#eckhart karaboudjan
shads-shipposts · 2 years
Cards and Comfort: Anachronism Snapshot
Admittedly, my fic Anachronism is a big ol' mess. Truly, it is in shambles (just like my mental state). However, some scenes are relatively put together. Such as this one that I wrote back in late 2020 during a depressive episode. Other than some very minor tweaking, this hasn't really been touched. But I want to post something with the KaraCrew, and thus y'all get this lovely little thing. It isn't much, only 1.3k words, but there is a truly abysmal lack of KaraCrew content that isn't tied to Tintin, so this is my remedy. A self indulgent comfort fic staring my oc Shadow and sailors Neil, Hobbs, Geitch, and Eckhart (pilot in brown clothes). As Anachronism takes place before my Clone Wars series, Shadow is 19 here. For obvious reasons, they don't sleep near the rest of the crew and usually crash in Tom or Allan's cabin since those two have their own rooms.
CW: Language, depressive episode, worries of being a burden.
Halting just shy of the open doorway, I swallowed hard. What if they got mad? What if they sent me away? What if they let me in but were passive aggressive about it? Hell, that last one would be even worse. 
But it would be even worse to sit in Tom’s cabin alone, thoughts spiraling out of control. 
I’d just have to take the risk.
Stepping into the doorway to the rec room, I blinked against the light and scanned the room to see who was there. Eckhart, Geitch, Neil, and Hobbs. At least it was two of my favorite sailors aside from Tom. 
It took them a while to notice me, but Eckhart’s eyes finally raised and the man did a small double take. “Kid? Thought you were asleep?” 
At his comment, Neil and Hobbs twisted in their chairs to face me.
“Hey, Shortie. Whatcha doin’ wanderin’ ‘round this late?” Neil asked. 
“Couldn’t sleep,” I said with a shrug, arms wrapped around myself as I braced against the rolling of the ship. 
“Kevin botherin’ ya? I’ll send ‘im off if ya need me to,” Neil offered. 
I shook my head. “Ain’t that. Just restless. Y’all mind if I sit in and watch?” I asked tiredly. 
They glanced at each other and I worried they would refuse. Well… guess if they did the top of the wheelhouse was an option. 
“Nah, c’mon ov’r ‘ere,” Hobbs said, jerking his head at the seat between him and Neil. 
My shoulders sagged in relief. “Thanks, you won’t even know I’m here,” I assured them, walking over and sliding into the seat between the two men. Taking care not to brush any of them, I slowly exhaled. Best not to draw any more attention to myself than I already had. 
The card game continued on, but I could tell they were occasionally glancing at me. Well, good thing I couldn’t really feel worse than I currently did. 
Neil bumped my elbow and I moved it to give him more space. Surely I wasn’t taking up that much room. Compared to the AB I was pretty damn small. He called me “Shortie” for a reason. 
He did it again, but moved slower and didn’t so much bump my elbow as nudge it. Beneath the numbness and crushing exhaustion, curiosity sparked. What was this man up to? 
When his elbow brushed mine again, I left it there. He pressed his against mine but continued on with the game. His skin was quite warm, and despite the small area of contact, the touch sent a feeling of ease through me and slowly forced the tension out of my shoulders. A strong leg pressed against mine, further driving away the agonizing emptiness. Releasing a long breath once more, I shifted closer to the man. I waited, tense, for him to move away but he stayed where he was. Giving a mental ‘fuck it’, I leaned against him. 
The men must have been subtly watching, because they immediately commented on my unusual behavior. 
“Hey kid, what’s eatin’ ya?” Geitch asked from across the table. 
It took some effort, but I managed to raise my eyes to his. “Eh, I’ll be fine in a few.”
“Wasn’t the question,” Eckhart remarked, raising an eyebrow.  
“Aye, somethin’s buggin’ ya,” Hobbs added, twisting in his chair to look at me while still hiding his cards from Eckhart. 
I dropped my eyes. “Nothin’s wrong.” 
“Bullshit.” Neil nudged me with his leg. “You don’t mope like this.”
I shook my head. “Y’all don’t get it. Literally nothing is wrong. My brain just… malfunctions at times.”
“We got a happy chemical our brain is supposed to produce. Sometimes my brain says ‘Fuck you, chemical machine broke’ and quits on me for an hour or two. It’s jacked enough already, but it can get really bad,” I managed.
“Sounds like hell,” Geitch commented. 
I huffed. “No shit, man. Fuckin’ sucks ass and swallows.”
The men chuckled. “Least you keep your foul mouth,” Hobbs teased, punching my arm. 
“Oh, that gets worse durin’ this.”
“Good outlet,” Eckhart laughed. 
“Guess it can be,” I shrugged, before sighing and dropping my eyes to the table again. 
The weak reply seemed to sober the men a little. 
“Should we get Tom?” Geitch asked, shifting to get out of his seat. 
“No!” I yelped, panic spreading across my face. “Last thing I need is to burden more people with this.”
My fearful response only got them more worried.
“You clearly aren’t doin’ good, kid,” Neil pointed out. “Wouldn’t Tom help?”
“He’s on duty right now. I’m not botherin’ him,” I stressed, shaking my head. “Just… can you get back to the card game? I’d have stayed away if I knew I’d bother y’all this much.”
They exchanged glances with each other. 
Shit, I knew I was bothering them! I shifted and went to slide out of the seat to leave them alone, but Neil’s heavy arm across my back and shoulders pushed me back down into the seat. 
“Ya aren’t botherin’ no one,” he growled. “Said ya can stay, so sit.”
I held his gaze for a moment before settling back into the chair. “If you’re sure.”
“Wouldn’t say it if we weren’t,” Hobbs remarked, shifting back to face the others at the table. 
“Y’all ain’t the type to hold your tongues on anythin’ that’s for sure,” I huffed, salt forming a crack in the prison wall. 
Neil squeezed my shoulder. “Right.” 
I expected him to remove his arm to continue the game, but the heavy limb stayed where it was, fingers tapping absentmindedly to the faint music playing over the radio.  
Slowly exhaling once more, I hesitated before shifting so my side rested against his. The faint rhythm of the radio coupled with the creaking and rolling of the ship coaxed me further and further towards sleep again.
But would I be safe sleeping around them? They were sailors after all. Even if I was fairly close now with Neil and Hobbs, and none of these men in particular had done anything sketchy, I just couldn’t be 100% sure. Could pretend to be asleep and see how they react.
Closing my eyes, I waited a few moments before letting my head roll to the side against Neil. 
“They fall asleep?” Neil asked. 
“Not so loud, idiot, you’ll wake ‘em up,” Hobbs hissed. 
“What do we do?” Geitch asked. “Carry ‘em back to Tom’s cabin?”
“That would also wake them up,” Eckhart pointed out. 
“I’m comfortable, just leave ‘em and let ‘em sleep,” Neil said, pulling me closer to him. 
“Softie,” Hobbs teased. 
“Am not.” 
“Look atcha, lettin’ the kid sleep on ya.”
Neil snorted. “You’d do the same.”
“They’re kinda cute when they’re asleep and not threatenin’ us with violence,” Geitch commented with a short laugh. 
“Hey, they’re nineteen,” Neil growled. “You’re thirty two. Back off.”
“I didn’t mean it like that, cockhead,” Geitch shot back. “You know I see ‘em as a sibling, same as you! Didn’t mean anything weird by it!”
“Hope not,” Eckhart said. “They’re not asleep. Saw them twitch at your comment.”
The men were quiet before Hobbs ventured, “Kid? You sleepin’ or not?” 
“I’m tryin’ if that’s any consolation,” I muttered. 
“Figured ya passed out since you’re pressed against me like this and ya aren’t cuddly awake,” Neil said, adjusting his arm.
“Just go back to the game and let me doze. Warmth and pressure helps keep the sad at bay,” I mumbled. “And I do like hugs, thank you very little. I just don’t know the vibe for them within this hotbed of masculinity.” 
As Eckhart snorted in amusement, Hobbs asked, “Can ya even sleep with us talkin’?”
“Right now no. So start gamin’,” I huffed.
“Sir yes sir,” he chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes. “Smartass,” I muttered, situating myself again. Exhaling slowly, I closed my eyes and let the low music, swaying of the ship, muted voices, and warmth and weight of Neil’s arm lull me back to sleep. 
I just hoped Tom wouldn’t freak when he got back to the cabin and I wasn’t there. 
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