silly-fly-media · 9 months
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Thank you note graphic for the new year featuring my Megaman Zero OC, Echappé!
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PRIMA PAGINA Liberation di Oggi martedì, 10 settembre 2024
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roadie1963 · 5 months
Meet Cycling Personalities and Ride Roads of the Spring Classic and Grand Tours with Velo Echappe International
Image By Marcus Spiske from Unsplash.com A trip that includes travel by bicycle is special, maybe even a once in a lifetime occurrence. That said, with all the bicycle travel companies in the marketplace that offer similar things, how do you find the one that is right for you? Well, what if you could not only experience the roads and races of the current season up close, but you could also ride…
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 2 months
Lettre VI
1F MADEMOISELLE, J'ay receu vos magnifiques braſſelets, qui m'ont ſemblé tout glorieux de porter vos chiffres; ne craignez plus aprés cela, qu’un priſonnier arreſté par les bras & par le cœur, vous puiſſe echapper.
1A MADEMOISELLE, I've received your magnificent cuffs, which seemed to me proud to bear your code. After this, fear no longer that a prisoner bound by the wrists and by the heart could escape you.
2F Je confeſſe cependant que voſtre don m'euſt eſté ſuſpect, à cauſe qu'il entre preſque toûjours des cheveux & des caracteres dans la compoſition des charmes; mais comme vous avez tant d'autres moyens plus nobles pour cauſer la mort, je n'ay garde de vous ſoupçonner de ſortilege; & puis j'aurois tort de me dérober aux ſecrets de votre Magie, ne m'eſtant pas poſſible de me ſouſtraire à mon Horoſcope, qui s'eſt accordée avec la vôtre, de ma triſte avanture.
2A I confess, however, that your gift was suspicious to me because hair and characters almost always enter into the crafting of charms. But since you have so many nobler means of causing my death, I take care to avoid suspecting you of enchantment, and then I would be wrong to shield myself from the secrets of your magic, as it is not possible for me to evade my horoscope, which is compatible with yours, of my final misadventure.
3F Adjouſtez à cette conſideration qu'elle ſera beaucoup plus recommandable, ſi elle arrive par des moyens ſurnaturels, & s'il faut un miracle pour la cauſer.
3A Add to this consideration that it will be much more commendable if it arrives by supernatural means, and if a miracle is needed to cause it.
4F Je m'imagine, Mademoiſelle, que vous prenez cecy pour une raillerie. Hé bien parlons ſerieuſeſement, dites moy donc en conſçience: N'eſt-ce pas acquerir un cœur à bon marché, qui ne vous coûte que cinq ou ſix coups de broſſe?
4A I imagine, Mademoiselle, that you take this to be mockery. Well, let's talk seriously, tell me honestly then — is it not a bargain to acquire a heart that costs you five or six mere brush strokes?
5F Par ma foy, ſi vous en trouvez d'autres à ce prix là, je vous conſeille de les prendre; car il peut revenir plus facilement des cheveux à la teſte, que des cœurs à là poitrine; Mais n'auriez-vous point choiſi par malice, des cheveux à me faire preſent, pour m'expliquer en hierogliphe, l'inſenſibilité de voſtre cœur?
5A My word, if you find any others at such a price, I advise you to buy them, for hair returns more easily to the head than hearts do to the chest. But wouldn't you have chosen rather mischievously, in making me a gift of hair in order to explain to me through hieroglyphs the insensitivity of your heart?
6F Non je vous tiens plus genereuſe; mais quelque mal intentionnée que vous ſoyez, je confonds tellement dans ma joye toutes les choſes qui me viennent de votre part, que les mains qui m'outragent, ou qui me careſſent, me ſont également ſouhaittables, pourveu qu'elles ſoient les voſtres, & la Lettre que je vous envoye en eſt une preuve, puis qu'elle ne tend qu'à vous remercier de m'avoir lié les bras, de m'avoir tiré par les cheveux; & par toutes ces violences, m'avoir fait, MADEMOISELLE, Votre Serviteur.
6A No, I hold you to be more generous. But ill-intentioned though you be, in my joy, I so confuse everything that comes to me from you that the hands that abuse me or that caress me are equally desirable, provided that they're yours. The letter I send you is proof of this, since I offer it only to thank you for tying me by the arms, for pulling me by the hair, and by all this violence having made me, MADEMOISELLE, your servant.
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aurevoirmonty · 5 days
La Russie propose son aide aux citoyens des pays qui détruisent les «valeurs spirituelles et morales traditionnelles»
Le gouvernement vient de publier (https://tass.com/politics/1845935) une liste de 47 pays - dont les Etats-Unis, le Royaume-Uni ou encore la France d'Emmanuel Macron - qui véhiculent ces comportements destructeurs.
[Ces pays] mettent en œuvre des politiques qui imposent des attitudes idéologiques néolibérales destructrices qui contredisent les valeurs spirituelles et morales traditionnelles de la Russie
Au sein de l'UE, seules la Slovaquie et la Hongrie (https://t.me/kompromatmedia_2/826) ne sont pas inclues, au sein de l'OTAN, seule la Turquie en est exclue.
TASS précise que cette liste a été approuvée conformément à un décret présidentiel visant à apporter un soutien humanitaire aux étrangers qui partagent les valeurs de la Russie.
Moscou se faisant un devoir d'accueillir les réfugiés idéologiques (https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceinfo/podcasts/d-un-monde-a-l-autre/russie-un-visa-ideologique-pour-echapper-aux-orientations-neoliberales-destructrices-et-aux-valeurs-sataniques-7871633) qui sont en désaccord avec les politiques dégénérées (https://t.me/kompromatmedia_2/1073) menées par leurs dirigeants.
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unlikely love: Aila and Ivan
Hello! This story is the first one if my unlikely love stories. It's a fanfic about how Ivan Drago and an NYC ballet dancer (also Rocky's foster daughter,) fall in love. Just a few disclaimers, this is set in present times, mick is still alive, and Ivan doesn't kill Apollo. Since it's a love story, you can expect some sex scenes. There is also discussions about death, and a character commits suicide, so if you think you'll be triggered, please find another fanfic. Enjoy!
It's been a long day. We have three days till our swan lake performance, so rehearsals have been brutal. I'm playing black and white swan, so it's extra exhausting. My calves are still burning from those 32 fouttes. My feet hurt more than normal, and I can't imagine all the new blisters I have. I through my ballet bag on the ground, peel off my sweaty leotard, and jump into the shower. The hot water couldn't have felt better. My muscles begin to relax. There is no better feeling than that after a long day of practice. I know that's all part if being a ballerina, but I wouldn't have it any another way. Every little girl dreams of being a ballerina at some point, but I never stopped dreaming. Even when my mom died and I moved in with Rocky, I'd echappe down alleys, spin through the streets, and even kept up with classes. But it was Tatyana, the shopkeeper, (and former Bolshoi dancer,) that took my dreams to the next level. I had gotten a job at her stand, out of border and to get sway from the strange men that watched me practice every day. We were having a particularly slow day that day, and she gave me a break. My ballet class had posted a flyer that said they were holding auditions for Clara for the Philadelphia ballet theater. I really wanted to be Clara, so I went into the alley by her shop, put on my Pointe shoes, warmed up, and got to work. A few minutes later, she came into the alley, and asked what I was doing. "Practicing for my Clara audition." "Well, I hope you don't have your heart set on getting it." "What am I doing wrong?" "Well, those pirouettes need work, and someone higher extensions would give the whole thing a face-lift. And don't get me started on your face." And that's how it started. Her training me in the alley. Eventually, she got a job at the studio where I danced, and when I made into NYC ballet, she became a ballet mistress there. And she still works one on one with me. I could stand in that shower daydreaming for longer, but I almost fall. The soap has rinsed off my body, and us making its way to the drain. And leaving a very slippery trail behind it. That's enough shower for today. I get out, dry myself, and put on clean sweatpants. I walk to my couch and, well, try to put on an episode of keeping up with the Kardashians. I despise Kim as a parent, but that show is mind numbing, in a good way. I don't want to think today. But before I even get to Hulu, my phone buzzes. It's my best friend, Bella. She has to remind me what happened today. "Are you OK, considering eveything?" It's nice she's checking in, but I don't want to be reminded of him. Well, I am, but reminded of what happened to him today. "Bella, I'd rather not talk about it." That was a little harsh, but I click send before I can think twice. She doesn't say anything back. Good. I just want to watch my show. But before I can get to Hulu, something much more interesting catches my eye. ABC News is on, probably from when I was getting ready this morning. It's too quiet here, ever since he left, so the TV is on all day to fill the silence. I don't even like news, but I just want to hear someone's voice. I need to get out there again. I hate being alone, but all I want is him. Well, supposedly, until now. The screen changes from the regular lady to a high tech room, well a high tech gym. But it's not the gym that catches my attention, but the people in it. A man with a Russian accent is in there, talking about heavyweight psi's, but I'm not paying attention to him. Slightly in front of me, is a tall, muscular man, with short blonde hair and blue eyes. He's staring blankly ahead. But there's something odd about him. A lot of the guys in my ballet classes are muscular, but they don't make me feel this way. I want this guy to come to America. I want to meet him. That blank face is just a guise boxers use to look tough. I want to know him.
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balletadventures · 2 months
dance diary: day 3
Today's classes: technique, pointe
Technique class:
omg my back bends are getting GREAT
build up more stamina for allegro/jumps
add artistry elements to technique? to improve and stuff
Pointe class:
basics: shaping feet and gaining balance
centre: bourrees, releves, echappes
gain stability in centre thru practice (also developing foundation in barre)
overall, the shoes are starting to feel normal on my feet ^-^ this will be great when i start at the new ballet school
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I am so in love with pointe, it's absolutely addicting. In my third class, I did releves in first with only one hand on the barre and I even held a balance in first!!! I was so proud lol.
However, the hatred I have for fourth will never improve nor go away. Echappe into fourth literally made me want to die.
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waloli22 · 2 years
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Ils devaient se retrouver dans après-midi. Quand O... demanda quelles consignes il fallait respecter pour recevoir V... elle lui repondi sèchement "aucune" !
Il fût surpris car d'habitude elle adore que son soumis la reçoive en tenue coquine.
Avait t'il commis un impair ? Il allait bientôt le savoir.
Elle sonne à l'interphone, il décroche "dépêche toi d'ouvrir j'ai froid dehors". Jamais elle ne lui avait parlé sur ce ton. O... l'attend sur le pallier l'air tout embêté.
"Que se passe t'il maîtresse" ?
Une fois de plus tu n'as pas répondu à mes textos, et tu sais que je déteste ça.
Donc tu seras puni, mais pas comme tu le penses. V... l'entraîne vers la chambre. Déshabille toi et enfile ça, je te regarde. Elle lance sur le lit sa cage de chasteté. Tout penaud il obéit. Il se retrouve en tenue d'adam juste avec cette cage. Assied toi sur cette chaise, c'est la moins confortable que j'ai trouvée. Quelque peu depaillée son postérieur est déjà tout endolori. Elle le menotte mains dans le dos. Et maintenant tu vas admirer mais tu ne pourras que toucher avec les yeux. Elle s'assoit sur le lit, ote ses vêtements un à un très lentement. Puis elle commence à se masturber.
Sa bite commence à remplir sa cage... quelques gouttes s'en echappe signe d'une excitation grandissante. V... rapproche de lui un tabouret, y ventouse le gode bleu et s'empale dessus avec un gémissement de plaisir.
V... continue sa masturbation tout en faisant des vas et viens. "Que c'est bon, tu ne trouves pas ?"
Oui Maîtresse lui répondit O... Aurais je droit à un baiser lui demanda t'il en sourdine ?
Négatif lui répond V... Je ne toucherais pas aujourd'hui en aucune façon dit elle tout en continuant. Puis tout à coup elle jouie très fort et lâche des rales de plaisir. Humm je vois que ta bite commence à être à l'étroit. Elle le détache lui permet de se vêtir un peu. Sans dire un mot elle se rhabille, se dirige vers lui pour lui montrer ce qu'il y a dans la paume de sa main.
Et elle la referme sur la clé... J'espère que tu as bien compris ? Je repasserais dans la semaine prochaine... et il entend la porte d'entrée qui claque. OUPS ! 🥺
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gaboushkabzbz · 8 months
Je n'irai pas boire
Ce soir je me noie
Dans l'émoi
Le désir de sexe
Le manque de toi
Je vois noir
Yeux clos oblige
J'ai préféré
Choisir les rêves
Les merveilleux
Ceux qui aident
A aller mieux
J'ai quitté la ville
Pour plonger
Dans le céleste
Je viens d'ailleurs
Comme étrangère
Sans aucun doute
La tête dans
Les étoiles
J'ai tatoué Neptune
Sur mon épaule
C'est simple
Je ne peux
Echapper à
Mes rêves
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ikasdu64 · 2 years
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Le mystère des bronzes du Lorestan échappe aux archéologues depuis près de 100 ans https://rajahalhurra.wordpress.com/2022/11/26/le-mystere-des-bronzes-du-lorestan-echappe-aux-archeologues-depuis-pres-de-100-ans/
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PRIMA PAGINA Liberation di Oggi lunedì, 09 settembre 2024
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roadie1963 · 1 year
Veloviews for August 11, 2023 - Bicycle Travel Companies: Velo Echappe International
Image By Marcus Spiske from Unsplash.com A trip that includes travel by bicycle is special, maybe even a once in a lifetime occurrence. That said, with all the bicycle travel companies in the marketplace that offer similar things, how do you find the one that is right for you? Well, what if you could not only experience the roads and races of the current season up close, but you could also ride…
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1995 Hommel Berlinette Echappement
My tumblr-blogs: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/germancarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/frenchcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/englishcarssince1946 & https://www.tumblr.com/blog/italiancarssince1946
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PAROLES DE KHAL ( Echapper au conditionnement )
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balletadventures · 2 months
dance diary: day 8
I managed to film myself for this class, so the observations can be more accurate, and the corrections more applicable.
Today's classes: technique, pointe
Technique class:
working on turnout using placement: try not to throw hips away when doing anything while extending leg
tighten fifths!!!!!!
work on turns: staying up using upper body, keeping leg up as long as possible, and turnout retire leg
Pointe class:
overall, very impressed. doing better than i thought
sliding instead of jumping in echappes
tight fifths in bourres
try: soutenu turns? surely they operate on a similar principle to bourre turns
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