#edwin payne i love you and you’re wardrobe
finchfvkingcortes · 1 month
thank you to this tweet for giving me the perfect opportunity to ramble about edwin’s outfit during the confession scene because oh how i love it
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the juxtaposition between these two scenes and what edwin wears is so good because he goes from an outfit he chose and put together when he planned to confess vs a blood stained shirt when he actually did but what i think a lot of people don’t realise is that edwin isn’t wearing pyjamas when he’s in hell, he’s wearing undergarments. he’s in an undershirt and drawers, which was typical edwardian underwear and it is such a perfect way to show how vulnerable he is in that moment. so often clothes are used as armour or a way to make oneself feel more confident and that’s exactly what edwin is doing when he made himself look, as niko says, really nice. a nice outfit and feeling good about yourself can go a long way in making yourself feel more ready to, i don’t know, confess your love to your best friend of 30 years. now compare that to what edwin’s wearing when he actually confesses and you immediately feel a sense of vulnerability and almost nakedness in that situation because the modern day equivalent is standing there in your boxers. all of that armour, all that confidence is gone, he is both literally and metaphorically bare. in the end it’s just edwin, in the most basic sense, baring his soul to charles and i think it’s so so beautiful
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