#edit: altered the link after anon suggestion
casijaz · 4 years
Well turns out the other post won’t be the last one.
Decided not to put anything under a cut but this post is tagged ‘long post’ so you can click on it at will. I’ve added shorter sections in (brackets) to put together the point.
It’s always been like this. In fact a couple of months ago I made a silly post about it. Please stop giving each other ass-pats about how not-racist you might be. Or how your one non-white friend says whatever you posted is not racist.
White people: Stop being performative allies.
My fellow peas of the seas, or individuals who aren’t white who interact on this western website: Being a poc is not a trump card to claim we can’t contribute to specific forms of racism.
I remember back when I was 17 I defended some (then not obvious to me) clearly racist art a white friend of mine made. I spoke to the people who came onto her art and told them they were trolling, they had to be. Spoke in all caps sometimes, had bolded stuff, all weird ways of talking with this demeaning or passive aggressive tone. I remember thinking ‘hey, do they know I’m a person of colour? They must feel silly! Here I am, a poc, who clearly says this is ok!’ But it wasn’t. In this instance the racist art depicted an indigenous person, and this was an instance of racism against indigenous people, and I am not indigenous. (Translation: Defending racism is bad, even if the people who say racism is bad might be mean to you.)
I also have defended white people who lived in a bubble of whiteness. I figured, well, they live in the bubble, or they’re young, and their actions weren’t coming from a place of malice because they didn’t know any better.  (Translation: Even if you’re a nice person, your actions can still be bad, and you should acknowledge this.)
When someone points out to you that something is racist, you shouldn’t jump to a knee-jerk defence or being passive aggressive in acceptance of this fact. It’s a tough pill to swallow, but you’ll have to go through it. Remember this is not about coddling white feelings, it’s about the reproduction of white supremacy and racist ideologies in a multitude of settings. (Translation: Even if you don’t know anything about racism, or don’t think you’re racist, you could still be. Racism is not as simple as one action. It is a global structure that influences the world.)
Reproducing racist ideologies is something that people of colour can also be guilty of. This means that they don’t have the power to be racist (as racism is about a hierarchical power structure where whiteness is as the top, aka white supremacy) BUT they have the ability to reproduce (or repeat, mimic, etc) the racist ideologies that are prevalent all over the world. (Translation: Because racism is everywhere, everyone can do it, even if they don’t wish to.)
Yes, not everyone has the luxury of being able to understand English to a level that certain concepts come across. Which is why I’ve taken the liberty of adding tl;dr to the end of each paragraph to get that point across for my fellow ESL speakers. However not speaking English well enough can be used as another excuse for condoning racist actions by others. (Translation: Saying I don’t know better is not the solution to stop being racist. Trying to understand the other person is.) 
The point is to stop making excuses. Stop defending the racist. Stop defending racist actions, no matter how small or big they are. 
It is also not up to the people who are actually hurt by this to coddle you and teach you. If you wish to learn more please follow blogs that are specifically talking about these issues. Here’s one. Here’s another. Here’s a fandom specific one. Here are also my own posts about xenophobia and more xenophobia. Unfortunately they are heavy with academic writing but I’ll hope to make a simple English version of it one day. (Translation: Here’s helpful blogs for you to learn more from!)
As for the people of colour who talk about adding nuance, different perspectives, and how racism is complicated. Yeah. It really is. But whichever argument I see brought up about ethnic issues are still ethnic issues. That’s about xenophobia. I often talk about xenophobia and racism not being the same thing for a white audience, but I feel like maybe I’ve left fellow people of colour out of the conversation.
I’ll speak from my own experiences regarding this, because I could pull situations from all over the world but it wouldn’t be genuine nor would I be the expert. So. In my mother’s country we have many different ethnic groups who most of are not white (I’m pretty sure they make up less than 1% of the population), who sometimes get into conflict with one another. When they discriminate against one another, that’s definitely a bad thing. However when these groups fight both discrimination against ethnic groups and racial categories come to light, as the two are almost always heavily interlinked for people of colour.  (Translation: Racism and xenophobia overlap and connect when it comes to people of colour.)
This country (Suriname) was colonised by western forces so it brought along a lot of strife. While no Surinamese person would probably refer to themselves in Suriname as a person of colour, when they are put in a Western context they definitely always do. When groups fight against each other they use both rhetoric imposed on them by western colonial forces (racism) and hatred for other ethnic groups (xenophobia). Because both groups are still groups of colour, they are only capable of reproducing racism, not producing it, as they have no power to in the structure of racism. (Translation: People of colour can discriminate one another with something they have power over, and reproducing racism.)
This entire conversation has also highlighted something that I’ve deliberately avoided in my previous posts, but my fellow black Tumblr friends haven’t, and that is the issue of anti-blackness.
Throughout all of this it seems like many different ethnicities have obviously come together and argue on different sides, but one side seems to be devoid of a certain race that has spoken up against these issues over and over. 
When black people tell you that something is racist, your knee-jerk reaction shouldn’t be ‘but it isn’t, because I’m not white, and I approve of this.’ Going back to that story of 17-year-old me, I was not the racial group affected by the drawing. I was not offended, because it wasn’t my racial identity that was being mocked. When black people tell you that something is racist, you can assume that they’re telling you something is anti-black.
Don’t turn this a conversation only about the voices of people of colour when at the heart of the topic it’s been about anti-blackness shown by a multitude of people from different ethnic groups, white or not.
I’ve seen people act like they’re on the good side because surely they’re supporting people of colour who’ve told them that the side I’m arguing on seems to be ridiculous. I’m calling people names! Making assumptions! I’m stuck in a western perspective talking over non-western people.
Then turn around and they’re not boosting black voices. They’re not mentioning anti-blackness anywhere. I see MLK quotes taken out of context. They’re clamouring to reblog or create art depicting black characters or meta about them, while that art is either fetishistic or was proven to be made by a racist (who was proven to be so like 2 whole minutes ago).
(Translation: Don’t throw black people under the bus. Listen to us when we’re talking about anti-blackness. All poc are indeed not the same, so don’t treat it like it is.)
I hope this will be the last time I’ll talk about this. But I have a bad feeling it won’t be.
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shesawriter39049 · 4 years
Tumblr media
Pairing: Underboos Taehyung X Underboss Reader
FT- OT7 CAMEO’S (Heavy Namjoon he’s the readers Bodyguard) 
This is a long-awaited “update” for my Taehyung (M) Mafia AU “Family Ties” Below you will find a summary and a link to the master list if you’re someone who found this just from the tags and doesn’t already know the series...which I’m sure will be a TON of people (Lol)
AU SUMMARY: A powerful alliance made up of 4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on…
I am in a huge dilemma and I guess I could use some help/suggestions bc I constantly get asked about this particular story like no other!
...I posted the first chapter of this series...1/2/2019…..the series was unplanned and unexpected..
What prompted the AU, to begin with, was a smut drabble I made called “Such a Brat” where Tae and the reader have sex in a supply closet at a party..and it ends with a hinted shootout taking place outside…..not sure why I opted to take that route but I did…
Also...that drabble was written on the 1st of Jan...and part 1 of Family Ties which is like 8K...was posted on Jan 2nd.
At the time I had only been back on Tumblr for maybe 3 months after taking almost a 4-year break! I was very new to the BTS fandom/BTS in general actually fun fact my first two drabbles that are now private (Posted in Mid Oct 2018)….where written solely off edits on Pinterest...I actually wasn’t even a “fan” then!  I just wanted inspo to write....
My dilemma stems from the way the story has progressed...
The plot of this series was based on a script I wrote called “Blood Lines” back in like 2017, I think initially my brain altered the outline because....
I guess if in some far fetched reality... if the script got picked up there would be differences between this and the AU! I know, I know it probably sounds crazy but that was my reasoning, I didn’t want my fanfic to be exactly the same as my script!
Where I miscalculated is...I did not think people would enjoy it the way they did...I did not think in all honesty it would continue past part one actually!
Honestly, looking back on it I think I was on such a high from the feedback that drabble got because I was so new to the fandom that I just jumped to the first thing and wrote Family Ties...In all of a day...which I NEVER do anymore. My brain would shut the fuck down!
In reality, the plot IS the same, It’s still about the alliance getting internally ripped apart and a war starting within the black market... however how we get there and some of the characters dynamics is what’s different…
A little spoiler, in this series, Tae and the reader start off with a dysfuctional FWB dynamic, IE they both love each other but they’re stubborn AF! In part 1 of the original version, when all hell breaks loose it’s litterally hours after Tae proposes to Luxx (The OC’s nickname if your not familiar)
There storyline was suppose to start with them finally getting over the cat and mouse chase..and finding out how truly diffcult it is to openly be in love with and protect someone while living in there “world”.
 If we’re being 100% honestly I’m actually not a fan of ANY chapter now that I look back on it up until the ending of chapter 3!
If I had it my way I’d start over….but I know that’s not ideal, even though we’re only 4 chapters in these chapters are long AF...and you guys have already gotten SO damn invested. The series was mapped out to have 12 chapters..but it’s I think hard for me to put it together because I’m personally not happy with the series because I know the way it was meant to be….
 I want to give you guys closure...I’m not tired of this universe per se I guess now...a year and 4 months in I’m just pissed at myself that I didn’t just stick to the initial outline…I feel like now I’m stuck as to how to reign it all in because the last 7 chapters would flow better in my opinion IF I started it the way it was meant to be…
I know it’s hard because you guys don’t know the original and clearly you enjoy this one or else you wouldn’t read it but I’m not happy with my work the way I’d like to be….
So IDK guys….HELP lol….the masterlist is linked below…..I’m open to suggestions because I enjoy smut I truly do...but I LOVE thrillers/suspense/Mafia..hell even horror! That’s what I actually enjoy over just your typically “Where pineing over each other” plots lol no shade bc I write A LOT of that...but this is my element...which is also probaly why I’m so upset that it’s not what I wanted....
COMMENT/COME TALK TO ME PM OR ANON IDC...A bitch is stuck lol end help!
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stvrmwitch · 6 years
what advice would you give with improving & practicing dialogue? It’s something I really struggle with aaaahhh
You’re so valid anon!! Dialogue’s a massive pain in the ass ok. I feel u on that.
Short + Sweet
→ Write the crap version→ Edit the crap version→ Rinse & repeat
Slightly Longer + Less Flippant
→ Do writing exercises.→ Prep each scene by setting goals. What is your character after? How will the dialogue help get them there?→ In round one anything goes. Write the crap version was a real suggestion.→ Reassess your goals, ask yourself what it requires to reach them, then examine and edit what you’ve written → Phone a friend. Let them read through the struggle sections.→ Put aside your whole ass WIP and come back to it later→ Keep your goals in mind and keep revising until satisfied
Disasterpiece Edition™
“Practice makes perfect” sounds like some cookie-cutter oversimplification shit but it’s legit. Not even just as a general thing like write write write and you’ll get it right but specifically in applying lots of energy to a single WIP. 
The better I know a WIP and its characters, the better everything will flow as I’m writing/editing. Like I personally write around dialogue until I’m confident in a character’s core, and then I’ll worry about the how behind the why and develop sturdier dialogue. 
If you know you need dialogue but you haven’t found their voice just yet, shrug it off (easier said than done, I know babe) and toss out some clunky, funky, destined-to-die-in-draft-two dialogue that might be too on the nose or too understated or too wrong in whatever way. Save nuance for revisions. 
Just stare down the dialogue, say “I don’t like you,” and then hack it to hell until you find all the words you were looking for. That, to me, is practice.
Uh, improvement is tied into that obvs. Without a base, how can you build upward and all that jazz. Write the crap, edit the crap, turn the crap to gold.
Here’s some of what i do with dialogue:
→ Change dialogue text color (if your vision allows, this is a nice + quick visual cue for Edit Me Later Pls)
→ Avoid, avoid, avoid and pretend I don’t need it!!!!
→ Stop avoiding, me @ me: suck it up buttercup
→ Bracket what character(s) will talk about, and why if possible, then fill in actual dialogue later
→ Rip my own work to shreds
→ See what survived the shredding, and work off of that
Even writers who are unusually gifted or just experienced with dialogue have bumps along the way. I guess it’s just about sticking it out and trusting you’ll end up where you need to be.
Every draft is super bendy. My advice is bend with it and see what happens.
I mentioned setting goals. I consider character, plot, dialogue, etc. connected to the point that (short of imposing impossible standards on myself and my work) if one falls apart, the whole story does. That’s final draft expectations though. It takes a lot to get each element to its best condition. If dialogue is your weak link, think of ways to accommodate that. Use less of it maybe? Only make room for it where it’s absolutely necessary—which is what we should all be doing ideally lmao but no one’s writing is immaculate and necessity is a moving target.
Don’t stress it early on. When your characters interact, or even if they’re talking to themselves, you want there to be a reason behind their words. Dialogue is just communication. What are they saying? To whom? Why? How? 
Word choice, syntax, tone, subtext, gestures, facial expressions (esp. with sign language), demeanor, accent. I can’t think of what else, but everyone comes at things a little differently. Your character’s worldview and experiences will affect how they speak. Circumstance can alter the why and how too, like adopting a real fake customer service voice at work vs. how they sound around their best friend vs. how they react in a group setting. So consider what’s relevant, think of what patterns and habits would best represent your characters and how that feeds into their goals.
Saying lines out loud is known to help with a more natural flow.
Watch movies. Read the scripts. Read plays. Take notes, mental or hard copy it doesn’t matter. Pay attention to how dialogue tells stories and reveals character in mediums where it’s the driving force behind plot more often than not. 
I’ve rambled enough. I’ll leave you with this one last bit and the hope that any of this was coherent.
Do writing exercises. These are ones I like for myself, but find and tailor the ones that click for you.Literally anything that will give you insight into a character will further solidify the shape of their voice imo.
→ Search for dialogue prompts, fill one or ten.
→ “Escape the room.” Multiple characters, common goal, separate methods, talk it out. Problem could be anything, I just call it “escape the room” as a personal shorthand. 
→ Go persuasive. Take a couple characters (or more), give one a low stakes or no stakes though specific goal (like “convince X to ride the ferris wheel”), give them an obstacle (“X is afraid of heights”), and set their lips loose. 
→ Do an epistolary challenge.
→ Let your characters monologue!! About anything!!! Put them in a scene alone and let them speak thoughts to the air.
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femslashex · 7 years
Femslash Exchange 2017: Dates, FAQ and Rules
Posted by: withinadream Welcome to our fifth annual femslash exchange! Nothing major has changed since last year, but please look over the rules again, even if you've signed up before. Dates All times are 6pm EDT 26 July-10 August: Nomination Period 13-23 August:: Signups open 26 August: Assignments will be sent out by this date 7 October: Fanworks due 13 October: Archive goes live (or as soon as everyone has a gift) 21 October: Creators revealed Associated sites: LiveJournal Feed & Tumblr & AO3 Collection & Tag Set. Fest FAQs: Nominations
Before signups, we will have a nomination period for people to pick fandoms and relationships that they would like included in the fest. Each person can nominate up to five fandoms, with up to five pairings within each. Please only nominate fandoms that you plan to offer or request.
All fandoms in all media are welcome. Canon or non-canon pairings are welcome. Original works are welcome.
For the purpose of this fest, femslash is defined as fic or art containing a relationship between two or more characters who identify in canon as either female or genderqueer. (We do not mean to imply that genderqueer = female, but would like to include as many pairings as we can, and leave gender definitions to the participants' discretion). That means you may not request gender-altered/Rule-63/spectrum-shifting works for canon male-identified characters. To be clear:
You may request works about cis female-identified characters.
You may request works about transgender women, such as Ms Hudson from Elementary.
You may also request works about canonically genderqueer and gender-questioning characters regardless of their assigned gender, such as Franky from Skins UK, Alister/Athena from Huge, and Xavin from Runaways.
You may request a canonically always female alternate universe version of a character who is male in the main universe, such as Natasha Stark from Marvel 3490
You may not request works about characters who are male-identified in canon.
You may not request works about male-identified characters who are temporarily transformed or body swapped into an assigned-female body, such as Guy Gardner in Guy Gardner: Warriorette (if you don't know, don't ask).
Poly: We do allow poly groupings, so long as all the characters involved are eligible (f/f/f = fine; f/f/m = not in this fest, though you may list it as an option in your optional details.)
Crossovers: Please nominate crossovers as under the fandom: Crossovers - Fandom, and list the characters with their fandom after the character name (Example: Pepper Potts (MCU)/Seven of Nine (Star Trek: Voyager)
RPF: RPF characters must be 18 or over at the time of nomination, and must be public figures in their own right (no girlfriends/kids/parents of public figures permitted).
You must have an Archive of Our Own (AO3) account to participate in nominations and sign ups. If you do not have one already, you can leave a comment here or e-mail the mods for an invite code. (For more on AO3 and how to sign up, go here).
Sign Ups You can edit/delete your signup until signups close. This is an exchange fest, which means you must produce a fanwork for someone else. If you withdraw, it is harder for everyone involved. So please, think carefully if you have the time before signing up. If you discover after signing up that you can't finish in time, contact the moderators as soon as possible. Requests
You will have an option to select whether you would like to receive art, fic or both. Obviously, "both" increases ease of matching, but you don't have to request a format you do not want.
Signups must include 4-6 fandoms from our list of nominated fandoms, and each fandom must have 1-6 pairings from the list of nominated pairings. We encourage people to request more than the minimum, as the more pairings you ask for, the easier matching will be.
You will be matched on fandom, pairing and format (fic or art).
While the description section is optional, we strongly suggest you include Do Not Wants. Any DNWs/triggers included in the description will be enforced by the mods. Other things to consider are the inclusion of general likes, rating restrictions, prompt ideas, or anything else you’d like the writer or artist to know. However, please remember that these are optional for the person assigned to you. If you've requested art, please remember that not all fic prompts translate well into art (more on that here). If you have a lot to say, consider linking to a letter in your own blog with the extra details.
In your signup, do not imply rank for pairings or otherwise specify a favourite pairing. There is no need to make the person you are assigned feel bad if you want something they are not comfortable writing or drawing.
You may offer to make art, write fic, or both.
You may offer between 4-10 fandoms, with 1-10 pairings per fandom. Obviously, the more pairings you offer, the easier matching will be. You can also choose to offer "any" pairing in a given fandom, but please check the tag set to ensure that you're comfortable writing or drawing any pairing listed.
You will be matched on fandom, pairing and format (fic or art).
Pinch Hitting
In the event we have issues matching someone, they will go out as a pinch hit right away. You can find the pinch hits here.
You do not have to have an AO3 account to pinch hit, as you may submit via the mod account. The mods will edit in credit and links to your own platform after the end of the anon period.
If you do pinch hit, you'll have the option of adding your requests to a special prompts post, so that those who'd like to can reward you with the gift of femslash!
Your Assignment
Your fanwork must focus on a requested pairing, and must include a romantic and/or sexual relationship of some kind. This is not a friendship ficathon. That means there should be some kind of f/f romance, longing, kissing, love, and/or sex. You're welcome to offer or request work featuring asexual characters as long as it's in the spirit of this rule.
You are not obligated to produce something for ALL pairings on which you are matched. Pick whatever you are comfortable with. However, if you want to write or draw more than one thing for your recipient, feel free.
You don’t have to write or draw the fandom/pairing you were matched on if something else your recipient requested interests you.
Creators are required to avoid featuring their recipient’s DNWs in their gifts. While it is not required, if possible, please consider using one of your recipient's prompts.
Betas are not required, but are strongly encouraged. Fic submissions with excessive spelling, punctuation and grammar errors and art submissions that look like drafts will be rejected. If your submission is rejected for this reason you can resubmit it after you've polished your work. We will have a beta sign up post.
Due to the nature of this fest, it is hard for extensions to be given. If you know you won't be able to submit by the due date, please default as soon as possible. If you default prior to the due date, you may participate next year with no problems. If you default two years in a row, simply fail to submit your work by the due date, submit an unfinished work, or delete your already-completed assignment, you will not be able to participate in the next fest.
If you withdraw and the person assigned to create something for you withdraws, you will not be assigned a pinch hitter.
If you have a problem with, any questions about, or cannot complete your assignment, please contact us immediately at [email protected].
Please finish your assignment before you start on treats.
You do not need an AO3 account to post treats; you may do so via the mod account. The mods will edit in credit and links to your own platform after the end of the anon period.
Treats of polished art and fic over 1000 words may be posted at any time. Please wait until the mod gives the word before posting shorter fic and sketches.
This fest has mandatory anon period for fic. Author names will be revealed one week after the archive goes live. Please do not promote your fic before that time.
The anon period for art is optional. Because of concerns about crossposting without attribution, artists may sign their work and may link to it, but they are requested not to crosspost the full art until all the end of the anon period. (For more on this, read here.)
Be respectful. Please realize that everyone has different likes/interests/squicks. Fest Rules:
All fic have to be a minimum of 1,000 words, and be of a quality that you'd be happy to receive as a gift.. There is no maximum word count.
Art must be polished, and be of a quality that you'd be happy to receive as a gift. There is no maximum size for art or page limit for comics. Art must be hand or digitally drawn. We are not accepting manips at this time.
Submissions may be any rating.
Submissions must be femslash, and must focus on a requested pairing.
Please don't talk about the specifics of your assignment in public until the creators are revealed. We'd like it to be a surprise for everyone.
Gfts can't be part of a previously posted series.
Please do not hesitate to leave a comment here or contact us at [email protected], if you have any questions/comments/concerns. Rules compiled from rarepairfest and femslash12. comments from Femslash Exchange http://ift.tt/2tEsDux via IFTTT
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nightcoremoon · 5 years
hugely unpopular opinion here
I'm not gonna vocally support incest because, gross, but like... can we fucking stop putting it next to pedophilia, bestiality, rape, and abuse?
if two rednecks hook up after a family reunion, but they're both consenting adults and there isn't any coercion involved, yeah I find it to be creepy and gross because I wouldn't fuck any of my cousins, but putting it at the same level as the big for of actually irredeemable and bad things just really rubs me the wrong way.
now, fucking your parents or children is wrong from a biological, psychological, and emotional standpoint. if they got pregnant then that child would be super deformed beyond belief. coercion will ALWAYS be present in a romantic relationship between parent and child. sibling fucking is also a straight shot to webbed feet. doubly so if they're twins (dear japan... stop).
but two people whose parents just so happen to be related to each other, if they really wanted to fuck, and they agreed to it, the problems I see it are VASTLY overshadowed by the problems with coercion and biological disasters, pedophilia (kids can't consent), bestiality (non-sapient animals can't consent), rape (no consent), and abuse (I really shouldn't have to explain why that's bad).
I'll make an analogy to put it in perspective.
misogyny is bad. racism is bad. homophobia is bad. transphobia is bad. antisemitism is bad. islamophobia is bad. xenophobia is bad. ableism is bad. classism is bad. this we all can agree on. fat-shaming is also bad. but women, people of color, queer people, jews, muslims, immigrants, the handicapped and mentally ill and neurodivergent, and the poor have all been long victims of stripping civil rights, genocide, lack of representation in media, throughout all sorts of societies and cultures: victimized by bigotry, prejudice, and hatred. fat people are often mocked and receive subpar medical care in modern day america. which sucks, don't get me wrong, but if I were asked if between fat people and, say, black people, who faced a harder time, I'd without question say black people. fat people aren't murdered by police. fat people have never been rounded up in camps and killed off. fat people don't have an identity to strip. being fat doesn't alter the chemistry of your brain or inhibit the abilities of the body or restrict you to a different social class or provide leeway for people to deny you civil liberties on account of their religion on as mass a scale as the others. it can make life as a woman, person of color, queer person, ethnic or religious minority, disabled or mentally ill person, or impoverished person harder when in conjunction with that minority, but by itself, if you're a straight white neurotypical otherwise able bodied christian (or ambiguously atheist) american cis male who happens to be fat, for the love of god shut the fuck up about how much you're ~oppressed~ for weighing over 250 pounds.
and that's the end of the analogy.
in the analogy, non-coercive incest would be fat shaming. bad, yes, but to a much lesser extent than literally everything else mentioned. I know that analogies are difficult for discourse gremlins on this hellsite to understand but I'm hoping people are smart enough not to froth at the mouth and zero in on buzzwords and frame me as some incest-loving fat-shaming bigoted perverted asshole.
and furthermore, a lot of ancient (like, before common era level ancient) cultures around the world often had no choice but to resort to incest in order to keep their people going. egypt, greece, rome, japan, china, india, many native american, latin american, and african tribes, pacific island peoples, scandinavian peoples, countless others i'm forgetting about right now, all have long histories of incest that permeates their culture and religious beliefs. maybe not sibling or parent-child (in all cases; some did that too), but a lot of cousins fucked. and it's super fucked up to brand all of those cultures as evil as pedophilia/bestiality/rape for doing things that we in our current state of society are afforded the privilege of looking down upon. even cultures victimized by many genocides like jews are populous enough now that they won't have to fuck their cousins just to keep their bloodlines alive and probably won't ever considering just how many humans there are in the world.
now, this can totally come off wrong and... bad. one thought that popped into my head was "are you implying that incest was normal in ancient brown skinned people thus suggesting they're rooted in savagery and grossness and thus asserting your own white superiority" are you reed richards because WOW that is quite a stretch. plus exclusively white skinned people fucked their children to keep the family on the throne [well, and egyptians, but that's a tale for a different time], so jot that down.
and of course it doesn't reflect well on me that I'm saying anything other than INCEST IS JUST AS BAD AS PEDOPHILIA/BESTIALITY/RAPE... I wouldn't fuck anyone in my biological family or anyone who marries into it, and I certainly don't wanna be around people who would. and gross fortysomething uncles with leery eyes at their teenage nieces are, well, pedophiles anyway. however, I feel like when it's not coercive it's not as big of a deal and that it shouldn't be demonized- now here's the important part- AS MUCH as the other things that I've mentioned.
now of course, as a person who would never consider anything like that, my perspective is heavily skewed. and as a person who has not been victimized by non-coercive incest (i was sexually abused as a child by most likely either my stepgrandpa who watches child porn and molested my sister as a kid, my schizophrenic methhead uncle who watches child porn and dates women the mental age of children, or my father during a crack and heroin binge, in descending order of possibility, but that's got nothing to do with consensual cousinfucking), I'm not attuned to the psychological effects of consensual cousinfucking, and am not exactly the most knowledgeable person on the subject.
if I'm wrong and there's scientific studies done on the subject and there are dissenting logical opinions I would love to hear them because I'm sure there's GOT to be a legitimate, tangible reason why incest between cousins is bad.
*also on the subject, technically speaking every single human on earth is probably descended from the same gene pool. scientifically it's from the first humans who evolved from a common ancestor with apes, theologically (from only a judeochristian perspective) it's from noah's sons ham, shem, and japheth, and I'm sure that there's a hundred other ways to trace back all of humanity to one single set of parents, so in an odd way all humans are distant cousins to each other. I'm curious as to know exactly how far away two people need to be on a family tree for it to no longer be technically classified as incest. fourth cousin? fifth cousin? sixth? ninth? twelfth? this is purely a scientific curiosity only tangentially related to the rest of the post and should be ignored when it comes to the other passages.*
TL;DR I don't have enough of a proper base of knowledge to understand the specific exact logical reasonings behind why non-coercive non-pedophilic consensual incest that won't result in horrible birth defects is bad. I know that it is bad, but beyond just a modern social norm... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idfk man I just want a link to someone laying it down using science n shit so I can shut down fuckin white supremacists on twitter or something
edit- no anons, no notes. nobody read this lulz
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lgbtloudhouse · 7 years
Open Letter To A Certain Trashie:
When will you get it through your head? Incest is wrong. Shipping 4 YEAR OLDS WITH A SIBLING WHO IS 11 IS WRONG. (You know who I’m talking about!)
Just because “they’re cartoons” DOES NOT mean that it’s not harmful. I made the mistake of seeing that Lisa & Lincoln photo. Why? Because I wanted to see what horrid piece of garbage you were feeding the trashies so I could report it.
Big. Mistake. You think it’s not harmful, but, I kid you not, after seeing that image, I wish I could get one of those mind erasers from the Gravity Falls episode “Society Of the Blind Eye” and erase it from my mind.
It harmed me because after seeing that, I’ve basically could never see that episode in the same light again. You turned a innocent, beautiful KIDSSS!!! show into something terrifying and disgusting.
And, if you wanna say, “Oh lmao dumbass troll!!! You must really be jealous of me haha!! I bet YOU could draw so good like me!! Then you’d be able to draw all the CHILD PORNOGRAPHY you could!! I would turn the anon feature off, but I’m your only source of excitement!! Cuz you know I’m so full of myself!!! Don’t like don’t look!!! Hahaha!!”
Here’s proof that you could go to JAIL for that: “Child Pornography is a criminal offense and is defined as any visual depiction involving the use of a minor, or one appearing to be a minor, engaging in sexually explicit conduct. Visual depictions include photographs, film, video, pictures or computer-generated images or pictures, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means. Child pornography has become particularly problematic with the rise of the Internet and its ability to both transmit data far and wide and provide a level of anonymity to its users and the victims depicted in images of child pornography.
Types of Depictions
Any depiction of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct can be considered child pornography. This can include photographs, digital images, computer-generated images, drawings, videos, or animations, among others. This also applies if the person in the depiction is actually an adult but appears to be a minor. Moreover, altering an image or video so that it appears to depict a minor may also be child pornography (for example, editing the face of a minor onto the nude body of an adult in an image or video).
Defined Terms for Child Pornography
A "minor” is any person under the age of eighteen years.
“Sexually explicit conduct” means actual, graphic or simulated sexual intercourse, including anal and oral; bestiality; masturbation; sadistic or masochistic abuse; or lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of the minor.
Prohibited Acts
Obviously, producing child pornography is illegal. However, it is also illegal to knowingly possess, distribute, receive, or possess with intent to distribute, any form of child pornography. Each act may receive a different criminal penalty. Inadvertent access is usually not illegal, such as accidentally clicking on a link that directs one’s web browser to such a depiction. However, repeated visits may demonstrate a pattern of behavior sufficient for a conviction.
There is an exception to typical definitions of child pornography. If it can be proven that the depiction has serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value, it may be exempted from child pornography laws. The definition of a pornographic image can be subjective and many courts refer to the case of U.S. v. Dost to determine whether an image meets the criteria for pornography. That case created the “Dost Test” in order to better determine whether a visual depiction of a minor constitutes a “lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area.” The Dost Test has six criteria, not all of which must be present, nor are other criteria necessarily excluded from the test. Those criteria are:
1. Whether the focal point of the visual depiction is on the child’s genitalia or pubic area.
2. Whether the setting of the visual depiction is sexually suggestive, (i.e., in a place or pose generally associated with sexual activity).
3. Whether the child is depicted in an unnatural pose or inappropriate attire given the age of the child.
4. Whether the child is fully or partially clothed/nude.
5. Whether the visual depiction suggests sexual coyness or a willingness to engage in sexual activity.
6. Whether the visual depiction is intended or designed to elicit a sexual response in the viewer.
Sources of Law
It is both a federal and a state crime to knowingly possess, manufacture, distribute, or “access with intent to view” child pornography. The federal law prohibiting child pornography is 18 U.S.C. Chapter 110, Sexual Exploitation and Other Abuse of Children. In addition, the Child Online Protection Act and the Children’s Internet Protection Act also outlaw child pornography and cover media such as websites and other online forms of child pornography. Additionally, every state has its own laws regarding both child pornography and statutory rape (i.e., sexual activities with a minor).“
link: https://www.hg.org/child-pornography.html
More links: http://www.news-leader.com/story/news/crime/2015/12/21/bolivar-man-accused-posting-child-porn-tumblr/77715952/
If you read these and STILL try to defend yourself, then you need therapy. That is abuse. Not. Love. Stop romanticizing abuse.
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