#edited bc i forgot a whole page OOPS
em1e · 4 months
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why-its-kai · 1 year
Monthly Satellite Times update
apologies for a whole lot of nothing lately, despite having obtained 12/13 of the LaserDiscs, my project momentum kind of hit a brick wall bc depression been kicking my ass lately.
Good News Though:
-Stage 1 is nearly complete, it's fully scanned and stitched, currently working on the cleanup for page 3, which is the last one that needs cleanup. It's taking a long time bc this one was a bit tougher to extract the background from due to the sketchier artwork in the settei on the Production Preview pages and I'm very nitpicky when it comes to cleaning things up, haha. Also had to rescan and restitch this entire insert due to my scanner software having automatically sharpened all the scans, which causes issue on the cleanup process. These were my first scans done on my new pc so I had not realized that option was on by default on my software and simply forgot to check, oopsie. but yea i am about 1/3 done cleaning page 3. hopefully can have it done this week
-I managed to get to the library and try their large format scanner, which was large enough to scan the LD sleeve & obi strip I brought to try as well as whole pages of the entire Monthly Satellite Times, which means no stitching will be needed! the scanner is also much faster at 600dpi than mine is, so I'm going to try to get the rest of the inserts scanned that way to save me the stitching trouble as well as get all the LD sleeves & obi strips. the computer has a 1hr time limit for use but i was able to get everything i needed from the 1 LD in about 30 minutes so it will be multiple trips to get everything but hey it'll get me out of the house right ? haha
The Not Good News:
-I have been misattributing the Vash the Gallery artists, which I hadn't realized--the artist credits are for the artist featured in the previous volume! this was described on the Stage 1 insert (using google lens for translation) and due to my inability to read the language I had not figured this out sooner. oops. once the proper artists are figured out I will go edit the original posts featuring those detail scans. I know they have been reblogged many times already some of them and i feel bad for spreading misinfo....something i am trying to do the opposite of... I'm sorry !!!!!!
-I am still missing Stage 12 and on the lookout for a copy, preferably the LaserDisc but I'd take a tape if it has the insert included...idk just lmk if by chance you find any listings for Stage 12 !!!! i've been poking around a bit and have yet to find one..... also lmk if any listings for a complete LD Box 2 shows up, I am unhinged enough about this series to buy duplicates of 6/7 of the LDs I already have just to get 1 missing one + a cool box to match the LD Box 1 I do have, and also hopefully get the Stage 8 obi strip (which is the only obi I am missing)
And to end off, here's my entire Trigun original Japanese home media release collection at the moment, tehe (i forgot if i posted this pic already so sorry if it's repeat).
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(I am planning on reselling one of my Stage 4 LDs, and any other potential duplicates I may end up with should I manage to get my hands on a LD Box 2)
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