ghostpi22 · 29 days
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My constipated king on his thirteenth round of laxatives when the delusions start kicking in again 💔
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starlypenguins · 1 year
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So this is a thing now
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dt-artist1 · 2 years
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agenderfrenchfry · 1 year
for the ask game, Felix?
Sexuality Headcanon: This is very specific, but asexual greyromantic. (I don't think he'd figure that out for years though.)
Gender Headcanon: Cis male
A ship I have with said character: Hmm... I like playing around with Edwix, but otherwise I don't have many ships with him.
A BROTP I have with said character: Felix and his gang are always fun to watch interact.
A NOTP I have with said character: Other than the obvious, idk.
A random headcanon: His parents aren't around at all, so he adopted his worldview from the worst source possible: middle school boys.
General Opinion over said character: He’s an interesting little guy who I look forward to seeing more from. I really want to hear more about his gang, too.
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consumeroflemoans · 2 years
I’ve been told to write Edwix by my friends.
Apologies for bad characterization, etc. etc. It’s bound to be somewhat OOC.
There is a slur in here because Felix is homophobic. Other than that, it’s fairly tame.
At this point Felix is obsessed with Edward. After kidnapping his friends to gain his attention, summoning a demon to have power over him, and even kidnapping Edward himself, Felix still refuses to take the hint.
“Just give me the crown Edward!” Felix called, standing on a cafeteria table to make himself seem taller than his rival. “It’s rightfully mine! You don’t deserve to be school king.”
Before Edward could reply, a deadpan voice spoke up. “Just kiss already.” Isaac called to them, a ripple of laughter coming from the cafeteria. This earned a reaction from both of the jocks. Their faces twisted into matching looks of disgust at the though.
“I’m not a fag.” Felix sneered in response. “I’d never kiss that bitch.” Almost immediately, the entire les league and Edward’s jocks rose up, ready to beat some homophobe ass.
Before they could, Edward stood up and raised a hand, his friends turning to look at him. “Felix, let’s talk.” He said calmly, a smoldering rage burning in his eyes. “Alone.” He grabbed the smaller jock’s inverted letterman jacket and dragged him out of the room. Surprise, surprise, he shoved him into one of the many closets conveniently placed around the school.
Felix scoffed and shoved him away, ignoring how warm Edward is in this close proximity. Oh, and he smells good too. “What the hell did you want to talk to me about?” He glared at Edward. “I’m not apologizing to you.”
Edward just scowled at Felix’s lack of cooperation. “Why the hell do you want this job so bad?” He snapped. “It’s not like you’ll get much out of it. You’re a senior. You’re graduating soon anyway.”
Felix scoffed and looked away. “Not like you’d understand. I have my reasons and you don’t need to know them.”
“Don’t I?” Edward replied, stepping closer to Felix. His calm gaze was met with a stubbornly furious one, Felix even standing on his toes a little to look at Edward in the eyes. “You’re obsessed with me more than the title at this point.” He scoffed.
“You want me close to you and I think I know why.” He brushed a hand over Felix’s cheek, the older boy freezing up under him. “You’re in denial because you hate yourself.” He said calmly. “You hate that you’re just as queer as the rest of us.” He frowned slightly. “And you’re scared that your friends will leave you once they find out you’re exactly what they’ve been hating all along.”
Felix scowled and looked away, not yet moving away from the comforting hand touching him. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.” He muttered, half heartedly. He knows deep down Edward is right. His obsession for this title has turned into a shitshow of trying to make Edward notice him and give him attention. He loves seeing that fire in his eyes as he fights for the crown. Having Edward call him out like this is both stressful and thrilling.
Edward let out a short laugh. “Maybe I don’t, but you’re not pushing me away. You want this. You like having me in charge.” He whispered. “Come on, being queer isn’t that bad.”
Felix scowled quietly, taking in what Edward is saying. “Fine.” He muttered, his gaze turning back to the school king. “Why don’t you show me how good it can be?” He mumbled, grabbing Edward and pulling him down just enough so their lips could meet.
Short ending but I lost inspiration. Oh well.
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
GB Edwix, make them suffer
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this is just happening now I guess
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onebizarrekai · 3 years
Edwix / Fedwarx
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felix… someone should tell him
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starlypenguins · 3 years
Do Felix for the hell of it
Sexuality headcanon: You can not look me in the eyes and tell me Felix isn’t a gay in denial
Gender headcanon: Cis male
A ship I have of said character: Edwix, and then Evil Justin x Felix
A BROTP I have of said character: Felix and Ethan, Felix and Evil Justin
A NOTP I have of said character: No clue
A random headcanon: The whole Felix holding a grudge against Santa headcanon, I’ve mentioned it before but I’ve never gone into detail about it so here
Basically one year for Christmas, Felix was writing his wish list to Santa and on that wish list he put “I wish to be so popular that everyone likes me and nobody can take that popularity from me”
Well fast forward to current day Ibvs, nobody likes him, and Edward is the most popular person in Foxfield, so he’s upset that Santa didn’t fulfil his wish and now hates the dude
General thoughts: Felix is quite literally every single 12 year old white boy that you see at school. He’s that kid that you just see all around the blacktop, running around playing tag or something. Now he probably has family issues or something going on that’s fucked him up mentally, and we’re probably going to get one of those moments where we end up feeling a bit of sympathy for him but yeah
He’s pretty cool
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starlypenguins · 3 years
Sexuality headcanon: not much to headcanon here
Gender headcanon: not much to headcanon here either
Ship I have with said character: Chredwis, Bedwarry, and then Cody x Edward (but sometimes I’ll jokingly come up with Edwix stuff)
A BROTP I have with said character: Him and Dez, him and Barry, and then him with any of the cronies
A NOTP I have with said character: Uhh to be totally honest, I’d have to Nedwarvin
A random headcanon: Edward has monthly sleepovers with the cronies, sometimes it’s for plotting things against Felix, other times it’s just for fun
General thoughts: Okay honestly, I could ramble for hours about Edwards character. Frankly, he’s no better then Felix and while yes, he is going through his whole trying be a better person phase, he’s not doing great at it. He’s still a bit of an asshole, he still struggles with listening to the people who he’s trying to change for, and if you have a different opinion then him he still tends to get upset.
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starlypenguins · 3 years
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The people want more Edwix
Great, because I intend on making a lot more Edwix content
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starlypenguins · 3 years
I lost track after the third sentence but here's RW!Edwix/RW!Felix being a confused gay in denial ig -Skittle
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starlypenguins · 3 years
Neither of them are straight and Lix knows that -Beams
There's like no way people haven't started shipping Edwix after source man's entrance, -Lix
looks at NG -Skittle
Well I’m imagining the existence of an Edwix wedding now
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starlypenguins · 3 years
Eariler today I got people to laugh at rip off sid, including Lix -Void
I broke Lix today by showing him the Edwix stuff -Lime
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starlypenguins · 3 years
I think NG said Fedwarx -Skittle sleepy- -Pixel it's only 12 kid -G
It’s either that or Edwix
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