#eel out here yapping her mouth
demonicnarwhale · 5 months
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Ok so like Die, he's a pretty morbid or views death in a very "it is, what it is" and maybe even comedically. But it's only towards the death/misfortunes of others, but with his owns it's like he doesn't really want to die but at the hands of another person being the reason. If he's gonna die, he wants it to be at the hands of himself. Like he's the type to talk all big about wanting to die (in certain circumstances) but when it's time to, he resists and like realizes he doesn't want to go just yet??
HK is just squeamish with the thought of being the one to kill and death. But, like when it comes to dealing with bodies of strangers, she's managed to adjust to dealing and disposing of them. Years of The Felt just does that to one I guess lol. So of course there's more weight when it comes to the death of someone she knows (even if The Felt members will just come back later). But when death hits her then it's like, she accepts (nah she gives up fighting) and rolls with it.
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OK OK OK SO THESE TWO OUAGhh a whole ass yapping session under the cut, and yes. If needed to. I will write a fucking essay on this.
Wow, Eel having a thing for opposites having/being able to learn from each other and building themselves up from that...aough
to start off, I like to view romance as a very "it depends on the people involved in it" sort. Like even troll romance not all quads are actual romantically based. SOooo maybe other relationships like moirails will have some romance while others won't. Why? Just so I can finagle different relationships teeheee.
Pots of Gold, basically, Business Partners. It can have some romance or platonic sprinkled in. Usually, it's for either everyone to get something out of it or can be one sided/only for one person's gain.
But between these two, just transactional like. As in, they both get something out of it through this "partnership". There's no sense of romance or even platonic feelings between them. Well, HK's like a hint of platonic as she tends to worry for the wellbeing of Die and genuinely can enjoy his presence for some reason.
Die, I like to think is fascinated with bodies and its inner workings. And carapacians, they're a whole new species for him! Like Snowman's there, but c'mon. It's Snowman. And I like to think that since HK's just there, then it's just so convenient for him! Like of course there's also other carapaces that The Felt come across that aren't The Midnight Crew and Die can get his grimy hands on some subjects. But again, for convenience's sake, and cuz members of The Felt can't really die-die (I headcanon Doc Scratch being able to reverse time enough to reset everyone, further explanation in a comic in the future) so Die has the ability to mess with her and can go "hey let's see if this sticks after you come back HK" sorta thing. That, and he knows HK craves being able to fulfil other's wants and needs to the best of her abilities, people pleaser ass.
HK wants to help be there for Die as she believes that as her being the house keeper for The Felt, not only is it that the manor needs to be kept in tip-top shape, but also the members. She doesn't have a desire to "fix" him, but instead to help set him on a path where he can fix himself on his own volition or something. Also, she just feels pretty bad for that fucking loser. She gets the gratification (and maybe even false pretense) that she's actually being helpful! Like, she genuinely doesn't want him to have to change everything about himself just for the sake of others (very funny coming from her) but she can't help but worry.
So in this case, you can say it's one sided as it's really HK the one showing some fondness towards Die, but Die doesn't really dabble in that sorta stuff. I like to think that he's just used to shutting people out/down as he's pretty much some sort of punching bag in The Felt. And it's not easy for him to open up and he simply just doesn't want to. I don't see Die as the type who'd actually want any semblance of a "relationship" with another, in either a romantic or platonic (? i can see with some specific members that he'd be comfortable with) sense, he's just there. So like, aromantic thing going on. But that doesn't mean he's strictly opposed to having some sort of friend/acquaintance??? It's hard to explain my thoughts on that guy. But he does manage to get along with some of the others. (I would explain but that's a whole 'nother thang) Also it could also just be him being paranoid that something will definitely go wrong??
So, with this Pots of Gold being strictly one-sided or "business partner" like where both Die and HK get (some sort) of thing out of this, it just kinda fits for them. That, and just the differences between these two make me giggle. Die being cynical and even enjoying dark humor and sometimes even jaded* while HK being a credulous or gullible, maybe even naive, because she's really fucking dumb guys come on. BUT BUT BUT switching that whole shit around??? like omg * note: Die isn't always jaded or unemotional. I like to think he can be just as petty, dramatic and animated when needed. Like overreacting and such. Hell, the guy can be quite expressive whether that be negative or on the rare occasion, positive.
HK slowly having to learn that things are different, she's no longer Historiographic Knitter or on Prospit, and having to deal with The Felt (and even Midnight Crew + others) kind of begins to open her eyes, aware of what's going on ya know? Like pretty much needing to grow a shell (hA) to deal with all this.
And with Die, oog being able to slowly be forced to adjust to someone who's got a different thing going on. AOugh how do I explain... he's slowly getting used to seeing someone who actually enjoys his presence. And like how he's not one to show some sort of "im getting fond of you" sort of reactions, he actually slowly does, in really small unnoticeable ways that probably is just like a "that's the bare minimum" sort but it's something!! Like giving HK a slight nod, like that! THAT oough. Oh HK would be entirely delighted!!! And them learning how to deal with others opposite of themselves, like HK needing to learn when she needs to stop and give others their space and not come off as overbearing when she means well. And Die to learn how to try to stop always assuming the worst will happen/out of others and their actions.
They're both in a sense stepping mats like they get walked all over and such in different ways. And are The Felt's clean up crew, Die gets to do with he wants with the bodies and HK will dispose of them (the garden/yard thing). Also, they get to rant and ramble to each other about anything really even if Die will end up telling HK to shut up, or will just shut himself up on his own and not speak to her for days hehe
Also also, oh goodness, Die being able to just be unapologetically (probably even brutally) honest with HK* when she's being stupid/too soft and her having to slowly learn or come to terms with reality through Die... and then, Die being able to be treated like another being on a daily enough basis and being listened to. Aughhh. Of course, some of the other members are concerned-ish for him, but his tendencies to disregard others make it hard for the other members of The Felt to befriend him, hell it annoys some of the others too. Being able to feel like he's just another guy, like everyone else, instead of this annoying freak. OAguh
*And to note: It's also the fact, that he knows that HK won't have to guts to tell him to shut up. But that she's going to actually listen. Whether she takes what he says to heart or not, it's him being able to just express his thoughts.
OH MY GOD AND NOT TO FORGET: Thanks to the (questionable) ways Die experiments or studies HK's innards and such, it also helps him further his fascination/satisfaction with being in control but also! it helps HK with not needing to be so squeamish and fearful of injuries and such. Like she's still gonna kick and sob but slowly, it'll be more of her dealing with it with eyes filled with tears and not trying to trash around!!! win moment
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Also, I shall name this uh thing "Patchwork" because I know people like Die, and I wanna make sure that like even if this is far from a relationship between them, if people don't wanna see this sorta stuff, they can block the tag
(also Patchwork is just funny to me. Cuz like HK with her whole "used to be Historical Knitter and then Die dabbling with pins and such. And like they both need some serious work but also also also slowly patching each other up in their own wacky ways)
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