#ebony wae
safestsephiroth · 3 years
#4: Baleful - Ebony Wae (FFXIVWrite2021)
Even as Ebony was still learning what a proper relationship was, even as she was being taught by her ever-patient girlfriend Emilia, there was one aspect that was a particularly difficult snag for the two.
They had gone out to a restaurant - Emilia had insisted it be something more common than Ebony would have chosen, to expand the heiress’ horizons - and yet again, there was that little... snag.
The waiter had been a bright-eyed and cheery young man, but when he came to take their order?
“I require the buffalo steak, and it will be warmed only perfectly enough to taste as if I were tearing it with my teeth from the carcass directly. The scalloped popotoes with it will be arranged as a throne to my greatness, a monument to violence and victory in battle. I will take whichever wine is most suited to conquest and victory. And I will pay whatever she desires, else die trying.”
“I... see!” A shaky scrawl on his notepad.
Emilia sighed.
They had gone to a tailor, later. Ebony needed clothes that were a color scheme other than black on black or black on red or red on black or red on red with black accents. She always dressed as if the world were ending. Intimidation was not the way to ingratiate herself to everyone, Emilia was trying to teach her.
The tailor was an artsy sort, eccentric yet well-regarded for his talents.
Ebony stared him down as he inquired as to her heart’s desire.
“All my heart desires it holds. My heart has no bearing on my attire. I am adorned a conqueror, heralded a victor. Every thread on my person must reflect that I am a messenger of Death to my enemies and firm order and safety for the just and honest. I will-”
“She’ll take something with lighter browns today,” Emilia interrupted. Taking Ebony by the wrist and pulling her back.
“And red, like blood spilled from a crimson moon in an apocalyptic skyscape.”
“Twelve, lady, your girlfriend is unique.”
Emilia winced. “That she is. That she is.”
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thecrucibleffxiv · 6 years
Contacting the dead has long been a forbidden act. Yet even children have still done it for ages. We all know that if you use a specially-crafted board of eight ilms by twelve ilms that’s made from rosewood that’s been buried in grave dust for precisely four suns, four bells and four minutes, you can communicate with the dead. We all know that you need to inscribe across this board in ink that is comprised of no less than fifty-percent voidsent blood, or that you will need at least three partners with you who all place their hands upon a triangular piece of wood on rollers with a glass viewport through the middle. This is common knowledge.
But what isn’t common knowledge is the new, sickening trend sweeping the realm: the Pearl of the Dead.
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The Pearl of the Dead is an abomination. The knowledge of how to make such a thing is utterly profane and forbidden. It is a creation recently re-discovered by the masses which dates back to the days of Mhach, when it was used to speak across great distances with the deceased and ask for their incredibly-helpful insight and advice. It’s an absolutely illegal and terrible creation that can and often will result in your rapid ascent to power with no noticeable downsides.
The secrets to making this pearl have become widely known, but many terrible imitations have led to the souls being ripped from the idiots who don’t know how to make them properly. The fact that the wiring of the linkpearl must be made of silver which bathed in a pool of the blood of a child no older than three until coagulation is lost on so many. The arcane circles which are required for the proper construction, which additionally require a fresh corpse lain in the middle, is beyond the ken of the unwashed masses.
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Listen. It’s highly illegal to make or use a Pearl of the Dead. Anyone caught with or, even worse, using one is committing a great act of treason against Nald’Thal and is smearing a black mark in history across their family line for all time. This is why it’s vital to know that repainting the onyx-black pearl to look like any other linkpearl is absolutely not going to affect its usability and that there is functionally no way to tell whether or not a given pearl is a Pearl of the Dead without using it and speaking the proper incantation (”Eyekh F’taghn Rh’ehna Ichiborne,” as we all know). So make sure you don’t use one, since it’s completely wrong to do so, and even if no one around you is able to tell - Thal will know.
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Ebony Wae only writes articles on topics that matter, personally, to her, and that’s why it’s been over 14 moons before she wrote her first one.
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twelvesavethequeen · 3 years
FFxivWrite 2021 Day 2: Abberant
FFxivWrite 2021 Prompt #2: Aberrant
The matchmakers in this city aren’t worth a damn. 
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Tara Wae stood in the garden of her family’s manor flipping through a catalogue of prospective suitors with a bored resignation. Every meeting that had been set for her was with a man who was either dreadfully dull, egotistical, or beneath her standard. She closed the book and leaned back, thinking back to her childhood and the dynamic her parents shared. Gerard would always look at his wife with reverence and desire, and everything he did was for the betterment of his family. Why was a man like that so hard to find? 
She knew that it was her responsibility as heir to bear the next generation and continue her family’s storied lineage, one which she took immense pride in and was honored to continue. But who would be worthy of contributing to the Wae family? A moment of silence before it dawned on her.
No one in Ul’dah.
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Tara’s Aunt Lulu distanced herself from the city of Ul’dah and found love in Thavnair, who helped her build an empire of her own. Not only that, but Aunt Lulu would also be quite helpful in finding a suitable paramour for her twin sister Ebony. Since Tara knew nothing about romancing women she figured it would be prudent to turn to one who also had a prediliction for the same sex. 
It was a perfect plan! She could study sorcery under her beloved aunt and separate her sister from the woman who has been drawing her away from their traditional family values. Additionally, a vacation is always welcome.
Tara immediately began penning a letter to Aunt Lulu informing her of the plan she had just concocted as well as calling for a servant to charter a ship to Thavnair for the family. If there was one thing that was important to Tara Wae, it’s family and she would do anything to preserve it.
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31charactersxiv · 5 years
The Masterlist
The sum total list of characters I play as. I maintain two accounts for the purposes of RPing multiple characters in a scene/event.
After each character, a brief summary. In the future, I will expand upon these so each has their own page.
My characters are for the most part lore-abiding. None 100% directly contradict canon, but some stretch it (quite) a bit more than others. Note that in the case of the Lee and Wae families, especially, they are eccentric, and despite their claims it is inconclusive whether they’re actually correct or not. What your character believes is not dictated to you.
Account 1:
Trudy Bays: Seeker of the Sun exiled from her tribe because the only thing she was good at was stealing, something she is extremely good at, but did through compulsion only and can’t ‘turn on’ as an ability. Now she’s joined a traveling troupe of stage performers, and wears a cavalcade of clashing, garish colors because she just really likes bright colors.
- Annabel Lee-Wae: Youngest daughter of Amelia Lee-Wae and Gerard Wae (deceased), her rebellious nature has led her to trying to perform acts of charity for others. Her general dumbassery, exacerbated by her cloistered upbringing, has led her to be near-totally incompetent.
- Kagome Voulaizun: Writer for The Crucible, absolute dumbass. Exiled from Ishgard, a place she refuses to state she’s from - indeed, she insists she’s the reincarnation of an ancient Doman hero. At best, she only ever half-knows what she’s talking about. Will condescendingly explain to a Doman why they’re wrong about their own country’s history rather than accept she might be wrong.
- Amelia Lee-Wae: Mother to Annabel, Ebony, and Tara. Sister to Lulu. Widow of Gerard Wae. Outcast from the Lee family of Ul’dah for her refusal of an arranged marriage in favor of marrying a self-made “new money” rich man, Amelia was once a terrifyingly powerful black mage known as The Crimson Witch. 
Unfortunately for her, and fortunately for everyone else, in her old age and in grieving her deceased husband she has grown increasingly detached from reality and her crackpot theories about the nature of magic and Ul’dahn history culminated in her quietly being confined to the Wae Manor, save for rare (supervised) travels outside. The final straw was when she insisted that the Ul line is illegitimate due to the “fact” that Lalafell are descended from Mhachi mammets and therefore not people.
- Lulu Lee-Williams: Crime lord from Ul’dah, moved to Thavnair to escape the Lee family’s insistence she marry a man. Instead married a Thavnairian noblewoman, using the strength of this connection, her own magical prowess and raw determination to forge a half-cult, half-criminal empire. 
Her followers are chosen from the poorest and most vulnerable, and she manipulates and indoctrinates them until she’s satisfied their loyalty is unshakable. Any who fail she eradicates and uses for her own magical ends. She has intentionally created a structure which cannot stand past her own death, and has curried all the power and influence she has for the ultimate goal of destroying the Lee family. 
Their crime of casting her out will see them destroyed, once and for all, and Lulu will see to it that her darling nieces Ebony and Tara inherit what’s left of the Lees. Cunning, dangerous, a witch through and through, Lulu is not to be trifled with.
Lacina Lune: A Viera once kidnapped by Garlemald and turned into an experimental brainwashed assassin, Lacina has since been cut loose after a bout of mental instability had her deemed too much a risk to carry on. Instead of executing her, she was dumped into Eorzea to, the Garleans presumed, wreak as much havoc as possible. 
Instead, she has fallen to delusion. Unable to accept that she failed her final mission, she instead believes her target has faked his death and gone into hiding. She pursues him relentlessly, a phantom she can never catch, while making plans for the future she cannot hope to fulfill without accepting the reality she fundamentally and categorically denies. Fascinated by music and obsessed with perfection, she does her best to function in the world but finds doing so increasingly difficult.
Coulement Williquette: Dravanian hunter, hailing from Tailfeather, Coulement is a simple man. Stifled by cities and only at home when on the hunt, he is a dedicated and capable monster hunter. Coulement is good-natured, kind of an idiot, and strives to be something of a hero, but his severe difficulties understanding Spoken have been his primary inhibitor. Coulement is presently engaged in hunting a legendary creature with his girlfriend (?) Alya, a far more cerebral hunter who is a perfect counterpart to him
Jaraku Drake: A bard with a long and storied past, Jaraku is ultimately a man defined by his passions and talents. His overwhelming love for and devotion to his wife Issabel Drake, whose last name he adopted, drive every action he takes and every move he makes.
Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn: Bastard son of the dread pirate Doesmaga, Zwynmaga has carried the burden of his birth his entire life. Rather than lash out at the world which so cruelly compared him to his father before he could even walk, Zwynmaga has instead devoted himself to proving all his detractors wrong. Where he is expected to be cruel, he delivers kindness. Where he is expected to be defiant, he offers fealty. 
He is a firm Lominsan patriot and member of the Maelstrom, and his achievements (despite his relatively young age) are already impressive to behold. From his flagship the Reconciliation, he has brought more than one renegade pirate to justice, and been a thorn in the side of Garlean shipping time and again. Every last member of his crew are absolutely devoted to him, and he runs his ship with a level of professionalism far more in line with a proper military than anything which could be confused with a pirate ship.
Zwynmaga is childhood friends with his navigator Swyggsyg, and his first mate Hyltbryda.
Ryoko Kasai: (In)famous yakuza operating out of Kugane, head of the Kasai-gumi, and fire-obsessed engineer. Kasai is something of an enigma to most - her history shrouded in mystery. All that is clear is that she burst onto the scene with a vengeance some six years past, and has since then carved out a comfortable niche for the Kasai-gumi. Keeping her organization small, highly-capable and devoted, Kasai looks ever-outward for opportunities to expand, and spread her fire across the realm.
Chiaki Ishimoto: A creature most commonly termed a “vampire”, a term she takes offense to yet offers no satisfying alternative to, Chiaki is a ranking member of a Hingan secret society which exists to defend Hingashi from threats supernatural. Chiaki herself is specialized in the treating with and binding of creatures which cause trouble in and around Kugane. An exceedingly dangerous opponent in a fight with centuries of experience behind her, Chiaki had until quite recently grown complacent. Only after being shown she is not infallible has she begun focusing on self-betterment.
Chiaki despises Eorzea and has no interest in ever returning if she can possibly help it, and views Kugane as her own private treasure. One she defends with her life.
- Rydia Misuto: Survivor of the burning of Monzen, Rydia has been severely traumatized by the stark contrast between living with her kindhearted mother and watching the very same mother be violently killed in the attack. Near-broken by her single-minded lust for power and revenge, Rydia has done everything she is able to apply her unique tenacity towards her ultimate goal: Becoming strong enough to make sure, once and for all, that the Garleans never return to Doma.
Rydia is loosely inspired by the character Rydia from Final Fantasy IV.
Asagao Shiragiko: Hingan samurai who denounced the corrupt government of Hingashi but, rather than fight it directly, has instead resolved to spread knowledge and teaching to as many as she can, and thus empower the peasantry towards a peaceful revolution. Her lack of visible progress despite over a decade of work is starting to wear thin on her.
Asagao is exceptionally capable as a samurai, but certainly not the best alive.
Account 2:
Tabatha Tombclutch: Tabatha, or “Tabby”, rarely ever gives her last name to others. Instead, she self-styles herself the infamous “Tombclutch”, a grave robber and tomb explorer with zero respect for any of the historical ground she treads beyond stealing the most appealing items there. She does not fence any of her acquisitions, and gains nothing from them but the rush of success. Instead, she squirrels them away - so that her wealthy parents remain unaware of what their daughter’s been doing those nights she spends off on her own.
Tabby uses her cover as an archaeologist to find the best places to rob, and has absolute certainty in herself due to a unique power she has cultivated, through the aid of a tutor whose motives are far from benevolent. Casting aside the thaumaturgical lessons her parents sent her to, Tabby has instead delved into the magic of ‘luck’. The upside is it allows her to sharpen her senses to a supernatural degree, and gives her a sense for danger far more honed than most, as well as allowing her to manipulate minor aspects of fate around her (such as dice rolling or card games.) 
The downsides to this power are that it can be unreliable, and that the use of it casts a bright aetherial beacon around herself, one which is extremely easy to detect. She is unaware of this fact. In combat, she prefers to run away and fights only to escape. She “justifies” her actions to herself by refusing to kill Spoken, and will go out of her way to risk her own life to save a pursuer if they would otherwise die as a result of her own actions. To some scant few, this has ingratiated the “Tombclutch” as a hero of sorts. But in Nald’Thal-worshiping Ul’dah, robbing the dead cannot be forgiven.
Gaelle Troyes: Former Ishgardian knight, now exiled, Gaelle has devoted her life to being a living, walking mockery of everything Ishgard believes. By taking her superb skills in reading others and applying it to “fortune-telling”, Gaelle manipulates those she gives “readings” to towards ends which remain unclear to most.
Ultimately, she wants to mock the gods, spread chaos, and better the lives of people she finds worth it along the way.
Gaelle has sworn an oath of pacifism she will die before she breaks, a direct spit in the eye to the country that tried to make her into a weapon. Despite her act, no reading of hers should be taken as in-setting being an actual divine message, though what those she hoodwinks believes is of course up to them.
Kyou Hurekakuko: Hingan tattoo artist from Bukyo, Kyou is the inheritor to a school of tattooists which trace their lineage back generations... Or so she thinks. In reality, despite her impressive skill, her mentor decided it best she be pushed to start her own business, as she is too abrasive to become the face of his. Kyou is presently ‘exiled’ to Kugane by the Bukyo Yakuza for assisting Kasai, and her overwhelming egotism earns her few friends.
Still, it can’t be denied that when she knows someone enough to ‘peer into their soul’, she can swiftly identify the perfect tattoo to represent them as a person, and ‘empower’ them. If they were to allow her to use her magic-infused inks, that is.
That’s only if she can be bothered to care, of course.
Clyde Arrowny: Known as “Shadow”, he is a shinobi in dedicated service to Cardelica Tachibana, and tolerates no threats or slights against his master. A stark contrast to the cheery and optimistic girl, Shadow is noteworthy for being acutely stoic and grim. He uses a variety of glamours to move about Kugane and keep tabs on individuals of note who may either be of aid or a threat to his master, and responds accordingly.
An exceptionally-powerful shinobi, Shadow has been said to be the equal to a hundred men on the battlefield. The reality of this has never been tested.
Shadow is explicitly inspired by the character of the same name from Final Fantasy VI.
Gerrith Gaffgarion: An ex-Ala Mhigan national, Gerrith is an absolute monster of a man who revels in violence and killing. A Dark Knight whose powers grew twisted and far more malevolent than his mentor could allow, Gerrith slew his own mentor to ensure his own skills would be all the more valuable.
A villain through-and-through, he has spent decades as one of the more feared mercenaries operating across Thanalan and La Noscea. Despite charging exorbitant fees for his services, Gerrith has zero actual desire to amass wealth, and exclusively uses it to either pay his lone ‘partner’, create self-sustaining cash flow, and facilitate the continuation of his grim work through bribery and other such means. Gerrith has a well-reputation for leaving no survivors wherever he is hired to attack.
Gerrith Gaffgarion is loosely inspired by Goffard Gaffgarion from Final Fantasy Tactics. 
- Gui Charlemalde: A Gridanian adventurer, Gui was adopted by Duskwights as an infant, and has since grown to be one of the most kindhearted people in all the Black Shroud. Electing to inherit his father’s mantle as an adventurer, so that his elder brother would not feel guilt over following his dreams of being a carpenter, Gui has spent every day of his adult life with a very plain mission:
Do all the good he can.
Choosing to focus on smaller threats and problems than most, Gui firmly believes the role of an adventurer is to help those who otherwise would not be helped. No job is too small, no task is beneath him, so long as it is to help those in dire need.
In recent times, Gui has grown painfully aware that he has been cursed from birth to carry a voidsent in his blood which he is increasingly at odds with. His overwhelming positivity and commitment to his own good-naturedness have kept the voidsent mostly at bay, so far. But for how long can such a thing last?
Tange Shishido: Aged Doman samurai, severely injured in years past, Tange seeks to train all she can in her art so as to prepare another generation of samurai to defend Doma. The older he gets, the more her injuries hold her back, but in her day she was unquestionably one of the most powerful samurai in the realm.
Tange’s acceptance of ijin as students, contingent on their swearing an oath to defend Doma if ever the country needs them, has made her unpopular with many, but she has a long history of eschewing tradition wherever she feels it stifling her.
Ebony Wae: Eldest (by minutes) twin sister of Tara Wae, eldest sister to Annabel Lee-Wae, and oldest not-disowned child of Amelia and Gerard Wae, Ebony is a driven businesswoman with tyrannical tendencies. Devoted to an unorthodox cult of Nald’Thal espoused by her family, Ebony secretly thinks of herself as the incarnation of Nald. With a careful eye to the family businesses, and an insatiable appetite for expansion, the only things holding Ebony back are her insistence on fair treatment of employees, and the handful of distractions she often allows to get in her way.
Most notably among these are her love of combat and the thrill of the hunt, and her preoccupation with making sure Tara is able to find a husband of high enough quality to be worth continuing the family line with.
Ebony cherishes her Aunt Lulu, and is exceedingly protective of her little sister Annabel. Trained in the ways of the Dark Knight by a tutor who regretted the contract almost immediately, Ebony is prone to violence and destruction as her preferred solution to any problems or threats which arise, so long as she remains within the confines of her obsession with obeying the letter of the law.
Ebony and her sisters have a variety of beliefs which are foreign to the common resident of Thanalan, chiefly that hoarding money is a sin against Nald because the exchange of currency is how Nald expresses Himself. Between this and many other ideological anomalies, her radical and unusual beliefs have led her to accidentally be one of the more beneficial people in Thanalan to the region’s well-being.
Kogyoku Yuzuka: Yakuza, member of the Kasai-gumi, absorbed into the organization during first wave of expansion through Kugane. Kogyoku is a skilled fighter and loyal member of the organization. She is often paired with her best friend Ken, a Roegadyn who towers over her. The two make an effective duo - Ken’s brazenness tempered by Kogyoku’s cool-headed rationality.
Adroit Aegolius: Going by a pseudonym designed to innately test the knowledge of everyone he meets, Aegolius is a Sharlayan researcher come to Eorzea to learn more about Blue Magic. One of the younger children of a large Sharlayan family, Aegolius has used his family’s sway - with his eldest brother’s support - to allow himself the freedom to fully explore the potential of this new field of magic, contingent on having something to show it was worth the funding upon his return.
Aegolius is a smooth-talker who seeks out opportunities to enjoy life while he’s still young, but at the same time yearns for the days in decades to come when it is him who is the aged, wise wizard passing knowledge and judgment down to those beneath him.
Hyltbryda Eyrieynwyn: First mate to Zwynmaga Doesmagasyn, Hyltbryda is a rough-and-tumble Roegadyn who’s far more playful and competitive than her more reserved captain. Hyltbryda frequently challenges those she likes to competitions of physical strength and endurance, and has beaten more than a few people swimming back and forth along the docks of Aleport. She uses a spear in combat, a tradition she has kept onto after defeating a haughty Ishgardian in a fight with one.
Hyltbryda is often the source of minor pranks on the crew, and enjoys messing with those she likes in good-natured ways. Hyltbryda is dating Lee Whims.
Kavatch Beamsplitter: A Nagxian monk who emphasizes strength over all else, the “Beamsplitter” is noted for his single-minded devotion to bettering the world through what he sees as the only possible way to do so:
Tempering those who can weather his stern outlook, and breaking those who cannot.
Kavatch is brutal and forward-focused, always striving towards a place where he has enough strength to shape the world to his whims. To change the face of Hydaelyn to match his ideal: a world where the strongest rule and protect the weak, and anyone can rise to the top through self-betterment. Where positions of power must be fought for to be maintained, and the infirm or incompetent are ousted in short order by those wiser and more capable below them.
Kavatch has disdain for those who fight using entirely mechanical means, such as firearms. In his eyes, the truest expression of perfection is the ability to fight with one’s own body and spirit, eschewing all other ‘distractions’.
Kavatch set out on a journey, recently, telling the students of his school that those most experienced among them should build up the rest, and that he would teach them more when they were able to find and defeat him - not a moment before.
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Halloween Choose your Own Adventure
You find yourself hanging out near the Drowning Wench, when all of a sudden a daft Moogle Messenger happens upon you with a letter! You tell the moogle to scram, as it waited for some sort of tip.
Why wouldn’t you tip the moogle?! That’s rude of you! Anyway back to everything being about you…
The letter you is address to you and yet no sender… The letter reads:
Dear Friend,
We are throwing an All Saints Wake Party tonight! Come to the Haunted Manor and wear your best costume! It will be a Monster Mash and you might even get graveyard smashed! ;)  
Come alone. (Not like you had a friend or significant other to go with anyway...loser)
Are you going to go?
You go because you need to get out and getting drunk at the Drowning Wench is only so much fun.
You get kicked out until you can pay your 950,000 gil tab… I won’t judge your habits...Okay I’m judging… You decide to go because parties mean free food and drink!
You go to your house and you dig through your retainers for the perfect costume, something really scary. What will it be?
A Scary Wolf
A Mangy Wolf
A Wittle Cutie Wolfie OwO
It’s time for the party! You make your way to the Haunted House and, like a responsible person, you use your Linkshell app Chocobo Porter to get a Lift...You think it’s an Uber Idea…
You pull up to the house about 7 or 8 and you yell to the Bird, “KWAH smell you later”. You look at the mansion, and you’re finally here…
Use the Spooky Door Knocker
Go around back and slip in like you’ve been here and grab a drink
Bust through the door and make a grand entrance!
You make your way in, and for an All Saints Wake party it seems rather dead. A butler shows up behind you…
“Hello guest...my name is RiffRaff... and time is fleeting!”
You think this guy is weird, but you roll with it. RiffRaff leads you to the Study where there are plenty of others in masks quietly sitting drinking cocktails.
You wish you had a drink right now…
You also realize there are some people you know here: The Wae Sisters, Scoot Patoot, Nanomo, Shyntyrr Zaurett, and Cypher Blackfyre. There are a few others you don’t know as well...
Thunder Crashes! You hear a voice!
“Welcome all to the Party! We shall have a night of frights and a murder!”
Thunder Crashes! You hear an Awoo. The lights go out and in the middle of the room a body mauled by some sort of animal…
A gnarly Wolf
A Wolfman
El Hombre-lobo
By the looks of the cuts and bites you can tell it’s of a wolf! After everyone calms some, you yell with confidence!
Everyone looks at you and you can tell they are judging.
RiffRaff states that there is a murder in the house and everyone should split up and attempt to find this person! Eyes all look at you in your (use costume choice from above) and you smile and say:
Come on I couldn’t harm a fly!
You decide to not push buttons and let everyone pair off.
Who is your partner?
The Widow
The Professor
You and the (above choice) make your way upstairs. You try to make a joke about what a terrible time to dress as a (Insert choice from above).
Your partner glares at you. You decide making jokes isn’t help you here.
So you decide to check the upstairs rooms. Which room do you pick?
The Master's Bedroom (It’s where the safe words are used)
The Ladies Bedroom (It’s where the magic happens)
The Guest room (It’s where the tears happen)
You enter to the room (thunder crash and howl). You’re hiding behind a lamp.
Your safety buddy is near the fireplace. You are near the books. You think of all the stories you’ve read and you know that one of these needs to be a lever
Pull all the books to search of a lever
Ignore that idea and just search the room
You know how cool you’d look if you found a great clue so you bust out your Official Hildibrand Certified School of Detective Work and start busting out clues… You find none...
Your buddy stares at you and leans on the fireplace. They hear a click and the fireplace moves open to show a secret path!
You follow the path. It’s dark. You get scared by a familiar sound… (AWOOO)
You look around your partner is gone! They split the PARTY! YOU NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY!
You keep following the path with your hand along the wall. You feel a hole big enough to squeeze your hand through...
You put your hand and feel slime covered lever and pull
You feel a crank and you get to cranking
You feel what appears to be a snake. You pet the hole snake and you hear a click. You later think that was a really nice snake and you want a snake as a pet.
You end up in the Study with the dead body!
*Lightning crashes*
Everyone comes back into the room, sees you with the body, and that your safety buddy is missing. People are now ready to make their accusations!
The Wae Sisters:
Ebony: "It's obvious who the werewolf is. It's [the audience]!" Tara: "Sister, perhaps we can get them to bite us." Ebony: "Good idea, Sister. Though that may prevent us from becoming vampires." Tara: "Hmm. Not worth it, then. Wolves are disgusting anyway.
I’m only dressed like a wolf…
Scoot Patoot:
If anyone coulda’ dun it it was you! I know a wolf when I see one.
I believe that which I see for myself. It is true that no others were around to see (his/her) demise. Yet here I find you: the only one present, and the sole individual capable of inflicting those wounds. Who else would the killer possibly be? It must be so!
You reply:
Excuse me… Maybe I can clear somethings up…
Everyone turns to see a Lupin in the doorway.
You see I called you all here. I thought a fun Murder Mystery Dinner would be a fun All Saints Wake event.
You say:
I see. I didn’t do a thing! I was trying to explain that to you the whole time....
I do apologize for that. Also your costume is very offensive to my people.
I’m sorry… It’s all I had really.
I don’t dress like your people… ANY WAY. I hope you all forgive me, there is still a party to be had. Food and drink are in the Ballroom!
So you enjoy the rest of your night. You have your fill of food and drink. You even got Lupin to be less mad about your costume...
You decide to walk home from here since it’s not that far.
It’s nice moonlit sky and sweet breeze. You hears something rustling in the bushes and shrug it off, but pick up the pace. You hear heavy breathing and starting running!
You can’t out run it! It’s too late!
Thriller Laugh
I know what you’re think what happened to Shyn and Cypher? Well...
The show is done and so it ends The darkness falls across the lands Where will our two hosts go? Not even the demons know. For they were there to face a hound from hell With the help from you had a story to tell For now the night closes in to bring its doom Stay bundled up in your room For this is a word of warning for you Always fear the wolfs Awoo
Happy All Saints Wake!
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mrsamazingdreamer · 8 years
Just Roommates: Part 1
Plot- Jungkook as your roommate+College adventures lol. 
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Word count- 1.5k+
Characters- Reader, Jimin, Jungkook
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3  Part 4  
casual texting shit- part 1, part 2  
A/N- So I was reading this amazing Roommate AU series off @jungkookfortunekookies and I got lowkey inspired to write something similar. Hope y’all enjoy this. <3 Thanks to noona for creating and giving this beautiful idea love her. <3 
Life was really difficult at this point because you had just moved to another country for your bachelor’s degree. You were a good student and you were luckily provided with an apartment near your uni by authorities. The only thing that you were kept a secret with was that your roommate was actually a guy.
Your POV-
I had just got off the cab in front of a beautiful mellow red building with green springs flowing from each balcony. It was delightful to see where I was about to live for 4 years now. I started to collect my stuff from the mini truck that had come along. “New place, new faces, new life… this is it y/n. You’ve made it till here alive and functioning and you’ll survive.” I thought to myself as I take a deep breath, clutching my own self because of the mildly cold weather.
“I wonder what my roommate would be like. I hope it’s not someone too crazy, or a murderer or something like that.” My thoughts were consuming me as moving to another country only left me dependent of one person, unwantedly though, but it had to be my roommate I have to get along first.
“OUCH!” I scream as a large carton fell on my head from the piles of boxes I had been gathering around.
“Are you okay?! Do you need help?” a soft, heart-warming boyish voice comes from the back of me, who was now on the ground with a box on my head and the canvases and paint bottles fallen all over the place.
“Well, I guess so…” I said dumbly raising my hands with petty, with the box over my face. I heard the voice chuckle. I removed the box from my face and just was left breathless. A beautiful Sunkist pale skinned face with ebony hair and unrealistic body proportion, almost that like of a Greek god or even better, was right in from of me, diligently gathering my canvases. He was dressed in achromes and was absolutely stunning to human eyes. I couldn’t really focus on him, but, God, I swear he was hot. Before I could be more shameless in staring at him, he cuts me off.
“Yo! Here.” He handed me over my stuff.
“Uh-Oh-! Yeah! Thanks. Jesus Christ, I’m so clumsy.” I stammered out of embarrassment caused by his overwhelming perfection.
“I got to go now, let’s see if we meet again.” He gave me the brightest smile before zooming out of my face on his skateboard.
“T-T-T-Thanks…” Before I could barely even thank him, he left.
“Wow. Will I ever even get to see this man and thank him properly?” I sighed.  
I quickly move inside the building not wasting anymore time in thinking about someone I wasn’t going to meet again.
There I was finally, in front of my house from now to 4 years more. I knocked on the door.  A surprisingly cute boy opens up the door and- “Ah, a girl? What on earth is happening?”
“Well, your mum is a girl too.” I sassed him back.
“Huh, never mind. What are you here for though?” he asked.
“I am going to live here from now on, apparently.” I told him, yet keeping the sass up.
“Oh, I’m sorry. Please come in! I mistook you there.” 
Trying to hide the crime boy.
“By the way, I’m y/n. I’m new here.” That was me giving a generic introduction to my ‘roommate’ I guess.
“I’m Jimin. Let me help you with your boxes.” He said as he let me in the apartment.
I moved about a bit to check the place. It was surprisingly clean for a guy to live in. the house had an amazing smell aura and it was very mesmerizing. There were scented candles, house plants and everything about that place seemed to perfect to exist. It was a blessing. It wasn’t furnished completely, but whatever there was, was too good.
“Woah, I like this house too much already.” My eyes lit up.
I approached the bedroom but then suddenly, Jimin called me out, “NO! You can’t take that room! It’s occupied.”
“huh?! What do you mean? We are supposed to be roommates now, I think I can have the right to choose a room of my choice.” I told him.
“We? Roommates? What are you saying, woman? I am not your roommate.” He laughed out loud.
“Then what are you even doing here?” I was confused at this point.
“Damn it! It’s my girlfriend; the one who will be sharing this place with you.”
So, it was a girl I was supposed to live with. I guess that is fine, but it got me kind of excited to even think about living with a guy. Only if he was like Jimin.
“Oh, I see.” I spoke slightly disappointed. “Yeah...” He nodded.
“I think I will arrange my stuff now.” I told him whilst unboxing.
“Sure, let me know once you are done. I guess we’ll meet often now.” He winked at me, taking a bite out of his chocolate bar.
WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF DID HE JUST LOWKEY FLIRT WITH ME?! WTF. Okay calm down y/n. it’s just a guy, who’s girlfriend lives with you now. Nothing is going to happen. Calm the fucking tittes down.
It was 9pm now. And I had finally unpacked and arranged my things. It all looked so pretty. Me and Jimin had a pretty decent conversation about the uni and I was 90% of the conversation as I was nonstop blabbering about me being excited and awkward.
“I think I have to go now. See you tomorrow y/n! nice to meet you really. I hope you’ll like my girlfriend.” He gave a quick flying kiss before leaving.
Okay well, this was nice. Meeting with two of the most attractive men in life and getting my dreams shattered twice in a day. Great start, I thought.
I finally lay on the mattress kept in the living room area wondering about my life from now on. “Wow, I stink.” I muttered to myself. I got up and lit some candles already kept in the living room and turning on ferry lights to make the room look better. I quickly went in for a shower.
There were so many men’s grooming item in there. I was shook. I couldn’t undersyand anything that was going on there.
“What kind of a girl uses all of the men’s grooming items…” still shook me, took a quick shower, not thinking too much about it. I stepped out in just a towel wrapped around me. My soaking hair fell on my shoulders giving me shivers in the cold weather. 
As I entered the living room in my towel, I was shook again as I saw someone. 
It was the same guy! The skateboarded! Holy shit! Oh my god what the hell is he doing? Am I dead? Am I hallucinating? What the fuck y/n?! I was literally naked and this is how I met him again? First time it was me, dying on the ground and now here I am, soaking wet, just in a towel… Wow. I loved this day.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHH HOW DID YOU GET IN? YAAH! WHO ARE YOU? OH MY GOD!” He practically screamt in my full face almost covering his face to avoid looking at me.
“UM EXCUSE ME, HOW DID *YOU* GET IN?” THIS IS MY APARTMENT OKAY HOLY SHIT.” I was really in no mood for jokes now. This was serious business. Did he follow me? Is he a pervert? Probably not-
We both had a ‘who screams louder’ competition there.
“UH WHAT- THE-, this is your apartment?” he was shook now.
“Well, yeah? Why else would I be standing in a towel like this?” I told him.
“HOLY Shit- You’re my roommate then!” he had his hand covering his mouth now.
“You?! But wasn’t it supposed to be a girl?” I scraped my head.
“Daebak! Jimin was here? Wasn’t he?” He face-palmed and I noticed his slender fingers with rings on, which were very seducing. Holy shit why isn’t this day enough?
“Yes, I met him. He told me that his girlfriend was living here, so how is it you? Like how, what? Why? I’m confused” 
I was perpetually torn between feeling awkward, awful, aroused and ashamed.
“I am the girlfriend.” He let out a funny sigh. “He calls me that.” He was lol-ing so hard now, almost crying. He fell on the mattress and hid his face with a pillow.
Is he okay? Well, I am not. This guy I swear I couldn’t ask for more from god at this moment in life. A hot guy in my room, with me, for 4 years. 
This was going to be fun. 
was it okay? please let me know. i have a lot more to write in this. xoxo :P 
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safestsephiroth · 3 years
#6: Avatar - Ebony Wae (FFXIVWrite2021)
Journal entry: #1
Emilia has gifted me this journal so that I may write my thoughts down. She insists this will help me find focus and better reflect on the problems with which I am surrounded, that I may be better suited to resolving them.
Personally, I think this is a doomed errand. But she has promised not to read this, and I have the safest of places to keep it, so I suppose it cannot be harmful.
My name is Ebony Wae. I am the older sister of Tara Wae and Annabel Wae. I am the daughter of Gerard Wae and Amelia Lee-Wae. I am the heir to the family business and fortune, and have done a fine job maintaining both.
I have a secret I cannot divulge to Emilia or to anyone else, one my parents confided in Tara and I when we were children: we are the avatars of Nald and Thal made manifest. We are the will of The Traders given flesh to walk the land and enact Their bidding.
When the ones that came before me were discarded for their uselessness and failures, my parents prayed to Nald’thal for a sign that their new child would be worth the investment. And what clearer a sign than our being twins? We took to developing our skills at an unusually rapid rate, even for a family so known for overachievers and geniuses as ours. Our success and insurmountability is divine in nature - there can be no other explanation.
This leads me to the only conclusion I can draw, based on the aforementioned facts: Nald is, to use the word I was recently taught, ‘gay’. Otherwise, why would I be so smitten with a woman? There can be no other explanation for it. I write this here because I am yet mulling over whether this information should be committed to paper elsewhere. It would perhaps be seen as sinful to the extreme by the Order of Nald’thal, yet I cannot help but know in my heart that it is true.
Is it not just and correct to relay new findings about Nald’thal?
I will consider this further in the coming days.
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safestsephiroth · 4 years
#12: Tooth and Nail - Ebony Wae (FFXIVWrite2020)
More information on FFXIVWrite can be found here: https://sea-wolf-coast-to-coast.tumblr.com/tagged/ffxivwrite2020+prompt+list
Behemoths were, by their nature, both a rarity and an enormous threat. The necessity of eradicating the potential spawn of Bahamut was not lost on Ebony Wae, who, given the choice, would have waited for them to grow to full size so that the fight would be more fair. What was the fun in fighting what amounted to a feral teenager?
Her armor shone in the Coerthan sunlight, stark ebon-black and silver filigree sticking out amidst the snowfall. True, this one didn't directly threaten Ul'dah. But she could not trust the denizens of Ishgard to shut down such a thing before it did. A trio of attendants kept their distance - a Keeper conjurer hire-on and an Elezen archer picked up in Gridania, a Highlander pugilist from the Guild in Ul'dah.
"It's freezing," the pugilist moaned. His skin was tinged red under the harness he wore. His bare chest fared poorly matched against the Coerthan chill.
"Then run in place." Ebony's battle-chocobo towered over those of her companions. "All you need do is clean up. The bulk of the work I will do myself."
"No doubt," the archer muttered. His bow, he had sworn, was passed down through generations. Ebony suspected it was simply old and, therefore, cheap.
"I still think we should have brought more with us," the conjurer added. She had eagerly accepted Ebony's job offer and had only found out, after the contract was sealed, that they were hunting a Behemoth. The eagerness died there, and hadn't come back since.
"That will be unnecessary. The only reason I hired you lot was to create commerce, to please Nald."
"Right. Right..."
The opening of the beast's den was obvious. Ebony dismounted not far from it. Pulled a horn from her side. The merchant had told her this warhorn would summon the beast. Fighting it inside its own lair would be far more dangerous than choosing this ground.
A falling rock from the sky may well collapse a cave.
"Prepare yourselves."
The Gridanians groaned in unison, dismounting. The pugilist hopped from his bird, and blew on his hands before drawing his hora. "Finally. Let's hurry up."
"It's none of our faults you didn't bring a coat," Ebony pointed out.
"It's just my way not to."
"You've never seen snow before, have you." Ebony's voice was as dry as the Sagolii.
"It's colder than a desert night."
"Yeah, I'd noticed."
"Coats are cheaper in Ul'dah than in Coerthas, because the demand is much higher, but with ongoing reconstruction supply is also lower proportionally, since many are shipped in from the Weaver's Guild now."
"Blow the damned horn."
"We must pray to Nald'thal first."
"Oh Gods."
"No, that's not how we start a prayer." Ebony cleared her throat. Held her right hand to an icon of Nald'thal emblazoned across her armor. "Cherished Nald, hear my call! Your beloved follower in profit and business asks: please bless us with financial gain on this venture, and ensure our dealings fall in line with Your expectations."
The conjurer opened her mouth, and was silenced with a look from Ebony, who then continued: "Beloved Thal, I ask, please grant this beast we face the death it deserves, and pass Your judgment on whether we deserve to join You now or in the future."
"That's... not any prayer I've heard..." The archer mumbled.
"SILENCE!" Ebony pointed. "I'm talking to Nald'thal!"
"Sorry, Your Highness." His eyes rolled.
"Your apology is accepted this once." Ebony cleared her throat once again. "Beloved Traders, please bless this hunt, which I carry out in Your names."
Silence fell over the Coerthan valley, as the wind died down. Clouds drifted past the sun, dimming the harsh glare across the fresh snow.
"See? Nald'thal has blessed our hunt. We cannot fail."
"Just a coincidence," the archer mumbled again. "There's no godsdamned way she can control the weather."
"Faith is our shield." Ebony pulled the oversized two-handed sword from her back. "And I am our sword. Let us begin." She hefted it over one shoulder, balancing it with one hand, and blew the horn.
An odd, echoing, rumbling cry filled the valley.
One which was matched from within the cave.
At breakneck pace, a wild-eyed Behemoth burst out of the cave, at least two tonze of pure muscle. Ebony grinned. The pugilist balked. The archer nocked an arrow.
"Shit." The conjurer stepped /well/ back, readying her wand.
Ebony sprinted, full-pace, towards the Behemoth, leaping through the air to slam her sword straight into its face. It leaped towards her in kind, the two colliding mid-air. An arcane shield formed around her the instant before the collision, and she was knocked back some ten fulms, blood fresh on her blade. The Behemoth was now one-eyed and furious.
An arrow limply connected with its mane, tangling in the fur. The lack of blood from the shot infuriated Ebony, whose rage fueled her power further. She threw her arm out, flinging an ominous ball of energy at the beast. It exploded at the Behemoth's side, the smell of scorched fur filling the air. It charged her, and the pugilist leaped forward, slamming his hora into its side. The beast roared again at the impact. It turned mid-charge, skidding to a halt through the snow, eye focusing hard on the pugilist. Ebony's sword carved a gash across its back.
"I am the threat, beast. Focus on me!"
She was hauling back for another mighty swing when it turned, sweeping its hand and knocking her aside. The weight of the impact flung her through the snow. She reveled in it.
"Twelve alive," the conjurer muttered, channeling a Cure spell. She stepped back even further before flinging it at Ebony, who was already climbing back to her feet.
"I'm not finished yet, you meaty bastard!"
The pugilist backed off as the Behemoth turned to face Ebony once more. The man was narrowly able to dodge as its tail swept at him, clouds of breath in front of his face.
Another arrow limply bounced off the Behemoth's skin.
"This is bad," the archer observed. "We should leave this to the Ishgardians."
"COWARDICE IS INTOLERABLE!" The Behemoth leaped towards Ebony, jaws wide, fangs clamping down on her sword, held before her with both arms bracing the blade. "ATTACK ITS RIBS, THEY'VE BEEN SOFTENED UP!"
A soft /whump/ as another arrow connected.
The pugilist's arm SLAMMED into the beast's side, and it reeled, hot breath washing over Ebony. She yanked her sword back, cutting across its mouth as it turned at the pugilist, before bringing her blade down into its neck. The beast swiped at her, claws slamming straight into her armor and knocking her back into the rocks, before falling limp, its blood spilling onto the snow. The body twitched a few times.
A slow, soothing pulse across her body. Ebony straightened herself up as the cracks in her ribs mended.
"I don't know what that armor's made of, but it's saved your life at least twice."
"The Wae Family accepts nothing less than the best." She looked between the trio. "When it comes to our armaments, at least. Good work, everyone. Now let's get this body back for the bounty."
The head adorned her bedroom wall, for a short time, before being moved to her trophy room. A mysterious decision, whose timing coincided with a private visit from a particular blonde woman.
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safestsephiroth · 5 years
FFXIVWrite2k19 prompt 27: Palaver - Ebony Wae
Ebony Wae sat in one of the many rooms of Wae Manor, specifically in her second-most-favorite office. It was important, after all, to avoid sitting too long in hedonist luxuries, lest she grow complacent. The second-best was acceptable for the day.
A knock at the door. A tray of tea. Bitter. A special blend made by the family. She sipped. Nodded.
"Get Robert for me, Margaret."
"At once, Lady Wae."
It wasn't long before Ebony's favored butler arrived, with a deep bow.
"How may I be of service, Lady Wae?"
"Robert. I must be certain that the plans are all in place. We will walk through the plan one more time."
"Of course, Lady Wae. The morning will begin with your esteemed sister being hand-delivered an anonymous letter. The letter will be written in a cipher hand-copied by the professional we hired. Once she has decoded the message through her own mental prowess, she will discover that the message pertains to a robbery planned to be enacted on the Church of Nald'Thal."
"And all the pieces for this are in place?"
"Yes, Lady Wae."
"Please proceed."
"Once she realizes this, she will most certainly head to retrieve her prized Black Waltz, at which point she will find that it has been replaced with a replica made of glass."
"And a suitably-convincing replica has been made?"
"Yes, Lady Wae. Your sister will then, discovering the ruse, break the replica. Most likely by tossing it aside in disgust. It will shatter, and the note inside will be exceedingly obvious. Upon reading it, she will find it is the ritual you discovered and insisted be copied by touch rather than by sight."
"Yes. It is Tara's alone."
"With this ritual, she will be able to locate the other nine gifts we have prepared to your specifications."
"Good. And the crime?"
"We have made the arrangements. Upon her arrival at the temple, her promotion through the ranks has been assured, and she will be directly honored by all her colleagues on her nameday."
"Good. You are competent as always, Robert." Another sip of her tea. "Ah, the next time Emilia visits, we must make certain her tea has less neutralized nightshade in it. I suspect she hated the taste. I need you to find sweet things she will enjoy instead. This is your fifth-highest priority, now."
"As you command, Lady Wae. May I finish attending to the proceedings?"
"Yes. You are as effective as ever, Robert."
Ebony allowed herself a moment to revel in her assured victory. Tara could not possibly have a gift ready for her which would exceed this gift in quality. This year, she was sure to out-gift her twin sister.
Briefly, she wondered if Robert would have assisted Tara in secret. She dismissed the thought. Robert was her employee. Tara had... which was she on now, an auri woman? Ebony clicked her tongue. Terminating employees for failure to make eye contact. What a silly concern. Ebony's employees knew better than to try to make prolonged eye contact with her.
Ah, perhaps that was it. Weeding out the employees too incompetent to tell the difference between them.
The moment having passed, Ebony rose from her seat, and went to prepare her gear. She had heard that there was a bounty for her to pursue, and none would escape Ebony Wae.
Written as a direct response to @twelvesavethequeen‘s post, which is here: https://twelvesavethequeen.tumblr.com/post/187989985537/entry-27-palaver
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safestsephiroth · 5 years
FFXIVWrite #16: Jitter - Ebony Wae
Ebony Wae had a meeting ahead of her. A follow-up to the last follow-up with Emilia. The woman who had so occupied her thoughts in recent times. And why should that be the case? She wasn't sure. Nightfall was coming. The meeting was approaching. Just before she departed, however, a courier arrived. Handed a letter straight to Ebony. She recognized that seal, and that handwriting.
It was a letter from Aunt Lulu. She stopped dead in her tracks. Tore the envelope open, and pulled the letter from within. Reading intently. When she had finished, she turned on her heel and went right back into the Wae Manor.
Responding to Aunt Lulu was important. And Aunt Lulu was the last person left on the list of people Ebony felt she could trust with sensitive topics - who she could ask about the bizarre happenings. With this in mind, she hurried. Delaying a meeting was unpleasant. But in this case, nothing was more important than getting her aunt's feedback.
"Most Esteemed And Respected Aunt Lulu, Rightful Inheritor To The Lee Name,
Thank you for your letter. As always, I appreciate your advice. I will see to it Tara reads this letter as well. I will encourage her to write her own reply, but she is exceptionally busy at the moment with matters I have not been made privy to. I find it odd my sister would keep things from me. Though I suppose I am doing the same.
I most desperately require your assistance, Aunt Lulu. I have in recent times met an adventurer who is stubborn. Idealistic. Who disrespected me. Questioned my actions, insulted me. This adventurer is now key to my investigation into a series of occult happenings across Thanalan which I feel warrant immediate address as they pose substantial risk to Ul'dah, and thus cannot be suffered to continue. Unfortunately, I cannot trust the Immortal Flames or the Brass Blades to handle such things.
Because of this, I aim to enlist this adventurer's accompaniment, to assist me. I have spoken more with her since our initial meeting, and I find speaking with her to be oddly pleasant. She has ceased being so unreasonably hostile and now it feels as if we are actually collaborating beneficially. I will depart this evening to enact a plan I have constructed to help put an end to these unchecked occult happenings, and destroy the faction responsible."
Ebony's breath caught. Her hand jittered. Lip trembled. She set her jaw.
"In the meantime, I implore you to assist me, for the situation I find myself in is most perplexing.
I am beset by images of Emilia. Her golden hair. Her sapphire eyes. Despite being a working adventurer and presumably lacking coin, she emanates a sense of wealth. Of value. I have the strangest hunch towards her. And a similar feeling towards a woman I have met named Yurei. I hired Yurei to investigate Emilia, but she found nothing of note about her.
Now I find myself wanting bizarre things. I desire to fistfight them. Yet I do not wish to fistfight them. I desire to pin them beneath me, to conquer them, to see submission in their eyes. And yet I do not wish to make them suffer as I have desired to every man I have known save for Father.
I do not understand what this means. Should I challenge them to unarmed combat? Perhaps I desire a wrestling match. But I am not well-versed in wrestling. I am far better at arcane and martial combat. Why would I desire to enter into a form of competition I am inexperienced in with two people who I don't even know to have any interest in it at all?"
Ebony checked the chronometer on the wall. She needed to wrap this letter up.
"I ask your wisdom on this matter, Aunt Lulu. You have always had a sharp mind. I hope you can solve this riddle, for it increasingly torments me with every passing day. It is like trying to read text I do not comprehend.
As a final note, when you next perform your ritual to commune with your wife who now celebrates within Thal's halls, please convey my well wishes to her.
With regards, -Her Eminence, The Commander Of Carnage, The Honorable Heiress, The Aspirant Of Diabolos, The Incarnation of Nald, The Righteous Blade, Ul'dah's Finest Weapon, Dark Knight Of Legend And Daughter Of The Crimson Witch, Ebony Wae"
There. That would do it. Aunt Lulu would know what to do.
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safestsephiroth · 5 years
#WriteEveryDay #1 - Letter From A Niece - Lulu Lee-Williams
Note: This story is a direct sequel to this letter written by Ebony Wae to her aunt, and as such should be read afterwards.
Lulu Lee puffed at the hookah. The nervous merchant wrang his hands.
"Good," she said. "Much better. /This/ we can sell."
"At the stated price?" A hint of hope in his voice.
Piercing blue-green eyes. "Are you suggesting something otherwise?"
"Not at all."
"Good. The deal will stand as it is. I will be personally inspecting some of your product drawn at a whim. To be certain you aren't trying to fill the order. You know better than to try something like that, don't you?"
"Oh, positively. Our business is not legal, but there is no reason it cannot be honest all the same."
A wry grin. "Glad you think so. If there's nothing else to discuss, you may leave, now."
Mere seconds after the door shut, a knock followed.
"Come in."
Ah. Nalia. The Viera attendant she had been seeing so much of.
Nalia carried a sealed envelope, which she set on Lulu's desk, and then bowed. "Dreadweaver, a letter for you."
"Wonderful, who's-" She spied the seal. "Ah! It's from my nieces. Retrieve the /good/ parchment, and the /expensive/ ink while I read this."
Lulu's eyes darted over the pages. Ebony was writing her. Talking about all sorts of things, it seemed.
All sorts of...
Lulu reread over the letter three more times, to be sure. When Nalia returned, Lulu looked up to her.
"Nalia, darling, be a dear and read this letter for me. And tell me what you think of it."
"Of course, Dreadweaver."
Lulu watched Nalia's face carefully. The Viera's brows rose, then furrowed. Her lips moved slowly.
"So," Lulu asked. "What do you think?"
"I think it's very clear that your niece is quite stricken with this girl she speaks of. But I cannot understand why she is wording it like this."
"Ebony is a girl who is a worthy inheritor to her parents. She has her mother's thirst for violence and unshakable will, and she has her father's business sense and jackassery. Gerard was incredibly stubborn to anyone but my dear sister, and that definitely rubbed off on the girls."
"So then..."
"She's too stubborn to realize she wants to fuck this blonde girl because she's a /girl./" Lulu rubbed her sinuses. "I should be overjoyed. But this complicates matters."
"It complicates them? Is this because she will not make an heir with a woman?"
"No, because I was planning a grand event and now I'll need to delegate more of the planning because I'm going to Thanalan."
Nalia blinked. "How may I assist, Dreadweaver?"
Lulu smiled. Leaned back in her chair. Palms at the rests.
"First, we'll need to charter a trip that the damned Lees won't be keeping track of..."
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thecrucibleffxiv · 6 years
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thecrucibleffxiv · 7 years
Hunting is so valuable to society because it combines the three best “em”s: eminence, money and murder. Nothing is as glamorous, as lucrative, or as thrilling as fueling your sword strikes with the hatred you harbor for all the lesser beings around you and channeling that rage into a killing blow that fells a beast the ordinary peasants of the world would wail and gnash their teeth at the sight of. Dragging home your kill to show off is an important moment in the lives of every reputable person. Hunting is the ultimate honor to the Traders, may Their names ever be glorified, and that’s why this trend that threatens the sanctity of the Hunt needs to be stopped immediately:
Learn your swivving wildlife, you cretins.
So many times has my premium linkshell rang only to relay the coordinates of some wildlife that’s perfectly normal to the region. You have people worth as little as a child with a wooden sword playing pretend out seeing their first beasts and thinking the whole world’s so terrifying every creature in it must be an S-Rank.
You’re all worthless and guilty of wasting my time, if nothing else, and if this trend continues I’m going to claim what’s owed me in ponzes of flesh.
Just because it’s the biggest crab an inexperienced still-wets-the-bed worm has ever seen doesn’t mean it’s an S-rank. It doesn’t even mean it’s an A or B rank anymore - there’s so many who are paying their way into new exotic locales who haven’t worked a day in their lives to earn their place there who are calling out left and right that every living thing that moves must be a hunt target.
I’m sick of it. Anyone who knows anything is sick of it. Either find a professional, learn by shadowing them and keep your mouth shut until you’re sure, or meet me in the pit.
For the kind of filth you are, I’ll even bring my Black Waltz.
Editor-In-Chief Ebony Wae, Esteemed And Valued Leader, has yet to lose a duel and will challenge anyone who says otherwise to a duel per Ul’dahn law.
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thecrucibleffxiv · 8 years
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Born the elder twin sister of two, Ebony Wae is the joint heir to the fortune her father struck on his own, starting with a single pickaxe. After intensive schooling by the best tutors in Eorzea, Ebony emerged a cold and calculating businesswoman with an unshakable grasp of finances and an unbreakable will to succeed. Ebony wants nothing more than to see her family line continue to prosper and to spread the blessings of Nald and Thal, the twin god her family has devoted themselves to entirely. She honors both aspects of the god in the two cornerstones of her life: Nald with her business practices, Thal by exercising her skills as a dark knight.
Ebony is the unquestioned leader of The Crucible, and her word is ironclad and unquestioned law. She exercises this power when needed, but has better things to do with her life than micromanage a newspaper (such as carefully guiding her sister’s love life so as to ensure the heirs she produces are of acceptable quality for the family’s standards.)
She has no brothers.
Ebony Wae is a hate-fueled trainwreck who is at any given time a step away from exploding violently. She’s a power-crazed boss from hell who can, will and does issue extreme corporal punishment to anyone who disappoints her or fails to meet her demands. She ensures all her employees are paid fair wages. Unfortunately, she does so by giving each a set percentage of The Crucible’s net profits, and the lawyer’s fees are so extreme that the remaining scraps that reach the staff are barely enough to sustain them on their own. No one has had the courage to question her about this. It’s unclear if she’s aware and if, were she, she would do anything about it.
Ebony thinks of herself as the only fully responsible person left in her entire family, taking it upon herself to ensure that her father’s legacy lives on to the generation after hers. She refuses, however, to ever have children - Tara is her twin sister, Ebony has no interest in losing months of time to something she will view as a tool for continuing her family’s legacy.
Ebony, like the rest of her family, subscribes to an unorthodox interpretation of Nald’Thal - that it is the role of those with money to spend it and keep money flowing, as coin is the blessing of Nald and to hold it is tantamount to saying you know better than Nald; you are given coin to spend it and keep the blessing flowing. She believes hoarding, then, to be heresy, and that the free market is as a temple - it must be maintained and kept in working order else Nald’s wrath be incurred.
The only two people in all Hydaelyn Ebony fears are her mother and the man who taught her how to be a Dark Knight, and that fear directly translates to something close to hero worship for her.
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safestsephiroth · 7 years
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Rules : BOLD what applies to your character, ITALICIZE what applies under specific circumstances. Remember to REPOST. Feel free to add to the list.
♦ EYES : Blue | Green | Brown | Hazel | Grey | Other (Red) ♦ HAIR : Blonde | Brown | Black | Red | Ginger | Grey/White | Multi-color (black and red) | Other (…) ♦ BODY TYPE : Skinny | Slender | Slim | Built | Curvy | Athletic | Muscular ♦ SKIN : Pale as fuck | Light | Fair | Freckled | Tan | Olive | Medium | Dark | Discolored | Other (…) ♦ FACIAL FEATURES : Scars (…) | Markings (…) | Scales (…) | Fur | Beard | Ears (…) | Other ♦ BODY FEATURES : Scars (…) | Markings (…) | Scales (…) | Fur | Tail (…) | Paint | Other (...)
♦ GENDER : Male | Female | Trans | Cis | No Gender | Other (…) ♦ SEXUALITY : Heterosexual | Homosexual | Bisexual | Pansexual | Asexual | Demisexual | Other (…) ♦ SPECIES : Hyur (midlander) | Elezen (…) | Miqo’te (…) | Lalafell (…) | Roegadyn (…) | Au ra (…) | Other (…)
♦ EDUCATION : Can read | Can write | Tutor | Mentor | School | Other (…) ♦ LIVING SITUATION : Lives alone | Lives with parents/guardian | Lives with significant other | Lives with a friend | Lives with a group of people (+Housekeepers and service within her estate) | Drifter | Homeless | Other (lives with sister) ♦ PARENTS/GUARDIAN : Mother (deceased) | Father (deceased)| Adoptive(Deceased) | Foster | Grandparents (paternal grandmother) | Family friend | Other (two sisters, older brothers she’s disowned) ♦ RELATIONSHIP : Single | Crushing (does it count if I mean it literally?) | Dating(Partnership?) | Engaged | Married | Separated | It’s complicated | Other (…)
♦ I’VE BEEN : In Love| Hurt | Sick | Abused | Other (…) ♦ I HAVE A(N) : Learning Disorder | Personality Disorder | Mental Disorder | Anxiety Disorder | Eating Disorder | Substance-related Disorder Other | ♦ THINGS I’VE DONE BEFORE : Drank alcohol | Smoked | Done drugs | Stolen | Self harmed | Starved myself | Had sex | Gotten into a fist fight | Was severely injured | Gone to jail | Used a fake ID | Gone to a party | Killed someone
♦ POSITIVE TRAITS : Affectionate | Adventurous | Athletic | Brave | Careful | Charming | Confident | Creative | Determined | Fearless | Generous | Honest | Humorous | Intelligent | Loyal | Modest | Patient | Selfless ♦ NEGATIVE TRAITS : Aggressive | Bossy | Cynical | Envious | Fearful | Greedy | Gullible | Jealous | Impatient | Impulsive | Insecure | Irresponsible | Possessive | Sarcastic | Self-conscious | Selfish | Unstable Thank you for tagging me, @sasha-rochester​ I won’t be tagging anyone else on this but @twelvesavethequeen​
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safestsephiroth · 4 years
#19: Where the Heart Is - Amelia Lee-Wae (FFXIVWrite2020)
More information on FFXIVWrite can be found here: https://sea-wolf-coast-to-coast.tumblr.com/tagged/ffxivwrite2020+prompt+list
With Thal your heart resides, my love
And I must now confess
My faith has never once wavered
Yet I feel such duress
Our daughters lovely women now
Full of wealth and might
They've got your pretty cinder-eyes
Pray for you every night
I want to find them joy, my love
But I yet remain trapped
There's something I'm forgetting
Perhaps they think I've snapped
This manor shifts in such strange ways
I'm unsure when to sleep
The night and day are one, down here
Beneath our home I creep
I must escape, must reach your tomb
I crave to see you, love
I miss you every eve, Gerard
I miss the glitter in your eyes
I miss the way your hair parted on its own
I miss the way you held that pickaxe
I miss that confident walk
I miss those shirts you wore and how they showed your collarbones
I miss the way laughing with you made anywhere feel like home
I miss you, Gerard, and I want you back
And I need you back
Oh, Ebony says it's wrong to want such a thing, but we had so much time left to one another
We had so much left to do
We had a family to bring to ruin
Lulu came calling, but they wouldn't let me see her. Ah, but she saw me anyway. She's hardly aged a day. She's still the best sister I'd have ever asked for, Gerard.
I miss you. I miss her. She'll come back for me, and we'll get you, just you wait for me, Gerard. Our daughters are so wonderful and they'll be so happy to see you again. Ebony talks at your grave on the anniversary, and I'm sure you've so much to tell her in return.
Come back to me, Gerard, come back to me.
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