#eeeer answer privately
thepaintedavatar · 4 years
Okay I don't know if this is a weird thing to say or not but the tags you left when you reblogged my fic? actually so sweet and made me feel all soft, thank you. Also, I just noticed your pinned post and the au in your drafts? I am curious
aaaaa this was so exciting to see and not weird at all!!!!!! I really really love finding solace and so i just want to leave you with as many comments and bits as possible! thank you for writing it and also leaving me feeling like i needed to make comments about it (and i’m commenter ahomeboylives on ao3 btw!)! i historically have been very hesitant to leave comments on peoples work (always been more of a lurker-type in fandom)!
ahh my au! nobody’s asked me about it yet, and as such it has been an incredibly rough outline for weeks, but it’s a modern au about the gaang being in college/fresh out of school (as everyone’s writing these days it seems haha!) but Zuko is indecisive about his major and lives with women and gender studies major and yoga teacher Suki, environmental studies major Aang, and his best friend/ex girlfriend from theatre camp Mai who is majoring in philosophy and works at the axe-throwing place in town because why not! and Azula and Zuko were adopted by Uncle Iroh very soon after Zuko got his scar so evil father gets very little mention. Katara and Suki are good friends and met through Sokka during his and Suki’s first year because they had a thing but not really a serious thing and then when Katara started school she and Suki had a few classes together (im not really sure which yet...might not be that important yet) and Suki is a valuable resource. Sokka is a jack of all trades and has the most “Liberal Arts” transcript his advisor has ever seen from an engineering student... it includes studio art, humanities, sign language, etc! not to mention his 3 semesters as an engineering tutor. Sokka and Zuko work best in each other’s company. Toph also makes an appearance but i want to go with a more canon age range and so Toph is in her last year of high school and grew up next door to Katara and Sokka so they are good friends! Aang is also technically aged to be finishing/fresh out of high school but I decided he would be a little advanced and graduated a year or 2 early. Ty Lee also makes an appearance <3 and Jet is a minor-ish character right now! Lu Ten and Yue are the only ones that I want to have larger parts but I haven’t figured out how I want to incorporate them!
also... in my head love languages play a hugeeee part because im really obsessed with trying to discern everyone’s love language. like is zuko’s touch? or quality time? Aang is just really good at gifts but he also loves when his friends hold his hands or lay on his shoulder. Katara’s is probably words of praise. she’s so good at complimenting and validating people and she appreciates it being reciprocated too. Sokka’s is touch and maybe acts of service? Suki...I’m also not sure probably acts of service feels right. i think with what we know of suki canonically it makes sense. also there are a ton of other love languages that aren’t defined by the main 5 but this paragraph is seriously kind of a brainstorm haha!
thank you for sending me this! if you want i Fully support using the messaging feature for more conversations! i dont really know the flaws in it so if you can’t initiate the thread let me know! i have it set where users I follow can message me but as this is my sideblog it might be funky
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