#eddie munson x jade west!reader
chervbs · 1 year
loverboy — e. munson
pairings: eddie munson x jade west!reader
word count: 1k
synopsis: your new boyfriend eddie seems to be allergic to studying and is insistent on taking a break. thankfully, you have the perfect way to pass the time. part two to i was made for loving you!
warnings: fem!reader, jade west is not meant to be an oc/faceclaim just inspiration for the readers personality, short little piece about the new relationship, is a continuation of the fic linked above but can be read as a standalone, reader is a little softer now that eddie is her man, eddie is a massive simp.
a/n: this was posted as a blurb WEEKS AGO but it got lost in the tags so I’m reposting :)))) the anon who requested this asked for reader to sing a song from the heathers musical but since reader is playing rizzo in grease I chose a different song because I like for my fics to be historically accurate. once again send in any jade west!reader requests you have. pls don't let this flop for a second time <3
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“C’mon, sweetheart!” 
Eddie whined once again for what seemed like the millionth time in the past hour. You’d been insistent on helping him study, not wanting to graduate without your now boyfriend. He didn’t even make it a whole hour of studying before he started to complain.
“Eddie-“ You cut yourself off, brows furrowing. “Sweetheart? Really?”
The metal head shrugged, a sheepish smile spreading across his lips. “What? I’m still trying to find the perfect pet name for you.”
The little scrunch of your nose was subtle, but to Eddie it was heartwarming. Just knowing that there was a softer side to you that only he ever got to witness made him awfully special. “Yeah, but sweetheart? Kind of ironic isn’t it?”
“I don’t know,” Eddie replied coyly, taking a chance and gently grabbing your chin in his hands. As dominant as your personality was, you did occasionally let your guard down enough to melt into his touch. “I think you’re a sweetheart, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes lightheartedly, grabbing his wrist and using it to pull him towards you. Eddie let out a little yelp before his lips met yours, the noise turning into a muffled one of content. 
The kiss didn’t last long, much to Eddie’s dismay. He whined a little, huffing like a child when you pulled away. “Y/N…” 
“Eddie, seriously. We need to study.” You said sternly, slapping away the hand that tried to reach for you. “Your government test is in two days and you will pass it.” 
He groaned dramatically, falling backwards onto his bed. Eddie said your name like a petulant child, grabbing your forearm and tugging on it gently. 
“Can we just take a break? Please.” The pout on his face, while cute, did little to deter your urge to help him improve his grades. “Just a few minutes, okay? Then we can keep studying and I promise I won’t complain for the rest of the night.”
You cocked an eyebrow at him, knowing him better than he’d like to admit. But something about those big doe eyes of his gazing back at you was making it hard for you to deny his wishes. 
“Fine.” You sighed, biting back the smile that threatened to appear on your face when he whooped and threw his fist in the air triumphantly. “But only for a few minutes okay? As soon as I say so we’re going back to studying.” 
Eddie nodded dismissively, grinning from ear to ear. “Yeah, whatever you say, lovely.” 
You chuckled at the, once again, ironic nickname for you but said nothing. The kiss he planted on your lips was welcomed, but you didn’t let it get too carried away. “I have an idea.” You spoke a little breathlessly. 
“And what’s that?” Eddie mumbled, trailing kisses from your lips down to your neck. 
Your fingers grasped his chin, peeling him away from you. “You could help me rehearse?”
Eddie lights up at the suggestion. He’d yet to hear you sing save for the few times he’d heard you hum along to a song when he played a tape in his car. 
The black backpack that sat on the floor was snatched up by your hand, digging in there for the instrumental sheet music and the singing sheet music that’d been given to you by the theater director. 
“There Are Worse Things I Could Do” from Grease was broken down into notes on the page. You’d been given a tape of the music but had left it in your locker earlier that day. Luckily, your boyfriend was very musically inclined. 
“Here,” You handed him the instrumental paper. Thank god you’d asked the director for the copy to practice with your own guitar at home. “Think you could play this for me so I can practice.” 
“I can do whatever you want me to, baby.” The cheesy like caused you to make a face, pushing Eddie away from you as he cackled at your reaction. “Just play the damn song, Edward.” 
He reached over to grab his acoustic guitar, a beautiful dark brown color with the words THIS MACHINE SLAYS DRAGONS painted on in white. Eddie set the sheet music in front of him, humming the notes to himself as one hand fiddled with the tuning keys, the other hand plucking and strumming at the strings until it sounded right. 
“Right,” He grinned. “I’m ready.”
You nodded, grabbing your own sheet of music. He began to strum the song, eyes flickering between the music and you. 
A deep breath entered your chest before you began to sing. 
“There are worse things I could do,” Eddie’s eyes widened, plucking a couple of wrong notes in surprise. “Then go with a boy or two,” There was a natural vibrato in your voice and he could tell there was little effort in how flawless you sounded. 
“Even though the neighborhood thinks I'm trashy and no good, I suppose it could be true. But there are worse things I could do.” Your eyes had shut to allow yourself to be immersed into the song. This meant that you missed the look of awe that Eddie wore. He had to keep reminding himself to look down at the music so as not to mess you up, but it took all his strength to tear his eyes away from you. 
“I could flirt with all the guys. Smile at them and bat my eyes.” The corner of Eddie’s mouth quirked up when he noticed you subtly swaying to the music. Another little detail about you that added fuel to the fire of his heart. 
“Press against them when we dance, make them think they stand a chance, then refuse to see it through. That's a thing I'd never do.” The abrupt halt of Eddie’s guitar ripped you from your flow, eyes flying open to glare at him. 
Yet Eddie’s face was face was everything but scared, as most people on the receiving end of your glares usually were. Instead, Eddie was wearing the biggest, goofiest grin you’d ever seen.
The amusement on your own face was thinly veiled, not that you needed to hide it. “What happened?”
“If I got on one knee right now would you say yes?” The boy asked, a dreamy look in his eyes.
You’re smirked, glancing down at the way he squirmed in his seat. “Why? My singing make you wanna marry me?”
He nodded dumbly and you couldn’t help but let a grin of your own spread. You snapped your fingers in front of his face. “C’mon, loverboy. Let me finish the song and then we’ll see.” 
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general taglist:
@teenwolfbitches28 | @thethreeheadeddog | @cerbythepuppy
stranger things taglist:
@m-rae23 | @mulletmcghee | @wh0reforbucknasty | @tatestripedsweater | @steveslittlefreak | @lunaryasha | @hollandweather
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chervbs · 1 year
Hi! I hope youre doing well. Out of curiosity, do you have any requests youve received and/or are working on? I thought about sentindo you one but i don't want you to feel overwhelmed if you already have some. Also, i would just love to know if there is anything coming
hello love! first of all, thank you so much for taking the time to ask this, you’re so sweet!
second of all, I don’t fulfill requests in chronological order. I always do the ones that capture my attention and that I have the inspiration to write first. there’s lots of requests that I never get to because there’s something about them that doesn’t click to me and I don’t wanna be stuck with writers block when I could be working on another fic.
that being said, you can always send a request as long as my bio says that requests are open!
currently I’m jumping between a few different fics. one is a requests for steve that kinda goes along with safe space, a request for another part of iwmfly and a couple of non requests for eddie and robin that are from my own brain.
thank you for being so kind again and don’t hesitate to send in any requests you have! <3
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chervbs · 1 year
i was made for loving you — e. munson
pairings: eddie munson x jade west!reader
word count: 5k
synopsis: you’re the new kid at hawkins high-goth, intimidating;a true femme fatale incarnate. and eddie munson is undoubtedly smitten. 
warnings: fem!reader, jade west is not meant to be an oc/faceclaim just inspiration for the readers personality therefore reader is kind of rude to all characters including eddie, you probably won’t understand this as well if you haven’t watched victorious, kind of love at first sight but its really just eddie being dramatic, reader is hot and she knows it, slight sexual implications (blink and you’ll miss it), mediocre writing, fluff!
a/n: jade west was one of my many bisexual awakenings and i’ve always wanted to write something with a character inspired by her. like I said in the warnings, this may not make as much sense if you haven’t seen victorious but its still readable! also pls pls pls send requests/concepts about jade west!reader because I wanna write more of her so badly! as always, feedback is treating appreciated <3
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Eddie had noticed the murmurs as soon as he stepped into the school, just in time for his third period. 
He was trying to be better this year, he really was, but his late night smoke session the night before had relaxed a little too much, and he’d slept right through his alarm clock. Eddie only woke up once Wayne got home at around 8, yelling at his nephew to get his ass up and to school unless he wanted to go through a fourth senior year. The threat was enough to get him out of bed, stumbling as he attempted to put his white reeboks on while simultaneously hopping into his van. 
Now, strolling down the hallway to his locker, trusty black “lunch” tin in his hands, he realized he forgot to grab his denim vest from the backseat where he’d haphazardly thrown it the day before. He groaned and glanced at his watch-9:27, three minutes before he had to be in English. He could risk being a couple minutes late.
Eddie, ignoring the usual dirty looks he received from his peers by just existing, pivoted on his heels, making his way back out to the parking lot. It was then that he initially noticed the whispers as people emerged from the front doors of the school.
Now, Eddie was very much used to such things in his wake, however, these weren’t for him. As he neared the exit, he noticed all of the students that were whispering were also pointing outside. Letting his curiosity get the best of him, Eddie sped up his steps, eyes squinting as he adjusting to the sunlight and looking around for the source of the gossip. 
It didn’t take long to find you–you stuck out like a sore thumb. 
In your hair were streaks of blue and purple jewel tones, a tight fitting black top that did wonders for your chest, a black skirt that Eddie was sure was far too short for school. Your shapely legs were encased with black fishnets and as his eyes traveled further down your figure, knee high black boots that had silver buckles running down the length of them and a platform that added a good couple of inches to your height sat on your feet. 
Murmurs of gossip followed you as you weaved through the parking lot, but Eddie was frozen in his place, certain he’d just seen an angel. An angel clad in all black–a demon, maybe? Either way, he was entranced. 
It wasn’t until he realized that you were heading straight towards him that he snapped out of his stupor. He had to say something–introduce himself, right? Eddie could feel his heart racing as you came closer to reaching him. What should he say? And–oh god, you were even prettier close up–
“Hi!” He didn’t even realize he blurted the word out until his ears picked up on it a few seconds too late. 
Your steps never faltered as you passed him, but he did see your eyes rake over his figure, the corner of your lips lifting into a smirk. “Interesting.” You muttered, just loud enough for him to hear. 
By then, Eddie’s mission to retrieve his vest had long since been forgotten. It wasn’t until the bell rang that the metal head realized he was stood frozen at the entrance, the other kids around him sending him weird looks. He practically floated to his next two classes, little images of you occupying his every thought. 
Eddie didn’t even realize he’d left his class until he landed on the hard plastic of the cafeteria seats. The rest of the Hellfire Club was already seated, heads snapping to attention at their dungeon masters abrupt appearance. They were all quick to notice his dazed expression, Gareth taking the initiative to snap his fingers in front of his face. 
“Yo, Eddie? You okay, man?”. 
He did seem to return back to reality, but the dopey smile on his face stayed put. “Gentlemen,” He spoke indirectly. “I’m in love.” 
The boys perked up in interest. “In love? With who?” Dustin asked, nearly pushing his lunch tray aside. 
Eddie didn’t get the chance to answer before a hush fell over the hoard of students in the cafeteria. They didn’t know why until Eddie heard the tell tale sound of your boots hitting the floor, the whispers as murmurs picking back up as you passed by. 
He could see the moments his friends also laid eyes on you, jaws falling slack as the girl of all of their little metal head dreams walked in. Eddie couldn’t help but smirk. 
“With her.” He grinned. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you walked right up to the lunch line, the queue of teenagers parting for you like the Red Sea. Not a single person protested as you skipped in front of all of them, paying for your lunch without a care in the world. 
They watched you make your way down the middle of the rows of tables, only stopping once a letterman clad arm flung itself across your shoulders. 
You tensed, eyes narrowing in anger. Jason Carver gave you what you assumed he thought was a charming smirk, jerking his head in greeting. “Hi, there. You’re new, right?” 
You glared at arm and then moved your gaze to his. “Hand. Off.”
Jason’s grin faltered, but he was quick to recover. “Oh, c’mon, new girl. Don’t be like that. Why don’t you come sit with me and my buddies, huh?” He spoke while bring his free hand to your other shoulder, attempting to steer you towards his table.
“I would rather slam my tongue in a car door.” You replied monotonously. “And if you don’t get your hands off me in the next two seconds, you won’t have hands.”
The jock seemed to finally realize that you were not going to be relenting anytime soon and scoffed. “Whatever. You don’t have to be such a–“
Jason cut himself off, realizing your glare on him had become deadly and you were practically white knuckling the tray of food in your hands. You tilted your head challengingly. “A what? Do you wanna finish that sentence?”
He clenched his jaw, the only thing keeping the blonde teen from cowering in front of his peers being his pride. Clearly his throat, he stepped away, hands raising in surrender and returning to his table with his tail between his legs. 
You hummed in satisfaction, resuming your search for a table to sit at. Most new kids would probably find an empty table or maybe even a group of friendly enough looking kids to sit with. You, however, refused to let anyone think you were some kind of loser. 
Finally your eyes landed on a table full of boys. They all wore variations of black clothing, save for the three younger looking ones who had a bit more color on them. Each had on matching white shirts with words you couldn’t read from your spot and a cartoon demon on them. You grew curious, especially after you realized the boy at the head of the table was the one you’d seen this morning. 
You remember him standing at the entrance of the school, looking at you like a kid in a candy store. He was quite cute, clad in leather with an attractively disheveled look to him. 
Making your decision, you changed course to the group of boys who’d all been previously looking at your until they realized you were staring back, wide eyes shifting to their food. 
It’s clear they were a tad bit frightened, none of them looking up to acknowledge your presence when you stopped behind them. Rolling your eyes, you loudly cleared your throat, making them jump in their seats. 
“H-hi.” The supposed leader of them spoke, looking just as flustered as his did that morning. “What, um–what can we do for you?” 
“I’m gonna sit here.” You announced, glancing down at the blonde boy with curly hair in front of you. “Move over.”
“Yes, ma’am.” He squeaked, shoving at the boy next to him until they had both scooted over a seat. 
The spot allowed you to sit next to the long haired boy from that morning. He kept stealing quick glances at you, the skin on his cheeks shifting from ivory to red at your burning gaze. 
“Um…m-miss?” Your head snapped to the boy in front of you, curly brunette hair and slightly tan skin clad in a colorful cap and the same shirt as his friends, which you could now see read Hellfire Club. 
“It’s Y/N.” You corrected. 
The boy visibly gulped. “Right. Y/N. Its um-it’s great to meet you, really. And not that we mind you sitting with us–we really don’t!” He almost yelled, startling when you narrowed your eyes at him. “But, w-why…are you sitting with us?” He asked in a high voice. 
You popped one of the french fries from your plate into your mouth. “You losers seem like the coolest people here.” 
The oxymoron wasn’t lost on them, but they were admittedly too frightened to point it out.
“What’s hellfire club?” You asked, pointing your black painted fingernail at their shirts. 
“It’s a DnD club.” The long haired boy spoke up. There was a tremble in his voice. “Dungeons and Dragons? Ever h-heard of it?”
The beginnings of your eyebrows moved closer together, the fire in your gaze making Eddie feel simultaneously afraid and a little turned on. “Do I look like a nerd to you?”
His eyes widened a bit, the depth of his brown eyes making him resembled a baby cow. “No, of course not! You look like the exact opposite of a nerd, in fact! You’re like the coolest person i’ve ever seen!” 
The other boys had never seen Eddie act so flustered, yet they couldn’t blame him. Your presence alone was enough to bring a grown man to his knees, that much was evident. Eddie looked about three seconds away from passing out and they were sure he was already willing to bend to your will. 
You only tilted your head curiously at the boy. There was no one at your old school that seemed to be as affected as this guy was. Even your ex boyfriend, who swore up and down that he was in love with you, never had the same twinkle in his eye as the cute metal head in front of you. 
“What’s you’re name?”
If you gave credit where credit was due, the boy never broke his stare from yours. That also never happened. You were surprised at how much you enjoyed it.
He perked up, a little grin forming. “Eddie.” You raised your eyebrows. “Munson! Eddie Munson.” He added breathlessly. 
The deep berry shade painted on your lips was so alluring that Eddie was practically leaning forward. The younger boys in Hellfire were half surprised he wasn’t drooling.
“I like you, Eddie Munson.” You nodded at your own words, going back to eating your lunch nonchalantly. 
Oh yeah. Eddie thought. In love was an understatement. 
“You’re in a band?”
Eddie jumped, startled by your voice. He’d made an offhand comment at lunch that Hellfire was held in the Drama Club room, but he hadn’t actually expected you to show up. 
You weren’t even sure why you had, truthfully. Maybe it was the his big, chocolate doe eyes, or the way he looked at you like you were sent from heaven, despite the fact that not only had you only had a couple of conversations, but also that you were as far from an angel as anyone could possibly be. 
And, maybe, because you had no friends. 
Getting ripped from your old school where you were comfortable with your group of friends was difficult, not that you’d ever let it be known. This little group of misfit kids already looked at you like you were their savior, so you feel it’s justified to claim them as your new friends. And you weren’t too concerned about their low position in the social hierarchy of Hawkins–you had enough of a social standing to keep their heads above the water.
You were facing the wall adjacent to the door, staring at one of the many handmade posters throughout the school that read CORRODED COFFIN. There was a picture of Eddie, Gareth, Jeff and Kevin, all posed with their respective instruments and smaller letters at the bottom saying to go see them Tuesdays at The Hideout. 
“Uh-yeah. Me and some of the guys from Hellfire you met the other day. Jeff, Gareth and Kev.” He explained, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. Eddie couldn’t fathom why he was feeling embarrassed right now-as if your approval of his band would make or break anything. 
You let your lips form a tiny smirk, looking over your shoulder at him. “Sick name.”
Eddie could feel his heart skip, heat rushing back to his cheeks. “T-thanks. Came up with it myself.” He chuckled. “We actually play at the Hideout on Tuesdays.” 
He noticed your eyebrow raised expectantly. “The Hideout! It’s a bar just outside of town. The crowds not that big, but you gotta start somewhere, right?”
You hummed in agreement, strolling over to where he was setting up the table. Eddie’s breath hitched as you stopped next to him, standing so close that he could smell your vanilla perfume, almost making him lightheaded.  Did you even have a clue of what you were doing to him?
Of course, you did. You’d been trying to get Eddie to take the hint that you were into him for the past week. Five whole days of lingering touches, sultry stares and being extra pleasant just to see his cheeks and the tips of his ears turn red.
You bent over the table to pluck one of the little figures from the game board, ensuring that you back was perfectly straight to feed fuel to Eddie’s fantasies. 
Judging by the nearly inaudible groan that escaped him, you’d say you were successful.
“What are these?” You allow the tone of your voice to drop an octave, the sound more alluring than Eddie could handle. 
His brain seems to short circuit for a second, glazed over eyes staring back at you blankly, jaw hanging open slightly. Smirking, your lift a finger, pushing up the bottom of his chin until his lips met. The action seemed to pull him back into reality, clearing his throat once he realized what he opened. 
“Tho-those? Those are-um…figurines! I made them for my campaign.” He choked out, backing up a little. “Helps the players feel more immersed into the story.” 
You held the little figure out for him to grab, making sure to graze your fingers against his palm as you gave it to him. A shiver visibly went down his spine. 
“I gotta get going.” You inform, already making your way to the door. 
Eddie chased you a few steps. “Wait! Are you sure you have to go? You can always stay and watch us play. Or we can teach you and you can join our next campaign.”
You’d never admit how much the offer warmed your heart. The boys were sweet-Eddie even sweeter. It’s like you could feel them slowly taking an ice pick to your frozen heart. 
“No can do.” You tsked. “I have an audition to get to.” 
Eddie’s eyebrows furrowed under his curly fringe. “Audition? For what?” 
“Spring musical.” You shrugged. 
You could almost feel the surprised wafting off of Eddie. “Really?” He asked incredulously. “Didn’t really peg you for a theatre type.”
A chuckle left your lips. “Well, I’m a woman of many talents, Eddie. And you don’t know me.” You reminded him, trying not to let the assumption upset you. 
The culture shock of moving from a performing arts high school in Los Angeles to a normal high school in the middle of nowhere Indiana was truly jarring. Not only were peoples differences accepted back home, but they were encouraged. It didn’t matter what you looked like or what your interests were as long as you weren’t hurting anyone. 
You’d possessed a gift for the performing arts since you were a kid, so it was a no brainer for your parents to enroll you into a performing arts high school, despite it being an hour drive. Your mother just wanted was your best for you and your father wanted what was best for your families reputation. 
They’d split up halfway through your sophomore year, and while your father still sent monthly checks to help pay for school fees, your mother was struggling to pay the rent for your new two bedroom house. 
She’d always wanted you to be successful when you got older especially after the divorce. Having to depend on someone else just to live was fine and dandy until you were kicked to the curb, left to fend for yourself with only a couple thousand dollars to your name. 
Your incident at school only gave your mother a reason to leave California, choosing instead to move to Hawkins which had both a few family members and a lower cost of living. 
Eddie’s chin dropped as he grinned at the floor. “Guess you’re right about that one. We could change that?”
Both of you seemed equally surprised at the suaveness of his offer and the fact that he got through it without stuttering. 
You smirked. “We could. Not tonight.”
The heavy steps of your boots echoed as you made your way out of the room, Eddie left to watch your hips sway with flushed cheeks and a racing heart.
You were becoming impatient. 
Two weeks had gone by and yet Eddie still hadn’t made a move. It was a bit infuriating, to say the least. You were practically always all over him, and while it was obvious he welcomed the attention, he still hadn’t gotten passed being flustered. 
You really didn’t know what else to do, never having been in this situation before. 
You didn’t ask people out, people asked you. With past boyfriends, they’d ask you out within a couple of days if you showing interest. But you’d met Eddie’s friends, you’d attended both Hellfire meetings and Corroded Coffin shows, he practically melted into the floor anytime you said his name. What was holding him back?
These questions were constantly on your mind, especially during times like these, when you walked through the school hallways together, so close that your knuckles grazed his as you walked. 
Eddie and you share a fifth period, as you discovered on that fateful first day. You’re nearly to the classroom when you both spot a crowd forming in the middle of the hallway, murmurs of ‘cheerleaders’ and ‘hellfire freaks’. It’s enough to send you stomping towards them.
Sure enough, once you’ve shoved your way past the crowd, you spot a trio of cheerleaders cornering Dustin and Mike against the row of lockers. There’s a singular jock standing a few feet away and it takes you a second to realize he’s holding back Lucas by his biceps. 
You don’t bother to listen to what the main cheerleader is cackling about before you slide yourself in between her and the freshman. 
“Hello.” You interject. Her face calls for a second and you detect a bit of fear before she sticks up her chin with feigned indifference. 
“Hi!” She grins back, like she hadn’t just been terrorizing a couple of fourteen year olds. “You’re the new girl, right? I’m Victoria.”
You smirk back and introduce yourself, reveling in the way her cronies seem to tremble in your presence. Even the jock had let go of Lucas, though neither of them moved. 
“What seems to be the problem here?” You asked politely. You heard Eddie snicker. 
“Oh, nothing really.” She replied, waving her hand dismissively. “Just had to remind the freshman of their place. You get it, right?”
You had no doubt that the confrontation stemmed from a smart remark by Dustin, maybe even Mike. But you’d taken Eddie and his band of losers under your wing, and you were nothing if not loyal. 
“Can I just say,” You ignore her question. “You’re really pretty.”
She seemed surprised, but still held a hand to her heart like it was the sweetest compliment she’d ever received. “Oh, my gosh, really? Thanks.” 
It didn’t escape you that she hadn’t bothered to return the compliment, not that you needed it. “Totally. And your hair is just so nice.” You say, gesturing to her long, clearly unnatural, blonde ponytail. “It would really be a shame if something happened to it, huh?”
Her face fell. “What?”
“Yeah. Like if someone, I don’t know, took a pair of scissors and just-“ You made a cutting motion with your fingers. “Chopped it all off.” 
Victoria scowled, suddenly realizing the insincerity of your kindness. “Are you threatening me?”
You tilted your head to the side, shrugging. “Do I need to be?” 
The cheerleader huffed. “Look. I don’t know what your problem is-“
“Oh, don’t worry. We’re getting there.” You assure. “You’re gonna leave these boys alone. Do you understand me?“ 
Victoria scoffed, looking back to her friends for help. One of them had witnessed your collection of scissors after asking you for a pencil. She rapidly shook her head at her friend. 
“And what’s gonna happen if I don’t?” She challenged. The roll of your eyes was almost involuntary.
“Oh, my god.” You groaned. “Did you not just hear me? Did all that bleach in your hair burn the little brain cells you had?” Your face neared hers threateningly. Her eyes widened in fear and you could hear her breathing pick up. “Leave these kids alone, or I will be forced to make good on my promise. Do you understand me?” 
She hesitantly nodded. “Good. Now get out of my face.” She seemed frozen in her spot. “Now!” Your voice boomed, startling everyone in the crowd that had gathered around you. Christina sprinted away, her friends not far behind her. 
You sighed. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom before class.” You turn to Eddie, amusingly aware of the dazed look in his eyes as he stared at you. “I’ll meet you in there?” 
You were walking away before Eddie could respond. 
Eddie, along with Dustin, Lucas and Mike watched as you glided away, mouths hung open and hearts in their eyes. 
“Eddie?” The metal head responded with a half-assed noise of acknowledgment. “If you don’t make a move, I will.” Dustin said.
“Not a chance, Henderson.”
Eddie didn’t think his day could get any worse. 
He’d already bombed his history test, forgotten his money for lunch, had chocolate milk spilled on his shirt, and now his piece of shit van wasn’t starting. 
Wayne had been telling him for days to go to the garage to get it looked at after Eddie told him it had been taking a few seconds too long to start up. His uncle had worked there before leaving to work at the plant, but they still gave the Munson’s discounts whenever they came in. 
But Eddie had been swamped with homework and his new campaign for Hellfire, and it had just slipped his mind. 
Unfortunately, there would be no time for another reminder as his engine pitifully sputtered before eventually shutting down. 
“Shit!” Eddie cursed, slamming his hands down on the steering wheel angrily. 
He would call the garage to come tow the van, but he didn’t know the number by heart. He’d stayed after school for mandatory tutoring forced upon him by the counselor, so it was well passed 6. 
Wayne had probably already left for work, which left Eddie to try and think of literally anyone’s number until he found someone who could pick him up. 
Eddie begrudgingly left the van, dragging his feet to the schools outside phone. He only made it about halfway when he heard the double doors open. He was surprised to see you walk out, and he made his surprise known by calling out your name. 
Your head shot up, eyebrows furrowing when you realized it was him. “Eddie? What are still doing here?”
“Uh,” He chuckled a little, kicking a bit of gravel. “I had to stay after for tutoring, and now my van won’t start, so…” He glanced up, clearing his throat. You were gazing at him with an unreadable look in your eyes, and it was difficult for him not to squirm. “What-um…what are you doing here so late?”
You pointed your thumb behind you, gesturing to the doors that a few other students were now exiting. “Callbacks.” 
“Oh, yeah! You had auditions the other day.” He grinned, snapping his fingers in recognition. 
You couldn’t help the way your lips turned up, not in a smirk, but a genuine show of bashfulness. You’d be lying if you said Eddie’s presence was beginning to have an affect on you as well. At first it was just nice to have someone so blatantly infatuated with you, but it wasn’t long before you realized just how easy it was to enjoy everything about Eddie. 
He was sweet, even when you couldn’t help but snap and say something rude or defensive. Old habits die hard and your abandonment issues made some of them even harder to shake. Still, Eddie never even flinched, and in just a few weeks of knowing each other, he’d easily figured out exactly what to say to calm you down. 
Eddie was also deeply misunderstood, which you connected with on a deeper level that most even knew. When you claimed the Hellfire boys as your new friends, you were none the wiser of the rumors of them being a satanic cult. It wasn’t until later that same day that you heard it for the first time and you almost laughed out loud. None of those boys had the capability to hurt even a fly, much less perform a human sacrifice. 
“What was the musical again?” He asked, rocking back and forth on his heels.
You chuckled, “Grease.” Neither of you realized that you had both subconsciously moved closer to each other. 
“Right! You make it in?” Eddie had yet to hear you sing, but he had a feeling you were most likely extremely talented. You just had that air about you-something he could recognize as a musician himself. 
He was slightly surprised to see a genuine smile appear on your face. “Yeah,” You replied, your heeled left foot crossing over your right to hold your weight. “Rizzo.”
Eddie nodded but you could see the bit of confusion swimming in his eyes. Not shocking–Eddie didn’t really seem like the type to enjoy musical theater.  
“You have no idea what I’m talking about.” The words came out more like a statement than a question and the two of you laughed a little. The sound that you made nearly made his knees buckle.
“Honestly, no.” Eddie grinned. The little scrunch of his nose and the flush across his cheeks sent a funny feeling floating through your tummy. “But I have no doubt you deserve the role more than anyone. And I can’t wait to watch.”
The amused expression hadn’t left your face and you lowered your chin, eyes slightly narrowed. “You would willingly go watch a school musical?”
Eddie shrugged nonchalantly. “If you’re in it? ‘Course. I wouldn’t miss that for the world.”
In that moment, it was like a switch flipped in your brain. From the outside, Eddie couldn’t tell that there were a million thoughts swarming around in your brain. Suddenly, any morsel of patience you had left waiting for Eddie to make a move vanished. 
“You said your van won’t start?” He looked a little confused at the subject change, but nodded regardless. 
“Yeah, that’s what I came over here for.” Eddie told you, pointing back at the schools phone. “Was gonna call someone to come get me.” 
You silently weighed your options, before making a decision.
“I could give you a ride.” You said, eyes peering at Eddie with thinly veiled mischief. 
Eddie’s eyebrows raised and he smiled in surprise. “Really? Yeah, that would be great, thanks.” He hoped he didn’t look as nervous to be in a small, enclosed space alone with you, even for just the few minutes it would take to get to the trailer park. 
He followed you to your car, hesitating a bit to climb into the passenger seat. The first couple minutes of the ride were silent, but not uncomfortable, until he spoke up. “I can get you some gas money. Just need to do a few more sales.”
You frowned and shook your head, waving a dismissive hand at him. “You don’t need to do that. I offered to give you a ride, I don’t need gas money.” 
Eddie opened his mouth to respond when you suddenly pulled over to the side of the road. “What are you doing?”
“Speaking of gas.” You say, calm as ever. “Looks like we’re out.”
Eddie looked a little panicked and instinctively glanced at the dashboard. His eyebrows furrowed. “The gauge says you have a full tank.”
“Yeah, try not to talk.”
He didn’t have time to even be confused before he felt your hand grasp his chin, pulling his face towards you and pressing your lips to his. A moan of surprise came from the back of his throat, but his lips were quick to move against yours. 
Eddie reluctantly pried himself away, breathing heavily. “I-I’m sorry. Not that I’m like, complaining-because I’m not at all, trust me-but wha-what is happening right now?”
Your thumb softly stroked against where it rested on his cheek. “I’m kissing you, Eddie.”
The metal head nodded rapidly in agreement. “Yeah, yeah, no, I get that.” His hand raised to wind around your wrist. “I’m just-uh…” His chest still raised and fell, lips swollen and tinted with your burgundy lipstick. “Just a little confused, I guess.” 
You pressed another searing kiss to his lips before you answered. “I like you Eddie. And know you like me too. I was just tired of waiting for you to make a move.”
Eddie was the one to initiate the next kiss, scooting as close as possible to the center console to lean into you. 
You let him pul away briefly, “I’m really sorry about that-“ Kiss. He whimpered. “-I gotta say, though-“ Kiss. “-I’m kinda glad-“ Kiss. “You had to make the first move.” 
A content hum left your throat. “Me too.”
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