Even after all these centuries, it seems that life will find a way to catch you off guard. I suppose I should feel fortunate that this surprise in particular is of the pleasant sort.
I shall have to follow this particular development closely.
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I am forced to admit that some performances of musical theatre are of a markedly higher quality than some renditions of Shakespeare's works.
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- trece :3<
You present a truly fascinating perspective, Trece. Perhaps you are correct, and I should simply cut to the chase and make the true intent behind my statements clear?
Step a little closer, my feathered little fiend, and I shall communicate with you in a way that needs no words. Although, I must hasten to add, I have a small question to posit to you before we begin our little chat.
How swiftly, I wonder, can you escape without those lovely wings of yours?
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Yes. I suppose I would allow myself to be categorised under the common meanings of that word.
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An unexpected development.
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