#edit: idk why my keyboard copied smth earlier in the paragraph somewhere else
tuitionofwinterhold · 3 years
I just got here and know nothing about your Oc's yet, please tell me about the knife wielding alfiq 🥺
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kiza is part of, what my bf n i call, the forgotten-name-gang (called this because we...kept forgetting their names when we made them lol) or alternatively "pelinal nightmare squad"
selnims half altmer (on his das side) and half dunmer (on his mas side) and he is the shittiest lich you can possibly imagine. when he transferred his soul into a jar which may or may not contain also his mothers remains it shattered his brain into about a gazillion pieces so now hes..like that. he remembers nothing about who he was or what the world around him is like but he DOES know he is the most powerful motherfucker not alive and he cannot die (disclaimer: neither of these are true. probably.) he smells like a corpse because he is a corpse. kiza hates him.
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dridyn (technically not my oc- hes my bfs) is "blessed" by sheogorath bc his parents were part of a sheo worshipping cult. shitty old man wont leave him alone for more than 5 minutes.
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he helped dridyn escape thalmor prison by turning all the guards eyes into pearls :) prison that he was in because sheo decided to gift him the moons (like, the literal moons. shrunk down to palm size.) as a graduation present.
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i dont know how kiza has mehrunes razor yet but she is um. a worshipper of sorts. of mr dagon.. shes not particularly bad at magic- she can use it if she has to, but shes not asinterested in shooting things with fire so much as she is with stabbing them. she met dridyn in skyrim while searching for someone, ANYONE, who would be willing to train an alfiq in melee combat. shes still searching. shes travelling with the boys still because, well she kind of enjoys dridyns company and they both make...intersting...meat shields.
when dridyn first met her he was convinced she was a lady that sheo stuck into the body of a housecat for funsies- he had no idea what an alfiq was let alone where elseweyr was on a map. selnim just thinks all cats can talk.
 she talks like this
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