#edomite supremacists
mashathamenace-blog · 6 years
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This edomite wanna justify those babylonian covington boys racist and provocative statement and gestures towards The Hebrew Israelites, bearing false witness saying that we are Homophobic and spewing vile racist statements towards dem boys!
How should a Hebrew Israelite respond when they encounter a bunch of teenage white boys who's wearing a cap that says make america great again which is subliminal to let's ressurect the body of white supremacy which has been BRUTALLY WOUNDED because a influx of bruthas and sistas is gradually waking up in incalculable multitude to who they are which makes us a LETHAL WEAPON ALONE!
I called this fool out on twitter because of that statement that I saw him spit out on twitter thru CNN as they tryna portray us Hebrew Israelites as a uneducated bunch of angry black men with no substance who just regurgitate nothing but hatred and are provocateurs when we are ANYTHING BUT WHAT THEY CHOOSE TO SURFACE IN THA MEDIA!
And they wonda why we call them devils!
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jewish-privilege · 7 years
America’s deadly epidemic of school shootings continued last week, when David Atchison, a 21-year-old gas station attendant, disguised himself as a student and went to Aztec High School in northwestern New Mexico to conduct a shooting spree, something he had fantasized about for some time.
Atchison killed two students, Casey Jordan Marquez and Francisco Fernandez, and shot at a number of others before killing himself, a shocking and tragic turn of events for the people of Aztec. Atchison had left a short on-line message detailing his intentions but investigators and journalists soon discovered that Atchison had for years dreamed of shootings and mass killings, especially school shootings, and for years had posted messages on such subjects on a variety of online forums.
Reporters for The Daily Beast, moreover, discovered that Atchison’s dark on-line world extended beyond those fantasies of school violence to include what they described as “white supremacist, pro-Trump” themes.  By his own admission, Atchison posted on the controversial anonymous message board 4chan, as well as on the white supremacist website The Daily Stormer.
...An examination of Atchison’s available on-line messages suggests that his white supremacist beliefs were sincere—and that in particular he had developed an obsession with violence against Jews almost as great as his obsession with school violence.  Had Atchison lived in a city with a significant Jewish population, it is even possible the tragedy he caused might have taken an anti-Semitic form instead of the shape that it did.
...Atchison’s posts and images reveal familiarity with alt right-style white supremacist phrases and memes, including phrases such as “the goyim know,” “shut it down,” and “shoahed,” as well as more traditional white supremacist concepts such as “rahowa” and 14/88. “The goyim know” and “shut it down,” are anti-Semitic phrases portraying evil Jewish conspirators panicking when white people see through one of their ostensible plots.  Atchison was well-versed in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and even uploaded the notorious anti-Semitic forgery, “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” which portrays a malicious Jewish conspiracy, to his Pastebin account.
...It is Atchison’s account on Steam, the popular on-line gaming site, which contains some of the most disturbing evidence of his racism and anti-Semitism.  Atchison posted multiple screen shots to Steam from game mods that he had used to insert Nazi propaganda, anti-Semitic 9/11 conspiracy theories and other types of hate—including African-Americans being lynched and comments suggesting “lgbt people should be sent to extermination camps.”
But he reserved particular wrath for Jews, such as when he claimed in 2016 on Steam that “I hate the fucking jews. I always have, I always will.  They are not the Israelites, they are not God’s chosen people either. They are the evil, mamzer Edomites that Joshua was told to kill to the last man.”
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Evilness of white people.
I find it ludicrous how the white folks misuse the bible, for instance in the renaissance era were they turned things upside down like they made the blank spotless, and full spectrum a shadow. The white edomite man began to depict, and portray his race through biblical art such as paints, sculpting as the real characters of the bible they clearly stole the spot light, presenting the whole world with false image of the bible. In The Book of Revelation this prophecy is fulfilled this is the beginning of the red dragon with the 7 heads and ten horns to cast a flood of lies which is white supremacy on the woman’s seed which is the melanin rich family of man the autochthonous population “The Negro, The Native americans”. The dragon’s 7 heads representing the 7 mountains of rome, and the dragon’s 10 horns representing 10 european nations.
The is how the white race were during the renaissance era when they discovered the new world, and new races the europeans went back to report what they had seen to the papacy, and the rest of europe, the europeans would invent a derogatory term such as “Savage”, or “Cannibal” and falsely accuse other ethnic indigenous populations with the aforementioned derogates, to manipulate the europeans to do the slaughter, so their white supremacist society accepts to discriminate on the falsely imputed victim! I wouldn’t be surprised if christian europeans back in the renaissance era have said to their people the anti-christ is a savage indian, or a cannibal negro man. Please keep in mind the white man misused the religion which was originally accredited to the autochthonous populations “The Negro, The Native americans” that have been enslaved, and slaughtered greatly in numbers by the white conquistadors who had set off to explore the new world.
After the white race became modernised, the white race began to forsook their religious belief, after they have misused religion and denigrated it to plunder the native populations living in the western hemisphere, and parts of Africa. The white folks came up with ideologies such as “The theory of evolution”, in other words “Atheism”, and they became astro-physcisians deceiving the world that they made it up in the moon. The Book of Obadiah 1:4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the LORD AHAYAH. The eagle represents the symbol of roman european sovereignty.
The white race are the edomites, and the canaanites. Both edomites, and canaanites fall under the same category. We know the story that the Canaanites were casted out of the land of Canaan, and the land was given to the hebrew israelites, the negroes, the native americans, and rest of autochthonous hebrew israelite tribes. We know what happened to the israelite tribes they were latter scattered around the four corners of the world through time. And edomites came to power in the renaissance era, the beginning of the deception. It took these edomites, or canaanites almost 2000 years after all the wide spread destruction they’ve caused to reclaim the land in 1948 that was promised to the original hebrew israelite, and they were successful in stealing the identity of the people of the book, but this time the edomites are masquerading as atheistic jews.
The white man now invented anew derogatory term for people of the middle east they began to call them “Terrorist”, and “Sand niggers” to manipulate the white people once again to discriminate on the people of the middle east. The white zionist evangelists are brainwashing their people and telling them that the anti-christ will be a terrorist muslim arab! Apparently these caucasoids haven’t learned their lesson ironically, they claim they are the jews of the bible, and their regathering after the holocaust is a fulfilment of a biblical prophesy, that is pile of nonsensical crap spouted by them they are vile, murderous, dirty liars. When you do the research you’ll find out the people who financed the holocaust, and the people who had a hand in moving them to the land, and ruling over them are the very same people! They never change!
If the white europeans who call themselves jews, claim that their regathering in 1948 in the land of the israelites is a fulfilment of biblical prophesy, then why did they wage numerous wars on the arabs, and celebrate, and boast about the establishment of the state of israel on a festive blood bath? The bible tells us something different that when the most high shows AHAYAH gathers his true israelites The negroes, the native americans and the rest of the autocthnous people, and the true zion is restored there will be no more wars! Afterwards the arabs will bring their precious gifts, and bless the lord AHAYAH, and his people. and the arabs will praise the lord AHAYAH of israel, and they will call him the true the zion of israel.
Here’s a biblical prophesy concerning the restoration of the true house of israel that has yet to be fulfilled in the future.
The Book of Isaiah chapter 60
Future Glory for Zion
1Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
2For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
3And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
4Lift up thine eyes round about, and see: all they gather themselves together, they come to thee: thy sons shall come from far, and thy daughters shall be nursed at thy side.
5Then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee, the forces of the Gentiles shall come unto thee.
6The multitude of camels shall cover thee, the dromedaries of Midian and Ephah; all they from Sheba shall come: they shall bring gold and incense; and they shall shew forth the praises of the LORD.
7All the flocks of Kedar shall be gathered together unto thee, the rams of Nebaioth shall minister unto thee: they shall come up with acceptance on mine altar, and I will glorify the house of my glory.
The aforementioned nations in the verses are arabian tribes, this is a confirmation that a remnant of the arabs will make it in the heavenly kingdom when true zion is restored. The edomites back then were busy killing millions of arabs throughout the past years, since the establishment of the phony state of israel, the white european who call themselves jews were busy hating the arabs. The white people used the arabs as a scape-goat, for all the false flag attacks carried out by white european secret intelligence agencies. Too bad the so called white european jews did not win the fellowship of the arabs, this will be a slap in the white man’s face, and embarrassment to the so called white jews, that they were guilty the whole time. The white folks will be jealous because the arabs did not favour the white race to act as their saviour, but the arabs chose the Negro, and the native brown, and dark skinned races as their perfect ideal saviours.
So what will the white edomites do when the most high uses divine intervention to gather his people and shows miracles to the world, and after the fulfilment of the aforementioned prophecy arabs bringing their treasures to the lord AHAYAH of Israel? The white race will rebel and try to destroy the new government of the most high! Because the white race pride, and jealousy will drive them to do so! Here’s what will befall these ungodly edomites.
12For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted.
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azariyahyasharahla · 4 years
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eBooks for HEBREW ISRAELITES By Writer Bishop Azariyah Yasharahla:
THE MASKED RIDERS In 1875, the rampant colonization and imperialism of “White” people put a stronghold over all of Central, South, and North America and the U.S. Cavalry was terrorizing and killing all of the Indigenous natives of the Americas. European Caucasians of the Roman Empire “Colonialists” continued oppressing the native peoples, enslaving them, stealing their lands, and kidnapping their people off the continent of Africa. “White Supremacy” was created in the 1681, and enforced against the “Black” people because they are the children of the Lost 12 Tribes of Israel, and the enemies of the “Edomites” (White people)- the biblically identified children of the devil. The Colonialists renamed the people of color and classified the natives as “Indians”, “Hispanics”, and “Niggers”, and the days of the Old West the White people and their manufactured “New World” Government sought out to harass and force the Israelites off of their lands. The oppressed people were fed up of the racism and injustice, and began looking for brave men among their people to lead revolts against the Colonialists. Many heroic men rose to the challenge and led successful rebellions against the White Supremacists and forced Whites to reside in Forts, where they battled to defend their land and hide runaway slaves, fleeing away from their unjust captivity. Throughout the Western States of America, thousands of Indians of the Tribe of Gad were being murdered and driven off of their land by the U.S. Cavalry, and in Mexico Colonialists were killing many Hispanics of the Tribe of Issachar. Two heroes rose up and started and led a Resistance Movement across America to fight against the racist White European colonialism. A famous Bandito (Antonio De Giorgio Lopez) and former politician and general called “EL CAPITAN”, the man who killed the racist murderer Sam Houston, and the great warrior Sioux Chief named “CRAZY HORSE”, the hero who killed the evil General George Custer! The Israelites joined forces to constantly fight off the corrupt U.S. Army Cavalry and racist militia groups who kept stealing more and more land for the American Government and White Cattlemen's Association who routinely hired White gunfighters and ruthless outlaws whose purpose was to drive off the rightful properties and lands that originally belonged to the Indigenous of the Western World who were God’s Chosen People. The Israelites fought hard and won many battles against the Whites because men were in charge and the people turned back to their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whose name is YAHAWAH (YHWH)! After the fierce battle of Little Big Horn, the warriors also combined forces with other heroes of the 12 Tribes, men of valor and honor like the Hebrew slaves who courageously escaped the cruel plantations and rallied with their brothers to fight against the Caucasian devils who continued murdering innocent people and stealing their land and forcing them to live on reservations. Hebrew men from the Tribe of Benjamin had been revolting against Europeans in the Caribbean Islands and the brave Black Warriors, became pirates, commodering ships, like the legendary King from West Africa named CHONJUFU, and a school teacher called “BLACK BEARD”, famous Black men who used European vessels and sailed across the Caribbean, freeing slaves from America and bringing back to their homeland! Meanwhile, other slaves from Africa of the Tribe of Judah who were also great Kings of Africa and of the bloodline of the Kings of Israel, rebelled and revolted on many plantations and killed their White oppressors. Hebrew Heroes like Nat Turner, The Masked Riders, Fredrick Davis, Quinto, Bass Reeves (the real “Lone Ranger”), Captain Azariyah, “Brave Hawk”, General Yahanna, Chief Sitting Bull, and the great Geronimo -fled from the plantations and reservations and joined the Rebellion and moved out to the West and became legendary gunfighters and crusaders against white supremacy and injustice! Under the orders of the U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, the corrupt U.S. Army began calling the righteous rebels “Outlaws”, who were simply fighting to protect their people by uniting and establishing their Nation. The Government distributed “WANTED” posters throughout the territory to frame the brave Israelites to have them hunted down like animals by hired guns- racist bounty hunters, and criminals that killed for money! These racist “Rednecks” were often fired by White Homesteaders. The Israelite rebels continued to build up their Resistance Movement: Freeing Hebrew slaves kidnapped from Africa and aided the fierce Indian Tribes like the Mohawk, Sioux, and Cheyenne Warriors to liberate the people of the Tribe of Gad and African slaves of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi who were forced to live on reservations and plantations! Realizing there was a price on their heads, many of the crusading Israelites wore masks and banderas to conceal their identities! Two of the greatest vigilantes were two former slaves of the Tribe of Benjamin named Harry Beckles and his son Franklyn, from the Caribbean Island of Trinidad & Tobago! They killed their slave masters and became fearless masked Outlaws! They became famous gunfighters for hunting down lawless White Settlers, Klu Klux Klan members, and corrupt Bounty Hunters and bringing them to justice for their crimes. The crime fighting Masked Duo also gained a notorious reputation for hanging Slave Plantation Owners and freeing slaves! The Government desperately wanted the western heroes dead or alive. The Masked Men put fear in the hearts and minds of the Redneck Colonialists and freed many slaves, while fighting off bounty hunters, and escaping from the U.S. Cavalry! The Masked Riders engaged in many gunfight battles against White Gunfighters and Homesteaders (land thieves and “Devils”), in legendary places like the O.K. Corral and helped their brothers in the bloody Plains Indian Wars. They were known throughout the West as the “Masked Riders”, and when it came to gunfighting and winning fights -the Black men were the best!!! Finally, the U.S. Government hired a scandalous White gunfighter, a quack doctor, and a sadistic mercenary named “Doc Holiday” to lead a posse of racist cattle rustlers (thieves and murderers) to hunt down the masked crusaders. News of Doc Holiday and his vile rampage on plantations and reservations shooting and hanging innocent Israelites reached the heroic father and son. The Masked Riders knew that they were being lured into a trap and sought out to engage the racist manic on their terms in the town of Dodge City, where they disguised themselves and followed him and his gang to a nearby reservation where they would set a trap for the masked outlaws, not discovering that the Indians already had an alliance with the Masked Riders. Once Holiday and his men arrived inside the reservation camp, they were met by Chief Braveheart and his son Shadow. Doc then commanded his gang to shoot the men and rape the women! Immediately, when gunfire sounded the Masked Riders rode inside the camp and Chief Braveheart and his tribal warriors sprang into action using their spears and bows & arrows to defend themselves and their wives, while the Masked Riders faced off against Holiday and his thugs! Doc reached for his gun to shoot and Harry, with lightning speed shot his pistol right out of his hand! Doc was shot dead by the Masked Rider and his son Franklyn shot down five of Doc’s men, before Shadow and the Cheyenne men surrounded the rest of the henchmen with arrows and knives pointed at their heads. The U.S. Government’s plot to assassinate the masked crusaders failed and from then on and throughout the Old West, the Masked Riders became the most notable and respected gunfighting heroes in the history of the Wild, Wild, West!!!!! THE END Researched and Written by Famous Historian DR. F.V. Beckles, Jr. The greatest secret that is being kept in the world today is who the real children of God are. An important fact is that there is a real agenda aimed at Black Americans who are the only ones that are being targeted through the Western World’s Eugenics program. An agenda set forth by what the world calls the Illuminati. According to the Bible they are identified as the Synagogue of satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).They have been the enemies to the Children of God since the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Greek. Unwittingly, they have been fulfilling Bible scriptures foretold by The Most High God of Israel (Genesis 3) to attack and destroy God’s Chosen Seed who remains in the earth today. This warfare has been spiritual, mental, and physical on all levels (Ephesians 6). They have used various tactics such as religion, that traces back to Ancient Babylon. This Elite has been behind the political, religious and educational system set to destroy the Children of Israel. The whole world has been behind this conspiracy against God’s children (Psalm 83). They in fact have always known who the true children of God are. The Children of God are in fact Negroes (Deuteronomy 28:68). This fact goes against all religious teachings, because we have been brainwashed into a satanic governmental system that is based on lies and is in fact committed to keeping the true identity of the Children of Israel a secret. This governmental system was identified publicly by U.S. President George Bush in the 1980’s -as the New World Order. A political masterplan that was originally set in place by the Egyptians. Which is why America models everything after Ancient Egypt (Exodus Chapter 1). These Illuminist powers used the blueprint of Ancient Egypt to systematically destroy the Children of God since their downfall after King Solomon’s reign. When they fell as a people they were enslaved by their enemies who are what the world calls Europeans today, but they are in fact what the Bible calls Edomites. These Edomites are in fact Caucasians according to the Bible, White people are the main enemies to the children of God. These enemies of God whitewashed mankind’s true history and the historical records of the Israelites. All in a coordinated effort to hide the real identity of God’s chosen people. They have used World Wars as a pretext to steal their homeland in 1948. The Jewish-Israeli people are in fact Romans and Jewish converts -not the true Jews according to the Bible and not of the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. How could this happen? You may ask. Well the Bible answers that question. The Nation of Israel fell as a people due to disobedience to God’s laws, statutes, and commandments (Deuteronomy 28:15). This disobedience to their God (whose name is AHAYAH “I Am” or YAHAWAH / “YHWH” which means “HE EXISTS”), caused them to suffer curses that will plagued them forever and is a sign of who the real Jews are and how they will be scattered throughout the earth. During the 1600’s White Europeans saw an opportunity to take advantage of their downfall by conspiring with other Gentiles, such as the Africans to kidnap Negroes who are Hebrews and sell them into slavery. It is a common misconception that all Black people are the same. In fact they are not all the same, in truth the Black race is the most diverse race on the planet. Only the White race is all the same, this information has been proven by Anthropologists and History scholars around the world (Zondervan Bible dictionary). One may ask how did this race war between the Children of God and the Caucasoid hybrid race began. It was prophesied by the Most High in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3. When Eve betrayed her husband and made a covenant with satan. Satan promised her knowledge and power which is the reason why the world exalts women today (“Feminism” and Goddess worship), which is an abomination to God! A spiritual and racial battle was set in place when God told satan that there will be enmity (strife) between satan’s seed and God’s seed. Which means satan has a seed in the earth that is committed to destroying the seed of God (Genesis Chapters 25-27). This ancient battle was set in motion before the Great Flood during the days of Noah and resurfaced again with the birth of Jacob and Esau -two distinct nationalities (which means two different races of people). The descendants of Jacob became the children of God. The descendants of Esau evolved to become the Greco-Roman Empire. Esau’s lineage which is the seed of satan, officially put their plan in action to exterminate the Children of God in 70 A.D. When they laid siege against Jerusalem and forced most of the Hebrews to flee into Africa. This record is recorded in the books by the historian Josephus and the book “From Babylon to Timbuktu”, as well as many other historical records. The Hebrews a magnificent race of people that ruled all of Africa and before and after the downfall of the Roman Empire they ruled over Asia and Europe! According to historical records and in and outside of the Bible the Israelites continued to sin against their God. Which forced The Most High, AHAYAH to allow His children to be enslaved by their enemies time and time again and scattered them throughout the four corners of the earth. Which led to their final downfall during the Arab and Transatlantic slave trades. This takedown would begin a Gentile Coalition to set in place a plan of Eugenics and a system of perpetual slavery to keep the Children of Israel from ever becoming a nation again. Which is the real reason why America was established as a nation. The Romans became Jewish converts and financed the slave trades and created a western world society that became an extension of the Roman Empire (a “Rebirth”). Through this political and religious system they would keep the Children of God in constant physical and mental darkness. This system is called Zionism and Freemasonry. As identified by masons like Albert Pike in his book ”Morals & Dogma”. This elaborate plan would involve America’s most celebrated icons. Who in fact are not heroes but satanists. People like George Washington, Willie Lynch, Margaret Sanger, and Uncle Tom Negroes like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson. The children of satan also set up a partnership with Negro religious and political leaders who were famous sellouts for bringing forth their New World Order agenda, to keep the Children of God in bondage in the New World which is called America! During the course of 400 years, this country has successfully carried on its racist and genicital conspiracy against Negroes to victimize them with poor housing, putting drugs in Black neighborhoods, promoting abortions, demonizing Black men, and forcing integration with White people and their institutions, and flooding the prison system with Black men due to false arrests and corrupt police departments. Which is why the American political and legal system has been encouraging the unlawful shootings and public executions of Black men all across America. Which is fueled by the Donald Trump Administration, which is the reason why the President and United States Congress is in agreement with building a border wall. They are fulfilling Bible prophecy listed in 2nd Esdras chapters 13-16. Their ancestors, the Romans did the same thing in 70 A.D when they set up a wall to starve out the Hebrews in Masada. The exciting and troubling times that are happening in America today, is in fact Bible prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes! Donald Trump’s true mission is to carry out the agenda carried on by Roman the Catholic Church. Which is why America is ramping up social immorality throughout the earth such as homosexuality and other sexual perversions like sodomy and sex trafficking. These are the vices that the Roman Catholic Church supports, which is why the news media is always revealing sexual perversions that Catholic priests are routinely involved in and being accused of. The enemies of God know who the real Jews are and are committed to enforcing a perpetual cycle of sin in America so that the Negroes who are Hebrews could never rise and come together or be a nation ever again. In conclusion, the solution to this growing problem is for Hebrews to return to their God YAHAWAH (YHWH), obey His commandments, repent of their sins and be baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and The Holy Spirit (Matthew Chapter 28 and the Book of Acts Chapter 2), and separate from Gentiles. The greatest mistake of Hebrews in America ever committed was to listen to evil women who were sellouts like Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, and Cynthia Mckinney who pushed for integration and for Negro women to be leaders when the Black men were supposed to be the leaders of the Black race. Integration, mixing with Gentiles, and Feminism are an abomination according to the Bible. I highly recommend watching the historic documentary films: “Hebrew or the so called Negro” and “Hebrews to Negroes”. The truth that Negroes are the real Jews, and the Awakening of God’s Chosen people is spreading all over the world! If you are a Hebrew, I sincerely hope that you take part in this glorious Hebrew Israelite movement. Repent from your sins and return to The Most High -God of the Israelites, so that The Lord our Messiah (whose name in the Hebrew language is “YASHAYAH”) can return and put these evil Gentiles who are our enemies into subjection and return God’s Chosen Remnant to their former glory as the true NATION OF ISRAEL (Book of Revelation Chapter 7)! About  Hebrew Israelite Book Author Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., (a.k.a. “Azariyah Ben Yosef or Azariyah Yasharahla”) Author Profile: Book Author Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., is the first African American to organize and lead a civil rights march to protest against bullying, and racial profiling and discrimination in Public Schools in Augusta Georgia! Read about his inspiring works as a Community Leader by Author Nathan Van Sertima: “Dr. Beckles vs. the Richmond County Board of Education” (Amazon.com). www.aikenstandard.com/article/20160110/AIK0101/160119950/ Famous Community Leader Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., organized the first historic Civil Rights Crusade against Racial Injustice and Bullying in Richmond County Schools in the history of the state of Georgia! eBook Writer Dr. Beckles (a.k.a. "Azariyah Ben Yosef") is a unsung hero and pioneer in the Hebrew Israelite Movement in America and a true Witness of God, who is happily married and the father of eight children!
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torreygazette · 6 years
Why Compare the BHI and the KKK?
The latest social media spat within Protestantism surrounds a statement made by the known celebrity apologist Dr. James White involving the BHI and KKK.
The Black Hebrew Israelites (BHI) are a fairly new sect that has developed in the religious world—particularly America. Multiple positions they hold are counter to historic Christian views. Some articulations of their views are nuanced but the primary focus is that Africans and others impacted by the Atlantic slave trade are the true Israel (e.g. "Hebrews") and thus God’s chosen people. They reference Old Testament prophecies to establish this, but after this generic premise, a chasm between different sects arise. For the purpose of this article I will mention the extreme viewpoints of some in this camp:
White people will be slaves and oppressed in New Heavens & New Earth
White people are the Edomites and evil
Other extreme comments can be found regarding violence to white people, who they view as evil. They also believe in observance of the Old Testament laws and thus have a works righteousness dynamic—they oppose any reformation soteriology. There are hardly any connections to of historic orthodox, catholic Christianity.
With many criticisms of doctrine in the camp of the BHI, it remains hard to equate them with the doctrine and historical actions of the KKK. This is what makes Dr. White's comment so historically invalid and reprehensible. I quote:
“These people are racist in a way that make the KKK look like amateurs, in comparison to these guys. They get away with it because they are of a different color and you can be racist if you're that color.  But … this is the worst example of using and abusing religion as a cover for racism that you’ll ever see.”
The majority of Dr. James Whites followers have decided to insert the word “today's/modern time” to justify the claim that the BHI has more impact and growth than the KKK/white supremacist in our present communities:
The original statement—“the worst example…that you’ll ever see”—in Dr. White’s quote shows that this is not limited to the current time period, but even if we ignore close to hundreds of years and focus merely on recent history is this claim true? Dr. White highlights the religious tones of the BHI but relatively ignores that the KKK has claimed to be a “Christian” organization throughout its tenure. As recently as 2014, a leader of the Traditionalist American Knights of the KKK argued that they are a “Christian” organization. It is an extreme claim that BHI as a group are the worst example of using and abusing religion as a cover for racism—let alone to the extent of making the KKK seem like amateurs.
Political Examples
In 2015, a radical group that goes by Anonymous released documents outing possible/potential KKK members. This list includes people like Frazier Glenn Miller, convicted of the murder of three people at a Jewish site in Kansas 2014 (still pretty recent). The list has been shown to not be entirely accurate, but it still demonstrates a noticeable KKK present in the United States of America that is unmatched by BHI. Wikipedia has sources for a list of purported—and relatively recent—politicians associated with the KKK:
Robert Byrd, Hugo Black, Edward Jackson, Rice Means, Clarence Morely, Bibb Graves, Clifford Walker, George Gordon, John Tyler Morgan, Edmund Pettus, John Brown Gordon, John Clinton Porter, David Duke, Benjamin F. Stapleton, Warren G. Harding, Harry S. Trueman.
This list includes politicians from the 1920’s until the 1980’s, ending with David Duke, a guy that (poorly) attempted to run for president. Yes, he lost, but to even be considered a possible candidate for president of the United States shows a level of societal influence and impact that no member of the BHI has ever had. President Trueman's (1945) connection to the KKK is not solid, but circumstantial evidence has created a likelihood that he was connected to this domestic terrorist group. Pure numbers show that even with the recent growth of BHI it is nowhere near ingrained in the fabric of American society as the KKK and white supremacist thought.
Recent Examples
On June 17, 2015, a young white male named Dylann Roof entered into a bible study at an African Methodist Episcopal church. He sat there as if genuinely attempting to fellowship with these beloved saints. Ultimately, he shot and killed nine people in that church. Later, reasons for the shooting became known because he confessed a desire to start a race war. Other details have come out showing the murderer posing with symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism.
Considering I write this is 2018, I hope this event is not dismissed as out of “today’s context” by people attempting to limit the scope of Dr. White's claims. If the theoretical impact and growth of BHI supposedly exceeds the KKK, I’d expect to hear about the BHI community committing mass genocide or having a serial killer in their midst. As of yet, that is not the case. Yet, it is not a mere theory of a Christian apologist personality that nine funerals were held to lay these saints to rest.
Further, how much actual history do we have to ignore to force a context that makes this statement true? During my lifetime there are multiple examples of terror by the KKK.
On June 7, 1998, James Byrd was murdered by three white supremacists in Jasper, Texas. They dragged his body behind a pickup truck on an asphalt road. What led to this tragedy? Nothing but hate for black people, the same ideology that fuels the KKK. Mr. Byrd accepted a ride home and was murdered. Not just murdered but tortured. They beat him severely, urinated and defecated on him, and chained him by his ankles to their pickup truck before dragging him for approximately 1.5 miles. One of the murderers had a patch that showed his affiliation with a gang of white supremacist known as the Confederate Knights of America. This gang is directly tied to the KKK. For a group that some claim has a lack of influence and decreasing violence in recent decades, examples like these show otherwise.
Similarly, the last recorded lynching by the KKK was in 1981. The lynching of Michael Donald. His body hung from a tree in Mobile, Alabama. No matter what his accused crime was, the United States does not conduct law and order in this manner with no trial taking place. This type of terror has never been attributed to a BHI group.
We can disagree with the BHI's theology and their vile comments, but are we really going to compare words and threats with funeral services and actual death? Even if words are to be compared with actions, there are white supremacist groups that talk just as vile as BHI. It is only a broken logical process that assesses a position which says horrible things as worse than a position that says similar things and has actually fulfilled its threats.
1981 is not so long ago. This lynching happened during my lifetime. Michael Donald was born in 1961 and more than likely he’d still be alive today! The grandmother and grandfather of my kids are still alive and were born around this same time period. How can we state that this reign of terror is not apart of the current context when people born the same year are still alive and active today?
I truly believe the statements made by Dr. White and currently defended vigorously by his supporters are horribly wrong. No matter what spin is put on the statement, it is false and playing off of stereotypes concerning black people in America—the anger and dangerous black male stereotype to be exact. There is no way a verbal threat can be categorized as worst than actual violence. Each example listed in this piece shows actual violence done in the name of white supremacist thought. Even if we limit the scope to say “Dr. White, meant it in today's setting,” we have two murders of people linked back to this thought process (Dylann Roof and Frazier Glenn Miller). We also have the last known lynching being recorded in the lifetime of middle-aged people in America. The only way to prove Dr. White’s claim to be true is to throw out all of history.
Ignore the white supremacists' marches in 2017 and every other example prior to January 1st, 2018, there are still white supremacist groups that say things just as vile and evil as the worst Black Hebrew Israelite quotes. One is left asking why or specifically how this group is defined as the worst! Unfortunately, I can only conclude that this is race baiting at its finest. There is no basis to support Dr. White's comments. He will dig his heels in even more and so will his followers. The fact is that his claims are false.
All of this is similar to how he dug his heels regarding the last racial divisive issue when he grabbed almost every stereotype to apply it to a Black kid that littered and flipped off the cops. (Stereotypes such as “it’s a 70% chance he never met his father,” “he would be the father to kids he will not support,” and other baseless claims.)  Calls for repentance were ignored. He simply got support from his favorite black friends to justify his statements and no repentance ever came forth.
To conclude, I’d like to state that the is no way Black Hebrew Israelites are the worst example for using religion as a cover to hide racism. I do not know if Dr. White is a racist or not, but I do know that with a platform as far-reaching as his, I pray he uses his words and accusations more carefully.
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azariyahyasharahla · 4 years
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THE MASKED RIDERS: UNSUNG HEBREW ISRAELITE HEROES In 1875, the rampant colonization and imperialism of “White” people put a stronghold over all of Central, South, and North America and the U.S. Cavalry was terrorizing and killing all of the Indigenous natives of the Americas. European Caucasians of the Roman Empire “Colonialists” continued oppressing the native peoples, enslaving them, stealing their lands, and kidnapping their people off the continent of Africa. “White Supremacy” was created in the 1681, and enforced against the “Black” people because they are the children of the Lost 12 Tribes of Israel, and the enemies of the “Edomites” (White people)- the biblically identified children of the devil. The Colonialists renamed the people of color and classified the natives as “Indians”, “Hispanics”, and “Niggers”, and the days of the Old West the White people and their manufactured “New World” Government sought out to harass and force the Israelites off of their lands. The oppressed people were fed up of the racism and injustice, and began looking for brave men among their people to lead revolts against the Colonialists. Many heroic men rose to the challenge and led successful rebellions against the White Supremacists and forced Whites to reside in Forts, where they battled to defend their land and hide runaway slaves, fleeing away from their unjust captivity. Throughout the Western States of America, thousands of Indians of the Tribe of Gad were being murdered and driven off of their land by the U.S. Cavalry, and in Mexico Colonialists were killing many Hispanics of the Tribe of Issachar. Two heroes rose up and started and led a Resistance Movement across America to fight against the racist White European colonialism. A famous Bandito (Antonio De Giorgio Lopez) and former politician and general called “EL CAPITAN”, the man who killed the racist murderer Sam Houston, and the great warrior Sioux Chief named “CRAZY HORSE”, the hero who killed the evil General George Custer! The Israelites joined forces to constantly fight off the corrupt U.S. Army Cavalry and racist militia groups who kept stealing more and more land for the American Government and White Cattlemen's Association who routinely hired White gunfighters and ruthless outlaws whose purpose was to drive off the rightful properties and lands that originally belonged to the Indigenous of the Western World who were God’s Chosen People. The Israelites fought hard and won many battles against the Whites because men were in charge and the people turned back to their God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whose name is YAHAWAH (YHWH)! After the fierce battle of Little Big Horn, the warriors also combined forces with other heroes of the 12 Tribes, men of valor and honor like the Hebrew slaves who courageously escaped the cruel plantations and rallied with their brothers to fight against the Caucasian devils who continued murdering innocent people and stealing their land and forcing them to live on reservations. Hebrew men from the Tribe of Benjamin had been revolting against Europeans in the Caribbean Islands and the brave Black Warriors, became pirates, commodering ships, like the legendary King from West Africa named CHONJUFU, and a school teacher called “BLACK BEARD”, famous Black men who used European vessels and sailed across the Caribbean, freeing slaves from America and bringing back to their homeland! Meanwhile, other slaves from Africa of the Tribe of Judah who were also great Kings of Africa and of the bloodline of the Kings of Israel, rebelled and revolted on many plantations and killed their White oppressors. Hebrew Heroes like Nat Turner, The Masked Riders, Fredrick Davis, Quinto, Bass Reeves (the real “Lone Ranger”), Captain Azariyah, “Brave Hawk”, General Yahanna, Chief Sitting Bull, and the great Geronimo -fled from the plantations and reservations and joined the Rebellion and moved out to the West and became legendary gunfighters and crusaders against white supremacy and injustice! Under the orders of the U.S. President Ulysses S. Grant, the corrupt U.S. Army began calling the righteous rebels “Outlaws”, who were simply fighting to protect their people by uniting and establishing their Nation. The Government distributed “WANTED” posters throughout the territory to frame the brave Israelites to have them hunted down like animals by hired guns- racist bounty hunters, and criminals that killed for money! These racist “Rednecks” were often fired by White Homesteaders. The Israelite rebels continued to build up their Resistance Movement: Freeing Hebrew slaves kidnapped from Africa and aided the fierce Indian Tribes like the Mohawk, Sioux, and Cheyenne Warriors to liberate the people of the Tribe of Gad and African slaves of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi who were forced to live on reservations and plantations! Realizing there was a price on their heads, many of the crusading Israelites wore masks and banderas to conceal their identities! Two of the greatest vigilantes were two former slaves of the Tribe of Benjamin named Harry Beckles and his son Franklyn, from the Caribbean Island of Trinidad & Tobago! They killed their slave masters and became fearless masked Outlaws! They became famous gunfighters for hunting down lawless White Settlers, Klu Klux Klan members, and corrupt Bounty Hunters and bringing them to justice for their crimes. The crime fighting Masked Duo also gained a notorious reputation for hanging Slave Plantation Owners and freeing slaves! The Government desperately wanted the western heroes dead or alive. The Masked Men put fear in the hearts and minds of the Redneck Colonialists and freed many slaves, while fighting off bounty hunters, and escaping from the U.S. Cavalry! The Masked Riders engaged in many gunfight battles against White Gunfighters and Homesteaders (land thieves and “Devils”), in legendary places like the O.K. Corral and helped their brothers in the bloody Plains Indian Wars. They were known throughout the West as the “Masked Riders”, and when it came to gunfighting and winning fights -the Black men were the best!!! Finally, the U.S. Government hired a scandalous White gunfighter, a quack doctor, and a sadistic mercenary named “Doc Holiday” to lead a posse of racist cattle rustlers (thieves and murderers) to hunt down the masked crusaders. News of Doc Holiday and his vile rampage on plantations and reservations shooting and hanging innocent Israelites reached the heroic father and son. The Masked Riders knew that they were being lured into a trap and sought out to engage the racist manic on their terms in the town of Dodge City, where they disguised themselves and followed him and his gang to a nearby reservation where they would set a trap for the masked outlaws, not discovering that the Indians already had an alliance with the Masked Riders. Once Holiday and his men arrived inside the reservation camp, they were met by Chief Braveheart and his son Shadow. Doc then commanded his gang to shoot the men and rape the women! Immediately, when gunfire sounded the Masked Riders rode inside the camp and Chief Braveheart and his tribal warriors sprang into action using their spears and bows & arrows to defend themselves and their wives, while the Masked Riders faced off against Holiday and his thugs! Doc reached for his gun to shoot and Harry, with lightning speed shot his pistol right out of his hand! Doc was shot dead by the Masked Rider and his son Franklyn shot down five of Doc’s men, before Shadow and the Cheyenne men surrounded the rest of the henchmen with arrows and knives pointed at their heads. The U.S. Government’s plot to assassinate the masked crusaders failed and from then on and throughout the Old West, the Masked Riders became the most notable and respected gunfighting heroes in the history of the Wild, Wild, West!!!!! THE END Researched and Written by Famous Historian DR. F.V. Beckles, Jr. The greatest secret that is being kept in the world today is who the real children of God are. An important fact is that there is a real agenda aimed at Black Americans who are the only ones that are being targeted through the Western World’s Eugenics program. An agenda set forth by what the world calls the Illuminati. According to the Bible they are identified as the Synagogue of satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9).They have been the enemies to the Children of God since the Grecian Empire under Alexander the Greek. Unwittingly, they have been fulfilling Bible scriptures foretold by The Most High God of Israel (Genesis 3) to attack and destroy God’s Chosen Seed who remains in the earth today. This warfare has been spiritual, mental, and physical on all levels (Ephesians 6). They have used various tactics such as religion, that traces back to Ancient Babylon. This Elite has been behind the political, religious and educational system set to destroy the Children of Israel. The whole world has been behind this conspiracy against God’s children (Psalm 83). They in fact have always known who the true children of God are. The Children of God are in fact Negroes (Deuteronomy 28:68). This fact goes against all religious teachings, because we have been brainwashed into a satanic governmental system that is based on lies and is in fact committed to keeping the true identity of the Children of Israel a secret. This governmental system was identified publicly by U.S. President George Bush in the 1980’s -as the New World Order. A political masterplan that was originally set in place by the Egyptians. Which is why America models everything after Ancient Egypt (Exodus Chapter 1). These Illuminist powers used the blueprint of Ancient Egypt to systematically destroy the Children of God since their downfall after King Solomon’s reign. When they fell as a people they were enslaved by their enemies who are what the world calls Europeans today, but they are in fact what the Bible calls Edomites. These Edomites are in fact Caucasians according to the Bible, White people are the main enemies to the children of God. These enemies of God whitewashed mankind’s true history and the historical records of the Israelites. All in a coordinated effort to hide the real identity of God’s chosen people. They have used World Wars as a pretext to steal their homeland in 1948. The Jewish-Israeli people are in fact Romans and Jewish converts -not the true Jews according to the Bible and not of the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. How could this happen? You may ask. Well the Bible answers that question. The Nation of Israel fell as a people due to disobedience to God’s laws, statutes, and commandments (Deuteronomy 28:15). This disobedience to their God (whose name is AHAYAH “I Am” or YAHAWAH / “YHWH” which means “HE EXISTS”), caused them to suffer curses that will plagued them forever and is a sign of who the real Jews are and how they will be scattered throughout the earth. During the 1600’s White Europeans saw an opportunity to take advantage of their downfall by conspiring with other Gentiles, such as the Africans to kidnap Negroes who are Hebrews and sell them into slavery. It is a common misconception that all Black people are the same. In fact they are not all the same, in truth the Black race is the most diverse race on the planet. Only the White race is all the same, this information has been proven by Anthropologists and History scholars around the world (Zondervan Bible dictionary). One may ask how did this race war between the Children of God and the Caucasoid hybrid race began. It was prophesied by the Most High in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3. When Eve betrayed her husband and made a covenant with satan. Satan promised her knowledge and power which is the reason why the world exalts women today (“Feminism” and Goddess worship), which is an abomination to God! A spiritual and racial battle was set in place when God told satan that there will be enmity (strife) between satan’s seed and God’s seed. Which means satan has a seed in the earth that is committed to destroying the seed of God (Genesis Chapters 25-27). This ancient battle was set in motion before the Great Flood during the days of Noah and resurfaced again with the birth of Jacob and Esau -two distinct nationalities (which means two different races of people). The descendants of Jacob became the children of God. The descendants of Esau evolved to become the Greco-Roman Empire. Esau’s lineage which is the seed of satan, officially put their plan in action to exterminate the Children of God in 70 A.D. When they laid siege against Jerusalem and forced most of the Hebrews to flee into Africa. This record is recorded in the books by the historian Josephus and the book “From Babylon to Timbuktu”, as well as many other historical records. The Hebrews a magnificent race of people that ruled all of Africa and before and after the downfall of the Roman Empire they ruled over Asia and Europe! According to historical records and in and outside of the Bible the Israelites continued to sin against their God. Which forced The Most High, AHAYAH to allow His children to be enslaved by their enemies time and time again and scattered them throughout the four corners of the earth. Which led to their final downfall during the Arab and Transatlantic slave trades. This takedown would begin a Gentile Coalition to set in place a plan of Eugenics and a system of perpetual slavery to keep the Children of Israel from ever becoming a nation again. Which is the real reason why America was established as a nation. The Romans became Jewish converts and financed the slave trades and created a western world society that became an extension of the Roman Empire (a “Rebirth”). Through this political and religious system they would keep the Children of God in constant physical and mental darkness. This system is called Zionism and Freemasonry. As identified by masons like Albert Pike in his book ”Morals & Dogma”. This elaborate plan would involve America’s most celebrated icons. Who in fact are not heroes but satanists. People like George Washington, Willie Lynch, Margaret Sanger, and Uncle Tom Negroes like Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks and Jesse Jackson. The children of satan also set up a partnership with Negro religious and political leaders who were famous sellouts for bringing forth their New World Order agenda, to keep the Children of God in bondage in the New World which is called America! During the course of 400 years, this country has successfully carried on its racist and genicital conspiracy against Negroes to victimize them with poor housing, putting drugs in Black neighborhoods, promoting abortions, demonizing Black men, and forcing integration with White people and their institutions, and flooding the prison system with Black men due to false arrests and corrupt police departments. Which is why the American political and legal system has been encouraging the unlawful shootings and public executions of Black men all across America. Which is fueled by the Donald Trump Administration, which is the reason why the President and United States Congress is in agreement with building a border wall. They are fulfilling Bible prophecy listed in 2nd Esdras chapters 13-16. Their ancestors, the Romans did the same thing in 70 A.D when they set up a wall to starve out the Hebrews in Masada. The exciting and troubling times that are happening in America today, is in fact Bible prophecy being fulfilled before our eyes! Donald Trump’s true mission is to carry out the agenda carried on by Roman the Catholic Church. Which is why America is ramping up social immorality throughout the earth such as homosexuality and other sexual perversions like sodomy and sex trafficking. These are the vices that the Roman Catholic Church supports, which is why the news media is always revealing sexual perversions that Catholic priests are routinely involved in and being accused of. The enemies of God know who the real Jews are and are committed to enforcing a perpetual cycle of sin in America so that the Negroes who are Hebrews could never rise and come together or be a nation ever again. In conclusion, the solution to this growing problem is for Hebrews to return to their God YAHAWAH (YHWH), obey His commandments, repent of their sins and be baptized in the name of the Father, and the Son, and The Holy Spirit (Matthew Chapter 28 and the Book of Acts Chapter 2), and separate from Gentiles. The greatest mistake of Hebrews in America ever committed was to listen to evil women who were sellouts like Coretta Scott King, Rosa Parks, and Cynthia Mckinney who pushed for integration and for Negro women to be leaders when the Black men were supposed to be the leaders of the Black race. Integration, mixing with Gentiles, and Feminism are an abomination according to the Bible. I highly recommend watching the historic documentary films: “Hebrew or the so called Negro” and “Hebrews to Negroes”. The truth that Negroes are the real Jews, and the Awakening of God’s Chosen people is spreading all over the world! If you are a Hebrew, I sincerely hope that you take part in this glorious Hebrew Israelite movement. Repent from your sins and return to The Most High -God of the Israelites, so that The Lord our Messiah (whose name in the Hebrew language is “YASHAYAH”) can return and put these evil Gentiles who are our enemies into subjection and return God’s Chosen Remnant to their former glory as the true NATION OF ISRAEL (Book of Revelation Chapter 7)! About Historian Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr. Book Author Profile: Book Author Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., is the first African American to organize and lead a civil rights march to protest against bullying, and racial profiling and discrimination in Public Schools in Augusta Georgia! Read about his inspiring works as a Community Leader by Author Nathan Van Sertima: “Dr. Beckles vs. the Richmond County Board of Education” (Amazon.com). www.aikenstandard.com/article/20160110/AIK0101/160119950/ Famous Community Leader Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., organized the first historic Civil Rights Crusade against Racial Injustice and Bullying in Richmond County Schools in the history of the state of Georgia! eBook Writer Dr. Beckles (a.k.a. "Azariyah Ben Yosef") is a unsung hero and pioneer in the Hebrew Israelite Movement in America and a true Witness of God, who is happily married and the father of eight children!
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