#edit: fixed post so it says ''fan content'' not ''fic'' fest
ksspringfever · 9 months
K/S Spring Fever – FAQs and Rules
Why is K/S Day on March 24th?
William Shatner's birthday is March 22nd, Leonard Nimoy's birthday March 26th. K/S Day was originally based on the pattern of Presidents' Day in the U.S. which takes place on the third Monday of February every year. When fans invented K/S Day in 1997, the idea was to pick the Monday closest to Shatner's and Nimoy's birthdays, and that happened to be Monday, March 24th. While President's Day is not on a fixed date each year but can move a few days back and forth depending on the date of the third Monday of February, K/S Day is always celebrated on the 24th of March; it just makes things easier.
Wait, I thought there's a K/S Day in September?
In 2009, K/S fans on social media declared September 15th as K/S Day, as this was the original air date of Amok Time in 1967. It is likely that they had no idea that this fannish holiday had already been created a decade earlier. September 15th is therefore the date most likely associated with K/S Day on Twitter and Tumblr. K/S Spring Fever takes place in time for K/S Day #1, but we wholeheartedly welcome the existence of a K/S Day #2. There can never be too many days to celebrate the delight of K/S! ;-)
Do I have to be on Dreamwidth in order to take part in this fest?
No, a DW account is not required. We have a community on Dreamwidth for announcements and discussion, but schedules and important admin posts will always be publicly visible. The only account you really need for this fest is an AO3 account. You are, of course, encouraged to post/link to your work anywhere you like to after creator reveals.
Is this a fic exchange?
No. K/S Spring Fever is a prompt meme, that means participants will not get matched one-on-one and assigned to a gift recipient as is the case in exchanges. So no one is guaranteed a "gift", but there's also much less pressure on participants. Members sign up and post prompts until the defined deadline (see the schedule). Prompts can be claimed by anyone who has an account on the AO3, and the resulting fanworks need to be posted to the collection until the deadline according to schedule. If you need more detailed information on how a prompt meme works (e.g. how to edit your prompts, where to find your claimed prompts etc), please see this section in the AO3 FAQ.
Do I need to be signed up to claim & fill a prompt? What if I missed the sign-up phase?
Admittedly, the term "sign-up" is a tiny bit misleading. The "sign-up" form is for submitting your prompts; if you would like to claim & fill prompts without submitting a prompt yourself, then you do not need to go through the "sign-up" form. Just browse the list of prompts other fans submitted and use the "claim" button to pick whatever tickles your muse. When you claim a prompt it shows up under "My claims" on the collection profile and under "Claims" on your own dashboard. Use the "fulfil" button to post your work, please.
"Spring fever"? Is this a pon farr fest?
Your fanwork does not need to include fever (pon farr or not) or spring. There is no theme for this fest apart from its focus on Kirk and Spock. Feel free to go wild with your prompts.
1. K/S Spring Fever is an event for adults as some prompts or fanworks might be mature or explicit. By taking part you confirm that you are 18 or older.
2. The focus of your work should be on the pairing Kirk/Spock or Kirk & Spock. Slash (romantic and/or sexual relationship) and gen (friendship) are equally welcome. K/S has many layers and aspects, and this day is a celebration of them all. No other pairings will be accepted in this fest.
3. When we say K/S, we mean: both TOS (series and movies) and reboot; Discovery and Strange New Worlds content is also welcome (let's hope we'll get some K/S-worthy material from these series one day). No RPF, please. AUs and mirror universe are welcome.
4. Crossovers between different Trek franchises or between Trek and other media are permitted if the individual prompt states this or actively invites them.
5. All ratings are welcome in this fest. However, when you fill a prompt please stick to the preferred rating of the prompter (if stated in the prompt).
6. All genres welcome, including darker subjects if the prompter asks for them (as long as DNWs are respected). Use the AO3 warnings if applicable.
7. Prompts can be filled by more than one person. You can even fill the same prompt multiple times – the "fulfil" button will show up on the prompt you claimed even if you have already used it for posting a work before.
8. Participants can fill as many prompts as they want to. You can even fill your own prompt.
9. Please list your DNWs (Do-Not-Wants) in the prompt if you want to avoid certain types of content, e.g. rape or character death or specific tropes. When you submit several prompts, please state your DNWs for each. We kindly ask you to not abuse the DNW system: keep it short and simple, and don't box in your creator. When you fill a prompt, please respect the DNWs listed in the request.
10. All types of fanworks are welcome in this fest: fic, poetry, filks, art, vids, podfic etc. Made a giant cake with life-size Kirk and Spock marzipan figures? Post the photos.
11. Minimum word count for written fanworks is 100 words. There is no maximum word count. Minimum for art: a doodle or clean sketch (on unlined paper, if you use traditional media); manips are permitted. No banner or icon art, please, unless it accompanies a work of fiction. Absolutely no AI-generated art or fic allowed!!
12. Fanworks in languages other than English are allowed. As this is not a one-on-one gift exchange, but a prompt fest, fanworks in languages other than English are absolutely permitted and welcome! Each prompt can inspire a wide variety of fanworks, and as long as you respect the DNWs and the maximum rating of the chosen prompt, it’s all fine!
13. Please keep your work anonymous until creator reveals and don't blabber about it on social media. Guessing who wrote what is part of the fun.
14. Works posted to the collection must be new (created for this fest and unpublished) and complete. No WIPs or placeholder uploads! If you post a work with more than one chapter, it must be complete before the due date. Podfics of older and published works are allowed, as the podfic itself counts as new work.
15. We allow extra works to be posted to the collection: If nothing among the submitted prompts tickles your muse, and if you missed the chance of submitting a prompt that you could have filled yourself, then you can still take part in K/S Spring Fever by posting the work directly to the collection, without using any "claim" or "fulfil" button. Make sure to put the correct collection name into the appropriate field during the posting process (e.g. for 2024 the collection name is "KS_SpringFever2024", without the quote marks), so that the work stays unrevealed and anonymous until we go live / until creators are revealed. We think of these extra works as treats for the whole community. However, please do have a good look at the list of prompts before you choose to take this road. There are such lovely prompts waiting for creators to pick them, and this should take priority over treats.
16. Last but not least: Be courteous to the other participants, act in good faith and assume good faith. For all questions, please contact the mod (DW, Tumblr, or email: [email protected]). We are happy to help!
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How does Heat Wave work?
Heat Wave is a fan content festival for Sid/Geno hockey RPF just for mature/explicit works that runs in July.
What can I submit?
Any medium as long as it contains sexual content.
How can I submit?
Either through the AO3 collection, or by tagging @sidgenoheatwave on tumblr.
When do I submit?
Before July 10, 2019 on AO3, and between July 10-12 on tumblr.
Do I have to be 18 or older to submit?
When do I start working on my submission?
Right now! Or wait for the end of prompt submission.
Where/how do I submit prompts?
Here. As many as you want! Prompt submission is from June 3-10.
Do I have to use a prompt?
Not unless you want to. If you’ve got a good idea, go for it. 
Where can I read submissions from previous Heat Waves?
Does my submission have to be a certain size?
There are no limits on size/quality/length of submissions. 
Can my submission be anonymous?
Yes. Submit to both the Heat Wave collection and the anonymous collection on AO3. If you want to submit anonymously on tumblr, send it to this account prior to July 10. 
I have more questions!
Send them to the inbox if you wish them to be posted, or message this account privately through chat if you don’t wish them to be posted.
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homophobictosh · 4 years
tags page 
captain jack harkness
ianto jones
gwen cooper
owen harper
toshiko sato
rhys williams
martha jones
john hart
suzie costello
lisa hallet
esther drummond
rex matheson
yvonne hartman
actors (excluding when they’re in character)
john barrowman
gareth david lloyd 
naoko mori
burn gorman
eve myles
ships (others to be added) (its hard when polycule exists and there's like 20 ships okay)
episodes (in italics means theres no posts filed under them)
everything changes
day one
ghost machine
small worlds
greeks bearing gifts
they keep killing suzie
random shoes
out of time
captain jack harkness
end of days
kiss kiss bang bang
to the last man
dead man walking
a day in the death
something borrowed
from out of the rain
exit wounds
s3 // coe
day one
day two
day three
day four
day five
s4 // miracle day 
(this is almost never tagged properly, i need to rewatch miracle day) 
the new world
dead of night
escape to LA
the categories
the middle men
immortal sins
end of the road
the gathering
the blood line
audios (ive only listened to a couple, hence why this part isnt too long)
big finish
zone 10
post type
mood boards
incorrect quotes
favorite posts
fic recs
fan fests 
my (txt) posts
my gifs
my edits (not gifs)
note: some of these tags are empty because im either terrible at tagging, too lazy to tag the post when i rb it and never get around to it, or i just dont rb that content. 
please dont send an ask saying that it couldnt find the url requested, i am fixing it by going through my old posts and adding / adjusting tags. it will take a while, so please be patient. meanwhile, please feel free to use the search function if you need to find a post. 
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