#edit: added the part about Spamtown
gatorbeast · 3 years
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also, my spamton was always shorter than the addisons but the acid made him even shorter and disproportionate, with his head staying the same size, upper body only shrinking a little, and his legs shrinking the most bc of how he got dunked in there.
spamton started off as a rare defective addison without color who would glitch his speech and would send his email ads over and over uncontrollably and as a result was off putting and didn’t get many sales. because of this he was assigned all the crappy deals nobody else wanted to sell. all the other addisons call eachother by their colors, but he didn’t really have any color, he was always an odd off-white or slightly reflected the colors around him (he looks greenish because his clothes have green aspects). they couldn’t settle on what to call him and just called him addispam as a nickname that caught on because of his tendency to copy speech and blurt out glitched words, as well as sending way too many of his ads out
eventually he opened his own auto shop selling cars to try and make a name for himself despite his odd appearance and distorted unsettling glitched speech, wasn’t very successful and he started to get desperate. he was very stubborn that he would succeed and would tell all the other addisons (close business friends) how one day he was going to make it big.
one fateful day in 1997, he got a phone call asking him if he wanted to know how to succeed. his life immediately changed and within months went from a nobody to a famous celebrity millionaire, and he’ll remember this as the best year of his life.
the voice on the phone told him that his unusual speech and tendency to repeat ads could be used as a secret advantage and “trained” it, so his glitched voice could be used as ad space and his repeating methods of sending ads could be utilized as a special new method of advertisement called “spam”, named after him. he got control over his speech and could use this unique ability like a soundboard, where he could choose where to shout-out his sponsors or newest product at any time. this proved to be a REALLY good idea/ability and he ended up getting more customers than anyone.
along with this, he recorded a commercial for his auto shop where he said the catchy slogan “nows your chance to be a big shot, at big shot autos!”, which got in everyone’s head and somehow became a household name. to look more appealing and standing out from the other addisons, he plucked his whiskers, dyed his hair, and started slicking it back. he changed his name to spamton, closer to a lightner name, to stand out even more and be memorable.
he started getting interviews, bigger deals, business opportunities, front pages in magazines, tv shows, and mostly commercials where he would show up with his sparkly suit and slicked back hair and repeat his iconic phrase. everyone loved it, but his friends all got jealous and abandoned him. he was so successful that he even got his own branch of the city dedicated to him, called Spamtown, with his face everywhere. spamton was given full control of it, and could control the sky like a hologram, running ads through it, or his face, or anything else. (this is it abandoned, with the sky full of static from spamton not putting anything up there. later on in the neo fight, he decides to make the sky look like heaven, which is why the background turns to his shop background. that’s how he remembers heaven looking, and because he believes he’s going to be free, takes control of the sky again and makes it look like his favorite thing. gonna talk about heaven a lot more below)
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he was a lobbyist at this point, and used his absurd amount of money to get whatever he wanted. but it still… wasnt enough.
you all know what happens next.
one day in the mansion, he was talking on the phone as usual, asking for what to do next now that he had it all. his life had meaning now! but… what would he do with it? just make more ads, just sell more? he was always hungry for something bigger, something better. he wanted to be remembered without being tethered down to this identity he made for himself. he wanted to be free. he had gotten a taste of greatness and couldnt stop wanting more- he couldn’t explain it but he felt there was more for him. the voice told him that he could never have it. he told him the reason for that was because they were all living in a fake world where nobody had any control of their lives. after all, they all relied on the lightners. lightners made the internet, they were the addisons customers, they were the ones who swatchlings created art for. he didn’t realize it, but everyone in his whole life ultimately had no freedom at all, stuck in a loop.
he was deeply distressed by this, but the voice told him to go to the basement and see what he really meant. so he did, and he saw the abandoned neo machine. inside of it was the shadow crystal.
when he looked into it, he saw something he had never seen before. he was looking into the light world, out the computer screen all his life and everything he’s known was inside, the computer pointed towards a window. he saw the trees blowing in the wind, the breeze, the air, the clouds in the sky and of course the sun. he had never seen anything like it and immediately knew that was what he was made for- that was the bigness he wanted so badly. to experience what was outside this tiny world. something so beautiful he called it HEAVEN. and the neo body could take him there. if he could get inside of it, he would be bigger than ever before. after all, the neo body was HOLY. it was a lightners creation, someone who lived in heaven. it was an angel. if he could just get into it, all his problems would be solved.
but heaven was too bright for him- his kind was never meant to see that. it burned his eyes, and he couldn’t look at life the same way ever again. he was sensitive to bright light from then on. he became obsessed with heaven and saw the neo body as a god that showed him purpose, and started praying to it.
when he went back up to his room to beg the voice to tell him more, there was nothing. just garbage noise.
it all went downhill from there.
without the voice to train his speech and stop him from glitching and giving him advice on how to sell his products, he lost control. but he wasn’t just without any guidance- some outside force was now controlling him. the help and guidance he got from the voice was not just on the phone anymore, it was always there with him, not speaking, just controlling without spamton asking to. he censored his speech, controlled where he walked, made him smile all the time.
after all, spamton wanted structure and control. this is what he wanted, what he asked for. right?
he became completely unstable, he didn’t know what to do anymore. his voice returned to the glitchy unstableness he had before he made that call, and had no control over when the glitches happened. every day he would spend hours praying to the neo machine, asking for help that never came. sales dropped, he became frantic, and one day on a live commercial he snapped, and starting raving about heaven and angels and the bright sun he saw that day, about how everything they worked for was just in a little metal box. nobody believed him. everyone thought he was crazy and suddenly his sales dropped to zero, his reputation was ruined, he was a total disgrace. Spamtown was shut down and all contact with it was removed, the rollercoaster transport systems moved to the basement so nobody could get there anymore. the whole place was left to rot. who wants to live in a place dedicated to a delusional maniac?
queen demanded he was removed from the mansion lest her reputation be ruined as well. spamton desperately demanded he had to stay- how would he live without praying to neo, seeing that little glimpse of heaven to push him on every day? the swatchlings took the furniture out of his room, and the head butler was told to use lethal force to get this scum out of the mansion. he was burnt in acid and thrown out to the dogs, broken beyond repair and without a scrap of freedom left.
he tried starting up his shop again, but nobody would even look at him anymore. he was a complete disgrace. one day, he tried to impersonate swatch to get a chance to see the neo machine and heaven again, dressing up as them using the last money he had left to buy the outfit, but was thrown out. he became so distressed about not seeing heaven that he tried to recreate it in his home, painting the blue skies with clouds and the sun he saw from the shadow crystal. he kept wearing the swatch impersonation outfit because his old red suit was ruined from acid, and as it turns out, the tinted bicolored glasses did wonders for his light sensitivity. and so it went, living in the dumpster and waiting for the right chance to get into the neo body and get free from his living prison.
my neo design will have his whole separate page ;] but his fight takes place on the rollercoaster going around his whole abandoned town dedicated to him, which adds a whole other layer of angst onto the already horrible neo fight
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