edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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If you haven't been following the Twitter, then we'd like to let you know Mod Angel already packed and shipped all local and Asian orders a while back, and today all Aus, NZ, and Euro packages were processed and shipped! All respective PDFs have been sent as well. Please check your emails for tracking numbers and other relevant details.
Thank you for your patience! We'll continue to keep everyone updated for when the next batch is sent out.
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cyanoscarlet · 6 years
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Got my copy of @edgeofgloryzine today! Thank you so much to all the staff and contributors of #YuriZinePH for this Awesome-As-Heck Yura Collection! 💛
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roerukun · 6 years
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i’m finally done with my thing for @edgeofgloryzine so here’s a sneak peak!!! it’s a stray from my usual style but definitely had fun with this! pls do watch out for the preorder in the near future bc there’s a lot of good artists in this!! full piece will be out in the future after the zine is out!! Please do support it yes, it’s so good okay ✨
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slumbrslumbrs · 6 years
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A draft snippet from my @edgeofgloryzine piece, focusing on Yuri's future. Adversity is only part of the story. 
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4lyeskas · 7 years
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Filipino artist? Fan of the Ice Tiger of Russia? Then stay tuned because something tiger-printed is coming your way!! 
                           [ twitter.com/edgeofgloryzine || #YuriZinePH ]
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I'm finally gosh-dang-DONE with my contribution to @edgeofgloryzine! (´∀` )
*Full image will be released in the future, when the zine's out.*
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eclair · 6 years
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Preview of something I made for @edgeofgloryzine! Hope you could check out and support this project! <3
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calemonsi · 6 years
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small preview for @edgeofgloryzine ! super excited!!
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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All zine materials in!
Did you manage to snag a Gold Medal bundle? Here’s the full preview of everything included — from the zine, to charms, to stickers, to prints and bookmarks! Mod Angel has everything stacked and ready in her room. Look at all the Yuris!
Also, again, please refer to this post for details about packing and shipping, especially the T&C. The mod team will continue to keep everyone updated as batches are packed and shipped out.
Thank you for your patience and support! We can’t wait to get all the zines and bundles to everyone who ordered ^  ^
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cyanoscarlet · 6 years
concept piece: edge of glory zine
Short excerpt from my concept for @edgeofgloryzine, featuring Uncle Yuri and Yuuri and Viktor’s daughter, Hina (an original character, whom you may have first read about in my old fic here). Please buy it when pre-orders open! Many amazing works await, and you’re contributing to a great cause.
Yuri listens as Hina opens up about her problem. She has to repeat a grade in school. She knows she is good, but not enough. She isn't enough. She can't live up to her parents' name. Her parents are supportive, but why, why are they too kind to her? They love her, but they don't understand her. She loves them, she does, but she doesn't understand them.
As always, Yuri is honest with her.
"You're never enough."
"But then again, no one ever is. It's why we try our best. There's nothing wrong with trying hard. It brings you higher, it gets you places. The sky has no ceiling, there's no way but up. And the only way you can do your best is if you don't look back. Don't worry about the bottom. There are people underneath, supporting you, pushing you upward."
"Your parents, they do love you. Not just because you're their kid, but because you're you. Even if you weren't theirs, they'd love you just the same. Your Uncle and I, in the years we've known you, we've grown proud of you. Proud to be part of your life."
"As long as you try your best, that's enough. Enough for you, enough for your dads, enough for me."
It makes Hina feel better.
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keitan · 6 years
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I always think it’s cool to see other people’s art process, so here’s a wip gif of the piece I’m doing for The Edge of Glory, Yuri on Ice zine 😊
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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One batch done!
If you haven’t been following our Twitter updates – Mod Angel has packed and shipped most of the contributors’ bundles, which should start arriving at local addresses soon (international will take a while!). They’re currently waiting on the rest of their order of bubble mailers so they can pack and ship the next batches. The mod team will continue keeping you posted with updates!
Thank you for your patience and support!
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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All print samples are in!!
Exciting update – here’s a preview of most of the Gold Medal bundle, including the physical zine, sticker sheets, bookmark, and A6 prints! Mod Angel has checked over and approved all the samples for the flat/printed merch, which means production has now been greenlit ^ ^ We expect delivery within the next few weeks, and an update on the charms as well.
The mod team will continue updating throughout the production process, and of course, when shipping starts. We’re incredibly excited to get the zine orders to all of you!!
Happy weekend! 
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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EDGE OF GLORY: A Yuri Plisetsky Fanzine is now available for pre-order! The store and local order form will remain open until 25 May 2018, 11:59PM GMT unless otherwise announced.
Kindly refer to the zine previews posted to the Tumblr for more details.
If there are any concerns or issues, please inform the Edge of Glory team as soon as possible so we can address them! You may contact the team here via Tumblr, through the zine Twitter, or email us at [email protected].
Thank you!
[ cover by @rainlikestars ] [ @yoizine-n-doujin ]
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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We’ve got mail!
The test print of the zine was delivered today! The mod team and contributors are in the process of checking it over for any errors, corrections and adjustments. Once that’s done and we’ve finalized the layout once and for all, it’s all systems go for printing!
Merch samples will also be arriving over the next few days, so stay tuned for previews of those, too! ^ ^ In the meantime, we’ve got a flip vid preview up too!
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edgeofgloryzine · 6 years
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Agape, Prima, or Madness?
Which one did you get – or was it all three? Mod Angel has picked up the charms from customs and they’re now home with almost all the rest of the zine materials! We’re just waiting for the stickers to be cut and delivered, and then we’ll have everything assembled!
Again, please refer to this post for an update regarding packing and shipping. We’ll keep everyone updated as the batches go out ^  ^
As for inquiries regarding leftover/defect sales or a second pre-order run, the mod team will keep you posted! Mod Angel still has to quality check and pack all current orders first. The team will release a statement once everything has gone out and we have assessed our remaining (if ever) stock.
Thank you for your patience and support!
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