#edit: i realize i didnt post this😭 it was in my drafts
louismygf · 2 years
im so overwhelmed 🥺🥺🥺 we're finally getting new music this is not a dream 😭
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mimiteru · 4 months
dude this is what happens when you have shity internet Dx i know there was a option to edit but before i realize that i deleted the post 🔫 idc anymore i'm gonna write it again
how tf does this app work i'm sorry mutual who reposted my draftJDKS
tw: death of a character, mentions of vomit
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• Remember Kahil? You know the vampire who once was user of the datusha/kriss and bc of it's power he kill most of the Vaeternus, moments later he commits suicide trapping the sword with him?
Well lets put more emotional damage and say this was a relative to Nitara, maybe a brother why not
(i rewatched the Nitara intros and her mother also died damn, that's rough buddy)
they had a really strong bond, so Nitara was broken and devastated by his brother's tragic end, and after a long time of grief, this "revelation" as she would say, came to mind. From this time she tries so hard to save her so no Vaeternus could face the fate of death
And you know, "trying" is a strong word, the coven at this point are kinda tired of her all the time visiting them and bringing her failed ideas
The coven are like: "yeah yeah you know why don't you go and try to take over outworld or something" as a joke just to get rid of her.
And she did go to Outworld so..
• Now, her voice... It's not the best, it's so monotone and she doesnt realize it
But now i can't stop thinking about her with a valley girl accent, the way she would say the word "like" repetitively in one sentence is insane
There were times when Havik just rip of his own ears to not hear her, she talks a lot
She likes to do monologues, i feel like it's normal for Vaeternus to have this... Theatrical way of speaking, that goes on and on
Nitara does not know how to lie, if you dig enough she would accidentally say the truth or let out her plans without knowing
• At first the interactions Nitara has with Rain were harsh but later he starts to understand the big problem that the Vaeternus were living in, so maybe these two will be allies in the future??? Please??
Tho at this point she is trying to persue ppl to help her cause, whether it's from the good guys or the bad guys, and not even god itself wants to make a solution to help the Vaeternus yeah she's fucked
With the fictional dead family i create around her it makes a little bit of sense when she's trying to make Smoke a vampire too, Nitara sees herself since the guy also lost his mom and sister
or instead he sees her brother in Smoke, which is kinda creepy and dark but thats how my girl copes <33 /j
• The Vaeternus have a way to go to Earthrealm from centuries ago, this could mean that the vampires have more noledge of human traditions, slangs and even technology than Outworld does
This can also includes Earthrealm pop culture, influencing the way they dress or act, there could be Vaeternus who moved to Earthrealm permanently, hiding in the shadows
Imagine miss girl tries to make chitchat with Havik, Darrius and Sareena making a Earthrealm references and everyone just look at her like "wtf r u talkin about?"
This is chronically online comunicating with normal people
Nitara finds Earthrealm movies about vampires fascinating by the way of how they portrayed her kind, bc sometimes those movies are so wrong and sometimes they are so accurate its scary
She finds the "familiar" character to be very useful, she will have it in mind and maybe find one of those to help her look for food and other plans
• There was a time when the vaeternus didnt need blood to maintain their survival (idk if it was on Liu Kang or Geras intros) and there was were other things they could have feed on, but little by little vampirism began to be part of their nature that it was impossible to change their ways, condemning their own species.
Trying to get back to a normal diet probably would take another millenia
And if they eat or drink something no blood related i imagine them vomiting A LOT and with a horrible stomach pain, not the best moment for a vampire
• Her eyes glow in the dark
Once Nitara tried to sleep upside down bc she saw it in one of those movies, and she find it so comfortable??? It's kinda embarrasing for her but she keeps sleeping on that position from now on
She's a failure, she's a loser, and i think that's beautiful
Yeah i don't have more to say, also
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Yeah that's it bye
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