#thank u 4 caring about my ocs lol
quinnonimp · 3 months
trying 2 get into drawing splatoon!!!! any tips??? u make them look so gummy i love it
aaaa tysm ^_^
& ty for asking !!! though uhmmmmmmmmm im not really a great source at explaining splatoon anatomy & art traits tbh ! (specifically for inkfish, which is what i assume youre gonna be drawing if ur getting started)
i kinda just draw them as plain humans with tentacle hair and big ears, ive barely ever cared to analyze the way they are canonically presented to interpret into my own art - instead the style came naturally to me over the years after making many ocs & being a fan for so long, while bending the rules to whatever i find most comfortable
soooo if youre looking for a person to explain to you on how to draw inkfish in an accurate way then sorry i am not that guy pal . but if u just want my own personal opinions then sure ! if anybody wants more specific rundowns i can try, but for today ill only talk a little about hair:
first off, the simplest one
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^ the way i color tentacles really depends on the style (its quite different when im working with aliased (aka pixelated) brushes or simplified styles, then i have to be a lot more concsious about my color choices) tbh but the one ive been doing the most recently is like the pictured above . im not good at explaining my coloring process in general to be honest, so i cant give much advice on that especially when it comes to splatoon since i just do whatever
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^ now onto the wordier stuff ! its good to give more weight to the tentacles than you would with untouched human hair, since in the end these are literally pieces of flesh lol . inklings have more weight at the lower ends of their tentacles while octolings have it at the mid-to-higher ends, the weight is hand-in-hand with the thickness (as in mass) . also, i think its a canon attribute that octolings have thicker (as in density, and sometimes in mass, as shown with the enemy octolings) tentacles than inklings like their irl counterpart, but dont take my word for it since i dont know where the source is, i just like keeping it in mind art-wise since it makes sense for their real-world counterparts
personally when character designing i like to stick to the 4-tentacles = octolings, 6 tentacles = inklings rule, but even the canon characters will sometimes break it (though, from my recollection, it only breaks that rule by having less tentacles (shiver, frye, acht, marina in side order)) so i dont force myself to keep it if the design can look better with more or less pieces . however, limitations can definitely inspire creativity, so its a good starting point to stick to the canon tentacle-count
thank u for the question, feel free to ask more, though i will probably answer quite late as i usually do . now i go back to drawing yuri
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goferwashere · 6 months
wait srry if asks rnt open but im a chismoso so hopefully this is OK to ask ;; is the little character in ur banner and pfp ur sona ? they r so silly looking i love it sm but also why is it chowing down on a hotdog bun filled with butter . DONT ELABORATE IF THERES A PERSONAL BACKGROUND ATTACHED TO IT PLS but i srsly think it's so cutesie and ive been curious abt it 4 a hot min ✝️
ASHSHSSH THANK YOU !!! Yes this is my sona her name is RB 😋 she has lore and comes from her own world but I use her like a persona :3
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Here’s the OG image along with a couple others of her :D
Also her as a character can’t speak so she uses ASL to communicate (hence the banner she’s holding) so I don’t use ASL but I do use a website when I draw her speaking
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funny ass gif lawllll (she’s signing ‘I am not a crook’) (yes TV Girl reference) the frame rate is too fast but I can’t fix it now
auughhh and her lore if you wanna read below but I understand that OC lore isn’t everyone’s thing
OKAY SO she comes from a universe where her kind are robots made by a company to terraform planets for the ultra wealthy. So if you have the funds you can purchase a whole planet and whole armies of these little bots will shape it however you want.
BUT. While on the assembly line, before even recovering her directive, a portal opens up and throws her into this odd pocket dimension, which is just a half built city floating in a bright void. (Also when I say half finished I mean more like brutalist aesthetic with just concrete and no glass on the windows)
This place (named ‘Gearsky’ by locals because massive floating gears are the only thing that exist here outside of the city itself) is full of people from their own dimensions just trying to get by. She explores, and comes across a little bear being picked on in an alleyway. (The lil green bear [party bear] in the pics above)
She saves him and then it subconsciously becomes her prime directive to help Party Bear get home/care for him. So they set up base in one of the empty apartments and she just sorta takes care of him.
NOW. How do you get home you may be asking? Well it’s easy. You just need to beat someone in a deathmatch.
Enter the only form of entertainment on this island. The man who is the dictator of this place and subsequently the host of this game, aptly named Host, loves running this game. The rules are simple. 3 people enter, and two can leave alive. Only one needs to die, and the other two can get sent home. The only thing is, you have no idea who you’re going up against.
Now, RB, being a bot made to terraform, has some power behind her with her explosive abilities. But Party Bear has no defenses. So RB tries to strike a deal with Host.
She offers to kill both people in the ring with her for multiversal travel.
Host is intrigued by this offer, and accepts. After wiping the floor with her opponents, she’s granted access to all dimensions. She’s obviously excited and goes home to try and let Party Bear go home, but is heartbroken when she discovers that she’s the only one who can travel using the portals.
But this catches the attention of someone else.
Her future boss.
Another robot, by the codename TB-89.
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He took note of her deal, and approached her with a job offer.
Man’s long story short she works for him as an assassin!
There’s so much more I wanna say but I know I can’t ramble on forever lol if you read all this then thank you so much for sticking it out 🤭 I hope you enjoyed it I love gushing about my characters
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diodellet · 5 months
So many good options for the art appreciation asks but let's go with 3, 4, 13, 14 and 27.
hi hi ner! thanks forda qs!! these are all prettie incharestinge!! (<-girlie who didn't know she'd be Yapping-Yapping)
3. and 4.) Go to [fandom] tag and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes ++ Go to the art tag (or similar) and reblog some art you like that has under 100 notes
noted, i will undertake this mission with great care 🫡🫡
13. What are your go-to Ao3 filters?
ok i have a confession, i used to be a sort by word count++completed works only++exclude crossovers-kinda person 🤧🤧ANYWAY that was changed, now i only really exclude chat fics (ahaha,,,,theyre not really my go-to genre, like sure they're amusing but i read a really good one once* and it ruined every other chatfic for me)
*this one's for u haikyuu-natics, esp team captain stannies
hm.... i'm not super-duper picky so most of the time i can just scroll through each work's summary and tags.
but if a fandom is popular (or if i dont have the spoons for sifting through works), i stick to just reader inserts HAHAHA, maybe oc x canon if there haven't been any new x reader fics and if there's rlly nothing oough ig i have to write her myself 😭😭 sometimes doe, the curiosity strikes and i'll try looking if there are any fanfics in filipino... i really find it interesting to see how a chara's dialogue reads if theyre speaking in tagalog (tbh i think one would have more luck finding filo socmed aus on twt? but i only know about haikyuu socmed aus)
14. Best fanfic tropes ever?
oH...there are too many... u can't make me choose the best out of all my faves that's unfair 🥺jk lol
i read* this jamikali fic (i like my ships with a bit [read: a LOT] of tragedy/disaster-ness to them. it's so so so compelling to read!) and i just love the "Dubiously Unrequited Love" tag. bcs yes, the feelings are technically mutual, but there is a whole slew of other factors keeping the relationship from being a thing, which it could be a thing, but there's also that awareness that it won't last, sometimes a couple doesn't have to be endgame for the love to mean something, ykw?
this entire oneshot series....has me in a chokehold... my introduction to "Non-Sexual Intimacy" (and "Non-Sexual Nudity" i guess?) like??? holy shit??? the tension?? the way op just encapsulates the poignancy of being in such a vulnerable position without teetering too much into the cliche of roëmænce it has me On My Knees!! (like i love my smut and romance cliches, but some days i jus want a liiiitle bit more spice and variety)
Shoutout to the "Unreliable Narrator"++"Ambiguous Ending" combi that reaaaaally makes you work for understanding the plot, idk how to word it but being able to leave Just Enough Breadcrumbs and having enough trust in your readers to Get what ur implying, also forcing me to reread the fic immediately is so foul (in a good way). like there's an enjoyment in a good satisfying read, and then there's the Itch of never being sure in your interpretation, the feeling that u just need to go over it another time, spot another detail u missed, get wrecked all over again, rinse and repeat. idk i love fic.
27. If someone wanted to make you a creative gift, what's the thing that would make you the happiest?
oh anything featuring my fave charas is sure to make me happy! i mean i'm just not super picky abt gifts. well, maybe a creative gift has to be smth that can last a long while? (a strong hoard-ability kaya idk im senti??)
as long as the thought and intent was there, i'm already happy enough🥰💕💕 but i guess in the context of getting fic gifted to you, probably what matters most to me is that the writer enjoyed the process of making it as well. (i'm kinda drawing off of my experience writing this fic for one of m'oomfies and the vdays drabbles*** so i could be just rambling who knows?**)
(art appreciation ask questions, please bug me to rb some underrated art and fic)
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gatalentan · 1 year
Hey I was scrolling through your page and I love how you capture the workwives - you GET THEM!
but also saw how you said about people objectifying law and I’m so glad u mentioned it, it drives me nuts! (And how it ties into her being people’s favourite on THIS SHOW basically because she’s hot, the underlying racism is so weird but so real.)
it feels like some people ship barlissa bc they just want melissa to have a gf, or moreso they want law to kiss a woman. They don’t GET THEM, they don’t see the connection and depth there.
thank you! welcome to my blog lol. I do have a case of work wives brainrot and the decades of history they have is what makes them so fascinating.
yeah you pretty much nailed it. obviously it's not everyone in the fandom/ship but it's very much ever-present. it's like some people using Barbara as a stand-in just so Melissa can be queer with someone without needing to do xreader or an oc, so by extension it can be about their crush on Lisa. The way people explicitly talk about Lisa's body right out there in the open is... something. Her sexualising herself doesn't give carte blanche for everyone to do it, y'know? It's deeply uncomfortable and very like "oh, this is the only person in this diverse cast you find attractive huh? interesting..." Though I mean, that's fandom in microcosm isn't it? but this is the first fandom I've been in where there's such a clear cohort of fans on the fringe who seemingly don't care about any other character or actor in the cast, which in the context of what this particular show IS, who it's cast is, the school it's set in, is really uncomfortable and some unaddressed internalised racism. and the way Lisa talks about the show and her castmates reflects the fact that SHE understands that she's a guest in their house but there's fans who clearly do not.
ultimately I'm just one dipshit on this website and all I can do is try and make sure my own blog doesn't have that vibe, and I hope it doesn't. coming into the fandom late-ish (like, 4 months ago? not long!) I'm still sort of finding my footing and not wanting to step on the toes of talented giffers and stuff who have been here much longer than me who already provide excellent coverage of the extended cast. Ava is actually my favourite character, but because she's so funny all her stuff is already giffed before I can even blink, lol! but I genuinely dunno how you could watch this show and lock onto just Melissa and act like the other charas aren't there. like if there's a red string of fate then they're all stuck together in one of those big oversized tourist trap roadside balls of string, to me.
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viiisenyas · 6 months
I would like to know about your asoiaf oc! she's very pretty!
First of all, THANK YOU! ;u; I created Elaena with Face App because I couldn't settle on a face claim lol. Secondly, you caught me while I've got four...? ongoing fics with her, and I don't want to spoil much 😅
The most I can say is that across the board, she is a fighter. I purposely made her a dual wielder because I'm a dork and it's fun. She doesn't exactly care for being a lady, and she despises the thought of being wed only to lie on her back just to pop out kids. But that's not to say that she isn't a romantic. She wants to find love, but on her own terms :D
I will also say this: she is kind of ignorant to how the world of politics works, and has a very black and white view of the world and she essentially gets used as a pawn in 3/4 of these fics. So she's faced with one of two choices: keep allowing herself to be used, or fight back in her own way, and of course she chooses the latter.
In one AU (which actually happens to be my favourite, the dragons never went extinct in this one), she is the youngest child of Monford Velaryon and Belandra Martell (OC), and she became a ward in Dorne to be raised by Oberyn and Doran, who also happen to be her maternal uncles (how fun!)
in another, she runs away from home to avoid getting married and joins the Night's Watch at seventeen, disguised as a 13 year old boy. She becomes best friends with Jon and he actually manages to keep her secret up until a certain point.
and my latest two are set in the HOTD timeline - One with her as Vaemond's daughter (which fucking hurts - iykyk), and the other as Laenor and Rhaenyra's only trueborn child because I hate myself (and both of these are pretty much team green hype so haha)
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artist-assassin · 10 months
ok i need to know more about ellaria STAT. and your thoughts on rosy + the rosymance !!
RRRRR OK OK but ive only played the public demo so far i havent paid for the patreon/closed demo yet, so i have very little information about the Rosymance in general. info dump and stats below
Ellaria is the humorous / cheerful kinda Button, about 5'5", and she calls her brother Nick-Nack in the game but I imagine she will call him any random number of names off the top of her head (based off of when I played Fallout 4 and I would often call Nick any random nickname like Nicki Minaj, Nickle Pickle, Nickolodeon, Nickaroni and Cheese, etc lol). She has some insecurities because she compares herself to her brother a lot, but she tries to tough it out and beat up her bad thoughts bc she's an unstoppable optimist!!! Stubborn to a fault she refuses to back down once she sets her mind to something. Is a very nice person but gets very socially awkward in large groups, and sometimes lashes out when she gets frustrated by how fragile people treat her (the first thing that made her like Instructor Kim was that he didnt beat around the bush abt her zero but didnt treat her like a kid either!! shes like damn finally some respect around here)
Loves Nick so much (i got like a 160% relationship with him in the open demo lol) looks up to him like her personal hero + mentor. Loves her dad even though it's a little bit strained, has not seen or spoken to her mother in 4 or 5 years after The Incident(tm). but she misses her mom a lot she, she's half scared of her mom hurting her and half scared she will hurt her mom.
I chose the pre-prepared name Ella when I first started playing bc I didn't know what the game was about so I wasn't prepared to like.. make an OC for it until I decided I liked it enough lol. But I compromised by just naming her Ellaria and Ella is her nickname. Here are her stats by whatever chapter is the last one in the open demo (8 i think?)
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I LOVE AMBROSE KIM... i played as bisexual in my first go as Ella so i had no idea the genders for some charas changed until I checked the Ambrose Kim tag on tumblr lol. but im way more into rosy as a man than as a woman... Mr Kim u can instruct me any day,..
Like I said tho I don't know a lot about the Rosy romance because I only played the open demo, and I know the author says his romance takes the longest to flower because of the whole teacher/student aspect so he's actively trying to NOT fall for button.. well too bad bitch I'm gonna be so respectable and hot he's gonna have no choice.
anyway im gonna get the patreon this week (friday probably) so i can update u on how i feel soon jhgjhlks i also love all of the characters ngl. i would romance all of them in separate playthroughs.
and u didnt ask but ill mention Kali also, my 2nd Wiseman. shes NUTS. i made her to be the exact opposite of my first humorous, cheerful, ready-to-take-on-the-world girl Ella - so Kali is grim and not nice at all and technically still ready to take on the world but more in a "the whole world is my enemy" kind of way instead of the "i wont let anything stop me" ella way. She's VERY resentful about her zero and is one bad look from a ment away from strangling someone
sorry for the long ramble jhagdwj youre the first person who is talking to me about this game that has become my newest obsession (and u were the one who got me into it so UR responsible for this mess) and im happy to share it w someone :3c
pls feel free to tag me in any mind blind stuff u post, whether fanart or oc art or just rambles n stuff i dont care ill love it all. thank u
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charlioak · 1 year
I have some questions about Honey Badger and Yellow Jacket, maybe you've answered them before, sorry if so. 1. Do HB and YJ end up together (romantically) in canon, or are the shippy drawings of them just for fun? 2. If they end up together, was HB's hypnosis involved in attaining YJ? 3. What kind of business does Honey Badger run? (The more in-depth you get here the happier I'll be). 4. What is Yellow Jacket's day job? Is he good at time management like Clark Kent, or always having trouble with being late to or skipping out on things like Peter Parker? 5. Do you have any posts dedicated to worldbuilding? Do you have any posts where you summarize all of your main characters and their personalities, like as a rough guide I could read? I tried going through the tag but I wasn't seeing anything. 6. Not a question, but I love love love that HB has hypnosis as a power, it's such a fun power both visually and storytelling-wise.
AHHHHH THIS ASK IS EVERYTHING I'VE EVER NEEDED... first of all, thank you sm for the interest in my ocs! ;V; lovely people like you are the reason i love sharing them <3 WITH THAT BEING SAID, here's some oc info! >:]
1: mostly for fun! although i enjoy playing with the idea, i'm not entirely committed to them ending up together canonically. reason being is that the plot i've developed isn't as fleshed out as i'd like it to be in order to handle that seriously. however, what i can state canonically is that the relationship is non-threatening to YJ. this intrigues HB, and sometimes frustrates him; not being taken seriously and all. it's just in YJ's nature to be a little cocky bastard LOL, he loves getting the best out of HB! that isn't to say HB isn't formidable and dangerous but... well, he let's the superhero get away with a little too much sometimes. sigh <3 but this is canon. it needs to be.
2: although my first response was a shy maybe, in those situations, the commitment wouldn't stem from HB hypnotizing YJ for that gain... canonically, he only uses it to interrogate and intimidate YJ. everything else is for fun :]c hehe. honestly, it'd be YJ making the first move, if i had to say U//v//U
3: HB is a CEO of a prominent robotics company in the setting! i recently thought to myself as him using this company as more of a disguise for deeper and darker works going on behind the scenes. perhaps a portion of the company's products is used to assist superheroes' abilities, which are prominent in this setting. but in turn, this gives him the ability to lock them all down with a push of a button. very fun to think of..... even if it's giving incredibles 2 plot LOL.
4: (spins around in my chair) YJ works for HB's company - DUN DUN DUNNN!!! but he doesn't know it. personally? can't blame him, i don't know what the CEO of the job i work for looks like, nor do i care. YJ truly lives up his name, he's a real worker bee! (worker wasp?) he manages his time exceptionally well, just tends to show up late. he is usually sleep deprived in the day, but hyper at night.
5: at this time, the only resources i have is going to be their individual toyhouse pages (chaotic i know). as for the world itself, it's set in 1970s las vegas. the 1970s aspect is mingled with modern amenities, like a cassette futurism type alternate universe. but i hope to straighten things out soon and perhaps build up a google doc or something to show you guys! <3 YJ's page - HB's page / they also have playlists if you're interested! YJ's music - HB's music - yellow badger music hehe
6: THANK YOU!!!! <33333 it was an on-the-spot sorta thing, but i think it fit in really well for his design! supers with psychic powers are my weakness
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The very kind and very talented @queenspinoodle tagged me in this writing game! 💖 ✏️ 💕 ✍️ 💟 (THANK U!!!)
1. What motivates you to write?
My love for writing does! ❤️ ✏️ As a writer, I have stories to tell and headcanons to share. I wanna make myself happy with them! Also, the works of others motivate me too. Whenever I see a really good fic or writing piece online, I go, "Wow, what this person wrote was SO amazing that I want to write my own amazing thing!"
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud of; if not, share a line from someone else's work that you love (just make sure to give credit
Not only am I gonna share a snippet, I'm also gonna explain why I'm so proud of it.
Here it is:
... Brown eyes begin to sparkle at that fact. Caleb had no idea! He casts a smile down at his mother’s stomach, giving it a light pat.
“I’m so glad God decided to gift you to us, Philip,” Caleb “speaks” to his little brother.
The corners of his mouth soften.
“I can’t wait to see you.”
This is from the short, canon divergent story I wrote titled "A New Addition".
In this scene, a (I'll say 5 since I didn't state his age in the story, but you can tell he's a small child) year old Caleb has just been told by his mother where baby's come from. Heaven! They're gifts from gods (her words).
The reason I'm so proud of this piece is because I love how sweet and sincere I made Little Caleb at the end. He's just so grateful that God gave Philip as a gift to him and his family and he can't wait to see / meet him. 🥹
It shows how Caleb has always loved Philip (even in his unborn baby state).
3. Which OC makes you smile when you think/talk about them and what are they like?
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She's a hyperactive, carefree witch who's fun-loving and adventurous. She's also very kind and caring.
4. Which process of writing do you enjoy the most?
Coming up with ideas and writing them down.
5. Which part of writing do you think you're best at? (Stroke your own ego, it's okay)
I think I'm best at making my audience have a good time! My writing, for the most part, is always fun and exciting. You'll never be bored when you read my stuff.
6. What is something in the writeblr community that is most enjoyable?
THE POSITIVITY POSTS THAT PEOPLE MAKE!!! I LOVE REBLOGGING THEM!!! I love how uplifting they are. Whenever I'm feeling down about my work, I go back to read them. They kinda inspire me to maybe make my own writer positivity blog. Maybe one day.😌
7. A writing tool/device that helps you with writing (i.e. text-to-speech, a program, etc...)
8. A piece of world-building that you like in your own story (it could be the magic system, a particular place, a law, etc...)
I don't really create my own worlds, but I do like adding a sense of cartooniness / cartoon logic to existing ones lol.
9. What piece of advice would you give to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
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No matter what. <3 I know I won't. 😋
10. Tag some people whose work you love/ have been your biggest supporters
@nightsoulvixen (I'm not sure if you write Roya, but you're always supporting me and I ❤️ you for that. <3)
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i KNOW u said i dont have to send u some but i wanna know 1, 2, and 4 nevertheless !
ahh thank you <33
1. Who was your first ever OC? Do you still “use” them? How have they evolved over time?
my first ever oc was a naruto fan character i created in 2013? or early 14? to insert into the antagonist group akatsuki, his name was yoko and he had sick ice powers. i don’t exactly remember his story, but he was definitely some sort of non human without any emotions, and he started eating human hearts because he was jealous. (don’t judge, i know it’s edgy but i was like 12 and wanted to make him like my favorite character in the show, zetsu, a fellow flesh eater lol) he was my favorite little guy and i grew out of liking naruto, so i made a whole story with him as the main protagonist. he went through so many changes it would take hours to explain, but i basically merged him with two other characters and actually still use them today. (they’re the deuteragonist now) their name today is n (well, they don’t have a name/feel the need to use one, just using it so i don’t have to type “nameless guy” every time) you might have seen me tag a post as them occasionally :)
2. Who is your newest OC? Why did you make them?
well, depends if revamping an old character counts. if so, it’s wual. i made her in 2020, he didn’t really fit into the story anymore, but i still really loved his character concept, so i made her wotr pc number 2. if it doesn’t count, it’s oleander. i made him because i needed a new guy to play in wotr :) (and because i finally needed to create a monster mommy worshipper)
4. What kind of music do your OCs listen to?
i have like. 20 so i’m just gonna do the ones with interesting answers to this.
Ven: one of those people that listens to everything, probably a different song every time.
Oleander: puts on nature sounds. and unholy hymns/choir chants
Shana: does not care for music, he’s too busy to just sit down and enjoy some tunes, but frequently lies to people about his music taste. just for fun.
Niendayphyll: honestly she thinks every single person who does not spend their time training to be warrior/fighting is a waste of oxygen, so i think people listening to music are included in that.
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unstabull · 1 year
1. What do you like about Doc Oc?
2. Favorite movie villain of all time?
3. Do you have a favorite kind of tea?
4. Favorite animal?
5. What anime have you been watching recently?
6. What anime would you recommend?
7. Thoughts on Maka Albarn as a character?
lets see lets see for doc I think that actor was cool as the character even tho i didnt read any comics about em, and i just love characters with long arm/leg added limbs! like one of my favorite cartoons invader zim the irkens had legs that come out of their paks too! i just loved howa Doc Oc used his arms for a lotta stuff hehe. woof favorite movie villain thats a hard one hmmm i dont think about it often but i think Professor Ratigan from the great mouse detective hes just so *evil* and also he goes absolutely rabid he was a scary mother fucker lol. I like loose leaf tea blends the most cause they taste better to me but flavor wise i love berry teas like blackberry and blueberry! as for animals i really love all animals i dont know how i could narrow it but im a dog person if that helps lol :3 i havent seen an anime in a while i think the last one i watched waaass.. damn it may have been Monster with my mate @limirror but i didnt get very far OTL short attention span, and woof im bad at recommending animes to be honest i dont have the best taste lol and its been so long i dont have any to give im sorry 🥺
maka the babygurl I really love her, i think shes a great character and i really relate to her, as you have probably deduced i am very hard on myself and Maka suffers from the same problem, she expects everything from herself but very little from others be it her father because hes proven he has little to offer or her friends because she doesnt want to burden them. Shes really the only person who has complete unconditional love for crona, she can see the real villain and thats Cronas mother, she sees right through her and knows with all her heart crona can be and is worth saving. which is a duality for me because my mate @limirror has like most of us been told theyre "too much" and weren't treated well by "friends" but the moment we met i cared about them deeply i could see that they were hurt and misunderstood and i wanted to earn their trust and be their friend. little did i know we would fall in love though u//u blush heh anyway! those are just a few lil reasons i kin her
thank you so much for the asks it means a lot
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onlyswan · 1 year
hii hi art!! i just finished reading the newest drabble bc i tried really hard to save it until i’m back in my own bedroom after yoongi’s singapore concert!! 🥰
and yes, of course it’s everything and more than i hoped for it to be :( it was so sad but also so beautiful at the same time. i loved that you showcased how real the emotions from the event that transpired was & that old wounds that havent been tended properly tends to resurface. a couple of things that really stuck with me:
1. both in this and the prev drabble (of the breakup), oc has a lot of inner monologue about how she didnt feel like she is enough and jk’s ability to throw her & their relationship away so easily. but i really liked how in this new story, even though she still thinks about it, she doesnt bring it up anymore bc they’ve talked about it. oftentimes in relationships we tend to overcomplicate and keep bringing up past mistakes that hinders us from moving forward. i love that this is a whole new concern that she has & jk beautifully manages to calm and reassure her.
2. oc is an angel truly bc when i read this all i want is to scream at jk’s face: “PUT YOURSELF IN MY SHOES!!!” i really dont think he can handle: 1. being broken up with after he went home from a TOUR 2. oc giving up on him 3. oc going on a date with someone else 4. everyone else basically being happy that oc is finally not with him
homeboy wouldve lost his mind truly!! oc is a gem i aspire to be her
3. it is so interesting to look at prev drabbles where oc is so careful about not asking anything from jk and never letting him over spoil her (and we’ve seen more cases where she is the one spoiling him!) and to see where it actually stems from. i predicted that the power imbalance of jk’s black card can be intimidating but i didnt think that it’s this deep 🥺🥺 poor oc…. i hope in future drabbles we can see her getting more comfortable in taking what is hers (jk!! so jealous💀) but also, his money. bc that boy has too much of it and i bet he would’ve LOVED to spend it all on her….. jk spoiling oc rotten drabble!!!! 🛍️🛍️🛍️
thank u for ur constant supply of the in which couple, you manage to always make me so happy with them, including the angsty ones! (especially the angsty ones🥰🤭)
hellohello my love 💗🥹 omggg so happy for you i hope you had lots of fun at the show !!! i’m another person closer to yoongi LOL
ihhh you are so kind thank you so much !!! i’m so relieved i was able to execute what i was trying to convey 😭🫶🏼
omg yes yes i love this this is such a good observation !! 🥺 oc wants to move forward but also deals with a lot of internal battle because despite understanding the reasoning behind his actions, he still hurt them deeply >:(
OH PLEASEHDJDHFHF the poor guy literally threw up when oc returned his things he will definitely lose his mind !!! but we won’t even be able to move past #1 😭 his stubborn ass is going to put up a fight
“4. everyone else basically being happy that oc is finally not with him” oh. this really stings though 🥲 oc must be loved and protected at all times :( they went through so much :(
it’s really heartbreaking when you put the pieces together 💔🥲 the thing is oc wasn’t even conscious about that at the beginning at all but then became concerned about other people thinking bad about him :( in the valentine’s drabble though oc offered to pay also as a form of valentine’s gift but i promise they’re definitely plenty comfortable now hehe they’re basically married and oc is living their best life :P AND PLS I HAVE TO WRITE THAT DRABBLE!!! jk fucking loves spoiling oc in every way possible 😭😭😭 oh i feel emotionally unstable already i’m so jealous 🚶
and yayyy thank you for always reading !! 💜 i’m happy to be of service i have too many jungkook thoughts to keep them to myself 🫣
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chryblossomjjk · 2 years
oh boy. i’ve read, reread, processed, and reread practice pt 3 so many time since it’s been out. first and foremost, you did an amazing job and it was so worth the wait!!!! tysm 💖 IVE GOT SO MANY THOUGHTS AND IM SORRY IF THIS IS ANNOYING T^T
1. when oc hit jk with the “this relationship is unproductive” my jaw DROPPED. and she didn’t stop there … she had to add the comment about it being a big word for him. HEART SHATTERING!!!!! i get it though … hurt people, hurt people. but still, ouch 💔
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and my heart broke even more when jk defaulted to “you’re being so…mean.” because he could’ve thrown any insult in the books … but that line??? phewwww — dw tho, i’m an angst enthusiast so it was much welcomed but hurt nonetheless :’)
2. when oc was saying she’s ashamed about chasing after a man … girl, i felt that. 7 men to be exact 🤡 it’s okay, bestie. we in this together
3. “i don’t do relationships.” LMFAOOO 💀💀 JK READ THE FRIGGIN ROOM PLS IM BEGGING YOU
4. “I wish you saw yourself the way I do,” he says with sparkly eyes. “How could I want anyone else, Bambi?” ……that’ll do it. this along with the many other touching dialogue in the fic has me in a chokehold.
5. love them for communicating. it was tough, but proud of them for getting through it and being honest with their feelings!
6. i rly appreciated how everything connected and there were bits and pieces from pt 1&2! tied everything together and just had that extra attention to detail.
7. i’m gunna miss this couple. i hope they watch all the sailor moon eps they can, eat chocolate chip pancakes at unreasonable hours, and live a happy life together. 💖
what a treat it was to follow this series! ty again and hope you take care of yourself as always. looking forward to reading your future works!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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naur oc was a big ole meanie for that :'(( lol i cannot stress to u guys enough that practice jk cannot stand drama or being angry !! so even though he was v upset with oc it's not in his character to insult !! especially our girl he would never </3
7 men... I'd be lying if i judged bc same... broken hearted club me n u <3 :'(
i love when stories come full circle or when theres a seemingly small detail that actually is a huge detail later on and makes you :O i try to do that with my stories, especially this one.
also i imagine that there's a pancake place thats open 24 hours near their campus and it becomes a ritual for them to go there weekly at like 1am bc nostalgia n they're so smitten w each other ;'))
ty so much for supporting me and this series. genuinely means the world to me. hearing your takes and theories throughout really warmed my heart. ily and thank you again <3
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 1 year
465 of 2023
1) How do you like your grilled cheese?
I really prefer croque-monsieur, I have that memory of my grandma making them for me and my sister. It's such a comfort food for me. Grilled cheese is not an European thing.
2) Where did you go on your last vacation?
To Poland, I loved it.
3) Who was the last person you were in a car with?
My husband.
4) Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In a happy place.
5) Where are you at noon everyday?
Whenever. It depends on what I have to do.
6) How many speeding tickets have you gotten?
I don't even have a licence.
7) Do you like anyone?
I like many people. Only a few I truly love, though.
8) What is the last thing you said out loud?
Something about my husband being grumpy. He caught a cold and he's kinda upset about it and he snaps at everyone because of that.
Okay but where is the question?
10) What do you think of winter?
I hate winter. Too cold, too dark, too depressing. My only exception is Christmas.
11) What do you do for relaxation?
Walking along the beach, reading books, listening to the music.
12) Last person you had a meaningful conversation with?
Probably my psychiatrist. He told me something really meaningful.
13) Do you use a plan book?
I do. I have a calendar planner and I note just everything there.
14) At what age do you plan on having kids?
15) When was the last time you swam?
I can't swim. Yeah I was raised at the sea.
16) Last time you cried?
The only time I really cried was in April, when I heard bad news at work.
17) Do you keep your clothes organized?
Kind of, by type.
18) How do you make headaches go away?
I go to sleep. I don't take painkillers.
19) Have you owned a beta fish before?
No, I'm not even sure what it is.
20) If you moved out of state where would you go?
I've never lived in any state, so how can I move out of state?
21) How old is your best friend?
51 and he's my husband.
22) Did you attend pre school?
I did. I didn't like it.
23) What do your shower curtains look like?
We have a sliding glass door there.
24) Did you have an imaginary friend as a child?
No, but me and my sister had OCs. We created a world of anthropomorphic cats.
25) How do you make eggs?
Scrambled or hard-boiled.
26) Where do you wash your clothes?
In the washing machine lol.
27) Which parent do you look most like?
I look like a mix of them both. My dad's eyes and ears, my mum's nose, and a unique eye colour. My sister has our dad's nose and his eye colour.
28) Who are the neighbors who live to the right of you?
Some Italian man and his daughter.
29) What are your thoughts on Tom Cruise?
Omg I feel aversion to him.
30) What is the next vehicle you wish to buy?
I don't think I do.
31) Do you pay bills online or by mail?
I make money transfers in my mobile bank app.
32)Do you talk to the hottest kid in your grade?
What? I'm not in school, but even when I was, I didn't care who "the hottest kid" was.
33) What is something stressful you will deal with next week?
I can't predict the future.
34) What is something in your home that you collect?
Pens, notebooks, band t-shirts, keyrings, postcards, fridge magnets.
35) What did you do last night? Slept, probably.
36) Who did you last see?
My husband, sitting next to me.
37) How do you take your coffee?
I don't drink coffee anymore.
38) What is the oldest thing in your fridge?
The fridge itself lol.
39) On your keyboard what key is wearing out from pressing it so much?
So far all of them are visible, but I kinda expect it to be E, because it seems to be most used.
40) Where do you put your keys when you come home?
Back in my backpack.
41) Where do you go for Thanksgiving?
We don't celebrate it in Europe.
42) How old will u you be in 2010?
Damn this survey is old. I was 23.
43) What actor/actress would play you in a movie?
No, thanks.
44) How much cash is in your wallet?
None, I always use a card.
47) If you were starving to death would you eat a pet?
No, My cats are like my children. I'd rather starve than eat them.
48) Ever been to Alabama?
Never been to the US at all.
49) What kind of accent do you have?
West-Flemish. Typical for my area.
50) What kind of alcoholic drinks are in your fridge right now?
None. We don't keep alcohol in the fridge.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Was thinking about my protag ocs and their jobs again.
Jin - currently still a pokemon champion, needs to retire but they haven't processed some shit yet. Though after SV,they officially retire. I dunno what they would do, though. I can see them being a ranger though. Still does pokemon contests on the side.
Amber- Already a pokemon professor. 1/3.
Kenji- Uuuuuuuh after all that shit with TLH, he just. Rests for a while. Focuses on his art. He's no longer champion even before the whole TLH stuff was a thing, so this is honestly a matter of recovering and healing for him.
Aiko- Gym leader! It's fun to think that she's been a gym leader for at least 5 years now ever since swsh( probably more cause I don't remember when I decided she would be a gym leader). Outside of that, I'm not 100% sure, but I just thought of her having her own martial arts classes? Combining what she learned with the Kimono Girls and Chuck.
Beryl- Pokemon Professor!! 2/3. Also works in pokemon rehabilitation, so kinda a ranger? They work closely with the rangers anyway. Turned the Johto safari zone into their center cause why the fuck did that old man give it to her in the first place. They're not complaining, now that they're putting it to something more useful that a safari zone, but still.
Danica- She also retired as Champion, most likely when Kiran went missing. After that, she focused on owning her own battle cafe, inspired by the ones in Galar.( but also some establishments in Sinnoh, Alola and Hoenn). She...kinda has to step away from her job no thanks to TLH shenanigans but I think she has good co-workers who can handle the place while she's gone. It does make her even more bothered with TLH though ( outside of everything else that they've done).
Kiran- Pokemon professor 3/4! ....at least, he's catching up to be one. Yeah was kiiiiinda taken around the cusp of the official start of his pokemon professor career. Meaning they were still considered a pokemon professor assistant/ in training. They were very close to finishing that though, but alas. He got yoinked and now he's 4 years late. He's making up for it, obviously, but after everything that they went through in Hisui, they are taking their time for once. But Kiran's always will be a pokemon professor in my heart <3. Though this does mean Sonia snatched the " youngest pokemon professor" title from him ( which actually isn't true, but I like to think it becomes a little joke between them).
Alexis- Sometimes I forget that being a professional pokemon trainer is a legit profession that you can do in the pokemon world. So yeah, I think Alexis does that after the events of Swsh. He used to work in the daycare, and he still loves that, but he realized battling was always his true calling ( Hugh seems to have picked up where he left off though, which is nice ). He's always the worrier still, always worried about his pokemon, but he's skilled and confident enough to be careful with his battling. Also maaaaaybe works at the battle subway with Elliot. ( also liked to attend musicals lol)
Elliot- Works at the battle subway but thanks to TLH shenanigans, it's kinda hard to clock into work sometimes. She's homeschooling considering quitting just so it doesn't become so much of a problem ( once things settle with TLH, she'll go back if they'd hire her again ). Outside of that, much like Alexis, she's a professional pokemon trainer!
Eva- Eva, oh Eva, she has and had a lot of jobs. She used to be an actress before she quit that, then she used to be the head of join avenue before passing it over to Wayne*( * this fact might change, I'm still not 100% sure), and then she decides to retire being a champion, all in which to focus on her love for engineering! She mostly works for herself, the other Chosens and anyone who needs her service that's willing to pay. I can see her being a model too on the side.
Wayne: I think it would be funny if Eva dropped her old jobs only for Wayne to kinda. Picked them back up. First is the obvious Join Avenue stuff. Being raised by Clay has its perks and one of them is running a business. Eva originally was the one in charge ( or rather, she was in charge and Wayne was...I dunno the co-owner? Yeah that makes sense), and then she left it off to him. Then there's becoming an actor. Turns out,like Eva, Wayne has that natural charisma that's good for the big screen. But Eva quit for a reason, so she really sat down Wayne down and let him know what he's gonna get into,and what he can do to make sure he doesn't get exploited, etc. It also helps to have two stars kinda give you the ropes of everything. I don't think Wayne is a big star or anything, but yeah.
Jude: Jude is difficult bc of her role as the so called leader of the Chosens ( or the modern era). I'm not even sure if she's still champion or not, since on one end, i wouldn't mind her losing her title ( she's not invisible after all and so far a lot of ocs seem to just retire than actually lose their title). On the other end, being champion kinda keeps them in the loop of things better, especially in terms of TLH. So right now that aspect of Jude's life is a big question mark. Outside of that, I can see Jude trying some things, but I'm not really sure to considered the jobs, or hobbies. For example, roller derby. Wouldn't be surpised if Korrina tried to get Jude into that ( who is already fond of roller skating). But as a profession? Eeeeeh not sure. Then there's fashion. Despite Jude's dislike of Kalos' fashion industry, they do still love fashion. Maybe Jude can do something in that, but again I'm not sure. And maybe Jude isn't sure either. Of course, Jude can easily fall back on being a professional pokemon trainer( which guess they already are lol). That, at the very least, she can be sure of.
Dante- Dante literally works as a freelance detective in Lumiouse City with Emma. And a professional pokemon trainer, much like his parents.
Amsonia- Lost her title as champion ( either to Hau or to someone else, but leaning towards Hau). Is now a professional surfer! Also works at the Battle Tree now and again.
Ray- Oh man, ever since I made him a faller from a ruined Alola, this idea of him essentially becoming a ultra guardian like in the anime. Being a Chosen that can't get amnesia from going through Ultra Space really helps. He works closely with Burnett and the Ultra Recon Squad. Outside of that he's straight up chilling. Ngl I have many ideas for Ray ( like maybe he's also a scientist that study's ultra space...which probably comes from with the territory of being an Ultra Gaurdian), but this is like. The main thing I can think for him.
Naomi- By SV she lost against Raihan, and is Going Through It. Not sure what she would do now. Maybe she gets into music? Maybe she becomes a ranger, and work with Hop? She doesn't know, she's still in her feelings.
Carol- Is essentially working on becoming a journalist( as of SV)! Kinda ironic given their experience with them, but they're really good at it, soooooo. Also studying law with no desire to be a lawyer, just wanna mess with system.
Luca and R.B are still teens, and while i do know what they would do in the future, this post is mostly about what my ocs doing by SV.
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sevlawless · 1 year
Ok then top 5 versions of Arabella!!!
PLSKSKSBDBDNDM thank u for actually sending this ur so real <3
under the cut because this is literally insane who reuses an oc this much .. but u could also ask WHY she fits SO well in everything i stick her in
ask me my top 5 anything!
1. infamous!arabella - LIKE ?????? i've said it before on here but i genuinely do feel like arabella was meant to be in this if she fits SO WELL it's baffling and in my mind arabella has ALWAYS wanted to be a musician so ofc i would put in here yk ? she fits perfectly and i am so brainrotted about infamous and this version of arabella i feel like in some if's i have to like . tone her down see twc but for this one she can fully be what i always imagined her being and it is SO FUN to explore that 🥺
2. twc!arabella - mostly because as much as i hate it arabella wouldn't exist without twc . AND I HAD HER ROMANCING ADAM AT FIRST CAN U BELIEVE ?? it still boggles my mind as if her n morgan aren't soulmates but anyways <3 and because the bobby n arabella lore in my brain is TOO MUCH i have a whole playlist for them i have wips abt them collecting dust ! anyways she is like ... a pg 13 version of herself in twc i feel LMFAO i can't have her be as mean n funny as she is but that is her origin story sadly i owe m*shka something ig (also arabella would never in her life stay in wayhaven she would have bolted as soon as ub came into her office let's be real and she would have NEVER been promoted to detective)
3. bodycount!arabella - this was before i stuck her in litg (love island the game) and just didn't feel like making a new oc but she adapted ! if there is one thing abt arabella she will have a dead end job she does not care abt and will desperately try to get out of lol and you know she would be the BEST reality show contestant bc of how messy n funny n flirty she is! people would love to hate her and vice versa! is she coping with all the murder? hell no but we will persevere LMFAO
4. when twilight strikes!arabella - this is partly because her n rylan are a match made in heaven and i love their interactions <3 also the supernatural aspect this girl can NEVER stay away from vamps! yk she has a motorcycle also LMFAO this version of arabella is what i desperately wanted for twc but u know that shit always falls short.
5. chop shop!arabella - THIS IS ONLY IN THE LAST SLOT BC THERE R ONLY LIKE 2 CHAPTERS OUT LMFAO BUT JUST KNOW I LOVE CHOP SHOP and again .. arabella with a dead end job that she can't escape >>>>> yes she punched maz in the face. yes she tried escaping through the window. yes she got so drunk she threw up on four's shoes. she is a MESS but that is fine! this version of her is also interesting bc she actually has a good relationship with her mom and you know she can't be arabella without mommy issues but it works! and it's actually refreshing LMFAO
honorable mention to litg!arabella because that was when i REALLY started having prophetic visions abt her being a singer and working that into her lore and it's not an if so </3
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muniimyg · 2 years
Hi kimi! I hope you are doing well. I just read the update and I don’t know how to feel about the chapter… I still don’t want oc to go back to him. I need her to find herself again and take the time to heal. I know it’s been a while know since he left, but I really need her to heal before she decides to be with him or not. I also don’t know how to feel about this chapter because it seems like it’s trying to justify his actions. I don’t know I just really don’t want them together because he left her scarred and I guess since I’m a stubborn person I think if I were oc, I would flat out tell him no and to leave me alone. I don’t know why I feel this way about him. And I’m just surprised about how he wants to propose to her in the future. Like the audacity? I know he said it’s not anytime soon, but the fact that he thinks that he can just come and pick up where they left off irritates me. AND WITH AN ARROGANT ATTITUDE?! I think this might be the reason why I don’t like the idea of them getting back together. If he came with humility and talked to her about why he upped and left, it would have been different. It would not make things so confusing and difficult for oc. And I wouldn’t be so irritated with him lol. I want oc to focus on herself and grow. Namjoon is willing to wait for her, but I rather he just leaves her alone. I hope my feedback doesn’t discourage you. I just want to let you know my thoughts about the chapter. But I always believe that the story is the authors and no one else’s and that no one should send hate with how the story is going. I can’t wait for the next update and I will read it with an open mind. Take care kimi! 🖤
omg,, thank u for sending in!
no, ur opinion doesn’t discourage me or anything,, the ending has been decided since the very start heheheh. it took almost a year for me to push the storyline out and write it and i love how it turned out.
i think ur thots are really valid as the essence of the art of war truly is all abt how far can you push love until it is no longer love. how love evolves to familiarity, challenges, and even ego. how messy love can look—something like a monet painting. pretty from a far, messy up close.
i think oc and nam joon both have a lot of growing to do. i think their history makes nam joon confident of the future and makes oc nervous because she was the one who loves deeply. beginning their story towards the end of her hurting and the beginning of nam joon’s regret was all intentional. writing the scene where nam joon finally cries, it states that nam joon doesn’t rlly know how to act,, he jus knows he wants oc. it doesn’t excuse his behaviour, but it explains it. nam joon and oc’s characters are intentionally vague,, in a sense where u aren’t supposed to know every detail of their relationship but rather the greyness of their existence to one another. they love each other, but they also hurt one another a lot. it’s also because they’ve known each other their entire lives,, how are u supposed to unlove them one day? oc struggles with this and nam joon attempts to navigate thru his mess. if u notice, none of the characters LOVE the idea of the two getting back together, but none of them are completely against it either. more will obviously be revealed in part 4 🫣
writing the art of war is the kind of story i hope readers get irritated and feel sorry for the characters in whatever way possible because it’s not supposed to be a “yes they should end up together” or “they need to break up rn” moment,, it’s more about how the writing and deliverance makes you feel something. do u feel the slow burn? do u feel oc’s sense of identity loss and nam joon’s desperation? considering your thoughts, i think i’m on the right path :)
i hope u enjoy the upcoming ending !!! the art of war was based on my own experiences so i hold this story and every detail of it close to my heart <3
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