#editing in the tags after the facts cuz I forgot lmfao
singular-ghost-sound · 9 months
Ya know what.
I’m surprised I haven’t done this yet so here’s a get to know me!!
Hi my name is ghost (not my actual name just what I go by on here) and I am a gimmick blog that like a to *ghost sound* People. I for the most part do it COMPLETELY at random and will sometimes get someone twice on accident. You are welcome to ask me to *ghost sound* your friends. I will happily do so just send me the blog name!!
Unless a *ghost sound* is specifically asked for It is completely at random. Sometimes I will end up doing it to a bunch of people in the same fandom due to those blogs being what my tumblr is recommending to me at the time.
Anyways! Here is a quick few facts
•my favorite color is yellow
•I have an obsession with paper stars
•I am an artist in almost all medias
•I am the author/illustrator of my book finding color. I do have a blog for it I just never post on it lmao @finding-color (I’m gonna be trying to move most of my art and other things there tho)
•I use she/her pronouns but I honestly don’t really give a shit lmao
•I have visual snow syndrome and tend to always see static in my vision (joyful right?, Im also dyslexic, a I have a high chance of having tourette’s syndrome (i’m gonna start doing some doctors appointments to try and figure it all out lol) 
•I am in a SHIT ton of fandoms but my favorite is transformers (prime and cyber verse are my favorites)
This is a safe place for all. I will not hesitate to block for any reason that makes me or someone else uncomfortable, including but not limited to:
Homophobia, transphobia, pedos, unkindness, sending unprompted sexual messages (I don’t mind if you do that on your own blog just don’t on mine please), and hate in anyway shape or form
If you have any questions feel free to ask and I’ll add on!!
Also if any of all the colors and shit bothers you and make it to where you can’t read it let me know and I’ll make one without the crazy colors. I use colors in my post a lot because they help me see and read it better lmfao
pfp by by that one blog that sends stars (I forgot there blog but I sent them a ghost sound they made a star ghost)
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youredreamingofroo · 7 months
Ya'll... I think I might start a new story, I have a... basic concept of what I want it to be like, and I already have a name (under the impression that I don't suddenly do a 180), I just need to do like... all the writing and make the characters LMFAO It's gonna be a little on the dreary side and dark (which is the kind of writing/genre i aspire to write about, also means I'm gonna have to redo my personal reshade that ive been cooking for like... 3 or 4 months... 😭)-
in the meantime, I might start working on gussying up my navi post (and by gussy up, i mean completely redo) because as nice as it is, it's, idk, a little outdated (i guess), I have an idea for a new theme except i'm either going to a) put it in the drafts and wait til I start the new story to post it so the info is all there or b) make it and then post it and when i start the new story, edit it and put the tags and stuff in for the story.
ALSO might do a name change cuz... this name came from WAYYY before i joined simblr, and its got a charm to it, but i dont rlly like it anymore,, it just dont sit with me the same way that it used to lmao
*(writing this after i posted cuz i forgot to say this - its under the cut and in regards to NSB with the new story - it also kinda turned into a rant lmfao) TL:DR for ppl who don't wanna read my stupid fucking rant: NSB is prob gonna go on a hiatus regardless of if i start a new story, cuz as much as I love it, it's started to feel like a chore and less of smth i enjoy (even tho, like I said, I rlly enjoy/love it) Sorry to my NSB enjoyers out there.
regarding NSB, yes it will probably go on hiatus when making this story bec writing is already kinda exhausting for me as well as editing and NSB has progressively became more and more story-driven than gameplay-driven, and especially after these three days, im kinda burnt out from NSB, i know i just left it off on a cliffhanger with the new baby, but to be honest, I don't wanna deal with another child, i barely get by dealing with the four, and dealing with toddlers> are so fucking annoying cuz of the Sim AI, which in and of itself is just demotivating, i do REALLY love not so berry, i love the story ive created with it, but i guess im just tired of playing the same generation for so long, not to mention the fact that i made it a rags to riches challenge, i know i didnt have to but i prefer to, and bc of that, i havent been able to properly decorate, and i dont really wanna go back on myself, if i decide to continue NSB, i will probably take the RTR rules away since its so annoying to deal with having like, 1000 simoleans all the damn time. Also, i've been planning what to do for generation 3 since catty gave birth, but i had to put NSB on a hiatus bc of a stupid glitch and was only recently able to start it up again, and I still havent moved onto the next gen. I kinda lost the plot with that rant, but basically, NSB will probably go on hiatus, regardless of the new story, I've been wanting to dwell more on Roo and his whole story and the people in his universe and after a bit, NSB has started to, as much as I love it and the storytelling and whatever, feel like a chore, which kinda hurts to say, but its true. Sorry to any of my not so berry enjoyers out there
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