selinasong · 5 years
Character Roll Time
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[WoW] Selina Morrowsong @selinasong​
Herbalist & Spirit Medium.
Warlock on Alliance, WrA.
Located in Twilight Highlands and Stormwind.
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[WoW] Kirastraa “Kira” Seastar @kira-seastar​
Courtesan & Informant.
Rogue on Horde, WrA.
Located in Boralus and Stranglethorn.
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[WoW] Rhaelin “Sunny” Soulblade @molotovbreath​
Wannabe Pyromancer & Entertainer.
Mage on Alliance, MG.
Located in Dalaran and Boralus.
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[The Witcher] Eca @eca-of-erlenwald​
Former Peasant & Scholar.
High Vampire, Tumblr/Discord Rp.
Located within Erlenwald Forest and Northern Nilfgaard.
You can reach me easiest on Discord, via Simulation#2333.
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ysmay-of-nilfgaard · 5 years
A Law of Blood
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Her first thought was of the pain in her shoulder, creeping slowly upwards and radiating in her neck, as if someone was pinching her extraordinarily hard, twisting her skin. Her second was that she was lying down. Ysmay saw nothing in those first few moments, her lips parting just so, allowing a groan to slip out, and even in such a blank time, to her it sounded as if she were struck down with a horrendously bad hangover. She moved her lips slowly, shaping voiceless words as she flexed her fingers beside her, feeling the cold floor beneath her.
She was surprised she was alive, quite honestly, a rogue thought pondering if the girl had really saved her and this wasn’t death. She breathed deeply, her chest rising, holding, and falling--oh no, she was alive.
Groggily, the princess opened her eyes, blinking away a haze that had drifted over her vision as a veil, blurring the world around her into obscurity. With a last blink, she was able to focus on a roof. Two slants pointed towards the heavens of dark wood. The hut itself smelled a little musty, but not unpleasant, like an old pine, Ysmay observed.
It wasn’t until the fact that she was in a hut registered with her that the girl was able to fully speak. “What?” She said, her voice not venturing over a whisper. “Where...” she paused, moving to sit up slowly and nearly falling back down at a sharp pain radiating from her shoulder, a hiss grating through her jaws. “The fuck?”
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witcher-eadwin · 4 years
How Do You Love? -Eadwin of Temeria
Casually, the same way you love to breathe
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You want someone who will see your favorite flower and will give it to you, without even thinking about it. You want someone who will remember all the little details about you, the things so seemingly unimportant but that matter more than you thought they did. You want someone who will still be there, thirty years down the line, holding your hand while the two of you do two separate things. You want the intimacy of being known by someone who makes you feel safe. You don't want expensive dinners or grand proposals. You want someone who will love you consistently.
Quiz here
Tagged by: @ysmay-of-nilfgaard
Tagging: @onemusemanyfandoms @kaedwenistout @eca-of-erlenwald and whoever else would like to
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eca-of-erlenwald · 5 years
Eca of Erlenwald
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the basics –––
AGE: Late Teens (Before Death).
RACE: High Vampire. Often mistaken for an Alp.
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: In life; Straight.
FACE CLAIM: Katharine Isabelle (Gingersnaps)
physical appearance –––
HAIR: Fiery red, down to midback.
EYES: Bright blue. Turn red when fed.
HEIGHT: 5′8″ - Tall for her age.
BUILD: Willowy with visible ribs and bony fingers.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Faint freckles along her face and shoulders. Unusually dry lips, prone to cracking. Sharpened nails. Dual pierced scar along her neck just beside her jugular, earned in her turning.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Dead leaves and small twigs stuck in her hair. Muddied white nightgown, akin to a wedding dress. One worn boot remains on her left foot, while the other is merely socked.
personal –––
PROFESSION: Self proclaimed ‘Forest Guardian’. Previous alchemical and anatomical interest lead to her moniker ‘Scholar of Man’
HOBBIES: Braiding flower crowns to leave in the woods for small children. Embroidery, when given the chance, as it reminds her of life.
LANGUAGES: Common Speech. Vampire Language.
RESIDENCE: Small hut within Erlenwald Wood.
BIRTHPLACE: Acton, Cintra. (Abandoned Hamlet)
FEARS: Harm of a child and loss of her individual identity.
relationships –––
BETROTHED: Falon Barker (Crier’s son; murdered)
CHILDREN: Jesse (infant daughter; deceased)
PARENTS: Linel & Phena (Farmers; deceased come Nilfgaard)
SIBLINGS: Taro (younger brother; m.i.a.)
FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES: Largely deceased, on the run, or missing in action. Notably @witcher-eadwin​ & @ysmay-of-nilfgaard​.
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additional information –––
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
RP Hooks:
In life, though she was pronounced barren by a local healer, she fell equally for a farmer boy and determined to marry. Mere a week into their engagement her father found his missing daughter and rumor states he took her home as she was too young.
Before long she found herself with child, regardless of the slim time spent with her lover, and the town dubbed her a witch. After all, with the disappearance of many a child and her notable excursions into the wood, who else might a small hamlet blame?
Remnants of the town remain, though now uninhabited and partially overgrown by the woodlands. An odd aura consumes the place with plenty ghosts and accompanying corpses littered and un-buried. A massacre from a bloodthirsty beast some say.
A creation merely a decade old, Eca spent a large amount of her undeath within the woods of Erlenwald. Unclear whether or not she hails from Cintra or elsewhere, she harbors an estranged fascination with humans who passed through the wood nearby. More often she’s found stalking rather than speaking, however.
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ysmay-of-nilfgaard · 5 years
Send 🩸 to make my muse bleed (@eca-of-erlenwald)
A scream ripped itself free from her chest when Ysmay felt something tear at her skin, and immedietly her hand flew to the dagger secured to her thigh, which she ripped upwards as instinct; her arm flying out beside her to slice whatever tried to attack her on her walk.
“The fuck?!” She screamed, before she knew what she was saying, adrenaline pumping through her veins, eyes wild as she held the dagger between her hands—pointed directly at the young girl before her. “Who are you?” She demanded, her voice breathless as blood dripped down her shoulder, now slowly staining her once brilliantly blue dress a dark navy. @eca-of-erlenwald
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selinasong · 5 years
NICKNAME.  Simulation
REAL NAME.  Diana (oh no whatever will I do now that you know)
HEIGHT.  5′1″
WHAT TIME IS IT?  Hammer Time 5:37pm
FAV MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Karliene, Shawn James, Maroon 5, Erutan, Faun, K Flay, Peter Hollens, The Neighborhood, Queen, Arctic Monkeys, Glass Animals, Caravan Palace, Marina (and the Diamonds), Troye Sivan, Allie X, Sabrina Carpenter, Borns, Billie Ellish... I could keep going but at this rate I’m naming my entire Spotify history.
FAV SPORTS TEAM.  No sports thanks. 
OTHER BLOGS? @kira-seastar // @harmlessharpist // @eca-of-erlenwald
DO I GET ASKS?  They tend to flood all at once rather than sparse out though, but any is lovely to receive. 
TUMBLR CRUSHES.  If I’ve ever spam liked your posts, you’re one of them.
WHAT AM I WEARING?  White & blue sweater labeled ‘Last Clean Shirt’ which is a lie. I have too many shirts. Camo sweat pants. Moccasin boots. 
  DREAM VACATION.  Under covers either watching Netflix or Roleplaying. By that I mean reading other people’s posts and gushing on my lonesome. Don’t judge me.
DREAM CAR.  Honestly whatever gets decent gas mileage. 
  FAV FOOD.  Mashed potatoes with the red skins and garlic mixed in. 
  DRINK OF CHOICE.  Strawberry milkshake. Non dairy; Dragonfruit Vitamin Water. No alcohol.
  LANGUAGES.  English. Conversational french. Bits of spanish. 
  INSTRUMENTS.  I tried the piano at 5 and never stuck with it. 
  CELEB CRUSHES.  Don’t pay attention to Hollywood so nah.
RANDOM FACT.  Second attempt at college. Here’s to not fucking it up.
Tagged by the menace @monster-of-master (jk ily)
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witcher-eadwin · 5 years
❝ you left me alone to fight. ❞ (@eca-of-erlenwald)
The witcher turned, looking at Eca incredulously. “I left you, a powerful vampire, alone to fight, and I’m in trouble for it?” He gave a soft scoff at the thought. “You could tear me to ribbons if you really set your mind to it. I think I fucked over those poor bastards more then you.” He pointed off into the distance, past where the pair had just walked from.
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eca-of-erlenwald · 5 years
Eca of Erlenwald; Bramble Bitch
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the basics ––– –
AGE: Late Teens (Before Death).
RACE: High Vampire. Often mistaken for an Alp.
GENDER: Female.
SEXUALITY: In life; Straight.
physical appearance ––– –
FACE CLAIM: Katharine Isabelle (Gingersnaps)
HAIR: Fiery red, down to midback.
EYES: Bright blue.
HEIGHT: 5′8″ - Tall for her age.
BUILD: Willowy with visible ribs and bony fingers.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Faint freckles along her face and shoulders. Unusually dry lips, prone to cracking. Sharpened nails. Dual pierced scar along her neck just beside her jugular. 
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Dead leaves and small twigs stuck in her hair. Muddied white dress. One worn shoe remains on her left foot, while the other is merely socked.
personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Self proclaimed ‘Forest Guardian’ and Huntress.
HOBBIES: Braiding flower crowns for small children. Embroidery, when given the chance, as it reminds her of life. 
LANGUAGES: Common Speech. Vampire Language.
RESIDENCE: Erlenwald Wood.
BIRTHPLACE: Acton, Cintra. Abandoned Hamlet.
FEARS: Harm of a child. 
relationships ––– -
BETROTHED: Deceased. Accidental by her own hand.
CHILDREN: None alive. Lost in her turning.
PARENTS: Deceased; courtesy of Nilfgard’s rolling war machine.
FRIENDS AND ACQUAINTANCES: Largely deceased, on the run, or missing in action. The occasional forest creature.
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traits ––– -
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
additional information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes (prefers blood) / frequently / to excess.
RP Hooks:
In life, though she was pronounced barren by a local healer, she fell equally for a farmer boy and determined to marry. Mere a week into their engagement her father found his missing daughter and rumor states he took her home as she was too young.
Before long she found herself with child, regardless of the slim time spent with her lover, and the town dubbed her a witch. After all, with the disappearance of many a child, and her notable excursions into the wood, who else might a small hamlet blame?
Remnants of the town remain, though now uninhabited and partially overgrown by the woodlands. An odd aura consumes the place with plenty ghosts and accompanying corpses littered and un-buried. A massacre, one might call it... from an outside view.
A creation merely a decade old, Eca spends a large amount of her undeath within the woods of Erlenwald. Unclear whether or not she hails from Cintra or elsewhere, she harbors an estranged fascination with humans who passed through the wood nearby.
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