#ecuadorian black metal
altar-ov-plagues · 2 years
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johnerigo-blog · 13 days
BLACK SUN (Power Metal - Ecuador 🇪🇨 / Finland 🇫🇮 ) - Release "With Them Devils" (Official Lyric Video) -Taken from their self titled album which is out NOW! #blacksun #powermetal #heavymetal
BLACK SUN (Power Metal – Ecuador 🇪🇨/ Finland 🇫🇮 ) – Release “With Them Devils” (Official Lyric Video) -Taken from their self titled album which is out NOW! #blacksun #powermetal #heavymetal Black Sun is an Ecuadorian-Finnish melodic heavy metal band that has undergone a remarkable evolution since its inception. Originally formed in Ecuador by Nicolas Estrada (drums), Christopher Grünberg…
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drondskaath · 3 years
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Wampyric Rites/Akhansha | The Misanthropic Songs of an Unholy Spirit | 31st October, 2021
Ecuadorian Raw Black Metal
Artwork by Nayla Art
Pure Raw Underground Black Metal Plague
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queens-of-scream · 7 years
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Salix Babylonica
Status: Active
Vocalist: A. Nostalgie
Country: International (Spain/Ecuador)
Genre(s): Melodic Black/Doom Metal
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grimoriumverum · 4 years
💥Awka # 1💥
In this 2021. We sprayding with bands from the middle of the world, in the compilation ´´LEGIONNAIRES FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD
band named as a cult in the Ecuadorian lands.
This time in this compilation.
G V.
As such it was formed at the beginning of 93 with Lucifeid on drums-voice,
And voice-guitar Equidnos.
Thus leaving behind the previous project called Agaliaroth, which was born before G V. with which they also practiced, a savage Antichristian black metal with visions Esoteric, Luciferian and Primordial Gnosis, from Quito, Ecuador.
Who will be present in this compilation
Dont lose you copie warrior, will be very limited edition.
💥 Awka # 1💥
En este 2021. Nos rociamos con bandas de la mitad del mundo, en el recopilatorio ´´LEGIONNAIRES FROM THE MIDDLE OF THE WORLD
banda nombrada como culto en tierras ecuatorianas.
Esta vez en esta recopilación.
G V. de Quito, Ecuador.
Como tal se formó a principios del 93 con Lucifeid en la batería y voces y
Equidnos en la guitarra y voces,
dejando así atrás el anterior proyecto denominado Agaliaroth, que nació antes que G V. con el que también practicaban, un salvaje black metal anticristiano con visiones esotéricas, luciferinas y gnosis primordial.
No pierdas tu copia guerrero, será una edición muy limitada.
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planetmosh · 2 years
Wampyric Rites - "The Wolves Howl To The Moon" album review
Wampyric Rites – “The Wolves Howl To The Moon” album review
Prolific Ecuadorian black Vampire metal band release their first full length album Ok I know, Ecuador is not the first place that springs to mind when we talk about Vampire influenced black metal. But nevertheless, South America has always been a hotbed for all sorts of extreme metal, and they tend to be good at it too. Since they appeared in 2019, Wampyric Rites have delivered a slew of EPs,…
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te-dedico-um-livro · 6 years
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offtosavetheearth · 5 years
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June 29th 2018
First full day in the Jungle, and we have many activities planned. Our breakfast was eggs, pineapple, watermelon, plantains, yoghurt and granola, and coffee. Last night I slept on the queen bed, but I had to get up and pee about 7 times because the sound of the Napo River was messing with me. I’m still sick today, my lymph nodes have been super swollen for like over two weeks now, but onward we go. I whipped out my blue-green poncho, and everyone got rain boots for the boat ride. I sat next to Ginger, my boat buddy, and we drove through the Napo River for over an hour to get to the Amazoonica animal rescue center.
Amazoonico is a wildlife rescue center located in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest that rehabilitates, reintroduces, and cares for animals who are victims of illegal trafficking. All of the animals that arrive at the center are brought by the Ministry of the Environment, the result of confiscations from people who have kept them as pets or intended to sell or trade them on the black market. Some animals arrive suffering from multiple physical and behavioral problems which make it impossible for them to live free in the forest. In those cases, they are provided with enclosures similar to their original habitat, where they can live in the most natural conditions possible. In other cases, if the animals arrive in good physical and mental condition and after passing through quarantine, various examinations, and a rehabilitation process, they can be successfully reintroduced back into their natural habitat.
Founded in 1993, Amazoonico is a non-governmental organization created by a Swiss-Quichua couple named Angelika Raimann and Remigio Canelos. Together with Christine von Steiger, they wanted to protect the fauna of the Amazon, creating a center that would receive, treat, rehabilitate, and reintroduce wild animals that had been confiscated from illegal trade. In order to fulfill the plans for reintroduction it was important to create another project that would be exclusively dedicated to protection the rainforest itself, working with the community towards a common goal of sustainable and practical resource use. So came the birth of Selva Viva: a large umbrella project which would come to include 1750 hectares of protected forest, a trilingual school for the neighboring community, and two Eco-lodges which promote ecotourism. The project has been widely embraced by the nearby community and those who visit it daily, and has come to be well-recognized as a sanctuary of care and respect for wildlife. The driving force behind amaZOOnico are the Padrinos, volunteers, and tourists. Each day, they take care of the work with the animals, educational campaigns, and the maintenance of the infrastructure, the collection of funds and the general upkeep of the center.
Our tour guide was from Switzerland and she is working there for two months. She was kind of ditzy, but I think it is because she wasn’t comfortable with her English. On our tour we met toucans first, who while beautiful, are known to be incredibly aggressive and territorial. Their feathers had been plucked for ancient local rituals, and they had been taken to the center to regrow them. However they are now too acclimated to living in a cage around humans, so they must stay in the rescue center for the remainder of their lives. Next was the three and a half meter long Anaconda, who had her sensory organ taken out from her tongue, which helped to determine if her prey was dead or alive. She was found as a tourist attraction, and must stay there forever, with her roommate the Boa Constrictor. The Macaws we saw were very special, but very loud. They are often kept as pets, but given away after two years because their owners did not anticipate how noisy they would be. These birds choose their mates for life, and one wild Macaw chose a mate inside the cage, so every day he comes and perches on the top of the chain links so he can be with his wife.
We moved onto the monkeys, and I especially like Mono Capuchinos. This species uses its tail as a fifth hand, and every time tourists come around, one of the monkeys puts on a show. Hunted for their young, the mothers are usually shot so that the young they carry will fall to the ground and can be captured. Oftentimes Capuchinos arrive at Amazoonica paralyzed from the fall off their mother’s back. Pecaris, or relatives of wild pigs, were grouped together as a pack in this reserve. As a common dish for holidays, Amazoonica tries to release 8-10 a year away from civilization so they won’t be captured and eaten. Other attractions were the Coati, which reminded me of a possum or raccoon, a wild cat similar to Jaguars, and Amazon River Turtles. My absolute favorite were the Spider Monkeys and Chi Chico. Amazoonica’s Spider Monkeys were to be released soon, with a pack that hung around their group cage. The Chi Chico, Ecuador’s smallest monkey, was found in a backpack being smuggled across the border of Peru. His brother died due to parasites, but he now calls the reserve his home.
Of all these animals rescued, 1/3 survive at stay, 1/3 die, and 1/3 survive and our released. To be honest, this was identical to a Zoo for me. I didn’t feel that their project had stayed our course for its goals and mission. Yes they gave the animals similar habitats to that of their natural homes, but to allow tourists to come view them in cages for money, and their ratio of those rehabilitated in the wild, did not convince me that they were truly following the founders’ beliefs.
After our fairly brief visit, we traveled a short distance to eat lunch by the river. We were served this rice conglomeration with chicken, corn, and all sorts of vegetables mixed in. For sides we had tomatoes, lettuce, apples, huge bananas from Colombia, and water. I was pretty much choking on the rice the whole meal and attracting way too much attention. I sounded like a dying squeaker toy with a tomato face to boot. I blame the Ahi sauce and my closed off throat, plus the drizzling rain and cold wind. Lunch was quickly over and we were off to visit the Tiyayaku indigenous community guided by Marco. Our first demonstration was artisanal gold mining. The community is named after the river they mine in, and there are 15 families with approximately 68 people. To mine they arrive along the river at 4 am, carry big pots that weigh around 40 kg. They stay there till 3pm, usually waiting till the water is high and coming from the north, for that is when they find the most gold. It’s important for the Tiyayaku to have strong metal sticks, helping dig up more minerals to bring back to the village. Once they have dug up the ground and moved it into the circular bowl, they partially dip it into the river, moving the bowl in a specific circular motion to keep the gold grain inside. After this practice, they used to put the gold in their mouth to separate it from the iron, but nowadays a magnet is used. Women and men alike carry these heavy pots about 15 meters, either on their shoulder or their back. About 90 pots is one gram of gold, and one gram is 20 to 30 dollars in market.
Walking into the village we saw a diverse array of flora species, such as the well-known paradise flower with over 57 types in Ecuador. The indigenous use this plant for shampoo and sweet water; because of this sweet water, its inside petals are house various insects. A wide variety of this flower contributes to many different species of Hummingbirds.
We were led into a large wood-gated common area, where Rosalina, a grandmother of 35 grandchildren, showed us how they utilized the Yuca. With three different types harvested in the beginning, middle, and end of the year, it is the most important and most nutritious of their harvest. They also make the chichi drink, by fermenting this plant. It is so integral to their culture that spouses are chosen based on how well the woman can make this alcoholic beverage. After we all had a taste of the strange-milky vodka-tasting drink, two volunteers were brought up to make ceramics out of clay. This activity has been lost my many communities, because children simply aren’t interested in learning ancient skills. The making of ceramics was vital to this culture, so they could feed their families from pots and bowls, each with a specific purpose.
Our last activity was shooting darts out of the blow guns to hit a wooden toucan. Tactics like this were used to fight off the conquering Incas from invading the Amazon. At the gift shop I purchased a hand-made bowl designed with butterflies, toucans, and a woman. Then it was back on the boat for a quick ride to our cabins. I felt awful after sitting in the cold and the rain. In my opinion, cultural ecotourism activities like this do more good than harm. It seems to be keeping the culture alive against waves of modernization and outsourced labor. Not only does it provide income for the Tiyayaku, it also forces them to keep practicing ancient traditions to showcase their history and development. In terms of our cabins, I also think it is the most practical and sustainable way to combine humans and the environment. By integrating cabins into the landscape, destroying as little of the rainforest as possible, a deeper appreciation of nature is established, and visitors are encouraged to protect this house of biodiversity.  
As soon as we got home I took a shower and napped until dinner. But when I woke up I felt even worse; my eardrum was swollen, itchy, and pounding, my throat hurt, I was hacking up globs of mucus, and my head was killing me. After our dinner of cornita frijo, fish, and fruit, I asked Felipe for an ibuprofen, and went to bed around 8:30pm.
The plan is to go to the doctor in Quito tomorrow, so here’s hoping.
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my-house-of-fashion · 4 years
Quito apartment A Forest House has a mini indoor pool
Concrete columns draped in greenery, steel beams filled with books and a small pool feature in this apartment in Quito, Ecuador that local architect Aquiles Jarrín has overhauled for a family of three and their dog.
Jarrín designed the project, called A Forest House, for an apartment located in a 1970s building in the city’s historic centre.
Following a request from the couple’s son who said he “wanted to feel part of the house at all times”, he first demolished all partitioning walls in the residence.
He then stripped out finishes, like plaster and paint, revealing the existing rough ceilings, brick walls and concrete columns. The latter formed a defining part of the project development, leading Jarrín to come up with the concept for A Forest House.
“The solution came about by introducing a more poetic dimension to the project: we stopped calling the columns as such, to start calling them tree trunks,” Jarrín said.
“This gesture of metaphorising the space was defining for the entire design and understanding of the project, and thus, the idea arose that we were not in a domesticated space, as an apartment with the initially described characteristics, but were entering a wilder world, ‘a forest’.”
Jarrín added a series of black-metal interventions, including floor beams that change levels to different areas, and ceiling beams that act as bookshelves and planters and cabinets.
“Metal was the most suitable material for this project because its characteristics allowed a more versatile use; the pieces could be structural and part of the furniture at the same time,” the architect said, adding that most were created on site.
“The apartment became a workshop, where all the elements of the project were manufactured.”
The different floors are covered in dark chonta wood from South America, chosen to match the hues of the black steel.
One of the gaps between the crisscrossing beams forms a pool in the middle of the lounge. It abuts a patio that is filled with green and wrapped by glazed walls.
The changing floor levels are used to frame a lounge on the lowest level with views to the surrounding city. The kitchen occupies a level one step up and features a black metal island accompanied by wooden tucked into the angular corner.
At the rear of the apartment, large cabinets act as dividers to two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
Additional privacy can also be provided by curtains that attach on to the beams via magnets.
“There are no doors, but curtains with magnets that visually close the spaces, inviting new logics of respect and intimacy among the inhabitants of the forest,” he said.
Other projects recently completed in the Ecuadorian capital city include a house architect Felipe Escudero designed for himself. The residence includes a black kitchen and space for him to make rap music.
Photography is by JAG studio.
The post Quito apartment A Forest House has a mini indoor pool appeared first on Dezeen.
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from http://www.houseoffashion.co.za/quito-apartment-a-forest-house-has-a-mini-indoor-pool/
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tripstations · 5 years
The last word checklist: 100 issues to do within the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos is just not solely identified for its big contribution to Darwin´s Idea of Evolution, again within the 16th century, but in addition for its fragile ecosystem and harsh situations of the archipelago. Subsequently, the Nationwide Park Directorate has set a collection of guidelines that each customer and native should comply with. Not in useless, the primary rule listed is the have to be accompanied by knowledgeable licensed naturalist information for having the ability to go to the protected areas inside the nationwide park. Nevertheless To begin with, guides within the Galapagos Islands have been educated to protect the ecosystem in addition to maximize your expertise inside the archipelago by making an attempt to fulfilling, and typically exceeding your expectations.
The Galapagos Islands are a territory to immerse your self in essentially the most uncommon of planetary biodiversity. You’ll want to do these 100 issues within the great Ecuadorian archipelago.
1. Spot the king of evolution, the flightless cormorant, a chook that misplaced its potential to fly as a result of lack of floor predators and the necessity to swim sooner with a purpose to get the catch of the day.
2. Discover Penguins on the equator, virtually like recognizing a polar bear on a tree. Not solely can you notice them however you may swim with them too.
3. Study Darwin’s evolution principle and the way species can adapt to harsh environments.
4. Glamp on the sundeck of your yacht and benefit from the excellent night underneath the celebs.
5. Constitution a yacht to your total household or group of mates and dwell the dream of cruising the islands along with your favorite folks at your individual tempo.
6. Dive with a whole lot of hammerhead sharks at Champions rock. Only a day journey from Santa Cruz or San Cristobal island.
7. Benefit from the distinctive ceviche de “Canchalagua” a sort of shellfish solely discovered within the archipelago and is accountability harvested by fishermen from Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.
8. Stroll the steps to the highest of Bartolome island and get a view of the moonlike panorama.
9. Sit on the docks at Puerto Ayora with a pleasant chilly beer at evening and watch a whole lot of child white tip reef sharks swimming out and in of the bay.
10. Seize a surfboard and trip the waves at Tortuga bay on Santa Cruz island.
11. Go to Española island and stroll alongside the path at Punta Suarez till you attain the Waved Albatross nesting grounds, their well-known mating dance begins round late Augusts and final by way of September. An incredible show of courtship.
12. Swim with sharks at a number of websites all through the islands, one in every of our favourite locations is simply of Santa Cruz island at Bachas seashore.
13. Take a liveaboard cruise and onboard one in every of 55 small ships that navigate the islands and put in 2 customer websites per day within the firm of a naturalist information. Cruises final wherever from 3, 4, 5 or 7 nights.
15. Go to the Charles Darwin station and study evolution and the way tourism performs a key position within the conservation of the islands ecosystem.
16. Discover Tagus Cove off the west coast of Isabela Island and admire the pirate graffiti on the cliffs. They are saying Sir Francis Drake was a frequent customer of the enchanted isles.
17. Cruise throughout the equator line and toast along with your crew as only a few have the likelihood to cross the long-lasting division of the planet by water.
18. Go to la Loberia seashore on San Cristobal island and snorkel all day with playful sea lions.
19. Get pleasure from an ice-cold Ecuadorian beer as you watch the sundown within the out of doors lounge of your yacht. Probably the most lovely sunsets may be loved when your boat is anchored off Floreana island inside the baroness bay.
20. Ship a postcard the previous vogue method. Go to Submit workplace bay on Floreana island and put your card within the previous barrel. Normally takes just a few months get again to you. Additionally, be citizen and ship your neighbor’s postcard as nicely.
21. Seize your mountaineering boots and drag your self as much as the rim of Sierra Negra volcanic crater on Isabela island. It’s the second-largest crater on the planet after Ngorongoro.
22. Additional credit score, after reaching the rim of Sierra Negra, push your self additional to go to the Volcan Chico lava subject and see the fumaroles, tuff cones and study the entire volcanic system of the island.
23. Go to the highlands of Santa Cruz island and stroll alongside the large tortoises that roam freely across the pastures and soak within the mud swimming pools.
24. Get pleasure from a collection of night lectures and be taught concerning the formation, evolution, and conservation of the Galapagos archipelago out of your naturalist information in your expedition yacht.
25. Snorkel with marine iguanas as they dive underneath the surf to feed on algae.
26. Watch the distinctive blue-footed booby courtship dance and see if you happen to can comply with, don’t overlook to deliver a pair of vibrant blue sneakers.
27. Get your self an ice cream cone and go sit on the docks on San Cristobal island at sundown, you’ll be surrounded by barking sea lions. It’s heartwarming to see how they dwell in concord with the native inhabitants.
28. After some wonderful snorkeling takes a stroll on one of many planet’s most lovely seashores at Gardner Bay on Española island.
29. Put in observe all these images classes and play the position of the professional as you simply seize among the most wonderful wildlife moments by way of your lens.
30. Take one in every of your yachts kayaks and paddle round buccaneers coves off Santiago island, one of many nicest bays to discover at your individual tempo.
31. Take a zodiac trip by way of black turtle cove off Santa Cruz island and benefit from the view of mating sea turtles and white-tipped reef sharks swimming proper beneath you.
32. Get pleasure from a personal dinner with a view along with your important different on the non-public eating space onboard the Sea Star Journey yacht.
33. Discover the volcanic lava tubes on the Royal Palm resort within the highlands of Santa Cruz island, essentially the most spectacular geological formations may be discovered as you admire the ability of nature.
34. Stroll on the pahoehoe lava subject discovered at James bay, essentially the most spectacular and quick access within the Galapagos. For further credit score climb into one of many crevaces and admire the completely different colours of dry lava minerals.
35. If you’re blessed to coincide as you cruise alongside Fernandina Island, you may witness a volcanic eruption.
36. Go to Punta Pitt off San Cristobal Island and stroll alongside the one nesting floor the place yow will discover the three forms of boobies in the identical place: blue-footed, red-footed and masked boobies.
37. Snorkel by way of the channel divide at Kicker rock (sleeping lion) and revel in recognizing dozens of hammerhead sharks beneath.
38. Be one with your self and discover your internal peace as you escape from the world and keep on the distant Floreana island. You simply could unveil the baronesses homicide mysteries.
39. Spend an evening at an African fashion safari camp within the highlands of Santa Cruz island, you will have the likelihood to benefit from the view fo the large tortoises that roam freely among the many tent platforms.
40. Take a bicycle and trip all the way in which to Garrapatero seashore for refreshing swim and wildlife recognizing, simply 30 minutes from Puerto Ayora.
41. Foodies can delight themselves with the road meals alley in Puerto Ayora, distinctive Ecuadorian recipes embrace encocado de pescado (coconut fish), ceviche and the potential of having recent lobster for underneath $40 USD.
42. Benefit from the purple sand seashore on Rabida Island, a singular setting to watch how pelicans dive alongside the surf and fill their beeks with fish.
43. Maintain and eye on the piratey frigate birds as they metal the catch from different birds just like the blue-footed boobies. As quickly as they emerge with prey the Frigate chook rams into them and steels the meals from their mouths.
44. Be part of your chef on the grill on the surface eating space of your liveaboard yacht. A barbecue with a view in one of many distant island bays.
45. Discover the highlands of San Cristobal at evening and hold your ears prepared to listen to the screetch of the evening petrels as 1000’s flutter round of their mating rituals.
46. Make a listing of the completely different subspecies of finches you notice alongside a weeklong cruise and see if you may make out the diversifications of every chook from island to a different.
47. Be an early riser and go to the Itabaca channel on Santa Cruz to identify a whole lot of blue-footed boobies diving within the bay to catch the varsity of fish that swim by.
48. Climb up Prince Phillips steps on Genovesa island and stroll the path to “El Barranco” the cliff and be amazed by the 1000’s of sea birds which might be fluttering round, hold an eye fixed out for the looking Galapagos hawks who’re ready to feast.
49. Go to the wall of tears on Isabela island and be taught concerning the human historical past of the islands. In your technique to the positioning, there’s a redish lagoon with flamingos referred to as the satan’s lagoon.
50. Get married or renew your vows onboard your Galapagos yacht. The Captain has the authority to carry out a wedding ceremony and have it notarized within the Ecuadorian registry.
51. Discover the underwater tunnels on Isabela island at Puerto Villamil. This can be a distinctive volcanic surroundings discovered nowhere else on the planet.
52. Snorkel with sea turtles and manta rays at one in every of a number of nesting websites.
53. Go from a lava subject within the lowlands by the water, go by way of dry forest and eventually attain tropical cloud forest on one of many bigger islands (Isabela, Santa Cruz or San Cristobal). In 20 minutes time, you may expertise completely different surroundings, local weather and temperature.
54. Go to the Twin craters on Santa Cruz island. These are two pitholes that depict the volcanic formation of the island. It is usually a fantastic space for birdwatching and recognizing finches.
55. Soak within the scorching tub of your yacht after a day of snorkeling as you watch the sundown.
56. Go to the interpretation heart on San Cristobal island and be taught concerning the human historical past of Galapagos, its city myths and the volcanic formation of the islands.
57. Meet the locals on Isabela island be taught what it’s wish to dwell on the tip of a large underwater volcano, that’s nonetheless energetic.
58. Go to Pelican bay in Puerto Ayora and watch how birds and sea lions collect to scavenge on the leftovers after the fish market is up for the day.
59. Maintain an eye fixed out for vampires. The vampire finch on the northernmost island of Darwin, Wolf and Genovesa is understood for consuming the blood from booby birds after cleansing them from parasites.
60. Seize an early morning espresso and sit to look at the birds on the non-public balcony of your liveaboard the yacht, with completely different surroundings daily.
61. Take a liveaboard diving cruise and encounter the mild big whale sharks.
62. Have dinner at your boat captains house together with his household and benefit from the recent catch in your 360 tour of San Cristobal island. There might be wonderful tales of island life to be shared.
63. Go to a neighborhood farm within the highlands of Santa Cruz Island the place the endemic Otoy vegetation are harvested and assist transport the leaves to the breeding heart to assist feed child big tortoises.
64. Embark on a small biplane and fly from both San Cristobal or Santa Cruz to Isabela Island. The birdseye views of the lava fields and distinctive formations beneath are second to none.
65. Hug a cactus. The enormous cacti on Santa Fe island shouldn’t have spines on the decrease a part of their trunks making it potential to hug one in every of these distinctive vegetation.
66. Hike to the blowhole on Española island and watch the ocean water shoot up just a few hundred toes into the air.
67. Go to the jewellery outlets in Puerto Ayora and store for handcrafted gems impressed within the wildlife of the archipelago. Silver and gold are finely crafted into one in every of a form jewels.
69. Lie down on the underwater platforms at Darwin and Wolf islands and watch colleges of 300+ hundred hammerhead sharks at a time swim by.
70. Maintain an eye fixed out for orcas looking sea lions while you navigate by way of the Bolivar channel off the the coast of Fernandina and Isabela islands.
71. Go to a espresso farm within the highlands of San Cristobal or Santa Cruz island and take part within the planting, harvesting and brewing the endemic espresso of the archipelago.
72. Get pleasure from a cup of the world’s finest scorching chocolate, arriba selection distinctive from Ecuador, simply after snorkeling within the cool waters of the archipelago.
73. Take a look at the celebs in the course of the world. Galapagos is crossed by the Equator line, within the highlands of every of the inhabited islands, there is no such thing as a gentle air pollution in any respect and you may spot each Southern as Northern hemisphere constellations.
74. Discover the highlands of Floreana and discover the cave that served as the primary house for the Wittmer household upon their arrival. It’s also possible to benefit from the rock formations and carved paintings as you be taught concerning the city lore and thriller of the baroness.
75. Go to one of many tortoise breeding facilities on the inhabited islands (Santa Cruz, Floreana, Isabela or San Cristobal), right here you may see the efforts of scientists and conservationists to reestablish populations of tortoises on sure islands.
76. Go to Punta Espinoza on Fernandina island to identify the very best concentrations of marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, penguins and different endemics.
77. Maintain an eye fixed out for every type of whales within the fall season, dolphins are additionally frequent to identify as they swim on the bow of your boat.
78. Plantlife in Galapagos is as distinctive because the animals that feed on it, from purple vesuvium flowes, big prickly pear cacti, dry forests of palo santo (a sort of frankincense) and the endemic Scalesia timber. These distinctive species give wonderful shade to the archipelagos surroundings.
79. Attempt to spot the well-known racer snakes as they chase child marine iguanas on Fernandina Island.
80. Get PADI licensed for diving. Take the total course in Puerto Ayora, you may take pleasure in your first immersions at Academy bay and work your method as much as extra advanced dive websites.
90. Underwater explorers can go looking for distinctive species like the large sea horse on the tunnels on Isabela Island.
91. Benefit from the marine life from the consolation of a glass-bottom boat, the best viewing platform to have grandparents and grandkids having fun with the identical ocean view. True bonding expertise to identify sea lions, sharks and sea turtles collectively.
92. Go Sportfishing. The Galapagos park authority have given fishermen the chance to show in fishing license in change for cath and launch tourism licenses.
93. Toast to a sundowner glowing wine cocktail on a personal zodiac trip along with your yacht captain into the baroness bay.
94. Go to Lonesome George. Though he handed just a few years again, taxidermists helped protect the physique of this iconic species and is on show on the Darwin station.
95. Spot the intense orange Santa Fe land iguanas.
96. Discover the crevaces close to the Barranco space on Genovesa island looking for short-eared Galapagos owls.
97. Get pleasure from a ceviche lesson given by your chef on board the Seaman Journey catamaran.
98. Snorkel inside a sunken volcanic carter at Bartolome Island.
99. Tie the knot. Deliver your loved ones and mates to your one in every of a form vacation spot marriage ceremony at one of many island’s lovely oceanfront lodges.
100. Go diving after darkish at Punta Estrada (Just some minutes boat trip from Puerto Ayora) and discover a very completely different world. An evening dive unveils the marine world in a very completely different optic.
The post The last word checklist: 100 issues to do within the Galapagos Islands appeared first on Tripstations.
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johnerigo-blog · 1 month
BLACK SUN (Melodic Metal - Ecuador/Finland) - Set to release their self titled new album September 6, 2024 #BlackSun #melodicmetal #heavymetal
BLACK SUN (Melodic Metal – Ecuador/Finland) – Set to release their self titled new album September 6, 2024  #BlackSun #melodicmetal #heavymetal   Track List: Slay the Queen 4:15 With Them Devils 4:12 The Mercenary 3:55 Drown In Sin 5:17 Reapers of the Underworld 4:26 Awake 4:05 Stars 4:08 Rise 3:37 Revolution Now 4:07 Man Without A Shadow 4:19 Black Sun is an Ecuadorian-Finnish melodic heavy…
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drondskaath · 4 years
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Wampyric Rites | The Eternal Melancholy of the Wampyre | 2021
Ecuadorian Raw Black Metal
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vinayv224 · 5 years
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Christina Animashaun/Vox
PG&E plans massive California energy blackouts; Ecuador moved the seat of government following protests.
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California goes dark to prevent wildfires
California’s largest electricity provider, Pacific Gas & Electric, started shutting off power early Wednesday, eventually planning to throw about 800,000 customers in the Bay Area into darkness in an attempt to prevent more wildfires. [LA Times / Joseph Serna, Jaclyn Cosgrove, and Patrick McGreevy]
Forecasts for the week predicted strong, dry winds (known colloquially as a diablo), drawing concerns about power lines sparking wildfires. The two deadliest wildfires in recent years occurred under similar conditions. [The Mercury News / George Avalos, Fiona Kelliher, and Ethan Baron]
The power outages will impact at least 34 counties across California in areas across the state. [San Francisco Chronicle]
Despite plans to keep the power off for two to three days, PG&E stated it could take up to a week to restore power. [NYT / Thomas Fuller]
PG&E was found liable in last year’s deadly blaze across Paradise, California, killing 85 and causing billions of dollars in damage. The company filed bankruptcy after being swamped with liability claims. [Washington Post / Scoot Wilson]
Wildfire simulators predict the worst, prompting preventative measures like the PG&E blackout. [Vox / Eliza Barclay]
The Atlantic’s Kendra Atleework cites human innovation as the main reason the West Coast seems to be continually catching on fire. [The Atlantic / Kendra Atleework]
State of emergency moves Ecuador capital
For the first time in Ecuador’s history, President Lenín Moreno moved the national capital away from Quito, an effort to escape widespread protests over cuts to public benefits. [NYT / José María León Cabrera]
Ecuadorian indigenous-led groups are calling for Moreno’s resignation and reinstatement of government subsidies that were removed at the direction of the International Monetary Fund. [Miami Herald / Gonzalo Solano]
Workers’ United Front union leader Mesias Tatamuez said that government removal of subsidies serves to “reward the big banks, the capitalists, and punish poor Ecuadoreans.” [Reuters / Alexandra Valencia]
The austerity measures, a stipulation of the IMF $4.2 billion loan, included the rescinding of fuel subsidies and caused a 100 percent rise in gas prices in Ecuador. [BBC]
Apple removes a Taiwanese flag emoji from Hong Kong iPhones, riding the line between maintaining their relationship with China and supporting free speech. [Bloomberg / Mark Gurman]
An Alaska school received 10 expensive guitars after they were seized by federal agents. [Anchorage Daily News / Tegan Hanlon]
A new NASA plane runs on electricity, the first step towards zero-emissions aviation. [Vox / Umair Irfan]
Simone Biles won a historic 15th gold medal, and Team USA took home gold. [AP / James Ellingworth]
“This is probably worth $100 at the junkyard.” [Write-in 2020 independent presidential candidate Kasey Wells on his 11-foot-tall scrap metal elephant campaign marketing tool]
Watch this: Are you supposed to tip in an Uber?
Why is tipping etiquette on ride-sharing apps so murky? [YouTube / Danush Parvaneh]
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cvrnewsdirectindia · 5 years
It’s not just Greta Thunberg: why are we ignoring the developing world’s inspiring activists? | Chika Unigwe | Opinion
Ridhima Pandey was just nine years old in 2017 when she filed a lawsuit against the Indian government for failing to take action against climate change. Pandey’s fierce, astounding passion for the environment is not accidental. Her mother is a forestry guard and her father an environmental activist; and the whole family was displaced by the Uttarakhand floods of 2013, which claimed hundreds of lives.
In Kenya Kaluki Paul Mutuku has been actively involved in conservation since college, where he was a member of an environmental awareness club, and has been a member of the African Youth Initiative on Climate Change since 2015. Raised in rural Kenya by a single mother, Mutuku’s vigorous activism, like Pandey’s, was inspired by the direct challenges his family (and wider community) faced from the effects of climate change: “Growing up, I witnessed mothers cover kilometres to fetch water,” he says.
For years, young people across the world have been campaigning to draw attention to the crisis our planet faces, and to tackle it. Yet it seems the media is only interested in one young climate activist.
Without doubt, the remarkable Greta Thunberg is a superstar. In just one year, she has gone from being an unknown teenager, living in the comfort of a middle-class home in Sweden, to being one of the most recognised faces on the planet. She is fearless, earnest, passionate about the planet and determined.
But so are her peers. Born in a wealthy country, to parents who can afford to accommodate their daughter’s convictions, and in a culture where children are encouraged to speak up, Thunberg has intersecting privileges. She is aware of this and regularly mentions her fellow youth activists in her speeches, to remind journalists that there are others working alongside her.
People such as the teenager Aditya Mukarji, who in March 2018 began a war against plastic straws. Within just five months, he had already helped replace more than 500,000 plastic straws at restaurants and hotels in New Delhi. “People listen more to children bringing up environmental concerns,” he says.
Last year Nina Gualinga, an indigenous activist from the Ecuadorian Amazon since the age of eight, won the WWF’s top youth conservation award. At 15, Autumn Peltier from the Anishinaabe people of Canada, is a veteran clean water and climate advocate. And Leah Namugerwa is a 15-year-old Ugandan activist.
There are many more whose names we rarely, if ever, hear. Yet, frustratingly, these other activists are often referred to in the media as the “Greta Thunberg” of their country, or are said to be following in her footsteps, even in cases where they began their public activism long before she started hers – their own identities and work almost completely erased by a western media that rarely recognises progress outside its own part of the world.
This tendency of the media to present Thunberg as the one who calls, and the others existing only to heed her call, is problematic, especially for those black and brown activists whose media invisibility leads to invisibility to organisations whose help they could greatly benefit from. This “white saviour” narrative invalidates the impact of locals working in their communities, and perpetuates the stereotype of “the native with no agency” who cannot help themselves. As an African I find these portrayals deeply offensive. It is insulting to present the members of the communities most threatened by climate change as passive onlookers who are only now being spurred on by the “Thunberg effect”.
Why did it take a Thunberg for the UN to organise its first youth climate summit? Those most affected should not be exiled to the fringes of the conversation. These other activists are being told their works, their contributions, don’t matter. The privileging of one campaigner’s narrative over others creates a world where Namugerwa would mention a Swedish teenager she only heard about a year ago as inspiration, but not Wangari Maathai, the environmentalist from neighbouring Kenya who won the Nobel peace prize in 2004. One could argue that it is natural for Namugerwa to find inspiration in a young girl close to her in age, but it is also likely that Maathai’s Green Belt Movement influenced her and her friends’ decision to plant trees on their birthdays to help the environment.
Planting trees. Collecting litter. Striking for the environment. I am in awe of all the young people calling attention to a very real and urgent problem. I applaud all of them for doing what they can, in big and small ways, to combat climate change. I must also acknowledge the young children in Kenya and Nigeria and other parts of the developing world who make toys out of recycled plastic and metal, and who would probably not know to call themselves climate advocates.
I applaud Bangladesh for being the first country to ban plastic bags in 2002, and Rwanda for banning non-biodegradable plastic in 2008 (and Kigali for being named by the UN as Africa’s cleanest city). One day at a time, our collective efforts may yet save the planet.
And while we continue to work towards that goal, the moral thing for western media to do is to also highlight the contributions of the black and brown saviours trying to make that happen so that when future generations talk of it, this will not be the story of a single narrative.
• Chika Unigwe is a Nigerian writer. Her latest book is Better Never Than Late
from CVR News Direct https://cvrnewsdirect.com/its-not-just-greta-thunberg-why-are-we-ignoring-the-developing-worlds-inspiring-activists-chika-unigwe-opinion/
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Fur In Accessories
Designer Scarves Silk Cashmere Scarves
Designer Wraps Stoles
Designer Belts Leather Suede Belts
Designer Umbrellas Bubble Folding
Belle Fare Mink Fur Rainbow Butterfly Bag Charm, Multicolor
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Charlotte Simone Goody Gumdrops Striped Fox Fur Handbag Charm, Black/Gray
Gorski Rabbit-Trim Paisley Cashmere Stole
Helen Kaminski Caryn Medium-Brim Cotton Bucket Hat, Cream
Helmut Lang Faux-Fur Surplice Vest, Midnight Navy
Portolano Plaid Cashmere-Back Leather Gloves
Etro Floral & Paisley Wool Scarf
Saint Laurent Monogram Leather Large Flap Continental Wallet, White
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Guanti Giglio Fiorentino Long Suede Gloves, Wine
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Valentino Shaded Lace-Trim Plisse Shawl, Black/Gold
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Guanti Giglio Fiorentino Long Leather Gloves
Valentino Woven Lace-Trim Shawl, Pink
Blanc Noir Packable Quilted Moto Vest with Hood, Gray/White
Gladys Tamez The Stella Straw Panama Sun Hat, Natural
Sabira Paisley Jacquard Weave Shawl, Pink Floral
L. Erickson Hair Accessories Holiday Gift Box
Missoni Zigzag Scarf Sun Hat
Smythson Panama Large Zip Wallet, Fuchsia
Brunello Cucinelli Wide Monili Self-Tie Belt, Black/Rutenio
Anna Coroneo Cherries Classic Voile Pareo, Blue/Red
UGG Croft Quilted Leather Smart Gloves, Brown
Deborah Drattell Stretch Rhinestone-Bow Belt, Black
Akris punto Seersucker Double-Breasted Vest, Cream
Jennifer Behr Rosalie Floral Coronet Headband
Brunello Cucinelli Metallic Leather Tie Belt with Loop, Gold
Neiman Marcus Cashmere Collection Reversible Double-Face Cashmere Vest
UGG Classic Leather Smart Gloves, Black
Gucci Reversible Leather Belt
Valentino Rockstud Leather Flap Coin/Card Case, Pink
Jennifer Behr Venus Swarovski® Crystal Bandeaux Headband
Gucci Gucci Icon Guccissima Wallet on Chain, Black
Eileen Fisher Silk Jamdani Steps Scarf, Pebble
La Fiorentina Asymmetric Fur Poncho w/Rosette, Brown
McQ Alexander McQueen Swallow Degrade Scarf, Iris
Moschino Wide Leather Logo-Buckle Belt, Black
Gladys Tamez The Talitha Panama Straw Hat w/ Feathers, Cafe
Wolford Rhoda Zigzag Patterned Tights
Il Borgo Greek Key Cashmere Pompom Beanie Hat, Beige
Eileen Fisher Viaggo Wool-Blend Plaid Serape, Raisin, Plus Size
Givenchy Silk Twill Kaleidoscope Scarf, Pink
Eugenia Kim Kat Hand-Knit Headband w/Cat Ears
Rosie Sugden Cashmere Leopard-Print Fingerless Gloves
Loro Piana Summer Sunset Cashmere-Blend Stole, Light Gray
Sofia Cashmere Cashmere Cape w/ Fox Fur Collar
Roberto Cavalli Long Floral Silk Fringe Scarf, Gold/Multicolor
Spanx Mama Sheer Maternity Tights, Very Black
Fendi Faces Tube Wallet-on-Chain, Black
Gucci Voile Bengal GG Square Scarf, Rope/Pink
Salvatore Ferragamo Gancio Clasp Saffiano French Wallet, Rosso
Etro Bombay Fairytale Garden Paisley Cashmere Scarf, Blue
Joan Vass Velvet Long Vest, Black
Burberry Thomas Bear Check Cashmere Bag Charm, Parade Red
Brilliance iPhone 7 Plus Case
Burberry Check Heart-Print Voile Scarf, Camel/Red
Wolford Estella Faux-Leather Leggings, Black
Eileen Fisher Merino Jersey Striped Scarf, Black/Dark Pearl
Charlotte Simone Shaggy Fur Gradient Stole
Helen Kaminski Melissa Raffia & Cotton Cap
Loro Piana Te'A Bombay Cashmere & Silk Paisley Stole, Dark Cloud
Anya Hindmarch Victory Leather Keychain, White/Multi
Gigi Burris Brigette Ecuadorian Straw Sun Hat, Ivory
Iro Leano Open-Front Crepe Vest, Ecru
Alexander McQueen Square Leopard & Snake Silk-Blend Scarf
Alexander McQueen Oversize Skull Wool Scarf, Blue/Red
Etro Ikat Paisley Silk Chiffon Scarf, Turquoise
Fendi Silk Square Monster Scarf, White/Multicolor
Imoni Leather & Rabbit Fur Gloves, Black
Loro Piana Rose Sauvage Berbère Cashmere-Silk Shawl, Red Pattern
Rosie Sugden Cashmere Heart Beanie Hat, Jade/Turquoise
Balenciaga Perforated Calf Leather Wallet
Charlotte Simone Sass Single-Pom Wool Felt Baseball Cap, Silver/Black
Eugenia Kim Sunny Currently Offline Sun Hat, Ivory
Prada Saffiano Leather Oro Zip-Around Wallet, Pink (Begonia)
Donna Karan Signature Ultra Sheer Control Top
Burberry Check Extra Fine Wool Scarf, Ivory
TOM FORD Medium Leather Cosmetics Bag, Black
Salvatore Ferragamo Gancio Leather Saddle Wallet, Nero
Burberry Tindale Quilted Zip-Front Vest
Gucci GG Blooms Supreme Chain Wallet, Multi Rose
Gucci Bamboo Tassel Leather Zip Around Wallet, Black
Valentino Rockstud Zip-Around Wallet
Burberry Gauze Giant Check Scarf, Rose
Smythson Panama Medium Continental Wallet, Black
Balenciaga Edge Goatskin Money Wallet, Blue
Eric Javits Phoenix Woven Boater Hat, Natural/Black
Loro Piana Soffio Animal-Print Cashmere-Silk Stole
Anna Coroneo Pressed Flower Print Silk Scarf, Rose
Monique Lhuillier Mink Fur Wrap
Roberto Cavalli Square Voile Voodoo Scarf, Black
Commando Up All Night Opaque Thigh Highs, Black
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drondskaath · 3 years
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Wampyric Rites | Wandering the Dark Corridors of Oblivion | 4th February, 2022
Ecuadorian Raw/Ambient Black Metal
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