edengelt · 2 years
Eden Gelt - Minute of Mortgage Episode 2 Closing Credits
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edan-gelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edanjoygelt · 7 years
We don’t always have time to get in a full hour, let alone 30-minutes of exercise.  That doesn’t mean you should skip!  Try these great 10-minute workouts when life gets too demanding.
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edengelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
Eden Gelt is providing mortgage advice to help her clients succeed. Her minute of mortgage videos make it easy to digest complex mortgage information.
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edan-gelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edan-gelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
Check out this article on Daily Herald for information regarding my FREE DIY branding seminar for real estate agents. Link: https://www.dailyherald.com/submitted/20230214/local-marketing-leader-edan-gelt-offers-free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents
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edan-gelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
FREE DIY Branding Seminar for Real Estate Agents Come checkout my free branding Seminar! Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/free-diy-branding-seminar-for-real-estate-agents-tickets-546347980517
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edengelt · 2 years
Eden Gelt – Temporary Rate Buy-Downs and How They Work
With rising interest rates, buyers and sellers can come together for a unique win-win with a temporary rate buy-down. Unlike purchasing points that lower an interest rate by a small amount (typically 0.125% – 0.5%) for the life of the loan, a temporary buydown lowers the rate much more significantly (up to 3%) at the beginning of the loan. This unique financing option can help buyers ease into the full mortgage payment and provide a unique value-add for sellers. It’s also an answer to buyer’s that still want to wait until “rates drop”. At Key Mortgage, we offer several options for a temporary buydown that include: 3/2/1, 2/1 and 1/0. For a 3/2/1, the 1st year rate is 3% below, 2nd year is 2% below, 3rd year is 1% below, 4th-remaining term is the note rate. Here is an example of a 2/1 buydown if the buyer’s rate is 7%. 1st year rate: 5.000% 2nd year rate: 6.000% 3rd-30 year rate: 7.000% Temporary buydowns can not be funded by the buyer so this is an excellent tool for sellers to make their property more attractive without having to lower the list price of the home.
For more information on how to work with your sellers to market a temporary buydown or to help your buyers negotiate this financing when purchasing a home, reach out to me to be connected to a Key Mortgage Loan Officer.
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edengelt · 2 years
Have you purchased a home in the last few years and put down less than 20% and are paying Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)? If so, this is a great time to reconnect with your real estate agent or loan office to lower your mortgage payment by removing PMI.
Buyers pay approximately $30 - $70 per month in PMI per $100K borrowed. There are several ways to remove a PMI payment. The most common is through the Homeowners Protection Act (PMI Cancellation Act). This is when the principal balance is scheduled to reach 78% of the ORIGINAL value, then PMI is automatically removed. The same Act also says that the homeowner can initiate PMI removal if they hit 80% LTV ahead of schedule by making additional payments.
Here’s where a real estate agent adds values: As a market professional, a real estate agent is more aware of market value increases. In 2021 alone, median prices increased 11.1% in Illinois per data released by Illinois REALTORS(R). In some areas, home values increased as much as 30%!
If your agent or appraiser determines your home increased more than the 20% required, you will likely need to submit a written request to your lender to remove PMI and provide comps or an appraisal. If all else fails, you can determine if refinancing is a better option with a lower payment, or possibly, you will be so excited about your property value increase - you might consider selling and reinvesting.
Reach out to your Baird & Warner Real Estate Agent or Key Mortgage LO today to learn more about lowering your payment by removing PMI.
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edengelt · 2 years
Edan Gelt Presents Increasing Your Brand Awareness on a Budget
In today’s environment, budgets are tight and you have to get the biggest bang out of every dollar spent. Learn how you can be increasing your brand awareness on a budget. You know you have to brand but now is not the time to hire out, you can barely cover payroll.
Don’t lose hope, here are a few simple things you can do without breaking the bank.
Why Brand?
Let’s start with the basics – the “why”.  The point of branding is to showcase what makes you different from your competitors.  Marketing conveys your unique value and consistency increases the power of your brand.
Stick to it
Identify your strategy, value and messaging at the get go.  When you waiver and change your position frequently, you waste valuable dollars and lose trust with your target market. Get it right, right away.  That’s not saying you can’t make small changes along the way or as you grow but know who you are and stay the course.
Laser Focus
Identify who you are trying to reach.  You can’t be everything to everyone or you will wind up being nothing to no one.  Come to the market understanding not only who you are trying to reach but also what their needs are. Identify your target market and learn about them; research what they value, where they look for content, what their pain points are and how your service, product or business fulfills that need or eases the pain.  
This is the easiest and most effective way to market on a dime.  Learn how to mix and mingle at work events, conferences, virtual calls, lines at a coffee shop even your kid’s school functions.  Traditional old-fashioned networking can go a long way to getting your name out there. When you put a face behind the business or brand it goes a long way. Challenge yourself – try to introduce yourself and your brand to at least 3 new people a week.
It is no longer enough to just have a social media page and presence; you need to jump into your customers’ conversations and understand what they value and give it to them. Create a concise social media strategy and curate your content, including company updates and trends, to maximize engagement on your platforms to establish yourself as an industry leader. Use specific hashtags and maybe even develop your own hashtag to group your content and make it easier for people to find. 
Lead by Example
Testimonials on Google, Yelp and Facebook lend credibility to your brand.  Ask your existing clients to write a review and share their experiences. Even better than written testimonials are those done in video format and shared to your Google page. 
Samples of your work or case studies can also be extremely helpful when closing a new client or attracting new ones.  Case studies share how your product or service created value for someone else and samples of your work exhibits how you did it. 
Double your reach and budget by partnering with another complementary brand that targets a similar audience.  If you engage with a brand that already has established trust with your clients, they are more likely to trust your brand. Make the most of your partnerships by finding businesses with similar but non-competing target markets and co-market. 
Be a Guest
Appearing on someone else’s platform, such as a podcast or blog, exhibits your initiative and your intelligence. Podcasts and blogs are all the rage and being featured on one gives you the opportunity to get in front of new clients.  It also positions you as an industry expert. 
You don’t have to spend a lot of money to increase your brand awareness. Just try some of the tactics here to discover works best for increasing your brand awareness on a budget.
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edengelt · 2 years
Branding Looking Forward – After the Pandemic
These are seismic changes to the ways large brands communicate with consumers. Brands with foresight are switching more toward a communication strategy that involves building trust with consumers. These new efforts open more direct communication channels. 
It is a drive toward consumer centricity that is unlikely to change even after the pandemic eases. It was a world that was on the verge of major change anyway. The global pandemic is pushing many of these changes upon us without letting them ‘evolve’ naturally. 
As ever with global brands, leading brand strategies during the pandemic are quick on the uptake. It is the ones who fail to see this and don’t shift their communication strategies that will fall by the wayside.
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