#but yeah that’s all my spamton backstory thoughts
transsweet · 1 year
every time someone says scc are worthless characters in deltarune i feel my soul wither away more and more
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yanderespamton78 · 3 months
dont mind me just rambling about how much i fucking love aditya singh from sweet tooth and all the similarities he has to spamton
i didnt reread this because its so long so sorry if it doesnt flow very well i tried my best
ADI. DR SINGH. ADITYA SINGH. LOVE THAT MAN. I loved Adi from pretty early on, even in the little intro i liked his personality and thought he was sweet and he actually reminded me of quite a few people in my life. But as the show went on he really became one of my fav favs like i LOVED him every time he was on screen i was happy and i realised this is because the man is exactly like spamton. Yeah you know the guy who i analysed down to the code on why he was so great?? that one. So here are all the correlations i could find between the two
Their stories dont start too similarly. Adi was very happy with his wife and had a good job, Spamton was.. I mean he was doing ok but not well by any means. He was actually pretty miserable. but they both had their lives turned upside down very quickly and very suddenly, for better or for worse. They lost people and things that were very important to them, for Spamton this being the addisons, his only friends, and for Adi this being everyone in his life other than his wife.
Despite this, they tried to cling onto normalcy and routine as best as they could, Spamton trying to create a life for himself in the mansion and Adi trying to create a life with Rami in that little community. They were happy, they were doing great, the idea of being able to live a normal life was becoming a reality. They both had benefactors who allowed them to live this life, Spamtons being the phone person and Aditya's being Gladys as she gave them the medication for Rami.
But whether they knew it or not, this couldn't last forever. For both even in this perfect life there was a dark undertone. Spamton may have been rich and happy but it was just because he was being puppeted by a higher force, and Adi and Rami may have been able to live comfortably but it was impossible to ignore how quickly they would be left in the mud if anyone discovered Rami had the sick. I mean, poor fucking Doug that was brutal. Then one day, their respective benefactors allowing them to have this life disappear. Spamton is left to crash and burn without the phone person and everyone discovers Rami has the Sick after Gladys stops making the treatments.
They are both then made to do things that they dont want to do by higher forces in the desperate hope that it'll allow them to just live their life as if everything was ok. Aditya is forced to try to find the cure, having to hurt children in the process but its ok because hes doing it to save Rami?? Right?? Spamton is on his last legs, all he needs is NEO. Then he'll be free. All Aditya needs is the cure. Then he can just live his life with Rami. And then they do it. Spamton strikes the deal with Kris. Adi finds the cure. it doesnt matter what they had to do to make it this far!!! Theyve done it!!!
But they havent. they havent really. The NEO body doesnt free him. He's still got the strings. The cure doesn't really work. They get desperate. They think their only hope is to kill the child protagonist. Spamton decomes frantic, thinking that the only thing that can truly save him is Kris's soul. Adi becomes crazed and deluded, thinking all he needs to do is make it to that cave and stab Gus, then he will be redeemed for all the horrible things he's done. They get so close.
But last second they realise what they're doing and what they've done to get there. Finally Spamton's last string is snapped. Adi remembers Rami. Their stories end with them making a sacrifice for their respective child protagonists so that they can hopefully go on and live a happy life. Aditya sacrifices his life to save Gus and Spamton turns himself into a piece of armour to assist kris in their adventure, in hopes that they will one day be able to find freedom.
ok if you made it to the end holy shit well done and if you like both Spamton and Adi marry me now please
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zerodderty · 7 months
Undertale Yellow feels like, and I don’t say this lightly, the Advent Children of UT/DR
Looks really cool, *is* really cool in a lot of the ways that count, even hits home sometimes… but also nobody who touched the production ever really “got” the original, so it’s just kinda hollow
That’s not always a bad thing, fanlike reverence leads to new ideas being created usually when people try to replicate the things they like about a work while cutting back on the less important bits. But when you tie it to this worship of the original text you get all these… janky halfhearted copies.
Like, oh, we gotta kinda have a Papyrus. Here’s your robot section. Didn’t you like Undertale’s Neutral Route? There’s some quieter comparison points where you can feel the thought that went into making UTY a fun reflection of the original. But also sometimes things feel needless, like they’re there to fill a quota.
The pacing gets this the worst- the actual main cast is introduced two thirds of the way through the story, so most of the early areas are JUST old Undertale zones without the humor or charm. Pacifist in particular suffers because of how much importance it puts on characters and scenarios that a first time player will have No time to care about.
The themes here are…. Incoherent. Copying Undertale’s structure so hard means that unintentionally a lot of the same Determination, Empathy, Content Consumption stuff gets reiterated, while the new stuff about Justice and Consequences feels like its totally shoved to the ends of each route where characters will start talking as if walking around doing random encounters and occasionally stumbling into bits with characters who immediately fall in love with you and proceed to do three bits before leaving means we’ve had some Deep Meaningful Arc together that is climaxing only now.
Which is to say at some point in every route characters will start ranting about Justice and Heroism in a way that just feels really goofy since it always comes out of nowhere. I can see the narrative bones of a fun western romp, but its buried under all this Undertale flavored fluff that makes the early game feel charming but hollow, the midgame feel abrupt and slow, and the endgame feel interesting but wayyyy too fast and undercooked for whats come before it.
And then there’s the Cool parts. The character design is just fifteen levels of weird, everyone is the same sort of lanky furry creature with these big mysterious angsty backstories that mainly serve to funnel people towards the two big endgame superbosses of Pacifist and Genocide. And they certainly are big, taking the form of long, multiphase endeavors with more than a few totally unbalanced attacks that go more for flash and overwhelming density than anything else.
And hey, I can’t say the flash doesn’t work…? I think with Deltarune as a comparison now, the weird reality breaking freaks of Jevil and Spamton feel a lot more interesting of a Sans followup but sure yeah, I can’t say that these anime powerups don’t look sick even if they feel a little disconnected from everything. But it feels like they exist at the expense of everything else as these all encompassing fixation points.
And hell, UTY is probably the *most* restrained Undertale fangame here, because you can tell in the base encounter design that clearly the developers liked the idea that Undertale was a game with encounters in it, even if the bits aren’t always as funny or charming they’re at least there and well executed. I like the random monsters! They’re probably my favorite thing here because they don’t feel exaggerated or cast aside to better focus in on the Cool Stuff
I dunno, I feel weirdly conflicted that a game so technically competent at emulating Undertale and so clearly passionate in its aims feels so uneven and clumsy. I’m glad it exists, I’m glad I played it, I just wish it was more… good. Maybe it’s in part that I got into Undertale from its influences (Homestuck and weird quirked up JRPGs) that it feels so weird to have those influences diminished to better do the Cool Stuff, but I feel if UTY wanted to just do the Cool Stuff it would have been better served not being so tied down to living up to the already lofty task of Undertale 2 without feeling like a direct to dvd and home video sequel.
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talkingattumble · 1 year
okay deltarune opinion incoming so spoilers and all that
Okay here’s like my take on the secret bosses so far. Fair warning this isn’t structured at all, I just kinda leap from subject to subject and this entire thing is just ramblings so don’t expect some well thought out and presented theory it is just my thoughts, and some messy theories. SORRY IN ADVANCE FIR THE LONG POST like seriously this post is just a bunch of enormous paragraphs about my extra shaky barely supported deltarune theories so be warned
First of all, jevil is pretty widely assumed to be the joker card in a deck of cards. Mostly from the fact that he was the jester in a card based dark world and that he is wearing a joker outfit. Also, his signature line is “I can do anything”, which is kind of a reference to the fact that a joker card can do anything in most card games. Anyways, so I saw this theory in a video about the bosses being tossed aside or ignored things. And I was agreeing with it, but then I thought about jebil. Why would a joker card be tossed aside? Okay well in my experience. The joker card is usually super op in most card games. For example, in war, most of the time the joker is regarded as being able to beat any card (in some cases only an ace can beat it, but I’m not sure how common that rule is or if it has any significance to the interpretation). For this reason, it’s usually not included to make the game more fair, as most of the time anyone who ends up with a joker card gets a huge advantage. So a lot of the time people end up playing without a joker and forgetting about it. And his whole backstory? I think that jevil believing that his life is a game is another reason he’s always saying “I can do anything”. The world he lives in is populated by (mostly) a suit of cards. And once he realized he was the joker, he kinda realized how powerful he was compared to everyone else. He could literally do anything they could. So yeah that’s my take. Very badly structured and probably obvious, but I’d rather make a post than spam my friends about it.
Spamton is kinda more easy because of the sheer amount of characters who are able to add details and perspectives to his story. But I’m still gonna take a crack at it. Right off the bat, it becomes obvious that spamton is a spam ad. His disjointed speech that’s often interrupted with words or phrases you often see in spam, the fact that he pops out and starts forcing us to make a deal (in contrast to the other ads who you could choose to interact with), the rip off items in his shop, and his literal name. I think this is also what the addisons meant when they said “he was just unlucky”. Unlike the other ads, spamton was kind of doomed from the start. No matter how hard he works, nobody will buy his products because he’s a spam ad, and basically Nobody ever clicks on spam ads. The rest of his story is mostly outright told to us. He gets famous from a man named Mike, gets so popular he gets into the queens castle, the addisons leave him out of jealousy, Mike stops helping him, he goes a bit insane and starts worshipping a broken down machine, he gets evicted, and eventually we come along and help him (to sum it up). I also have a theory that he might’ve falllen into the acid pool at some point, but it’s not well supported. My only evidence really is that he’s very tiny and the dialogue in his shop where he randomly starts screaming in pain and saying how “it burns”. Not really important but I couldn’t fit it in anywhere else. Ok moving on. So even though we’ve basicslly got spamtons backstory down, there’s still something we’re all in the dark about: Mike, the man in the tv. So it’s kind of widely accepted at this point that mike is the grinning tv seen at the end of chapter two, and that’s what I’m basing my theory on. So why would the tv guy help spamton? Okay so here’s my thoughts. One thing that has been a regular thing on tv for a while is dumb commercials that try to convince people to buy useless things. I feel like Most people usually don’t pay attention to that kind of stuff. But I will say, even though I have no evidence to support this, based on my experiences and the people around me, commercials work much better than spam ads, even if they’re essentially the same thing. My thoughts on why: spam ads are something st the edge of the screen that you can ignore or usually close. And when they take the form of messages or emails, they’re usually sent straight to the junk or spam sections, meaning there’s a huge chance they won’t even be seen. But on tv, most of these spam advert style commercials are on live channels, meaning they can’t be skipped. Meaning that more people see them and are tempted to buy the things in them. So if spamtons ads were out in commercial form, it would make sense for him to suddenly get a boost in popularity. But this could also explain why Mike stops helping him. Eventually, due to changes in the way tv works, these dumb spam ad type adverts became less effective and only caused people to be more annoyed with live tv/switch to other methods of watching movies. So it would make sense for Mike to drop spamtons commercials as soon as they started causing viewers to drop. My last piece of evidence to support this would be, how one addison specifically calls attention to the noise that is heard when you try to call someone in the dark world. It’s described as garage noise, but what you hear is a messed up kind of staticky noise. Spamton also has static in his eyes when he mentioned Mike.
Oh yeah, here’s another thing. Something I don’t see many people talk about it the moment in his shop where his eyes go dark and he says “hello….can anyone hear me…..” or smth like that, and then says that he didn’t hear anything but he thinks it’s probably for us?? I’ve got a few theories. It could be his connection with Mike (again, note that he has dark static eyes when he says this). “It’s for you” is a phrase commonly used when you get a phone call for someone else, and in this theory we can surmise that Mike was the one calling spamton. So maybe it’s a hint about us facing Mike next chapter? I have some other guesses but no actual evidence to support them so I’ll leave those out for brevity (I say that as if this post isn’t a gajillion paragraphs long already lmao)
Ok last thing: this is pretty irrelevant to the bosses but it technically counts. So a lot of others have already drawn the obvious connection between spamton neo and mettaton neo. But why is mettatons robot body rusting away at the bottom of queens castle? Here’s my theory. So mettaton, at the moment, seems to not have transitioned by this point (wether you view his transition in undertale as being a trans thing or just being a ghost inhabiting a body it likes thing, the word still applies either way so it’s what I’ll use). He refuses to show his face, and is a lot more negative, angrily answering to you and immediately assuming you want to see napstablook instead. Another thing to note is that he calls himself a nobody, and no one in the town seems to mention him. So given all that it’s safe to assume he’s still a ghost with no body. But what does that have to with his neo form in the cyber world? Well my thought is that mettaton designed what his dream form would look like using the computer, but then for some reason (sadness, shame, despair, whatever you want to interpret it as) he tried to delete the file or buried it deep. As the queens castle in general reminds me of a search engine (the rooms based on the characters searches, the butlers giving people the things they ask for or like, the bookshelves, queen herself being concerned with noelles searches, etc.), it’s possible he might have even bookmarked a tab with his design and then forgot about it/didn’t want to revisit it, and the bookmark got buried under the searches and bookmarks of others. Whichever makes more sense idk it’s late. Anyways. So if mettaton is at the point where he wants fame, knows that he wants a different body, and has long had a design, why is he still a ghost who hides away? Well the sad truth is (in my opinion), he’s got no way to make the body. Undertale was a much more fantastical world, full of magic and crazy inventions and things that would be otherwise impossible. Deltarune is a much more grounded world. It contains monsters, but there’s seemingly no magic, no crazy inventions, ordinary shops and buildings. While a “magic portal to a dark town” would be commonplace in the world of undertale, this same thing is laughed at and not believed in the world of deltarune. So, chances are it would be way harder to build a robot as complicated as mettaton neo. Especially because it seems that deltarune takes place in the 2000a or 2010s (based on the computers they use, the chalkboard in the classroom, the clothes the characters wear, and also undertale took on as in 201X so I’d this truly is a parallel world then it likely also takes place at that time). Also, in this universe, alphys is a schoolteacher. There’s no such occupation as “royal scientist/inventor”. So there’s nobody to build the body anyways. In a nutshell: mettaton designs his perfect body, forgets about it or buries it deep due to negative feelings about not being able to achieve this, and he never transitions, meanwhile the powerful design he made stays in the computer, old and buried deep underneath all the newer searches and files.
But why would spamton worship this machine in particular? Well the first theory is that the machine is very old. Mettaton is obviously older than Kris (he was much older than frisk and doesn’t go to school with Kris). So it would make sense that by the time Kris gets to the cyber world, mettatons design file is considered very very old to the cyber people. Maybe file she has something to do with power, or maybe spamton assumed it was an ancient relic because of its rusty and decrepit look. I’d guess the second because I think one of the swatchlings has dislogue mentioning that spamton would pray to the machine, and that swatch refers to it as a relic. My second theory is that spamton thought that if he could transfer his consciousness to any other body, his strong would be cut, no matter what form it is. And the only available empty body in the castle was the machine in the basement, so he placed all his bets on that.
And finally my third theory (least likely to be true, I believe the answer is a mix of one and two, but this is my personal favorite) is that mettatons body design was made with freedom in mind. This is something they might have sensed and started worshipping the machine for. After all, for mettaton, that body meant being free to be himself, to express himself, to be who he really is. If queen can sense emotion through searches (she called noelles searches strange and sad and is protective of her due to this), who’s to say spamton can’t? Spamton also mentions the smell of freedom a lot, so it’s possible freedom is smth he can just sense.
WOW THAT WAS A LOT. Alright that should satisfy my “must talk about deltarune to everyone and anyone” urge for the week. A lot of this is super shaky, and a lot of it probably has canon answers I just forgot about. But whatever, I mostly just wanted to ramble about deltarune, no structure just word vomit (plus it’s like super late so I’m kinda tired). Also I’m sorry this post is so spamton centric, I know I said I’d talk about both bosses but jebil really got less words than mettaton of all character lmao. I do live jevil and have a whole other load of opinions and theories about jebil, but it’s late and that writing all that here would only make this essay of a post longer. Also there’s way more information available about spamton (two routes worth of content, lore dumps by almost every character in queens castle and even some outside of the castle like the sweet capn cakes or the addisons, the secrets in the spamtons sweepstakes arg stuff, and you can actually talk to him instead of just fighting him) which makes him easier to talk about.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Spamton G Spamton
(From this ( x ) ask meme)
Oh boy... It's been 84 years since I got to talk about my other interests that are not Soulsb0rne xD Yes, I AM still waiting for Deltarune to be finished, just accept it </3
First impression: Bwahahaha, he is so funny! What the fuuuuuuuck xD I don't know how I never expected anyone like that from a COMPUTER-themed Chapter, but what the fuuuuck! xDDDD
Impression now: Honestly? This character cannot be OVER-rated. He is objectively good, and no amount of "hurr hurr mainstream :/" will make him cringe. Yes, that includes fanart that is not quite truthful to his real vibe. I just think he is a very good character - a much more sympathetic example of the character in the setting that gets to learn something he (probably) should have never known, and futility of fighting against it than, say, Jevil was. Jevil SIMPLY went mad, Jevil SIMPLY decided that if nothing is real then none are pain and deaths of people around him... Spamton, though? He still clings to the things he used to care about, he shares much more backstory from his former, more naive self, that 'self' is still alive within him, he wants to be 'real' rather than falling for complete insanity... There are just so many layers to him - all for the character whose EVERY fucking quote sounds like a shitpost. I appreciate the dissonance between his serious lore and his shitposty behavior a lot, actually. The classic of Indie games, hands down, one of the best Deltarune characters yet.
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Favorite moment: You remember THE horror we all felt when by following his directions, we walked in the dead end room, and then tried to walk out of it...... only for the layout of the former screen to fucking CHANGE and create another dead end ;-; Also, the creepy smiley faces in the darkness. Fuckin. Fuckin CLASSIC of pixeley indie RPGs. I loved that small moment soooooo much. It is not to belittle his other moments - every single time he interacts with us and Kris is GOLD anyway. xD
Idea for a story: Lol, that's a hard one, let me refresh my memory... Well, I remember I came up with an idea of him and Noelle interacting - as an AU, or maybe parallel turn of events, or maybe 'it could not have happened in the game or else the chapter would not be fun, so just imagine if Deltarune story was NOT a game'... Yeah. I thought she'd find him funny, and that'd be how they'd strike a conversation.. And in that case, instead of Kris putting the (metaphorical) engagement and marriage rings on her, it'd be placing metaphorical princess and queen crowns on her. She'd basically become his secret weapon, convinced that Kris was possessed by an entity (TECHNICALLY true, by the way...) and they needed to extract it for everyone's sake (of course, for Spamton's first of all, hahah). SO yeah, Noelle would arrive as his secret weapon and have battle with the team instead. It also happened before some LORE about Noelle and Spamton got dropped, so when I also learned THAT, I was pleasantly surprised xD I am a prophet for real sfdfdhsd
Unpopular opinion: Hmmm... Well, I think fandom should never forget that he is both very sleazy AND very much of a loser. x) The last time I checked the fandom, I saw him either as a cute babyboy that toooootally simps for Swatch, OR as a super smart badass mastermind. But he is neither! He is a loser and cringe and fail, but at the same time tries his best to be sneaky. Not a nice person, but not an evil mastermind. He is cringe, but not JUST a comic relief - he has a lot going on! Just imagine a trademark card dealer sneaky guy being struck with the knowledge beyond his understanding... That's it. Basically, my unpopular opinion is just that with Spamton, it is a constant fight of the balancing the character! He is simpler than fandom portrays him AND more complicated than fandom portrays him at the same time!
Favorite relationship: Lol, all his relationship SUCK (source: check his lore) and none of this stuff is genuine anymore </3 However, I am a huge sucker for backstory material where he was still a wholesome family with the Addisons. I see them as actual brothers (divisions of the same concept for Darkners), with Spamton being more like adopted one. But, they all were cringe salespeople at some point! The Knight just HAS to always pick the outcast... Like how Joker card is the least used (so we got Jevil), and how natually, spam is the least checked kind of e-mail and advertisement... But he WAS their cringe weird brother at some point, who was failing but tried his best, and they still accepted him!
Favorite headcanon:
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My favorite headcanon is that it was acid x) As much as I love the theme of a Darkner turning more toylike upon learning about the sheer HORROR of their existence, there are still other darkners who were not exposed to Chaos that show toy-like features. So yes, he had to be rebuild, I think.
Thank you for an ask! x) Sorry if anyone here doesn't like Deltarune (and maybe Undertale too). I don't get to talk about this interest all that often, but UTDR is still one of my favourite pieces of fiction, and this character in particular IS one of my all time favs </3
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frozenhi-chews · 1 year
Can I tell yall how much I love Spamton? Cuz HOOO BOI I love Spamton. I can't fully put it into words why I love this guy so much. He feels real, genuine. Like he's a guy who's genuinely trapped in a game and is desperate to get out.
I really had no interest in Deltarune for a while. I had Undertale, that was good enough for me. But the fanart, especially after chapter 2, was pretty good. So, on the sidelines, I just looked at the fanart. One of my favorite things was looking at all the arts with Kris and the SOUL. It made me go "oh just like OFF!" cuz of thr puppeteer parallels. Only to play it and find out its a lot darker than that.
And then I found. The guy. Y'all know what I'm talking about. I had seen fanart of him before, but I didn't look too much into it. All I knew was that he was a big character and that was it. Until I came across one rabbit hole in the Instagram "for you" page. Spamton fanart. And suddenly, after a bit of scrolling and getting to know the guy somewhat, I began to Feel Things.
Wait, was I CRUSHING on him? My cheeks were getting warm because of HIM?! From the limited knowledge I had, Spamton lived in the TRASH. He sold garbage, was homeless, down on his luck, was living in a dumpster. How was I crushing on this guy?
I was thrown into chaos from that for about a week. And I still drew self ship art with him. It was. A lot. It felt like HE walked up to me, offered me a bouquet, and asked "D4TE ME???" and I went "Yeah sure why not?" This poor guy has nothing else.
I thought he'd be one of those f/os who would stick around for a couple months and leave. Dissappear when I had a new interest. He didn't. Spamton STAYED. Even when I had a Dªycare Attendant phase, Spamton somehow stuck it through. So much so I ended up buying two body pillows AND the official plush.
I learned about his backstory, made theories and analysises, cried over the guy, wanted to hug him, played Chapter 2 just to meet him finally, a lot.
I love this guy. So freaking much. I've had crushes for YEARS on certain characters, and yet. No one. NO ONE has taken over and meant so much to me as him. This trashy, sleazy, scam artist who's angry at everything and is sUCH a bastard, I love him. I care about him. I wanna comfort him and give the guy a hug. Spamton has given me so much comfort. I just. I love the guy okay? I adore him.
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laplacesdevil · 1 year
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@autismrobot5 yes. Yes tou can. I am SO sorry it took this long
We'll go over Miss B first because MMMMWAAAHHH!!!!! I LVOE HER!!!! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW MUCH SHE IS JUST SO!! OOOOOOO!!!!! All of this will be under cut because it's gonna be Lengthy. Most information can be found on their toyhou.se profiles as well! (They're in the Main Projects folder!)
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Miss B is a reporter! Specifically, she broadcasts to an outer audience (technically, us), making most, if not, all drawings with her canon. She also hosts podcasts, but she prefers to be seen the most! She has fourth-wall breaking powers where she speaks to the audience! I'd like to keep her backstory a secret for now, as I'm working on it on-and-off, but I will say she's drastically different from who she was back then and WILL stuff down all negative feelings bc of it. They hate talking about their past. I. Still haven't figured out their reporter voice, but their normal speaking voice is bugs bunny. They are both bunny-adjacent.
Miss B has her own universe btw! It's a floating-in-the-void studio mixed with a penthouse. Multi-floors. Middle floor is her whole studio. There's a compartment in the studio where all folders of possible candidates to interview. Btw the folders kinda hold like an wikipedia-level amount of knowledge on those characters.
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Oh yeah forgot to mention, but Miss B also has a little sidekick of sorts! His name is Frankie :3 (he/ted/hun) n he's a friend's oc! At the moment, while said friend also doesn't know Miss B backstory, Frankie is Miss B's cameraman! Also he is 2. (He's actually like. 7-10 I'm gonna be honest I don't remember.) Miss B and teds parents are on pretty good terms with each other. Miss B also cares a lot for Frankie and always makes sure ted stays behind when it's on dangerous interviews + when hun is sick. Miss B doesn't actually need a cameraman, as it knows it's always (or usually) being watched, but it appreciates the company! Think of them having a slight Sonic-n-Tails friendship
I need you to know that she was originally my fem Springtrap human design before FNAF 3 came out OK? I'm putting her old pic here. Her name was Boldenzie, if u even care...... also her red suit is inspired by old Spamton. Sorry for the gunshot. As for Miss B herself, she came to be because i thought boldenzie was pretty. and i wanted her back. she was actually gonna be a feddyverse oc (Rivals with gracie) but it wasnt workin. also she was gonna be a bit like junko from . the. the. the. the rompers. i thought it would be fun for her to be multiverse, i think bc of santana
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now..... santi..... My dearly beloved.
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so. Fun fact. He's been meant for MANY projects before, but I couldn't make him stick, or I couldn't figure anything for the universe he was in. His "most recent" (abt a year ago, tbh) universe, he was named Marikit Guinto, nicknamed "Calamansi"/"Kalamansi". He had a partner named Rey Basa (they/it), nicknamed "Juniper"/"Juni". Tammi's siblings were in the universe too, but like I couldn't figure out what the universe could be like, so I trashed it. Tammi's siblings are ok btw. Would love to draw them digitally some time. Santana's original design + personality were based off of vry2k gordon because he's so fucking pretty
So, how did Santana FINALLY get to stick? So you see, I had a dream where it was like fnaf roblox building mode. And then there was a pretty cute health inspector because Of Course There Was. I don't remember much abt what happened, but when I woke up, I IMMEDIATELY went to drawing him. Thats when I noticed "Hey this looks like cala". Not sure how I got to him being multiverse, tbh, but then i incorporated his past selves
anyways. to ACTUAL santana stuff.
santana is an angel. He has a true form, but he never feels quite comfortable exposing it, unless in dire situations. He was aware of his past universes, and used to answer to a being called The Almighty One, who he sees as the one who created all the universes he's been in. His backstory goes into it a bit, but basically, after so many requests of a new universe, The Almighty One offers Santana a deal of providing him a universe: record all of the universes that had been created. Santana was desperate and accepted it, and The Almighty One sends him off.
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so like that was a lie btw. well. not PARTICULARLY a lie, but it's an imposible task. The Almighty One isn't even the one who creates the universes, and there's different ones created every second.
Anyways I think I've said this before, but part of Santana knows his task is impossible. But he doesn't want to admit it. He doesn't want to admit that all this work is for nothing. Because if it's for nothing, then what does he have left?
He tries to make himself believe it's for something. To keep going. That the promise will be kept
By the dubs. he was also lied to that he couldn't interact with others. He can! The last time he did, The Almighty One FUCKED with him. Look, I've drawn Santana a few times and he seems elegant and shit, right? I promise you he is NOT that man is emotionally constipated but he's forcing himself to stay stoic and unattached because if he lets one vulnerability he's scared he will not be able to handle it.
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So, unlike Miss B, he has to record everything himself in a journal he conjures up! btw i need you to know miss b sometimes has santana conjure up accessories for their outfits smtimes.
oh this is important. santana and miss b relationship. they certainly do got sm stuff btwn them. problem is that they both have partner problems (i.e., for santana "i watched my boyfriend fucking die in front of me"). Miss B acts real sweet on Santana (she calls him Santi!) and finds him really fun and interesting! Like, wow! Another multiverse traveler! A pretty and smart one too! So fashionable!!! And there's no info on him too? Wowza... Santana, on the other hand, does enjoy Miss B's company after going so long without interaction (will not admit it) and believes she (and Frankie) are the only ones he can interact with safely. But also he pushes the both of them away because he's kinda scared otherwise. He does care for them though.
Santana and Miss B want to get close to each other, but at the same time, the two of them keep their secrets guarded HARD. they complement each other really well.
anyways here's their playlists
miss b: youtube spotify
santana: youtube spotify (missing a song </3)
btw i should note this bc i havent gotten to drawing it yet, but santana sometimes gives himself tits because he likes havin em. he's got some kind of gender going on and i want it
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thebigshotman · 2 years
Hello everyone! After a week, I think I’ve finally (mostly *cough* thelivestream *cough*) processed everything that was revealed during the Sweepstakes last week.
And, uh…not much has changed? A certain something got debunked that was part of Spaul’s backstory, but I don’t want to go into too much detail because I plan on doing a whole event revealing said backstory.
Oh yeah…and Mike apparently isn’t a criminal, at least not like we thought. And my version of Mike is explicitly Gaster. Yeahhhhh…I think I’m just gonna leave it like that, at least until we find out who Mike really is. So if Spaul wasn’t canon divergent before, he is now!
And then there’s the Pipis. You’ll notice this is my first time mentioning them, in character or out. Personally, I’ve always thought they were cursed and had no clue how to implement them, since fellow Spamtons have done just that so well…but I think I have an idea now. More to come on that!
Finally, I think I’m ready to come back! Not sure when I’ll find the time to get to everything I owe (if you’re not still interested in our threads just say so) but when I do you’ll see the notification I replied, I’m sure! My fixation on this guy has come back in full force lol
Anyway, that’s all for now! I’ll see you guys again soon for my grand return!
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gatorbeast · 3 years
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also, my spamton was always shorter than the addisons but the acid made him even shorter and disproportionate, with his head staying the same size, upper body only shrinking a little, and his legs shrinking the most bc of how he got dunked in there.
spamton started off as a rare defective addison without color who would glitch his speech and would send his email ads over and over uncontrollably and as a result was off putting and didn’t get many sales. because of this he was assigned all the crappy deals nobody else wanted to sell. all the other addisons call eachother by their colors, but he didn’t really have any color, he was always an odd off-white or slightly reflected the colors around him (he looks greenish because his clothes have green aspects). they couldn’t settle on what to call him and just called him addispam as a nickname that caught on because of his tendency to copy speech and blurt out glitched words, as well as sending way too many of his ads out
eventually he opened his own auto shop selling cars to try and make a name for himself despite his odd appearance and distorted unsettling glitched speech, wasn’t very successful and he started to get desperate. he was very stubborn that he would succeed and would tell all the other addisons (close business friends) how one day he was going to make it big.
one fateful day in 1997, he got a phone call asking him if he wanted to know how to succeed. his life immediately changed and within months went from a nobody to a famous celebrity millionaire, and he’ll remember this as the best year of his life.
the voice on the phone told him that his unusual speech and tendency to repeat ads could be used as a secret advantage and “trained” it, so his glitched voice could be used as ad space and his repeating methods of sending ads could be utilized as a special new method of advertisement called “spam”, named after him. he got control over his speech and could use this unique ability like a soundboard, where he could choose where to shout-out his sponsors or newest product at any time. this proved to be a REALLY good idea/ability and he ended up getting more customers than anyone.
along with this, he recorded a commercial for his auto shop where he said the catchy slogan “nows your chance to be a big shot, at big shot autos!”, which got in everyone’s head and somehow became a household name. to look more appealing and standing out from the other addisons, he plucked his whiskers, dyed his hair, and started slicking it back. he changed his name to spamton, closer to a lightner name, to stand out even more and be memorable.
he started getting interviews, bigger deals, business opportunities, front pages in magazines, tv shows, and mostly commercials where he would show up with his sparkly suit and slicked back hair and repeat his iconic phrase. everyone loved it, but his friends all got jealous and abandoned him. he was so successful that he even got his own branch of the city dedicated to him, called Spamtown, with his face everywhere. spamton was given full control of it, and could control the sky like a hologram, running ads through it, or his face, or anything else. (this is it abandoned, with the sky full of static from spamton not putting anything up there. later on in the neo fight, he decides to make the sky look like heaven, which is why the background turns to his shop background. that’s how he remembers heaven looking, and because he believes he’s going to be free, takes control of the sky again and makes it look like his favorite thing. gonna talk about heaven a lot more below)
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he was a lobbyist at this point, and used his absurd amount of money to get whatever he wanted. but it still… wasnt enough.
you all know what happens next.
one day in the mansion, he was talking on the phone as usual, asking for what to do next now that he had it all. his life had meaning now! but… what would he do with it? just make more ads, just sell more? he was always hungry for something bigger, something better. he wanted to be remembered without being tethered down to this identity he made for himself. he wanted to be free. he had gotten a taste of greatness and couldnt stop wanting more- he couldn’t explain it but he felt there was more for him. the voice told him that he could never have it. he told him the reason for that was because they were all living in a fake world where nobody had any control of their lives. after all, they all relied on the lightners. lightners made the internet, they were the addisons customers, they were the ones who swatchlings created art for. he didn’t realize it, but everyone in his whole life ultimately had no freedom at all, stuck in a loop.
he was deeply distressed by this, but the voice told him to go to the basement and see what he really meant. so he did, and he saw the abandoned neo machine. inside of it was the shadow crystal.
when he looked into it, he saw something he had never seen before. he was looking into the light world, out the computer screen all his life and everything he’s known was inside, the computer pointed towards a window. he saw the trees blowing in the wind, the breeze, the air, the clouds in the sky and of course the sun. he had never seen anything like it and immediately knew that was what he was made for- that was the bigness he wanted so badly. to experience what was outside this tiny world. something so beautiful he called it HEAVEN. and the neo body could take him there. if he could get inside of it, he would be bigger than ever before. after all, the neo body was HOLY. it was a lightners creation, someone who lived in heaven. it was an angel. if he could just get into it, all his problems would be solved.
but heaven was too bright for him- his kind was never meant to see that. it burned his eyes, and he couldn’t look at life the same way ever again. he was sensitive to bright light from then on. he became obsessed with heaven and saw the neo body as a god that showed him purpose, and started praying to it.
when he went back up to his room to beg the voice to tell him more, there was nothing. just garbage noise.
it all went downhill from there.
without the voice to train his speech and stop him from glitching and giving him advice on how to sell his products, he lost control. but he wasn’t just without any guidance- some outside force was now controlling him. the help and guidance he got from the voice was not just on the phone anymore, it was always there with him, not speaking, just controlling without spamton asking to. he censored his speech, controlled where he walked, made him smile all the time.
after all, spamton wanted structure and control. this is what he wanted, what he asked for. right?
he became completely unstable, he didn’t know what to do anymore. his voice returned to the glitchy unstableness he had before he made that call, and had no control over when the glitches happened. every day he would spend hours praying to the neo machine, asking for help that never came. sales dropped, he became frantic, and one day on a live commercial he snapped, and starting raving about heaven and angels and the bright sun he saw that day, about how everything they worked for was just in a little metal box. nobody believed him. everyone thought he was crazy and suddenly his sales dropped to zero, his reputation was ruined, he was a total disgrace. Spamtown was shut down and all contact with it was removed, the rollercoaster transport systems moved to the basement so nobody could get there anymore. the whole place was left to rot. who wants to live in a place dedicated to a delusional maniac?
queen demanded he was removed from the mansion lest her reputation be ruined as well. spamton desperately demanded he had to stay- how would he live without praying to neo, seeing that little glimpse of heaven to push him on every day? the swatchlings took the furniture out of his room, and the head butler was told to use lethal force to get this scum out of the mansion. he was burnt in acid and thrown out to the dogs, broken beyond repair and without a scrap of freedom left.
he tried starting up his shop again, but nobody would even look at him anymore. he was a complete disgrace. one day, he tried to impersonate swatch to get a chance to see the neo machine and heaven again, dressing up as them using the last money he had left to buy the outfit, but was thrown out. he became so distressed about not seeing heaven that he tried to recreate it in his home, painting the blue skies with clouds and the sun he saw from the shadow crystal. he kept wearing the swatch impersonation outfit because his old red suit was ruined from acid, and as it turns out, the tinted bicolored glasses did wonders for his light sensitivity. and so it went, living in the dumpster and waiting for the right chance to get into the neo body and get free from his living prison.
my neo design will have his whole separate page ;] but his fight takes place on the rollercoaster going around his whole abandoned town dedicated to him, which adds a whole other layer of angst onto the already horrible neo fight
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mouseonvenus-main · 3 years
I realized too late that this challenge is to gasterfy a pre-existing OC and not uh. Create a brand new one
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But I did it anyway lol
Template from @m-chromatic !
(image descriptions under the cut)
[ID: the “gasterfy your OC” challenge featuring an original character named Dandy, a human-like darkner with green and purple limbs and a yellow dandelion for a head. The first image shows a full-body shot of Dandy standing with her legs tight together, one hand raised to her chest, and her head slightly tilting. She wears a white blouse with a purple bow around the neck and a green skirt that is jagged at the ends. Her legs are completely purple and her arms are green, fading into purple at her hands. At the top left corner of the image, there his a speech box reading in all capitals, “aren’t you tired of being nice? don’t you just wanna go apeshit?” Underneath this is a speech box pointing at Dandy, reading in yellow text, “Oh, Would Would Would Would I ever!”
The second image features several drawings of Dandy in labelled boxes. The first box labelled “Before” shows a younger Dandy from the chest up, wearing a long-sleeve white blouse and a purple dress. Her dandelion head is closed, not having bloomed yet. The second box labelled “After” shows Dandy from the chest up in her normal design. The third box labelled “Additional Sprites” shows a very similar image as the previous, except the colored of her blouse and bow are reversed, she is colored in grayscale, she raises a hand limply up to her head, and instead of a yellow dandelion, her head is covered in white, fluffy seeds. In the box labelled “Item they’d turn into if beaten through acting,” there is a single dandelion seed, described in yellow text: “Pappus Hat: Armor. Weathers attacks from above.” Below this, in a box labelled “Item they’d turn into if beaten through fighting,” there is an uncolored dandelion leaf, folded in half. It is described in yellow text: “Leaf Scarf: Weapon. The ends are jagged and sharp.” The next box is labelled “How’d they meet the Knight?” and features a full-body drawing of a younger Dandy as described before, except her head is blooming slightly. She is walking toward the left of the box, towards a disembodied hand holding a small yellow flower between its spindly fingers. A speech box pointing in the direction of the hand reads: “you’ll have your very own garden... prettier than all the Daffodil’s...” Underneath this is a box labelled “Typing Quirk?” and written inside in yellow text are two separate lines of dialogue: “Well Well Well Well Well! What have we here?” and “Would Would Would Would Would you be so kind...” (Note: The first four words of both lines are not separated by spaces, and the fifth words of each are fully capitalized.) The final box is labelled “Angst Square” and features a grayscale drawing of Dandy from the chest up, except her head is completely empty, with no petals or seeds.
The third image shows close-ups of three of the previous drawings: Dandy from the “Before” box, the “After” box, and the “Additional Sprites” box. They are shown on a pale pink background. End ID.]
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loathemetc · 3 years
DELTARUNE THEORY: Sanity and the Knight
Yeah okay while I’m here I might as well write down some initial thoughts.
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I’m not using a read more because this website has horrible ways of handling read mores and reblogs together so if you don’t want to be spoiled and are for some reason in the Deltarune tag right now??? This is Lancer’s last warning. And uh, mine, also.
Without further ado, my thoughts on Sanity and the Knight.
There's somewhat of a running theme between the few people who've met the Knight and... Not being all there exactly. King is fairly sane, just swayed to the side of darkness. Queen is pretty bonkers, but as a computer she was probably like that already, at least a little bit. It seems moreso that the secret bosses are the ones who've lost their minds after meeting the Knight. Jevil, while already a joker, is specifically said by Seam to have had a decline into absurdity after meeting the Knight. And Spamton is just fucking insane. We get a bit of backstory on him too and it seems like the Knight just fucking broke him.
Now, based on that ending, is Kris themselves the Knight? Well... King, Queen, and Jevil all don’t immediately recognize Kris as that person they met who reshaped their entire worldview, so it seems a little unlikely at a glance. Spamton even specifically refers to Kris as Kris, and the Knight as the Knight, and seems to rather like Kris while not wanting to talk about the Knight much at all so it’d seem.
There’s already been many talks on Kris (no soul) being Kris, the actual person, with none of the player’s influence. The opening to Chapter 2 seems to cement that even further. So, maybe it’s possible that Kris (no soul) and Kris (player soul) have different appearances in the Dark World, and that Kris (no soul) in the Dark World is the Knight...  But there’s also been a lot of talks on the Knight being Gaster, and with that last Addison telling Spamton’s story in the junkyard mentioning garbage noise being on the other end of the phone Spamton was talking to, that seems a lot likely as well. 
Could Kris (no soul) then just be another person who has been convinced by the Knight, who may or may not have something to do with Gaster? Has The Knight, as a seperate entity from Kris, been influencing these other characters after Kris creates the fountains, or is it Kris themselves, in some other dark world form that would render them unrecognizable to King, Queen, Jevil and Spamton? The denizens of the Dark World seem to have memories of their times as inanimate objects, so wouldn’t Queen recognize Kris as the knight they saw create the fountain in the real world, if they did? 
A lot of questions, and since we seem to be waking up in the Dark World in the next chapter, not heading in after it’s already been created, maybe we’ll at least get an answer on if Kris is acting as the Knight or not in the Dark Worlds themselves in Chapter 3. And, probably a lot more questions and answers, since 3, 4, and 5 are set to release all at once. We’ll see, I guess! 
Was that really a theory? That was more composed thoughts, wasn’t it. Oh well. Hope it got your mind going, anyhow.
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debrisyume · 2 years
Kris and Ralsei wrote The Legend
No this isn’t a “Ralsei and Kris are evil” theory, anyway—
I mentioned in my ‘Kris is the Knight’ theory post that I think the Legend isn’t real (please read that first), here’s a post going into more detail as to why. 
Chapter 1 and 2 made it clear that one of the themes about Deltarune is escapism. The Dark Worlds are a fantasy for the main characters, where they get to have cool powers and fun adventures. The Darkners are objects come to life, and each world seems to based on different forms of entertainment: cards and board games for chapter 1, the internet for chapter 2, and chapter 3 seems to be about the TV. We also see that the characters’ weapons and armor are based on mundane objects in the Light World, pencils turns into swords and watches turn into fancy pocket watches, etc.
There’s some question on how exactly the Dark Worlds work, when these characters exist for only a day yet have all these backstories and know residents of different Dark Worlds (Seam, Jevil, and King know Queen, Tasque Manager and Spamton know Jevil, etc). I’ve seen people suspect the fountains are actually a portal to these worlds, that have existed for longer than we think. Queen and a Swatchling, however, says that the Knight ‘created’ this world, and Seam calls the Lightners their ‘creators’ as well. I think it fits better with the escapism theme if the Dark Worlds’ backstories and characters are all creations of someone. I would compare the Knight to a writer, another person might have made the Jack of Spades and the King of Spades cards brothers, but the Knight decided they should be father and son. The Queen didn’t exist until a day later, but the Darkners in the Card Castle world were created to know her anyway, and vice versa.
Some of their memories could be based on things that happened in the Light World, like how Queen knows everyone’s search history, but I don’t think that’s the case for most of this stuff because it doesn’t really make sense for Queen the laptop to be in an elementary school classroom that hasn’t been used for years, yet Seam and Jevil talk about the Queen ‘returning’ and it’s clear her and King have some sort of relationship. So yeah, the Darkners are the Knight’s OCs! It’s essentially a case of last thursdayism, which if you don’t know, it’s the idea that the universe could have been created last Thursday, but we don’t know that because we all have fake memories of it existing for longer.
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I think this one line Ralsei says is referencing one of the main themes of the game. Here he’s talking about the made-up word, but meta-wise this is about how the whole Dark World is ‘fake’ the same way fictional stories are fake, and I think that includes the prophecy. It’s not real, but you can still find value in fiction, just like the DR characters can find value in the Darkners and their worlds.
Something interesting about the Computer lab Dark World is how it caters to Noelle. There are multiple medically related enemies (virovirokun makes sense because they’re a virus, but what’s up with ambyu-lance?), the characters wear hospital outfits to spare one of them (there’s a reason why we first thought the next world would be in the hospital), one of the puzzles spells “December”, Noelle talks about Dess taking her to a city and there’s a city in this Dark World even though nothing about a computer world requires a city to exist, especially with a queen around. Noelle and ONLY Noelle gets the flavor text of ‘pulling the plug’ of the Werewires, seemingly referencing her father :(
Queen is oddly focused on her, and seems to resemble Noelle’s actual mother who’s controlling and has high expectations of her. There’s an ENTIRE separate route that’s only possible with Noelle, and Noelle gets to go on a date with Susie. The entire sequence feels dream-like, Susie saves Noelle from some Darkners (who show up out of nowhere) and the Ferris Wheel... also kinda shows up out of nowhere? As if someone set it up? The Knight ships suselle?
We don’t know as much about Susie, but it’s possible the Card Castle Dark World is based on her too. Lancer is the main reason why she got to open up and learn that she could actually have friends like she’s always wanted (he’s the perfect friend for someone like her, someone who thinks her scariness is cool), the King repeats her whole speech about “quiet people” from the Light World, something only Kris heard. Card Castle is also structured quite strangely, we hear about how 4 kings ruled together, but there’s only one throne room and it’s only based on spades. When we fight King there’s a huge spade on the ground even though spade shouldn’t be any more important than the other suits. I suppose King might have done some redecorating before the heroes showed up, but I think because the Knight wanted King to be the sole ruler, that their thoughts influenced how the castle looks.
This is going to be rather speculative, but I think the supply closet world is for Kris. There’s obviously Ralsei, who resembles their older brother, but I think the papers on the ground are what make up his kingdom. The buildings look like paper cutouts, and I think that’s because the papers are drawings of his kingdom. I also think these are things Kris and Asriel drew when they were younger, probably making up some story about a lonely prince named Ralsei, and how a new person came to life that made him feel less alone: a human knight (basically Kris and Asriel are creating a story based around how Asriel felt before Kris became his sibling, and also a reference to their counterparts from Undertale). Kris’s side of their bedroom is also empty despite living there for years, so I think they got rid of their stuff recently (which would explain why Toriel seems concerned when she asks Alphys about them). Some of the books in their mother’s classroom belonged to them, so maybe they left some of their things in the closet too?
I think that’s the main point of these Dark Worlds, for these characters to have fun and grow as people. Susie gets her first ever friends, Noelle learns to stand up for herself, hang out with Susie and reconnects with Kris. Even Berdly is nicer now and starting to work on his insecurities.
Now, what does all that have to do with Ralsei lying about the authenticity of the Legend? Well first let’s talk about why I think it’s made up.
—Ralsei never elaborates about the Angel’s Heaven, and we get these entirely new villains, the Titans, in chapter 2, who he brings up at the last minute.
—Ralsei, at first, says that the three heroes are supposed to seal the fountains together. Except five minutes later he clarifies that only Kris can do it. We know this is true because we see Kris do it by themselves in the Weird Route. But why does he know this if the Legend contradicts this idea? We also never see him there at the sealing, there’s always a space meant there for him that hasn’t gotten filled yet. This contrasts with the title theme showing the trio together, and the picture during the Legend showing the three heroes sealing it together. I think he’s avoiding being there for some reason. 
—Ralsei talks a lot about ‘balance’ between light and dark. The balance shifted when the Knight made the second dark fountain. However, this implies that Ralsei’s own dark fountain needs to stay open, but that makes no sense. There’s no way the supply closet Dark World has existed for more than a couple of days, otherwise other characters would come across it, particularly Alphys and Toriel. Alphys even says there should be chalk in there. Ralsei is either misinformed or lying about this.
—If the way to stop the world from ending is to seal the Fountains, and only Kris can seal them, doesn’t that mean only Kris is needed, and Ralsei and Susie are... unnecessary? This legend kinda sucks lol
Ralsei lying initially only to tell the truth five minutes later about who seals the fountain is weird, but I think I know why he did it. The framing in the Legend makes it less obvious that the role of the prince and the monster are not needed. Ralsei only clarified when Susie refused to play along and just wanted to go home. If Kris is her ticket way home, she has to stay with them, which would make it more likely for them to become friends. And that’s what Ralsei wants, for Kris to be happier and have friends outside of Asriel.
The interesting thing about Susie being the ‘monster’ to me is that she, out of everyone in Kris’s class, is the least equipped to figure out the Ralsei-Asriel connection. She doesn’t know Kris has a brother, she thinks his name is spelled ‘Ralsay’, ruining the anagram. I don’t know how much Susie entering the Dark World was made deliberate by either Ralsei or Kris, it’s not like either of them could predict that Susie would be sent out with Kris to get chalk, but it doesn’t feel very coincidental when taking that into account. I think Ralsei might have wanted Susie to be the ‘monster’ specifically because he knows her reputation as a bully in Kris’s school and wants her to be friendlier to Kris. Probably Kris was interested in befriending her too, or at least didn’t hate the idea.
Ralsei talks about Darkners having to serve Lightners but really he mainly means Kris (notice how he barely talks to Noelle and Berdly, despite them both being Lightners he’s supposed to serve). They’re the one that he constantly praises and encourages. And he doesn’t even mind if Kris fights people, unlike with Susie, who he gets upset with and even lectures her about it. Ralsei thinks Kris should be the leader, and gets upset when Susie takes away Kris’s uniqueness by learning how to ACT. I think he makes them do the puzzles and puts the decisions on them (Kris can do this puzzle, Kris who you do want to go with, etc) because he wants them to become more independent. Kris seems very listless and lost after Asriel left for college, they kinda need this encouragement (it’s also interesting to me how Kris clearly dislikes the fact that they’re human, but in the Dark World they’re just a Lightner like Susie, Noelle, and Berdly. They’re not as othered there, just more ways it comes across as an escapist fantasy for them).
Some flavor text in the library implies that Kris doesn’t feel ready to grow up, when you check out the board it reads ‘The teenzone: Where Teen’s can be Kid’s. A feeling of immense relief washes over you.’. There’s also how they’re the only teenager who still wears a striped shirt, even though that’s supposed to be a thing only children wear. And then there’s Toriel holding their hand, which Kris clearly doesn’t enjoy, but they still don’t protest. There’s just a lot of little things like this indicating Kris isn’t as independent as most teenagers are, or want to be at this age. I think part of this comes from depression and the other part comes from being used to having Asriel there to help and accommodate for them (like the way he’d carry them to school as opposed to making them walk)
And the way Ralsei treats Kris... this is kinda subjective, but it almost comes across as he sees them as a little kid, or at least someone who needs their hand held. He acts like an older brother, you could say? Lots of things he praises them for are so mundane, like they’re a child who needs their confidence raised. The way he says “good job!” after Kris pushed the block into the switch on that one puzzle makes me laugh every time. It’d be patronizing if he didn’t sound so sincere when he does it.
The reason the Legend exists is so that the Lightners can get invested in the adventure. If they all knew everything was technically fake and that the Darkners are just objects come to life, that would make it less fun for them.
In the beginning of chapter 2, Ralsei singles out Kris to talk to them alone. He whispers to them to get the objects from the unused classroom, preventing Susie from learning that the Darkners are objects. Like I say in the post I linked, Ralsei also acts like Kris should already understand what’s going on. And I think they do, because they’re the Knight.
I know some people don’t like this theory, but I think it has a lot going for it thematically. Read my post linked at the top of this post for my reasons as to why I believe in it.
If I’m right about the Knight creating these characters, then characters who know each other from different Dark Worlds must be created by the same person. And Spamton keeps mentioning this Mike, and brings up TVs while talking about him, and Jevil referenced Queen back in chapter 1...
Also, if the Knight is basically the whole reason the heroes are needed at all, why aren’t they mentioned in the prophecy?
I take two things away from this— I think Ralsei actually doesn’t mind what the Knight is doing, he wants them to create more fountains because that also means more adventures for his friends, and that if the Knight is Kris, he could be working with them on this, as their “lackey” as Berdly puts it.
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(why is this word of all things highlighted lol)
A lot of people don’t like this theory because they think it’s bad or weird writing to reveal the Knight so soon, I disagree. There’s so much more to this mystery than just the identity reveal. We still need to get into:
—Why Kris is doing this (and considering they’re a silent protagonist, this could take a while)
—How they figured out how to do this
—Everyone’s reactions to them being the Knight, both their friends and the main bosses who unknowingly became an obstacle towards someone they’re very loyal toward
—If Ralsei is involved/encouraging them on this
—If Gaster is involved/encouraging them about this (the Knight had a communion with him as Spamton puts it)
It’s possible that Toby just has different priorities about the story and there’s something else important about the Knight that doesn’t have to do with their identity. Twists can be really obvious yet still executed well (like the twist about the Masked Man from Mother 3, a game Toby is a fan of). Kris being the Knight makes sense to me from a narrative perspective because one of the strangest things about Deltarune is Kris. There’s so much we need to learn about them and we could do that through finding out what led them to being the Knight.
I keep talking about the Knight being the main writer here, but I think Ralsei also has the script, and is even making up his own things (he’s confused when things are off-kilter in Snowgrave), like the Titans. Kris’s save file in chapter 2 was saved in Castle Town for some reason, but their first save file that we overwritten didn’t have a location, I believe they met Ralsei last night to figure out how the next adventure should go. I think their secret conversations also have to do with this plan. Kris & Ralsei are collaborating and making up stories just like Kris & Asriel did as kids (I find it very hard to believe Asriel never roleplayed as the God of Hyperdeath before, especially after Deltarune makes it canon that it was his OC by showing us that it’s the final boss of his game WIP. In the DR universe he also had Ralsei to RP as). Also note how the Legend is framed like two different people are talking. ‘it was a legend of HOPES’ / ‘It was a legend of DREAMS’, what if that’s supposed to symbolize Kris and Ralsei writing the prophecy together?
Small tangent but if they are talking about their plan during their secret conversations, this could explain why Kris refused to have a private conversation with Ralsei during the Snowgrave route. Kris probably thinks there’s no point in discussing the next Dark World after we completely ruined their ideas on how Cyber World should go by pressuring them to manipulate Noelle.
It’s possible something like the Roaring is a thing but will come under different circumstances. Like maybe sealing too many fountains is what causes it, or that the fact that any fountains exist at all will lead to the Roaring happening (note: I don’t think Ralsei’s intention is for the world to end, he probably only knows as much about Dark Worlds as Kris does). The reason why Ralsei interrupted Berdly was not because he didn’t want him to make a fountain, but because he knew it wouldn’t work. And if it didn’t work, it would just make it easier for everyone to figure out that Kris is the Knight, and Ralsei can’t let that happen. He doesn’t want people to know what the Dark World really is so people can have fun together. 
I don’t think what Kris is doing is completely harmless, whether or not there’s actually a risk of an apocalypse. Kris’s soul gets used quite a bit in the Dark World, it connects the whole party together and shares damage between them. The soul flies over from Kris’s position to Susie when she’s fighting Lancer, and Kris uses the soul to seal fountains. They keep ripping their soul out harshly and throw it around like they want to hurt it. I think this is all putting a heavy strain on them and making them sick. I don’t think even walking around without a soul is good for their body.
We keep hearing in chapter one that Kris looks sick, and I think the strain put on their soul is the reason why. I’m thinking this could turn out really bad and make them bedridden in the hospital, especially with the pattern of hospital patients being different every day (It goes from ICE-E to Shyren in two days, and Berdly will need a room depending on your actions). I don’t think Ralsei is aware of any of this, otherwise he would tell Kris to stop for their own safety. I don’t think Kris completely understands the magic they’re messing with, which could lead to disastrous consequences for both themselves and Hometown.
Now I have a couple of predictions regarding the escapism theme. The first is that Kris, Susie, and Noelle will choose to forgo their real life responsibilities to live in the Dark World forever. I think Ralsei wants the Darkners recruited in preparation for something like this, because it’ll be less lonely with lots of friends around. Maybe it’ll be only one or two of them who decide on this, but all their lives are varying degrees of pretty terrible so I can see it happening with any of them. Ralsei will initially be pleased by them staying in his castle (especially Kris) but they all decide to leave eventually. While the Dark Worlds have been good for them, staying in one forever won’t be healthy. Ralsei will channel Flowey and force Kris to stay, leading to a boss fight. I’ve heard theories of him being a shadow crystal holder, so maybe his actions won’t be out of sheer entitlement but rather being influenced by Gaster like Jevil and Spamton were. Either way, Ralsei will eventually realize he’s in the wrong and let Kris go, cue crying hug. They may or may not seal the dark fountain after this, or just start wearing Ralsei’s headband again (yeah I think he’s the red horns), occasionally bringing him back to the Dark World so they can talk and hang out.
My other prediction is that choosing between living in the Dark World and living in the Light World will be framed as choosing between Ralsei and Asriel as well. Kris cares for Asriel deeply, and they clearly miss him, that’s why Ralsei exists in the first place, so Kris can have an Asriel around. But Ralsei, in many ways, is ‘easier’. He never gets tired of their antics, he’s always ready to encourage them, and Kris doesn’t have to worry about Ralsei leaving them, because his whole life’s purpose is dedicated to being their friend. But Asriel is growing up, ready to live his own life without Kris, and it’s been so long since they’ve been together in person. Not to mention how his break won’t last forever, he’s just going to back to college soon enough.
I think that’s making Kris very insecure, they’re probably super worried about drifting away from their brother, so they have Ralsei to fall back on. Ralsei is likely aware of this ‘purpose’ considering his line “I wonder what Ralsei-like even is...?”, which is significant enough that he says it no matter what Kris does. He’s uncertain about his own identity because he knows Kris wants him to be like Asriel. Whatever happens between Kris and Ralsei, I think it’s going to help Kris work through their unhealthy dependence on Asriel, and hopefully Ralsei will also realize how unhealthy his idolization of Kris is/the power dynamic between Lightners and Darkners is general.
Hmm, actually, if Ralsei does have a shadow crystal, maybe his battle will be optional like Spamton and Jevil. Like it only happens in you make certain decisions in a specific chapter (likely the final one), and his character arc goes in a different direction if you don’t take them, that could be cool. He’s one of the main characters so it’d also wouldn’t be that out of place for there to be different ‘routes’ for him.
I could be VERY off here (the Ralsei boss fight might be too similar to the Asriel fight from UT but I honestly wouldn’t mind lol), but the theme of unhealthy vs healthy escapism seems very obvious to me so I definitely think a plot point regarding the characters staying in the Dark Worlds forever will come up, or at least there be someone considering it, but it could be resolved in a different way!
Here’s another suggestion, the climax might be that Kris wants the Roaring to happening, except it’s not NEARLY as bad as Ralsei describes it. Darkners don’t turn to stone and the Titans don’t exist/are completely benevolent. The reason they haven’t caused it yet is because they want to wait until Asriel is home first, it’s why they’re making fountains only days before he’ll be back from college. Basically, their goal is to make him stay home forever. Yeah instead of Ralsei it’s KRIS pulling the Flowey now lol. 
Jokes aside, they’re also doing this because, like I’ve discussed before, they’re scared of growing up and don’t want to acknowledge their real world problems. I think they also want Darkners to live in the “real world” and for them to stop worshipping Lightners by doing this. I think part of the reason why Spamton made them so uncomfortable is because they feel guilty over the despair he feels by being his creator, and this could apply to Darkners in general. I don’t think they really like the dynamic between Lightners and Darkners, they might think King has a point about how Darkners need to be more independent. The way they play hot/cold with Ralsei could be because they feel responsible for his unhealthy attachment to them, and might want to deter that by being casually rude sometimes to put him off, but they still want to be friends which why we have all the hug options as well.
After everyone tells them they’re acting totally crazy/it’s revealed there actually is a negative consequence to the Roaring they admit they shouldn’t have done this and try to make it right by sealing the fountain(s). Since this would be getting rid of a huge Dark World this would probably have a huge negative effect on their health, maybe even killing them (I don’t want Kris to die but I keep seeing death flags...)
And that’s it! Sorry for how ramble-y this one is. I just wanted to get my thoughts out about the Dark World adventures being quite artificial because this doesn’t seem to be that popular of an idea...? (I’ve seen so many debates about if Ralsei is the real prince and my answer to that is, yes he is but it doesn’t matter because the prophecy is just there for roleplay purposes anyway haha). Obviously there’s other stuff going on like what’s up with Gaster and Kris’s soul and it’ll be interesting to see how everything ties together while likely being crazier than anything I could come up with. 
I realize both of these posts, especially when read together, are super long, so I appreciate anyone who took the time to read them (even if you just skimmed it), thank you!
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hollowsart · 3 years
Hey so uh idk if this is related to what you're drawing with the broken glasses or not, but I had a thought with Spamton and no one I know irl cares about it but I need to tell somebody--
Spamton is, for some reason, shorter than the other addisons.
Spamton also, for some reason, has a puppet's body, or at least the face of one. The other addisons do not.
He's also pure white with black accents, as opposed to a single color with a black shirt and green pants like the others.
Queen has mentioned that one can shrink if they go into her acid pool (in regards to how people could fit in her tiny houses).
Spamton has referred to himself as the "it burns! Stop! Help me! IT BURNS!!!" guy, and has also made reference to burning acid as well.
I'm sure I think I've made some brilliant connection but others have probably thought of this days ago. But all the art I've seen likes to draw Spamton as always having been short and white, and I haven't seen anyone explain why he has a puppet face instead of a normal addison one. The glasses and hair are explained fine; it's the puppet aspect itself that no one mentions. At least not that I've seen anyway.
... sorry for the long ask but I don't know anyone besides myself who cares about spamton and I need to share this with somebody
LONG RESPONSE, cutting for length:
oh! I've actually seen a few explanations, and even did my own thing, but it's really nothing extensive or explanatory, just a random thing I doodled for fun:
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I just think he wanted to stand out from the rest, not be just another regular addison. So he just kinda.. took after Swatch a little tiny bit and did his own thing I guess?? but also... he is like a puppet, all the strings attached, that's a whole bunch of little elements to his whole character and backstory. So like.. idk. I'm not clever enough to really think of anything like that on my own haha
But also. someone said he probably sounds like a youtube poop and honestly? the only thing that comes to mind whenever I hear Spamton's line about being the "AH IT BURNS HELP" guy is that CDI Link clip of Ganon(?) screaming LOL SO I mean.. That checks out.
(also I feel like it would be in character for Queen to just say something really dumb as 'shrink in the acid :)' without that actually being what the acid would even do if someone fell in. Acid does shrink you...... while essentially killing you and burning you away painfully. but you're shrinking nonetheless.. also battery acid would just slowly eat away at you, it would be horrible)
here's some links to a few takes on Spamton and why he's short/looks the way he does, etc etc, I like these takes a lot: [1] [2] [3] [4]
I just wanna add this because it's hilarious and I love it: [worm]
additionally I did see [this] and... the addisons also having the nutcracker mouth? I like that. that's cool. very clever, now Spamton's not alone :>
...Also.. maybe. the doll-esque appearance thing was also part of his "corruption" ? as like.. a visual side-effect. Similar to how if your computer has a virus, yeah some things may bug out here and there, but also if it's bad enough, the whole visuals thing kicks in and makes things look different or wrong. Him looking doll-like rather than more "fleshy" normal like the other Addisons is definitely very off as it's clear he's not supposed to look that way...
personally, I do really enjoy the idea of Spamton just always having been small, plus, in the queen's mansion/palace, he has a whole normal room like Kris, Ralsei, and Susie's. alongside Asriel and Jockington's! He's big enough to just stay in a regular room like that without needing to be shrunk to fit into one of those tiny houses in the acid river/lake rooms...
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
How do you come up with concepts/find Inspiration for projects like your ch3?
Warning - I got overexcited and started info-dumping and ended writing a LOT and I don't ever know if it's helpful so uhhhh sorry about that! This is long...
Thank you for the question :) Creating original characters has been my passion for way over a decade so tbh I don't really think about it too much, it kind of just happens
Characters end up living in my head and doing their own thing and I have no choice but to watch and document it LOL jkjk
But yeah, for chapter 3 I've literally only made Mike and Host and have hardly developed anything around the TV World aside from the stuff that I have shared and the backstory of those two
I guess I could share my thought process when I was first making them? I don't know if that would help, but I do enjoy sharing stuff like that ^^
I'll start by saying that I never wanted to make a Mike design because I knew from the start that I'd become extremely attached, and lo and behold, that's exactly what happened hahaha
Host was never a character in the earlier concepts, I'm writing my fic "To Give You Heaven", and while "Mike" has been mentioned in my other fics as kind of like a vague evil entity that torments Spamton's memories, for the Heaven fic, I wanted to focus more on the relationship between the two.
And in order to have that, "Mike" needed to actually be a character rather than just an evil voice just so their relationship actually had anything to it.
I've never been good at writing villains, every time I write a mean villain-esce thing, it never feels natural to me, and I do admit that that is the reason why Mike (And Host) turned out to be a lot more morally grey than most other interpretations I've seen ;;
Host was never meant to be a character I actually started writing Mike in the fic before I tried to draw him, and initially him and Host were the same entity.
I was mixed about it because everything in the game points to Mike being the TV character but I kept thinking about how "Mike" is most likely a pun for "Mic/Microphone" and I had seen some fan designs already that interpreted him as a microphone so I was really into that idea, but I also liked the TV Head idea so I started with them being the same character, so it was just Mike commanding this empty husk of a TV Head, who was also him???
Or he was a microphone built into the TV Head's body?? They both had the pink and yellow eyes at some point, and they'd move in sync, but that kind of went nowhere.
Then that whole thing kind of started developing into the whole parasite/host idea, and the TV Head got the placeholder name of "TV Host" (Because haha pun) and then just "Host" and then slowly became their own entity so that's how they came into the picture.
But having not one but two characters talking to Spamton at the same time would kind of felt weird and the relationship Host originally had with Mike was also a lot more hostile, so I ended up making them mute.
Host's connection with Gaster also came from their whole sign language thing and how it hints at that "Beware of the man who speaks in hands" phrase. Host's initial concept also had holes on the hands, but that got scrapped because it felt a bit too on the nose LOL
Side-note, but Host's concept of the floating sign language hands is actually a recycled idea from an AU version of another unrelated OC of mine, I wasn't doing anything with said AU OC, but I liked that part of the design so I wanted to reuse that.
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My thought process is all over the place rn, but yeah the main idea for them was just me being stubborn and not wanting to make a TV Head Mike, but still wanting to have fun with that expectation.
Basically I just wanted people to go "Wait, Mike's the microphone???" Which I think is really funny I kind of expected people to not really care much about Host because of this, but the reception to them has been so positive, I'm really surprised ^^
I'm a sucker for characters who are "opposites attract", so you'll probably find a lot of that in them Talks a lot vs Can't talk at all, Extrovert vs Introvert, Short vs Tall, Aggressive vs Calm
But I also wanted to have parallels with Spamton! And I really liked the idea of Spamton being "manipulated" by Mike, who ironically is not only smaller than he is, but physically powerless to do anything on his own.
I think I mentioned it on Twitter but I'm not sure if I did here, Mike and Host are also inspired on the Swatch/Spamton and Seam/Jevil dynamics, where it's just "weird little guy" and "emotional support non-binary shopkeeper" LOL whichhhhh built the expectation of Mike being a secret boss, but I wanted to be stubborn so I said "Uhm actually it's Host" because they're the one with the Gaster connection and between them and Mike, they're the one who's more prone to getting manipulated by someone with bad intentions, Mike kind of ends up protecting them in that aspect
Hosts' Design hmm Their design was based on the TV Sprite from the end of Chapter 2, and their blue tone was originally colour picked from the sprite itself, I couldn't decide what their eyes would look like so I didn't give them any, and even though it's not present on the sprite, I gave them the colour bar mouth anyway (Omega Host has the normal non-coloured teeth similar to the sprite, because that inconsistency bothers me a lot haha)
As I mentioned above, the floaty hand idea is recycled from an older OC, and also because I couldn't figure out what their arms looked like so I didn't give them any.
Their shoulders are inspired on those bulky square camera heads, with the green part being the camera len, but they're so stylized so I'm not sure that part of the design actually translates too well. I based their body on a TV remote, couldn't decide on a leg design so I just made them solid blue as well.
Tailcoats are kind of a weird staple of my designs so the addition of it is just a design clutch, but also an excuse for me to repeat the colour bar pattern haha
I should have mention that the green on their design is the same green from the Spamton NEO's strings, I kind of wanted the green to kind of symbolize "connection" of some sort, which is why I added it to the shoulders and wrists, but also Mike's cord.
Mike's Design He's literally a microphone with eyes and funny face, what do you want me to say LOL He was inspired on the smiling face that you see when you go to the basement, but at some point I inverted the order of his eye colour and I forgot to fix it so his eyes are the same as Spamton's glasses Back on the opposites talk, while Host has no eyes, Mike is literally a goofy face slapped on a mic, he's so tiny that I had to make his eyes and mouth huge to make up for it
He's inspired on one of those metal retro microphones because I wanted to imply that he was older with a vintage ish look (He's like on his 50s), and I think his silver colour ended up adding to that because I personally associate the silver with older people, but also him being shiny kind of helped give him an important look I guess?? I'm not sure if that comparison makes any sense.
Him and Host also have the cute matching bowties because of the TV presenter vibes, Mike's green cord is because of the Spamton/Sneo connection and hhhhh Yeah that's all there is to it really On his own, he's literally just a microphone so he looks best when together with Host,,
I don't know what I say about Mike's design with the body, he's very simple. Asymmetric suit to match his eyes, pink and white because I felt like the yellow would be too much, and the cord actually being his tail is kind of a funny gag,,, Because I imagine he tries to act very intimidating when he's just a mic, but then when he gets his body fixed, others find out that the cord was a tail and paired with how tiny he is, it just makes him weirdly cute and I don't know, it's just a cute interaction hahaha
But yeah, I'm not sure if this helped in anyway or if I completely missed the point of the question ;v; My process is just throwing stuff at the wall until it sticks and just work from there, and also not worry too much about getting characters perfect in one go because the development is gradual??? Most of my inspiration comes from Deltarune/Undertale itself, as well as reading people's theories on the game I've been making characters for a while, it kind of just happens so I don't know what advice to give other than "This is how I did things, so if any of what I said helps, uhh go for it??" qwq
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salty-dracon · 3 years
Liveblog of Deltarune Chapter 2, in one Tumblr post.
Checking out Deltarune Chapter 2.
Does time move differently in the two worlds? I hope not.
Ralsei is so nice to us. Thank you Ralsei for your rooms made specially for us, and totally not over the course of 10 years.
Thanks Toby Fox dog for.... something.
The Internet world reminds me of Mega Man. Is this place like Web 1.0 with those giant cathode ray monitors or is it something else? The mention of Space Pinball makes me think it's the Windows XP era.
I just noticed that a sparkle flew off from us when we jumped into the new world. Was that our second uninvited guest, Rouxls?
Everything about Queen makes me want to punch her stupid face in. Good villain, I guess? Ughhhh she's so mean but in a 16 year old on a chat room kind of way.
The Werewires have such a good design.
Queen attempts to beat us at a fighting game, but with the power of friendship we got through it. "Bosom or Perish" lol.
It's not a highly emotional game without a dancing sequence by a highly irritating musician.
Yeah they're hinting at the Queen having a sidekick and him speaking in a way no one can understand. So it's probably Rouxls.
The enemies in this area look so good.
BERDLY!!! I have a voice in my head for this guy and it's Byakuya Togami, even now.
Triple trucies!
If I ever acted like Berdly towards you, I'm sorry. Also people who act like him suck. I want to draw him doing the Virgin Walk now.
Gamer's Delight of course it is.
I finally figured out the words for what Berdly is. An isekai protagonist. That's it. He's an isekai protagonist.
Hmm. Spamton. Don't like that.
Noelle's honest discussion about the city is a nice break from all the silly shit. I'm glad she could experience it. Why was she spelling out “December” on her walk, though.
Wow, I didn't expect a shout-out to Kiwami Japan, aka the knife guy who makes knives out of increasingly weird stuff.
Berdly being ass at solving puzzles is giving me, who is good at solving puzzles, life. “Face it, you’re just as big a dumbass as the rest of us!” got me. The backstory for him is interesting, though. Once again, the word “December”, alongside a silhouette of Noelle. Hmm.
I knew those screams weren’t Ralsei! Lol, they were some of those giant conefaced plague doctor Phoenix Wright things!
The Tasque Manager enemy looks so cool.
Oh god. Blue checkmarks.
Is Nubert supposed to be a reference to Omori’s “Humphrey”?
I deeply adore all of the old computer references, like “Mouse Wheel” and the windows XP background behind Queen.
Thanks Toby Fox dog.
That post where it’s three versions of “has food thrown at me, inexplicably eats it all instantly” is what Susie just did. Like the “witch hitting me while i’m sitting in her cauldron: stop eating all the potatoes” one and the “woman throws a drink at me but i swallow it all perfectly” one. That’s what Susie just did.
mmmmmm battery acid and hands and logic puzzles
There’s Rouxls. He’s a pirate now.
amazing. pre character development noelle lent her a candy cane and susie payed it back by not picking on her. *slow, sarcastic clapping* bravo, asshole. bravo. fuck you
Noelle :’)
Wait a minute. Wait wait wait wait wait. Noelle calls her sister Dess. Noelle stayed silent when one of the words in the spelling bee was “December”. Noelle is Christmas-themed, with her being a reindeer, her name sounding like “Noel”, and mentions of Christmas songs and candy-cane pencils. Is it possible that Noelle’s sister’s name is December, and she lost December to an accident or something?
This is the funniest conversation ever, in the Ferris wheel. Aww. I hope it ends well for both of them. Ah. Berdly came to ruin it.
NOELLE????? WHAT????
This possible revelation that Noelle can strengthen the Darkness, and that a lot of this world is built on her own memories of this person named “December”, leads me to believe that actually, all of the worlds here are built from the memories of a person, in this case, this world was built from Noelle’s memories. But whose memories are the first world built from? Susie’s? Kris’s? Ralsei’s?
All of these boss themes ROCK!
Yeah as I thought, Queen is only acting to save Noelle.
What does the Knight have to do with any of this? There was a Knight in Undertale, though, I think- it was that guy lying on a wall near one of the shops. So the Knight apparently created the darkness through the power of determination, and with determination, which Lightners all possess, anyone can make more darkness. Hmm.
Epic final boss fight against Queen! I wondered what mechanic they'd bring back- turns out it was the fighting game. Despite being an asshole it seems she didn't really want anything bad to happen.
The Roaring is going to be the endgame I guess. Maybe it's the reason all the monsters are underground in Undertale?
And everything was back to normal!
At least Lancer's got a new mom now. Lancer's dad does not like her one bit.
Sans. Good to see you. Funny as ever. Cracking fourth wall breaking jokes about how goddamn long this part took to make.
There it is again. Kris's soul acting on its own- or, by the player's influence. If the last chapter suggested that Kris's soul wasn't ours to control, why did it let us do so again?
What the HELL? So Kris sometimes pulls her soul out, shuts it away, and lets it sit there while she goes out and does her own thing? That explains the connection between last chapter and this one. There's no discontinuity. We just didn't see her put her soul back into her own body.
So what Kris did just now was slash the cars tires. Why?
Oh. And there's the connection between The Knight and the events of this story. Kris, or at least her body without her soul, is the one causing these fountain of darkness to appear. That's why Kris, with her soul, is the only one who can seal them. Kris is the knight.
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cherybeee · 3 years
Alright, it's been a week so here's my Deltarune opinion that nobody asked for! Obviously spoilers alert.
Incredible game, as always. The music was a banger (especially A Cyber's World in my opinion). But I guess I'm kinda frustrated because there's some places you can't backtrack to so I'll have to play again. I laughed a lot. It also made me more confident in my gaming skill since I died way less than I thought I would.
Queen is cool, probably my favorite character (plus Lancer). I don't think she's Lancer's mom (the dialogue her and Spade King has at the end literally confirms that she's not Lancer's mom (well at least not biological mom)). But the Spade King and her knew each other for sure (i mean they literally have nicknames for eachother??).
Lancer's a bouncy little pumpkin
Spamton has a cool theme but I don't like him (I died four times to him which is the most i've died to a boss that chapter and he wasn't even neo so that kinda pissed me off). I can see why people would like him though (cool music, mysterious, dark backstory, is probably connected to gaster and has some super crazy secret boss battle)
Berdly, yeah... I'm quite indifferent about him in the end. He did bring some funny moment. And I'm glad he had some sort of character development at the end. Honestly I don't think he'll be important in the future chapters unlike Noelle.
The ending is... Something... But we can't know for sure if Kris is really the Knight or not. I mean, they could've created the fountain simply by following what Queen had said. Idk. Also they opened the door??? Before making the fountain??? And slashed toriel's car tires?? Why?? I really am curious about what'll happen next. Some people say that Undyne (and Toriel) might join us in the Dark World and honesty I'd love to see that!
Ralsei sure is weird. Someone said he didn't turn to stone because his fountain is made of pure darkness so any darkner can live in Castle Town so maybe because he comes from that fountain he can live in any Dark World?? I think it makes sense. But everything else he does is super sus.
Please! I nees to see Papyrus! Is he okay??? Why is he getting further away from us??? Either Toby is trolling or he'll have ssome importance in the future (hoping for the latter).
The Noelle x Susie moments were so cute and honestly when I played I didn't noticed that Noelle looke at Susie's butt when she joins the whole team until someone pointed it out. The ferris wheel scene was so cute I might have died from a cuteness overload.
The genocide/snowgrave/weird/pipis run is fucked up. That's all I have to say (also french is my first language and pipis sounds like pipi which mean pee and everytime i read pipis run i read it as piss run)
And yes! I think it's possible to have only one ending even though we have literally two different routes. I mean, the two chapters had both one ending. A few things can change, like the dialogues, some minor event happens or not but the ending in itself stays the same.
So those were my all over the place toughts on the game. Thanks for reading!
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