#ebouc anon
pretty-little-pink · 3 years
"You aren't a bother, Host." Dark murmured quietly, not daring to raise his voice and risk some passerby overhearing. That would definitely not be idea, if only for Host's already evident embarrassment. "Not at all." A few more minutes and they were at his office, and Dark was ushering Host in. The door was locked behind him with a quick flick before he walked back over to Host and placed a hand on his back firmly. "I don't want you sleeping on my floor, and the chairs are far from comfortable for a rest. I do have a chaise, but it is leather and harder than most would consider comfortable." He laid out the obvious options softly, then quieted and turned, gently tipping up Host's chin. He took a careful look at Host's face, memorizing each detail- from the way his face was dipping as the sluggishness, the high flush on his cheeks, and he was tempted to slip a finger between slightly parted lips- much like during their first meeting. But once again he refrained, instead keeping his head steady with a cool hand. "Or, if you would like, you can rest upon me while I work in my chair, or lie on the chaise. My natural chill should help break whatever has a hold upon you, or at the very least make you more comfortable." He nearly whispered, his voice low and crooning as he stroked Host's skin with his thumb. "It is your decision."
As they walked, Host couldn't help but wonder why Wilford had drugged him again like this. Perhaps he had hoped to see Host like this himself to tease him -he did love to tease Host in all kinds of manners, so it wouldn't really surprise him if that was the case.
He hummed softly at Dark's words, though tensed slightly at the touch. He didn't like being looked at like that, making him more embarrassed, blush worsening a little. His thoughts were a little muddled with the drugs in him, making it a bit hard to focus on anything -so instead of picking up on Dark's thoughts, he thought of the option that were presented to him.
"H-huh?", Host was a little startled, blushing a fierce red at the suggestion. Rest on Dark?! "T-the Host is fine just... sitting in a chair.", Host stuttered a little, flustered. He couldn't focus much on what would be the best choice, but the thought of being close to Dark was flustering him more. "He'll speak up if- if he changes his mind...".
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark had simply been traveling through the hallways- in his physical form, not shadows- when he saw Host. Flushed, stumbling Host, who was obviously trying to hide it, but Dark could see it clear as day. Oh. Oh. He took a quick step forward and stood in front of Host, not quite blocking his way but definitely shielding him from any coming who might see the darkened cheeks of the normally stoic man. Nothing more than a protective, perhaps slightly possessive, gesture. "You seem ill, Host. Why don't you come with me for a bit, hmm? Get out of these drafty hallways." He leant down as he spoke, keeping his voice low enough that only Host would be able to hear, but not enough to completely fade away. "My office is closer than your room," He murmured. "You can stay there for now, if you so wish." <I'm... not happy with this, but it is the closest I'm going to get right now.
// I think it's fine 💜
Host fiddled with his sleeve when he was stopped, squirming in place a little. He knew he wasn't ill, feeling the same as he had just a day or so before, but... well, Dark was right, his office was closer than his rooms were.
"The Host's not... ill. But he'd appreciate it.", Host replied softly. It was terribly embarrassing for him, but he needed a little to catch himself and calm down again. And if he got more tired, at least he'd already be safe inside a room he could pass out in.
"Host's sorry for the trouble.", he mumbled, letting Dark guide him. He was glad he wasn't unsteady on his feet, and a blush could easily be explained away if someone else saw.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark followed after Host, his fingers lightly resting on the small of his back as he walked the other back to his room. It wasn't a long walk, but he enjoyed each moment spent getting there. He didn't speak much, not beyond a gentle praise now and then for his show, or quiet 'hmms' but there was really no need to fill the comfortable air that was between them. Soon enough, they were at his door and he pulled his fingers away without fanfare. Much like the first time he had taken Host to his room, he didn't move pass the entrance without an introduction inside- and while he didn't expect one, especially not so soon into whatever... this... may be, he would certainly not deny one. It would be interesting to see his room in light, afterall. See more about Host's personality.
Host kept quiet, merely mumbling his narrations as he usually did. He had enjoyed his show, even though it had taken a lot out of him -he always enjoyed his shows, no matter how gruesome or light they were. It satisfied the itch inside of him, the need for blood and violence. Sometimes, his show wasn't enough. But no one ever noticed Host leaving in the night, not knowing where he may be going to.
"Host wishes Dark a good rest of the night.", Host said softly, gingerly pushing the door open. He still had no want to let Dark enter, no matter if it was because of lacking a reason or trust. "He hopes his knowledge will be trusted more in the future.", he mumbled, stepping into his room, lightly closing the door behind himself. He truly disliked being treated like a child, or like he didn't actually know something.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
"Oh, most definitely. Will you allow me to accompany you to your room? Once again, I shall stay outside the threshold." Dark fully stepped out of the shadows and spoke to Host, voice still kept low. Static popped between his fingers and danced along his arms, but other than that he was completely still. "After all, I kept you up so long. It would only be polite that I get you to your room undisturbed." Dark took a slight step forward but didn't reach out to Host. His shadows were still moving around the room, and now they had begun to cling to Host's feet, but they were loose- merely instict, not intentional trappings. "The others will give you peace if I command it so." He murmured.
"The Host supposes Dark can accompany him.", Host said softly. He didn't feel like arguing, and being walked back to his room wasn't exactly horrible anyways.
"No one would disturb the Host anyways. His room is of no concern of the others, knowingly or not.", he murmured, ignoring Dark's shadows to instead make his way out of the room. His words didn't lose power over time, unless he changed his mind; he'd once made certain the egos would leave his room in peace, and thus everyone subconsciously avoided his room unless he was actually needed.
At least he could assure Iplier the next time he had to visit him that he hadn't had any side-effects later on either, though perhaps Host would just leave it be. He had had enough trouble for a lifetime.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark had stepped close enough to Host that when he relaxed back in his chair and finally ended his show, it was no effort to reach forward and gently touch his shoulder with his fingertips. He pulled away only after a moment, stepping back and further into the shadows once more. "Your show was absolutely divine, Host. Every little detail led into the next, and you left nothing undisturbed. Even as the hours went on you did not flag in energy once and brought your full effort to each story- although, I suppose they aren't really stories, are they? More like prophecies, in a way." As Dark spoke he kept himself mostly shrouded, and his voice low. Just in case Host was suffering some sort of ill effect from doing his show for so long. It was obvious that he was exhausted, so it would not be a far leap.
When Host was touched, he flinched, scooting away with his chair and turning around. He nearly forgot that Dark had still been here, though he relaxed again quickly as the other spoke. The praise made him feel good, glowing at how good he felt about it.
"Technically, they are still stories. Perhaps not fabricated ones, however.", Host replied, fiddling with his fingers. It was so late, and he required rest even if he didn't like it. "The Host believes eight hours have passed now.", he mumbled standing up. He was tired, and he only planned on going to bed now and rest. Hopefully he'd manage enough to actually feel rested once he woke again.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark didn't notice the hours passing as Host, once again, delved deep into his storytelling. This time, it was as if he was feeling phantom pains once again, occasionally breathing a light touch to whatever area Host was ripping to pieces. It was utterly and completely fascinating to him, to watch as Host enjoyed this torment. It was almost as if Author was alive again. Alive in the ferocity, alive in the brutality of it all. In the pure hate and sadistic joy that Host projected as he tore apart his victims sanity and body, and how he descibed each kill as if he was doing it himself. And for all Dark knew, he was. Dark was aware of Host's ability to re-order reality at a whim. However, he hadn't been particularly aware that he potentially used it in him show. Not that he would stop it, there was absolutely no way of connecting his powers to any potential murder cases, and if there were well... Wilford always enjoyed a good hunt.
Host gladly told his "stories" throughout the night. The victims and scenery changed drastically -from nights to day, from cities to forests, from summer to winter. Throughout this night, Host told of three victims in total, all meeting a rather brutal and gruesome death, described in as much detail as the Host felt like.
"That were all the stories the Host has for his listeners tonight.", Host leaned back in his chair, pulling the microphone with him to not be too far away from it. "He hopes they weren't too gorey for his dearest listeners.", he chuckled, feeling exhausted. Such a long show was quite exhausting, and he was getting tired. His head buzzed. "He shall leave you for a rough night, spend tossing and turning in bed, hoping that you won't become a victim like one of the poor poor people you've heard of tonight.
The Host wishes you an uneventful rest of the night, and as much sleep as you will be able to catch. Goodnight, dear listeners. Goodnight.".
With these words, Host flipped off the show and microphone, the static-y TVs switching off one by one with a buzz and a sizzle only these old TVs would produce. He let himself relax, yawning and rubbing his bandaged eyes, feeling the blood behind his fingers. Small specks showed through the bandages, though nothing anyone would likely worry over. It was rather normal to see Host in some form bloody.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark had slowly moved closer to Host the longer his story went on, till he was standing only a few feet away from him. His shadows were wrapped around his hands and wrapped up most of Host's equipment, and his chair as well. There was no horror in his expression, merely fascination as Host seemed to finish up his first, and perhaps last, story of the night. Still, though, he didn't dare to speak. Lest he break whatever spell Host was under, pull him from his trance of smoothly spoken anguish and torment, not only of the girl who's death came far too soon, but also of the unlucky listener who would forever think about this, and perhaps one day, read about it in their daily news. <Thank you! I tried to leave it open, if you want to do another story, by the way! <I haven't read all your fanfictions, but do you have any that are similiar to what we have done? Such as Host recording, and telling his stories?
// I don't have any fics, but you can read a couple OLD roleplay replies where I wrote Host doing his show! (Right here) // There's a lot of goodies in there, I've always loved writing them haha // I'm leaving it a little open too lol so you can feel free to skip over the rest of the show. one story is enough for me currently hehe
Host relaxed some, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table. The sound was picked up by the microphone, which Host had full intention of.
"There are so many stories for the Host to tell you about. Would you perhaps like another, or shall the Host give you a moment to breathe? You can feel your own heart still beating harshly in your chest, shoulders tense. The story is over, and yet, its effects still affect you. Take a deep breath, feel the cool air fill your lungs. Feel them expand slowly, holding the breath inside, letting you feel the fullness of your chest. Exhaling it slowly, the fear and anxiety leaving your body with every bit of breath leaving your lungs.
You didn't expect such a gruesome story this night. Perhaps you should turn off your radio, and take an early rest? Isn't this too much for you, my dear?", Host chuckled, fingers stilling. "I'll leave it to you, dearest. Perhaps a single story is all you can take tonight, any more and you may faint. For you, the one who still listens, the Host shall prepare another story.".
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark gently placed a hand to his own abdomen, where a stomach might lie if he had one any more. He had been stabbed, more than once, and it was not a pleasant experience. So to hear of this story, of this young woman being so brutally taken apart, it brought forth sensations he wasn't even aware he possessed. But, it wasn't enough to distract him from the way that Host seemed to be generating what could only be described as physical, raw power. There was a gold shimmer around him, with quick, streaking lines that could have been words if they hadn't moved so fast and faded so quickly. And Host- well, he didn't seem to notice. Dark vaguely wondered if this was due to his anger at him, or at the fact that he was being disturbed, or if this was simply something that occured whenever Host got so deeply embedded in one of his tragedies that he 'let loose'. If this was what was left of Author coming out in full force, all sadistic urges and raw power.
// as quick explanation, the gold shimmers, if seen properly, would've been "strings" that would be going from everywhere to everywhere, but also be wrapped around Host's limbs and being (if fully seen even Dark and everything else but thats a technicality)
"The warmth of the blood around his fingers was invigorating, the man fully burying his fingers inside of the screaming girl, using his strength to rip open her body further. The screams that left the girl went through mark and bone, accompanied by the laughter of the man. Oh what a pleasure this was, to rip apart a human being. The girl wished so badly to pass out, that she could faint from the pain right this second -but she wasn't. She was horribly, terribly aware of every single thing the man above her did to her, as he dug his fingers into her, hearing her own body being ripped open, feeling her blood run down her body, hot and smelling of iron.
The man pulled one of his hands out of her stomach, and instead continued to force his hand deeper into her body. Organs and flesh squelching around the intrusion, the girl sobbing and screaming, limp beneath the man. The smell was sickening, the amount of blood soaking into her clothes, the man's clothes, the carpet. It smelled so thickly of blood and iron, the girl could've thrown up if there weren't a hand inside of her body.".
Host leaned close to the microphone, head cocked slightly. He could feel his own blood soak into his bandages, not enough to show in any case. It was cold against his warm skin.
"The man's cold hand could feel the frantic beating of the girl's heart, fingertips gracing the organ. This was the last piece, the one thing keeping the girl alive against all odds.", the Host's voice was low, almost a whisper even, tension rising as he spoke.
"His hand wrapped around her heart, the girl's breath stopping as she could feel it happen. Her thoughts strayed to the story she had been writing, the happiness she so desperately wished for. Perhaps after death she would find it. The man closed his hand into a tight fist, squeezing the organ in his hand until it near popped, finally the life leaving the poor girl. The man paid this no mind, ripping the heart down and out of her body, his arm drenched in blood, dripping from the mangled heart in his hand.".
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark stilled when the story reached another peak, this time in the opposite corner of earlier. He had no desire to disturb Host, intentionally or not, so for now, he would stay quiet and away from the speaker. A spike of fear- and wasn't that interesting, he hadn't felt true, raw fear in so long- shot through his chest and he curled his fingers against the wall. His shadows began to crawl up Host's chair but didn't touch him yet, instead merely moving along the material. Dark wasn't consciously telling them to do this either, but that did not mean he wasn't in control of them either. It was simply a base reaction that he found less fascinating than Host's storytelling capabilities.
"The attacker stared down at the girl, staring down at her, sending cold shivers down her spine. Even without being able to see it, she knew. She knew this person was bearing a grin on their lips, knife held securely in their hand, savoring this moment.
Instead of the attack with their knife you would expect, the person kicked the girl into her side, making her gasp sharply from the sudden pain. The person was growling, attacking the poor girl with pent up anger as she laid on the floor. Attempting to get off the floor, to get away from this assault, to get anywhere but where she was currently, the girl tried to get up, to turn around and crawl away.
She didn't get anywhere however, as the person dropped to his knees, grabbing her with his empty hand, pushing her back onto the floor and hitting her face with the back of their knife.". "You're going to stay right there.", Host growled into the microphone, the anger near tangible with his words. There were faint shimmers of... gold, visible. A faint trace of something golden shimmering on the Host and around, like lines. It was too faint and short-lived to make out anything clear however, as Host continued as calm as ever.
"The girl was sobbing, still attempting to struggle against the hold the man -it had to be a man- had on her, attempting to call out, to scream for help. He wasn't stopping her this time, as he near sat on her legs, and rammed the knife into her stomach. She screamed in pain, writhing beneath the man, sobbing with thick tears running down her cheeks. Further screams are ripped from her throat as the man drags the knife further down, cutting her open, laughing at her pain.
The knife causes a low thump as it falls onto the carpet below, the girl's throat pained as another blood-curling scream passes her lips, as the man digs his fingers into the deep cut he's created. The blood was hot and wet on his fingers, flesh ripping and tearing as he forces his fingers into the wound, pulling at the flesh of her body. Screams and sobs fill the air as the girl is ripped open, the man laughing in delight at her pain.
Your screams are music to my ears."
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Yo ebouc i thought some of host’s background cus its always important to know what kind of author he was for the relations between host and the others lol
so i think author was my standard: cruel, gruesome, sadistic, narcissistic, egotistical, power hungry. the standard asshole. he lived in his cabin and didn’t really want anything to do with the egos. but. i would say author actually killed one of the egos. not anyone “important”, no one well known, someone boring like arti or chef or whatever
how exactly he became host doesnt really matter i suppose, but i feel like your doc might be fun to throw into this. to make the other egos less wary/afraid/suspicious of host, dark couldve allowed iplier to have some fun with host -and he took his eyes. and host stays in the manor originally for “monitoring” purposes
by now the egos arent afraid or wary of host anymore, since hes such a little baby boy, though reminding them of what author did will make them scared or smth again
but that might give a bit of a fun dynamic between iplier and host ? i dont think host would be afraid of iplier, and with his self harming tendencies,,, i could imagine at the beginning of host being host he may have offered himself to iplier sometimes -seeking “punishment” for what he did as author dunno if id call iplier and host friends or not but yknow kljkljl
just smth i thought about haha
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
"Yes, but you paint such a vivid picture. They say that pictures are worth a thousand words, but you manage to get that quality without ever pulling up a single image." Dark hummed out the praise and went to take another small sip of his wine. To his surprise his lips were greeted with nothing but air and he glanced down- empty. Ah. He must have finished it while conversing with Host. A quick glance at the half-bottle revealed there was only enough for about a half glass left, so he gently picked it up by the neck. With a smooth motion he poured the rest into Host's cup, talking about his show all the while. "For your characters- how do you choose them? Or are they chosen for you? I've never quite understood how you get stories so vivid, as if you were living them yourself." He knew that Host drove the victims in his 'stories' mad, of course, but not how. <Good night, Empty!
"It is easier for people like the Host to imagine things when they're described very well. Not everyone can actually picture things, can see things in their mind. The more words, the more descriptive, the better.", Host hummed. He noted Dark refilling his glass a bit unhappily, but he felt it rude to say no when it was already filled again. Was he rude enough to do that? Not to Dark.
"The Host usually chooses them randomly, though sometimes he tells his audience of a few characters first.", there were no callers to his show, but Host still knew which character the majority of people wanted to see suffer the most. Not that he needed to tell Dark such. "A good story teller is all it takes to make a good story.".
He was beginning to feel hot, and an unfamiliar feeling he couldn't place at the moment. Leaning back more in the chair, although still basically hiding in his clothes, he looked more relaxed, but also had a bit of a flush to his face. He could feel the buzz of the alcohol, and he felt far too warm in his coat and sweater. He didn't want to take off either though.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark felt as Host pushed back against his fingers and subtly upped his efforts. If Host was enjoying it, then he was going to take full advantage as well. After a few more minutes of stroking the same general area he began to move upwards, closer to his hairline. "If you would like, you can always come to me if you find yourself in that state, and wish to go further." The offer was made quietly, but the words were firm. If Host wanted to, well, he supposed 'regress' was the best term, then he was free to come to him. Encouraged, even. There was no reason for him to continue to hide away when there was a willing source. "You are always welcome to my time." He murmured that, fingers stilling as he looked more intently at Host. He wanted him to know that the offer truly was sincere, and that it was not just pretty words.
Host blushed lightly at the offer, shyly playing with his bunny's ears, rubbing them between his fingers. It was an offer he'd never expect, something that felt almost intimate -it was, somewhere, of course. "Thank you.", he said softly. He wasn't sure if he'd be able to take Dark up on that offer, but... maybe. Maybe if he felt the need to regress, he could go to Dark, and simply enjoy himself.
He truly put a lot of trust into Dark by now. He's been at his most vulnerable around the man, multiple times, and has only been met with kindness and gentleness. It made him feel good, comforted. Cared about, even.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark hummed and nodded once Host was done speaking, although he did smile a bit at the additional whisper. That was good. He... did want to take care of Host again. At some point, and hopefully under less stressful circumstances- for Host, he could handle much. That would be no issue for him. "How often does this happen? From what you've said, you seem to either suppress or... shorten it, quite often. It cannot be healthy, no?" Dark continued to stroke over the other's shoulder, but his hand slowly moved to the exposed skin on his neck. It was warm, and he sighed softly. The entity really had not realized how enjoyable it was to simply pet another, the calming motion of fingers against skin. "Host... how often have you come to slipping like this with me? I recognized a few of the behaviors, but nothing to that extent." Unless he had misread the signs, but if not... well, he would wait for Host to respond before he moved to any conclusions. <I'll be back in a few minutes!
/ Yup!
"It doesn't happen often. When the Host gets very tired or... has a low, he tends to start slipping into that headspace. The Host can control it to some extent, it truly isn't a problem for him.", Host replied, leaning into the gentle touches. He enjoyed them a lot, always so touch-starved. "Host promises it's of no concern for his health. It's... similar to a hobby, he supposes.".
He knew he did involuntarily slipped into his headspace sometimes, but when it happened, it wasn't particularly deep. It just made existing a little easier on him. Truly sinking into his headspace he did rather rarely, when he truly needed to just empty his head of words desperately, or when he felt so bad that not even pain could make him feel better.
"A couple times, when the Host was tired. He's never really... gotten into the headspace around Dark before, just starting to feel its effects. It wasn't entirely voluntary last night either, the Host had just... gone through a lot, with the injuries and nightmares and all.", he answered, murmuring by the end.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark placed his hand on Host's shoulder, his thumb stroking over the fabric that covered him. He had a vivid image of Host from the previous night, eyes lidded and sleep ridden as he lifted his arms and trusted him whole heartedly to dress him. To bathe him, and clothe him. The possessiveness surged for a moment before he pushed it to the back of his mind. "You seem to have had a restful night. Less nightmares. Does this generally happen when you allow yourself to go into that state? Or is it because of all the stress of what lead to it?" Dark kept his questions soft, and spaced, so it didn't seem like he was peppering Host with them. He was curious, though, and it was not often he stumbled across something he knew nothing about.
Host hummed softly, enjoying the gentle touch, refraining from narrating aloud. He didn't necessarily need to anyways, but it was something that brought him comfort. He felt good though, in his room, with Dark. He didn't need the extra comfort.
"It does, usually. When Host's not thinking and worrying already, his narrations tend to find similar realities to show him. "Nightmares" still happen however, though it's a little less likely when the Host has been little beforehand.", Host answered softly. "Having already slept some with horrendous dreams might have helped avoid further bad dreams too.", he couldn't be entirely sure, of course, but it might have helped.
"Also the... being cared for, and feeling so comforted, might have helped as well. The Host usually doesn't feel so relaxed.", he added softly.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark listenened quietly as Host spoke, listening to the information. It was fascinating to learn about, and to watch as the other spoke. Little-Space. Yes, that was a fitting name. Host was quite a little one when he was in that space. Dark hummed once, then shifted his position on the bed. "I enjoyed it. Taking care of you." Dark clarified, clearing his throat before continuing to speak. "It was... enlightening." He reached out as if to touch Host but pulled back, unsure if it would be accepted now that he was no longer in that headspace. But then again, Host and him had been growing closer... "May I touch you?"
Host did relax slightly hearing Dark. He was glad that Dark had enjoyed it, and wasn't bothered or feeling badly about it. It wasn't something everyone could understand, yet alone enjoy. "Ah, yes. Just a little warning before hand would be appreciated.", Host replied softly, giving Dark a little shy smile.
He wondered if he could let himself enjoy that little space more, if Dark enjoyed caring for him. He didn't often let himself, if only because it usually wasn't very enjoyable on his own. Too much he had to do and care for and think about -caring for oneself was hard when the one in question was a toddler.
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pretty-little-pink · 3 years
Dark had not left his spot all night, but he had gone into a slight trance state. It was something that he had control over, and he used it to pass the time in which there was nothing to do. In this case, it was used to make his body go entirely still and, unless seen- or sensed, in Host's case- he was practically invisible. When he felt Host awakening he brought upself up with a slight snap of static, and looked down at the other. He could tell that just by looking at him that Host was no longer in that little state, but he didn't appear to be angry at him. Not yet, at least. But now he supposed he could ask the questions that plagued him. "Host, dear narrator... how are you faring? Last night was... quite a bit. I don't know if you remember or not, but you seemed to go into a child-like state." He spoke softly, tone probing but not demanding. There was no need for demands when a gentle touch was likely to gain the desired reaction with less backtalk. "Will you tell me of it?"
Host took note of Dark's presence, strangely not bothered by him being here. Perhaps since he's been so vulnerable without a negative effect around Dark, he found much more trust and comfort with Dark than before. Since he was being spoken to, Host shifted to sit up in bed, rubbing his eyes with a little yawn. He hummed softly at the question, needing a bit to get himself together.
"The Host does remember.", he said, voice still heavy with sleep. "It's called little space, though there's a variety of names. It refers to the headspace one is in.". "The Hos doesn't... often partake in it. It is easier to slip into when the Host is tired, as thinking and focusing gets harder the more tired the Host is, making a child like headspace more appealing. It's also very... relaxing, the Host thinks. Since he doesn't have to think or worry about things when he's merely a child.", he explained, doing his best to make it easy to explain, though he wasn't sure how well he did.
"The Host would like to thank Dark for caring for him, and not thinking weirdly of him.", he added softer then.
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