lokaleblickecom · 8 months
Nutzerkreiserweiterung des (teil-)automatisiertenGrenzkontrollsystems EasyPASS am Flughafen Düsseldorf
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Düsseldorf (ots) - Seit Juli 2023 können auch Angehörige von Staaten, die nicht Mitglied der Europäischen Union sind (sogenannte Drittstaaten), die teilautomatisierte Grenzkontrolle an allen deutschen Flughäfen mit EasyPASS-Spuren nutzen. Am Flughafen Düsseldorf absolvieren Sie so Ihre Ein- und Ausreisekontrolle effizient und selbstständig. Voraussetzungen dafür sind ein elektronischer Reisepass und ein deutscher Aufenthaltstitel oder ein deutsches Visum für den längerfristigen Aufenthalt (nur Ausreise) sowie ein Mindestalter von zwölf Jahren. Um die EasyPASS-Anlage nutzen zu können, muss lediglich die Personaldatenseite samt Einband des mitgeführten elektronischen Reisepasses auf das Ausweislesegerät am Eingang des eGates aufgelegt werden. Nachdem die Eingangstür wieder geschlossen ist, kann bereits der nächste elektronische Reisepass aufgelegt und gescannt werden. Auf diese Weise können Reisende die Grenzkontrolle deutlich beschleunigen. Gerade mit Blick auf die anstehenden Herbstferien kann die Nutzung des EasyPASS-Systems dazu beitragen, schneller und komfortabler in den Urlaub zu starten oder nach dem Urlaub entspannt wieder einzureisen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf www.easypass.eu. Read the full article
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heavymetalzen · 10 months
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si easypass nagtago ng instructions sa classroom.
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rukkroo · 2 years
ALTV ช่อง 4 ทีวีเรียนสนุก ชวนน้อง ม.4-ม.6 ร่วมกิจกรรม แนะแนวเตรียมสอบกับ "ห้องเรียนติวเข้ม U Easypass Meet & Teach"
ALTV ช่อง 4 ทีวีเรียนสนุก ชวนน้อง ม.4-ม.6 ร่วมกิจกรรม แนะแนวเตรียมสอบกับ “ห้องเรียนติวเข้ม U Easypass Meet & Teach” 11 ก.ย นี้ ร่วมกิจกรรมฟรี! แนะแนวเตรียมสอบกับ “ห้องเรียนติวเข้ม U Easypass Meet & Teach” ALTV ช่อง 4 ทีวีเรียนสนุก ชวนน้อง ๆ ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 4-6 เข้าร่วมกิจกรรม “ห้องเรียนติวเข้ม U Easypass Meet & Teach” พบกับกิจกรรมแนะแนว…
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peraltacolleges · 5 years
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The #PeraltaColleges (Laney, Merritt, Berkeley City and College of Alameda) now extend the @rideact #EasyPass program to students who rely on #Paratransit to get to and from school and school related events. 🚐🚌Important details: https://web.peralta.edu/studentservices/paratransit-accessibility-and-reimbursement/ @berkeleycitycollege @collegealameda @laneycollege @merrittcollegeofficial https://www.instagram.com/p/B2mniAGhp-Y/?igshid=1tv51ybe7bb4q
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asapification · 4 years
YAYYYY ANOTHER NJ HUMANNNN also where even is Belleville like I’ve been to Newark and I live near Rutgers but idk where Belleville is
and honestly no clue where it is tbh i had to use the gps the entire time. i was on some highway and took the exit that said newark so i guess it’s by there lol.
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iwilleatyourfridge · 2 years
hello! I'm new to this sort of matchup so im super sorry if the details I provide are not enough and I also have no idea what kinds of info matters here so I'll just put as much as i can anyway, also super sorry if its random and repetive I can't form setences correctly 😭. If you cant or wont do this please just ignore this!! but if you do then thank you so much in advance 💕
Can i please request a Tf2 rival match up?
I'm 5'5, a libra ♎️, Bi/Pansexual female and i use every pronounce(he/she/them, she/them I mainly use but you can just use she/her), I'm also vietnamese💀 easypass to get soldier lmaooooo 💀💀
I'm quite chubby but I like to be quick with my movements, I have short black and brownish hair, I wear glasses, my main hobbies are drawing and crocheting stuff. I'm a very Very indoor person, always order takeouts to go home instead of sitting at the restaurant
I'm mainly very polite, nice and quiet when meeting new people and making friends, I try to like people but that doesnt always work out, I have a pretty low temper, I dont get verbally or physically mad fast but I do get very annoyed quickly if someone really gets out of line, Probably just completely ignoring them.
I'm probably a boring asf person to bicker with, I dont make comebacks or so often, I'll just scoff, not say anything and just leave lol, I just dont like having such a bruised ego that you gotta talk shit about people whatever the situation is hwhwhhs
I dont always stand up for myself but I will beat a bitch for my friends. But I'm a very fair person and I have a kinda like "sense for justice" thing, alike my zodiac I like balance and things getting judge how they deserve to be, I hate unfairness, if my friends are clearly in the wrong I wont up them just cause they're a friend of mine
I respect opinions and boundaries alot, so I expect other people to be so too, if you're not rude and trying to shove shit all up in my face then we're cool, but if you dont know then I'll tell you, if you still insist then you're already on my "this person sucks " list lol
one major thing i hate is talking shit without knowing shit, being too stubborn when they're wrong, not bothering to even listen to other people's advices and whatnot. one thing ticks me off sooo much is being childlishly angry and upset over small shit and even when the other person is trying to reason with them, even going so far to apologize when they're clearly not wrong but they just block it out without listening.
I genuinely dislike having to argue someone really, especially if its just a bicker over something super tiny no one is actually at fault and it gets serious, I would just walk out the moment I sense a serious argument is about to happen if its involded with me. I always go try to actually reason it out first instead of getting angry, like if someone flails their hands and accidentally smack me in the head, I'm not just gonna punch them back if it was an accident and they apologized ofc, but if it's intentional 100% I will deck them back in the face lol.
I'm dumb asf at times, clumsy and just not good with chatting, I have 1 braincell and I already lost it somewhere. I'm also chaotic, saying weird questionable things just for the fucks of it, almost got hit by a car one time trying to cross the street without looking, i like dicking around and saying stupid shit at times cause my humor's absolutely broken
uhh random stuff
likes: savory or sweet food and drinks, anytypes of sodas honestly, horror related stuff
dislikes: spicy and bitter food/drinks, touching and poking at my stuff/me without asking, any type of physical contact that is forced upon me and we're not close, working under imense pressure
I'm not an extremely hygenic person, I leave my clothes around and skip brushing my teeth a few nights here and there in a month but I do have limits, I mostly care about my own hygiene, I dont care if you showers at least once a day or not, if you smell bad I'll just stay away with a mask on, I'll give you advice 1-2 times and just stop afterwards if you dont listen, but if there is piss on the bathroom floor and toilet seat then that is not gonna sit well with me ⚰️
Welp i can't think of more stuff to add here lmaoooo whhw, thanks so much again if you do this and super sorry if you cant
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Rival Matchups
Info for getting Rival Matchups here! Thank you for your request, and thank you for being as thorough as possible when it wasn’t necessary. Sorry for it taking a bit; academics be a pain. Hope you enjoy anon :)
Total Bullet Points: 10
On the battlefield
A dying Solider laid on the battlefield, and what was he going to with his final moments before he dies: bitch and holler. You were on the opposing team in range of Solider, and target acquired. Arguments came out of his mouth that made no logical sense, and what you did caused him to a undying hatred towards you. You simply walked away. No arguing back. No killing him. His existence was simply ignored.
When he woke up in respawn, his boot straps were being tightened because he was going to shove it so far up that you would have to respond to him. Why? Because you made him feel like he was zero threat. The threat level should have made you kill or react to him, but you didn’t. It was like equal to civilian… HE IS NOT A CIVILIAN!
Solider notices how you have a quieter demeanor, and he is not having that bullshit. Yes, you can get going when need to, but it’s certainly not extent that Solider approves of. He needs to be seen as a threat! Needs to be validated, and your behavior is not helping him.
Get ready to be decked by a shovel and blown to slithering. Repeatedly. He never verbalized his insecurity. When he realizes that your fighting style hasn’t change much, he gets more vocal.
During his vocal moments of yelling at you, he notices more about you and your clumsiness. During his rambling, he gives advice for you to be more observant and how to be more careful. It would be sweet if he wasn’t going to beat you to death. It comes off as patronizing.
Most of his teammates won’t notice the rivalry. Even with rival status, his team’s success takes priority over you. Only do they notice when he gets more vocal than usual… and they thought he couldn’t get even more. The rivalry isn’t hurting the team, so the topic isn’t brought up much.
Off the Battlefield
Oh you don’t go out much? He will just find where you live and burst.
Instead of killing you, screaming ensues. Everything is incoherent, and it looks like he is going to have a stroke. During his discourse, you manage to call the police. Arrested for trespassing.
His team end up coming over and having to deal with police about his behavior. The team has an intervention with Solider since he broke their contract. He refuses to apologize and doesn’t see how he is in the wrong. Solider boy is stubborn and thinks his insecurity is completely justified. You are given expensive art supplies and takeout from the team for the event with the police(please don’t go to court with them).
The rivalry remains pretty much the same, so his teammates are the ones who are stopping it from escalating and taming it. They give solider other directions in battle and forbid him from even thinking about meeting you outside of work.
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lokaleblickecom · 11 months
Mit dem Flieger in den Sommerurlaub? Die Bundespolizei gibt passende Tipps
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Sankt Augustin,Köln,Düsseldorf (ots) - Sommer, Sonne, endlich Urlaub. Für einen entspannten Start bittet die Bundespolizei um Beachtung folgender Hinweise: Informieren Sie sich vorab über die derzeitige Situation an den Flughäfen. Nutzen Sie hierzu die Webseiten der Flughafenbetreiber und auch die Social-Media-Kanäle der Bundespolizei. Prüfen Sie vor Ihrem Reiseantritt bitte unbedingt, ob Ihre Reisedokumente (Reisepass oder Personalausweis) oder andere zur Einreise in das Ziel- oder Transitland und für die Rückkehr nach Deutschland erforderliche Dokumente noch gültig sind.
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Kommen Sie rechtzeitig am Flughafen an! Seien Sie frühzeitig vor Boardingbeginn an der Luftsicherheitskontrolle. Für die großen NRW-Flughäfen Düsseldorf und Köln/Bonn empfehlen wir, mindestens 120 Minuten vor der Abflugzeit an der Luftsicherheitskontrollstelle zu sein. Begeben Sie sich direkt nach dem Check-in dorthin. Bereiten Sie sich bestmöglich auf die Kontrollen vor.
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Für die Luftsicherheitskontrolle gilt: Weniger ist mehr - Nehmen Sie bestenfalls nur ein Handgepäck mit in das Flugzeug. Geben Sie weiteres Gepäck auf. Die Mitnahme von Flüssigkeiten im Handgepäck ist weiterhin auf Behältnisse mit jeweils max. 100ml in einem transparenten, wiederverschließbaren Beutel mit einem Volumen von max. 1 Liter beschränkt. Ausnahmen bilden nachweis-pflichtige Medikamente oder Babynahrung. Nehmen Sie Flüssigkeiten und größere elektronische Geräte wie Laptops und Tablets schon vor der Kontrolle aus dem Handgepäck und legen Sie ggf. vorhandene Jacken, oder Kopfbedeckungen ab. Verstauen Sie alle vorgenannten Gegenstände in die bereitgestellten Wannen.
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Weitere Informationen erhalten Sie auf der Homepage der Bundespolizei unter: https://www.bundespolizei.de >Sicher auf Reisen >Mit dem Flugzeug. Schauen Sie sich auch unser neues Video zu dem Thema an! (Bundespolizei - Homepage - Fluggastvorbereitung https://www.bundespolizei.de/Web/DE/Service/Mediathek/Videos/Fluggastvorbereitung/_video.html>) Für die Grenzkontrolle gilt: Für eine schnelle und reibungslose Grenzkontrolle, sowohl bei der Ein- als auch bei der Ausreise, ist es darüber hinaus sehr wichtig, dass Sie Ihre Reisedokumente (Reisepass oder Personalausweis) und alle anderen ggf. erforderlich Unterlagen griffbereit haben,keine weiteren Dokumente oder andere Sachen im Reisepass liegen und keine Schutzhüllen verwendet werden.
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Mit dem Flieger in den Sommerurlaub? Die Bundespolizei gibt passende Tipps Sofern Sie Staatsangehöriger der Europäischen Union und mindestens 12 Jahre alt sind, nutzen Sie an den Flughäfen Berlin Brandenburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg, Hannover, Köln/Bonn, München und Stuttgart das teilautomatisierte System EasyPASS für die Grenzkontrolle. Nähere Informationen dazu finden Sie unter www.easypass.de. Fotos: Symbolbilder - Archiv LB Read the full article
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The word 'crack' in this context means the action of removing the copy protection from commercial software. A crack is a set of instructions or patch used to remove copy protection from a piece of software or to unlock features from a demo or time-limited trial. There are crack groups who work together in order to crack software, games, etc. If you search for Jvcomm32 2.01 Crack, you will often see the word 'crack' amongst the results which means it is the full version of the product.
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pbandjesse · 5 years
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My dad is here!!! I got to spend the whole day with him. And because he wanted to put his jammies on at 5pm when the sun was still out. I did too!! To be supportive. And it honestly forced me to just chill. Which I have had such a hard time doing guilt free lately. So this was nice.
Today was a productive day. We have a car now!! And like I'm still stressed about that but I know it is a good thing. I'm just so afraid something will happen to it. But I hope it will all be okay.
I slept okay last night. James forced me up at 8. And at 830 dad wss supposed to be there but he got stuck in traffic. So he got there closer to 9. Which was just fine. James made me toast and I watched a video. I felt cute. It was a nice morning.
Dad got here and it was so nice to see him. James made him coffee. And soon he had to go to work. And me and dad got to work on car stuff.
We got insurance easily over the phone. The guy was really nice. And we got a bit of a discount. Excellent. And we headed out.
We picked up the insurance card. Got turned around but figured it out. And then out to Glen Burnie to the MTA. And we had a really easy time out there. The first easy time at s DMV ever. There was almost no line but Dad left his wallet in the car. So he had no ID. He went out to get it. And I went to wait to the side. But I felt like he was taking a while. And I got worried he got lost or something so I went looking for him. Found him pretty fast.
There was a small line. But not a big deal. We filled out a form. Got called to the desk. I messed up a little. Did something wrong on the form. But it was no big deal. We figured it out. Dad is so kind to do all of this for us. And it went really smoothly. And then we got the easypass set up as well!! Such a productive day.
We made a stop over at Lowe's to get curtsin rod brackets. Since it was right there and I really would like to be able to keep the cold out a bit more. Well try to get them up this week.
We left there and went down to fells point for a late lunch at Alexander's tavern. A nice lady gave us her spot and the last hour of her parking time ticket. What a nice lady.
We had a nice lunch. Our waiter was nice but very green. He seemed really nervous. And out food took a while because my sandwich got messed up somehow but I had a nice time with my dad.
We wandered around fells for a little. I did my company store talk for him. It was silly and fun. We sat on a bench by the water and talked. It was nice.
We went to the goodwill to look around. I tried on some rain boots. But then we just headed home.
Dad put the license plate on the car. And then I showed him some art I made. And we put jams on and watched videos. And it was really nice. James said it was a nice energy to come home to because we were laughing.
And it was a nice night. We watched videos. James had dinner. Me and dad had pie. There was an issur with dad's charger. But we may have solved it.
Now dad's sleeping. And im chilling. James is taking a shower. Well be asleep soon. Because we have to be up at 6 to get dad to the train. And then our train to DC is at 9. So I'm hoping to get s shower and have breakfast before we go back. Were going to a museum or two tomorrow and then maybe seeing a show! It's going to be a really nice day.
I hope you all have a great night. Sleep tight!!
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Avast premier 2019 license file download
avast activation code While this system lacks Bitdefender's instantaneous-test button, Avast Premier can begin looking for malware just  two person clicks far from the Overview screen. You can set the test engine to carry out a Full System Scan that gives a radical exam of every document, a Quick Scan of probably objectives or a Smart Scan, which simply appears for errant browser add-ons. Avast Premier also can test removable drives and look for outdated software program.
 All of Avast's Windows merchandise, avast activation code  loose or paid, use the same malware-scanning engine and database of malware signatures as their first lines of defense. These merchandise all additionally encompass heuristic monitoring that watches the behavior of unknown software, and a actual-time scanner that continuously seems for malware signatures that slipped beyond the first traces of protection.
 The give up result is that even  though Avast offers four antivirus applications with specific features — Free Antivirus, Pro Antivirus, Internet Security and Premier — each have to guard users from malware equally well.
 We use AV-TEST's reviews to peer how antivirus software program handles malware attacks. In its January-February 2015 round of Windows 8.1 exams, the business enterprise subjected Avast Free AntiVirus to thousands of pieces of malware, in addition to code intended to trick the software program into identifying fake positives.
 AV-TEST gave Avast Free AntiVirus 6 points out of 6 for Protection on Windows 8.1, noting that this system caught all well known malware samples over the 8-week trying out length. In one of the  months of trying out, but, this system, missed 1 percentage of 208 samples of "0-day" threats, malware that exploits previously unknown software program vulnerabilities (giving developers "0 days" to restoration the ones flaws). It got them all in the course of the opposite months.
 In different words, Avast's Windows 8.1 malware safety turned into as thorough, and as powerful, as those offered by means of Bitdefender or Kaspersky, which additionally overlooked 1 percentage of 0-day malware for the duration of one month of checking out. Only Trend Micro did higher; its antivirus engine were given all the malware.
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 Avast's malware-detection engine additionally generated some fake positives, caution of threats that didn't clearly exist. In the 2 months of AV-TEST's critiques, Avast found 4 risk free objects it idea have been a risk. That's better than the industry average of six fake positives, but not by a great deal. (Trend Micro were given eight, worse than the average.) Avast Premier's strongest characteristic is Home Network Security, a network scanner that examines your router and connected tough drives for ability troubles. None of the alternative 5 top class antivirus products we evaluated examined the house community in such intensity; maximum didn't do lots greater than tell you whether or not your Wi-Fi password turned into sturdy sufficient.
 The application has browser accessories for the top Web browsers, which includes Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Google Chrome, which extend Avast's malware protect into the online world. The software lacks a password supervisor, but for $10 greater, you can upload EasyPass, an upload-on which can save an unlimited range of encrypted log-on credentials. (Many Web browsers already try this.)
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bauerntanz · 5 years
auch für Kinder
Beim Passieren einer #EU-Außengrenze sollen bald alle Reisenden biometrische Daten abgeben - auch Kinder
Beim Passieren einer EU-Außengrenze sollen bald alle Reisenden biometrische Daten abgeben. Das führt zu langen Wartezeiten, die Grenzkontrollen werden deshalb zunehmend automatisiert. Davon profitieren zuerst Personen, die Gesichtsbilder bereits auf dem Chip ihres „ePass“ hinterlegt haben.
Die Bundespolizei weitet die Nutzung ihrer sogenannten „eGAtes“ auf Kinder aus. Seit Beginn der Ferienzeit…
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usanewsgoogle · 6 years
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Ghana Standards Authority suspends EasyPass programme The Ghana Standards Authority has stated that it has suspended the implementation of the EasyPass Programme.
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frolicadventure · 6 years
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The trail of Gosainkunda pass. #frozenlake #highmountainlake #lakesofnepal #manaslu #annapurna #easypass #trekkinginnepal #nepaltrekking #hikinginnepal #gosainkundatrek #langtanggosainkundatrek #trekking #hiking #trek #hike #frolicadventure #trekkingagency #trekkingcompany #trekkinginformation #snow #himalaya (at Frolic Adventure Private Limited)
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iamyutt · 7 years
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ให้ฉันทำอย่างไร เธอให้ฉันมีทางเลือกไหม ~~~ ... #EasyPass #ประเทศโลกที่8 #คุณภาพชีวิตแบบไทยไทย #หน่วยงานภาครัฐ (at Amsterdam, Netherlands)
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jenniferwarner3000 · 7 years
#expresslane #easypass #jenwarner2012 #jenwarner2014 #jenniferwarner2017 #traffic #patkinglot (at Falls Church, Virginia)
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techniktagebuch · 5 years
1. Juni 2019
Sekundentanz im eGate
Wer von Berlin nach Peking fliegt – was im Moment von Tegel tatsächlich direkt geht, nicht viele wissen das – befindet sich schon direkt nach der Gepäckkontrolle in China. Das Verhältnis von Chinesen zu Deutschen entspricht auf einmal ungefähr dem gesamten, also 140 zu 8. Ein Heimatlandprivileg gibt es aber noch, bei der Passkontrolle. Hier dürfen EU-Bürger an der riesenlangen Schlange vorbei und EasyPASS nutzen, die automatisierte Passkontrolle, die es in Tegel in Terminal C, wie ich später nachgoogele, schon seit März 2015 gibt – das Techniktagebuch hat natürlich auch schon mehrfach berichtet.
Man legt also den biometrischen Reisepass auf einen Scanner, ein Video demonstriert, wie man es machen soll. Dann muss man den Pass noch ein wenig an die richtige Stelle ruckeln, auch das zeigt das Video auf dem Monitor. Jetzt allerdings tatsächlich mit meinem Pass, oder zumindest sieht das negativ dargestellte Gesicht meinem missratenen Passfoto sehr ähnlich, und wenn es wirklich in Echtzeit auf meinen Pass umgeschaltet hätte, fände ich das fast ein wenig gruselig. Das alles dauert aber auch nur wenige Sekunden, dann öffnet sich die Tür und man geht in eine Art Schleuse, die den Namen eGate trägt.
Dort sieht man vor sich einen Monitor, mit dem Umriss eines Oberkörpers mit Kopf, der sich leicht bewegt. Die Maschine versucht, meinen Kopf zu treffen, ich versuche, den Umriss zu treffen, ein paar Sekunden tanzen wir so aneinander vorbei und dann, zack, werde ich dank meiner biometrischen Merkmale erkannt und die Schleuse öffnet ihre Tür. Fertig.
Die Berliner Grenzbeamten haben jetzt nur noch die Aufgabe, die Leute aus dem Bereich hinter der Schleuse dem eGate zu scheuchen, denn sonst piept irgendetwas. Das machen sie gewohnt missmutig.
(Michael Brake)
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