#edited because of past/present tense things I noticed on reread HOW EMBARRASSING I'm sorry
ffxiiscenarios · 7 years
Waahhh I would love it if you could write a scenario post FFXII, where an attendant s/o discovers Basch is masquerading as Judge Gabranth??? (like maybe they knew Gabranth before the game and would recognize the voice change once Basch takes up the armor)? Thank you :) I'm so glad there's an FFXII Reader blog.
Everybody loves Lord Gabranth now.
“He’s so kind,” they say.
“I can breathe easy around him now.”
“Lord Larsa’s new rule has brought out the good in everyone.”
But you know better. You know people. Nobody simply changes out of the blue like that! Though relatively new to castle duties, you’ve served as Gabranth’s maidservant since at least the fall of Dalmasca.
Before this “change,” you mostly cleaned, did his laundry, and served him food on the rare occasion he cared to eat in his quarters, so your interactions were limited. But little as you knew him, one thing was certain: like all Judge Magisters, he was to be feared, not adored. And he made sure of it. Once, when he accidentally removed his helmet in your presence, you’d managed to sneak a glance at his face.
He was handsome, to be sure. Exactly what one might imagine if one was stupid enough to romanticize a ruthless Judge Magister. But you knew better, even then, and his eyes were nothing but cold. You easily averted your gaze and left his quarters at once, understanding that you were to speak of it to no one.
Now, suddenly, simply for the death of the Emperor and his mad son, Lord Gabranth has become the kindest man in Ivalice? Preposterous.
Of course, you can’t deny that he is kind nowadays. He acknowledges those who dare to address him, and politely, too.
“Thank you, ________,” he even said this morning, when you brought in his breakfast.
Before then, you weren’t even sure he knew your name. It’s nice, but there has to be something more to his sudden transformation. This Gabranth is not the lord you knew, served, and feared.
Clicking your tongue in frustration, you scrub the floor of his bathroom dutifully. Regardless of his odd change, after all, you still have a job to do. You can’t deny that the Judge Magister certainly does his.
That’s when the sound of shuffling outside snaps you out of your thoughts.
Pausing, you glance up. No one is allowed to be here save you and anyone who would take your place if you were ill, and Lord Gabranth is never home during the day. A thief, then?
You get up and slowly open the door, ready with a broom in hand - when a peculiar sight greets you. Several scars on a muscular back. Old lashings, but not that old - and they sting to even look upon. You stare in horror until something on the bed catches your eye. A helmet, breastplate, gauntlets…
Your gaze snaps back to the scars - or it would, if their owner didn’t just turn to face you.
Your gaze falls to the floor at once. “Forgive me, my lord. I…” Your mind runs over itself trying to think of an excuse, but it’s clear to both of you that his scars distracted you.
Gabranth startles, but his voice is calm. “______. I didn’t realize you were here.”
“I - I was cleaning, Lord Gabranth. Forgive me. I’ll take my tools and leave at once.”
“It really is no matter, _______.”
Your eyebrows furrow. Not at his kind response, but the way he says it. The way he speaks, and his voice… It isn’t just a matter of intonation. You’ve been trying to pin down what it is, but there’s no other way to put it.
His voice is simply….different.
Gabranth’s face now mirrors your knitted brow. “Is aught amiss, _______?”
After a long pause, you softly admit, “Yes.”
His brows lift in surprise at that. “Know that you may speak plainly with me. What is it?”
“…Who are you?”
Gabranth blinks at your sudden question and the way you’ve lifted your broom somewhat, as though ready to defend yourself at any moment. As though it would matter against a Judge Magister. “_______? Have you grown ill?”
“…I’m fine,” you curtly answer. The real Lord Gabranth would be cross at such an accusation. Not concerned. “One does not speak plainly with Lord Gabranth. And…” You rattle away, all your thoughts tumbling out of your mouth, “it would be impossible for him to bear your scars. New scars. Or your voice. Neither was he kind.” 
When you finish, Gabranth levels you with such an intense stare that you almost take a step back. Not even the real Lord Gabranth had ever looked at you like that. Still, you hold your ground, even if you’re barely able to stop yourself from nervously gulping.
“Did he hurt you?” is what he asks.
Relief washes over you, but so does alarm. At least he isn’t angry, but…
“No, never,” you murmured. “But—”
Gabranth sighs, letting his shoulders slump as he runs a hand through his short hair. “I had thought my acting fine enough to fool even those closest to my brother. I see I was wrong.”
His brother…? That is the only plausible explanation, you suppose. But why? “Well, yes… You and Lord — the real Lord Gabranth are markedly different.”
You speak without hesitation, but Gabranth doesn’t miss the question in your eyes. When? “During the battle with Vayne,” he answers it. “It was his last wish that I protect Lord Larsa, as he had.”
There are so many questions on your mind. Where did this man come from? Does the Emperor know? And is Lord Gabranth really…?
It isn’t as though he had been anything more than your master, but knowing that someone you knew passed away, and to no one else’s knowledge… Tears prick your eyes, to your confusion, and to this Gabranth’s shock.
Your chest heaves for a moment, taking in the news - and then you school your features into the neutrality of a trained maidservant. But you still can’t bring yourself to speak.
Gabranth watches you for a time, perhaps waiting for your response, but your reaction isn’t lost on him. He lets a moment of silence pass before he speaks again.
“I suppose it didn’t help that I smiled. He wasn’t one to smile, was he?”
The sudden question - or the smile that graces this Gabranth’s features - makes you think of the real one, and how he might look if he smiled. You find that even with one on this Gabranth’s face, you can’t imagine it on the old one.
“No. And neither did your sudden change in manner and temperament,” you say, unable to help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Gabranth gives the smallest chuckle that makes you laugh even harder - at least until tears begin to slip onto your cheeks. Dropping your broom, you rush to wipe them even as you weep. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Gabranth - because that is who he is now - draws closer when it is clear you won’t push him away. He rests a hand on your shoulder. “I am glad - that he had someone who cared for him. I am sorry you could not know. Lord Larsa thought it best.”
Your gaze lowers again. “I had no right to. I was merely his maidservant. I didn’t really know Lord Gabranth.”
“Few did. Nevertheless.”
You can’t help but look up at his kind voice - one that matches his kind gaze. He bears a scar across one eyebrow, and now that you know the truth, you see all the little differences in their appearance. How could you ever have mistaken him for the true Gabranth? Still… he is handsome, just like his brother. And though his voice is much more gravelly, it isn’t unpleasant.
And his form…
His half-naked form.
Suddenly, your face blooms red and you turn your back on the Judge. “I’m sorry for intruding, Lord Gabranth. I’ll take my tools and go.”
You hurry into the bathroom as Gabranth appears to realize his state of undress. When you return, he looks peculiar in a tunic and the bottom half of his armor. Before you can scurry out, however…
You turn, hoping you are no longer as red as you feel. Now that you’ve realized just how handsome this kind man is, you can’t quite look him in the eye, and heat pricks at your back in embarrassment. You are suddenly aware of how plain you might look in your maidservant’s dress.
“Don’t fret, Lord Gabranth. Your secret is safe with me.”
“It isn’t that. _______… we have our duties, but might we speak again?”
This time, you do gulp. He wants to see you again? “Milord?”
“You knew my brother, and now you know me - something true of no one in Archades but the Emperor. I must admit, I find it a relief.”
“Oh. Well…”
“And - I would like to hear of what you knew of him, however little. But I understand if you don’t wish to—”
“I would love to,” you blurt out, before he can withdraw the invitation.
Gabranth pauses, and then smiles, gaze lingering on yours. It seems as though he’s looking at you for the first time. “I am glad to hear it. …Dinner, perhaps?”
“I - I suppose?” You clear the nerves from your throat. What is the matter with you? He’s only asking to speak with you again to discuss his brother. You don’t even know this man, and yet… “Yes.”
“Thank you, _______.”
“Good day, milord.” You nod, giving a quick curtsy before rushing outside with your tools. You lean against the wall as you shut the door behind you, trying to calm your beating heart.
You will mourn Lord Gabranth. He deserves that, at least. But perhaps this new one isn’t so bad after all.
Here you go! Thank you so much for the ask! I love Basch and i needed this to kick me back into gear! Love Noah by extension, but I wonder how s/o will react to the knowledge that Basch’s scars were Noah’s doing. I know there wasn’t much romance, but s/o is getting a bit of a crush! :D (And so is Basch.)
I still have the previous asks to answer and I will absolutely get to them! I’ve just gone through a change of life-everythings and so it’s taken me a while to get back into the groove, I’m so sorry guys! But this definitely helped and I’ll be picking up and finishing the other asks soon c: sorry to keep you guys waiting oTL
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