#It’s deceptively complicated
driftingballoons · 9 months
Ayo! Still making requests? If so... Banette and Honedge?
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I could fix her (she just needs some love)
as for honedge…
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zecoritheweirdone · 5 months
wanna preface this by saying that i am. So normal. anyway i just spent the last week redrawing scenes from mystery skulls animated but as that hermitcraft au i posted about a couple times. you guys should watch msa it is. so so good.
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noxi3xe · 25 days
Echoes of Deception
Part 2 - Capitano x AFAB Reader - On AO3
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Author's Note:
hello!! I'm back with another mini series (: This one's for all of the Capitano enjoyers, I personally have been awaiting his appearance for the past two tears so I'm real hyped for the next archon quest!!
Your escape plan didn't work as it was supposed to, now your curiosity cost you your position and the trust of the one and only Il Capitano. Perhaps the contract you signed will not only serve as a new beginning but also as the road to regaining his trust.
Basic Info about the story:
Sort of slowburn; Capitano x Fatui agent! Reader, Story starts off with a little flashback and waking up in the camp, after questioning you find out that you have been missing for longer than you remember. You have been declared as missing and a "threat" to the fatui. You get put on trial after after arriving to Snezhnaya and thankfully the results were positive. But you face another problem: Demotion, now you're no longer in high position but a lowly estate worker for no other than somebody you used to consider close; The Captain.
Reader is a Fatui Agent; Sergeant [Name] and bears a Cryo vision. Your past relationship with the captain is complicated, more than friends but not lovers. But that's in the past, or will it stay that way?
Chapter Synopsis:
★ Memory's Abyss: You finally reappear after going missing for a very long time. Now it seems that it's almost as if The Captain, somebody you considered as close as one could get, has lost all trust in you. ★ Judgment and Choices: The Father's help was much appreciated, now you stand between two choices and choose the latter, what other choice do you have? At least this way you'll be closer to him ★ Tables Turned: How many more times will he embarrass you by just existing? He knows how to use his words, making it so you can never say no. TW: a lil suggestive ★ Bittersweet Surrender How could you not give into him when he's so good to you? You'll always forgive him, won't you? That's what friends do after all. TW: a lil suggestive ★ Lies: He was so sweet, his touch and his words, they bring you joy and warmth... Well, they brought in past tense. You knew you shouldn't have trusted him now you must pay the price ★ Finale, but is it really over? Despite begging for his attention it did not end up like you wished, but why does it still feel good in a sick and twisted way? TW: NSFW
DottoreEnjoyer69 on AO3
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paper-dol · 2 months
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HELP ME I GOT SUCKED INTO THIS STUPID EROGE!!! haha hellooooo dol fandom
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neofox · 4 months
I just want to draw fluffy lovey dovey domestic radiostatic bullshit
where they're murried and happy
I need this serotonin in my life
but Alastor is just so fucking hard to draw sldkjflsd
crying sobbing laying in a puddle of my own tears
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inopinatus-ea · 2 months
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The Princes get their first glimpse of Adelia
“Emery, Raiden, the King of Uchelgais and his entourage will be here soon. Ensure you are appropriately prepared for their arrival and your introduction to the Princess Royal.”  King Branoc looked at his two sons.  He knew Emery was not happy about this, to say the least, but he cared not.  If the man wouldn’t get engaged on his own, then he’d take matters into his own hands.  There was already trouble in the kingdom and he had to ensure that his heirs were secure should the worst happen.  His son had dallied enough with the plebbian woman he'd been infatuated with, now Branoc had taken matters into his own hands.
“Father, we’ve been prepared for hours.  I’m sure that when King Mavros shows up with darling and precious daughter, he will be impressed with his awaiting son-in-law.” Emery replied sarcastically.  Why couldn’t Raiden be the one to marry the insipid daughter of the neighboring King?  He neither desired to be married, nor wanted a Princess that he was sure would be as interesting as the others that had come forward before her.  That his father had arranged the marriage without even consulting him still burned in his breast like a hot coal from the fire.  
Raiden prudently remained silent.  The volley of fire had not stopped between the King and Crowne Prince since the negotiated betrothal had been announced.  Now that the Princess was arriving imminently, they weren’t slowing down either.  He could hardly wait to see what fate had befallen his older brother.  If she was anything like the previous options their father had presented to Emery, Raiden was quite sure that he would be glad that he was the younger of the two of them.  Although, once Emery was wed, he was sure that their father’s eyes would turn to him.
“He had better.  This marriage is going to help us in the ongoing war and form an allieship that we desperately need. Do not fuck this up, Emery.  I’m tired of your failures!” The king turned on his heel and left the room, clearly done talking to his eldest, again. Not that this conversation had been long.  Few had been lately.  
Since the moment he was born, Emery had been a constant source of disappointment to him.  Dark hair, eyes that matched, he had the brooding scowl of his mother, not the fairer and more refined features of royalty like his brother Raiden.  His face was more round, his eyebrows lower, and he was shorter with more narrow shoulders. There was no one that would say that Emery was not handsome, but he did not resemble his father in the slightest, and to Branoc, there was no greater insult that could be given.  For that, he almost loathed the Prince.  Had the kingdom not been aware of his dalliance with Emery’s mother, the child would not have survived infancy.
“Hoping to give him a stroke before the short engagement period is over so that you can get out of the wedding?” Raiden couldn’t help but tease his brother. He couldn’t wait to see what kind of woman his father had decided upon.  There had been a couple of options he could have chosen from.  Secretly he hoped she was hideous, mewling, and so utterly worthless as a partner that it would drive Emery insane.  Someone just like his mother - a living mannequin to dress up and put a tiara on, produce heirs, and parade around at events.   Nothing would be a worse curse for his brother.
“You’re next in line for this fun, you know?  If you think he’s being an asshole to me, do you think he’ll be any different to you?” In truth Emery couldn’t wait until it was Raiden’s turn at this shit. Then he would get to see how insufferable the Princesses were that came to court to be considered.  Adding to his frustration was that his father picked one that he had never met. Six short weeks to get to know her then they’d be married. Lovely.
“I’m not the heir to the throne.  Something tells me father won’t be nearly as hard on me as he has been on you. I also don’t purposefully get under his skin for fun. I’ve learned how to manipulate him to get what I want.” Raiden’s smug smile irritated his brother, he could tell from the twitch in his brother’s eye.  They both knew he was right.  It wasn’t because he was younger, they had two younger brothers and a sister.  It was because he had learned long ago just how to talk to his father in order to hit the notes that his father wanted to hear.
“I’d offer to let you have the Princess if father wouldn’t literally have a stroke.  Heir has to marry first and all of that.  I’m sure whatever contract and treaty he has struck with her father wouldn’t work for second in line to the throne.”  Emery’s eyes rolled and he groaned. He had been in a relationship with Siara for years, but she was not high enough nobility for the next King. When it grew time for marriage, she and her family had disappeared one day and ended up on the other side of the kingdom.  His father had ways of making a statement.
“Oh no, I’m sure the one he’s chosen for you is your perfect match.  I wouldn’t want to steal her from you, dear brother.” Sarcasm dripped so heavily from Raiden’s voice it was pooling on the ground around his feet as he smirked at his brother and chuckled.  There was no way for Emery to get out of this one, no matter how much the elder brother wished he could.  No amount of charisma or negotiations could change what was going to happen; and he was going to get to sit back and watch it all happen with glee.
The sound of bells tolling told the brothers that the guests from the neighboring kingdom had entered the palace grounds.  Soon their entourage would be pulling up to the doors below them.  The men walked over to the windows, standing slightly off to the sides and pulling back the shears to look down unobtrusively for when the vehicles carrying all the guests pulled into view.  It only took a minute for the black vehicles to do so.  When the pulled to a stop, the footmen moved from the palace doors to open those of the vehicles.
From the lead vehicle exited a man who was obviously the King.  A stately and statuesque woman followed behind him, the obvious Queen.  If the Princess possessed her mother’s beauty, Emery had to admit this might not be too untenable. Then the rear door of the second vehicle was opened.  First to exit was a male with sharp eyes, a jawline and nose to match.  Emery’s first thought was of a bird, but at the way the man held himself shortly afterward it was reinforced and specified: an eagle.  He extended his hand toward the still open door, leading both Princes to lean forward in anticipation of who would exit next.
A delicate and elegant hand took that of the male’s.  Alabaster skin contrasted with that of the more tan man, his fingers gently taking hold and assisting the female exiting the vehicle, and as she did both brothers swore under their breath and glanced at one another.  Long, dark hair curled down her back, framing a sweetheart face that was beauty personified. Her moves were graceful and fluid, as if she were dancing.  It was clear that the Princess had arrived, and as dark emerald her gown flowed around her like a gossamer mist, she resembled a fairy tale come to life.  Both Princes were falling in love, but only one would admit it.
“You sure you don’t want to actually offer to let me take her off your hands, Emery?”
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reblog - @cafekitsune
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me: trying to figure out if im using 'deceptively' correctly dictionary:
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unbeknownsttomen · 3 months
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another comission! for my good frind @the
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behindthesemasks · 10 days
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Chap1er 18
Things don't go smoothing when the team makes it back to the hotel
Back in the hotel, Erik paced the room as he waited for the unconscious Andreas to come around again when the door to the room was almost taken off his hinges as it slammed open.  His head snapped to look over and he barely had time to register there was male crossing the room before his face exploded with pain.  Next came the blow to his throat and then his gut, pain exploding throughout his body.  Falling to the ground, he coughed and wheezed, trying to draw in breath, before he was flipped onto his back and a fist slammed into his face a couple more times.  With the beating he was taking, he was pretty sure it was Oglesby’s men who’d found them, and was sure he was going to die.  Each blow raining down on him caused the pain to increase exponentially, then the world went black.
It took Case, Nic, and Gabe to be able to finally pull Klaus off of his brother who was trying to pound Eric into the carpet of the floor.  Ambrose was immediately in the large man’s face, rage written on every line and curve of his face and the steel grey of his eyes almost glowing with the fires of rage.  The threats and promises of pain that were expressed were enough to keep Klaus from going after Eric again, but everyone knew if they didn’t get Klaus out of the room that it was only a matter of time before his resolve would weaken and it would become chaos again.  
No one had heard from or seen Melania.  The group who had been at the hospital were now also missing, and knowing that Oglesby was at least the money behind the attacks, if not the brains as well, put everyone on edge.  If finding out that Andreas was involved in the threat to Alexander hadn’t been enough of mind fuck, now having Erik threaten Mel was definitely one for everyone.  Things were going sideways faster than anyone could adjust and compensate, and that was not a good thing.  For men whose entire lives were adjusting to ever changing circumstances, not being able to find solid footing was not something that put them in a good mood.
“GET.HIM.OUT!” Ambrose bellowed at the men restraining Klaus, his jaw ticking as his teeth were clenched.  He didn’t turn his attention back to Erik until they had succeeded in getting him out of the room.  If they hadn’t been able to, he was ready to shoot the German asshole himself to accomplish it.  His patience was completely gone and he was ready to start dealing out pain to accomplish his orders to those around him.  That  Klaus had surprised him as soon as the lock had clicked on the door had pissed him off to begin with, the condition that he’d left Eric in only made it worse.
“Restrain him like his cousin.  Make sure they’re both still alive and able to talk when I’m ready for them.  Come get me when they are.  I’m done with the bullshit, I think they believe the old man has gone soft.  I’m about to show them differently.”  Ambrose gave instructions to Cam and Donovan before following the others back out of the room.  He could hear cursing down the hall in the direction of the suite.  Time to go talk with his team and calm down enough not to kill anyone, yet.
“Now we know who hired the assholes at the mansion.  That’s one question answered.” Nic was saying as Ambrose walked in.  A quick head nod to his grandfather and he continued. “How the fuck could he NOT know who was financing this fucking dig?  Oglesby is far from stupid, that’s the only reason he’s still alive.  He’s never crossed us, never crossed the wrong person before.  For him to be this careless and foolish now seems a misstep that is unlike anything he’s done before.  I think there’s still something we don’t know about this.”
“We can figure this out later.  We have three missing team members, my granddaughter is missing, and the asshole that orchestrated this is out there as well.  Priorities, gentlemen.  We can assume that Cade, Alexander, and Dez are all still together for now.  Hopefully that will make them easier to find.  Case, Nic, and Gabe, get out there and find all of them.  No excuses for failure.  AM. I. CLEAR?”  Ambrose’s voice was calm but there was no missing the undercurrent of rage in it.  None doubted that he was barely controlling the desire to hurt, maim, and possibly kill someone in the near future.  All the men’s heads nodded as they rose to leave. “What am I supposed to do? Fucking sit on my ass while they’re out there?”  Klaus bit out at Ambrose in frustration.  Eyebrows raised on the other men as everyone froze.  No one wanted to be between the other two if they were going to go at one another.  Was this really the time to piss off Ambrose more? He was never known to suffer fools lightly. 
“That’s exactly what you’re going to do.  You’re a loose cannon, Klaus, I can’t have you out there possibly blowing up at an innocent person, and bringing the Serbian authorities attention swinging around to us. We’ve got two men tied up in here, and a couple dead bodies in a burned out car out in the woods near the excavation site.  You think we want attention on us?”  Ambrose’s head tipped to the side, his lips thinning as his cold blue eyes pinned Klaus with a hard stare. His voice was cold and almost emotionless, something that rather worried the others in the room, who exchanged quick glances.  He was like a volcano that had been smoking and suddenly stopped, an eruption was imminent.
“Someone needs to see if they can locate the GPS tracking devices on the cars, run their credit cards, see if there is ANYTHING that can tell us where the four have disappeared to.  And sweep this fucking room!  How the fuck did she get out of here and leave no trace?”  Now, now there was anger, lack of sleep or coffee was showing in Ambrose’s demeanor.  Just a crack, not a full explosion, but if Klaus pushed him again, there was no telling how big it could get. “Now, you all have your tasks.  Do them.  I’m going to handle our guests here, and find out what the fuck is going on.  I’m sick of playing catch-up.”  Ambrose turned and headed out of the room with no further comment.  He was about to shoot someone, and he’d prefer it to be one of the two assholes down the hall rather than one of the team that he still needed. As Gabe prepared to slip away, he looked over at Nic and Klaus.  Both men looked utterly defeated and worry was etched deeply into their strong features.  Now it wasn’t just Mel that was missing, but the other three who had been at the hospital, at least as far as anyone else there at the hotel knew.  He was the only one who knew that none of them were in danger and they were all together.  There was a little bit of guilt that gnawed at him over that, but not enough to stop him from what he planned on doing.  No, his loyalty did not lie with anyone in the hotel where he now stood.  He was going to those with whom he felt the most loyalty.
“Guys, try and look on the positive side.  Maybe the others have found her, and that’s why they’re not answering.  Case and Cam said that they had called the guys more than once before they had gone out looking too.”  Gabe tried to give some reassurance, if only to relieve his own guilt. “Yeah, I’m sure they’re all kicked back and drinking coffee in some posh shop while we have been looking for them and worrying.” Nic bit back, sorry afterward that he had been quite so harsh.  “Oglesby has got to be close, Mel is a bargaining chip and Alexander is a target.  It’s not safe to assume anything at this point.”  This time exhaustion and worry was clear in his tone and words. Gabe nodded curtly and headed out the door behind Case.  He felt a vibration in his pocket and swiped to open his phone while they waited for the elevator.  It was the 228 number again.  ::Omni #955.  Package is tired::  It was all he could do not to laugh, someone had clued her in on the lingo.  As soon as he could be, he’d join the four that were there, then they’d have to figure out how to deal with the boss.
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Arik finds out what happened...and a confrontation ensues....
"Who is she?" Diyan’s voice held an aggressive edge as he fought grinding his teeth.  He knew he had been lied to, to what extent, he wasn't sure yet.  After how things had gone down just a few minutes before, he had ended up sending his First Mate up to retrieve Arik from the bridge, afraid he’d lose his temper up there, for all to see and hear.  They still might hear him, as irritated as he was.  Standing now, feet shoulder width apart and arms crossed over his broad chest, he cut an intimidating form, yet Arik met his gaze evenly.  Whether that was a stupid move was yet to be seen.
Diyan’s mood was not exactly what Arik had expected when he’d walked in the door.  Disappointment at being turned down, embarrassment at probably being slapped, pain at maybe even having his family jewels injured - those he could have anticipated.  Diyan standing there looking like he wanted to remove Arik’s head manually had not been in the list of possibilities he’d been considering on the way down from the bridge.
"What do you mean, who is she?  I thought we covered that topic when we were discovered?" Arik eyed Diyan suspiciously as he answered.   What had happened during dinner for that to be the first question, and asked with such venom that he could almost feel the anger coming off his friend? 
Diyan’s lips thinned as he pressed them together, looking down briefly before once more raising his head to pin Arik with a murderous stare.  He knew he had been lied to, and he wasn’t buying the stupid act.  "Why would she think Prince Diyan is an asshole, Arik?  Some random woman you ran into, what exactly would she have to do with him?  Even better question, old friend, why when she got mad would she then start to say she would almost think that I am the Prince who she was…” his jaw ticked and his brows drew lower, “she was what, Arik?" He saw the shock on Arik's face, obviously the beauty had fumbled exactly what Diyan thought she had. "She was what?  Supposed to marry, maybe?"  His brows rose, a sarcastic smirk forming on his lips.  He was still trying not to just throttle Arik till the anger he felt was gone.  
Riona truly being Inara was the only thing that made sense.  He’d tumbled it over and over in his mind since she’d run from the room.  He had desired her from the beginning, and she completely hated him.  He should have agreed to the damn wedding.  A little late now.
"Diyan," Arik was cautious, "what did you do to get her to say anything about your real name?"  He was worried about her, and gave not one fuck about Diyan being upset.  If he had to further confront Diyan he would, but he’d prefer not to.  Feelings of protection for Inara were rising up quickly, making it hard for him to maintain the calm veneer. Obviously something serious had happened for this to be the current conversation.
"Answer. My. Question." Diyan knew that in a way Arik had, but he wanted to hear the man admit his deception.  
"Answer mine first.” Arik’s head tilted slightly as he looked at Diyan.  A sense of dread was settling in the pit of his stomach and it only fed his rising anger. “What did you do or say?  You were seen in the hallway, with her upset, by more than one of the crew.  I told you not to."  His hands slowly closed to fists and opened as he stalked towards Diyan slowly.  Why couldn’t Diyan get through one damn meal without upsetting Inara?  It couldn’t have been that hard, Arik hadn’t upset her once in the entire time they’d been around each other, yet Diyan seemed to not be able to be in her presence without making her uncomfortable or upset. “What the fuck is wrong with you, Diyan?  Do you have no ability to just STOP?”  Now it was Diyan who was shocked and looked uncomfortable. 
"I tried to kiss her." Diyan didn't miss the flare of anger that was instantaneous in Arik. There was a ticking in the other man’s jaw that was obvious and the way his brows immediately dropped lower over his eyes that became intense was not a positive sign.  There was going to be a fight, and it was going to be brutal, he was now sure of it.
"You don't listen or learn, do you?" Arik shook his head, proud Inara had put him in his place at least somewhat, but now even more concerned about her. "Yes, the woman you keep completely alienating is Princess Inara.  I don't know what more you did to make her invoke your now alter ego, but your disregard for anyone other than yourself probably played a part.  That I care for her and we're building something didn't stop you from trying to kiss her.  Her making it clear we're together the last time the three of us were in this room didn't stop you.  Because goddess forbid you not get what you want, even if someone else has it.  Even if that someone is me." His voice was a growl and he was fighting yelling at Diyan.  He wanted to deliver the blow that would give his old friend that broken jaw he’d asked about earlier, but there seemed to be no satisfaction in that.  All it would do was give him a sore hand.
Arik stepped towards Diyan, pointing one index finger towards him as his voice became colder and his expression harder. "I helped her escape rather than head down to a wedding neither of you wanted.   I've kept her safe, vowed my life on it, and I won't have you breaking that.  I loved you like a brother, Diyan.  I see I was just another thing to be used by you. I'm going to go check on her.  How you decide to handle this is up to you.  I won't tell her who you are and you won't reveal it either, or that you've figured out who she is.  You've done enough damage in the last 24 hours, I don’t need you doing any more.  I used to think I knew you, it’s clear I never really did." He strode from the room before Diyan could respond.   Arik was afraid if he did, he’d break more than Diyan’s jaw in response and ending up in the ship’s brig with Inara alone was NOT an option.                         
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moe-broey · 4 months
Doing one of the scariest things an artist can do (draw a tree)
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jewishcissiekj · 11 months
Whenever I see the "that sounds like terrorism, Anakin" TCW frame I just I just I remember how the Onderon arc was like the closest thing TCW did to what the Jedi did in the Clone Wars in Legends. Yeah, they aided and trained local resistances against the separatists. It's not just a thing Anakin made up for one arc.
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noxi3xe · 10 days
Caged Dove
Part 1 - AFAB! Reader x Capitano
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Author's Note:
Hello!! A lot of people seemed to like Echoes of Deception so I promised myself I'd write a sort of little story on how the reader's life turned out after, a little part two if you will. This one will probably be a little angstier but be patient with me.. The first chapter is quite short but I promise the other few will be a lot longer, a LOT! but might take a while to come out (I'm talking 3-4 days between chapters) because of school and other projects I'm *forced* to work on.
To some your new life would feel easier, better, but to you? It's far from that. He treats you well although you still feel unfulfilled. Are you ungrateful or just wish this wasn't forced in some way?
Basic Info about the story:
Part two of Echoes of Deception; Capitano x Maid! Reader. Story continues 1-2 years after Echoes of Deceptions ends and you find yourself in an arranged marriage with the number one Fatui Harbinger. At first all was fine but now you feel as if your freedom has been taken away and you are sure to put your foot down on the subject. Little do you know Capitano has other plans for you, his adorable, loving Wife.
Reader is a retired Fatui Sergeant and bears a Cryo vision. Your relationship with the captain is complicated, you're now married and you've always fancied him, sure, but you do wish this marriage wasn't forced onto you in some way.
Chapter Synopsis:
★ Rough start: Your marriage celebration was one uncomfortable event and to not even talk about the first night you spent together as a married couple
★ Fear:
A trip to the town sounded nice, too nice. Of course everything you had planned was stripped away once you were dragged back home, sat before him to be punished for your actions. Tw: Dubious consent and minor violence
DottoreEnjoyer69 on AO3
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moonstonemoonlight · 1 year
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Day 7: Trap
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fauvester · 2 years
ok, so. Since your adoption AU has quickly become my no. 1 new obsession, I would totally love to make some fanart or write some fanfic about it. Would you be okay with that?
If not, that’s totally fine! If yes, I’d really like for you to ramble to me about these questions I have (if you have time) because if I make fanart/fanfic I want it to be 100% accurate, because I’m a perfectionist. So, correct me if I’m wrong pls:
Elim “Lim” Junior likes to cook, was the first to get adopted, and is the oldest brother. He seems to me to be a calm kinda guy. Gives me safe vibes, like I would let him bear hug me. What does he do, I wonder? Like, for a living? Or what does he want to do when he’s older? Idan is the youngest, absolute cutie, I adore him. What does he want to do when he grows up? And what are his hobbies? Iskra is Garak’s little girl, except she’s not even that little and also she marries a Klingon doctor, am I right? Is she the one who tries out tailoring, do I remember that correctly? What does she do for a living? Or is she actually a professional tailor?? Then, there’s Jocasta. She’s older than Iskra, right? She’s a nurse. Does she work with Julian sometimes? What else does she like to do in her free time?
Yes, I’m interrogating you, yes I want to get to know them, I’m sorry if this is too many questions at once. Don’t feel obligated to answer all of this. Hope you have a great day! :)
Oh man I'd be so flattered!! come on into the sandbox!! I'm so chuffed that you like them as much as I do! Let me try to put stuff down that I've been carrying around in my head re: the kids -
Young Elim ("Lim" "Elim Garak, no relation") is of a very calvinist cut (always busy, always doing something useful, always sober, always parsimonious). Repairs, cooking, cleaning. Inclined to be grumpy. Phenomenally stubborn. Probably a good hugger but on the stiff side. Remembers the most about his family before the Fire, and for decades his grief manifested as anger and the most convenient subject for that anger was the Manifestation of the Old Cardassia, Garak senior. They had a contentious relationship with him until Lim got into his twenties and mellowed out a bit, but they had some bitterly cold grudge matches before then (Garak, beefing with a child? MUCH more likely than you'd think!)
He's a full time housekeeper, first for his Castellan father (he's the cardassian jackie kennedy. refurbishing the Castellan's home, overseeing the rest of the help, hosting events, etc) and then for his mayor wife (and their many future children). Nobody would suggest that it's an unmanly line of work, but they may privately think it. Lim was never a particular stand-out at school and decided to let Iskra be the ambitious one.
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His wife is a lot. She REALLY wanted to marry into the Garak family for political cache and set her cap on him but he was NOT having it at first. She had to do a lot of courting. They get along just fine now. Iskra doesn't like her but maybe that's because they're too similar.
Idan is IN STARFLEET! The first Cardassian, and Cardassia isn't even part of the federation! By the time he was growing up, Bashir's disillusionment with the Federation softened enough to weave lots of tempting tales of adventure and discovery for his youngest.
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Worf is his idol (first Klingon solidarity!) but where Worf recognized the "you have to decide whether to be liked or be respected" decision and decided to be respected at the expense of coming off as an unpleasant terminally humorless zealot, while Idan plays up his natural goofiness to keep his classmates from feeling threatened by their 6'4 appropriately strong, fast Obsidian Order/Starfleet Medical raised Scion of Cardassia classmate. He's actually very capable and very dangerous when he isn't pretending to be an idiot (or more of one than he really is, at least). Just wants to be liked. Kind of a jock, plays racquetball and does vulcan martial arts. Enjoys Romulan pop (rpop) like every other young Cardassian.
Has a tail. Accidentally trips people sometimes.
Iskra is for real that little. She's very short.
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She gets along best with Garak, at least until Lim grows up-up. She was taught from a young age to memorize, recite and debate at length, and naturally did well in academics. She goes to some Federation planet (Andor?) to study comparative law, and then back to Cardassia to read Cardassian law as an apprentice. Through a combination of bald nepotism, personal charisma and actual merit, she snags a position as the attachè of Ambassador Lang to the Federation, where she spends a few years advancing her father's administration's diplomatic interests. Once he steps down and Lang takes his place she ends up... somehow... on a Starfleet mission......?...... and meets her eventual wife! She serves... some diplomatic purpose. Besides amusing herself. I just haven't decided what that would be yet.
Jocasta (oh sweet babbygirl I have not developed you much at all lol) gets along best with Julian because he does enough talking for both of them. She started out helping him with office work in the hospital, but she's the sort of person who Does Work when it Needs to be Done and took enough tasks onto herself that she's become indispensable. Bashir taught her what she needs to know about nursing, and she helps him with the cultural missteps he occasionally still makes. She's the last line of defense if someone's a particularly hard stick because she can throw a needle under tough scales like it's nothing (she could have been a good Obsidian Order torturer).
She would have been the Housekeeper of the family if not for Lim, so she does the decorative stuff that he doesn't - mending and eventually sewing, gardening, even a little art. It reminds Garak a little too much of Ziyal sometimes, but that's a kind of gift, too.
ANYWAYS THATS THE KIDDOOOOOOOOOS! I have a lot of stuff thrown in the #garashir adoption au tag if you're looking about for other tasty bits, it is all approximately Fauve-canon but feel free to play in this space however you like.. I love to talk about them! I'd be so tickled if you wanted to do something with them.
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inopinatus-ea · 1 month
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Chapter 1
First meetings, and first impressions...
“Drach, do you think you can shift and we can fly away now? Do you think they’d risk shooting you down?” Adelia had a soft smile firmly in place, but inside she was dying from what she knew was going to be an arduous ordeal of diplomatic niceties. She did not want to be in Annisgwyl. She did not want to be meeting Prince Emery, let alone marrying him. In fact, all of this was the last thing she wanted to be doing. In two weeks she was supposed to have been marrying Duke Alaric, but instead here she was because of her father. Her wonderful father, the King. She hated him and had for years, since he had insisted her brother be the first to wed and kept putting off her own engagement.
“Darling, if I could get away with it, we would be gone. However, we both know they would hunt us both down. I’ve already had my wings clipped once, and did not enjoy it. They have finally healed after over a century, let’s save that fact, and the surprise that I can fly once more, for if we really need it. Shall we?” Winking slyly at the Princess, the Knight assigned to guard her kissed her cheek lightly. Drach had been assigned at her birth to guard her because of his special gifts that few knew of. Shifting into a dragon, breathing fire, and being able to consume humans whole being the paramount amongst those. A tight friendship had grown between the two and he was far more protective of the Princess than any other in her life, including either of her parents.
“If you insist, but if I truly hate him, will you at least promise to eat the Prince then we will both claim innocence and ignorance.” She looked up at him hopefully as her mother futzed with her bejeweled taffeta ballgown over by the lead car. Once more her mother’s vanity was giving her ample opportunity to get her own mask of regality in place. The two women couldn’t be more different, although it was not as if the Queen would ever have noticed.
“That I might be able to do, little one.” Another wink and Drach had to keep from laughing. He did enjoy his young charge’s spunk at times. She kept him on his toes. For a being as old as he, that took some doing.
The doors to the palace before them opened and an older stately gentleman appeared, joined by a woman who seemed to be his equal. Adelia curtseyed, Drach still lending her his arm bowed deeply. They could both hear her parents joining them from the side. Apparently her mother had finally gotten her gown and tiara in order. Small wonders never ceased. Both hoped that the introductions would be short and that they could find the liquor and a quiet corner, but doubted that either would be that lucky. Neither wanted to be there, for very different reasons.
It was shortly after the Kings and Queens had made their introductions that the Princes were called forward. Both Adelia and Drach were studying them. Enough intel had been sent to the castle for her to tell which was Emery and which was Raiden. At least they both were handsome, but from all accounts, that was as far as Emery’s positive attributes went. Raiden’s, from all accounts went much further, but alas he was the younger of the two brothers. Of course, she was cursed with this mating by her father after all.
Raiden was fairer, more conventionally handsome, and just slightly taller than his brother. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight as he smiled over at Drach and Adelia. She couldn’t help noticing that he was already trying to be charming; interesting. Emery on the other had looked more serious. His hair and eyes were far darker than his brother’s, and there was a brooding air about him that Adelia found slightly off putting. It wasn’t that he was unattractive, but his gaze was intense and his demeanor almost aggressive. She could see how just from looks alone he would be viewed as hostile, and she had yet to formally meet him.
“Ah, Crowne Prince Emery.” King Mavroc grinned wide as he stepped forward to greet his future son-in-law. “It is a pleasure to meet you.” He turned towards where Drach and Adelia were still standing. “Your intended, Adelia,” he gestured to her, and Drach began to lead her forward, “and her Royal Knight Drach who has been with her since birth, and will guard her innocence until your wedding night.” There was a slight sneer to his voice at the end of his statement.
“Now, Mavroc, I’m sure that won’t be necessary. My sons are both men of honor.” King Branoc insisted, his brows drawing together. He had not been informed of Drach becoming part of the pre-wedding arrangements. Why the other King would feel such a move necessary confused him.
“Is that why his former paramour Siara is with child on the coast?” Adelia’s mother inquired with a saccharine smile on her face and condescension dripping from her voice. She loved being able to surprise and verbally destroy those she considered lesser. To have such a piece of information at her diposal currently made those before her far lesser.
Raiden’s face went blank as he stared at Emery. What had his brother done? His eyes closed as he took a deep breath. The dishonor of it! Finding out now and from the other royal family only made it worse. At least his brother could have warned their parents.
Adelia gasped slightly and took a step back, her eyes going wide. Drach’s hand came atop hers on his arm to stop her from bolting back to the car. Let the Prince be the center of attention that he so rightly deserved. Oh, being a dragon was so fun when you could obtain information that was useful. This tidbit was the best so far, or at least he had thought so before he saw the complete look of shock and horror on the Prince’s face.
“EMERY?!” Branoc’s voice boomed off the stones around them all and seemed louder than should be possible. Everyone else winced but his eldest son stood still as Adelia’s eyes cut back and forth between father and son.
“IF she is,” Emery closed his eyes and cursed the gods above, “it is not mine.” His jaw clenched. He did not know whose it was, but on this he wasn’t lying. Now not only was he humiliated in front of his fiance-to-be, but his father was most likely going to literally beat him until he couldn’t breathe at the earliest convenience.
“How about we all go inside?” His mother’s voice was thin and strained, the smile on her face tight and not meeting her eyes. She looked at the King and Queen before her, trying not to lose more face than had already happened as she curtseyed and then gestured to the door behind her, Raiden thankfully having already moved to the side.
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