ffxiiscenarios ¡ 3 years
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the rest of the outfits on my instagram … are the first of a new collection 🖤🤫
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 3 years
big sorry about the delay on this everybody, life changes mean not much time as i had when i first started this blog. still hoping to write eventually when i have the time
h hewwo ???? im on mobile so i can't see the dates of any posts,, just wanted to know if ur still active or not and still looking for reqs/asks?
Hi anon. I technically am, but with work and life and other stuff I’m writing, I still have a backlog of 5 or 6 reqs/asks here from all the way back to my last latest post >n< I do intend to write them eventually and am planning to tackle them definitely before the year ends. I’m so sorry to everyone who wrote those 5/6 reqs/asks!!
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 4 years
h hewwo ???? im on mobile so i can't see the dates of any posts,, just wanted to know if ur still active or not and still looking for reqs/asks?
Hi anon. I technically am, but with work and life and other stuff I’m writing, I still have a backlog of 5 or 6 reqs/asks here from all the way back to my last latest post >n< I do intend to write them eventually and am planning to tackle them definitely before the year ends. I’m so sorry to everyone who wrote those 5/6 reqs/asks!!
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
As for an actual proper request, a match-up maybe? 5' 4". Pisces. Dark blonde hair. I'm pretty straight-laced, and I won't keep quiet if I believe something's wrong. I'm pretty blunt, but always try to be friendly and only judge people when I get to know them - though I've a keen eye, so I can tell if someone's not telling the truth/ has bad intentions. Usually like calm, romantic things like beaches/ stargazing/ cloud gazing. I'd go to big social gatherings every once in a while. :)
I had a difficult timedeciding, but I match you with Gabranth!(Noah.)
In general, the two ofyou get along splendidly when it comes to telling each other the truth, becausehe hates sycophants and social climbers. He will try to hide more difficulttruths from you, but you know well enough to give him time. Eventually, he tellsyou all about his history and you’re the only one he really trusts with all ofhimself. You consult each other on your opinions of certain people, especiallyhim with you because he knows you’re a good judge of character. You have a lotof little unspoken things, especially when it comes to romance and affection,which is the one thing he isn’t very vocal about, and visiting places likebeaches and going stargazing/cloud gazing is definitely something he sets timeaside to do with you even when he’s really busy.
In detail, Archadia(specifically Archades) is full of social climbers, so your beingstraight-laced and upfront is definitely new to Gabranth. At first, he wonderswhat makes you think you can stand up to a Judge Magister, but he comes toappreciate that in you, especially because it reminds him of Larsa. The onlydifference is that he’s attracted to you, and as much as he knows he shouldstick with work and doesn’t have time for any social interaction outsidedealing with politics and his troops, he sort of lets himself linger aroundwhere you’ve bumped into each other before so you can talk to each other. Evenbetter if you’re already there. When he confesses, you might not even realizeit’s a confession. He’s prideful and his Judge Magister’s armor is his shieldfrom others literally and figuratively, so if you understand what he meansimmediately, he’s relieved. If you ask him to clarify, his more upfrontconfession is like pulling teeth. But he does it, and is really embarrassedthat he was afraid to be as blunt as he normally is because he was afraid ofrejection.
Your bluntness can getto him if he’s the one you’re criticizing, but in the end he always knows heneeded to hear it and is glad that he’s found someone who can tell it to him straight.He’s just as blunt, but for some reason finds himself trying to mince wordswhen it comes to you. His opinion of someone doesn’t usually change once it’ssoured, but if you ask him to give them a chance, he’ll reconsider because he trustsyou, but he won’t admit that he is reconsidering (unless you press him for itand you start a fight about it).
Gabranth and Baschseem to be the same height, which gives you two a six-inch difference. He doesn’tpoke fun at you for it or anything, but sometimes you catch him with an amusedexpression when you try to reach for something he’s placed somewhere high. Ifyou ask him about it, he promises it was nothing and is more affectionate in anattempt to distract you. (That and he just likes an excuse to be handsy inprivate, because he feels he needs to justify it to himself and to you. Hedoesn’t like being considered mushy, even by himself. Oh, Gabranth.)
When it comes to fights,Gabranth knows where to strike to make it hurt, but he cares about you enoughto know never to do that. He might sometimes raise his voice, but calms downand regrets it immediately when he does. It takes him forever to apologize andbefore he does, he mopes around like a sad puppy probably trying to get out ofit. When he does, it’s difficult for him to look you in the eye, but hisattitude immediately shifts if you accept. If you’re the one at fault, heignores you the entire time after the fight (if there is a confrontation) untilyou apologize. If there wasn’t a confrontation and he’s mad, he’ll be curt andtell you why he’s upset, and then turn his nose up at you until you apologize.Once you do, he never resists. He caves immediately.
When it comes to theromance, again, he isn’t very vocal. He’s more show than tell, and he remembersall the important dates between the two of you and other dates important to you(family/friends), and even if you never mention them, he probably knows allyour favorite things because he’s especially observant when it comes to you. You’rejust the type of couple that loves doing separate things together, but he wouldnever decline going out to do something you wanted if you liked, albeit a bitreluctantly when it comes to big social gatherings. He’d maybe drag his feet alittle, pout in this adorable way he doesn’t even realize, but he’d still go ifhe knew it meant a lot to you. And for your trips and stargazing/cloud gazing,he tries to read up on places to visit or ideal places for those activities sohe can take you there whenever he gets a break. Even if he’s busy, he makessure to spend time with you because you’re on his mind a lot while he’sworking. If you call him out on being really sweet, he will clam up and try tomaintain his dignity. If you mention it before bed or during pillow talk though,he’ll be even more affectionate.
Thank you for this, I have so much fun doing matchups! I wish I could get Gabranth too ;_; ahaha! I hope you liked who you got matched with. If not, let me know who you wanted to be paired with, if you want - I can also write what a relationship/friendship/whatever between you and any of the guys would be like! 
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
NSFW request for Balthier? Female!S/O is a toymaker/musicbox-maker in Archades who sidelines in repairing and retooling his guns for him. They've known each other since they were kids because he used to buy toys from her father (before he passed on and left the business to her), and he's kind of had a crush on her since they were young but she's dense as an anvil and has ignored all his romantic overtures. (1/2)
(cont. of toymaker prompt) When he finally gets through to her, it’s just before he and Fran go off on their heist at Rabanastre at the start of the game. If possible, could the scenario take place after the end of the game, when he comes back to see her and tries to explain where he’s been the whole time, and finally delivers on a promise to “make her see stars” the next time they see each other? (2/2)
“What’s wrong?”
Your question makes Balthier’s expectant look morph into a long-suffering one, and you don’t understand why. You were working on an order when he waltzed into your workshop, said something about knowing each other since childhood and promising to take you stargazing? You said you wouldn’t mind, but he doesn’t seem happy about it. You’re about to ask him to explain exactly what he meant when he sighs, winces…
“________. Listen to me.”
“I am, but I don't—”
“I love you.”
Only Balthier could sigh while confessing his feelings. As if you could understand his intentions from that vague promise of his!
But it doesn’t matter. He loves you. It took you a long time to realize it, but you love him too, and you promised you would wait for him.
Only… it’s been months since his confession, and he still hasn’t returned. Before they left, Fran mentioned that their next destination would undoubtedly earn them at least a year’s worth of free time, but you haven’t heard from the Sky pirates since then.
What you have heard is that almost immediately after Balthier left, Lord Vayne crushed a rebellion attempt the night he became Rabanastre’s consul - and months later, Dalmasca is on its way to settling the terms of its sovereignty with the new Emperor after some
showdown outside Rabanastre. He isn’t involved in either of those, is he? No. Balthier hates politics.
You wonder if he knows about Dr. Bunansa and Draklor. Maybe he’s laying low…but even when he doesn’t want to visit Archades, Fran or their mechanic Nono almost always comes in his place, sending letters…
Has he forgotten about you?
No… Even after he escaped and erased Ffamran, he stayed in touch. He can’t have…
As if on cue, a few heavy raps on the door rouse you from that sinking feeling in your stomach.
Bent over another of your working tables, you sit up at once. You abandon your latest project and race to the door. Only a few people know where you live now.
You throw your arms around him as soon as you see that familiar vest.
“_______,” he gasps, winded, only to chuckle belatedly as he pulls away. “In the nick of time, was I?”
“In the—” you scoff, even as you smile. “You’re months late!”
Balthier shakes his head. “Did you really think I’d never return, after a confession like that?”
His levity is starting to grate on you. You’re well aware that he’s always been flippant. You love that about him. But this is serious—it’s been months!
Your stern features sober the sky pirate before you, and he takes a deep breath, leaning close to reach for your arm. “I…was rather overwhelmed, even as the leading man,” he says, furrowed brows belying his smile. “Even Fran thought it too dangerous to contact you. But I’m here, and I’ll tell you everything.”
The earnest look in his eyes does away with the bubbling frustration, and all you’re left with is the memory of his confession. He looked just like this. As prideful as Balthier the sky pirate, but as vulnerable as a young Ffamran coming to visit your father’s toyshop. He hardly ever shows the latter anymore.
“_________, do you remember that promise I—”
The man isn’t able to continue. You interrupt him with a kiss, only to pull away in apology. He accepts by closing the distance repeatedly, until your hair is a tangled mess against your wall and Balthier’s hands snake hungrily under your shirt. You return the favor, reaching for his trousers, and in the fumble, your eyes meet. The heat and desire and affection in his gaze mirrors yours. With your silent approval, he takes your hand and leads you to the bedroom between kisses and clothes left for a morning far to come.
You make it to the bed first and roll onto your back. Balthier moves next to you, grinning as he steals another kiss, taking his time to nibble softly on your lower lip. When the two of you part to breathe, he looks you over, undergarments still on, and then at himself.
With a click of his tongue, he quirks a brow at you. “That’s a little unfair,” he says, finger sliding down your stomach and roaming over the cloth between your legs. You shiver as his hard member brushes your thigh. “Or did you leave these on for me?”
You rise from the haze of his affection with a whimper, breathing heavily as your eyes refocus on him. “I…” you lick your lips. “I know how much you love unwrapping your presents.”
You give a little snort at your own flirting, as does he—you’ve never been one for it, but it’s clear your last talk gave you a lot to think about. Not that it matters now. His gaze doesn’t leave yours as his fingers slip beneath your underwear, stirring at the heat waiting beneath. You hiss against him, hand curling around his other arm in plea.
Now, he knows, and you hardly ever make demands. He is happy to serve, but that isn’t to say he won’t enjoy himself. You can’t help but moan as he lowers his head over your chest, tongue flicking hungrily at your nipples, all while he pulls at your underwear, tugging them to your knees before they disappear to the floor with the rest of your things.
You gasp at the sensation, hips bucking for his attention even as he hums over your nipples. He doesn’t keep you waiting for long. Crawling over you, he grinds himself against your hole, shuddering with need as he finally brings his face next to yours. He murmurs again, this time without humor—only need and hunger and love.
“I love you, too,” you urge him, and he sinks himself into your wet folds. It takes some doing, grinding, shifting—but slowly, he fills you up, watching you with uncertainty when he does. His hitched breathing, fingers shaking as he brushes your hair from your face is him asking for permission to go on. You give it wholeheartedly, crashing your lips to his, and Balthier’s uninhibited passion drives his length into you again, and again, and again, until your entire world is Balthier and his lips hungrily nipping at your neck, your jaw, your mouth, one hand grasping your hips while the other…!
The other is rubbing furiously at your pearl, as erratic as the way he thrusts into you, and you hardly even notice the pleasure mounting or your hips rolling willfully against his until you feel as wound as a knot - and he whispers something in your ear, licking at your earlobe - and you burst, your vision erupting into sparks as you reach your peak. When you tighten around him, he groans, grunting out your name and releasing inside of you.
It takes a while after he holds you for him to roll over next to you, and you curl instinctively into his arms at once. He wraps them around you and strokes your hair, giving your forehead a kiss.
You hum pleasantly, and eventually you catch your breath enough to look up at him. “Is that what you meant?”
“You know. When you promised. That you’d…” you yawn languidly. “Make me see stars…”
“Make you…?” Balthier considers you for a moment - wondering just what he’s going to do with the one he loves - but only laughs.
Thank you for the ask! I hope Balthier wasn’t too out of character. I figured he’d be a little different around the woman he grew up with, and this was written with the assumption that he told her he was running off and why, etc. and that she knows Fran and Nono. She was probably jealous about Fran at first without realizing it (since she’s so dense, as you requested, haha!). Thanks again! I love the sky pirates and even if I usually ship balfran, I enjoyed writing him for an oc!
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
finally someone i can foist my reddas love on if you don’t mind! scenario please :) future so first meeting? so is a tough (or thinks she’s tough) new pirate trained by balthier/fran pre-game. so is with nono in balfonheim when someone tries to steal from her. the thief bumps into reddas, who gives the thing back. 1/2
(reddas scenario ask) so doesn’t know who he is and thanks him, surprised at bald hotness, then runs off with nono. reddas gets curious about her. thank you, cannot wait! 2/2
My first Reddas request! I’m honored. Have some BALDHOTNESS (should I tag Reddas as that from now on? hhahah)
TheGallerina market is always awake before the rest of Balfonheim, even beforesunrise. Out on supply run duty as the newest member of your pirate crew withNono to supervise (he really just wanted an excuse to buy breakfast), you’re puttingyour haggling skills to use when something brushes past you. Instinctively, youturn, left hand reaching for the satchel tied to your waist –
“_______!”Nono cries out, dropping his breakfast as you give chase.
The thiefknows his way around the market. He is clever, taking you around circles andnearly losing his tail, but your new crewmates have taught you just how much tenacityit’ll take to be a sky pirate.
“Get backhere!”
So you follow,but darting past corners and nearly leaping into walls in a new city takes muchmore endurance than you first fathomed. Just as you began to tire, yoursprinting slowing to a stop, breath coming out in pants as you yell afterhim—he runs face-first into someone else.
Reddashas never been the sort to make rounds so early in the morning, but on occasionhe feels the yearning to stretch his legs before daybreak and ventures outsidehis manse. He appreciates the tranquility in which he rarely finds the port,and intends to take full advantage of it today.
He enjoyshis walk for all of a minute before he hears a scream.
Itssource comes into view soon after. A boy with a small satchel in his grip burstsout of an alley, glancing fearfully back at his pursuer – you, hair and eyeswild with determination as you give chase. The boy runs, heedless of his path,and Reddas steps in the way to watch as the force of their collision knocksover the little thief.
You catchup at once, breathing just as heavily as the boy and reaching down to grab hishand. “I’ve got you now—! ”
The thiefis empty-handed, staring up fearfully at someone who isn’t you. Only then doyou notice the man looming over the two of you, one brow raised and a small smirkforming on the side of his mouth. You can’t help but take in the rest of hisfeatures. Tall, dark, handsome… and bald. It’s a familiar description thatshould ring a bell, but you have other concerns. Like the—
“Hey!”you growl. The boy has scrambled to his feet and dashed off into another alleywhile you were distracted. That was a two weeks’ worth of gil…! Starting tosee red, you turn to the man. “Thanks a lot.”
Insteadof challenging you as you expect, however, he smiles, eyes crinkling inamusement as he gingerly holds out your satchel between his thumb and his indexfinger. “You are most welcome.”
“Mygil!” you gasp, snatching it from him like a child offered sweets. Reachinginside and making a quick count with your fingers—pirates are good at that—yourealize he’s still there. And how you were just about to drag him into a brawl.
Slowly,your gaze rises from your money to his expectant look. “Thank you,” you muttersheepishly. “I’m—“
“________!”A moogle in green overalls cries, turning the corner belatedly after you and clearly outof breath. “We still haven’t…gotten supplies…! Come back!”
“Nono—sorry! Got it!” you whirl, waving your satchel at Nono before turning back toface Reddas. This time, you manage to look a little more dignified. “Well—seeyou around.”
“Thepleasure was mine,” is his answer, along with a chuckle you almost miss.
You blink.Reddas thinks you might scoff until your surprised expression breaks into asmall smile, nose and ears heating with a soft pink tinge. With that, you hurryafter an incensed Nono, murmuring apologies after him as you head back for themarket.
Reddas givesa small, noncommittal wave, and stares at the alley long after you disappearinto it. He didn’t think there was still a pirate in Balfonheim who didn’trecognize him.
He almostfails to notice the footsteps coming up from behind him. “Nono,” Elza informshim. “A mechanic I’ve seen in the Aerodrome. He belongs to Fran’s crew.”
“Ah, yes.Fran. And that Hume. Balthier,” says Rikken, catching up shortly after. Reddas isno longer surprised that they’ve been following him all this time. Raz has likelyslept in. “She must be a new addition. Was she a problem, Lord Reddas?”
“No,” he replies.Taking a last look at where you and Nono turned last, he gives a small hum.______, was it? “Only… unexpected.”
Thank you for the ask! I wasn’t sure there would beasks about FFXII guys who weren’t from the main cast (I guess that meansBalthier and Basch. JUST KIDDING VAAN), so I was pleasantly surprised to seethis! :D
I know this was more Reddas-centric than the SO, and I will really try not to do that! I just figured Reddas is sort of an arms’ length guy so SO wouldn’t really see much besides his amusement. I thought it would be cute to show that she piqued his interest too? Anyway, thanks again for the ask! 
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
To Be Answered:
Just so you guys know, here’s a list of requests and match-ups I’ve yet to do! In this order: •Reddas and pirate s/o meeting •Balthier toymaker s/o NSFW •FFXII cast react to finding out that they have somehow acquired one of “those” fangirls/boys •the FFXII men as virgins and their reactions to having their first time with their s/o
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
I can see this page going a long way, and I feel FFXII doesn't get enough love, so thank you for this page, and I hope you don't think of quitting!! You're doing really well with it so far!! Now I just really love Gabranth, he's my all-time fave. So anything with him would be fab. I love reading those character x SO things. :D Romantic/ family-orientated/ making love/ cutesy fluff things - all that jazz! Just wanted to say thank you again and I'll always be waiting for more stuff!! xxxxxxxxxxxxx
I’m sorry to have let you down on this orz but thank you so much for this message! I love Gabranth too (either Gabranth)! Let me know if you have a specific one you want and I will try to whip it up once I get through the other asks! :D (I mean if you want fluff, NSFW, and it’d really help if you knew what situation you wanted even if it was a little vague. Like if it’s a Meet Cute thing, a location would help? Something like that! Same goes for asks regarding other FFXII guys (I love em all!) :)
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
Are you alive still? Is everything going okay?
Yes! Well, for a while, it was a yes to the first but no to the second. But I’ve gotten me to a place where I can say yes, so here it is! I’m sorry it took me forever to answer this. Thank you so much for asking. I really did appreciate seeing this in my mail when I did. :) I hope you’re doing all right too, anon.
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 7 years
Waahhh I would love it if you could write a scenario post FFXII, where an attendant s/o discovers Basch is masquerading as Judge Gabranth??? (like maybe they knew Gabranth before the game and would recognize the voice change once Basch takes up the armor)? Thank you :) I'm so glad there's an FFXII Reader blog.
Everybody loves Lord Gabranth now.
“He’s so kind,” they say.
“I can breathe easy around him now.”
“Lord Larsa’s new rule has brought out the good in everyone.”
But you know better. You know people. Nobody simply changes out of the blue like that! Though relatively new to castle duties, you’ve served as Gabranth’s maidservant since at least the fall of Dalmasca.
Before this “change,” you mostly cleaned, did his laundry, and served him food on the rare occasion he cared to eat in his quarters, so your interactions were limited. But little as you knew him, one thing was certain: like all Judge Magisters, he was to be feared, not adored. And he made sure of it. Once, when he accidentally removed his helmet in your presence, you’d managed to sneak a glance at his face.
He was handsome, to be sure. Exactly what one might imagine if one was stupid enough to romanticize a ruthless Judge Magister. But you knew better, even then, and his eyes were nothing but cold. You easily averted your gaze and left his quarters at once, understanding that you were to speak of it to no one.
Now, suddenly, simply for the death of the Emperor and his mad son, Lord Gabranth has become the kindest man in Ivalice? Preposterous.
Of course, you can’t deny that he is kind nowadays. He acknowledges those who dare to address him, and politely, too.
“Thank you, ________,” he even said this morning, when you brought in his breakfast.
Before then, you weren’t even sure he knew your name. It’s nice, but there has to be something more to his sudden transformation. This Gabranth is not the lord you knew, served, and feared.
Clicking your tongue in frustration, you scrub the floor of his bathroom dutifully. Regardless of his odd change, after all, you still have a job to do. You can’t deny that the Judge Magister certainly does his.
That’s when the sound of shuffling outside snaps you out of your thoughts.
Pausing, you glance up. No one is allowed to be here save you and anyone who would take your place if you were ill, and Lord Gabranth is never home during the day. A thief, then?
You get up and slowly open the door, ready with a broom in hand - when a peculiar sight greets you. Several scars on a muscular back. Old lashings, but not that old - and they sting to even look upon. You stare in horror until something on the bed catches your eye. A helmet, breastplate, gauntlets…
Your gaze snaps back to the scars - or it would, if their owner didn’t just turn to face you.
Your gaze falls to the floor at once. “Forgive me, my lord. I…” Your mind runs over itself trying to think of an excuse, but it’s clear to both of you that his scars distracted you.
Gabranth startles, but his voice is calm. “______. I didn’t realize you were here.”
“I - I was cleaning, Lord Gabranth. Forgive me. I’ll take my tools and leave at once.”
“It really is no matter, _______.”
Your eyebrows furrow. Not at his kind response, but the way he says it. The way he speaks, and his voice… It isn’t just a matter of intonation. You’ve been trying to pin down what it is, but there’s no other way to put it.
His voice is simply….different.
Gabranth’s face now mirrors your knitted brow. “Is aught amiss, _______?”
After a long pause, you softly admit, “Yes.”
His brows lift in surprise at that. “Know that you may speak plainly with me. What is it?”
“…Who are you?”
Gabranth blinks at your sudden question and the way you’ve lifted your broom somewhat, as though ready to defend yourself at any moment. As though it would matter against a Judge Magister. “_______? Have you grown ill?”
“…I’m fine,” you curtly answer. The real Lord Gabranth would be cross at such an accusation. Not concerned. “One does not speak plainly with Lord Gabranth. And…” You rattle away, all your thoughts tumbling out of your mouth, “it would be impossible for him to bear your scars. New scars. Or your voice. Neither was he kind.” 
When you finish, Gabranth levels you with such an intense stare that you almost take a step back. Not even the real Lord Gabranth had ever looked at you like that. Still, you hold your ground, even if you’re barely able to stop yourself from nervously gulping.
“Did he hurt you?” is what he asks.
Relief washes over you, but so does alarm. At least he isn’t angry, but…
“No, never,” you murmured. “But—”
Gabranth sighs, letting his shoulders slump as he runs a hand through his short hair. “I had thought my acting fine enough to fool even those closest to my brother. I see I was wrong.”
His brother…? That is the only plausible explanation, you suppose. But why? “Well, yes… You and Lord — the real Lord Gabranth are markedly different.”
You speak without hesitation, but Gabranth doesn’t miss the question in your eyes. When? “During the battle with Vayne,” he answers it. “It was his last wish that I protect Lord Larsa, as he had.”
There are so many questions on your mind. Where did this man come from? Does the Emperor know? And is Lord Gabranth really…?
It isn’t as though he had been anything more than your master, but knowing that someone you knew passed away, and to no one else’s knowledge… Tears prick your eyes, to your confusion, and to this Gabranth’s shock.
Your chest heaves for a moment, taking in the news - and then you school your features into the neutrality of a trained maidservant. But you still can’t bring yourself to speak.
Gabranth watches you for a time, perhaps waiting for your response, but your reaction isn’t lost on him. He lets a moment of silence pass before he speaks again.
“I suppose it didn’t help that I smiled. He wasn’t one to smile, was he?”
The sudden question - or the smile that graces this Gabranth’s features - makes you think of the real one, and how he might look if he smiled. You find that even with one on this Gabranth’s face, you can’t imagine it on the old one.
“No. And neither did your sudden change in manner and temperament,” you say, unable to help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation. Gabranth gives the smallest chuckle that makes you laugh even harder - at least until tears begin to slip onto your cheeks. Dropping your broom, you rush to wipe them even as you weep. “I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be.” Gabranth - because that is who he is now - draws closer when it is clear you won’t push him away. He rests a hand on your shoulder. “I am glad - that he had someone who cared for him. I am sorry you could not know. Lord Larsa thought it best.”
Your gaze lowers again. “I had no right to. I was merely his maidservant. I didn’t really know Lord Gabranth.”
“Few did. Nevertheless.”
You can’t help but look up at his kind voice - one that matches his kind gaze. He bears a scar across one eyebrow, and now that you know the truth, you see all the little differences in their appearance. How could you ever have mistaken him for the true Gabranth? Still… he is handsome, just like his brother. And though his voice is much more gravelly, it isn’t unpleasant.
And his form…
His half-naked form.
Suddenly, your face blooms red and you turn your back on the Judge. “I’m sorry for intruding, Lord Gabranth. I’ll take my tools and go.”
You hurry into the bathroom as Gabranth appears to realize his state of undress. When you return, he looks peculiar in a tunic and the bottom half of his armor. Before you can scurry out, however…
You turn, hoping you are no longer as red as you feel. Now that you’ve realized just how handsome this kind man is, you can’t quite look him in the eye, and heat pricks at your back in embarrassment. You are suddenly aware of how plain you might look in your maidservant’s dress.
“Don’t fret, Lord Gabranth. Your secret is safe with me.”
“It isn’t that. _______… we have our duties, but might we speak again?”
This time, you do gulp. He wants to see you again? “Milord?”
“You knew my brother, and now you know me - something true of no one in Archades but the Emperor. I must admit, I find it a relief.”
“Oh. Well…”
“And - I would like to hear of what you knew of him, however little. But I understand if you don’t wish to—”
“I would love to,” you blurt out, before he can withdraw the invitation.
Gabranth pauses, and then smiles, gaze lingering on yours. It seems as though he’s looking at you for the first time. “I am glad to hear it. …Dinner, perhaps?”
“I - I suppose?” You clear the nerves from your throat. What is the matter with you? He’s only asking to speak with you again to discuss his brother. You don’t even know this man, and yet… “Yes.”
“Thank you, _______.”
“Good day, milord.” You nod, giving a quick curtsy before rushing outside with your tools. You lean against the wall as you shut the door behind you, trying to calm your beating heart.
You will mourn Lord Gabranth. He deserves that, at least. But perhaps this new one isn’t so bad after all.
Here you go! Thank you so much for the ask! I love Basch and i needed this to kick me back into gear! Love Noah by extension, but I wonder how s/o will react to the knowledge that Basch’s scars were Noah’s doing. I know there wasn’t much romance, but s/o is getting a bit of a crush! :D (And so is Basch.)
I still have the previous asks to answer and I will absolutely get to them! I’ve just gone through a change of life-everythings and so it’s taken me a while to get back into the groove, I’m so sorry guys! But this definitely helped and I’ll be picking up and finishing the other asks soon c: sorry to keep you guys waiting oTL
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 8 years
Is this blog still alive? Because hooooooo boy do I have some requests if it is.
Uhrm, yes. Sorry! I do have a bunch of requests underway which I am slowly writing inch by inch. Send it in if you’d like! Apologies in advance for the slowness and sorry to everyone waiting for requests! I promise I will get to it when work lets up ;_; 
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 8 years
Just want to let you guys know that I’ve gotten your requests! In particular, the Reddas intro one, the Balthier NSFW one, and the matchups. Sorry I haven’t gotten around to doing them. School just has me really busy, but I will get to it! Thanks for sending them in!
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 9 years
Thank you so much! Your writing is lovely, so I can't complain if things get lengthy :D
Thank you for saying that!!! I’m happy you like it :”D
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 9 years
May I request a matchup? Any gender character is fine. I'm a 5'3" 100lbs twenty-something INTJ woman and I am commonly told that I look like Audrey Hepburn (wishful thinking on their part, tbh. im not that cute). I spend a lot of time in my head, mostly I like to think about cats but usually it looks as if I'm contemplating murder. My hobbies tend to involve repetitive hand motions that absolutely destroy my carpal tunnel, like drawing. (expect part 2)
(this is part 2) I happen to be a digitalartist, which means I like to suffer. I’m a quiet person, more because I feelvery awkward interacting with the general populace and less because I don’thave anything to say. I’m pretty bad at talking, actually, and I have anauditory processing disorder so verbal communication usually involves beingasked to repeat myself a lot - and asking the same of other people cause Ican’t fucking understand shit half the time. (oh god here comes part 3)
(part 3 i’m so sorry) I don’t make friendseasily but I do my (rather mediocre) best to be there for them when they needme. I’m not a particularly emotional decision maker. I’m able to foresee a lotof shit life throws at me but I don’t handle surprises with much grace. I cancome up with long-term plans on the spot, and prediction is where my mentalabilities shine. My biggest failing is probably not asking for help when I needit. I also struggle to be mature at times (lol). almost done!
(part 4. you may wonder if i ever stop talkingabout myself and the answer is no) On the bright side, I’m quite generous. Thisusually takes people by surprise because outwardly I behave like a brick wall.My humor is offbeat but I’m one of those people who die inside if I offendanyone I care about, so if I’m making jokes, I’m gentle. I’m not wildlyadventurous but if I want to see someplace, nothing will stop me. I’m also goodwith animals, if that matters. (done, thanks for your time!)
I match you withReddas!
In general, it’sa comfortable, slow-going relationship, because Reddas doesn’t rush you and won’ttake another step forward until he feels or you show you are comfortable enoughor the time is right. You get along intellectually and are both quite stubbornemotionally, but are just right for each other as emotional support if/when youfinally open up. To others it might seem like you’re more of close friends whojust deeply understand each other instead of an affectionate couple with oddbouts of mischief, but privately he can be very affectionate whenever you allowhim or if you ever initiate, and you do have a lot of fun on your own terms,enough to surprise people when they actually catch the two of you like that.
In detail, youand Reddas find it easy to have comfortable, companionable silences when youstay with him at his manse, usually with you drawing while he goes overbusiness in Balfonheim. He has your own space set up for you and everything,and tries not to make a lot of noise unless he’s very eager to share somethingwith you. When he takes breaks, he finds himself smiling as he watches youlooking deep in thought (he finds that look of yours endearing instead ofintimidating, unlike his crew initially), and on occasion likes to come overand bother you for affection.
Out of worry, heoften tries to talk you out of drawing for too long or to take breaks.This ends up ina few arguments, and he gets particularly irritated because he’s accustomed togetting his way, but he also understands how much you like what you do and lovesthat about you. As you grow closer, he finds the above-mentioned affection-seeking/botheringto be a more effective solution to distract you. (Him enjoying getting a riseout of you is just a ‘bonus.’) When you aren’t busy drawing, you haveconversations about anything and everything, the both of you being smart, andcan respectfully debate about things without either being a sore loser. Mostlyyou’re the more mature one while he displays a certain amusement towardeverything, like he knows more than he says or he should, which sometimesirritates you because you don’t know if he’s being serious. When you’re notbeing mature, he definitely won’t be either, but sometimes pretends to try torein you in and be the mature one as a joke.
He’s patientabout and doesn’t even mention your auditory processing disorder, and never hesitates to put anyone whomight be or do otherwise in their place. Your humor isn’t the type he was used tohearing in Archadia or the type he’s gotten used to in Balfonheim, but his typeof humor is different too so you get along in that regard. Even when it’s nothis particular brand of humor, just seeing you amused about anything amuses himin turn, so he really bursts into laughter at your jokes. (You’re never sure ifit’s because he actually finds it funny or because your offbeat humor is anovelty to him. He doesn’t know either, but you both enjoy those moments anyway.)
Since he has tomake hard choices for the survival of Balfonheim, he appreciates the way youthink. He doesn’t like his decisions being questioned based on emotionalreasons, and since he knows you think rationally, he values and asks for youropinion when making those decisions. The two of you are surprisingly goodemotional support for each other, but onlywhen you share how you feel with each other. You don’t like burdening eachother with things like that. But he will push it if he feels something is wrongor you need help, to your dismay, no matter how you try to skirt the issue. He oftenknows what to say if you do open up, and never sounds like he’s patronizing youif you share with him. On days when you really don’t want to share, and you’vegotten into arguments about it before, well, he’s learning when to back off. (Healways watches you carefully until you seem better, though. Which might alsoget on your nerves.)
As for hisproblems, he likes space to think and, if you ask, tends to babble, so he reallyappreciates you being there and listening, whether or not you understand orhave something to say on what he’s talking about. There are rare days when heseems especially emotional and hard on you about random things without openingup, but you don’t know why or what his being emotional is really about. If youasked, it would take the same amount of prodding to get him to open up.
He’s very adaptablewhen it comes to social situations and lets himself get persuaded by his crewor other pirates to go out and drink on easygoing days, so he’s happy when youchoose to accompany him. Still, he only expects you to do so for important eventsinvolving him or his crew and hardly ever forces the issue, though he’snoticeably much happier when you’re around. His crew tells you this and triesto drag you out more often, because they’re glad when he’s glad. Your own friends find him charming, and he’s very kind to them because he knows how you are.
It’s very rarethat he won’t set aside the time to go out with you whenever you do want to goanywhere, and will leave Balfonheim business to his crew unless it’s a pressingmatter. He’s well-travelled, so he might get a little tooenthusiastic explaining everything to you if he knows you’re new to it, but you enjoy your little outings nonetheless.
He also likesto pick on you and to take advantage of your height difference. (I remember seeingsomewhere that he was around 5’10” I think?) His attitude toward animals is neutral to averse, not caring for them much, but he tries for you when he must.
Ahaha! No problem, honest. More info means morefor me to go on, and I enjoy reading about you! (That came out wrong.) Always happy to add more if you want more specifics. I meanit when I say take as many asks as you need. And I’m sure you are as cute as, ifnot even cuter than, people tell you! Sorry this got long.
[Coincidentally, to the anon who requested aReddas-s/o-first-meeting scenario, I’m working on it! Er, soon. I’m sorry. Today is my firstbreather day since a while back.]
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 9 years
You like Basch right ? =) how about his so getting tired of his fashion choices and taking him shopping? And can we have a balfran cameo if that's ok?
Oh yeah, his clothes are the worst.(Dalmascan/Nabradian clothes in general honestly it’s why Rasler got shot smh) Anyway,have shopping!Basch. A little OOC but not too much I hope.
“Basch!”you waved.
Standingpatiently at the square with a few shopping bags in his arms, Basch returnedyour eager smile and approached. He moved to take the three bags in your hands,but you dodged and gave him a grateful kiss instead.
“Are youhungry, ______?” he asked when you pulled away, shifting the bags onto one armso he could hold your hand. His hopeful tone wasn’t lost on you.
You haddecided to go shopping before meeting for lunch today with Fran and Balthier,who were visiting Archades for a week. It wasn’t that he was tired; only thathe hadn’t imagined that so many Archadians would patronize the shoppingdistrict this early in the morning.
“No, infact, Fran already found me! She told me they would be at Wedge Raiments.”
“Ah. Andwhere is that?” Not deeper into the shopping district, he hoped.
“It’sright next to Biggs Armory. Those two are fairly large stores compared to thesmaller ones scattered around the area. I think they have each one in Dalmascaas well. Do you remember?”
Henodded, but in truth had no idea. Larsa’s ascension to the throne and Basch’spromise to his own brother had ceased the necessity of his entering any publicarmory. Anything the Judge Magisters desired was simply requisitioned for them.
“At anyrate,” you continued, eyeing him carefully, “I feel awful about all thesepurchases being mine, especially when you’ve been waiting so patiently for me. I want to reward you.”
“Oh?” hisface brightened at that. Suddenly, the bags on his arm were a cumbersomehindrance. “Well…then I must say I am eager to accept.”
“Good,”you beamed. “You won’t have to wait much longer.”
Baschblinked. “______, what of Fran and Balthier?”
“Oh, wecan finish together quickly before lunch. After all, Wedge Raiments has thebest selection of men’s clothing!”
Theexcitement in Basch’s eyes dimmed. “…Clothing?”
“Yes! You hardly have time outside your duties in the day. Nowis the perfect chance to purchase new ones for you.”
Stunned, Baschabsentmindedly returned your kiss. As soon as he recovered, he understood yourruse and glanced down at what he was wearing, brows knitted together indisappointment. “…I don’t believe I need new garments, ______.”
“You do,” you insisted, squeezing his handand leaning an arm against him as you led the way. “Let me do this for you,Basch.”
“Itreally is unnecessary—”                                      
You tooka deep breath, unable to stay composed any longer. “Allow me to buy yousomething. Anything,” you pleaded.“It isn’t right for a Judge Magister to wear…” you gestured wildly at hisvest, the short trousers, and the shin guards somehow connected to his sandals.It was his favorite outfit, and you absolutely hated it. There was still a bloodstain inside the vest from beforeDalmasca had won her freedom that still refused to come off. You had no ideahow he could stand it. “…this!”
You arrived at the store, and Basch shook his head in protest. “My helmet conceals mytrue appearance from all save our friends and the castle staff. Believe me,_____. I have no need for anything else.” He paused. “Not when I have you.”
You gavehim a skeptical look. “You said that to me the last time. You can have me andnew garments. Besides, even Lord Zargabaath, I’m sure, often has a changeof favorite clothes.”
Basch quirkeda brow. “Has anyone seen Lord Zargabaath in anything other than plate?”
“…” Yougave him that, and bit your tongue before you could say that at least themagister’s plate was presentable. “But,” you groaned, voice becoming smaller asyou whined, “must your daily wardrobelook like you just picked them off the ground?”
Basch puta hand to his vest as though you’d pierced his heart. “These—”
“Will itsurprise you to hear, _____, that he did just that in the Barheim Passage?”said a soft voice behind you.
Baschcleared his throat in embarrassment as you turned together. “Hello, Fran. I hadthought we’d put the past behind us.”
“And uponreaching Rabanastre a second time,” the viera added, a small smile betrayingher amusement as she ignored his reproachful look. “It is good to see you,Basch.”
Though henodded, Basch didn’t return her mirth. You had already greeted Fran, so your triumphantgaze was settled on him. He shifted uncomfortably and frowned. “’As long as itprovides ample protection, you have nothing to fear.’ Is that not what you said to me when you chose your ownarmor over my objections, _____?”
Youcrossed your arms and eyed the colorful patch peeking out from his left vest flap. “Pray tell, what protection does that…mitten provide?”
Youthought you heard Fran almost snort. On Basch’s part, it was thoughtfulsilence.
“…It isonly one part of the whole. And if the whole is functional, then it does notrequire replacement,” he argued. “Surely… Balthier. He shall understand.”
As if oncue, the sky pirate appeared, carrying bags of his own and holding two white, long-sleevedshirts similar to what he was wearing, only with different collar styles. “Ah,there you are,” he beamed at Fran. “Hello, _____. Gabranth,” he said to you and Basch offhandedly, then lifted the shirts over himself and glanced between the three ofyou. “What do you think? I’ve been reluctant to change this one. It’s journeyed with usthrough thick and thin, and I do favor the collar, but it appears to be goingout of style…”
Francouldn’t help it and snickered.
“What?”frowned Balthier, turning suspiciously at you and Basch.
From theway the Judge Magister sighed, one would think he had suffered several betrayalsin the course of one morning. Basch felt as if he had. “Very well.”
Youlaughed, wrapping a free arm around him and giving him a small peck on thecheek. “Splendid!”
As someone who is usually too lazy to go shopping,I commiserate with Basch. But at the same time, his adventure clothes neededchanging even before he put them on. Hope you enjoyed!
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 9 years
Yeeees ff12 does indeed need love. Especially gabranth/noah and al-cid. How would gabranth and the other guys react if they saw al-cid flirting with their significant other? And bonus how would al-cid react to a stranger flirting with his? thanks c:
Agreed! Oh, Al-Cid. Since the others can’t haveknown Al-Cid before the game, this list is written on the assumption thateveryone survived the events of the game and somehow don’t want to kill eachother. That means there’s a bit more familiarity between him and those who havemet him in-game.
Gabranth: He watches the conversation at first. As soon ashe sees that Al-Cid is flirting instead of having a serious talk with you, hegoes to stand beside you with a quiet greeting. He puts an arm around yourshoulder or holds your hand, then stares humorlessly at Al-Cid throughout theconversation. He laughs/smiles only when you say something funny, or gives his input onlywhen directly asked a question. If Al-Cid tries to provoke him by addressinghim and questioning his silence, he’ll start making retorts to everything Al-Cidsays, likely to the point of insulting him. Afterward, he feels ashamed athaving fallen for the prodding and is more soft-spoken around you, though henever mentions the encounter with Al-Cid. [Al-Ciddoesn’t usually mind being stared at or insulted, but Gabranth’s presenceunnerves him. Maybe because he shares a face with Basch but is too stern andinfinitely more straightlaced but also angrier than his brother.]
Vaan: He isn’t ashamed of and wouldn’t hide his disdainfor the flirting at all. He would walk up to you, cross his arms at Al-Cid andeither interrupt the conversation, asking you about something completelyunrelated, or just plainly ask Al-Cid what he was doing. He might get moreflustered than you if he was standing right next to you and Al-Cid continued toblatantly flirt, but he would eventually recover and attempt to compete bygiving you more compliments and making references to inside-jokes thetwo of you have. He gets over it afterward once you reassure him that it’s onlyin Al-Cid’s nature and doesn’t affect you. [Al-Cidwill always be amused by Vaan’s reaction.]
Balthier: He likes to think and show that Al-Cid’s flirtingwith you has no effect on him, especially because he knows that Al-Cid knowsthat it gets on his nerves, but as soon as he’s certain no one is looking, theeyerolls/scoffs are endless. In the end, he can never help it – he always joins the conversation. He and Al-Cid are a match with regard to wit (andflirting), so outside their usual sarcasm it never seems like they’re actuallyat odds with each other face to face – unless you react especially favorably tosomething Al-Cid says and Balthier gets annoyed and the suave facade slips fora bit. You usually end up just watching them in amusement or getting bored andleaving yourself. Afterward, Balthier might act a little irritated toward you for not vehemently rebuffing Al-Cid,but he knows he isn’t your fault and immediately relents. He then tries to make itup to you by doing something special for you. [Al-Cid enjoys the half-argument, half-banter that he gets into withBalthier, just like Vaan, though he knows Balthier is more likely to holdgrudges.]
Basch: Seeing the flirting on Al-Cid’s end would makeBasch raise an eyebrow, but for the most part he is secure in your relationshipand doesn’t think much of it. Still, he finds an excuse to stay in the samearea to keep an eye on you without interrupting your conversation. He will onlystep in if you are obviously uncomfortable. If he sees that you are, heapproaches at once and asks Al-Cid to excuse you, because he needs to speakwith you privately. If it gets to this point, he gives Al-Cid a stern lookwhen you aren’t looking before leaving with you. Afterward, Basch asks you if he needs to do somethingabout Al-Cid and will do as you wish. [Inthe latter case, Al-Cid would be intimidated because of the sudden, howevermomentary, departure from Basch’s kindly nature.]
Vossler: Vossler doesn’t bother engaging directly whileyou speak with Al-Cid. He tries to stay logical and avoid being jealous infront of you, especially if he sees that you enjoy Al-Cid’s friendship. But if youappear uncomfortable, he interrupts the conversation by asking to speak withAl-Cid alone about something unrelated so as not to embarrass you. Either way,even removed from that situation, he’s always curt or irritable toward theprince afterward and more affectionate toward you whether in private or inpublic (which is usually not the case with him for the latter). [Al-Cid doesn’t take it to heart, but he realizesthat Vossler does, so he tries to tone down his usual antics in casualconversation when it comes to you.]
Vayne: He insists to anyone who asks that he isconfident in your devotion, that feeling jealousy toward Al-Cid is beneath him,and that what he dislikes is hearing false rumors about the person ‘dangling’ princesof both empires. He doesn’t do anything about it unless he can tell that you’reuncomfortable, in which case he will come over and give Al-Cid a cursorygreeting and farewell, then leave with you in tow. He never mentions the man inconversation unless you bring him up, but after encounters with him (evenwhen, for example, Al-Cid was talking to you about serious matters and wasn’t flirting at all), Vaynealways keeps you at his side for much longer or finds more time be by yours,even when you’re both busy. [Al-Cid doesn’tcare much for Vayne and is only as polite as he has to be with him for diplomacy’s and Larsa’s sake as well as yours. He shrugsit off and moves on quickly.]
Ondore: He sighs and shakes his head, then enters theconversation and politely derails it into something he knows will bore Al-Ciduntil the man excuses himself. Once you are alone, he asks you what you thinkabout Al-Cid. He asks in his ‘diplomatic’ voice so he sounds almost curiousinstead of jealous, because while he is mostly secure about your feelings for him, hesometimes gets worried because Al-Cid is younger. Ondore is happy to hear yousay that you have absolutely no interest in the prince and showers you with affection/seeks yours immediately afterward. [Al-Cidalways regrets getting into conversations with Ondore like this. He knowsOndore does it on purpose, but Ondore carries it on so well that he can’taccuse him of it.]
Reddas: He laughs and approaches, joining in withoutgiving away any jealousy on his part. He kisses you or otherwise showsaffection during it so naturally that it doesn’t even seem like he’s doing itto remind Al-Cid that you have already chosen a partner. Usually, he ends up controllingthe flow of conversation and entertaining the both of you with stories. Hedoesn’t act any differently toward you after the fact, because he’s alreadyvery affectionate to begin with. [Al-Cid doesn’teven realize he was distracted from his flirting until later on.]
I know it seems like Al-Cid talks to the s/o toirritate the other guys, but I like to think hewouldn’t waste his time talking to someone unless they interested him as a person.I think teasing is just in his nature, though it can go overboard, plus he likes getting reactions out of people,not necessarily that he wants to get in their pants. Not to mention that in this case he respectstheir having a partner already too much to actually flirt. Irritating Vaan,Balthier, or Vayne  is just a bonus. And …bonus Al-Cid!
Al-Cid: Itdepends. If he sees that you’re enjoying yourself, he is amused and doesnothing. He doesn’t even mention it afterward, but he does lay it on a littlethicker (or less, if he knows you dislike him doing that with you) and issecure as long as he knows that you laugh louder at his jokes or blush more at whatever he does. If he sees that you’reuncomfortable with the person/their flirting, he steps in and, withoutmentioning or giving the impression that he is your partner, flirts back intensely at whoever isflirting with you to the point that they’reuncomfortable and they leave.
Hope you enjoyed! Added the little [Al-Cid’s opinion on the other guys] thing since you seem to like him a lot.
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ffxiiscenarios ¡ 9 years
hello! Vossler reacting to his SO injured during training? (before the start of the game and secret SO is under his command)
Yay, my first post! Technically. Sorry this got long. Haven’twritten in a while. Have some Vossler!
Though Vosslerknew he should have been paying equal attention to the progress of his regiment,his eyes couldn’t help but wander to your spar with the rookie you were taskedto train. You had always been fairly skilled in battle, but your movements were… off, today.
You leaptbackward clumsily, avoiding your partner’s downward swing.  It took you a moment to register that your rookiehad managed to land a hit on you, slashing the front of your thigh with his blade.Dropping your own sword in surprise, you staggered and fell, reaching for thewound.
“Sorry!”the rookie gasped, sheathing his own sword and hurrying toward you.
“I-It’sfine,” you murmured despite the odd feeling of blood quickly seeping out intoyour palm. You pressed at the gash, murmuring basic white magic that should atleast stop the bleeding, when an angry voice cut through the din of weaponsclashing in the courtyard.
“Whathappened?!” Vossler demanded, kneeling at your side before your rookie couldeven reach you.
“I’m allright – Captain,” your corrected yourself before you made a mistake, eyes gluedto your thigh. “It’s just a gash—“
“If itwere only a gash, your gloves wouldn’t be soaked with blood,” he snapped,ignoring the sudden silence surrounding you. “How could you have missed such anobvious feint? And not only that. You provided him with so many openings, I’msurprised this was your only wound!”
Youstared at him in shock, eyes darting to the others around you, face burningwith embarrassment. “I—”
“Captain,”said a nearby knight, stopping her own training for the moment, “Perhaps Ishould take _______ to a healer?”
“No,”Vossler said, scooping you into his arms despite your protests. As soon as hestood, he realized that the entire courtyard was watching your little spectacle– fledgling soldiers gaping and more experienced knights, your peers, quirking abrow. “Did I give the order to cease your sparring? Continue!” Turning to yourpartner, he frowned. “…You did well,” he said, begrudgingly. “Another knightwill train you for now.”
When youwere finally far from prying eyes, he glanced down at you. “Are you all right?”
His voicewas softer, gentler as it was when you were alone, but you couldn’t help yourirritation. “Yes. But was the scolding all that necessary, Captain?” you mumbled. “My last memory of such a scathing reprimandcomes from my days as a rookie.”
Vosslerpursed his mouth, looking almost guilty. You never referred to him as Captainin private unless you were angry – or something else, but he doubted it wasthat. Brow knitted, he replied, “You certainly acted like one. _______, I watched your entire spar. You were pitiful—”
“Vossler,”you complained, wriggling to free yourself from his grasp. Your wound stillsmarted, but you could be just as stubborn as he when it came to arguments suchas this. “That isn’t my point!”
“That isthe point!” he barked, stopping and setting you down on your feet against thewall. He held your arm both to keep you steady and to stare you down. “War iscoming, _______. Nabradia is preparing all defenses. Archadia’s invasion is onlya matter of time. How can I leave you on the battlefield knowing that this – or far worse – might be anoutcome? He is a rookie. You are not, and yet you seemed tired even from thebeginning—”
You feltyour ears heat up once more, more for a memory than for humiliation. Of coursehe’d been worried. You hardly appreciated his yelling, but it was easy toforget that he carried the kingdom’s fate on his shoulders.
“—andkeep in mind that… What?” he stumbled over his words as he heard yours. Itwas rare for either of you to make apologies.
You weretoo prideful to meet his gaze. “I know you have much on your mind,” youmuttered. “This won’t happen again. I promise I won’t be a burden.”
Vosslersighed, tilting your chin up so you might look at him. “You could never be a burden, _______. I only worry. You are known for being quick on your feet, but yourmovements were sluggish—”
“I wasonly tired because of last night,” you blurted out, face red now. “I…We… sleptlate. Later than I was accustomed to, and…”
Vosslerblinked at you, eyes wide. “…It was my doing, then,” he spoke after a beat,and found himself grinning and drawing closer to you. At his abrupt change indemeanor and the memory of the night before, you couldn’t help the sudden heatpooling beneath your stomach. It always took him a few moments to shed hismantle as captain before you, but his voice became even gruffer, huskier, wheneverhe did. He released his grip on you so his arms could circle your waist. “Iapologize. I was certain your endurance had improved by now.”
“Vossler!”you exclaimed, half-laughing at his silliness and half-shivering in excitement.
“I suppose we’llhave to work on that,” he said, leaning down for a kiss. You would havestood on your toes to meet his lips with yours if not for your wound – orsomeone clearing his throat behind Vossler.
Vosslerwhirled at once, shielding you with his body – but it was only Basch. Yourcaptain’s shoulders visibly slumped in relief. “Basch. What is it?” he asked, voicesteady as though he had never lost his composure.
“I wastold you were taking an injured knight to the infirmary and found it suspect,”said Basch, clearly trying to stifle a grin. “Now I realize it should have beenno wonder at all. Hello, _______.”
“Hello,Captain,” you greeted, peeking your head out from behind Vossler.
AtVossler’s irritated grunt, Basch schooled his features. “The king and LordRasler seek your counsel. I shall take _______ to the healer in your stead.”
“Go,” yousaid, reaching to squeeze Vossler’s hand when he glanced over his shoulder atyou.
Noddinghis assent to Basch and squeezing your hand in return, he disappeared down theempty hallway.
Baschsmiled politely at you as he eyed your wound and offered his arm. “Shall we?”
And a lil’ Basch cameo because he’s one of myfavorite characters! I imagine Vossler would be with someone who can stand upto his naturally imposing attitude, and that Basch would know about hisrelationship. Vossler would try to hide it at first but Basch would notice hischange in demeanor and eventually find out. XD
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