#edit: I Must Say i have been recommended other performances because ppl dont like the hasselhoff performance
lonely-dog-song · 2 years
I have to type J&H thourghts bc i finally watched this musical!!!!!!! (It was a david hasselhoff performance) THIS has SPOILERS btw !!!!!!!
The singing was so FAST omg why we going so fast!!!!! it was also hard 2 understand ppl w no subtitles so sometimes I was just like. Welp. Relying on my prior knowledge of the musical to get me thru this lol. This made the pacing so fast... dude... lets all breathe a bit
I loved hearing the audience laugh a few times, especially in Transformation when Henry starts laughing & then writes "no noticeable differences" or whatever LOL. I like that laugh in that song tho it's a nice touch
B4 i watched it, I thought of The World Has Gone Insane & was like oh I wonder how they'll encorporate that into the musical :•) & then they DIDNT. bit sad. although it does seem very detached from the plot itself so I cannot blame them
Same thing with Bring on the Men & Girls of the Night actually. BOTM is so fun tho!!!!!!! 😔
not nearly as much sex as I expected
Wait also A Dangerous Game is such a sensual song I thought Lucy was into it but their performance was so uncomfortable... womp womp.. when I listen to it I'm like oh u can make a cool dance with this. But they didn't even dance........
Lucy sang A New Life & then I was like "uh oh, that was her last song. She could die at any second now. & it's gonna make me so mad." & then Hyde kills her while singing a reprise of Sympathy, Tenderness & I was like HOLY MOLY!!! SICK AND TWISTED!!!!!!!! I kind of dig it though. 😑
not nearly as much blood as I expected either. although some guy was set on fire which was epic
I've never watched a performance of Confrontation bdespite it being so iconic to me. I think the way they did the character change was really good but it also made me laugh. Sorry david
I thought Utterson & Danvers narrating periodically was rly unnecessary.... but on the other hand I like those characters so it was more screen time for them.......... agh
I was hoping for more character development between the songs- as well as going more into detail about the experiemtn- but there was not a whole lot of that?? This is so sad, I would watch the musical if it was 3 hours long for it to be more engaging please
o wanted more Emma also... I would love 2 know more about why she & Henry love each other n stuff....! The actress for her was rly cute though & I liked her performance :•) (it was Andrea something I think)
WAIT I HAVE ANOTHER THOUGHT. I Liked Jekyll using his right hand & hyde using his left hand, I thought that was a neat detail. Left-handed representation 💯💯
Every time Lucy finished a solo and the audience clapped & she smiled really big it was so cute :''''''•(
Basically ,🤲I wish this musical was better argh.... urgh.... agh *grits my teeth*
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