#eater racing oil specialists
rofeibi · 7 months
About ROFEIBI: Crafting a Legacy of Excellence in High-Performance Lubrication
Welcome to the heart of ROFEIBI, where passion meets precision, and excellence is not just a goal but a tradition. As a globally recognized leader in the production and distribution of premium motorcycle lubricants, ROFEIBI has earned its reputation through unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability. Our story unfolds across manufacturing operations in China and Germany, where we blend tradition with cutting-edge technology.
At ROFEIBI, we don't just create lubricants; we engineer solutions that redefine high-performance standards. Explore the essence of our brand, from our roots as ester racing oil specialists to our current status as a prominent force in motorsports.
Discover the faces behind our commitment – a team of dedicated professionals fueled by a relentless passion for motorsports excellence. Learn about our comprehensive range of products, from race-grade engine oils to coolants, antifreezers, greases, and gear oils, each meticulously crafted to elevate your riding experience.
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Woooo, is this subject ever a pain in my ass for something so simple...
There is just... SO much misinformation out there, from sources that should otherwise be credible.
So let me set the record straight as a specialist in the care of pigeons:
Pigeons are strict granivores. 
They can’t digest any part of a plant but seeds.
No leafy greens. No stems. No roots, no tubers, no bulbs, no flowers... 
ESPECIALLY not the fruit!!!
They can neither taste nor process the sugar!
Nothing but seeds.
Not even as a treat.
Vets often suggest greens and fruit and florets for literally every companion bird, going off the parrot template.
If a small animal (non-farm) vet gets to see a companion bird, you can reliably wager that it’s either a psittacine or finch, and win that bet most of the time.
Hardly any one ever brings pigeons to a vet.
Breeders consider it cheaper to kill the sick ones than try to find out what’s wrong with them, and pigeons as companion birds are still extremely niche.
The only way to change this is for people with pet pigeons to bring them to their vet like they would a cat, dog, rabbit, or other pet for regular check ups so that a base line can be established before that animal gets ill.
The more vets provided with base lines of healthy pigeons, the more accurately they will be able to treat pet pigeons.
Parrots in captivity that are fed the fruit and nut heavy diet that most species eat in the wild will develop fatty liver disease and die very young.
Wild parrots fly for MILES every day to forage that sugar and fat rich diet, which fuels their long foraging flights.
Their diet is adapted to their lifestyle, and their lifestyle is adapted to their diet, as is the case with most species.
Parrots have only been captive bred for the last 70 or so years. The larger species take up to 5 to sexually mature, and can live into their 70′s or 80′s
We have been breeding them in captivity for less than the lifetime of a single healthy individual.
Parrots simply have not had the time to physiologically adapt to the utterly sedentary life they live as human house pets.
We take these birds built for a high stamina nomadic lifestyle supported by a diet high in fat and sugar, and have them live most of their lives in a single room.
To keep them alive, we have had to make up for their lack of opportunity to adapt their physiology by adapting their captive diet to this drastic change in their life style.
Even finches (primarily seed and insect eaters, mostly) are usually kept in such extreme confinement that their captive diet has needed to be modified to avoid being dragged to an early grave by a fatty liver.
Pigeons were the first birds humanity domesticated. 
Even before chickens.
About the time camels were domesticated; in the dawn of agriculture and stationary settlements.
What made them easy to domesticate was that, being desert/scrubland birds, seed was the diet they were already adapted to.
It was easy enough to share enough grain with them to make living in a dovecote worth while.
In exchange, humans got some of the most nutritious fertilizer known to man to this day.
Being picky about what kind of seed you eat isn’t beneficial of a desert bird, and wild rock doves already adjusted the volume of their feed intake with the natural fluctuation of seed availability through out the year; eating more when they had to fly further afield to find it, and needing to eat less per foraging trip when there was enough nearby that they didn’t have to range as far.
Because adjusting their food intake according to how close and plentiful food was already came naturally to rock doves, the only transition in the development of domestic pigeons was that food would always be close and plentiful.
Pigeons have had THOUSANDS of years to adapt to not having to fly nearly so far to find enough to eat in human care as their rock dove ancestors did in the wild.
Here is the basic break down of nutritional requirements for racing homers (the breed that serves as the base line for domestic pigeons), according to Avian Medicine: Principles and Applications. Ritchie, Harrison and Harrison;
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Pet shops are starting to sell dove and pigeon diets now, lots of which would make decent bases, but still need extra protein or fat added.
There are also lots of wild bird blends that make good bases.
I used to love royal wing Classic Mix from TSC, as it was easily accessible, but it needs a lot added to it, and that can get pretty expensive.
Chewy sells an excellent diet designed for pigeons breeding and performing: https://www.chewy.com/versele-laga-classic-pigeon-food/dp/259128 , which is what we order for the flock now.
But for a house pet or two, it’s often easier and less expensive to mix your own blend.
Pigeons can eat pretty much any whole (in the hull) seed that they can comfortably swallow.
Birds that are performing, raising peeps, or under weight need all the fat and protein they can get, so lots of dried legumes for protein (Mung beans, lentils, and split green peas are favorites), millet (fatty and high protein, especially easy to digest), safflower seeds, and black oil sunflower seeds (rich in oil and extremely fatty).
Non-breeding House pets tend not to need as much fat, so their feed should be higher grain like wheat, barley, and oats with lower fatty or high protein seeds.
The more confined the bird (unless the bird is sick or healing from an injury), the less fat it needs in its diet.
So the owners of a pet or two are free and encouraged to experiment with their blends.
Most pigeon’s can’t comfortably swallow striped sunflower seeds, so keep your selection below that in size.
Chopped up tree nuts or peanuts are an EXTREMELY high fat treat (think pigeon cheese cake) and should be given *very* sparingly.
Chia seeds have a very high caffeine content and need to be avoided.
Other than that, you can experiment with any grain, legume, or other seed small enough for them to swallow, provided nutritional parameters are maintained.
Do not used hulled seeds!
The hull is important, not because they can digest cellulose, but because they can’t. (which is why they can’t process any part of a plant except the seed)
The hulls of seeds they eat make up the vast bulk of solid fecal matter and act as vital dietary fiber.
That pigeons need grit to grind down food in their gizzard is a myth.
They need it to obtain dietary minerals, and that distinction is a matter of life and death.
Avoid the starter chick grit for chickens, and the charcoal grit for song birds, as these are both made with a base of Granite, which is made by leeching the calcium out of lime stone. 
Galliformes need granite grit because it won’t break down in their gizzard, where they use it as a mechanical aid to grind food.
That’s exactly what makes granite based grit a serious intestinal impaction risk for a columbiform like our domestic pigeons.
Because what they need grit for is dietary minerals, it’s important that their grit dissolve in the gizzard to be absorbed by the small intestine.
Hens will lay eggs with or with out a cock, and the cock also has a skeleton to maintain, so calcium supplements are a necessity.
Hens and breeding cocks can also get salt deficient from both producing eggs and feeding peeps.
My breeding flock has Oyster Shell grit offered free choice and free access to a salt and mineral brick for horses.
It is generally safest to assume that a new pigeon has not been adequately supplemented, because birds who have not will gorge on grit and salt to their detriment.
Pigeons deficient enough t crave it can poison themselves overdosing on salt. Salt poisoning is nearly always fatal!!! so do not ever offer pigeons any kind of salt based grit in a loose, granular form.
I use the salt and mineral brick because their beaks are not hard enough and they do not have sufficient bite strength to get large enough quantities off of the brick to sicken themselves before the craving for that mineral is satisfied.
A single indoor pet can be given one of the little salt/mineral wheels for hamsters.
Calcium deficient pigeons craving grit can impact their crops gorging on it.
As stated earlier, my loft birds have free choice access to oyster shell grit next to their feed.
To prevent new birds form gorging dangerously on it, a tiny pinch is sprinkled over their meals every morning during their 4 week quarantine.
By the time quarantine ends, they are not deficient, and will not be craving grit ravenously enough to hurt themselves on it.
Bon appetite to your sweet cooey friends and house mates. ^v^
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cksmart-world · 3 years
The completely unnecessary analysis
by Christopher Smart
April 13, 2021
People out in the real world often make fun of Utah — but just because Mormons (almost) never drink and (almost) never swear is no reason to poke fun. The Beehive State has always had the reputation of a place where you can't get a drink. But that's not really true because, according to Wilson and the band, locals always keep a bottle of George Dickel under the driver's seat. Well, listen, times have changed and you can now go to a restaurant and get a drink as long as your children are blindfolded. And lookit, we now have Five Wives Vodka and Polygamy Porter. See, we do have a sense of humor. And now even Budweiser has caught on. The Tribune's booze specialist, Kathy 'Straight-Up' Stephenson, broke the news that specially designed Budweiser bottles will be emblazoned with Utah cuss words, such as, “Oh My Heck” and “Frick Yeah” as part of its “The Beer Utah Swears By” campaign. (We are not making this up.) The labels will have scenes of Delicate Arch and the Wasatch Mountains. But no, the Salt Lake LDS Temple won't grace any beer bottles — that's just a swig too far. Still, you know Utah (Mormon) lawmakers are going to hate this. Can't you just hear them: “We told you, start selling 5 percent beer and everything goes right to shit, er um, heck.”
Voter suppression is as American as ball park hot dogs and them suckers at Delta and Coca-Cola should just shut the fuck up, said Sen. Mitch 'Corporate Bucks' McConnell after CEOs from a number of large corporations came out against new Georgia voting laws aimed at restricting minority access. SHOCKER — Utah's Republican congressional delegation got on board with McConnell to push back — hey let's boycott Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Porsche USA, UPS, Bank of America and Major League Baseball, who don't know their ass from third base. (Great strategy — just keep digging, guys.) This ain't no Jim Crow, crowed Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp, who as secretary of state purged over 340,000 voters just before he ran for governor. He beat Stacey Abrams by less than 55,000 votes. Georgia Republicans tightened up voting restrictions again after Joe Biden won the state as did two Democrats in Senate races. Texas and other states followed suit — Jim Crow who? In 2013 the U.S. Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision cut the heart out of the 1965 Voting Rights Act that required federal oversight of states with histories of discrimination. Voter suppression is no longer a problem, explained Chief Justice John Roberts. Cock-A-Doodle-Do.
The sky is falling and so is our democracy. Lucky thing, seven Democrats are going to save it — the democracy not the sky. Utah's Ben 'Boy Scout' McAdams along with former representatives from New York, South Carolina, Oklahoma and New Mexico, as well as former candidates from New York and Indiana, have created Shield PAC — to shield Dems from GOP bullshit. “Our plan is to counter the torrent of lies that helped cost us our elections in 2020,” they wrote in a column for USA Today. If they're talking about people like Burgess 'I've-Got-A-Secret' Owens, then we can hardly blame them. According to Owens, Democrats are socialists who eat baby parts on pizza. The PAC hopes to get its message out early in 2022 to avoid being labeled commie baby-eaters. “Republicans will lie about [Democrats] because it worked against us and because they have nothing else to run on,” they wrote. “They have abandoned their long-held principles [and] they have no new ideas... ” Don't you wonder what would happen if the Utah Democratic Party did something like that at a grass-roots level? We could have a two-party state. Never mind, they’re too busy eating lunch on the expense account at The New Yorker. (And no, they didn't order pizza).
Post script — Well that's about it for another week here at Smart Bomb where we keep track of those zany Utah Republicans so you don't have to. Speaking of which, Gov. Spencer Cox, the congressional delegation and every Republican who loves freedom and Tasty Cream Donuts has put Joe Biden on notice: If you mess with Bears Ears and Grand-Staircase-Escalante national monuments without unilaterally our permission we will get real mad and hold our breath until... That's pretty rich when you consider it was former Sen. Orrin Hatch who induced the Once and Future King to slice up said monuments after ego massages with happy endings. Trump cut Bears Ears by 85 percent and Grand Staircase by half. Unilaterally, you say? Well, get this: President Obama asked Utah leaders to propose a plan for Bears Ears, but the so-called “Public Lands Initiative” sponsored by former Utah Rep. Rob Bishop was purposely stillborn. Oil, gas and minerals are practically nil there, but these lands and antiquities need protection from what Ed Abbey called “industrial tourism” — exhibit #1 Moab. National monument designations would go a long way toward protecting them. It's too bad it will drive Utah Republicans nuts — or should we say nuttsier.
Well Wilson, you and guys like to roam red rock country to get your minds right. So what do you and the band have that will give us that earthy clean freedom-thing that makes it all worthwhile:
Just listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky And when I die let me die With a dream in my mind A smile on my face and no trouble behind And no cross on my grave To show my restin' place So I can listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky...
(Desert Skies — Marshall Tucker Band)
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