#edtech 2020
wefivesoftllc · 2 years
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radikylie · 1 year
Journal entry 5 million years later
Wow. It’s been well over a year and a half since I posted anything super personal and probably close to two years since being active on here. It has been a rollercoaster. In November 2021, I accepted a job at a university in the state where my love lived. After my graduate assistantship ended in 2020, it took me a year and a half to find a full-time job because of Covid. I applied to nearly 100 jobs and only heard back from maybe 10% of those jobs. And then I had exactly 3 and a half weeks to move my entire life across the country and move into an apartment with my then long-distance girlfriend when I was offered a job at a mid-size university.
Sometimes my life still doesn’t feel real. I’ve been so happy to be with my Emily and our quirky little sweet cat, but navigating life as an adult in this clown world has been extremely hard. I still can’t believe I live in fucking North Dakota. Our first two winters here have been the most brutal I have ever experienced. Boy, I thought I had SAD when I lived on the east coast but it sure is worse here. We hate living in a red state, but at least we live in the biggest city that is the most progressive.
My job as an admission counselor has been rewarding, difficult, draining, fun, and now mixed with frustration and disappointment. Our education system is a complete dumpster fire. Our incoming students and current students are having mental health crises every fucking day. It tears me apart sometimes to think that I am promising students a future I can’t guarantee with how the world is right now and where it’s going. In a week of traveling, I can drive over a thousand miles and spend over 30 hours in a car. There are high expectations and pressure to bring in first-year students because they are the true cash cows and there’s been a national decrease in enrollment across all institutions. The people I work with have been genuinely great people and are the best parts of the job sometimes. But the pay is absolute shit, and that coupled with rising greedflation and my outrageous private student loan debt feels like it’s crushing me. I don’t know how much longer I can take.
I recently applied for another job within my office that pays 10k more, and I know deserve something insanely better, but it would have been a good transition point and actually allow me to save money to move, and to get an EdTech job that is remote. I was denied this new job, the other candidate had “years of direct marketing experience” where I didn’t, but I had almost 2 years of experience in my office. I’ve shown them consistently that I have strong project management skills and organization for handling all of the texting/calling campaigns we do for students which was another part of this new job. It was handling all of the communications for print/emails (project management) and the job description didn’t even place a strong emphasis on design or marketing. But that’s what they went for in the other candidate. A white man. He wore a fucking flannel to the interview. If he didn’t have an awesome portfolio to present and he doesn’t bring the “wow” factor to this job, I’m going to be even more pissed.
And you know what also makes me mad. Last year around this time, we were actively hiring for another admission counselor position, and I was on that search committee. We were down to two choices, someone with 14 years of experience, and another person who interviewed so strongly but only had previous tour guide experience in terms of higher ed experience. We asked our supervisor if we could choose the person with less experience and she said that she would support that. We offered the position to the person with less experience but they eventually declined because the salary was so low (which we did advertise the salary??). So for this position I wanted, why would they not elevate another person in their office who has worked so fucking hard and has gone above and beyond for this position, and knows this office and best practices. So why does years of direct of experience matter now?
I cried for like the whole day. People in my office were rooting for me to have this job. The woman who previously had this job, she came from my position before that and didn’t even have a master’s. I cried because I felt trapped in this job, mainly due to capitalism. I cried because I felt so betrayed and underestimated. My direct supervisor was the chair for the search committee, and I know she doesn’t want to lose me as a counselor. Our director told me that my supervisor “adores” me, and that I consistently come up in their conversations about how I do great work and I get shit done. My director said she was excited that I applied and hoped they chose me, so I went into my final interview feeling very confident because she had already met the other two candidates before me.
When my supervisor called me to tell me the news (she was a at a conference), she started out saying that she appreciated me so much and that the other candidate would let them go in another direction that they didn’t even know they could go. I couldn’t speak. My voice cracked and I said thank you for letting me know and we ended the conversation. She followed up with a message on Microsoft Teams saying she appreciated me again and would like to help me build my skills to get me a job in EdTech, which is what I ultimately want. And I wonder if this response is because I low-key indicated to my director (because she flat out asked me) if I would leave if I didn’t get this job and I said yes. I don’t think my supervisor realizes how immediate I want (more like need) to leave.
I went home early crying after spending the entire week, waiting for the call, with extreme brain pain (psychophysiological disorder) symptoms and upset stomach to where I couldn’t eat because I was so stressed. Essentially, my nervous system thinks I’m in “danger” when thinking about travel season so it sends me unpleasant physical symptoms, like nerve pain in my face and muscle aches and nausea to where it gets debilitating at times. And travel season is both Fall and Spring. This past spring, I had to drive on icy back roads to rural parts of ND where my phone service does not work at times and once my tire starting leaking because it had a screw in it. I had a lowkey panic attack because I didn’t know what to do and needed to go to small town (population of 207) to get it patched. I was raped on a back road in a car with a man I thought I could trust when I was 20 so being out in the middle of nowhere gives me so much fucking anxiety. I’m stressed at the thought of college fairs starting in less than 2 months.
Stressed because I can’t do this fucking job anymore. The thought of being in this job for another travel season, like 6 weeks or more on and off of traveling start mid-September through November. And what’s worse is that we get “reimbursed” for our meals that we are out on the road but because North Dakota is North Dakota, I only get reimbursed up to $35 dollars a day meanwhile my coworkers traveling within MN can get up to $70 per day. So, when I travel, I have to be as frugal as possible and still lose money because I only get $6.50 for breakfast (unless I’m at a hotel and they have breakfast), 10.50 for lunch, and 17.50 for dinner. It was fine when I first started out but because of greedflation, it’s so much harder.
My student loan payments are like $700 dollars a month, and even though I have three fucking degrees, I’m stuck at an entry level pay despite having an MS degree. The pay across campus is abysmal. The pay for people with advance degrees is absolute shit. They advertised a mental health counselor position here which required a master’s or above and a license in counseling or social work for 43k. Like WHAT. That is what was offered to me when I started. I can’t save money long-term to get out of this fucking state, and we can’t even pay to go on a mini-vacation for a weekend trip. I had to tell my best friend from high school that I couldn’t go to her very fancy wedding on Cape Cod because there’s no way I can even save for myself. And I don’t think she will ever understand what its like to financially struggle and it feels like she lowkey resents me for it, and it makes me feel alone knowing she could never understand since both her and her husband come from a family with money. I worry she thinks I am just dumb as hell and not responsible with money but I can’t save for fucking anything. 
And my god, it could be so much worse. I know this, and am grateful for what we do have but it feels like we have very little to look forward to, and we pretty much can only spend what we need and not for things we want long-term. My family was exactly middle-class and moved into upper-middle class by the time I was in late high school, so it’s brought me more perspective. We are what they call “new poor” - we are one unexpected medical bill/car repair bill away from financial insecurity. I never had to worry about things like this before, I grew up blessed, and I know this. I try to give what I can when I can to my community and family and friends in need.
I tried to pick up a second job at really, really cool brewery but the shifts are so long (6-8 hours) and I sprained my knee on the job which led to my entire back seizing up two days before my birthday a few months ago. The worst birthday I’ve ever experienced. When my back spasmed, I couldn’t walk for three days. I cried the entire time almost. The first day it happened I screamed in pain with every little movement, like so much so Emily worried the cops would be called. Emily had to do everything for me – help me shower, eat, go the bathroom and she cared for me so well. I am so blessed and lucky to have her. It was one of the worst experiences of my life. I had to go back to physical therapy and that was expensive also because health insurance is a fucking scam. It took me about a month to get to 60% okay.
I couldn’t work at the brewery for months and the money from there was so good because it’s an insanely huge operation so now I’m back in the same position now, and don’t know if I can physically keep up with the work. They work their employees so hard, not in a bad way necessarily, it’s just the nature of it because it’s in the top 10 breweries on untapped or whatever. I don’t think I can physically handle more than one or two shifts a month, but I’m afraid to work a whole shift again.
My health is not great. My desk job already has me gaining weight paired with PCOS that feels like it’s out of control, and my body hurts from sitting all day. My face is constantly breaking out from hormonal acne, I’m sure it’s been from all the stress I’ve been under too, but also because everything in this fucking world is harmful to us in one way or another. I’m not at the highest weight I’ve ever been but close to 20 pounds extra since I moved here. Its just so hard to find time and energy to workout because I have so little of both. Especially when I’m traveling, and it’s harder because the cheapest food when I’m out on the road is fast food so there’s not a lot of options to be healthy, especially in fucking ND. I think the only healthy/salad bowl kind of place is in the city we are in and the capital of ND and that’s it lol and its also more expensive. Driving for hours and hours is so exhausting. So. my mental health and self-image have been suffering from all of that too.  
But it feels like we are stuck in this city that is filled with terrible drivers and roads, and these brutal winters. The winters wouldn’t be so bad if the city actually maintained the roads better but every other week it feels like we are risking our lives to go to fucking work. I’ve had to drive through blizzards when I’ve never had any winter driving experience before. I’ve had an entire panic attack/mental breakdown on the interstate here that was completely iced over for 75 miles and I needed to get to the other side of the state for a fucking career fair for work. There were cars in ditches, and another fucking blizzard on the way after receiving well over a foot of snow in some parts of ND. If we weren’t visiting Em’s parents in the same town, and if she didn’t take over and drive on the icy parts for me, we would have never made it. I would have been paralyzed in fear at a truck stop without her, and she really showed up for me that day.
Spring and Fall both lasted maybe 3 weeks before it was either hot or cold season which seems to be all that ND has. Spring used to be my favorite season, but here the flowers don’t bloom until late May and its just mud and rain. Its depressing as hell. At least the summers have been mild in comparison to the disgustingly humid summers MD/VA have. When we do get a few really humid/hot days everyone complains so much and its funny to me because that’s basically any day in the summer on the east coast. It wouldn’t be so bad if our apartment ac unit actually fucking cooled our apartment below 72 degrees on a consistent basis. When its extremely hot and humid here, our apartment has gone up to 79 degrees if we do any sort of cooking or baking. It takes days to cool down, even with extra fans.
The city we live in does have a cool community and lots awesome local businesses. That’s been a saving grace. They do a lot of farmer’s markets, vintage markets, community/mutual aid events. If the world ever completely collapsed (which I feel is inevitable), I would feel pretty safe here and secure knowing the community is full of genuine and resourceful people. It’s a very safe and cheap city to live in because nobody wants to live in these winters. But we have no real friends here. We have our work friends who are just that, and it’s incredibly disappointing. We are both introverts but crave deeper connections with others, even if its only a few. One of the hardest lessons I have ever had to learn, and still learning, are that friends are like the seasons – they come and go.
I miss my family. I miss those summer days where I would wake up late, and my brother’s family would come over to swim. The dogs would be playing, and my niece and nephew being silly. My dad would grill and my mom would make a bunch of sides and we’d eat outside on the deck together. No plans except to go play a silly little video game by myself or with some people later that night after going for a walk or a run in my neighborhood in the woods. I miss sitting out in my driveway under the stars and trees with a good playlist, smoking a bowl, and reading about aliens. I miss my niece and nephew coming over every Tuesday and the house being so crazy with them but never a dull moment. I didn’t think I would miss that so much. My brothers can be assholes (my older brother more so), but it was nice when we were all getting along.
My relationship with my parents has gotten better as I’ve gotten older but they still can’t give me the emotional support that I need. Emily’s mom has been more emotionally supportive. My parents never ask me how I’m doing, just what I’m doing. I wish they would come visit me but I don’t think they ever will. They wouldn’t even fly me or Emily out for Christmas even though they have more than enough money to do so. They’ve been going on 10-day vacations in Jamaica at fucking Sandals, and doing weekend trips all over the east coast. But seeing me is not enough of a reason to fly here. 
They keep telling me how much they miss me and want me to move back but then don’t do anything to help me do that. They said they would help us move if I got a job on the east coast but don’t care that I’m drowning in student debt.  They disappoint me still and it feels like I have to grieve my relationship with them of what I need versus what they give me. It’s been that way my entire life. I know that they will never apologize for the things that they did while growing up. It’s a sad thing to come to terms with.
Another thing I have had to come to terms with is my purpose in this world, I guess. When I was 18, I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to help people in some capacity. When I was 21, I had this grandiose idea and plans for how I could do that and save the world. When I was 24, I wanted to be a recreational therapist and create a holistic community center. When I was 25, I had started a master’s degree in Higher Education because I wanted to be a graduate assistant to a unique women’s college program within my university, which I worked hard to desperately create a safe space for young women, but the university didn’t give an actual shit about it. I didn’t think I would end up in higher education but here I am.
This is not where I expected myself to be at all, but I really did enjoy working with my students. So, I stayed in it. I finished my degree. And now I feel “stuck” in an education system that is very much a fucking dumpster fire. I’m feeling burnt out, I guess. It’s wrecking my mental and physical health. My nervous system is on high alert all the time, I think. I feel like I can never get enough time to actually rest and recover.
I’ve also had to re-evaluate my “purpose”. I’m an extremely spiritual person and have very much moved away from New Age completely but very interested in paganism or Mother Earth spirituality. I used to think that I had to have this grandiose purpose to change the world, but I recognize that the most important change comes from the self and extending that out to your community. Small acts of kindness can go a long way and encourage others to do the same, creating a chain reaction. But where exactly does that leave me?
Part of me wants to go to another university because of the “prestige” around it, but every institution has its own problems and is still within America’s education system that is a fucking shit show. I’m so concerned about how others see me sometimes, especially in professional sense. I felt like I was a late bloomer in all things because it took me 6 years to get my bachelor’s, but I also had a complete thyroidectomy after struggling with severe symptoms from it, and then being raped 3 months after the surgery. I was academically suspended for a year after my surgery and SA because my GPA was so low. There are so many people from that period of time who wrote me off as a dumb stoner and had no idea I was abusing weed because of trauma. Even my ex-girlfriend and her friends just thought I was a dumb stoner.
So, I guess I feel the need to “prove” that I am more than what they assumed me to be. I thought that I needed to be so career-driven to change the world and I am starting to understand that having that mindset is not a healthy way to live and will lead to self-destruction and burnout. I never thought I would hate my current job as much as I do. And I’m realizing that I don’t necessarily hate the work, but rather the expectations and circumstances surrounding it. I could stick out this job longer if I was paid more but it feels like I am running out of time to find something different before travel season starts again.
I’ve essentially quiet quit at this point. I feel like I have to detach myself from everyone because it hurts that I’m going to have to leave some of the people in my office, and I would go to bat for them at any time. I’ll be doing just above the bare minimum, and will not be volunteering as often to do extra things any more. A coworker of mine just got placed into her dream job and I’m so excited for her, but her leaving also gives us more work to cover. Another reason why I need to leave. And if I can leave before travel season, I feel a little guilty leaving during an important peak time, but they put me in this position. 
I can’t do it. I won’t if I don’t have to. And if September comes, and I am still searching for a job, I will do the college fairs with the goal of leaving before October. They could have given me the other position and I would have grown into it, and worked extremely hard to exceed their expectations and they could have arranged to have a new admission counselor in my position by the time college fair season started. But they made their choice. I need to make mine now.
But now I feel like I have to redefine what work means to me. Fuck the system. I can make my own path. I can change the world without a grandiose career. Its okay to just show up to work and then live your life. And so, I hope that my next job is in EdTech (and remote) that can give me financial freedom and security because that’s what it really all comes down to. I want a “lazy girl” job. A job that I feel good about and is not as emotionally/physically demanding so that I have the money to help others and do what I want. I just want to live a comfortable life, and one where I am not always worrying about money.
So, in order to get that, I think I need to release all of this. It’s been holding me back. I deserve a job that pays me well, and lets me live the life I want. A job that lets me help my friends and families, and give back to my community. I don’t have to bear the burden of being in a career that is glorified for how much you give and destroy yourself for it. I can’t imagine what k-12 teachers feel every day.
I think the next piece is letting go. Doing a trust fall for Mother Goddess to catch me and deliver me to my next opportunity. Trusting that the perfect job is on its way to me, and I won’t miss out on something that is for me. I deserve a job that gives me a better work-life balance. That I don’t feel like I am killing myself to survive. I have the money to live how I want, and all of the time and energy I have for other things is abundant.
I get so caught up worrying about making the right or wrong choice, or missing out on a job posting. I get caught up thinking that I’m not quite enough – I don’t have quite enough experience or direct experience or the right degrees. I get caught up with thinking about the cost of living in other states and what I can’t do or where we can’t move to. What if I’m meant to focus on the good, and all of the possibilities and different lives of Kylie. The possible exciting adventures in store for me.
Its reminiscent to how I felt when I couldn’t find a job after my graduate assistantship. I was stressing over every little thing. And then I finally just surrendered. That’s what it felt like after my huge disappointment with Bryn Mawr College and they decided not to hire me but not long after that I was offered my current job. And how I felt after running into my ex at a grocery store and having a panic attack and obsessing over how I’m going to meet my love and what I do or don’t do that could lead me to missing that connection. I eventually had to acknowledge and say that I surrender to the wonderful mystery that is the Universe. About two weeks of recognizing my need to let go of control, I met my Emily.
The catalyst this time is not getting this position within my office. It was a devastating disappointment. I’m still trying to reconcile that. But it has also opened me up to the fact that I do deserve something insanely better - better pay, better benefits, better work-life balance. I know my worth. And while I feel betrayed that I wasn’t picked for this position, I don’t need to punish myself or the people in my office for it. I do still feel a hint of resentment towards my supervisor, but she’ll understand the choice she made when I get offered my next job.
At first, I wanted to sulk. I wanted to quiet quit as loudly as possible. But now I see that I need to cherish my time with everyone. I want them to miss having me. I want to leave the office on good terms. But I want people to know that they lost my loyalty as well. I want people to think that they wish I was still there because of all the light and humor I brought. So. I will not be jumping at every opportunity to volunteer extra time and energy towards things. I will not be half-assing this job completely, but I will not be going above and beyond as often anymore either.
I am still incredibly sad and frustrated at this disappointment, but I see it was necessary and its time for me to move on, as scary as it seems. I will miss these people so much. So now I need to let go. Trust fall. Mother Goddess, A-team, I trust that the perfect job will find its way to me and will bring about the most exciting and best chapters of my life. Thank you for this.
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AR VR Education Lab for School and Collages By STEMROBO
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In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, traditional educational methods are being challenged to keep up with the demands of the 21st century. One groundbreaking solution transforming classrooms is the introduction of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Education Labs. STEMROBO, a leader in educational technology, is at the forefront of this revolution, offering cutting-edge AR/VR labs designed for schools and colleges.
Why AR/VR in Education?
The integration of AR and VR into education is more than just a trend; it represents a significant shift in how students engage with learning material. These technologies allow students to experience immersive, interactive environments that are far more engaging than traditional textbooks or lectures. Here’s why AR/VR labs are a game-changer for education:
Immersive Learning: AR/VR labs create highly interactive environments where students can explore everything from historical landmarks to the human body in ways that were previously impossible. For instance, a VR field trip to Ancient Rome or a 3D anatomy lesson makes learning both fun and memorable(
Visualizing Complex Concepts: Subjects like physics, biology, and engineering often involve abstract or difficult-to-understand concepts. VR simulations allow students to visualize these in 3D, offering a deeper comprehension of how things work in real life. This experiential learning style ensures better retention of knowledge(
Real-World Simulations: Virtual Reality allows students to simulate real-world situations in a risk-free environment. This is particularly useful in fields like healthcare, where students can practice medical procedures, or in engineering, where they can conduct complex experiments without the risks associated with physical setups(
Inclusive Learning: One of the most exciting benefits of AR/VR is its potential to accommodate students with diverse learning needs. By providing multiple ways to interact with educational content, these tools can cater to students who might struggle with traditional teaching methods(
STEMROBO’s AR/VR Labs: A Comprehensive Solution
STEMROBO is leading the way in providing AR/VR labs to educational institutions across India. Their solutions are designed to align with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, which emphasizes equipping students with 21st-century skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and technological proficiency.
Key features of the AR/VR labs include:
Engagement and Experiential Learning: AR/VR tools capture students’ attention and enable them to interact with lessons in a hands-on way. This is especially beneficial for subjects like biology, history, and engineering.
Skill Development: VR simulations allow students to practice real-world scenarios, from scientific experiments to global virtual field trips, fostering digital literacy.
Teacher Support: STEMROBO provides comprehensive training for educators, curriculum integration, and ready-to-use lesson plans to effectively use AR/VR in classrooms
This lab setup can enrich education by offering practical learning opportunities, enhancing students’ understanding of complex subjects, and preparing them for future technological advancements(
STEMROBO EdTech Company
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b2bbusiness · 2 months
The EdTech Market: Revolutionizing Education in the Digital Age
In recent years, the Education Technology (EdTech) market has witnessed unprecedented growth, transforming the landscape of education globally. As technology continues to advance, the integration of digital tools and resources in education has become essential, providing innovative solutions to enhance learning experiences and outcomes. This article explores the current state of the EdTech market, its driving factors, key trends, and future prospects.
The Rise of EdTech: A Market Overview
The EdTech market encompasses a wide range of digital products and services designed to facilitate learning and improve educational processes. These include online learning platforms, educational software, virtual classrooms, learning management systems (LMS), and more. According to recent reports, the global EdTech market is projected to reach $404 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.3% from 2020 to 2025. This significant growth is driven by several factors, including the increasing adoption of digital learning tools, the rise of mobile learning, and the growing demand for personalized and adaptive learning solutions.
Key Drivers of EdTech Growth
Digital Transformation in Education: The rapid digitalization of education systems worldwide is a primary driver of the EdTech market. Educational institutions are increasingly adopting digital tools to enhance teaching methods, streamline administrative processes, and provide students with interactive and engaging learning experiences.
COVID-19 Pandemic: The global pandemic accelerated the adoption of EdTech solutions as schools and universities shifted to remote learning. This sudden transition highlighted the importance of technology in education and prompted significant investments in digital learning infrastructure.
Advancements in Technology: Innovations in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and big data analytics are revolutionizing the EdTech industry. These technologies enable the development of sophisticated educational tools that cater to diverse learning needs and styles.
Growing Internet Penetration: The increasing availability of high-speed internet and the proliferation of smartphones have made online learning more accessible to a broader audience. This connectivity facilitates the widespread adoption of EdTech solutions, especially in emerging markets.
Government Initiatives: Governments worldwide are recognizing the potential of EdTech to improve educational outcomes and are investing in digital infrastructure and policies to support its growth. Initiatives such as e-learning programs, digital literacy campaigns, and funding for EdTech startups are driving the market forward.
Emerging Trends in the EdTech Market
Personalized Learning: Personalized learning solutions leverage AI and machine learning algorithms to tailor educational content to individual students' needs, preferences, and learning pace. This approach enhances student engagement and improves learning outcomes by providing customized learning experiences.
Gamification: The integration of game elements in educational content is gaining popularity. Gamification makes learning fun and engaging, motivating students to participate actively and retain information better. Educational games, quizzes, and interactive simulations are some examples of gamified learning tools.
Microlearning: Microlearning involves delivering educational content in small, bite-sized chunks that are easy to consume and retain. This approach is particularly effective for adult learners and professionals seeking to upskill or reskill in a flexible and efficient manner.
Blended Learning: Blended learning combines traditional classroom instruction with online learning, offering a hybrid approach that maximizes the benefits of both methods. This model allows for greater flexibility and accommodates different learning preferences.
Lifelong Learning: The concept of lifelong learning is gaining traction as individuals increasingly seek continuous education and skill development throughout their careers. EdTech platforms are catering to this demand by offering a wide range of courses and certifications for learners of all ages.
Future Prospects of the EdTech Market
The future of the EdTech market looks promising, with continued growth and innovation on the horizon. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more advanced and sophisticated educational tools that enhance the learning experience. The integration of AI, VR, and AR in education will likely become more prevalent, providing immersive and interactive learning environments.
Moreover, the focus on inclusivity and accessibility will drive the development of EdTech solutions that cater to diverse learning needs and abilities. Efforts to bridge the digital divide and provide equal access to quality education will be crucial in ensuring the benefits of EdTech reach all learners.
View Sample Report for Additional Insights on the EdTech Market Forecast, Download a Free Report Sample
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filishas · 2 months
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priyankashares · 3 months
Top 5 Use Cases of Immersive Technology in Education in Canada
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Immersive technology, encompassing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), is revolutionizing the educational landscape by providing interactive and engaging learning experiences. This technology transports students beyond traditional classrooms, allowing them to explore complex concepts and environments in a more tangible and impactful way. The importance of immersive technology in education cannot be overstated, as it enhances understanding, retention, and student engagement.
Canada stands at the forefront of integrating immersive technology into education, showcasing a commitment to innovation and progressive teaching methods. In 2022, a study by the Canadian EdTech Alliance reported that 68% of educational institutions in Canada had adopted some form of immersive technology, reflecting a significant increase from 45% in 2020. This rapid adoption is not only enriching the learning experience but also generating substantial profits. For instance, institutions utilizing immersive technology saw a 25% increase in student enrollment rates and a 20% rise in international student applications between 2021 and 2023, according to a report by EduCanada.
In this blog, we will explore the top five use cases of immersive technology in education in Canada, highlighting how these innovations are shaping the future of learning and setting new standards globally.
1. Immersive Field Trips
Immersive field trips are revolutionizing the educational experience in Canada by utilizing Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) to transport students to distant locations and historical periods that were previously inaccessible. This innovative approach enhances student engagement and improves educational outcomes.
One notable example is the program initiated by the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) in 2021. TDSB partnered with various tech companies to introduce VR headsets and AR applications into the curriculum. The program aimed to enhance the geography and history curricula, provide equitable learning experiences regardless of socioeconomic status, and foster engagement and curiosity in students.
The implementation involved careful selection of content, where TDSB collaborated with content creators to develop and curate VR and AR experiences aligned with the curriculum. These included virtual tours of Canadian historical sites, geographic explorations, and science-related adventures. Teachers underwent comprehensive training to effectively use VR and AR tools in their lessons, including workshops, instructional manuals, and ongoing support. VR headsets and AR-enabled tablets were distributed across schools, with mobile VR kits available for students without access to personal devices.
The immersive field trip program yielded impressive results. According to a 2022 survey, 85% of students reported higher engagement levels during VR-enhanced lessons compared to traditional methods. Post-implementation assessments indicated a 30% increase in knowledge retention among students who participated in immersive field trips. The program ensured that all students, regardless of financial background, could experience high-quality educational trips.
2.Medical Training and Surgical Simulations
Medical training and surgical simulations have entered a new era with the advent of Virtual Reality (VR) technology. This innovative approach allows surgeons and medical students to practice complex procedures in a virtual, risk-free environment, revolutionizing the way surgical skills are acquired and honed.
The University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine has spearheaded the integration of VR simulations into surgical training. Surgeons and medical students now use VR to simulate intricate surgical procedures, providing them with a platform for repeated practice and skill refinement. This immersive experience closely mimics real-world scenarios, offering a safe space to make mistakes, learn from them, and master techniques under various conditions.
The implementation of VR simulations at the University of Toronto has demonstrated significant benefits:
Improved Surgical Skills: Surgeons can practice and refine their techniques without the pressure of performing on live patients, leading to enhanced proficiency in handling complex surgeries.
Reduced Errors: By allowing for repeated practice, VR simulations help reduce errors during actual surgical procedures, thereby improving patient outcomes and safety.
Enhanced Patient Safety: The ability to simulate surgeries in a controlled virtual environment contributes to better-prepared surgeons, ultimately enhancing overall patient safety and care quality.
According to a 2023 study conducted at the University of Toronto, surgeons who underwent VR-based training showed a 35% improvement in procedural accuracy compared to those trained using traditional methods. Additionally, the study reported a 25% reduction in surgical errors attributed to the use of VR simulations.
This approach showcases the efficacy of immersive technology in medical education, surpassing the limitations of traditional learning environments. It not only prepares medical professionals more effectively but also sets new standards for surgical training by leveraging cutting-edge VR technology.
3. Metaverse Campus
The Virtual University of British Columbia Campus project represents a pioneering initiative in higher education, leveraging Metaverse technology to create a virtual counterpart to the physical campus environment. This innovative project aims to enhance accessibility, engagement, and inclusivity for students worldwide.
The Virtual UBC Campus has had a profound impact on the university community:
Global Reach: The virtual campus has attracted over 10,000 unique visitors monthly from across the globe, allowing students to experience UBC’s vibrant community and campus life remotely.
Enhanced Accessibility: 85% of surveyed students reported feeling more connected to campus activities and events since the launch of the virtual campus.
Community Building: Virtual campus interactions have led to a 30% increase in student collaboration on academic projects and extracurricular activities.
“This initiative has transformed how we engage with students globally,” says UBC’s Director of Virtual Learning, highlighting the success of the virtual campus in bridging geographical barriers and enhancing the educational experience.
This innovative approach not only enriches the student experience but also positions UBC at the forefront of digital transformation in higher education, paving the way for future innovations in virtual learning and campus engagement.
4. Admission Fair
The University of Toronto has pioneered the Virtual Admissions Fair, leveraging digital platforms to transform the admissions process into a dynamic and accessible experience for prospective students.
The Virtual Admissions Fair at the University of Toronto redefines traditional admissions events by offering an immersive online environment where prospective students can explore academic programs, interact with faculty and current students, and learn about campus life—all from the comfort of their homes.
The Virtual Admissions Fair has had a significant impact on prospective students and the university community:
Increased Engagement: Participation in the Virtual Admissions Fair has doubled compared to traditional in-person events, with over 5,000 prospective students attending each session.
Enhanced Accessibility: The fair has reached a global audience, attracting students from over 50 countries who might not have been able to attend an on-campus event.
Improved Decision-making: 90% of surveyed attendees reported feeling more informed about UofT’s programs and campus life after attending the virtual fair.
“Our virtual admissions fair has revolutionized the way we connect with prospective students, making the admissions process more accessible and engaging,” says the University of Toronto’s Admissions Director. The initiative underscores UofT’s commitment to innovation in higher education and its dedication to providing prospective students with an inclusive and informative admissions experience.
This initiative not only strengthens UofT’s position as a leader in digital education but also sets a new standard for admissions events in the digital age, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to explore and choose the right academic path at the University of Toronto.
5. Metaverse Events
McGill University has embraced the potential of the Metaverse by hosting its Virtual Graduation Ceremony, reimagining the traditional milestone event in a digital space. The Virtual Graduation Ceremony at McGill University represents a groundbreaking initiative to celebrate academic achievements using immersive Metaverse technology.
The Virtual Graduation Ceremony at McGill University has made a profound impact on the university community:
Global Participation: Over 1,500 graduates and their families from around the world attended the virtual ceremony, marking a significant increase in accessibility compared to in-person events.
Memorable Experience: 95% of surveyed participants reported that the virtual ceremony exceeded their expectations, providing a memorable and meaningful conclusion to their academic journey.
Inclusive Celebration: The virtual format allowed McGill to include international students, alumni, and faculty who couldn’t attend traditional ceremonies due to travel restrictions or logistical challenges.
“Hosting our graduation ceremony in the Metaverse allowed us to create a unique and unforgettable experience for our graduates, celebrating their achievements in a way that transcends physical limitations,” says McGill University’s Dean of Students. This initiative underscores McGill’s commitment to innovation in higher education and its dedication to enhancing student experiences through cutting-edge technology.
The success of McGill’s Virtual Graduation Ceremony highlights the transformative potential of Metaverse events in higher education, offering a glimpse into the future of inclusive and immersive academic celebrations.
Looking ahead, the future prospects of immersive technology in Canadian education are promising. As technology continues to evolve, educational institutions are expected to further leverage immersive experiences for enhanced student engagement, global collaboration, and innovative teaching methodologies. Virtual simulations, immersive classrooms, and virtual events are set to redefine traditional educational paradigms, offering students and educators alike unprecedented opportunities for learning and interaction.
Explore the possibilities of immersive technology for your educational institution with ibentos. Discover how our advanced Metaverse solutions can transform admissions processes, graduation ceremonies, and campus experiences. Embrace innovation and enhance student engagement with ibentos’ immersive technology options today.
Join us in shaping the future of education through immersive experiences. Contact ibentos to learn more about our tailored solutions for educational institutions.
Together, let’s pioneer the next generation of learning with immersive technology.
Source: https://ibentos.com/blogs/top-5-use-cases-of-immersive-technology-in-education-in-canada/
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kiyaapmr · 3 months
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Byju Raveendran Biography: The Man Behind India’s EdTech Revolution
Byju Raveendran, a former teacher turned entrepreneur, has redefined education in India and beyond with his innovative approach to learning. Born in a small village in Kerala, India, Byju’s journey to success is a testament to determination and vision.
Early Life and Education
Byju Raveendran’s story began humbly, growing up in Azhikode, a coastal village in Kerala. His academic journey was marked by excellence, particularly in mathematics, which laid the foundation for his future endeavors. After completing his schooling, Byju pursued a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Government Engineering College, Kannur.
The Birth of Byju’s Learning App
Byju’s career took an unexpected turn during his stint as an engineer when he started tutoring friends for the Common Admission Test (CAT), a competitive exam for management studies in India. His unique teaching style, combining simplicity with effectiveness, garnered widespread acclaim among students.
In 2011, Byju formally launched his eponymous learning app, Byju’s – The Learning App. Initially focusing on CAT and other competitive exams, the app quickly gained popularity due to its interactive content and personalized learning approach.
Revolutionizing Education
Byju’s vision extended beyond exam preparation to transform how students learn across various educational boards and subjects. The app offers engaging video lessons by India’s best teachers, interactive quizzes, and adaptive learning modules that cater to individual learning styles.
Milestones and Recognition
Byju’s Learning App’s exponential growth and impact have earned Byju Raveendran numerous accolades. He was named in the TIME 100 list of the world’s most influential people in 2020, highlighting his significant contribution to education technology.
Beyond Education
Beyond his entrepreneurial pursuits, Byju Raveendran remains committed to philanthropy and social impact initiatives. He actively supports initiatives aimed at improving access to quality education in rural India, further cementing his role as a transformative figure in the education sector.
Byju Raveendran’s journey from a small-town teacher to a pioneer in edtech underscores his passion for education and his relentless pursuit of innovation. Through Byju’s Learning App, he continues to empower millions of students with knowledge and skills that transcend traditional boundaries, making him a true visionary in the digital age of learning.
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talentserveblog · 5 months
Accelerating Investments in EdTech: Transforming Education for the Digital Age
In recent years, the global education landscape has witnessed a profound shift towards embracing technology to enhance learning experiences. This transformation has been accelerated by the rapid advancements in educational technology, commonly referred to as EdTech. With the COVID-19 pandemic amplifying the need for remote learning solutions, investments in EdTech have surged, marking a pivotal moment in the evolution of education worldwide.
The Rise of EdTech Investments
The pandemic acted as a catalyst, propelling EdTech to the forefront of educational strategies. As schools and universities scrambled to adapt to remote learning environments, the demand for digital tools skyrocketed. This surge in demand caught the attention of investors, leading to unprecedented investments in EdTech startups and established companies alike.
According to a report by HolonIQ, global EdTech investment reached a record high of over $16 billion in 2020, nearly doubling the figure from the previous year. The trend has continued into subsequent years, highlighting the sustained interest and confidence in the sector. From e-learning platforms and virtual classrooms to adaptive learning technologies and educational content creators, investors are betting big on innovations that revolutionize how knowledge is imparted and acquired.
Driving Forces Behind EdTech Investments
Several factors contribute to the growing interest and investment in EdTech:
1. Demand for Remote Learning Solutions: The shift towards remote learning, whether due to pandemic-related disruptions or the broader trend of digital transformation in education, has created a significant demand for innovative EdTech solutions. These include platforms for online lectures, interactive learning materials, and collaboration tools that facilitate remote engagement among students and educators.
2. Personalized Learning Experiences: EdTech offers the promise of personalized learning experiences tailored to individual student needs. Adaptive learning algorithms, data analytics, and AI-powered platforms enable educators to customize curriculum delivery, assessment methods, and learning pathways based on students' strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles.
3. Globalization of Education: With the rise of online education, geographical barriers are becoming increasingly irrelevant. EdTech enables access to high-quality educational resources and expertise from anywhere in the world, leveling the playing field and democratizing education on a global scale.
4. Workforce Development and Lifelong Learning: The rapidly evolving job market necessitates continuous upskilling and reskilling. EdTech platforms cater to lifelong learners seeking to acquire new skills or enhance existing ones to remain competitive in the workforce. From professional certification courses to vocational training programs, EdTech plays a vital role in supporting lifelong learning initiatives.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the surge in EdTech investments brings forth immense opportunities, it also presents challenges that must be addressed:
1. Equity and Accessibility: Despite the promise of democratizing education, disparities in access to technology and internet connectivity persist, particularly in underserved communities. Bridging the digital divide remains a priority to ensure equitable access to quality education for all learners.
2. Quality Assurance and Pedagogical Efficacy: Not all EdTech solutions are created equal, and ensuring their effectiveness in improving learning outcomes requires rigorous evaluation. Investors need to prioritize solutions backed by evidence-based research and pedagogical principles to maximize their impact on education.
3. Data Privacy and Security: With the collection of vast amounts of student data, concerns regarding data privacy and security have become paramount. EdTech companies must uphold stringent data protection standards and transparent policies to safeguard sensitive information and build trust among users.
4. Teacher Professional Development: Integrating technology into education necessitates adequate training and support for educators to effectively utilize EdTech tools in the classroom. Investing in teacher professional development programs ensures that educators are equipped with the necessary skills and confidence to leverage technology for enhanced teaching and learning experiences.
The surge in investments in EdTech signifies a fundamental shift in the way education is perceived and delivered. As technology continues to reshape the educational landscape, stakeholders must collaborate to harness its full potential in advancing learning outcomes, fostering innovation, and addressing the diverse needs of learners worldwide. By leveraging the power of EdTech responsibly and inclusively, we can usher in a new era of education that empowers learners to thrive in the digital age.
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swarrnimschool · 5 months
The Future of Pre-primary Education in India
Pre-primary education lays the foundation for lifelong learning and development. It is a critical stage where children learn basic skills and values that shape their future. The focus on pre-primary education has grown in India, recognizing its role in a child’s educational journey. This blog explores the future of pre-primary education in India, emphasizing its importance, current trends, and potential transformations. 
What Is Pre-primary Education?
What is pre-primary education? It refers to the initial phase of formal education intended for children aged 3 to 6. This stage is crucial for cognitive, emotional, and social development. It prepares children for the structured world of primary education, fostering communication, cooperation, and problem-solving skills.
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The Importance of Pre-primary Education
The importance of pre-primary education cannot be overstated. It is more than just preparation for future academic pursuits; it is a vital phase for developing a child's personality, thought process, and social capabilities. Engaging in activities stimulating the mind and encouraging interaction with peers and teachers helps children develop a sense of curiosity and a love for learning. Recognizing the need and importance of pre-primary education is the first step towards building a society that values growth, learning, and empathy from the earliest stages of life.
Pre-primary Education in India: Current Scenario
Pre-primary education in India has traditionally been a mix of formal schooling and informal learning at home. However, the landscape is changing. The government and various NGOs are increasingly investing in pre-primary education, recognizing its role in shaping the future of the country’s youth. Despite these efforts, challenges such as accessibility, quality of education, and trained teacher availability remain.
The Future of Pre-primary Education in India
The future of pre-primary education in India looks promising, with several key trends emerging:
Increased Government Focus: The Indian government has launched initiatives like the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, emphasizing the need and importance of pre-primary education. Such policies are expected to increase access and improve the quality of pre-primary education nationwide.
Technology Integration: With the digital revolution, educational technologies (EdTech) are integrated into pre-primary classrooms. Interactive apps, educational games, and digital storytelling are becoming common, making learning more engaging for young minds.
Inclusive Education: There is a growing emphasis on inclusive education, ensuring that children from all backgrounds, including those with special needs, have access to quality pre-primary education. This approach promotes diversity and equality from an early age.
Parental Involvement: Parents are being seen as partners in the educational journey. Schools encourage parental involvement in various forms, from classroom activities to home-based learning projects. This collaborative approach enhances the learning experience for children.
Focus on Holistic Development: The future of pre-primary education in India is not just about academics. There is a strong emphasis on children's holistic development, including their physical, emotional, and social well-being. Sports, art, and music are being integrated into the curriculum to support this development.
Swarrnim School: Pioneering Pre-primary Education in India
Swarrnim School, a pioneering institution in pre-primary education, is at the forefront of these transformative trends. Swarrnim School embodies the essence of innovative learning, blending traditional teaching methods with modern pedagogical approaches. The school recognizes the importance of pre-primary education and is dedicated to providing its students with an enriching, holistic learning environment.
Swarrnim School’s curriculum is designed to cater to each child's needs, fostering a love for learning and curiosity about the world. Through a blend of academic and extracurricular activities, the school ensures that children develop intellectually, socially, and emotionally. The focus is on creating a nurturing environment where children can explore, discover, and learn at their own pace.
The school also emphasizes the need for parental involvement, encouraging parents to participate actively in their child’s education. Through regular updates and workshops, Swarrnim School ensures that learning does not end in the classroom but continues at home, creating a seamless educational experience for the child.
In conclusion, the future of pre-primary education in India is on the brink of significant transformation. With increased awareness of its importance, integration of technology, emphasis on inclusivity and holistic development, and institutions like Swarrnim School leading the way, the stage is set for a revolutionary shift in how we approach early childhood education. This promising development will shape the minds and futures of the next generation of learners, leaders, and innovators.
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namanrohilla · 6 months
7.2% CAGR to $52 Billion: Unveiling the Global Teacher Training Market & India's Growth Potential
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The teacher training market plays a critical role in equipping educators with the skills and knowledge to navigate the ever-changing landscape of education. This market analysis delves into the size, trends, and future outlook of teacher training globally, with a specific focus on the burgeoning market in India.
Market Size and Scope: A Global Perspective
Estimating the teacher training market size is complex due to its diverse nature. However, research indicates significant growth potential. The global teacher training market to reach USD 52.4 billion by 2027, growing at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.2% from 2022. This growth is fueled by several factors:
Rising student populations: The global population is growing younger, leading to a surge in student enrollment, particularly in developing nations. This necessitates a corresponding increase in well-trained teachers.
Focus on quality education: Governments and educational institutions are prioritizing quality education, placing greater emphasis on effective teacher training programs.
Shifting skill requirements: Educational methodologies are evolving, demanding teachers to possess skills in technology integration, differentiated instruction, and social-emotional learning.
Market Trends Shaping the Future
Several teacher training market trends are:
Technology Integration: EdTech solutions like online learning platforms, simulations, and virtual reality are increasingly used in teacher training. These tools provide immersive and engaging learning experiences, making training more accessible and effective.
Focus on Early Childhood Education (ECE): The importance of early childhood education is gaining recognition, leading to a demand for specialized training programs for preschool and kindergarten teachers.
Data-Driven Training: Learning Management Systems (LMS) are facilitating data-driven approaches to teacher training. Analyzing learner data allows for personalized learning experiences and targeted interventions to address specific needs.
Microlearning Gains Traction: Bite-sized learning modules, delivered through videos and interactive tools, cater to busy educators seeking convenient and flexible professional development.
Demand for Specialized Training: With diverse student populations and specialized learning needs, training programs focusing on special education, gifted education, and multilingual education are in high demand.
Teacher Training Market Outlook: A Promising Future
The future of the market looks promising, driven by the aforementioned trends and a growing recognition of the importance of well-trained educators. Here are some key factors shaping the market outlook:
Government Initiatives: Governments around the world are expected to increase investments in teacher training to improve the quality of education.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between government agencies and private training providers can offer innovative and accessible training solutions.
Focus on Continuous Learning: As educational landscapes evolve rapidly, there will be a growing emphasis on continuous learning and professional development for educators.
Indian Market: A Lucrative Market on the Rise
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India, with its vast young population and growing education sector, presents a particularly exciting market. The teacher training market size in India is estimated to be around USD 7.5 billion and is projected to grow at a CAGR exceeding 10% by 2025. This growth is driven by factors such as:
Teacher Shortages: India faces a significant shortage of qualified teachers, particularly in rural areas and specialized fields.
National Education Policy (NEP) 2020: The NEP emphasizes improving teacher quality through rigorous training programs.
Increased Private School Enrollment: The growing popularity of private schools creates demand for qualified teachers with specialized skills.
The teacher training market offers a crucial solution to equip educators with the tools and knowledge they need to empower students and build a brighter future. By embracing technological advancements, catering to evolving skills demands, and focusing on data-driven insights, the market can shape a generation of effective educators who can nurture the potential of every learner.
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cdp360edtechchennai · 7 months
Best Online NEET Coaching Institutes in Chennai | Cdp360
Best online net coaching in chennai
Although there are success stories of students who crack the NEET exam without coaching, Joining a coaching class in Chennai can significantly improve your chances of success in the NEET exam. With 134 NEET Coaching Classes available, you’ll be in a competitive environment that boosts your performance. The best NEET coaching institutes Chennai offer extensive preparation, providing the right guidance for the competitive exam.
Right guidance is very necessary for NEET exam as it is competitive in nature. NEET coaching can enhance your consistency and regularity. Regular NEET classes with peers with similar mindsets can make the grind more bearable. Expert coaching from Coaching Institutes like Aakash Institute, Cdp360 EdTech, Allen, Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions, and Resonance can significantly enhance your NEET preparation skills.
Better the coaching, higher the chances for success. Choose the best NEET coaching in Chennai based on faculty experience, course fees, distance, and strengths/weaknesses in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology for success.
NEET Exam Pattern NEET exam pattern is elongated in such a way that, you will get full-fledged information of all the details respectively.
Number of Questions: A total of 180 questions will be asked, The paper is divided into 4 categories, Hence candidates can choose their section for giving answers. Mode of Examination: The 2020 NEET examination is conducted offline. Number of Subjects: There are 3 subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Biology(Botany and Zoology) Type of Questions: The NEET 2020 paper will be of objective type questions i.e. MCQ based in nature, you have to choose one out of four options. Examination Duration: The NEET exam is held for 3 hours Languages: NEET 2020, the exam will be in 11 languages for the diversified country where people belong from different castes, customs, languages in respectively are:
English, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu, Odia, Marathi
MBBS is a degree that is required in allopathic medicine to become a doctor, offering a rewarding career with a focus on treating sick patients. With increasing demand due to diseases, super specialty hospitals are emerging, and NEET coaching institutes in Chennai are essential for obtaining admission to top medical colleges.
Employment Opportunities for Medical Students In medical colleges and training institutes as teachers In research institutes and medical colleges as researchers In Government/Private hospitals In nursing homes/clinics/health departments In medical services of army/navy/air force List Of Best NEET Coaching In Chennai
To prepare for top-rated NEET coaching institutes in Chennai, consider factors like batch size, contact details, faculty, infrastructure, and past year results.
The top NEET Coaching Institutes in Chennai are listed as the best.
Here are five online NEET coaching providers in Chennai:
CDP360 :
CDP360 is a popular Online NEET coaching provider in Chennai that offers the best features. They are reaching the students through their schools. They are training the teachers on how to embrace EdTech in their curriculum. They start preparing the students from their Middle schooling of standard six with the guidance of the teachers. They provide interactive online classes, study materials, mock tests, and personalized guidance to help students excel in NEET. This cdp360 is they are Enriching Schools and Empowering Students.
Website: cdp360.org
Aakash Institute:
This coaching Institute ranks at the №1 position in the list of NEET coaching providers in Chennai. At Aakash Institute, the aspirants of NEET are taught excellent learning methods to crack the competitive examination. Aakash Institute is a renowned coaching institute with branches across India. For 31 years, in more than 200 branches, they are providing coaching and guidance to students for cracking the NEET as well as other examinations. And also They offer comprehensive NEET preparation programs, including online coaching, video lectures, study materials, and regular assessments.
Website: www.aakash.ac.in
Allen Career Institute: ALLEN Chennai is the renowned and premier institute for Medical Entrance Exams such as NEET-UG. Allen Career Institute is another reputable coaching institute that provides online NEET coaching. They have a strong presence in Chennai and offer a range of courses, study materials, and online test series to help students prepare for NEET.
Website: www.allen.ac.in
Sri Chaitanya Educational Institutions: Sri Chaitanya is a well-known coaching institute that offers online NEET coaching in Chennai. They provide live online classes, recorded video lectures, study materials, and practice tests to help students in their exam preparation.
Website: srichaitanya.net
Resonance: Resonance is a reputed coaching institute known for its NEET coaching programs. They offer online courses, live classes, study materials, and regular assessments to help students prepare for the NEET exam.
Website: resonance.ac.in
Remember to research and evaluate each coaching provider’s offerings, faculty, success rate, and student reviews to find the one that best suits your needs. It’s also recommended to contact these institutes directly or visit their official websites for the most up-to-date information.
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esglatestmarketnews · 8 months
The Role of ESG in the EdTech Industry
Edtech industry or Education Technology Industryplayers are gearing up to plan, report and monitor their ESG performance amidst an exponential rise in digitization. Notably, the prevalence of online learning against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic prompted industry leaders to achieve ESG goals. AI-based learning tools forayed into the mainstream education landscape, encouraging investors, venture capitalists and other stakeholders to prioritize ESG goals. Lately, education technology has witnessed skyrocketing demand across advanced and emerging economies. A host of global organizations expects their vendors to adopt ESG goals, while stakeholders are demanding that startups define and focus on ESG strategy.
Investors are bullish on the prospect of edtech providing an immersive learning experience to K-12 students (kindergarten to 12th grade). High-profile and emerging players continue investing in tech and tools that boost online and digital learning. A slew of private equity funds has ESG-themed funds, alluding to stakeholders growing interest in society and the environment. For instance, in March 2022, Cakap, an Indonesian online language learning platform, secured fresh funding from IIF (Indonesia Impact Fund). The infusion of funds is reported to be the first ESG-compliant private impact fund under the aegis of Mandiri Capital Indonesia. Buoyant investments will propel access to high-quality education, especially in lower-tier cities, and play a pivotal role in bridging the language proficiency gap. 
Environmental Perspective
Edtech companies are responding to climate change to invest in an environmentally sustainable future. Digital learning companies have furthered their efforts to propel UN Sustainable Development Goals and take a giant stride toward decarbonization. Stakeholders are expected to be on the same page on global net zero emissions and use technology and operations to foster the change the world needs. Microsoft aims to reduce its Scope 1 and 2 emissions to near zero by 2025 and is contemplating removing more carbon than it emits by 2030. Moreover, in July 2021, it also rolled out the Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability to render automated, integrated and comprehensive sustainability management. 
Stakeholders are likely to take a robust approach to reporting and recording emissions with automation and data collation. Industry players could use a secure cloud to tackle e-waste across schools with startups investing in the advanced technology. In December 2020, Karo Sambhav used Microsoft Azure, engaged with over 22,700 schools, and collated around 12,000 metric tons of e-waste for responsible recycling in India. Furthermore, Microsoft also emphasized bridging the skill gap in data center communities through investment in technical training programs at vocational schools, community colleges and other educational institutions. 
Social Perspective
Edtech companies are promoting the values of gender equality, inclusion and a safe work environment. Companies are likely to complement UN Sustainable Development Goals with an emphasis on quality education and boosting workers’ health and safety. Several edtech companies have sought state-of-the-art technology to bolster inclusion, diversity and access. For instance, in September 2021, SP2 Mentor Collective suggested that it connects students, targeting first-generation learners, including those of color, students from low-income backgrounds and other underrepresented students. 
Stakeholders have added fillip to their ESG goals by investing in new-age skills and focusing on talent mobility. Companies are gearing up to upskill talent pools to keep up with global digital transformation. Cisco is expediting the way it develops, attracts and promotes diverse talent. It has joined forces with OneTen Initiative, that is gearing to hire, upskill, and promote one million African American/Black (AA/B) Americans over the next ten years. It witnessed a 60% surge in the representation of all employees who identified themselves as AA/B from entry level through the manager.
State-of-the-art technologies, including ML and AI, have witnessed an uptake. To illustrate, as of June 2022, Coursera reported around a 50% surge in the number of business learners in India. The trends have prompted technology-oriented startups to inject funds into advanced solutions and services to help bolster the digital skills of their employees. In August 2021, Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ) announced an infusion of funds into ApplyBoard through Equity 253 fund—a diversity-dedicated fund—aimed at companies leveraging diversity and inclusion initiatives and promoting them as business priorities. 
Is your business one of participants of the Global EdTech Industry? Contact us for focused consultation around ESG Investing, and help you build sustainable business practices.
Governance Perspective 
As sustainability becomes mainstream, governance and accountability have become instrumental for prioritization and alignment across the industry. Microsoft has formed a Climate Council with business leaders from every business group to foster alignment, offer sustainability advice, review progress on commitment, prioritize resources and funding and collaborate. Its Board of Directors offers feedback, insights, and oversight across environmental and social aspects.
With companies targeting pre-K to 12, post-secondary and workforce education portfolios, stakeholders have prioritized governance structure to foster their ESG profile. For instance, Cisco asserted in its Purpose Report that audits covered 390,000 supply chain workers during fiscal 2022. Cisco’s compliance and ethics organization reports all allegations and cases of ethical violations to the Audit Committee of the BoD and the Compliance Steering Committee. 
Poor ESG practices may be detrimental to environmental, reputational and legal risks that can dent an organization’s prospect on the bottom line. Companies with strong ESG performance could stay ahead of the curve with a lower cost of capital, a loyal investor base and better access to financing. According to the U.S. financial services company Morningstar, ESG investment strategies surpassed USD 1 trillion in 2020, largely fueled by sustainable investment funds amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
In December 2022, Skillsoft’s corporate social responsibility report found that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), participation in fair trade, and enhancing labor policies were top priorities in the CSR program. The research noted that 46% said ESG efforts were replacing CSR efforts. Prevailing trends suggest the global edtech market could register a 16.5% CAGR from 2022 through 2030. The growth trajectory is expected to gain ground as companies focus on creating long-term value by creating ESG strategies. 
Related Reports:
Online Tutoring Services Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/online-tutoring-services-industry-esg-outlook
Business Process Outsourcing Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/business-process-outsourcing-industry-esg-outlook
Telecom Services Industry ESG: https://astra.grandviewresearch.com/telecom-services-industry-esg-outlook
About Astra – ESG Solutions By Grand View Research
Astra is the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) arm of Grand View Research Inc. - a global market research publishing & management consulting firm.
Astra offers comprehensive ESG thematic assessment & scores across diverse impact & socially responsible investment topics, including both public and private companies along with intuitive dashboards. Our ESG solutions are powered by robust fundamental & alternative information. Astra specializes in consulting services that equip corporates and the investment community with the in-depth ESG research and actionable insight they need to support their bottom lines and their values. We have supported our clients across diverse ESG consulting projects & advisory services, including climate strategies & assessment, ESG benchmarking, stakeholder engagement programs, active ownership, developing ESG investment strategies, ESG data services, build corporate sustainability reports. Astra team includes a pool of industry experts and ESG enthusiasts who possess extensive end-end ESG research and consulting experience at a global level.
For more ESG Thematic reports, please visit Astra ESG Solutions, powered by Grand View Research
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mindfiresolutions-blog · 10 months
The Benefits of Custom Educational App Development for Schools and Universities
The Edtech industry experienced exponential growth in the past couple of years, largely because of the push to remote due to the pandemic. The global market size of e-learning applications was estimated at $197 billion in 2020. In the same year, Coursera witnessed 10.3 million new enrollments, which was 644% more than in 2019.
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With the growing adoption of remote learning solutions, it is evident that the demand for e-learning applications will further increase. According to a study, the global e-learning market is expected to reach $840 billion by 2030.
Schools and universities can adopt e-learning applications to make their education more accessible while also increasing learner engagement.
In this article, we will look into different types of educational applications schools and universities can develop and explore the benefits of custom educational app development.
Types of Educational Apps to Develop
There are different types of educational apps that can be developed for various purposes. Some of them include:
Apps for Exam Preparation
Educational apps can be customized to help students prepare for exams by providing mock tests, quizzes, and other study materials.
Education App for Kids
These apps are specially designed to make learning engaging for kids by using animated videos, puzzles, games, etc.
Apps for Learning New Skills
Schools and universities can develop custom educational apps to teach their students new skills such as coding, web development, graphic design, etc. Coursera, Udemy, and Duolingo are some popular examples of such type of an app.
Apps for Teachers
These apps provide teachers with the tools that can help in scheduling, lesson planning, etc., and enable them to teach efficiently.
Benefits of Custom Educational App Development
Personalized Learning
Teaching a class can be a challenging task. Every student learns in a different way, and it is difficult for a teacher to give personal attention to each one of them. By leveraging smart technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), the educational app can be programmed to provide students with content that is tailored to their learning style and pace. Personalized learning helps students to understand a concept in a better way, which can consequently improve their academic performance.
Easy Access to Learning Materials
Educational apps enable students to learn anywhere, anytime. With mobile application features such as push notifications, content-sharing, and live streaming, educators are able to easily share course material with their students while maintaining high engagement levels.
This accessibility is especially beneficial for students who are unable to attend classroom settings. It promotes distance learning and eliminates the need to travel to institutes to attend lectures, saving valuable time and travel expenses. These benefits allow educational institutions to reach a wider audience.
Improved Communication
Another advantage of custom educational app development is improved communication between students, teachers, and parents. The app can provide a platform for students to communicate with teachers and parents, share their work, and receive feedback. Teachers can also use the app to send updates and reminders to students and parents.
Furthermore, educational apps could help students to solve their doubts by scheduling one-on-one sessions with their teachers according to their availability. This improved communication helps to keep everyone connected, which promotes a seamless learning experience.
Increased Student Engagement
Educational apps can also increase student engagement by providing students with interactive elements such as quizzes, challenges, and games, making learning fun while motivating them to study.
The engagement can be further increased by incorporating an AI-chatbot assistant that can solve student queries 24/7 and also connect them with the teacher if needed, resulting in better learning outcomes.
Improved Assessment and Tracking
The educational app can offer teachers the tools they need to track students’ progress and assess their learning. For example, the app can provide teachers with options to prepare quizzes, tests, and other assessments that can be used to evaluate students’ understanding of the subject. Teachers can also use the app to track students’ progress over time, which can help to understand how well students interact with course material as well as identify areas where they need additional support.
Cost-Effective Solution
The development of an educational app is a valuable investment, and once the app is created, schools and universities can use it for an extended period. Additionally, the app can be updated regularly to ensure that it remains relevant and up-to-date. Schools and universities can reduce the costs associated with printing and distributing study materials, such as textbooks by replacing them with digital versions.
Custom educational app development can be valuable for schools and universities in the current times. The app development is a cost-effective solution from the long-term perspective that can increase student engagement, improve assessment and tracking, and lead to better learning outcomes.
If you are looking to leverage technology to enhance the learning experience of your students, consider investing in educational app development.
Developing an application can be an overwhelming task as there are various moving parts involved in the process. You can collaborate with an IT firm to drive efficiency in the development process and reduce your time-to-market.
Mindfire Solution is a leading IT firm that specializes in custom application development. We have assembled a team of expert professionals to create an interactive e-learning experience by infusing leading-edge technologies into traditional educational practices.
Visit Mindfire Solutions to learn more about our capabilities.
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dreamsedtech · 10 months
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Dreams EdTech is a team of professionals which serves humanity in the field of Parental Coaching, Career Selection, Teacher’s Training and Digital Marketing.
We at Team Dreams EdTech believe:
✓ Every child is unique
✓ Every child is talented
✓ Every child is capable to excel
Association Premise Life in the 21st century is full of innovations and conveniences. In the current age children are growing up in a world utterly different from the world we used to know and a world that is changing even more. Today while shaping the minds, values, and beliefs of children, parent has to compete, with multiple sources of information, both human and nonhuman, (e.g., children’s peers, nonfamilial adults, TV, technology gadgets, Internet). As parents, it is important to consider both the long-term and short-term consequences of how we engage the innovations of today. Being responsible for our children’s happiness and success as well as the next generation, we have to help them gain the skill to manage.
Parents are burdened with commitments to work, family, household, and social life, activities which make it difficult to find the right balance in bringing up a child. When we know better, we do better. From making parents realize what kind of parents are they to forming appropriate parenting habits, shall be done for building a well-informed parenting community.
We have served more than 125 Schools in India. To note a few schools, we have supported in India—Indus Valley School, Heritage School, BIPS, BCM, Holy Child School, St. Anthony School and many more. Few other countries we have our presence in are Bangladesh, Australia, UAE, Canada, South Africa, Singapore and many more. We have supported more than 2800 teachers in India and approx. 100000 parents till date. Currently Dreams EdTech is looking after The Schools of West Bengal since 2020.
Here school can play an important role by offering parenting related training interventions to parents. Through this proposal we offer your school to become first of a kind school to have one such community of parents.
Contact Details:
Web: www.dreamsedtech.com
Mobile: 07585045385, 08420276135
Address: Kolkata and Jalpaiguri
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