official-transsexual · 4 months
Study: One third of trans men continue ovulating after at least one year on testosterone
This is an important reminder that HRT is not an effective form of contraception for everyone, and that it's still entirely possible for a trans person to become pregnant/get someone else pregnant after starting hormones!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
I'm working on sprites and I made a little buddy & I'm kinda obsessed?
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I mean. lookit him:
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official-transsexual · 5 months
I'm calling this 1.8 b/c I forgot to update the info on the last one & decided to call it 1.7.1, but... yeah, anyways, this thing is starting to look kinda polished and everything.
Anyways, the tileset's been improved, there's some fun little interactions with the environment, Forrester's sidequest actually has a name, background NPCs show up and leave when they're supposed to, and the doors to the bathrooms open properly.
Play on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/913388
Download from Itch.io: https://dysperdis.itch.io/welcome-to-silverscale-lake
Both links take you to the full version of the game, and I do not collect, track, or sell your personal data in any way. I do, however, love feedback, including ideas for how I can improve things!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
I'm calling this 1.8 b/c I forgot to update the info on the last one & decided to call it 1.7.1, but... yeah, anyways, this thing is starting to look kinda polished and everything.
Anyways, the tileset's been improved, there's some fun little interactions with the environment, Forrester's sidequest actually has a name, background NPCs show up and leave when they're supposed to, and the doors to the bathrooms open properly.
Play on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/913388
Download from Itch.io: https://dysperdis.itch.io/welcome-to-silverscale-lake
Both links take you to the full version of the game, and I do not collect, track, or sell your personal data in any way. I do, however, love feedback, including ideas for how I can improve things!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
I'm calling this 1.8 b/c I forgot to update the info on the last one & decided to call it 1.7.1, but... yeah, anyways, this thing is starting to look kinda polished and everything.
Anyways, the tileset's been improved, there's some fun little interactions with the environment, Forrester's sidequest actually has a name, background NPCs show up and leave when they're supposed to, and the doors to the bathrooms open properly.
Play on Newgrounds: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/913388
Download from Itch.io: https://dysperdis.itch.io/welcome-to-silverscale-lake
Both links take you to the full version of the game, and I do not collect, track, or sell your personal data in any way. I do, however, love feedback, including ideas for how I can improve things!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
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Tileset edits are coming along nicely- I finally got the sidewalk corners lined up and everything!
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Plus, I'm starting to add shadows to things like the trees, and I feel like that little bit of detail has already made a huge improvement... but what do you think?
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official-transsexual · 5 months
So... I think I finished my game, like, for real.
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Or at least, as much as I can without people who aren't me trying to break it.
So, y'know, if you like narrative-driven/character-driven indie games with diverse casts and weird supernatural mysteries, why not check it out? It's available for free on itch.io if you skip the donation page and just go to the downloads (and I mean actually free, not "paying with your personal information while being bombarded with ads" free!)- the only catch is that I want feedback ;)
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official-transsexual · 5 months
Welcome to Silverscale Lake! v 1.7 update- new sprites!
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(I also refined some dialogue and did some rebalancing of faction standings, but the sprites are the main thing.)
Play Welcome to Silverscale Lake!:
Download for PC from itch.io
Browser version on Newgrounds
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official-transsexual · 5 months
Welcome to Silverscale Lake! v 1.7 update- new sprites!
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(I also refined some dialogue and did some rebalancing of faction standings, but the sprites are the main thing.)
Play Welcome to Silverscale Lake!:
Download for PC from itch.io
Browser version on Newgrounds
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official-transsexual · 5 months
Welcome to Silverscale Lake!: Meet Betty!
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Betty (she/her, early 50s) runs the Silverscale Lake Recreation Centre pretty much single-handedly, which mostly involves keeping it from falling down around her these days. She likes to be active behind the scenes, but is a fairly quiet person when she's not running an activity or event.
Betty tends to be overlooked by her neighbours in Silverscale Lake, and frequently dreams of running away to some far-off place and starting over.
Play Welcome to Silverscale Lake! to find out more about Betty and the other townsfolk- download from itch.io or play online at Newgrounds now!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
So, I figured out how to get my game working on Newgrounds.com (I spent a day and a half hunting down the bug & it turned out that it was because the loading image name had a lowercase "L" instead of a capital, go me)
Anyways, if you don't want to download off of itch (or can't get the PC version running on your machine), here's an alternative way to play!
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official-transsexual · 5 months
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Working on new sprite bases for my game, because the original ones were kinda slapped together just to get the character designs settled more than anything else. Here's the new templates I have so far (+ Steve's chair, because resizing the old one was easier than remaking it, which I unfortunately don't think is going to be the case for a lot of the other components...)
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official-transsexual · 5 months
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Working on new sprite bases for my game, because the original ones were kinda slapped together just to get the character designs settled more than anything else. Here's the new templates I have so far (+ Steve's chair, because resizing the old one was easier than remaking it, which I unfortunately don't think is going to be the case for a lot of the other components...)
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official-transsexual · 5 months
So... I think I finished my game, like, for real.
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Or at least, as much as I can without people who aren't me trying to break it.
So, y'know, if you like narrative-driven/character-driven indie games with diverse casts and weird supernatural mysteries, why not check it out? It's available for free on itch.io if you skip the donation page and just go to the downloads (and I mean actually free, not "paying with your personal information while being bombarded with ads" free!)- the only catch is that I want feedback ;)
104 notes · View notes
official-transsexual · 5 months
So... I think I finished my game, like, for real.
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Or at least, as much as I can without people who aren't me trying to break it.
So, y'know, if you like narrative-driven/character-driven indie games with diverse casts and weird supernatural mysteries, why not check it out? It's available for free on itch.io if you skip the donation page and just go to the downloads (and I mean actually free, not "paying with your personal information while being bombarded with ads" free!)- the only catch is that I want feedback ;)
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official-transsexual · 5 months
Oh hey, it's an actual gameplay preview for my game!
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official-transsexual · 6 months
sorry if you've done this before but could you give a brief description of your game welcome to silverscale lake! ? I see you talk about it but I'm not quite sure what it is
Sure- let's see how brief I can be...
It's a combat-light narrative & character driven RPG full of unreliable narrators, set in a modern-ish "magically mundane" world similar to ours aside from some key details (most importantly: literally everyone has magic, so for most people it's just a normal, boring part of everyday life unless they study it in-depth*).
The game takes place in what's left of a factory town 20 years after a tragic disaster in the factory, where the owner and some 2000 workers vanished without a trace, presumed dead. At the start of the game the factory is in ruins, and locals tend to avoid it.
You play as an out-of towner, hired by the reclusive son of the missing owner to retrieve some documents from his father's offices in the factory. Then things go a little sideways, and you get to figure out why so many people are interested in the factory after so many years, & what they're all after.
(*magic is... complicated. I have like 5k words of notes written about the metaphysics of this world, but the important parts are: 1) magic and living things have a symbiotic relationship that people tend to take for granted, and 2) when enough magic concentrates, it starts to develop a consciousness and opinions of its own.)
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