicorn shamans that specialized in Moon magic, a small colony of which traveled to the moon itself to come closer to the magic source. The Moon Arcanas pleasant effect on the mind lulled them to stay on the planet and eventually become bound to the Arcana and evolving into the Moonicorns we know today. They are not yet fully divergent, but are thought to be on their way - hybrid foals born on the moon will always be Moonicorns, foals born on earth will come after the other parent, only if two Moonicorns both mate on earth will the foal also be born a Moonkin.
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Changelings, bound to the Sun Arcana, also evolved from Unicorn shamans. Contrary to their Moon counterpart, however, they do not live on the fucking Sun. Their magic gives them an almost uncanny healing ability, even regrowing limbs if lost and experiencing almost no pain in the process. Just being near them can somewhat transfer those abilities to others (the closer the better ;3c). They may change colors in a matter of seconds under extreme emotions. And most famously, they can adopt the appearance of anyone they've seen before, (although only as accurately as in their memories, and only for so long before their magic runs out)
However, a body so malleable requires vast amounts of Sun magic to upkeep - each additional part of their bodies is designed to collect more Sun magic, such as the gems on their chest, which work like batteries, or their wings, which work more like solar panels. Even then they are required to use Love as a magic amplifier, lest their bodies begin to rot and fall apart.
Other ponies grew weary of their abilities, which wasn't helped by some of them being genuinely manipulative. Any Changelings that were found out were quickly banished or killed which lead to them evolving separately. They are a fully divergent species - Hybrids possible although infertile.
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Kelpies, the Waterkin, are actually the first to evolve directly from regular ponies, along with the Earthponies. Kelpies were so deeply drawn to their element that they never wanted to leave the water and evolved to be perfectly adapt to marine life, as well as being incredibly antisocial and even hostile toward any land living species. (They also have beef with the "Seaponies", which we know are actually Hippogriffs under a transformation spell and therefore not "real" Waterkins.) The Water Arcana influences Movement. In theory, every action has a certain flow to it, much like water. This flow is not necessarily visible but can be influenced, like putting a rock in a stream. Or even, combining two streams into one, which is why Water magic is required for fusion spells. This ability to affect movement makes Kelpies unbelievably powerful, luckily however, they choose to stay in the water and mind their own business. They are fully divergent - it is unknown weather hybrids are possible.
____________________________________________ Anyway! Hope you guys liked that, I'm open for questions if anybody wants to ask, that'll help me come up with more ideas, too so ask away please! :3
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dailylileep · 15 days
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Este blog es manejado por @/earthkinous
Espacio exclusivo para este fósil de lirio de mar ¿Por qué? La pregunta es ¿Por qué NO?
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Earthykinous (Fanarts y reblogs)
Dailylileep (Estás aquí)
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Gracias por pasarse por acá.
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earthkinous · 3 months
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earthkinous · 11 days
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Un ejemplar de medusa astro proveniente de una constelación lejana se alimenta de los restos de un planeta recientemente muerto.
A specimen of astro jellyfish from a distant constellation feeds on the remains of a recently dead planet.
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earthkinous · 3 months
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earthkinous · 9 months
Chipi chipi chapa chapa
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earthkinous · 2 months
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earthkinous · 2 months
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I love her so much, but I cannot make her justice.
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earthkinous · 5 months
Un encuentro para nada hostil
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earthkinous · 5 months
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earthkinous · 8 months
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earthkinous · 7 months
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earthkinous · 11 months
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Este es Ludwig, es un Ectoplasma mórfico, originalmente un viajero errante, sin recuerdos, sin un pasado, ni propósito.
Eso hasta que Usher se cruza en su camino.
La Malaquita que lleva es como un amuleto, le ayuda a intensificar su energía positiva, pero también puede potenciar emociones negativas.
Los Ectoplasmas de por si no suelen experimentar emociones de forma tan intensa como otros seres vivos, algunos nunca llegan a experimentar si quiera un poco, pero los Ectoplasmas pueden despertar emociones y lazos hacia algunos individuos.
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