#editing because the guy who murdered the reynes was tywin!
violetfaust · 5 years
Tywin Lannister sacked King’s Landing. Was he a Mad King?
Or a Mad Lord. Whatever. 
Mace Tyrell starved Storm’s End for a year. Was he a Mad Lord?
Stannis Baratheon burned his failed advisers alive. Was he a Mad Lord?
Ned Stark and Jon Snow beheaded/hanged (respectively) traitors. Were they Mad Lords?
Jaime Lannister was prepared to murder every person in Riverrun. Is he a Mad Knight? (Okay, that one might be a bad example.)
Heck, a few generations decades ago, the Tywin Lannisters exterminated an entire house and wrote a damn song about it that they play at every party they throw. (And at some parties the Freys throw.) Yet nobody calls Tywin’s grandfather (?) a Mad Lord.
Westerosi warfare is as brutal as its justice. Yet the response to all these generally seems to be, at worst, “Well, he’s a dick but he gets the job done.” 
And that’s not even mentioning the horrors that even Westerosi recognize as atrocities (the Red Wedding, Roose Bolton’s/the Mountain’s torture circus at Harrenhall, Cersei blowing up the sept, Ramsay’s everything). Even those people seem to get a “Hooboy, how evil, better not cross them” not “Look out, he/she’s KUH-RAY-ZAY!!!”
But Dany, who has tried fifteen ways from Sunday to conquer with the least loss of life (and yes I know that’s a weird phrase) no matter how furious she is personally, is a Mad Queen not only to her own advisers but to the fans and narrative itself?
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