#edit: added not gif version as well because the gif made it crunchy
cliaban-rilag · 1 month
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Count Arendae has something sinister going on...
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carversims · 5 months
PSA: PeggyZone fixes
so! I've made some learning progress with fixing peggy hairs!
for starters, I've managed to get into the swing of fixing the transparency issues, which means I'll be able to fix up many more hairs than before!
if you're wonder just what I mean by fixing, well:
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the most obvious thing I do is resize and reshape the hair mesh. peggy was a bit notorious back in the day for having "big" hairs that often sat too high on the head. many sims using her hairs suffered from overly large foreheads because of this!
the less obvious things? I fix up the bone assignments, which more often than not would originally have the hair looking quite.. crunchy when sims moved their head. I will also be adding fat morphs when needed and the hair is low poly enough to do so!
and if you're wondering what the whole "unlocking" this is about, well. basically peggy did... something to her meshes that made it so they couldn't be extracted from her files and edited, and they couldn't be cloned by modders who wanted to simply retexture the hair. this meant that you could only ever use one version of peggy's hair in your game at a time. I've managed to, for the most part, bypass this and extract the meshes myself!
of course there is still one issue: sometimes the meshes will extract poorly, and the face data gets lost. essentially that means the shape of the hair is still there, but the actual strands of hair are not! there isn't much I can do about this... for now.
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with these hairs, I've stuck to retexturing them and sharing them as-is, just in case anyone wants to use them anyways!
♡ CARVER  ♡  
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