#earthspark for this and it was the hardest
birthdaycakeplate · 11 months
Size Difference TaraProwl on my Twitter if you want to see it
❌no minors on my Twitter
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just-someone-online · 12 days
Okay, I promise I'm not about to become the 'Ooh, what if x was a Terran?' guy, but I think it would be really interesting if Rubble and Gauge from IDW2 were brought back as Terrans.
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galstreet · 10 months
yakuza or transformers u can only choose one
Fuck…… honestly maybe this is influenced by the fact that I’m currently insane about it more and I just played like 30 straight hours of it but yakuza. I think it legitimately changed me for the better, compared to tf
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I return with some short/sweet Earthspark Starscream x Reader content to try and ease me back into writing! Hope you all enjoy!
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The first slivers of morning light to reach your eyes were met with a grunt of displeasure and an instinctive roll to the side, the comfort of your extra toasty nest pulling you back into one of the better rests you'd ever had and pushing away wakefulness at any cost. A slight hum from below soothed all the tension from your body, bringing a smile back to your face as you snuggled deeper into the blankets. The outside world had nothing this cozy to offer you. 
Catching the familiar sound of a bot taking in a vent just below, you cracked open an eye to find the Seeker beneath your nest in the middle of a yawn, his lean frame flexing as he stretched his arms over his helm. Every movement was careful not to disturb the thin mattress and blanket tangle atop his chest acting as your bed, but you knew Starscream would want you up sooner rather than later. Closing both eyes and remaining limp, you tried to pretend to be in deep sleep, hoping his spark might be softened by the sight of his favorite human sleeping peacefully. 
A digit stroked along your cheek to dash your hopes, but you did your very best to stay still, even when he chuckled beneath you and the bounce carried through the mattress.
"Wakey wakey." he purred with another teasing brush of his thumb. It took all of your acting skills to stay still, your desire for sleep matched only by how much you enjoyed spending time with your beloved bot. He chuckled again and playfully brushed your hair aside, making it clear you were had with a boop of your nose. "I know you're faking, Y/N. You can't fool me so easily."
"Nooooo..." was all you could say, despite now being thoroughly awake. There was just something about snuggling next to a spark that was more comfortable than you could possibly put into words.
"Come now; I didn't visit so you could use me as a glorified bed frame. Up." he said, still playful but slightly more firm as he tugged on your blankets. Relenting with a yawn, you rubbed your eyes and accepted his help climbing to the floor, bare feet meeting the large carpeted rug that the Seeker usually slept on. Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you walked over to the heavily upgraded barn's makeshift kitchenette and flicked on the lights. Starscream removed your nest from his chassis and stretched out his lean frame with further teasing. "Besides, it's rude for the host to rise after guests."
"Mhmm..." you replied as your stomach gave its first growl. Not willing to put much effort into feeding yourself, you opened a cupboard for your favorite cereal and set about pouring it in a bowl. Bright blue optics turning to the sound compelled you to speak as you added the milk before returning it to the tiny fridge. "It's rude for hosts to eat without serving guests too, but if you want breakfast, we'll have to swing by the Maltos. I don't exactly have energon on tap."
Starscream averted his gaze, expression briefly looking more conflicted than distraught at the idea before he recovered, mock disgust shielding his ego as usual.
"As much as I enjoy those visits..." he sighed and rested his arms behind his helm, as if the very idea was wearing him out. "It's far too early for that much affection. I can wait."
It was your turn for teasing. The Malto kids had a much more positive view of the Seeker after his dramatic and timely rescue, and as such, swarmed him like eager puppies whenever the two of you stopped by. You found it utterly adorable, especially when he tried his hardest to pretend such tender displays of affection weren't to his liking, or that Hashtag didn't have him at her beck and call for selfies, movie watching, or whatever else her spark desired. Finishing up another spoonful, you carried your bowl over and sat beside his helm, smiling as he cracked open an optic. "Awwww, not ready to be swarmed by your fan club?"
"Not at the moment... Their energy is boundless." he said dramatically, pinching the bridge of his nose as if fighting a headache. You knew he was being silly even if he wasn't exaggerating too much. Any one of the Malto kids was a boundless ball of youthful exuberance, and by their powers combined they could wear out even the most energetic adults. Starscream always fell into deep, unshakeable recharge after those visits, and you were never far behind. The Seeker sighed as he leaned his helm against your side, resembling a twenty foot cat so closely you couldn't resist the urge to give his helm a loving stroke. A smug yet affectionate smile pulled on his lips as he savored the gentle touch. "I'd much prefer a quiet morning, free of obligations. I've more than earned it." 
"I can handle that. How about a movie?" you replied quickly, reaching for the remote that had been tucked in your blanket nest. Clicking on the wall mounted flatscreen that Starscream continuously claimed to have obtained legally before gifting to you, you scrolled through a dozen or so streaming apps. 
Holding forth his cupped palm, Starscream agreed with a predictable caveat. "So long as I get to pick. I am the guest, after all."
"You're the guest." you agreed with a smile, handing the remote over before finishing up your cereal and shoving the bowl aside. The Seeker skillfully managed the human sized buttons as you snuggled against his side, just able to hear the birdsong of a beautiful morning beginning outside. As far as you were concerned, the whole world could wait while the two of you enjoyed the simple delight of a lazy morning. Judging by how his arm not so subtly curled around you, he felt exactly the same.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 1 year
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hardest earthspark episode
+ timelapse
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scribe-of-hael · 10 months
Wonder what would happen if TFA Optimus got yeeted into earthspark
Y'know it's gonna be funny between an unofficial prime with no holy tits and have no idea why the warlord having beef with Autobots meeting a prime with holy tits who also have history and make peace with megatron the slagmaker
Im so sorry for phrasing it this way it's just funny and my brain isn't braining anymore it's just a jello with lots of shenanigans-
I also love your writing ahaha
I love this so much omg ?
Tfa Optimus in my opinion is basically Orion Pax (in general any orion). Like who I imagine Orion to be before taking the matrix. He is sweet, loyal , brave but is still struggling to be this leader but he's trying his damn hardest to take up the mantle.
ES Optimus would immediately be so drawn to TFa oppi because that's him , literally who he was before, young and not alot of experience. But also sad that this oppi has had to go through so much in such a small time. The losses he has suffered. He feels for him so much.
They are dads btws. This is two big bot dads with dad jokes. A young dad and aolder dad that goes
"I've been at this for years watch and learn ~" //finger guns//
Does the sickest ax move you've ever seen
I do think TFA would think ES is a lil goofy but admires who he is and what all he's had to go through to get here. He hopes to be like him one day.
And I know TFa is probs just as big as ES. But funny to think he'd be smaller cause tfa Cons are just HUGE.
Also yes tfa may not have tits for days, BUT THOSE HIPS DONT LIE, #respectthehips lol
Now comes ES Megatron. Oh dear he's not use to this. When comes to the size and the fusion Canon on his arm. Tfa can't help but be uneasy. ES oppi would reassure him that this megs is ok and has changed. Its hard for tfa to wrap his mind around. So he trys to talk with him a little. Tfa oppi is a bit awkward but Megs sees he's trying so agrees.
He's so blown at the different personalities and history they share. Even a bit envious but happy that this Megatron saw the error of his ways and wnates to change. Meanwhile his was stuck as he was,, evil and murderous..
Megs is more than happy to show he's happy to talk. But hearing what tfa megs is like just makes him disgusted, particularly guilty as some traits he used to share maybe even struggles with right now.
But Megs is also like that Dad who's been around is trying turn his life around be there for the kids. Literally lol so Tfa Optimus and these two big boys get along well.
I know the kids would love TFa oppi so much omg. I cry.
I'm also happy you like my writing !!! Thank you so much
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juniaships · 11 months
Earthspark Spoilers + a bit on Croft.
I half expected for the show to tell Croft and Schloder's backstory explaining why Croft hates Cybertronians so much. Like maybe her parents died in the war or something. But I'm glad it didn't. Sometimes bigots don't need a reason to hate you, they just hate for the sake of it. Sometimes they do understand and still hate you. No matter how many times the Autobots do the right thing it'll never be enough because GHOST hates them regardless.
I think that's a reflection of how marginalized groups work our hardest to appease the majority but fall short anyways because that's the intention. Nothing we do will ever be enough, the majority/oppressors simply can't let go of control or their own hatred to allow change or be satisfied.
On Croft's end she let her hate and obsession with control cost her everything, from the relationship with the only family she had, to her life. And the sad part is she actually did come to regret but it was too late. It's such a powerful lesson on why we can't let hate consume ourselves.
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goingtochurch · 1 year
First and foremost
alt mode time
i know the leaks came out a while ago bUT I AM STILL SO HYPE FOR THEM
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him in all of his glory
the best boi
THE best
Hashtag is a cocomelon child you cant tell me otherwise
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twitch is also adorable
i would kill for her in a moments notice i gotta be honest
thrash is also trying his hardest though
"yeah you scanned yours on accident- MINE has meaning c:"
true siblings
jawbreakers lITTLE HYPE TOO
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i smell the tism and i love you
oH WOW who could have ever known that things were gonna go wrong immediately after they said "itll be fun!" or something like that
i love twitch but twitch can be smol brained
bumblebee comin in clutch though
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hacker voice "im in"
this looks exactly like what i thought the internet would physically look like as a kid
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schloder stans where u at come get ur mans
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I would
let him do anything
i do not care
this is a really nice angle
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stealth 1000
"nothing happened!" im pretty sure it did hashtag
i am
very certain everything happened
also how did they not hear bumblebees loud af footsteps
"loud af grippers" - my watching buddy
kudos to him for the screenshots
life saver
and the king who got the singular best derp in the west
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nightshade u good
also i am pretty sure those two agent are dead
"idk about u but skullcruncher sounds like a lovely gentleman" - my watching buddy
get bodies u two pricks u deserve it
also hubby may have died
i need
to know if hes okay
i dont think he did qwq
nightshade definitely has the tism
that whole five month hiatus was them building the base and tbh go u (insert gender nuetral term for royalty
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that electricity bill about to be eXPENSIVE
dot should be very mad
what do park rangers even get paid
not enough for this shit thats for sure
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awww wholesome end moment
there was no good way to segway to this but
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hold gentle like hamborger
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logos-primes-pr-guy · 2 years
On Earthspark Rumble And Trauma
[Earthspark Spoilers]
If the rest of the season drops and it turns out that the other cassettes are all fine and alive and Bumblebee just phrased *that line* so ominously purely by accident... The Earthspark team is surely having a whole Moment seeing the sheer volume of memes pouring out over what may potentially be a misunderstanding.
Do not get me wrong. I, too, was awash with dread after that scene, but at the same time, I also think it's funny that we all heard "An unspecified cassette exploded when Soundwave tried to eject them" in the context of an apparently amusing story told to two children, and every single one of us collectively agreed that Rumble has died in a horrific and gruesome manner, forever traumatising Soundwave and the cassetticon family. The explosion may not have been fatal. It might not have been Rumble. Buzzsaw and Ratbat are also missing (and so are the many other cassettes, but they don't usually get screentime, so I'll let that slide). Where's all the art of Laserbeak tragically chirping over the loss of his counterpart? How come Frenzy gets all the angst to themself?
To be clear I do share the theory that the explosion was fatal because it explains why a loyal and rational mech like Soundwave would become a feral ball of rage, and why Frenzy and Laserbeak no longer want to follow him when they used to be such a close-knit family (in the family-themed show, no less! The show that gave us Hardtop shoving Swindle aside and letting himself be trapped in the very first episode, proving that it is indeed willing to acknowledge the Decepticons' familial bonds as well).
Nonetheless, assumptions are being made. I want to see the cassettes all happy and safe, but I'm also curious how this plotline is going to pan out. Even if one of them didn't die, something very bad clearly *has* happened. They were starving. Soundwave malfunctioned. Someone maybe got hurt.
We might see a plotline about how grief and one big traumatic can tear a family apart. But we may see instead how hardship and poverty and very difficult situations can wear down even the closest family, change people slowly over time so that they're no longer the person you trusted and respected. Maybe Rumble, Buzzsaw, Ratbat (and the others?) are not dead. Maybe they just left. They couldn't take the starvation, the constant danger, the isolation of running and hiding from the Autobots and the humans every day, so one day they left and joined one of those government-designated areas where Decepticons are allowed to live that got mentioned in Decoy. And Soundwave grew bitter and resentful because why can't they see that he's just trying to keep them safe and free and alive, and the life they've chosen isn't even really living, it's not freedom?
Sometimes trauma is one huge thing that devastates you forever. But sometimes, it's quiet, insidious, worming its way in slowly and steadily until you don't even remember how things used to be, and that can be one of the hardest wounds to heal.
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bluekat12345 · 1 year
EarthSpark Pokémon Teams: Maltos
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Made from Pokecharms Trainer Card Maker
This was a challenge since we're still relatively early in the series, but I think I did good with these teams.
Honestly, I think Dot was the easiest here. I gave her Talonflame and Braviary because those are tough birds and she seems to like nature, and she has a bird chart. Kangaskhan since she is a fierce, loving, and devoted mother, and a female Pyroar for that and to match her husband, Alex's male Pyroar. And Stoutland and Watchog goes with her ranger job.
Alex was honestly the hardest out of these four. He has Balie-style Oricorio and Skeledirge for his Filipino heritage, and Mandibuzz kind of reminds me of the Wakwak. I also gave him a male Pyroar to match Dot's female Pyroar because they are happily married and devoted to their family. Combee is here due to his admiration for Bumblebee and it was looks like those Bumblebee merchandise that Bee thought didn't look like him and Golurk kind of reminds of a Transformers, he knows Cybertronian history, and this is a historic themed pokemon.
I imagine Robby having experience as a trainer at this point, so while not all his Pokémon are fully evolved, they are at least in their middle stages. I wanted to focus on Pokémon found in Unova, since at the beginning, Robby was missing City life in Philadelphia before adapting in Witwicky, and Unova is basically the big city in region form. Anyway, due to being a rather protective older brother, he has a Simisage, Heracross, and Lucario. Tranquil reminds me of city pigeons, so he has that, and Electabuzz as his ace since he's smart enough to make a makeshift satellite. And Vibrava kind of reminds me of Twitch's altmode, so he has it to highlight his connection to her.
Similar to Robby, Mo's would have some experience that some of her Pokémon have evolved at least to their middle stage, but she still has less experience than Robby, so they would still be in earlier stages. She strikes me as emotional intelligent, so I wanted to give her Pokémon that evolve through friendship/happiness, and her ace is Kirilia as it is called the 'Emotion Pokémon'. I also gave her Skiddo because it's a mount Pokémon and to sort of highlight her connection with Thrash, who turns into a motorcycle, but it's also cute and it kinda reminds of Fluffy Ears, the calf everyone adores.
Once we get more episodes that develop the Terrans more, I'll make their teams.
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autiedonnie · 2 months
The hardest oc to earthspark-is Deadzone. Like Ik exactly what he’d be doing but hes so Violent tm AASDH hes stars amica in every iteration hes in n would go insane trying to find him
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ojamayellow · 1 year
the hardest part of making my transformers fan continuity (fanon) is trying to think of a soundwave design as how on EARTH am I supposed to do better than EARTHSPARK or CYBERTRON.
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eatyoursparkout · 11 months
5, 16, 23, 27!
5) How many wips do you have?  What fandoms/pairings are they for?
I'm going to cheat and post a screenshot of my trello board and say that anything in the outlining category onward counts
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So ~16 wips, with 9 being Transformers (IDW1, Earthspark, Beast Wars) and 7 other various fandoms (Re8, DOOM, Ace Attorney, SPoP, Magpod, Arcane, and Malevolent). I'm branching out!
16) Do you write by hand, on your phone, or on your laptop?
Oh laptop, always. Unless I'm on transit with nothing else to do- then maybe I'll poke at my phone, but I'm so much faster on a real keyboard.
23) Is writing the beginning, middle, or end of the story easiest? Hardest?
Beginnings are hardest for me! Once I've stopped staring at a blank page and figured out where I'm going the rest comes together fairly smoothly. Endings can be hit or miss in terms of execution, but I try to establish the general shape of it ahead of time so that I can write towards a goal.
27) What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
HM. I'd like to think I have a good handle on character voice. I like a tight 3rd person limited perspective, so it's a fun exercise to switch up how I write different characters and have their voice come through. I think I'm also good at introspective scenes!
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ut-girl666 · 1 year
I just saw ep 14 of Earthspark, and am in tears. I can’t take this heartbreak, and pain. I’m fixing it and writing the hardest reunion fic I fucking can. >:(
but ngl the drama was good, especially since I’m crying over all of that.
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Earthspark Fangirling
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I'm looking WAY too much into this animation because now that I've looked at it 2646362 an embarrassing number of times I have completely overanalyzed it.
I just can't HELP but look at how he makes that silly smile after cracking his little joke, then Dot looking to the side and trying her HARDEST not to laugh at this thirty foot nerd and yet she breaks with a snicker and AS SOON as her shoulders twitch Megs looks her way and his expression actually softens straight away this man made her laugh on purpose guys HE MISSED HER SO MUCH.
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quetzalpapalotl · 11 months
random megaop ask, which optimus (as in, from any continuity) would simp the hardest for which megatron? personally i believe that TFP optimus would be absolutellly SMITTEN with idw/mtmte megatron.
Ok, so this is funny because I got another ask about how TFP OP and IDW1 Megs would be like in battle. But also I'm really sorry but I kind of... not see the point.
I don't think TFP OP would be smitten with IDW Megs because he's like... a stranger to him, and also a bloodthirsty, genocidal warlord, which is not very attractive. The only reason TFP OP has a weak spot for his Megs is because he had a personal relationship to him. And if we're going to put him next to Mtmte!Megatron who had a change of heart, it's only fair to compare it with post Predacon Rising!Megatron, and given that the only thing Optimus wanted all these years was to be able to be friends with his Megatron again, I don't think he would trade him for another Megatron he doesn't know. The idea that he would kind of diminishes what he went through in the show.
Also, unless we're talking about Turn Of A Switch, most TFP!Optimus/IDW1!Megatron I've seen fails to engage with Megatron's flaws and worst traits, this is still a self-centered bastard who loves violence, so it's hard to see what would TFP Optimus actually like about him. You know, the way that dynamic is portrayed seems to me like it would be more fitting for Dreadwing/Optimus, and so I think Optimus would be quicker to simp for Dreadwing than for IDW1!Megatron.
And that goes for all of them, like, each Megatron and Optimus are made to match each other so if you just randomly swap them then you end with a pair of strangers, especially with the versions of them that had previous relationships to each other.
I guess the Optimi would like Earthspark Megatron because he's chill and he decided by himself that killing other races is bad, actually, the hottest trait a Megatron can have lol. But more than simp, I think they would be jealous of ES Optimus because he gets to have his Megatron and be on the same side as him without being separated by death or other circumstances.
The only swapped megop I get fun of is thinking that if IDW1 Orion had been in IDW2, he would have thought that jumping from the moon elevator was the best date ever, actually, and he would agree with Megatron that they need to bring sports back. So maybe they wouldn't have broken up and Megatron could have been convinced that colonialism is bad (probably not, but I mean, it's fun).
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