#edric storm 02
iirongauntlet · 5 years
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「 Did the boy charm you? He has that gift. He got it from his father, with the blood. He knows he is a king’s son, but chooses to forget that he is bastard-born. 」
bastards of asoiaf. [ 02 / ?? ]  EDRIC STORM.
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danieldaystreep · 5 years
i got a couple asks about what i think GRRM’s ending for arya/gendry is and i stand by my theory that gendry dies in the books during the long night battle. i was reminded of a conversation i had with a friend before 8x03 and a bunch of fleaks were floating around saying gendry dies and my friend was like ‘yeah i could see him dying cause he served his purpose already’ and i was like ok but if he dies arya’s gonna be so DONE with everything.. and yeah, that makes all of this work so much better? that’s why i was so nervous about him dying before 8x03 like it just made too much sense but then he didn’t die and we got this instead and now nothing makes sense. 
it all diverged when they decided to kill off all of robert’s bastards in season 2 and never introduce edric storm thus gendry had to assume that role and it snowballed from there. then in s7, he kind of circled back to his book storyline with the brotherhood who i believe will be playing a role in the long night in books as well. i also firmly believe the long night in the books is going to be WAAAAAY more intense and serious than in the show where it was lame. GRRM said the main characters have more or less the same fate, the secondary characters may not. gendry on the show had to survive for house baratheon cause they didn’t have any back up bastards. the books have plenty and tbh the most likely to assume that role is edric storm not necessarily gendry. i think edric would have to be dead first before they give storm’s end to gendry. 
if arya and gendry reunite in the books, a similar scenario plays out as 8x01-02 (maybe not as sexual due to her younger age in the books or maybe GRRM does the time jump after all idk), they’re falling in love, she’s starting to reconnect with her humanity and she wants to choose life over death.. only for him to die tragically. i mean bitch i would be done with this shit, i could 100% understand abandoning everything and frodo’ing myself to the west. in the show, arya is leaving her family and friends for no reason. in the book, if that plays out, she’d really just have the worst most nihilistic outlook on life cause the people she loves will always die on her. 
anyways, we all know GRRM is a sadistic fucker who makes us wanna die but it always makes sense in the books and it simply doesn’t on the show. that’s sort of my way of rationalizing this ending tbh. 
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