#ed singleton
scintillulae · 2 years
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Le convoi d'Ajax est attaqué par Deadpool. Il commence par éliminer les gardes à l'intérieur d'une voiture, avant de s'en prendre au reste du convoi. Après une longue escarmouche, où il est contraint de n'utiliser que douze balles restantes, Deadpool capture Ajax (dont le véritable nom est Francis, ce que Deadpool ne cesse de lui rappeler). Après l'intervention du X-Man Colossus et de sa stagiaire, Negasonic, pour empêcher Deadpool de causer plus de panique et le rallier à la cause du Professeur X, Ajax parvient à s'échapper en retirant le sabre de son épaule. Il apprend par la même occasion la véritable identité de Deadpool : Wade Wilson.
En flashbacks, après que Wade a quitté l’agence des forces spéciales canadiennes, Wilson travaille comme mercenaire et entame une liaison romantique et sexuelle avec sa compagne Vanessa Carlysle, une ancienne prostituée avec laquelle il va vivre pendant un an avant de lui demander sa main. C'est à la fin de cette année que le couple apprendra le cancer en phase terminale de Wade. Il choisit de suivre un inconnu qui lui propose un traitement qui fera de lui un super-héros. Il se porte volontaire au programme pour Vanessa.
Une fois dans le miteux laboratoire secret en sous-sol, les scientifiques dirigés par Ajax et Angel Dust lui injectent un sérum conçu pour réveiller des gènes mutants latents dans son corps puis le torturent pour réveiller ses gènes. Alors qu'Ajax lui fait subir une énième séance de torture en le plaçant dans une machine qui, en filtrant l'oxygène, l'empêchera de respirer correctement et le fera suffoquer, son gène mutant se réveille finalement et le guérit de son cancer. Mais la machine cause également de terribles dommages à son corps et le défigure. Par la même occasion, Ajax révèle que Wade ne sera jamais un héros : il compte lui mettre un collier de contrôle et en faire un esclave.
Rendu presque immortel grâce à sa capacité de guérison et de régénération, Wade s'évade du laboratoire en attaquant Ajax et en le faisant exploser. Wade cherche à retrouver Vanessa mais il craint que s'il se montre, elle ne le repousse par peur de sa nouvelle apparence ; il préfère donc continuer à passer pour mort. Il rejoint ensuite le bar des mercenaires pour retrouver son meilleur ami barman, la Fouine. Wade projette de traquer Ajax car il prétendait avoir un remède contre sa défiguration. Il décide de devenir un justicier masqué pour le traquer et choisit un surnom, DeadpoolNote 1 avant de commencer à se constituer un costume sur les conseils de la Fouine. Il emménage dans la maison d'une femme aveugle âgée accro à la cocaïne nommée Blind Al, puis il commence une lutte contre l'organisation d'Ajax afin de le retrouver. Il interroge et assassine de nombreux associés d'Ajax jusqu'à ce que l'un d’entre eux lui révèle où il se trouve.
L'histoire reprend alors son cours, où Deadpool retourne chez Al pour attendre que sa main repousse (en effet, il se l’est tranchée pour échapper à Colossus) avant de traquer à nouveau Ajax pendant que celui-ci se soigne de son côté avec Angel Dust. Ajax décide d’aller au bar de la Fouine où il apprend l’existence de Vanessa. Il kidnappe la petite amie de Deadpool, qui se retrouve ligotée et bâillonnée, et l'emmène dans les ruines d'un héliporteur du SHIELD afin d’attirer Deadpool, pour le tuer. Wade l’apprend de la Fouine puis il demande l’aide de Colossus et de Negasonic pour sauver Vanessa en promettant d’accepter leurs offres.
Une fois arrivés, ils affrontent Angel Dust et un groupe d'hommes d'Ajax, tandis que Deadpool se fraye un chemin vers Ajax. Pendant la bataille, Negasonic détruit accidentellement les supports qui maintiennent l’héliporteur stable. Deadpool protège Vanessa alors que le vaisseau s'effondre tout autour d'eux, tandis que Colossus sauve Negasonic et Angel Dust de la collision. Ajax attaque à nouveau Deadpool pour finalement se retrouver à sa merci mais il lui révèle que le remède n'a jamais existé depuis le début, et malgré les vertus héroïques de Colossus, Deadpool tue Ajax, bien qu'il promette à Colossus qu'il essaiera d'être plus héroïque à l'avenir. Vanessa réprimande alors avec colère Wilson de l'avoir quittée, mais elle se réconcilie avec lui après avoir vu son visage défiguré et appris la vraie raison pour laquelle il n'est jamais revenu vers elle.
Dans une scène post-crédits, Deadpool imite la scène post-crédits de La Folle Journée de Ferris Bueller, déclarant qu'il ne leur reste que suffisamment d'argent pour annoncer que Cable apparaîtra dans la suite.
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turcott3 · 1 month
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ethan edwards x fem! reader
warnings?: alcohol, cursing, fluff fluff FLUFF, and one kiss!
you found yourself dancing with a drink in your hand, in the living room of none other than, the hockey team.
of course you were looped in with them pretty well, being close with some of the girlfriends, class with some of the guys and one of them you were particularly close with.
the one who got teased for being the only singleton besides luca, but luca was mostly left out of the mess with his dating history. not that it was bad, he just dated one of their sisters and now they want him single, leaving no one else other than ethan.
you danced in the close quarters, hoping and praying that somehow the crowd would push you and ethan closer together so you could finally talk to him. almost instantly, you were pushed along running into him, like your wish was granted.
“oh hey y/n, you look amazing.” ethan says eyeing you up and down. the two of you had a little something going on that you kept a secret, almost against your will. it hadn’t been very long though, you hadn’t even kissed him before.
“hi ethan, thank you.” you reply smiling as the small talk flowed naturally for a few minutes. ethan grew irritated as the guy behind him kept stepping back and leaning on him, you could tell his annoyance was growing by the second.
“hey dude, could you fucking stop.” ethan says loudly. suddenly the guy turns, elbow flying straight into ethan’s nose.
“oh sorry didn’t see you there.” he says in a mocking tone, turning back around. once ethan finally removed his hands you saw the blood start to drip.
“fuck ed, you’re bleeding.” you say tilting his chin up to keep it from dripping onto his white shirt.
“i am?” he asks.
“yes babe, come on.” you reply as you grab onto his hand, pulling him up the stairs and into his bedroom, which conveniently had a bathroom. you shut the door behind you quickly and looked around.
“can you sit on the bed for me? and keep your chin up please.” you shout from the bathroom.
“yes maam.” he teases from a few feet away, a red blush flushing over your features. you rolled up a few sheets up toilet paper and stuck it in his nostril to soak up the mess that could’ve been made.
“that guy was such a dick, did it hurt?” you ask, standing in front of him.
“it happened too quickly i’m honestly not even sure, but it does hurt a little now.” he says, observing that it’s definitely not broken.
“he’s a pussy, he couldn’t even break it.” he laughs. a few minutes go by allowing the blood to dry. carefully you pull the tissue out and toss it to his trash can, handing him one more sheet.
“make sure you’re all done.” you say and he nods, wiping the dried blood from his nostril.
“all good.” he says, setting the tissue on his nightstand.
“good, i kept your shirt from a stain.” you smile as you place your hands on either side of his face, his arm wrapping around your hips and pulling you between his legs.
“thank you for cleaning me up y/n.” he says lowly.
“yeah of course, it’s no problem.” you reply locking eyes with him.
his face inches forward quickly with a smile on his face.
“can i kiss you?” he asks still moving forward, his grin growing wider.
“no, not here ethan, not now.” you giggle, turning your head to the side, his lips hitting the corner of your mouth.
“fuck, you’re better at this than i am.” he sighs, a glimmer in his eye. you wrap the boy up in a tight hug, one of your hands toying with the hair on the back of his head as he presses sweet kisses from your neck all the way across your collarbone to the tip of your shoulder. you smiled as you sighed, loving the intimate moments you shared with him. he kisses left hot impressions on your skin without question. they made you wish you could just make him yours in a house full of people, but you wouldn’t dare. especially not with the door unlocked.
“you’re so damn cute right now, you know that?” he says pulling away, his hands unwrapping from your back straight to your waist.
“thank you handsome.” you say, your arms wrapping back around him as you pressed a handful of kisses to his cheek. you could feel the smile on his cheeks as you hugged onto him, never wanting to let him go. his arms were now one of the few places you really felt comfortable.
“it’s getting late, should i walk you home?” he asks, pulling away for the last time.
“if we can sneak out unnoticed, yes.” you smile as he nods, opening his bedroom door for you.
the two of you made your escape with ease, everyone too drunk to realize you were even still there in the first place. you and ethan remained buzzed, but far from drunk. you walked around the neighborhood for what seems like hours before you finally made it to your front porch.
“this is it isn’t it?” he asks, dropping your hand as you walked up the steps to your front door.
“yep.” you sighs, wanting nothing more for him to just kiss you in this moment. you were alone and far from any possible spies.
“i’ll see you tomorrow?” he asks, placing light hands on your waist, preparing to hug you again.
“of course.” you smile lightly as he pulls you in for one of the warmest hugs he’d ever given you. slowly, he pulls away locking eyes with you before leaning in and locking his lips onto yours.
his lips fit on yours like a perfect match. they were soft and sweet just like you’d imagined in all the fake scenarios you’d created in your head to make you feel better about your situation. his grip on your waist squeezed one last time before pulling away with a smile on his face and his eyes shut, looking straight at the ground.
“what?” you giggle.
“nothing baby, it’s nothing. god you don’t understand how long i’ve been waiting to do that.” he sighs out in relief.
“well if you were wondering, it was amazing but i think i need a few more to really give you a good review.” you smile, your hands finding their way to his cheeks as he pulled you flush against his chest for another one. this kiss more natural and loving, even better than the first.
“i guess i should be getting back now.” he frowns as the two of you pull away, pressing a kiss to your hand before turning his back to you.
“eddy wait.” you call out to him.
“i don’t want you walking all that way by yourself,” you half lie, “why don’t you stay with me? my parents aren’t home.”
“are you sure?”
“yes baby, come on.” you reply waving him back, tugging him into your front door by his shirt.
the next morning, you were finally able to wake up by his side for the first time. your eyes fluttered open as the brunette laid peacefully asleep next to you. you took it all in as you both laid there, your fingers raking through his soft hair. he groans after a few strokes, yawning as his eyes flickered open
“good morning sleepy head.” you giggle.
“good morning pretty girl.” he smiles lightly, pulling you to his chest as he pressed light kisses all over your face.
if you could never leave this moment, let alone the last 24 hours, you wouldn’t. you wanted to stay wrapped up in him forever if you could. and maybe you could even finally tell your friends about him.
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modelsof-color · 1 year
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Ajak Deng by Ed Singleton for Elle UK Magazines December 2017
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水原 希子 (2019)
© Ed Singleton
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unes23 · 1 year
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Ajak Deng by Ed Singleton for ELLE UK
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softrobotcritics · 6 months
Norbert Wiener's "Palomila" moth device
From Wiener’s “the human use of human beings”….  (1950 ed.)
I have recently received a letter from Dr. Grey Walter of the Burden Neurological Institute at Bristol, England, in which he expresses interest in ’the moth’ or ‘bedbug,’ and in which he tells me of a similar mechanism of his own, which differs from mine in having a determined but variable purpose. In his own language, ‘We have included features other than inverse feedback which gives to it an exploratory and ethical attitude to the universe as well as a purely tropistic one.’  The possibility of such a change in behavior pattern is discussed in the chapter of this book concerning learning, and this discussion is directly relevant to the Walter machine, although at present I do not know just what means he uses to secure such a type of behaviour. The moth and Dr Walter’s further development of a tropism machine seen to be at first sight exercises in virtuosity, or at most, mechanical commentaries to a philosophical text.’
Later, from Weiner’s expanded 1952 edition 
“here let me mention some earlier machines of Dr. Walter, somewhat similar to my ‘moth’ or ‘bug,’ but which were built for a different purpose. For these phototropic machines, each element carries a light so that it can stimulate the others. Thus a number of them put into operation at the same time show certain groupings and mutual reactions which would be interpreted by most animal psychologists as social behaviour if they were found encased in flesh and blood instead of brass and steel. It is the beginning of a new science of mechanical behaviour even though almost all of it lies in the future."
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thebonesofhoudini · 1 year
Big Brother - Number Two (1998)
Featuring: Clyde Singleton, Bill Pepper, Johnny Knoxville, Steve-O, Tim O'Connor, Chris Pontius, Kareem Campbell, Kenny Hughes, Gino Ianucci, Daewon Song, Mike Vallely, Andy Roy, Diego Buccheri, Ed Templeton, Johnny Lee Countee, Gershon Mosely, Donny Barley, Jason "Wee Man" Acuna, Heath Kirchart, Jeremy Klein, John Lee, and many more...
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dankusner · 5 months
College’s venue selection queried
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LGBTQ+ students, parents frustrated about graduation
Prairie State College’s decision to hold its commencement ceremony at Victory Apostolic Church in Matteson is receiving pushback from parents and students in the community who oppose the religious facility because of its statements in opposition to same-sex marriage.
On its website, the church writes that it does not recognize marriage that is not between a man and a woman, believes “the Bible teaches that homosexuality is a sin,” and does not “condone the homosexual lifestyle.”
When she found out in December that her school had chosen to hold graduation at a venue that opposes non-heterosexual relationships, graduating student Rebecca Fassbender filed a complaint with the school’s Department of Equity and Inclusion.
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“I received what I see as a generic response and quite dismissive,” said Fassbender, of Park Forest, who identifies as lesbian and is president of Prairie State College’s Pride Club.
“It included some things about their budget and that this location needed to be within district and within their budget.”
But Fassbender questions if this is the only place in the area that would fit the school’s criteria.
Students of the college have to live within the boundaries of Community College District 515, which spans from Homewood to Beecher and Richton Park to the Indiana state line, according to the college’s website.
“Are there not any other options that are welcoming to everyone?” Fassbender, 42, said Friday. “And if leadership can’t find an appropriate venue then they need to be creative in coming up with new ideas and new solutions.”
Victory Apostolic Church charges the college a discounted rate, according to the Rev. Andrew Singleton Jr., senior pastor.
He did not give the specific dollar amount of the church’s fee.
During her years as a student, Fassbender said she has felt supported by staff and faculty as a member of the LGBTQ+ community.
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She even has felt supported by staff as she has spoken up about her concerns of the graduation venue.
Two days before the schoolwide graduation on May 18 at the church, the school will host “Lavender Graduation,” intended as a “celebration of Culture, Community and Inclusion.”
The invite sheet, adorned with rainbow colors commonly associated with the LGBTQ+ community, notes the event will take place on the college’s campus.
This is the first year this event recognizing the school’s LGBTQ+ community is taking place.
Fassbender said stoles will be passed out for members and allies of the community to wear during graduation.
But when asked what he thought about the potential LGBTQ+ stoles being worn at Victory Apostolic Church, Singleton said he would have to talk to the school.
“As long as they’re not demonstrating any flags and all of this kind of stuff,” said Singleton. “They respected the church last year.”
He said he did not want there to be LGBTQ+ flags or symbols while the graduation takes place.
“We are not in agreement with that,” Singleton said.
Ed Yohnka, director of communications and public policy for the American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois, acknowledged it might be a good idea to host a graduation at a building where everyone feels accepted. But he doesn’t think the school is breaking any laws.
“A court generally treats, say, college graduates different than high school or elementary school graduates,” Yohnka said. “A lot of this all comes down to ‘What does staging look like?’ ‘Are you covering all of the religious symbols?’”
But issues may arise for the church if it prevents certain flags or emblems from being brought in by students while allowing others in the building, he said.
“I think it’s difficult for the church to say there cannot be flags representing gay Pride, for example,” Yohnka said.
Prairie State College did not respond to requests for comment.
Records show graduation has taken place at this church before, including in 2022 and 2023.
Homewood-Flossmoor’s chapter of Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, commonly known as PFLAG, expressed disappointment the school chose yet again to have its graduation ceremony at Victory Apostolic Church.
Groups have cited another reason the church is a problematic venue. Video footage from the 2023 graduation shows graduates having to walk up several stairs to get their diplomas on the stage.
But there is no ramp for students who cannot use stairs, forcing them to receive their diploma on the ground in front of the stage.
While they acknowledged in a statement that they could not change the venue this late in the game, PFLAG and Fassbender both said they hope the school will pick a new venue in upcoming years: one that is more accepting to gay, lesbian and students with disabilities.
Cook County Commissioner Monica Gordon is the Democratic Party’s choice for county clerk
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After a lengthy morning of speeches, sometimes tense questioning, and closed-door negotiations, Cook County Democrats Friday tapped county Commissioner Monica Gordon to replace the late County Clerk Karen Yarbrough on November’s ballot.
A majority of the party’s 80 committeemen — some voting via proxy — also chose the current acting clerk and top Yarbrough deputy Cedric Giles to stay in the post through December, when an elected successor will be sworn in.
The group gathered at IBEW Local 134 Friday morning to hear pitches and lob questions at 15 prospective candidates and spent much of the afternoon deliberating over their picks.
They were tasked with choosing an interim replacement and a nominee to place on the November ballot for a special election to replace Yarbrough.
Gordon, who entered the proceedings only days ago with strong backing from several labor unions, told committee members she was “dedicated to continuing and upholding the legacy of the high standard” Yarbrough set for the office and noted to fellow party members that she had given her “blood, sweat and tears to the Democratic Party,” and had built strong relationships across the county and state.
Gordon thanked those unions after party Chair Toni Preckwinkle, also the president of the Cook County Board, announced her appointment.
Party officials said there was only one round of voting.
Elected to the County Board in 2022, Gordon was previously executive director of the Illinois Legislative Black Caucus, a trustee at Prairie State (Community) College and director of government relations at Chicago State University.
The vote came relatively quickly after Black committee members met behind closed doors following candidate presentations.
Following that meeting, party members said one of the front-runners in the race, state Sen. Napoleon Harris, stepped aside and cleared the way for Gordon.
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Gordon will have to prevail in the November election to take over the office responsible for handling vital records such as birth, death and marriage certificates; suburban elections; legislation and proceedings of the County Board; and property transfer paperwork.
The county’s Republican Party has yet to choose their nominee, but Gordon will almost certainly be the overwhelming favorite in the special election.
The clerk earns just shy of $119,000 a year and manages a roughly $75 million annual budget with a staff of 350 employees.
Asked how she would handle an office sometimes criticized as a patronage den, Gordon said she would continue “hiring the best people, putting the best people in positions has always been my motto.”
She also pledged to improve online access to records, potentially embrace AI to help with customer service, improve language access to clerk services and at polling places, and improve voter participation in suburban elections.
Several committee people also asked candidates whether they would ensure county residents using consular or city key cards as their identification could have access to clerk services. Gordon said that was a “no-brainer.”
Other candidates included state Sen. Napoleon Harris, Evanston City Clerk Stephanie Mendoza, county Commissioners Kevin Morrison and Donna Miller, and several others. Water Reclamation District Commissioner Yumeka Brown withdrew her name.
The most pointed questioning was directed at Harris.
In his pitch to party members, Harris addressed the “elephant in the room” — strong opposition from the LGBTQ and abortion rights groups Equality Illinois and Personal PAC ahead of the appointment meeting.
The office does not intersect with abortion access, but it is a key party plank.
The clerk’s office does issue marriage, birth and death certificates, as well as changes to gender on vital records.
Both groups urged party members not to support Harris because he did not vote on several bills, including the Reproductive Health Act, the Marriage Equality Act and Birth Certificate Modernization Act, which would have allowed transgender people to access the documents that match their gender identity.
“Let me be clear: I believe in a woman’s autonomy of her body and her right to choose,” Harris said. “To (the) LGTB community, I am not homophobic. However, I am a man that believes in autonomy to do what you want to do. Love who you want to love, and you will have my support as well, as long as we have mutual respect for each other. This election is bigger than a quote, is bigger than someone saying what you are and what you believe in.”
Senate President Don Harmon, the committeeperson for Oak Park, said Harris assured him he would be “fair, impartial and welcoming in dealing with birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, gender and identity related issues.”
But state Rep. Kelly Cassidy, one of the legislature’s strongest proponents of abortion and LGBTQ rights and the committeeperson for the 49th Ward, pressed Harris.
Harris said the Marriage Equality Act was his first vote after being sworn into the General Assembly in 2013 and he was “unsure of which way to vote because my district was kind of half and half, it was split. But more importantly, it was an opportunity for me to learn.”
Harris said he did not “personally” support the birth certificate modernization act, but as clerk, he would not “neglect or deny anyone the ability to get the documentation that they need.”
“But given the opportunity to show, rather than speak to, your support for folks who need these documents to be safe, you chose not to,” Cassidy said. “What I’ve seen is a person who has chosen not to stand up … for my marriage and my community when given the opportunity to do so.”
Harris said, “I apologize that I can’t be with you or haven’t been with you 100% of the time, but I respect your rights, and if you can’t accept that I accept you, how can we accept each other? … I’m as real as it gets, no one can push something on me and then expect me to just shove it down my throat and then I can’t be me … we’re a party of a big tent.”
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martendoc · 9 months
Schatz im menschlichen Körper: Kot im Tresor soll Darmbakterien retten - n-tv.de
Homo Sordidus
sordidus, a, um (sordes), schmutzig, unsauber, unflätig, I) eig.: vestis, Liv.: tunica, Iustin.: catena (Ggstz. aurea), Sen.: lana, Ov.: amictus, Verg.: fumus, Hor.: terga suis, geräucherter Schweinsrücken, Ov.: rura, Verg.: sordido in loco (auf dem Abtritt) sedere, Val. Max. 9, 13, 2 ed. Halm. – II) übtr.: 1) niedrig, gering, armselig, verächtlich, unbedeutend, homo, Cic.: reus, Cic.: sordidi nati, armselige, Hor. carm. 2, 18, 28: verba, Quint.: homo sordido loco natus, Liv.: oratores sordidiores, artes sordidiores, Cic.: ut quisque sordidissimus videbitur, je niedriger in seinen Verhältnissen einer in den Augen der Leute erscheint, Cic.: genus Agathoclis, Iustin.: a sordidis initiis ad summa crescere, Iustin. – 2) niederträchtig, unedel, schmählich, schimpflich, iste omnium turpissimus et sordidissimus, Cic.: multo homo sordidissimus, Cic. – sord. lucrum, Quint.: illiberales et sordidi quaestus, Cic.: sord. adulterium, Liv.: pecuniam praeferre amicitiae sordidum existimant, Cic.: cum quibus comparari sordidum est, Cic. – bes. knickerig, schmutzig geizig (Ggstz. praelautus), homo, Cic.: cupido, Hor.: aedilis, der für Geld pflichtwidrig gehandelt hat, Suet.: caelum fatigas sordido periurio, Phaedr.
Karl Ernst Georges: Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch. Hannover 81918 (Nachdruck Darmstadt 1998), Band 2, Sp. 2735.
Eine Rezension von Philosophy of Dirt – was bedeutet es, sauber zu sein?
Der Philosoph Olli Lagerspetz beschäftigt sich mit Schmutzigkeit und der Mode für Dreck in der Kunst
PD Smith
Sa. 24. Feb. 2018 07.01 EST (The Guardian)
Der Philosoph Olli Lagerspetz stellt fest, dass es in Kontinentaleuropa ein weit verbreitetes Stereotyp gibt, wonach die Briten „übermäßig gern Badewannen und lauwarmes Wasser mögen … aber ansonsten einen zweifelhaften Sinn für Hygiene haben“. Dies bestätigte sich für ihn, als sein erstes Kind im neu erbauten Singleton Hospital in Swansea zur Welt kam: „Wir wurden in den Kreißsaal geführt, wo der Boden mit einem Teppich geschmückt war. Ein Teppich." Er stellt fest, dass „in den nordischen Ländern nicht an Teppiche in Kreißsälen zu denken ist“.
Die Unterscheidung zwischen sauber und schmutzig ist ein universelles Organisationsprinzip in der menschlichen Gesellschaft, ebenso wie richtig und falsch: „Homo sapiens ist auch Homo sordidus – nicht nur das rationale Tier, sondern auch das schmutzige (und saubere) Tier.“ Heutzutage ist Schmutz in Mode. In jeder modernen Kunstgalerie gibt es Werke, die aus „dem Grundstoff“ bestehen: weggeworfenen Lebensmitteln, Menstruationsblut oder Urin, wie zum Beispiel „ Piss Christ“ von Andres Serrano . Dies sei, so argumentiert Lagerspetz, eine Reaktion auf den von den Modernisten gepredigten Kult der Rationalität und Reinheit: „Das Schmutzige ist jetzt echtes Leben, das Saubere ist Plastik, während unsere Sehnsucht nach Reinheit als Angst vor dem Leben selbst in all seinen chaotischen Details erscheint.“ .“
Lagerspetz‘ Buch untersucht, was wir unter „Dreck“ verstehen und ob es sich dabei um eine tatsächliche Qualität der Welt handelt oder, wie die meisten aktuellen theoretischen Arbeiten uns glauben machen wollen, um eine auf die Realität projizierte subjektive Idee. Lagerspetz dekonstruiert den einfachen Reduktionismus von Theoretikern, für die „Dreck nicht wirklich Dreck, sondern etwas anderes ist“. Dazu gehören Koryphäen wie Mary Douglas (für die Schmutz lediglich „fehl am Platz befindliche Materie“ war) und Julia Kristeva, die seiner Meinung nach Schmutz „in die nebligen Regionen der Symbolik“ verbannt hat. Er glaubt, dass dies ein Fehler ist, der entstanden ist, weil „die Materie nicht als seltsam genug wahrgenommen wird“.
Stattdessen argumentiert er, dass wir „ein zwiespältiges“ Verhältnis zur materiellen Welt und insbesondere zum Schmutz haben. Wir nehmen die Welt um uns herum als eine Ansammlung neutraler physischer Objekte und als ein Netzwerk sinnvoll verbundener Dinge wahr. Für uns ist Schmutz sowohl eine reale Qualität der Welt als auch Teil einer symbolischen, kulturell relativen Ordnung. Lagerspetz argumentiert, dass „keine Seite der Medaille wegerklärt werden sollte“: Homo sordidus braucht beides im Kampf um Sauberkeit. Und ein Teppich im Kreißsaal eines Krankenhauses könnte akzeptabel sein – zumindest in Großbritannien.
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Referencias bibliográficas
Ministerio de Educación. (2022). Requisitos y perfil del intérprete de lengua de señas peruana (ILSP).
Hsieh, E. (2010). Dimensions of Trust: The Tensions and Challenges in Provider—Interpreter Trust. Qualitative Health Research, 20(2), 170–181.
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Papin, S. (2020). La identidad CODA (Children Of Deaf Adults) en la adquisición de la lengua de signos como lengua de herencia. Revista de Estudios de Lenguas de Signos, 2, 138–155.
Sausa, M. (2015). En Perú hay 532,000 personas sordas y solo 23 intérpretes. Perú 21.
Singleton, J. & Tittle, M. (2000). Deaf Parents and Their Hearing Children. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 5(3), 221–236.
Reategui, S. (2019). La importancia del intérprete de lengua de señas en los servicios públicos de Trujillo-Perú [Licenciatura en Traducción e Interpretación]. Universidad César Vallejo.
Ruiz, Wong (2019) Proceso de aprendizaje empírico de los intérpretes de lengua de señas.
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joao-50 · 1 year
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Ajak Deng by Ed Singleton for Elle UK Magazines December 2017
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The Role of a Paediatric Dietitian
Lauren Gladman is a specialist paediatric dietitian who has worked in tertiary hospitals in Australia and the UK. A Northern Beaches local at heart, she enjoys empowering children and their families with practical eating and feeding advice.
She completed interviews with nurses, doctors and medical students at QECH. The themes that emerged included the importance of nutrition support in critically ill patients and ways to facilitate this care.
Nutrition Assessments
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During the nutrition assessment, the paediatric dietitian Sydney will review your child’s growth and medical history, current health needs and dietary intake. They will also observe your child at mealtimes and assess their feeding difficulties if applicable.
Rosemary’s experience in a gestational diabetes clinic and her own twin pregnancies ignited her passion for maternal and children’s nutrition. She enjoys building strong rapport with her clients and empowering them with practical strategies to achieve their nutritional goals.
She specialises in eating disorders, picky eaters and the food intolerances associated with autism spectrum disorder. She has a particular interest in the nutrition needs of young people and adults living with chronic diseases or injuries including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) & holds a Masters in Dietetics from the University of Sydney. She has worked at a number of hospitals in Sydney and England and currently works at Lindfield BBraun Dialysis unit and Mona Vale Hospital.
Eating Disorders
Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses with high rates of morbidity and mortality, and a significant impact on physical health. They can be difficult to treat and are often misdiagnosed as other conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance misuse, schizophrenia, and personality disorders.
A multidisciplinary approach to eating disorder treatment is recommended by multiple practice guidelines in Australia and internationally. Dietetic involvement is particularly important, and the inclusion of an Accredited Practicing Dietitian (APD) is supported by government rebates in some jurisdictions.
This systematic review examines the evidence on the role of dietetic intervention in the treatment of eating disorders. The literature was searched using electronic databases, including Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL and ProQuest Dissertation and Theses. In addition, Google Scholar was used to identify grey literature. This study found little consensus regarding the specifics of dietetic intervention in the treatment of EDs. The results highlight the need for a common understanding of the core responsibilities of a dietetic practitioner in this area.
Food Allergies
When a person has a food allergy, their immune system overreacts to a specific food protein and treats it as dangerous. The most severe reaction is called anaphylaxis and can lead to breathing difficulty, a drop in blood pressure, shock or even death.
Most children have food allergies to peanuts, eggs, milk, other nuts and seafoods. These tend to resolve by the early school years.
Unlike food allergies, which are caused by immune reactions, food intolerances are usually triggered by chemicals in foods that cause irritation of nerve endings in different parts of the body. These can be naturally occurring like glutamates, salicylates and amines or artificially added like colours.
Kirilee has a special interest in maternal and child nutrition after having gestational diabetes during her two singleton pregnancies and experiencing feeding difficulties with her own children. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian with further training in renal dietetics and paediatric dietitian nutrition. She is an experienced clinician and researcher and welcomes both adult and child clients to her private practice.
Nutrition for Children with Disability
A dietitian is a health professional who has trained extensively to understand disease states and how dietary interventions can improve Quality of Life. They are recognised by the Australian government, Medicare and most private health funds as having the highest level of expertise in nutrition and dietetics.
Fiona provides specialised nutrition for children with disability, whether they eat through their mouth, a tube or both. She has extensive experience in assessing the nutritional needs of children with severe and profound disability, working closely with their families.
Jennifer has a particular interest in the nutritional management of children with cancer. She has 15 peer-reviewed publications and was the School of Women's & Children’s Health junior conjoint researcher of the year in 2016. Her research has contributed to improvements in dietary intake for childhood cancer survivors. She has also been involved in delivering education sessions for parents and other health professionals on the nutritional management of child eating difficulties at the Agency for Clinical Innovation, NSW Health Western Child Health Network and Flintwood disability services.
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inviaggiocondante · 1 year
Purgatorio XX
Altra giornata lunga. Ma l'impegno è stato mantenuto. Poco fa, con l'aria della notte, mi sono immerso nel XX.. e ho incontrato Ugo Capeto... e la sua discendenza... agli occhi di Dante l'incarnazione fisica della Lupa: vite spese al servizio della cupidigia, dell'avidità, della 'fame' di tutto... a spese degli altri. E con il XX si chiude la 'serie di Singleton'. Così come nel XIV era centrale il lamento per la decadenza della valle dell'Arno e della Romagna... qui si passa alla decadenza dell'Europa intera.... Ed è più di 'lamento' sterile. Dante, con il suo genio, parla della natura dell'Uomo... che può dire "no" e dire "noi".. ma preferisce il 'si' al compromesso etico.. e mette se stesso a centro di ogni cosa "Io.io.io"... sempre affamato, assetato.. non c'è altro. . Viene da pensare all'Ulisse... che guardava se stesso.. e MAI il 'resto'.. portando se e suoi uomini alla rovina. . Ugo Capeto è l'onestà che solleva il capo all'improvviso, si porta gli occhi alla faccia e dice "Che ho fatto!". Ed è tantissima 'roba'. È la differenza tra il dannato e il salvato. Alzare gli occhi dalla propria bolla.. e, consapevolmente, girare pagina.
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deadcactuswalking · 2 years
For a fourth consecutive week, Miley Cyrus is at #1 with “Flowers” on the UK Singles Chart. She may have some competition going forward but for now, welcome back to REVIEWING THE CHARTS!
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It’s a pretty typical week this time around, with a small but interesting batch of new songs and a decent amount of chart movement, which I’m glad about considering the week I’ve had. As for our notable dropouts, as in songs exiting the UK Top 75 – which is what I cover – after five weeks in the region or a peak in the top 40. This week, the list does include some big hitters like “Dave Flow” by Fredo, “We Caa Done” by Popcaan and Drake, “Bloody Mary” by Lady Gaga, “I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)” by Whitney Houston, “Rich Flex” by Drake and 21 Savage, “Shirt” by SZA, “Shivers” by Ed Sheeran and finally, of course, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi.
As for what’s filling up the gaps, well, we do have some re-entries like “Music for a Sushi Restaurant” by Harry Styles at #71 and “Nobody Gets Me” by SZA at #62 but of course, what’s more important are the notable gains, with SZA appearing in all of these sections so far: “Snooze” is up to #48 off of the debut last week. Additionally, we have “Us Against the World” by Strandz at #42, “Shut Up My Mom’s Calling” by Hotel Ugly at #41, “Here with Me” by d4vd at #40, “As it Was” by Harry Styles at #34 for whatever reason, “CUFF IT” by Beyoncé up big to #30, “TRUSTFALL” by P!nk surging up to #28 alongside “ceilings” by Lizzy McAlpine taking advantage of some losses above it at #27, “Unholy” by Sam Smith and Kim Petras at #21, “Green Green Grass” by George Ezra seeing a TikTok resurgence at #19 (Kill me), “People” by Libianca at #17, “Red Flags” by Mimi Webb at #15 and “Players” by Coi Leray at #12. We also have two new entries into the top 10, the first of which was expected: “10:35” by Tiesto and Tate McRae slides by into the #10 spot thanks to losses above it and the fact it’s been pretty consistent but if you weren’t on the Internet, you’d think PinkPantheress grabbing her first top 10 at #8 with “Boy’s a liar” was out of nowhere... yet it’s thanks to a remix, in my opinion an ill-fitting one, with New York rapper Ice Spice of all people, that it’s here. I’m not complaining – after all, a great song with a bad remix is still usually a good song.
Our top five looks... only slightly different this week. We have “Anti-Hero” by Taylor Swift at #5, “Sure Thing” by Miguel at #4 which is pretty good for a song from 2010, “Kill Bill” by SZA at #3, “Escapism.” by RAYE featuring 070 Shake at #2 – maybe I should stop making any sort of predictions – and of course, “Flowers” at the top. And now, we talk about country music.
#73 – “The Kind of Love We Make” – Luke Combs
Produced by Chip Matthews, Jonathan Singleton and Luke Combs
Yeah, out of all people to chart, I suppose it makes sense that Luke Combs is the country export but here we have a song that already reached the top 10 in the US and hence I’ve known about it for months finally arrive over here, and whilst I’m not too in tune with Luke Combs in general, I think this song is great. The country guitar tone is a bit cheaper but the acoustics are warm on top of the more sizzling electric guitar riff that is really infectious and memorable. Luke Combs has an excellent, smoky yet still youthful voice that sells this wonderfully mundane content about just working your asses off and then finally getting that intimate time with your partner and celebrating that. Yes, it’s a country sex song sung by Luke Combs, but he’s got the swagger for it, even if the vocal melody in the verses may not be all too smooth, and I honestly don’t think it needs to be smooth. The passion takes them to a higher place: it’s a mutual collapse into each other after being exhausted and finally having the time to slowly set the scene for romance. It’s kind of beautiful, and with a better guitar solo, I think it’d be outstanding, but as is, it’s a great song that I hope can make a run in the limited space that the UK really has for country in its chart. I hope it doesn’t completely open the floodgates though: just because we want Luke Combs and Zach Bryan doesn’t mean we want Jason Aldean or Morgan Wallen.
#69 – “Ice Cream Man.” – RAYE
Produced by Mike Sabath, BloodPop and RAYE
I don’t think I can do this one justice. Genuinely, the subject matter has a tricky dichotomy of being both intensely personal and sensitive to RAYE yet completely beyond me. I’ve never been sexually abused and I’m not in the music industry, so whilst I can commend RAYE for her bravery in making a song that tackles this systemic issue and is so unbelievably open in her discussion of such, what purpose am I serving trying to critique the song? I mean, the song itself – as all songs on this chart do, by the way – serve much more of a purpose than I do writing about it. I imagine the song resonates way harder for people who have been through this and it’s a heavy listen even for me so I can’t imagine how much this may potentially help someone, especially within RAYE’s demographic. It’s a heart-wrenching song, powered by that alienated hum that takes up most of the instrumental, and opening up in detail about her dreadful experience that is inexcusable and inconceivable in a song that could and will reach millions of people is only something that I can thank and acclaim her for. Turning that trauma into something universal and empowering is by no means necessary for our pop stars especially, and we shouldn’t expect someone who went through this to be as honest and nuanced about their purely emotional experience, but the fact that RAYE went through it, made a God damn excellent song in the process, and the fact that it has millions of streams, makes me hope that at least some justice is felt for someone, somewhere. I know a song isn’t a sentence or any real justice, but if it resonates for the people who need it, she’s done an incredible amount of good.
#65 – “SAD B!TCH” – Anne-Marie
Produced by Billen Ted and Evan Blair
On a completely different note... what on God’s green Earth is this? I understood “PSYCHO” because it was overexaggerated, damn near industrial and had that interplay with Aitch. This has none of the comedy, or if it does, I’m hearing none of it, and it has none of the bombast considering how disappointing the chorus is. The ad-libs are obnoxious, sure, but the chorus is just annoying this time around instead of having any kind of catchy, vindictive edge to it, mostly because the anger is a lot more self-contained and doesn’t feel as nearly as cathartic. It knows how annoying it is too: if she didn’t, she wouldn’t coat her backing vocals in distortion or mention how annoying it was in the pre-chorus. Also, that warping bass in the chorus is so distracting and taunting; it’s like a garbage carnival. If there’s anything I’d prefer to hear from Anne-Marie, it is more of this to be honest: she fills a hole not currently being filled, since there is a certain void for “pop music that sounds terrible in every regard and is almost fun as a result”, but I’d prefer that void to go even more over the top, and be just as absurd as “PSYCHO” was. This just feels like a bit of a shell of itself.
#60 – “Oh Baby” – Nathan Dawe and Bru-C featuring bshp and Issey Cross
Produced by Nathan Dawe, Punctual and Shapes
What a line-up... I suppose. Well, I like the Julio Bashmore vocal loop: it’s got a decent amount of melodrama to it that I think is solid, and Hell, I may even like Bru-C on this. He’s not exactly an impressive rapper but he’s absolutely an impressive club MC, as he sounds like he’s putting in so little effort yet still plays with this beat pretty effectively, and he makes sure to punctuate his dance-ready rhymes with fun, playful ad-libs. The beat itself is just functional if anything, but the looming bass over Issey Cross’ chorus is a nice touch, and it’s definitely a beat with insane levels of personality in just its synth tones and punchy percussion. It sounds particularly factorial in its breakbeats and distant, echoing leads but there’s a human element to how Bru-C raps and how earnest Issey Cross’ performance feels that makes it seem slightly more organic. There’s also a weird drill flip of the beat briefly where the atmosphere gets a lot more cloudy and Bru-C goes melodic that... does not sound out of place. In fact, I feel like this beat could go even weirder places and still pull it off, especially considering how the buzzy build-up clashes into a breakdown by the end that not only goes hard but kind of breaks up the song structure and chorus in an interesting way. I don’t know, maybe this is actually good, but I’m not sure how much credit I can give Mr. Dawe for this considering that vocal charisma is essential to this working... though it’s an intricate beat, even if I’m sure I can credit a lot of it to Punctual, that punches when it needs to and has a certain elegance in some of its restraint. Maybe I’m just too irony-poisoned for me to know a bad song when I hear one anymore.
#58 – “Rush” – Ayra Starr
Produced by Andrevibez and Hoops
Whilst Nigerian singer Ayra Starr has charted before as a feature, this is her breakout solo cut in the UK released in September of last year, and first of all: this is excellent production, which I believe is by the person behind Rema’s “Calm Down”. The chirping chipmunk vocal loops and 90s R&B-sounding keys are so smooth and nostalgic, especially under the low-register Afrobeats production that just sits on top in a really cute, bubbling way. Starr is flexing a lot in this song but it never feels like it’s bringing any “bad energy” as she says because of how seamless the vocal harmonies are, how universal the sing-a-long chorus feels, and how bubbly this production is. I do have some complaints, mostly in that the production – whilst a great foundation – does not change as much as it could, especially since Ayra Starr herself shows great tonal variety here that isn’t really found in the beat itself, though the drum fills are a nice touch and it keeps pretty fizzy throughout. It’s also not that catchy immediately but I feel like with a few more listens, I’ll just be able to fully submerge in this. This is essentially cloud rap in how it wants to be treated and I’ll say it does a damn better job than a lot of cloud rap in just allowing for a solid, wavy vibe throughout, mostly because of how good a vocal presence Ayra Starr is – I’m excited to hear more of her work in the future. For now, I would recommend this and I hope it gains some more traction over the coming weeks.
#57 – “You Only Love Me” – Rita Ora
Produced by Lewis Thompson and Oak
When I said that this was a weird batch of songs, I more so meant that it’s oddly concentrated in the bottom half of the chart and there’s no real focus, but for many kind of filler weeks that is the case. Speaking of filler, this is a Rita Ora song. It is produced by Oak and Lewis Thompson. I like some Rita Ora songs, specifically I like “Let You Love Me”. This song is not one of them. The vocal mix is distractingly loud and over-compressed, and the vague pastiche of a dated tropical house beat mixed with synthwave elements has no punch to it. The content is uninteresting and there is little bombast here aside from braying vocal riffing and manufactured-sounding synths. If you thought this review was robotic, you now understand what Lewis Thompson was going for when he made this song.
Worst of the Week absolutely goes to Anne-Marie for whatever “SAD B!TCH” is, with a Dishonourable Mention for “You Only Love Me” by Rita Ora. The rest of the batch here is honestly quite good, I’d say, with a clear Best of the Week for “Ice Cream Man.” by RAYE – it was never going to be anything else – but the rest are absolutely deserving of the Honourable Mention. I’ll probably give it to Luke Combs for “The Kind of Love We Make” just because I’m more familiar with it, but Ayra Starr may be the winner over time. Hopefully we can continue the normalcy for the foreseeable future, so thank you for reading and I’ll see you next week!
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水原 希子 (2019)
© Ed Singleton
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