#moto racing engine oil
rofeibi · 3 months
Precision Unleashed: Elevate Your Racing Experience with ROFEIBI's Supreme Racing Moto Brake Fluid
In the adrenaline-pumping world of motorcycle racing, every element plays a crucial role in achieving optimal performance. From the sleek design of the bike to the expertise of the rider, every detail matters. One often overlooked but essential component is the brake system, and in the realm of racing, precision is key. Enter ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid – a game-changer that takes braking performance to a whole new level.
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Unveiling ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid:
When it comes to racing, standard brake fluids may fall short of meeting the demands of high-performance motorcycles. ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid steps in to bridge this gap, offering a specially formulated solution designed to enhance precision, responsiveness, and overall braking efficiency.
Unmatched Precision
ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid is engineered to provide unmatched precision during critical moments on the race track. Its advanced formula ensures rapid and consistent brake response, allowing riders to navigate tight corners and execute swift maneuvers with confidence. The fluid's low compressibility ensures that every input from the brake lever translates into immediate and precise braking action.
Racing Engine Oil Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) – Your Quick Guide to Key Questions
High-Temperature Performance
Racing scenarios often subject brake systems to extreme temperatures, pushing standard brake fluids to their limits. ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid is formulated to withstand these high temperatures, preventing brake fade and maintaining consistent performance even under intense racing conditions. This feature is a game-changer, ensuring that riders can push their bikes to the limit without compromising on braking efficiency.
Enhanced Wet Boiling Point
In unpredictable weather conditions, such as sudden rain showers during a race, maintaining optimal brake performance becomes even more critical. ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid boasts an enhanced wet boiling point, ensuring reliable braking even when exposed to moisture. This characteristic is particularly valuable in racing situations where the track conditions can change rapidly.
Corrosion Resistance
Racing Moto Brake Fluid goes beyond just enhancing performance; it also provides superior protection against corrosion. The fluid's corrosion-resistant properties help extend the lifespan of critical brake components, ensuring that the braking system remains in peak condition over the long haul. This is a crucial aspect for racers who demand durability and reliability from their equipment.
Compatibility with Racing Systems
Designed with racing motorcycles in mind, ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid is compatible with advanced braking systems commonly found in high-performance bikes. Whether your bike is equipped with ABS or other cutting-edge braking technologies, this fluid seamlessly integrates, maximizing the effectiveness of these systems and providing a competitive edge on the track.
ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid emerges as a must-have for motorcycle enthusiasts and racers alike, elevating the braking experience to unprecedented levels of precision and reliability. As the demand for high-performance products continues to grow, the strategic use of keywords ensures that this exceptional brake fluid remains at the forefront of online searches, connecting with riders who are eager to enhance their racing experience. Beyond brakes, ROFEIBI's Racing Moto Brake Fluid is the epitome of precision in the thrilling world of motorcycle racing.
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sbknews · 11 months
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babygirlvanitas · 1 year
Bluegrass n. A kind of instrumental country-and-western music.
Blue-pencil v. Censor or cut (a manuscript, film, etc.).
Blue peter n. Blue flag with a white square flown by a ship about to leave port.
Blueprint n. 1 photographic print of plans in white on a blue background. 2 detailed plan.
Blue rinse n. Bluish dye for grey hair.
Blues n.pl. 1 (prec. By the) bout of depression. 2 a (prec. By the; often treated as sing.) Melancholic music of black american origin, usu. In a twelve-bar sequence. B (pl. Same) (as sing.) Piece of such music (played a blues).
Bluestocking n. Usu. Derog. Intellectual or literary woman. [18th-c. Blue stocking society]
Blue tit n. Common tit with a blue crest.
Blue whale n. Rorqual, the largest known living mammal.
Bluff1 —v. Pretend strength, confidence, etc. —n. Act of bluffing.  call a person's bluff challenge a person to prove a claim. [dutch bluffen brag]
Bluff2 —adj. 1 blunt, frank, hearty. 2 vertical or steep and broad in front. —n. Steep cliff or headland. [origin unknown]
Bluish adj. Fairly blue.
Blunder —n. Serious or foolish mistake. —v. 1 make a blunder. 2 move clumsily; stumble. [probably scandinavian]
Blunderbuss n. Hist. Short large-bored gun. [dutch donderbus thunder gun]
Blunt —adj. 1 not sharp or pointed. 2 direct, outspoken. —v. Make blunt or less sharp.  bluntly adv. (in sense 2 of adj.). Bluntness n. [probably scandinavian]
Blur —v. (-rr-) make or become unclear or less distinct; smear. —n. Blurred object, sound, memory, etc. [perhaps related to *bleary]
Blurb n. Promotional description, esp. Of a book. [coined by g. Burgess 1907]
Blurt v. (usu. Foll. By out) utter abruptly, thoughtlessly, or tactlessly. [imitative]
Blush —v. 1 a become pink in the face from embarrassment or shame. B (of the face) redden thus. 2 feel embarrassed or ashamed. 3 redden. —n. 1 act of blushing. 2 pink tinge. [old english]
Blusher n. Rouge.
Bluster —v. 1 behave pompously or boisterously. 2 (of the wind etc.) Blow fiercely. —n. Bombastic talk; empty threats.  blustery adj. [imitative]
Bm abbr. 1 british museum. 2 bachelor of medicine.
Bma abbr. British medical association. B.mus. Abbr. Bachelor of music.
Bmx n. 1 organized bicycle-racing on a dirt-track. 2 bicycle used for this. [abbreviation of bicycle moto-cross]
Bo abbr. Colloq. Body odour.
Boa n. 1 large snake which kills by crushing and suffocating. 2 long stole of feathers or fur. [latin]
Boa constrictor n. Species of boa.
Boar n. 1 male wild pig. 2 uncastrated male pig. [old english]
Board —n. 1 a flat thin piece of sawn timber, usu. Long and narrow. B material resembling this, of compressed fibres. C thin slab of wood etc. D thick stiff card used in bookbinding. 2 provision of regular meals, usu. With accommodation, for payment. 3 directors of a company; official administrative body. 4 (in pl.) Stage of a theatre. 5 side of a ship. —v. 1 go on board (a ship, train, etc.). 2 receive, or provide with, meals and usu. Lodging. 3 (usu. Foll. By up) cover with boards; seal or close.  go by the board be neglected or discarded. On board on or on to a ship, aircraft, oil rig, etc. Take on board consider, take notice of; accept. [old english]
Boarder n. 1 person who boards, esp. At a boarding-school. 2 person who boards a ship, esp. An enemy.
Board-game n. Game played on a board.
Boarding-house n. Unlicensed establishment providing board and lodging, esp. To holiday-makers.
Boarding-school n. School in which pupils live in term-time.
Boardroom n. Room in which a board of directors etc. Meets regularly.
Boast —v. 1 declare one's virtues, wealth, etc. With excessive pride. 2 own or have with pride (hotel boasts a ballroom). —n. 1 act of boasting. 2 thing one is proud of. [anglo-french]
Boastful adj. Given to boasting.  boastfully adv.
Boat —n. 1 small vessel propelled on water by an engine, oars, or sails. 2 any ship. 3 long low jug for sauce etc. —v. Go in a boat, esp. For pleasure.  in the same boat having the same problems. [old english]
Boater n. Flat-topped straw hat with a brim.
Boat-hook n. Long hooked pole for moving boats.
Boat-house n. Waterside shed for housing boats.
Boating n. Rowing or sailing as recreation.
Boatman n. Person who hires out boats or provides transport by boat.
Boat people n.pl. Refugees travelling by sea.
Boatswain n. (also bosun, bo'sun) ship's officer in charge of equipment and crew.
Boat-train n. Train scheduled to meet or go on a boat.
Bob1 —v. (-bb-) 1 move quickly up and down. 2 (usu. Foll. By back, up) bounce or emerge buoyantly or suddenly. 3 cut (the hair) in a bob. 4 curtsy. —n. 1 jerking or bouncing movement, esp. Upward. 2 hairstyle with the hair hanging evenly above the shoulders. 3 weight on a pendulum etc. 4 horse's docked tail. 5 curtsy. [imitative]
Bob2 n. (pl. Same) hist. Slang shilling (now = 5 pence). [origin unknown]
Bob3 n.  bob's your uncle slang expression of completion or success. [pet form of robert]
Bobbin n. Spool or reel for thread etc. [french]
Bobble n. Small woolly ball on a hat etc. [diminutive of *bob1]
Bobby n. (pl. -ies) colloq. Police officer. [sir robert peel, 19th-c. Statesman]
Bob-sled n. Us = *bob-sleigh.
Bob-sleigh —n. Mechanically-steered and -braked racing sledge. —v. Race in a bob-sleigh.
Bobtail n. 1 docked tail. 2 horse or dog with this.
Boche n. Slang derog. German, esp. A soldier. [french]
Bod n. Colloq. Person. [shortening of *body]
Bode v. (-ding) be a sign of, portend.  bode well (or ill) be a good (or bad) sign. [old english]
Bodega n. Cellar or shop selling wine. [spanish]
Bodge var. Of *botch.
Bodice n. 1 part of a woman's dress above the waist. 2 woman's vest-like undergarment. [originally pair of bodies] Bodily —adj. Of the body. —adv. 1 as a whole body (threw them bodily). 2 in the flesh, in person.
Bodkin n. Blunt thick needle for drawing tape etc. Through a hem. [origin uncertain]
Body n. (pl. -ies) 1 whole physical structure, including the bones, flesh, and organs, of a person or an animal, whether dead or alive. 2 = *trunk 2. 3 main or central part; bulk or majority (body of opinion). 4 a group regarded as a unit. B (usu. Foll. By of) collection (body of facts). 5 quantity (body of water). 6 piece of matter (heavenly body). 7 colloq. Person. 8 full or substantial quality of flavour, tone, etc.  in a body all together. [old english]
Body-blow n. Severe setback.
Body-building n. Exercises to enlarge and strengthen the muscles.
Bodyguard n. Person or group escorting and protecting another.
Body language n. Communication through gestures and poses.
Body odour n. Smell of the human body, esp. When unpleasant.
Body politic n. Nation or state as a corporate body.
Body shop n. Workshop where bodywork is repaired.
Body stocking n. Woman's undergarment covering the torso.
Bodysuit n. Close-fitting all-in-one garment for women, worn esp. For sport.
Bodywork n. Outer shell of a vehicle.
Boer —n. South african of dutch descent. —adj. Of the boers. [dutch, = farmer]
Boffin n. Colloq. Research scientist. [origin unknown]
Bog —n. 1 a wet spongy ground. B stretch of this. 2 slang lavatory. —v. (-gg-) (foll. By down; usu. In passive) impede (bogged down by snow).  boggy adj. (-ier, -iest). [irish or gaelic bogach]
Bogey1 n. (pl. -eys) golf 1 score of one stroke more than par at any hole. 2 (formerly) par. [perhaps from bogey, as an imaginary player]
Bogey2 n. (also bogy) (pl. -eys or -ies) 1 evil or mischievous spirit; devil. 2 awkward thing. 3 slang piece of dried nasal mucus. [originally (old) bogey the devil]
Bogeyman n. (also bogyman) frightening person etc.
Boggle v. (-ling) colloq. Be startled or baffled (esp. The mind boggles). [probably dial. Boggle *bogey2]
Bogie n. Wheeled undercarriage below a locomotive etc. [origin unknown]
Bogus adj. Sham, spurious. [origin unknown]
Bogy var. Of *bogey2.
Bogyman var. Of *bogeyman.
Bohemian —n. 1 native of bohemia, a czech. 2 (also bohemian) socially unconventional person, esp. An artist or writer. —adj. 1 of bohemia or its people. 2 (also bohemian) socially unconventional.  bohemianism n. [bohemia, part of czechoslovakia]
Boil1 —v. 1 a (of a liquid) start to bubble up and turn into vapour on reaching a certain temperature. B (of a vessel) contain boiling liquid (kettle is boiling). 2 a bring to boiling point. B cook in boiling liquid. C subject to boiling water, e.g. To clean. 3 a move or seethe like boiling water. B be very angry. —n. Act or process of boiling; boiling-point (on the boil; bring to the boil).  boil down 1 reduce in volume by boiling. 2 reduce to essentials. 3 (foll. By to) amount to. Boil over 1 spill over in boiling. 2 lose one's temper. [latin bullio to bubble]
Boil2 n. Inflamed pus-filled swelling under the skin. [old english]
Boiler n. 1 apparatus for heating a hot-water supply. 2 tank for heating water or turning it to steam. 3 tub for boiling laundry etc. 4 fowl etc. For boiling.
Boiler-room n. Room with a boiler and other heating equipment, esp. In a basement.
Boiler suit n. Protective outer garment of trousers and jacket in one.
Boiling adj. Colloq. Very hot.
Boiling point n. 1 temperature at which a liquid begins to boil. 2 great excitement.
Boisterous adj. 1 noisily exuberant, rough. 2 (of the sea etc.) Stormy. [origin unknown]
Bold adj. 1 confidently assertive; adventurous, brave. 2 impudent. 3 vivid (bold colours).  make (or be) so bold as to presume to; venture to.  boldly adv. Boldness n. [old english] Bole n. Trunk of a tree. [old norse]
Bolero n. (pl. -s) 1 spanish dance, or the music for it, in triple time. 2 woman's short open jacket. [spanish]
Boll n. Round seed-vessel of cotton, flax, etc. [dutch]
Bollard n. 1 short post in the road, esp. On a traffic island. 2 short post on a quay or ship for securing a rope. [perhaps related to *bole]
Bollocking n. (also ballocking) coarse slang severe reprimand.
Bollocks n. (also ballocks) coarse slang 1 (usu. As int.) Nonsense. 2 testicles. [old english: related to *ball1]
Boloney n. (also baloney) slang nonsense. [origin uncertain]
Bolshevik —n. 1 hist. Member of the radical faction of the russian social democratic party becoming the communist party in 1918. 2 russian communist. 3 any revolutionary socialist. —adj. 1 of the bolsheviks. 2 communist.  bolshevism n. Bolshevist n. [russian, = member of the majority]
Bolshie (also bolshy) slang —adj. (usu. Bolshie) 1 uncooperative; bad-tempered. 2 left-wing. —n. (pl. -ies) bolshevik. [abbreviation]
Bolster —n. Long cylindrical pillow. —v. (usu. Foll. By up) encourage, support, prop up. [old english]
Bolt1 —n. 1 sliding bar and socket used to fasten a door etc. 2 large metal pin with a thread, usu. Used with a nut, to hold things together. 3 discharge of lightning. 4 act of bolting. —v. 1 fasten with a bolt. 2 (foll. By in, out) keep (a person etc.) In or out by bolting a door. 3 fasten together with bolts. 4 a dash off suddenly. B (of a horse) suddenly gallop out of control. 5 gulp down (food) unchewed. 6 (of a plant) run to seed. —adv. (usu. In bolt upright) rigidly, stiffly.  bolt from the blue complete surprise. [old english]
Bolt2 v. (also boult) sift (flour etc.). [french]
Bolt-hole n. Means of escape.
Bomb —n. 1 container filled with explosive, incendiary material, etc., designed to explode and cause damage. 2 (prec. By the) the atomic or hydrogen bomb. 3 slang large sum of money (cost a bomb). —v. 1 attack with bombs; drop bombs on. 2 (usu. Foll. By along, off) colloq. Go very quickly.  like a bomb colloq. 1 very successfully. 2 very fast. [greek bombos hum]
Bombard v. 1 attack with heavy guns or bombs etc. 2 (often foll. By with) question or abuse persistently. 3 physics direct a stream of high-speed particles at.  bombardment n. [latin: related to *bomb]
Bombardier n. 1 non-commissioned officer in the artillery. 2 us crew member in an aircraft who aims and releases bombs.
Bombast n. Pompous language; hyperbole.  bombastic adj. [earlier bombace cotton wool]
Bombay duck n. Dried fish as a relish, esp. With curry. [corruption of bombil, native name of fish]
Bombazine n. Twilled worsted dress-material. [greek bombux silk]
Bomber n. 1 aircraft equipped to drop bombs. 2 person using bombs, esp. Illegally.
Bomber jacket n. Jacket gathered at the waist and cuffs.
Bombshell n. 1 overwhelming surprise or disappointment. 2 artillery bomb. 3 slang very attractive woman.
Bomb-site n. Area where bombs have caused destruction.
Bona fide —adj. Genuine; sincere. —adv. Genuinely; sincerely. [latin]
Bonanza n. 1 source of wealth or prosperity. 2 large output (esp. Of a mine). [spanish, = fair weather]
Bon-bon n. Sweet. [french bon good]
Bond —n. 1 thing or force that unites or (usu. In pl.) Restrains. 2 binding agreement. 3 commerce certificate issued by a government or a company promising to repay borrowed money at a fixed rate of interest. 4 adhesiveness. 5 law deed binding a person to make payment to another. 6 chem. Linkage between atoms in a molecule. —v. 1 hold or tie together. 2 connect or reinforce with a bond. 3 place (goods) in bond. Bondage n. 1 slavery. 2 subjection to constraint etc. 3 sexual practices involving constraint. [anglo-latin: related to *bondsman]
Bonded adj. 1 stored in or for storing in bond (bonded whisky, warehouse). 2 (of a debt) secured by bonds.
Bond paper n. High-quality writing-paper.
Bondsman n. Serf, slave. [old english bonda husbandman]
Bone —n. 1 any piece of hard tissue making up the skeleton in vertebrates. 2 (in pl.) A skeleton, esp. As remains. B body. 3 material of bones or similar material, e.g. Ivory. 4 thing made of bone. 5 (in pl.) Essentials (the bones of an agreement). 6 strip of stiffening in a corset etc. —v. (-ning) 1 remove the bones from. 2 stiffen with bone etc.  bone up (often foll. By on) colloq. Study intensively. Have a bone to pick (usu. Foll. By with) have cause for dispute (with a person). Make no bones about 1 be frank about. 2 not hesitate or scruple.  boneless adj. [old english]
Bone china n. Fine china made of clay mixed with bone ash.
Bone-dry adj. Completely dry.
Bone-idle adj. Utterly idle.
Bone-marrow n. = *marrow 2.
Bone-meal n. Crushed bones, esp. As a fertilizer.
Bone of contention n. Source of dispute.
Boneshaker n. Decrepit or uncomfortable old vehicle.
Bonfire n. Large open-air fire, esp. For burning rubbish. [from *bone (because bones were once used), *fire]
Bongo n. (pl. -s or -es) either of a pair of small drums usu. Held between the knees and played with the fingers. [american spanish]
Bonhomie n. Good-natured friendliness. [french]
Bonk —v. 1 bang, bump. 2 coarse slang have sexual intercourse (with). —n. Instance of bonking (bonk on the head). [imitative]
Bonkers predic. Adj. Slang crazy. [origin unknown]
Bon mot n. (pl. Bons mots) witty saying. [french]
Bonnet n. 1 a hat tied under the chin, worn esp. By babies. B scotsman's floppy beret. 2 hinged cover over a vehicle's engine. [french]
Bonny adj. (-ier, -iest) esp. Scot. & n.engl. 1 a physically attractive. B healthy-looking. 2 good, pleasant. [perhaps from french bon good]
Bonsai n. (pl. Same) 1 dwarfed tree or shrub. 2 art of growing these. [japanese]
Bonus n. Extra benefit or payment. [latin, = good]
Bon vivant n. (pl. Bon or bons vivants pronunc. Same) person fond of good food and drink. [french]
Bon voyage int. Expression of good wishes to a departing traveller. [french]
Bony adj. (-ier, -iest) 1 thin with prominent bones. 2 having many bones. 3 of or like bone.  boniness n.
Boo —int. 1 expression of disapproval etc. 2 sound intended to surprise. —n. Utterance of boo, esp. To a performer etc. —v. (boos, booed) 1 utter boos. 2 jeer at by booing. [imitative]
Boob1 colloq. —n. 1 silly mistake. 2 foolish person. —v. Make a silly mistake. [shortening of *booby]
Boob2 n. Slang woman's breast. [origin uncertain]
Booby n. (pl. -ies) stupid or childish person. [spanish bobo]
Booby prize n. Prize given for coming last.
Booby trap n. 1 practical joke in the form of a trap. 2 disguised explosive device triggered by the unknowing victim.
Boodle n. Slang money, esp. Gained or used dishonestly. [dutch boedel possessions]
Boogie v. (-ies, -ied, -ieing) slang dance to pop music.
Boogie-woogie n. Style of playing blues or jazz on the piano. [origin unknown] Book —n. 1 a written or printed work with pages bound along one side. B work intended for publication. 2 bound blank sheets for notes, records, etc. 3 bound set of tickets, stamps, matches, etc. 4 (in pl.) Set of records or accounts. 5 main division of a large literary work. 6 telephone directory. 7 colloq. Magazine. 8 libretto, script, etc. 9 record of bets. —v. 1 a (also absol.) Reserve (a seat etc.) In advance. B engage (an entertainer etc.). 2 a take the personal details of (an offender or rule-breaker). B enter in a book or list.  book in register at a hotel etc. Book up 1 buy tickets in advance. 2 (as booked up) with all places reserved. Bring to book call to account. Go by the book proceed by the rules. In a person's good (or bad) books in (or out of) favour with a person. [old english]
Bookbinder n. Person who binds books for a living.  bookbinding n.
Bookcase n. Cabinet of shelves for books.
Book club n. Society in which selected books are available cheaply.
Book-end n. Prop used to keep books upright.
Bookie n. Colloq. = *bookmaker. [abbreviation]
Booking n. Reservation or engagement.
Booking-hall n. (also booking-office) ticket office at a railway station etc.
Bookish adj. 1 studious; fond of reading. 2 having knowledge mainly from books.
Bookkeeper n. Person who keeps accounts, esp. For a living.  bookkeeping n.
Booklet n. Small book usu. With a paper cover.
Bookmaker n. Professional taker of bets.  bookmaking n.
Bookmark n. Thing used to mark a reader's place.
Book-plate n. Decorative personalized label stuck in a book.
Bookseller n. Dealer in books.
Bookshop n. Shop selling books.
Bookstall n. Stand selling books, newspapers, etc.
Book token n. Voucher exchangeable for books.
Bookworm n. 1 colloq. Devoted reader. 2 larva feeding on the paper and glue in books.
Boolean adj. Denoting a system of algebraic notation to represent logical propositions. [boole, name of a mathematician]
Boolean logic n. Use of ‘and’, ‘or’, and ‘not’ in retrieving information from a database.
Boom1 —n. Deep resonant sound. —v. Make or speak with a boom. [imitative]
Boom2 —n. Period of economic prosperity or activity. —v. Be suddenly prosperous. [perhaps from *boom1]
Boom3 n. 1 pivoted spar to which a sail is attached. 2 long pole carrying a microphone, camera, etc. 3 barrier across a harbour etc. [dutch, = *beam]
Boomerang —n. 1 flat v-shaped hardwood missile used esp. By australian aboriginals, able to return to its thrower. 2 plan that recoils on its originator. —v. (of a plan etc.) Backfire. [aboriginal]
Boon1 n. Advantage; blessing. [old norse]
Boon2 adj. Intimate, favourite (usu. Boon companion). [french bon from latin bonus good]
Boor n. Ill-mannered person.  boorish adj. [low german or dutch]
Boost colloq. —v. 1 promote or encourage. 2 increase, assist. 3 push from below. —n. Act or result of boosting. [origin unknown]
Booster n. 1 device for increasing power or voltage. 2 auxiliary engine or rocket for initial speed. 3 dose, injection, etc. Renewing the effect of an earlier one.
Boot1 —n. 1 outer foot-covering reaching above the ankle. 2 luggage compartment of a car. 3 colloq. A firm kick. B (prec. By the) dismissal (got the boot). —v. 1 kick. 2 (often foll. By out) eject forcefully. 3 (usu. Foll. By up) make (a computer) ready.  put the boot in 1 kick brutally. 2 harm a person. [old norse]
Boot2 n.  to boot as well, in addition. [old english]
Bootblack n. Us person who polishes boots and shoes.
Bootee n. Baby's soft shoe.
Booth n. 1 small temporary structure used esp. As a market stall. 2 enclosure for telephoning, voting, etc. 3 cubicle in a restaurant etc. [old norse]
Bootleg —adj. (esp. Of alcohol) smuggled, illicit. —v. (-gg-) illicitly make or deal in (alcohol etc.).  bootlegger n. Bootlicker n. Colloq. Toady.
Boots n. Hotel servant who cleans shoes etc.
Bootstrap n. Loop used to pull a boot on.  pull oneself up by one's bootstraps better oneself.
Booty n. 1 loot, spoil. 2 colloq. Prize or gain. [german]
Booze colloq. —n. Alcoholic drink. —v. (-zing) drink alcohol, esp. To excess.  boozy adj. (-ier, -iest). [dutch]
Boozer n. Colloq. 1 habitual drinker. 2 public house.
Booze-up n. Slang drinking bout.
Bop1 colloq. —n. 1 a spell of dancing, esp. To pop music. B social occasion for this. 2 = *bebop. —v. (-pp-) dance, esp. To pop music.  bopper n. [abbreviation]
Bop2 colloq. —v. (-pp-) hit or punch, esp. Lightly. —n. Esp. Light blow or hit. [imitative]
Boracic adj. Of borax.
Boracic acid n. = *boric acid.
Borage n. Plant with leaves used as flavouring. [french ultimately from arabic]
Borax n. Salt used in making glass and china, and as an antiseptic. [french ultimately from persian]
Bordeaux n. (pl. Same) wine (esp. Red) from the bordeaux district in sw france.
Border —n. 1 edge or boundary, or the part near it. 2 a line or region separating two countries. B (the border) boundary between scotland and england (usu. The borders), or n. Ireland and the irish republic. 3 esp. Ornamental strip round an edge. 4 long narrow flower-bed (herbaceous border). —v. 1 be a border to. 2 provide with a border. 3 (usu. Foll. By on, upon) a adjoin; come close to being. B resemble. [french from germanic: related to *board]
Border collie n. Sheepdog of the north country.
Borderer n. Person living near a border.
Borderland n. 1 district near a border. 2 condition between two extremes. 3 area for debate.
Borderline —n. 1 line dividing two conditions. 2 line marking a boundary. —adj. 1 on the borderline. 2 barely acceptable.
Border terrier n. Small rough-haired terrier.
Bore1 —v. (-ring) 1 make (a hole), esp. With a revolving tool. 2 make a hole in, hollow out. —n. 1 hollow of a firearm barrel or of a cylinder in an internal-combustion engine. 2 diameter of this. 3 deep hole made esp. To find water. [old english]
Bore2 —n. Tiresome or dull person or thing. —v. (-ring) weary by tedious talk or dullness.  bored adj. Boring adj. [origin unknown]
Bore3 n. High tidal wave in an estuary. [scandinavian]
Bore4 past of *bear1.
Boredom n. State of being bored. [from *bore2]
Boric acid n. Acid derived from borax, used as an antiseptic.
Born adj. 1 existing as a result of birth. 2 a of natural ability or quality (a born leader). B (usu. Foll. By to + infin.) Destined (born lucky; born to be king). 3 (in comb.) Of a certain status by birth (french-born; well-born). [past part. Of *bear1]
Born-again attrib. Adj. Converted (esp. To fundamentalist christianity).
Borne past part. Of *bear1. —adj. (in comb.) Carried by (airborne).
Boron n. Non-metallic usu. Crystalline element. [from *borax, after carbon]
Borough n. 1 a town represented in the house of commons. B town or district granted the status of a borough. 2 hist. Town with a municipal corporation conferred by a royal charter. [old english]
Borrow v. 1 a acquire temporarily, promising or intending to return. B obtain money thus. 2 use (another's idea, invention, etc.); plagiarize.  borrower n. [old english]
Borstal n. Hist. Residential institution for youth custody. [borstal in kent]
Usage this term has now been replaced by detention centre and youth custody centre.
Bortsch n. Russian soup of beetroot, cabbage, etc. [russian]
Borzoi n. Large silky-coated dog. [russian, = swift]
Bosh n. & int. Slang nonsense. [turkish, = empty]
Bosom n. 1 a person's (esp. Woman's) breast. B colloq. Each of a woman's breasts. C enclosure formed by the breast and arms. 2 emotional centre (bosom of one's family). [old english] Bosom friend n. Intimate friend.
Boss1 colloq. —n. Employer, manager, or supervisor. —v. (usu. Foll. By about, around) give orders to; order about. [dutch baas]
Boss2 n. 1 round knob, stud, etc., esp. On the centre of a shield. 2 archit. Ornamental carving etc. At the junction of the ribs in a vault. [french]
Bossa nova n. 1 dance like the samba. 2 music for this. [portuguese, = new flair]
ew boss worst word ever
also i am LOVING the frennchhh fucking bordeaux???? amazing word 11/11
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gcherokees-blog · 2 years
goes into the engine and before the dense
Turbo Chargers is a specially designed car performance part which compresses the air that is used for induction of an internal combustion engine.A turbocharger sends compressed air into the engine and this gas powers the turbine wheel to make it rotate. A form of supercharger, the turbocharger creates more power by increases the density of air entering the engine. The turbine wheel connected with a shaft to the compressor wheel spins faster and faster causing the wheel to spin faster. We all want an answer to a Cherokee Turbochargers for sale question that how much horsepower does a turbocharger adds to the car engine?
Mostly a Turbocharger boosts up the horsepower by 40-70% on a simple engine.Speed is most desirable when it comes to racing. A turbocharger has the compressor powered by a turbine which is driven by the engine&39;s own exhaust gases rather than direct mechanical drive allowing the turbocharger to achieve a higher degree of efficiency. The main Moto of the engineers who prepare Turbochargers are more power, more speed and maximum horsepower for better performance. The compressor compresses the air before it goes into the engine and before the dense air enters the chamber, a cold air intake system helps to keep the temperature down before the air is entered into the combustion chamber.
Turbocharger together with the Turbo Kits can do what all you would dream of your racing car.If you want to increase the speed of your car, then you just have to use a Turbo Charger for it in your car and it will do the miracle you want out from your car. It is really important to have a tuned engine with the Turbocharger if you want the best performance from your car.Air pressure reaches big heights and can be disastrous as the turbine collects and directs the air into the engine.
To control this extra pressure a wastegate is available which controls the pressure in the turbocharger and therefore providing safety against detonation. Turbo Charger creates more power by increases the density of air entering the engine. Turbo Chargers provide extra speed and power to your car with an increased mileage. A turbo kit is composed of the turbocharger itself, the exhaust manifold, the wastegate and blow-off valve, the oil supply and the intercooler.
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nv-registry1 · 3 years
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1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 Restored UP FOR SALE WITH NV REGISTRY IS THIS ONE OF A KIND MODIFIED 1970 FORD MUSTANG MACH 1.Same owner for 40 years. 351 Cleveland engine. AOD 4-Speed Transmission P/S Ft. disc brakes. Almost everything on this car has been rebuilt, replaced, updated during it's time with us. Specifications are as follows. Engine: 351 Cleveland 4 bolt main. The block has been bored .030 square decked, align honed. The oiling system has been modified for better oil flow and engine durability, using a stock oil pump, MPG windage tray and a CJ style oil pan and runs Royal Purple 5w30HPS oil. The crankshaft is ground .010-.010. The stock rods have been rebuilt. The pistons are forged flat top single eye brow. The harmonic balancer is a Streetdampr by Fluiddampr. The heads are OE closed chamber, with all new single groove valves, a mild port and chamber clean up, screw in studs and guide plates and Crane aluminum roller rocker arms. A complete Comp Cams Hyd. Roller cam kit. Cam specs are duration of 290 degrees .578 lift. All critical engine fasteners are by ARP. The intake is an Edelbrock RPM Air Gap with an Edelbrock 1450 600 CFM carburetor and AN braided fuel lines and fittings .Ford Motorsports tall polished aluminum valve covers. It has a complete MSD ignition system, including a billet distributor, 6AL ignition box, Blaster coil and 8MM plug wires. FPA ceramic coated mid length headers, 2 1/4" Aluminumized exhaust pipes, X pipe, Walker quiet flow mufflers, and 2" tail pipes with OE style tips. The AOD transmission has been completely rebuilt, with many performance upgrades, H/D clutch packs, bands, a Superior shift improver kit, A code O/D servo, deep Aluminum pan, HD plate style transmission cooler, with AN style braided cooler lines and fittings. The torque converter, is a custom built unit by Edge Racing. The P/S system has been updated, with an integral unit by Borgeson. It also has a P/S cooler. The front disc brakes are from a Granada. It has both front and rear OE sway bars, 9" rear end with 3.25 gear ratio and 28 spline axles. The headlights are sealed beam Halogens, with a relay enhancement kit. The OE color is base coat clearcoat, Med. Lime metallic. OE style front and rear spoilers and rear window slats. The windshield was also replaced. The interior has been completely reworked. New seat covers, headliner, carpet with matching floor mats, the original door panels were sent off and rebuilt by Carpenters Interior Works, and the original dash pad is in excellent condition. Three point front seat belts by Morris Industries. Center console by Classic Consoles, Steering wheel by Moto-Lita. Jensen AM/FM Cassette player with a JVC 10 disc CD player, mounted in the trunk. The wheels are 15x7 American Racing Torque Thrust Ds, with 235/60-15 Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/T RWL Radial tires. The spare tire is brand new and never been on the ground. While we have taken this to many car shows, this is not a show car. We built this car to drive and enjoy and it has a few battle scars, nicks, dings, and road rash. It runs just fine on 91-93 Octane gas, and gets surprisingly good mileage considering the engine. We have taken many road trips, with the longest being 1200 miles with several others, in the 600-800 mile range . I would not be afraid to drive it anywhere. The engine has app. 20,00 miles on it, the transmission 10,00 miles and the tires app. 4000 miles. The Owner Would love to see a father, son, daughter, family get this and make memories with it as we have. Reason for sale, we are approaching retirement and are building another car, that will better suit our retirement plans. Please Feel Free to Call Keith at NV Registry With Any Questions or For Additional Photos Specs Info Etc.... No Tire Kickers or Scammers and Spammers Please. Thank you 531-242-5960 · Mileage: 53,184 · Color: MED. Lime Green Metallic
Price: $50,000.
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wetsteve3 · 4 years
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1974 MÜNCH MAMMOTH TTS-E 1200 -The motorcycle world is a richer place for the likes of Friedl Münch. Starting in 1966, working out of his shop in West Germany, he gave us one of the most interesting, charismatic motorcycles ever to roll a wheel. His Münch Mammoth – Mammut in German – can rightfully lay claim to being the world's first superbike. "It was simply the fastest, most powerful, most expensive bike of its time," wrote moto-historian Hugo Wilson of the outrageous machine.
Not content with the twin-cylinder motors powering most bikes of the day, Münch went to the automotive arena and plucked the engine from an NSU 1000 TT Prinz. In retrospect, this engine seems almost perfectly suited for motorcycle use. Four cylinders in line, 1,000cc, air-cooled, with a single overhead cam and a rugged five-main-bearing crankshaft. The Münch-designed frame was a robust twin-cradle affair, obviously inspired by the stellar Norton Featherbed, best of the day. Two years before Honda's blockbuster CB750, Münch produced the world's first modern inline-four.
Not that it was a simple drop-in operation. Münch would need to fabricate an oil pan, primary cover and gearbox case – the latter carrying a modified four-speed cluster from the defunct Horex operation. He wanted more horsepower than stock, so camshafts had to be developed, dual-throat Weber carburetors fitted. No problem for Friedl, engineer and inveterate tinkerer.
Everywhere your eyes fall on a Münch, you see components designed without regard to cost. Friedl Münch was an indefatigable one-man design team, not hemmed in by norms in his pursuit of weight savings, power or speed. Münch's metal of choice for his castings was electron, a magnesium-alloy lighter than aluminum, though harder to work with. Besides various covers and cases, he used electron for the one-piece seat base/rear fender, the double-leading-shoe front brake of his own design and the vaned rear wheel, also his own design and the first cast motorcycle rim to make production. Like the rest of the bike, the exotic metal was not cheap: At a time when a top-of-the-line BMW sold for $1,895, buyers had to part with $4,000 to acquire one of those first Münch Mammoths.
Only a handful of the Series 1 Mammoths were built, as few as 14, with just nine making their way to America, where they were sold as Clymer-Münch Mammoth IVs, thanks to a partnership with publisher and wheeler-dealer Floyd Clymer. Clymer's ad slogan for the bikes was, "Built up to a Standard, Not Down to a Price." Upon Clymer's death in 1970, importation of subsequent Mammoths passed through a variety of hands. Worldwide it's estimated that perhaps 500 bikes were built before operations ceased in 1975 – though as has been pointed out, bookkeeping was never Friedl's strongpoint. As production continued into the Seventies, in effect every machine was a special order, no two alike. This 1974 TTS-E, built for Ford of Europe engineer Helmut Bickenbach, illustrates the point perfectly. With the Alps in his backyard, Bickenbach liked to sport tour, so ordered frame no. 246 as the foundation of a long-wheelbase chassis, some 2-3in. longer than the usual short-coupled Münchs. By '74 stock displacement had grown to 1200cc, but in search of 100bhp he specified the engine be bored to 1286cc, requiring separate cast iron cylinder barrels. Also added to the work order was a high-lift cam, bigger valves and a quad-port Kugelfischer mechanical fuel -injection sytem – making the bike an Einspritzer, hence the E in its model designation. In those days before electronic onboard computers, fuel injection had to mechanically mapped, accomplished here by a quaint ramp-and-ball setup. By request the TTS-E was outfitted with a long-distance fuel tank holding almost 9gal., plus a well-padded solo seat complete with lidded tool compartment. The optional single 200mm Sportlich headlight was selected over the usual dual-beam arrangement. Leading the TTS down the road was a stout fork assembly made to Münch's specs by the UK's Rickman Brothers to accommodate Friedl's massive 250mm four-shoe racing brake. Also on Bickenbach's wish-list were twin oil coolers and a chromed luggage rack that also served as mounting point for a pair of saddlebags. Second owner of this TTS-E was Perry Bushong, master mechanic, Münch aficionado and formerly the longtime BMW dealer in Fort Worth. He purchased the bike in 1986 from Bickenbach, who had been transferred to Detroit and taken the Münch with him. Bushong actually met Friedl Münch in the mid-'60s on a trip to Germany. The two remained in touch and became friends; in fact, on a visit to the U.S. Münch made a point of visiting Texas to see Bushong – and to lay hands on the bike's timing, which had been acting up. Bushong enjoyed the Münch for 25-plus years and put on most of the 23,000 kilometers now showing. In 2012, John Landstrom of Blue Moon Cycle in Norcross, Georgia became the third and current owner of Münch TTS-E no. 246. In his care it was shown at the exclusive Hilton Head Concours in 2017, and now, with a new battery and fresh tune-up, is ready for a new owner to enjoy. Included in the sale are an owner's handbook, service records/receipts going back to 1974, original advertising poster and sales brochure, original German and Texas titles, and hand-written notes by Friedl Münch. Mr. Münch is no longer with us, but his motorcycles remain – rare, quirky, charismatic, technically advanced, historically significant, a fitting reflection of the man who made them.33833818 CommentsLikeComment
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ridingirlsblog · 4 years
Photoshoot of the Week: December 30th 2019 - January 5th 2020 - Suzuki GSX-R750 & Miray
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Can you believe we are in a new decade? I couldn’t have imagined the year 2020 when I was a young boy. Do you remember all the movies that took place in the future and how futuristic 2020 was depicted? What about the flying cars and interstellar travels on exotic planets? We haven't gone near it so far: in a few days I'll have to take my motorbike to the repair shop, again! Anyway I don't mind at all: I believe that each and every day should be our main focus. When we do things from a place of feeling the way we want to feel, it all flows together with so much more ease. For me, my #1 goal this year was to continue the practice of strengthening my inner world – to feel joy and gratitude daily. To fully and completely feel it so deeply that happiness just oozed out of me in my relationships, in my work and in my blog, especially in these weekly posts for all of you. I’ve been working on my 2020 goals and I’m going to continue with last years intentions, which is adding goodness into my life, not setting resolutions on things I think I need to give up. But, as I decided a long time ago, there is always time for ridin' my motorbike, whether in my neighborhood or around the whole world, and that's what makes my life interesting, thus, worth living. I'm not personally interested in flying ships yet, and like the King sang I feel that 'there's so much world to see'. I think that many of you totally agree with me on this, and surely Turkish-German bikergirl and misterious socialite Miray endorses those words: you know, she never shows her face on Instagram but I bet there's a big fat shining smile ridin' around her Suzuki GSX-R750 behind that black HJC helmet! Why don't you show it to us? That smile will make all of us just walk on the moon! *** More than thirty years ago Suzuki GSX-R750's introduction revolutionized the sportbikes segment. Ever since then, the GSX-R750 has remained true to its original concept and championship-winning heritage. On the road or on the track, the GSX-R750 delivers a breathtaking combination of outstanding engine performance, crisp handling, compact size, and light weight. Its secret is an unequaled pairing of 750cc performance with the lightweight, compact chassis of a 600cc Supersport, complemented by technologically advanced suspension front and rear. The GSX-R750’s look was born and raised on the racetrack, and for its whole lifetime that styling has two new, dual-color paint schemes. Riders can choose the Glass Sparkle Black/Pearl Glacier White scheme that includes red bodywork graphics and striping on the black cast aluminum wheels. Also available is a scheme that blends a shiny and flat finish via Metallic Matter Black/Glass Sparkle Black bodywork that also includes red graphics and accents on black wheels. The GSX-R750’s fuel injected, 750cc, four-cylinder engine powers a balanced sportbike experience. This engine pulls strong off the bottom like a larger-displacement powerplant while it builds revs like a smaller mill – it’s the best of both worlds. The Suzuki Drive Mode Selector (S-DMS) lets the rider adjust the engine’s power delivery to suit the riding conditions. The twin-spar aluminum frame effectively connects the steering head with the swingarm pivot portion of the chassis in a way that balances light weight and strength. The engine is suspended below the frame to keep mass low and the wheelbase short to promote nimble handling. Compact 750cc, four-cylinder engine with a race-proven over-square bore/stroke ratio managed to produce a remarkably strong high rpm power delivery. The energy-efficient engine employs forged pistons, shot-peened connecting rods, chrome-nitride-coated upper compression and oil control rings, and pentagonal ventilation holes to reduce frictional and mechanical losses. Lightweight titanium alloy valves are controlled by single-coil valve springs to reduce valve-train mass, reducing mechanical losses at high rpm. Suzuki Dual Throttle Valve (SDTV) fuel injection uses eight fine-spray eight-hole injectors for improved fuel atomization, which contributes to more complete combustion. An Engine Control Module (ECM) provides state-of-the-art engine management and has enhanced settings to suit the intake and exhaust systems, resulting in better fuel economy and linear throttle response. Advanced, MotoGP-developed transistorized ignition control programming helps maintain more precise spark timing across the range of engine speed and temperature. Four-into-one stainless steel exhaust system with a titanium muffler is fitted with a Suzuki Exhaust Tuning (SET) valve that maximizes torque and improves throttle response, especially in the low- to mid-rpm range. Lightweight and compact twin-spar aluminum alloy frame is constructed of five cast sections to produce a balance of light weight and strength. The frame is mated with a cast aluminum swingarm and multi-piece rear sub-frame that’s ready for racetrack use. Race-developed, lightweight Showa Big Piston front Fork (BPF) delivers superb feedback and consistent performance. Single Showa rear shock features externally adjustable rebound and compression damping, along with adjustable ride height. Electronically controlled steering damper provides lighter steering at slower speeds and more damping force at racetrack and highway speeds. Front brakes with fully floating 310mm discs are grasped by radial-mount, four-piston Brembo Monobloc calipers. Three-spoke cast aluminum alloy wheels are shod with lightweight, high-grip front and rear tires for sharp handling. Three-way adjustable foot pegs, adjustable shift lever, and short fuel tank help compose a comfortable riding position that permits the rider movement required for performance riding. Compact, lightweight instrument cluster with a built-in lap timer/stopwatch and programmable engine rpm indicators to alert the rider to certain shift points. The GSX-R750 survived in several incarnations from its launch in 1985 all the way to 2016 before it was finally dropped from the Suzuki range. During its lifetime, the GSX-R750 had to see off competition from impressive rivals such as the Yamaha FZ750 and YZF-R7, Kawasaki ZXR750 and ZX-7R, the Ducati 749 and then a new generation of larger-capacity superbikes such as the FireBlade and Yamaha R1. The GSX-R was much lighter (thanks to its aluminium beam frame, a first for a mass-produced bike) than the FZ750 and its better looks and more futuristic design gave it the edge in the battle of the showrooms. The battle for middleweight supremacy waged on into the 90s and it took a serious overhaul for the Suzuki to respond to the Kawasaki ZXR750 and later ZX-7R models, but the GSX-R kept moving with the times and remains a brilliant choice of machine whether you’re a trackday addict or a road rider. #bikergirl #fastbikes #RidinGirlsBlog #racing #suzukigsxr750 #gsxr750 #gsxr #gixxerkidz #Suzuki #gsxr1000 #hjchelmets #biker #bikelife #bikersofinstagram #bikerfamily #bikergirl #motorrad #girlsonbikes #HJC #sportbike #sexybiker #Suzuki #GSX #gsxR #motard #moto #suzukigirl #bikerchick #bikerlady #motorbike #speed #roadracing #ridingsexy #girlswhoride #riderich #girlsonbikes #gsxr #suzukigsxr #motogp #moto #helmetporn
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  Same top, different bike (Honda CBR 300 R 🏁)
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Visualizza questo post su Instagram Merry Christmas everyone ______________________________ #motorcycle #motorrad #мотоцикл #bikerofinstagram #bikergirls #bikekingz #tbt #picoftheday #lifestyle #mototurkey #bikergirl #twowheels #riderchicks #fireblade #rideout #munich #rideordie #hondacbr #instagood #instamoto #sportbike #superbikesgram #motogirl #motolife #bikegeneration #instalike #fashion #motoask #motolifestyle Un post condiviso da @ miraycno in data: 24 Dic 2019 alle ore 12:14 PST Read the full article
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gwendolynlerman · 5 years
French vocabulary
La moto - motorcycle
la bande flourescente - reflector strap
la béquille - stand/kickstand
la boîte de vitesses - gearbox
le casque moto - motorcycle helmet
le clignotant - blinker
les commandes (f) - controls
le compteur - speedometer
l'embrayage (m) - clutch
le feu arrière - back light
le filtre d’air - air filter
le frein - brake
les gants moto (m) - motorcycle gloves
la garde-boue - fender
la genouillère - knee pad
le guidon - handlebars
le klaxon - horn
le motard/la motarde - motorcyclist
le moteur - engine
la motocyclette - motorcycle
la moto de course - racing motorcycle
la moto routière - touring bike
la moto tout-terrain - off-road bike
la pédale de frein - brake pedal
le phare - headlight
le pneu - tire
le pot d'échappement - exhaust pipe
le réflecteur - reflector
le réservoir d'essence - fuel tank
le réservoir d'huile - oil tank
le scooter - scooter
la selle - seat
le side-car - sidecar
le siège arrière - pillion
le silencieux - silencer
la suspension - suspension
les vêtements de moto (m) - motorcycle clothing
les vêtements en cuir (m) - leathers
la visière - visor
faire la moto - to ride a motorcycle
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somar78 · 5 years
The New Kevin Dunworth Harley-Davidson Sportster Street Tracker
This is probably the most interesting street tracker we’ve ever featured. If you’re skeptical take a closer look at that front and rear suspension. The bike started out humbly with a 1200cc V-twin literally stolen from his wife’s Sportster and am old frame gifted to Kevin from a close friend.
Thankfully his wife now has a new engine, and she’s talking to Kevin again after some much deserved silent treatment.
The Harley-Davidson Sportster is a motorcycle that was always destined to be turned into a street tracker, the fact that the company haven’t released a half-decent factory street tracker of their own is a bewildering oversight that’s doubtless cost them significant potential sales.
After saying that I’m guaranteed to get angry emails from XR1200 owners, but in my opinion after riding a couple of them – they’re good bikes in their own way but they’re not really street trackers. I’ve always felt that street trackers should be lightweight, raucous, chuckable, and borderline illegal. Kind of like a road-registered XR750 with blinkers.
Kevin Dunworth
Kevin has become a significant figure in both the American and global custom motorcycle scenes. From an engineering perspective he’s created some of the most fascinating builds in recent memory, including an aerospace alloy plate-framed custom Triumph.
Kevin’s builds have appeared in many of the world’s foremost motorcycle magazines and websites – including Silodrome. He’s made multiple appearances on television with Esquire Network’s “Wrench Against the Machine” and Discovery Channel’s “Naked Speed”.
Kevin was formerly the founder of Loaded Gun Customs, but he decided to shutdown LGC and shift his attention to his own new enterprise – Dunworth_
Dunworth Custom Harley-Davidson Sportster Street Tracker
Instead of writing the story of this build out myself I’m now going to turn it over to Kevin to explain it in his own words:
I’m Kevin Dunworth. I live and breathe motorcycles and cars, though I’m mainly known for motorcycles. This was a bike I wanted to build to prove the Sportster platform was just plain fun. I had a rather dramatic injury recently and I’ve been going through some rehab as well as multiple surgeries. I had to close my previous business and was floundering a bit mentally with many things.
I had a candid conversation about going to The Handbuilt Show 2018 yet had not been able to really do anything since the previous November due to my accident. A friend and brother-from-another-mother “Lubo” from the Slovak Republic basically called and said in his uniquely accented english “stop feeling sorry for yourself, I be over in couple weeks we working” I knew he wasn’t kidding. We’d worked together multiple times over the years on contracts together and he was a machine – a few years ago I literally shut the power off to the building pretending it was a power outage, after about 50 hours of non-stop working to get him to sleep.
I was figured it was time to build this bike.
I spoke with a friend a S&S Engines next and mentioned my idea and the goal to debut at the Handbuilt Show 2018. He hooked me up with a guy named Kevin Boarts, Kevin is an engine genius at S&S, we immediately hit it off – he knew what I was looking for in a high revving, high compression, high horsepower, and barely streetable engine.
I then had to break the news to KC, my helper in the shop, that his days of hanging out with his feet up “watching the shop” would be coming to an abrupt end. KC has worked with both Lubo and I on and off for 12 years, and the anxiety of me and Lubo alone with a deadline showed immediately in his eyes. He’s like a surgeon’s assistant and utterly invaluable during crunch times, he literally runs for tools and keeps the tourists that frequently visit the shop from thinking we are unsociable jerks by being kind to them and showing them around.
The goal with this build was to create a Hot Rod motorcycle. Something that could go to a track day, do a back road run, go drag racing for fun, and sit at a bike night and wow people who know what they are looking at (many “biker” types just see a Sportster as a “girls bike”) I love Singer Porche.
I love Richard Pollock from Mule Motorcycles builds. I knew from a late 90’s Cycle World cover of a bike Richard built with a balsa wood tail section that had the profile I wanted. I wanted brakes and wheels to attract a performance guy or racer. Sadly the bike never made the Handbuilt Show – but it went on to be part of the Bell Power Sports Eliminator Helmet campaign with a catalog shoot, and it debuted at The Galveston Bike Week Show with an invite from Cycle Source magazine to compete in the In Motion Show.
The Build Process
I had a Kawasaki ZX7R front end and resprung it using Race Tech parts, I took the stock lower triple and removed the neck tube. Using 1” cro-moly tubing I machined a simple adapter and pressed it back in. I had a top triple clamp that would allow 11/8” Renthal bars to be installed. This allowed me to cut the stem to length and use stock Harley tapered bearings from All Balls. Using the offset of the triple trees and OD of wheels I did the math for proper trail. I came up with compromise of 24.5 degree head tube angle to get me about 102mm of trail. I then basically tilt the frame forward to achieve this.
I then (directly behind engine mounts) cut the back half of the frame off. I removed the tubing at the top tube and painstakingly welded and sanded so that it would look like a perfect single tube. We then took a piece of mild steel tubing and tapped both ends 3/8th-16 at 2” long. Drilling through the top tube a couple inches behind the rear tank mount I inserted and welded this mount for the rear sub frame.
From bar stock I machined some inserts for the lower tubes and welded some pre made tabs I received from TC Brothers. The Saddlemen Fiberglass tail came with a metal seat hoop. I removed their end caps and machined inserts to except heim joints at the front. We reinforced the back and made it straight and welded prefabbed 3/8th tabs to the back. Then using a tube bender we took ¾” tubing and bent slight angle to follow what would have been factory angles to finish struts. These use prefabbed tube ends 5/16” and solid connectors.
To the oil tank mounted in the front which is an idea I first saw done by MobTown Cycles out of Dundalk, MD. Tim Snead taught me a bunch of little tricks and this is one I have used a bunch, my version is to use pre-bent exhaust tubing. A U-bend. I cut the pipe in half laterally and make 2 sheets to fit using the outside of the pipe.
This gives me a rounded 1 ¾” thick tank once welded in. Using weld in -6AN male fittings allows me to use AN fittings for my oil lines. A race car coolant cap weld-in kit is used for the oil filler off to the right side. Using two bungs welded and braced I drill out the stock frame existing tabs and mount it in front of the front down tubes.
It also houses a battery box in the bottom for a lithium-ion battery, this particular version allows for 2.5 quarts of oil in the system, and being steel and mounted to the front I think helps in cooling.
We made a drop pan between the seat frame rails for a motogadget m-unit. I also made a rear tail light set-up using two of the Kim Boyle (from Boyle Custom) moto rear tail lights. With motogadget I run these as run, brake and blinkers. I made a cro-moly rear swing arm using 65 wall square tubing, and ran a tube frame Buell underslung reverse-pull shock absorber.
It was tricky getting shock right and after a lot of math the team at Race Tech re-sprung it, extended the remote reservoir, and re-valved a works shock I had laying around. I used pre-bent header tubes from Cone Engineering. Then I stepped up the diameter at determined length (Rich at Cone is another genius) and used a 2-into-1 collector to 2.5”. We then used a Big Mouth Muffler 2.5” inlet from Cone, all stainless of course.
If you’d like to see more of Kevin’s work or contact him about building you a custom, you can click here to visit his official Instagram.
The post The New Kevin Dunworth Harley-Davidson Sportster Street Tracker appeared first on Silodrome.
source https://silodrome.com/harley-davidson-sportster-street-tracker-motorcycle/
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rofeibi · 3 months
Discover the untold story of ROFEIBI's Moto Racing Oil and how it goes beyond mere lubrication to fuel your passion on two wheels! 🏍️ Our latest blog explores the unique formulation and cutting-edge technology that sets ROFEIBI apart, enhancing your motorcycle riding experience. Dive into the world where precision meets power, as we unravel the secrets behind ROFEIBI's Moto Racing Oil – the ultimate choice for riders seeking unrivaled performance, optimal engine efficiency, and a symphony of power that fuels your passion. Whether you're a seasoned rider or a motorcycle enthusiast, this blog is your gateway to a thrilling journey on the road.
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sbknews · 1 year
Motorex Officially Partners With Fantic Motor
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Another leading motorcycle manufacturer has chosen MOTOREX to be its official lubricant partner. From January 1st, 2023, all Fantic Motor production and official racing motorcycles will be first filled with MOTOREX products. Fantic Motor now relies exclusively on engine and transmission oils from Langenthal for its complete model range and all racing activities. In addition, the iconic Italian brand will recommend the high-quality products from the extensive MOTOREX MOTO LINE product range to its customers, for all maintenance and care usage. The new partnership benefits from the extremely diverse range of lubricants offered by the Swiss specialists. With production two-stroke and four-stroke bikes, road motorcycles, motocross, and rally bikes, as well as racing teams in motocross, enduro, and Moto2 world championships, Fantic and its official race teams will place a wide variety of demands on the oils. EDI FISCHER, CHAIRMAN OF THE EXECUTIVE BOARD OF MOTOREX "Based on a strong tradition, Fantic is one of the fastest growing brands today and has always been characterised by a spirit of innovation and passion - just like MOTOREX. Together we want to write a success story and are very excited about this new partnership." RONALD KABELLA, DIRECTOR POWERSPORTS OF MOTOREX "Fantic is another interesting partner joining the large MOTOREX family. With its roots in enduro sport, trials and motocross, the brand is an excellent fit for MOTOREX, as are its ambitious plans to expand the product range. We are looking forward to the cooperation and to contributing our experience and know-how gained from more than 100 years of MOTOREX history." Fantic, now based in Santa Maria di Sala in the Veneto region of northern Italy, was founded in 1968 and quickly enjoyed great sales success with small, smartly designed machines. Their scrambler look inspired many customers to go off-road and Fantic soon introduced its first enduro motorcycle. In 1974, the first "real" racing bike was produced – the 125cc Fantic CR. The bikes, which at that time still came from Lombardy, proved their abilities in countless enduro competitions. Then, in the mid-1980s, Fantic's great era in trials sport began. The brand won three world championship titles as well as the legendary Scottish Six Days Trial seven times and rose to become the world market leader in trials motorcycles. Today, the manufacturer is represented in the MX2 motocross class with the Fantic Factory Team Maddii. The Fantic Factory Team E50 Racing competes in the Enduro World Championship in the E1 and E3 classes, among others. The brand was already represented together with MOTOREX in the Dakar Moto Rally, which has just ended. Among others, Dakar veteran Franco Picco, at 66 the oldest participant in the 2023 edition, successfully crossed the Arabian desert on a rally machine based on the Fantic XEF 450 Factory. In road racing, Fantic will start with a team in the Moto2 World Championship in 2023. KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER FROM MOTORSPORT: MOTOREX WITH A SUCCESSFUL MOTORSPORT HISTORY AND MORE THAN 140 WM TITLES TO DATE MOTOREX is one of the most successful brands in international motorsport. Together with its partners, the company has won more than 140 world championship titles in various categories - from motocross, supercross, enduro and rally raid to road racing disciplines such as MotoGP, Moto2 and Moto3 as well as the Superbike World Championship (WSBK) and the IDM. Regardless of the category, the experts at MOTOREX develop innovative high-performance lubricants for top performance and maximum reliability in their in-house laboratory in Langenthal. Traditionally, the transfer of knowledge from motorsport directly benefits MOTOREX's products. More about MOTOREX MOTO LINE.
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levesquehumphries38 · 2 years
Dust Bikes And Pit Bikes
The solely function that doesn’t quite stand up to the remainder of the bike’s high quality is its hand-operated brake. Electric dirt bikes are simpler to maintain than gasoline dust bikes because they don't require engine upkeep. Oil changes and leak checks, air filter cleanings, and engine maintenance are all unnecessary or not related to an electric bike, but are essential for the owner of a gasoline dirt bike. Not the tasty chocolate chip type, however necessary for you to know - we use cookies to give you one of the best experience possible when buying with us. "from begin to finish the whole experience of dealing with funbikes has been skilled, friendly and focused on buyer satisfaction. i'd recommend funbikes to anyone thinking of purchasing a mini moto." When handing over your bike, any ultimate adjustments are made and the supply group member will answer any questions. Once registered and a number plate fitted, they can be ridden on the highway like a normal motorbike would. The race takes half in phases, and riders are allowed to re-fuel or service their vehicles at certain stops alongside the finest way. If they don't hold to this schedule for stops, they can be penalized and lose points. During an official motocross race, about 25 to 30 riders experience around the course for a sure number of laps, and the first to complete is taken into account the winner. In championship occasions, the quickest riders compete in a series of rounds leading as a lot as a last race. Should you wish to cancel goods that have left our Warehouse, orders might be subject to a returns cost plus an admin charge. When derestricted the Light Bee will reach a prime velocity of forty seven mph. Due to the popularity of the Sur-Ron, there at the second are a variety of equipment and custom components obtainable. Many elements are interchangeable with most high-end Downhill MTB Products to provide a large range of efficiency and cosmetic upgrades to customize your machine. Check out our custom Decals, Supermoto Wheel Kits, Component and Suspension upgrades. Sine-Wave X controllers are digitally controlled and programmed to supply a a lot smoother, predictable energy curve throughout the complete working range. If you could have any questions regarding the supply of Home Installation in your space please contact customer support before inserting your order. This service is dependent on the availability Electric off road motorcycle of the fitter and we reserve the proper to cancel the service at any time without prior notice. We want your buying experience with us to finish in satisfaction. With speeds of as much as 47mph, the bike’s net weight of only 47kg makes it agile and versatile. In 2020, Sur-Ron shall be including the MX Dirt Bike, also referred to as the Storm, to its electrical assortment. Back Garden OSETs Life on lockdown has seen gross sales continue to grow for OSET Bikes. The batteries are Lithium which are much lighter than lead-acid batteries, last longer and cost up quicker. With that efficiency, you may also be happy about the excessive specification, light-touch front and rear hydraulic brakes. Almost silent, this bike will supply up to 25km of fun in virtually any surroundings. Solidly constructed and simple to take care of, the bike will deal with grass, gravel, concrete, and even mild off-roading. Please bear in mind that this mannequin is for dry use solely and must you wish to use a motorbike in wet, muddy situations please take a look at our petrol-based models. over at this website offer a full support service with FREE lifetime telephone technical recommendation and stock standard & performance elements. These events all occurred on tough, open terrain, and races became official by the Nineteen Twenties within the UK, funded by factories like BSA, Norton, and Matchless. EnduroCross is a combination between enduro racing and supercross, and is usually conducted on indoor tracks. Riders are judged based on each the time that it takes them to complete the course, like in enduro, and based mostly on how well they navigate course obstacles, like in supercross. Enduro racing happens on off-road courses, and are given factors based mostly on the rider’s timing. Note that prime and low cylinder sizes do not always go alongside with the dimensions of the bike itself. A smaller bike can have a bigger engine, and a bigger bike can have a smaller engine. Other components, like ground clearance, could be a cause for differences in bike sizes.
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lekolohaqo · 3 years
Ofna mbx r2 manual transfer
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wetsteve3 · 5 years
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Majestic ca. 1930 500 cc Chaise OHV with Bernardet sidecar
The Majestic is the brainchild of French designer Georges Roy.
Roy is born in Thuré near Chatelrault ( Vienne) in 1888 and starts experimenting in the early twenties to design a motorcycle that does away with the conventional tube frame.
Roy considers a tube frame not suitable for a motorcycle because of its tendency to flex at higher speeds and break because of repetitive vibration.
A sheet metal carcass will overcome these drawbacks; a further advantage of a pressed steel chassis is a better weather protection for the engine and at the same time it will protect the rider from oil and grease.
After experimenting with a prototype Roy applies for a patent in December 1926 and the "New-Motorcycle" is marketed.
The New-Motorcycle is not a commercial success, it seems Roy lacks a good sales and service organization but that doesn’t stop him from designing and marketing an even more unusual motorcycle, the Majestic.
In this design he takes his idea of a car on two wheels a step further, the machine gets hub-center steering via links and rods.
The Majestic is presented at the 1929 Paris Show and creates a lot of interest.
There is no rear suspension and the chassis ends in a pressed-steel rigid mounting for the rear hub.
Roy himself said in an interview with Moto-Revue that was published when he was 84 that he was inspired by the Ner-a-Car.
He mentioned that from the early twenties his main business was in the knitting industry, for no more than 5 to 6 years he was fully involved with motorcycles; in 1930 he sold the Majestic production rights to the Delachanal firm, the makers of Dollar motorcycles and went back to the knitting business.
The first models had a stamped steel metal undercarriage, the Delachanal-made machines were full monocoque constructions.
Power sources were mostly 350 and 500 Chaise unit construction engines, some show machines were equipped with JAP V-twin ohv engines.
According to Roy there was a limited production between 1930 and 1933; It is said that about ten machines have survived.
A close look at the machine reveals the brilliance and originality of the concept.
As “ The Vintagent” puts it: “It is "Art Deco" in its purest form.
The entire machine, barring the engine, is unique and manufactured for this purpose – only ancillaries like lights, seats, etc, were bought-in; even the hubs were custom-made, as there wasn't another hub-centre steered machine of its scale.
The Majestic aspired to be a motorcycling Grand Routier: a large, comfortable, and stylish tourer.”
A Majestic was featured in the Guggenheim museum tour of "The Art of the Motorcycle" in 1998/1999.
For a road test of a Majestic link to http://thevintagent.blogspot.nl/…/bavarian-road-test-2-maje…
This beautifully restored Majestic is equipped with a very stylish "Bernardet" sidecar and finished in French Racing Blue. A luxurious detail is the aluminium dashboard with O.S. clock, O.S. speedometer and Jaeger amp gauge.
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ridingirlsblog · 4 years
Photoshoot of the Week: February 3rd-9th 2020 - Steffi & Honda CBR600RR PC40
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Motorbikes provide many of the individual freedoms associated with cars, but with lower environmental costs. Motorcycles are indeed more fuel-efficient than cars and emitted less of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, but they emitted far more smog-forming hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen, as well as the toxic air pollutant carbon monoxide. Anyway motorcycle manufacturing requires thousands fewer pounds of raw materials than automobiles. They require less fossil fuel, so they require less energy to pull that fossil fuel out of the ground. They use fewer chemicals and oils than cars. Motorcycles put less wear and tear on roadways, take up less parking room, and also reduce the amount of space needed to transport a single passenger. In addition to being intrinsically green, you also have two other ways to increase the environmental friendliness of your motorcycle riding. First of all staying on top of motorcycle maintenance keeps your bike running well and your environmental impact as low as possible. Fluid changes, equipment checks, and motorcycle exhaust maintenance all play a part in how green your motorcycle is running. In addition, to increase fuel efficiency, I recommend watching how smooth you are when you’re riding. Accelerating slowly increases your MPG and cuts down on the amount of work your engine needs to do. You also save maintenance on other wear and tear items, such as your brakes and tires. After all riding is not just good for the environment, but also for yourself: this is why proud German bikergirl and famous socialite Steffi always takes her classic Honda CBR600RR PC40 sportbike for a ride in the heart of her homeland amazing forests: from mature woods to shady streams and beautiful open heathland, Germany surely offers some fantastic riding opportunities which every biker should seize. Just at one condition: being in touch with nature means that you have to ride a motorcycle safely and responsibly. However, it is important to be aware that excessive noise from motorcycles can have significant impacts on wildlife and other inhabitants. Besides please obey speed limits, avoid traveling in large groups and excessive acceleration or revving of the engine. As Steffy shows to her thousands of followers every day, being respectfully is the only way to experience German's natural and cultural heritage riding your bike. In any case, you don't want to mess around with Germans, do you? *** Country roads The Honda CBR600RR is a 599 cc (36.6 cu in) sport bike made by Honda since 2003, part of the CBR series. The CBR600RR was marketed as Honda's top-of-the-line middleweight sport bike, succeeding the 2002 Supersport World Champion 2001–2006 CBR600F4i, which was then repositioned as the tamer, more street-oriented sport bike behind the technically more advanced and uncompromising race-replica CBR600RR. The model that has earned eight World Supersport titles (nine if you count its CBR600F predecessor) touts a strong engine and front suspension featuring Honda’s 41mm Big Piston Fork for exceptional handling and supple action. The legendary Honda CBR600RR returns for 2020. Ever since the CBR600RR rolled onto the scene back in 2003, it has become the standard for 600cc supersports motorcycles. Featuring top of the range technology, MotoGP inspired aerodynamics, and the perfect blend of performance and handling, the CBR600RR is a true racing replica to dominate the streets on. Powered by a tried and tested 599cc liquid-cooled inline four-cylinder engine that produces 113 horsepower and 48.7 lb-ft of peak torque, the CBR600RR offers exceptional performance in a package that’s light and nimble on the roads. The secret to the CBR600RR’s success isn’t the engine performance; it’s down to the handling. Built on top of a lightweight twin-spar aluminum chassis, the CBR600RR features top-notch Showa Big Piston forks and a Unit Pro-Link single-shock, combined with Honda’s incredible HESD (Honda Electric Steering Damper) technology that offers optimum damping force, courtesy of the ECU. An advanced suite of electronic rider aids works to enable fast lap times, while aerodynamic technologies from the RC213V MotoGP race bike are used to both increase downforce and improve braking stability. For the first time, the “Fireblade” name is being used in the U.S. market. It’s no wonder that the CBR600RR platform has chalked up plenty of victories in the World Supersport Championships over the years. It offers ample firepower wrapped in a compact and nimble package. Today’s CBR600RR takes engineering and styling cues directly from the MotoGP winning RC213V, making it more fearsome than ever before! #bikergirl #fastbikes #RidinGirlsBlog #racing #HondaCBR1000RR #honda #Shoei #vintage #motorbike #bikelife #bikersofinstagram #bikerfamily #bikergirl #HondaCBR600RR #caferacergram #caferacerporn #girlsonbikes #ridemore #sportbike #sexybiker #HondaCBR #CBR1000 #CBR600 #CBR600RR #hondagirls #hondacbr #hondagirl #bikerchick #bikerlady #motorbike #speed #roadracing #ridingsexy #girlswhoride #riderich #girlsonbikes #cbr1000rr #caferacer #motogp #moto #helmetporn #classicbike #streetcaferacers #cbr #motorlady #motorrad #motard #PC40
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  Visualizza questo post su Instagram Always tired • Winterschlaf wäre toll. Erst aufwachen wenn alles wieder gut ist. Wetter, Rennstreckenterminkalnder... #alwaystired • @heldbikerfashion #beheroic • @lukischmuki Un post condiviso da steffibck (@steffibck) in data: 8 Gen 2020 alle ore 7:59 PST Let's try to be serious for a moment. The landscapes of Germany are at once charming, bewitching, and staggeringly pretty: alpine peaks, mysterious forests, evergreens looming above the floor, long paths through the conifer-strewn woods. Unfortunately in recent years catastrophic combination of heat, drought, storms, forest fires, beetle plagues and a fungi blight have so far this year destroyed swathes of German forest equivalent to more than 200,000 football fields. Germany should therefore reconsider its strategic and financial efforts to create forests resilient to future climate change. Not by chance Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner told public broadcaster SWR ahead of the National Forest Summit, which was held in Spetember 2019: "Every missing tree is a missing comrade-in-arms against climate change," Klöckner said. "Whatever we don't reforest today, our grandchildren will, of course, miss". Germany has finally begun decisive action to turn around the long run of bad years that the country’s forests have suffered. Fixing on exactly what the restored forests will look like—and how they will fare under stress—looks set nonetheless to be a work in progress for many years to come. Read the full article
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loudladypuppy · 3 years
Motoelite - Synthetic Lubricant Oil
Motoelite understands that high-quality lubricants, solvents, coolants and engine oils are the things you need to keep your equipment and your business running. Its new speciality lubricants for motorcycles and mopeds, cars, trucks include a range of synthetic mineral lubricants and oils for the lubrication of engines, which must meet specific technical and performance requirements because they release more power at higher speeds than other engine types. The low viscosity of the Motoelite synthetic diesel engine oil reduces engine friction, improves engine efficiency and fuel economy.
City motorcycles, sports motorcycles, quads, off-road vehicles, scooters, V-twins, classic motorcycles and racing motorcycles, cars, sports cars & other types, trucks, heavy duty vehicles, industries all feature special high-performance lubricating oils that meet the technical characteristics of the engine and driving style.
Motoelite is a wholesaler of lubricants and engine oil in Orrisa, West Bengal and extends its wings to Madhya Pradesh. Today one of the best engine oil and lubricant dealers and manufacturers, trusted by professional drivers. Elite Lubricants is an authorized distributor of mobile products. The company is known for the finest lubricants, solvents, coolants and engine oil you need to run your business and equipment smoothly.
When it comes to commercial lubricants, Motoelite products offer high performance protection and longer service life for highway engines. Elf Moto is a motorcycle lubricant that protects engine, transmission and clutch components against friction, heat, oxidation and corrosion. Motoelites lubricants focus on synthetic oils and lubricants with an understanding of superior suppliers and schools.
Motoelite’s synthetic lubricant is a next-generation synthetic oil that improves fuel economy, prevents engine wear deposits, controls clutch friction and lasts longer. It is a self-blendable mineral oil that is easy to cold start and can be used to protect a broad range of engines and motorcycles.
When we receive lubricant samples for oil analysis, we receive a personalized diagnosis of the engine problem. Further information about the lubricants offered by Motoelite, high-quality transmission lubricants, engine coolants and other bicycle lubricants can be found in our synthetic lubricants.
Our key products are automotive products that provide consumers with a high-performance product that is available to motorists as an additional alternative to their engine oil. Motoelite distributes a wide range of products to dealers, oil changer stations, spare parts warehouses, etc.
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