#sorry for the long winded babble
demonicnarwhale · 5 months
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Ok so like Die, he's a pretty morbid or views death in a very "it is, what it is" and maybe even comedically. But it's only towards the death/misfortunes of others, but with his owns it's like he doesn't really want to die but at the hands of another person being the reason. If he's gonna die, he wants it to be at the hands of himself. Like he's the type to talk all big about wanting to die (in certain circumstances) but when it's time to, he resists and like realizes he doesn't want to go just yet??
HK is just squeamish with the thought of being the one to kill and death. But, like when it comes to dealing with bodies of strangers, she's managed to adjust to dealing and disposing of them. Years of The Felt just does that to one I guess lol. So of course there's more weight when it comes to the death of someone she knows (even if The Felt members will just come back later). But when death hits her then it's like, she accepts (nah she gives up fighting) and rolls with it.
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OK OK OK SO THESE TWO OUAGhh a whole ass yapping session under the cut, and yes. If needed to. I will write a fucking essay on this.
Wow, Eel having a thing for opposites having/being able to learn from each other and building themselves up from that...aough
to start off, I like to view romance as a very "it depends on the people involved in it" sort. Like even troll romance not all quads are actual romantically based. SOooo maybe other relationships like moirails will have some romance while others won't. Why? Just so I can finagle different relationships teeheee.
Pots of Gold, basically, Business Partners. It can have some romance or platonic sprinkled in. Usually, it's for either everyone to get something out of it or can be one sided/only for one person's gain.
But between these two, just transactional like. As in, they both get something out of it through this "partnership". There's no sense of romance or even platonic feelings between them. Well, HK's like a hint of platonic as she tends to worry for the wellbeing of Die and genuinely can enjoy his presence for some reason.
Die, I like to think is fascinated with bodies and its inner workings. And carapacians, they're a whole new species for him! Like Snowman's there, but c'mon. It's Snowman. And I like to think that since HK's just there, then it's just so convenient for him! Like of course there's also other carapaces that The Felt come across that aren't The Midnight Crew and Die can get his grimy hands on some subjects. But again, for convenience's sake, and cuz members of The Felt can't really die-die (I headcanon Doc Scratch being able to reverse time enough to reset everyone, further explanation in a comic in the future) so Die has the ability to mess with her and can go "hey let's see if this sticks after you come back HK" sorta thing. That, and he knows HK craves being able to fulfil other's wants and needs to the best of her abilities, people pleaser ass.
HK wants to help be there for Die as she believes that as her being the house keeper for The Felt, not only is it that the manor needs to be kept in tip-top shape, but also the members. She doesn't have a desire to "fix" him, but instead to help set him on a path where he can fix himself on his own volition or something. Also, she just feels pretty bad for that fucking loser. She gets the gratification (and maybe even false pretense) that she's actually being helpful! Like, she genuinely doesn't want him to have to change everything about himself just for the sake of others (very funny coming from her) but she can't help but worry.
So in this case, you can say it's one sided as it's really HK the one showing some fondness towards Die, but Die doesn't really dabble in that sorta stuff. I like to think that he's just used to shutting people out/down as he's pretty much some sort of punching bag in The Felt. And it's not easy for him to open up and he simply just doesn't want to. I don't see Die as the type who'd actually want any semblance of a "relationship" with another, in either a romantic or platonic (? i can see with some specific members that he'd be comfortable with) sense, he's just there. So like, aromantic thing going on. But that doesn't mean he's strictly opposed to having some sort of friend/acquaintance??? It's hard to explain my thoughts on that guy. But he does manage to get along with some of the others. (I would explain but that's a whole 'nother thang) Also it could also just be him being paranoid that something will definitely go wrong??
So, with this Pots of Gold being strictly one-sided or "business partner" like where both Die and HK get (some sort) of thing out of this, it just kinda fits for them. That, and just the differences between these two make me giggle. Die being cynical and even enjoying dark humor and sometimes even jaded* while HK being a credulous or gullible, maybe even naive, because she's really fucking dumb guys come on. BUT BUT BUT switching that whole shit around??? like omg * note: Die isn't always jaded or unemotional. I like to think he can be just as petty, dramatic and animated when needed. Like overreacting and such. Hell, the guy can be quite expressive whether that be negative or on the rare occasion, positive.
HK slowly having to learn that things are different, she's no longer Historiographic Knitter or on Prospit, and having to deal with The Felt (and even Midnight Crew + others) kind of begins to open her eyes, aware of what's going on ya know? Like pretty much needing to grow a shell (hA) to deal with all this.
And with Die, oog being able to slowly be forced to adjust to someone who's got a different thing going on. AOugh how do I explain... he's slowly getting used to seeing someone who actually enjoys his presence. And like how he's not one to show some sort of "im getting fond of you" sort of reactions, he actually slowly does, in really small unnoticeable ways that probably is just like a "that's the bare minimum" sort but it's something!! Like giving HK a slight nod, like that! THAT oough. Oh HK would be entirely delighted!!! And them learning how to deal with others opposite of themselves, like HK needing to learn when she needs to stop and give others their space and not come off as overbearing when she means well. And Die to learn how to try to stop always assuming the worst will happen/out of others and their actions.
They're both in a sense stepping mats like they get walked all over and such in different ways. And are The Felt's clean up crew, Die gets to do with he wants with the bodies and HK will dispose of them (the garden/yard thing). Also, they get to rant and ramble to each other about anything really even if Die will end up telling HK to shut up, or will just shut himself up on his own and not speak to her for days hehe
Also also, oh goodness, Die being able to just be unapologetically (probably even brutally) honest with HK* when she's being stupid/too soft and her having to slowly learn or come to terms with reality through Die... and then, Die being able to be treated like another being on a daily enough basis and being listened to. Aughhh. Of course, some of the other members are concerned-ish for him, but his tendencies to disregard others make it hard for the other members of The Felt to befriend him, hell it annoys some of the others too. Being able to feel like he's just another guy, like everyone else, instead of this annoying freak. OAguh
*And to note: It's also the fact, that he knows that HK won't have to guts to tell him to shut up. But that she's going to actually listen. Whether she takes what he says to heart or not, it's him being able to just express his thoughts.
OH MY GOD AND NOT TO FORGET: Thanks to the (questionable) ways Die experiments or studies HK's innards and such, it also helps him further his fascination/satisfaction with being in control but also! it helps HK with not needing to be so squeamish and fearful of injuries and such. Like she's still gonna kick and sob but slowly, it'll be more of her dealing with it with eyes filled with tears and not trying to trash around!!! win moment
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Also, I shall name this uh thing "Patchwork" because I know people like Die, and I wanna make sure that like even if this is far from a relationship between them, if people don't wanna see this sorta stuff, they can block the tag
(also Patchwork is just funny to me. Cuz like HK with her whole "used to be Historical Knitter and then Die dabbling with pins and such. And like they both need some serious work but also also also slowly patching each other up in their own wacky ways)
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izzy-b-hands · 7 months
I know music aus are overdone for Ed and Izzy and their crew pre-Stede (or at least that particular au is pretty well saturated for both pre and with Stede) but
(very rambly au talking below the cut involving a fic draft I'm working on rn. I attempted to make this slightly easier to parse by italicising my Additional Thoughts and putting them into their own paragraphs and brackets but. There's a lotta love for this au and it's late so this is messy, bear with me while I babble excitedly.)
I'm really loving dipping back into the one I started for AU-gust and adding onto it with other bands. Like, I'm finally writing this one particular Dethklok/Queen Anne's Revenge
(placeholder band name for Ed, Izzy, Fang, and Ivan bc it does fuck as a band name in a weird way since I see them being like. purposefully subversive with it? in terms of lyrics/things sung about/album artwork/etc. Like, y'all remember the chants at football games when the queen died last year or whenever that happened I don't remember and fuck looking it up bc. I don't give a fuck abt the royals lmao? Lizzie's in box? that's the vibe for anything for them when they get political, v punk and fuck the state which is entirely too reductive for how much More I have in ideas for this sphere of things for them but that's not what this post was meant to be about so i finally digress-)
idea wherein they play a show with Dethklok, specifically water-themed. All the water/ocean/mermaid/pirates/etc things like that songs that both bands have are on the setlist, and. And. Dethklok, as the hosting band
(aka Charles needed to clean things up and distract from the latest spate of accidental concert deaths, and QAR's current management in the form of one shithead extraordinaire Ben Hornigold doesn't give two fucks about what he signs them up for as long as he gets the biggest cut out of it, so he doesn't even appreciate that like. the world's most famous band and their manager approached them, an also v famous but not as famous considering this is now an AU where Queen, Dethklok, QAR, and other musicians/bands are all hobknobbing far more than they ever might irl thing, band. Without any reason. Just chose them at random. If u thought Ben was bad in canon I'm somehow making him even more insufferable and shit in this au, he's just Bad At His Job but stumbles into success on Ed, Izzy, Fang, and Ivan's talents. Whatever, off topic AGAIN but I just have so much I love and wanna talk about with this au-)
Set up a new sort of pit/stage design. The operating idea is a clear, aquarium like tank or pool, where the fans can float and headbang away, all while feeling like fishes themselves! It's very clever, you see, and definitely won't result in anyone drowning when it turns into a mosh tsunami
(spoiler alert: it is clever, but not really, and so many people are gonna drown. Luckily, in this fic Metalocalypse logic applies bc only Dethklok and QAR are involved, so they can bask in that universe's ability to kill people constantly as part of Dethklok's Whole Thing without it being a big deal, though this is from Izzy's POV and a big part of it is him realising that and coming to terms with it as they play through people just. Literally headbanging hard enough into violently sloshing water to drown themselves, with a smile on their face because they got to see Dethklok, finally.)
Also Murderface is the opener as one-man Planet Piss and it goes so poorly for him and Izzy and Ed are just. So mildly grossed out by how it goes down and sweetly concerned. Someone get that kid some therapy, a hug, and please tell him to stop pissing on the crowd as part of his Planet Piss act (He will not.)
My working setlist thus far because of course I've got the fucking setlist (though since QAR doesn't...actually exist, I'm just giving them songs by other rock/metal/grunge/punk acts I like that have songs with fitting themes/lyrics for this show. As such D=Dethklok song, QAR/(insert name of band that actually plays the song irl) on these):
2. Murmaider II-D
3. Murmaider III-D
4. A History of Bad Men-QAR/Melvins (not exactly on theme, but it's peak early canon edizzy vibes for me, so in this au it's just like. one of their always played songs, every show, no matter what.)
5. Flying Whales-QAR/Gojira
6. Black Waters-QAR/Avatar
7. Go Into the Water-D
8. Capsized-QAR/Kyuss (an instrumental to try and uh. give the Klokateers time to get a big fucking net and get out the already dead audience members. Keep the vibes going but not make it too weird with the...everything, going on lmao)
9. unsure yet bc it needs to bring the energy back without it being Weird, and that's a delicate balance...so probably something else by Brendan Small. I'll eventually post this playlist, probably, but for now. In progress just for this fic special little playlist listing.
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tojiphile · 9 months
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a/n. i wrote this last night at 5am while sleep deprived so the further it gets the more wack it gets LOL
cw/tw. f!reader, rough sex, blowjobs, dirty talk, slight exhibitionism, body hair, skinny penis, unprotected sex, for 18+ readers
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— 6.5” but thinks he’s average, so he doesn’t stretch it out with his abilities. not too girthy, but he makes up for it with his unrelenting stamina. it curves up against his stomach and leans left slightly. a little bit messy because he tried to shave it once and nicked himself, so he just settled with the hair. honey-toned towards the base and a deep red at the tip, especially when he’s raring to go.
— he wants to do it in every position, on every surface. he has you bent over the dinner table, one leg up and slamming into you mercilessly. he has you spread eagle in the bathtub, legs locked behind his back as he stuffs you full. it’s almost as if his dick is made for you, the curve perfectly abuses your g-spot as every orgasm overwhelms you, and you’re left a sobbing, babbling mess. he wants to know if he’s doing well, and he gets his answer when you chant “s— so, ah! good, fuck, d— don’t stop!” like a prayer.
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— long, fat and heavy. he’s blessed with a stunning 7.3” length, though if anyone asks, he rounds down to make them feel more at ease. veiny. the mushroom tip is flushed purple, and it’s rests nicely on your tongue!! probably messy down there, he doesn’t see the point in shaving or trimming, but if you ask nicely, he’ll grunt, roll his eyes, and do it for you.
— you insisted that you didn’t need any prep, but as you straddled him, lining up your cunt with his cock, you soon realised your mistake. you have to spread yourself open, face scrunching up, and slowly sink down. he loves the feeling of your pussy walls fluttering as you start riding him. when your eyes flutter shut and your hips stutter, he takes control—holding you tight by the waist and fucking into you until you’re screaming.
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— 6.4” and so so pretty. slender, with a pale shaft that leads into a rosy pink at the tip. it curves up and to the right. the carpet matches the drapes. he keeps it neat, though he probably doesn’t grow much hair anyway. he trims it once every few days, but he’ll never admit to it. smells the best AKA smells really clean, like soap.
— he goes crazy when you maintain eye contact and drop to your knees. you take his cock in hand, lifting it to run your tongue on the underside, tracing a prominent vein. you swirl your tongue around his sensitive head and his whole body is shaking, knees buckling as he chases that familiar high.
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— coming in at 5.8”, he makes up for it in his thick girth. when he jerks himself off, he can barely wrap his hand around it. he’s soooo sensitive that the wind can blow and he’s be hard. fat fat fat mushroom head that’s olive, golden-hued, and always oozing precum. heavy heavy balls. he might be clumsy and inexperienced, but his size alone is enough to make you drool. trims sometimes but only when he thinks he might get lucky.
— his hand grips your hair as you worship his cock, working magic with your mouth. as you jerk him off, you give small kitten licks to his leaking tip, tasting his salty precum. you whisper, “i want you” and before you know it, he has you pinned under him, rutting his thick cock into you desperately. his eyes are fixated on the way your cunt swallows him, and only strangled groans escape his lips.
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— sorry buggy simps but he’s definitely a shower not a grower, though he still does comes in at a nice 6”! also, it’s ya boy, skinny penis. built like a tree branch but at least it’s really veiny, AND he knows how to talk you through it. so really, it might not be the most impressive but with his confidence when he’s fucking you? he’ll fuck you out and make you believe he’s 8” and 5”.
— he loves admiring your sopping cunt as it swallow him whole, your princess parts stretching to to accommodate his cock. he likes to fucks you. he presses you up against a window and fucks you from the back, choking you with his forearm and practically purrs, “taking me so well, ya dirty slut, fuckin’ cunt was made for my cock.”
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— he doesn’t act like it buuuuuuut monster cock. it’s 7.8”, thick, and curved so much it slaps against his happy trail. let me tell you that when he sun tans, he does it naked. he lathers that horse cock up with sunblock and spreads eagle on the sand, hands behind his head, so he’s bronzed and beautiful. trims when he feels like it or if you ask, he doesn’t really think much about it.
— he doesn’t look like he’s putting in much effort when he fucks, barely breaking a sweat, but he has you writhing, hands gripping the sheets, eyes hazy and choking on your own spit. he knows what he’s doing to you. his thumb finds your clit, rubbing in delicate circles making you cum over and over again until you’re absolutely wrecked. when he’s close, he picks up the pace, grunting heavily, hips stuttering as he spills his seed inside of you. when he pulls out, he takes the time to finger fuck his cum back into you, your body shaking as you work through the aftershock.
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whore-ibly-hot · 5 months
"A Servant and His King."
Yandere!Fae-King x Fae!servant x. Fem! Reader
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18+ Minors DNI
Warnings: Dub-con, perverted thoughts, obsession, coercion, fae related hijinks, basically monster fucking, oral (fem receiving), loss of virginity, clit play, p-in-v sex, power dynamics.
(A/N): Part two to a non-smutnfic about Puck, based off of puck from 'Midsummer Nights Dream'. Can be read with or standalone.
Part one (not required to understand)
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A brief gust of wind and leaves rattles the shutters of your small cottages window, not sounding out of place when mixed with the usual sounds of the forest. However, the gust turns softer as it gently brushes against the shutters, causing them to open slowly with a creak.
A pair of feet land nimbly upon the wooden dresser across the room from your bed, a shadowy figure squatting down with a grin. The figure hops down, making its way to your bed, where you sleeping form lies blissfully unaware of the intruder.
Groaning, you are soon roused from your slumber by a light pressure on your wrist, and your eyes flutter open. You gasp, seeing the being before you and trying to pull away. "
"W-who are you! Stay awa-" a finger is pressed softly to your lips, the figures face coming into view as the lean forward. Forest green eyes and a set of familiar pearly whites greet you.
"Shh! No need to fear, only Puck is here." He coos, kissing your wrist once more, pressing the soft flesh to his lips. "Sorry to frighten you, little mortal. I would never mean to upset you, but I couldn't very waltz in through the entrance to your humble abode, especially given your mother's feelings about my kind." He lays his lithe body across yours, head on your chest as he looks at you with glee.
"Why are you here, Puck? It's late, I must rest." You say, though you don't resist the fae boys touching. "Sleep is important for humans."
He scoffs. "I know, but I have something more important than your human need for sleep. My king, Oberon, leader of the seelie court wishes to meet you." He pulls you up by your shoulders, a hand fixing your nightgown which begins to slip from your shoulder.
"T-the king?" You're just a human woman, a peasant. You've never even met a human noble, much less a faery king. "Why? Puck, I'm not, I can't! Now? I'm not dressed properly, I'm a human, I-"
Once again, a finger is placed against your lips. Invading your space as per usual, Pucks forehead is pressed against your forehead, nose to nose. "Shush, little mortal. Please, the king loves me. I am his jester-servant, his beloved Puck! We've shared many a-" he chuckles. "Amourous night together. He knows if your good enough for me, then your good enough to meet him. Don't discredit yourself, you are so much more than some mortal maid I take in the woods for a night of passion." He makes her sit up, and tries to slip her out of the bed. "He'll love you, my sweet. It's only proper I introduce my new beloved friend to my closest companion, ruler, and my king." You allow him to pull you out of your bed, and into his lanky form.
"Mmph, Puck. I can walk." You groan, trying to wriggle from his grasp. He tsks with his tongue, and shakes his head.
"No, no, no. Don't whine, don't go away. Be good. It's a long stroll all the way to the spring we're going to, just relax." He cackles. "You humans are so indecisive. Just a moment ago you were whining, 'Puck, no. It's too late, I'm a human, I need my sleep.', now you won't let me carry your frail, tired self to see the king. Make up your mind."
You roll your eyes, but suppose he has a point, and allow yourself to melt into his warm embrace, shoulders flush against his pecs.
As he slips back through the window and dances through the glen, weaving through trees and brush like a gust of cool night air, he soon arrives upon a clearing. Smooth rock reflect moonlight, as the water resting atop them comes from the babbling freshwater spring that rests at the edge of the rocks. A figure, imposing and much more muscular than Puck's is sat on one of the rocks, admiring the water.
Puck gently sets you down with nimble hands, kissing your ear lightly. This causes you to squeak and push him off.
"Stop it, Puck! I-im about to meet a king and your acting like we're lovers! Like your an enamored schoolboy!" You exclaim, and his hands only wrap around your waist from behind, playing with the cloth there.
"And here I thought we were lovers..." He feigns a sad face and a pout, before jolting forward and taking you with him by the waist. "My king!" He yells.
The imposing figure looks over, causing you to freeze, mind not really in synch with body as Puck drags you forward. The king is truly a thing of beauty, rugged and piercing as if he were carved, not from stone, but from the wood that made up the forest which he called his domain. He wears a fur pelt around his waist, covering his only upper thigh and not leaving much to the imagination. His is decidedly hairy, and though beautiful is as rugged as a human man of the woods is expected to be. He has dark curls of hair not unsimilar to Puck's, but not as long. His eyes are a deep brown.
"Ah, Puck, my fair servant friend. I was almost afraid you had planned to trick me, having not shown yet." The king muses, legs spread casually and a hand resting against his chin.
Puck gasps, hand to his chest as if hurt. "Never, my liege. Well, at least not to you." Puck coos, sitting on the rock and curling up to the man's calve. The king runs his hands through the curls of the fae man, and you are taken aback by the sensuality of their interaction.
The king looks up. "And you, little mortal, must be my Pucks new favorite thing, hmm?" He asks, head tilted. You nod nervously as the man waves you closer. You bow, and he grins. "Good, good. I assume she knows who I am then? I am King Oberon, of this enchanted woods and over all of the seelie court. Though, my servant here told me you knew little to nothing of our people when asked you about us, so I doubt you'd know what the seelie court is."
You shake your head. "No, sir. All I know-" you glance at Puck, who is practically purring at his kings touch. "All I know is what Puck has told me. That you are powerful, and to be respected."
Oberon grins at this. "That is all you need know. Come here, allow a king to gaze upon you." His hands begin to wander, cupping your face. His large fingers prod your plump lips, your cheeks, and tilts your chin downwards to look at him from where he is sat. Then, the hand is on your shoulder, playing with the straps of your upper garment, then at your chest. This sudden touch in such an intimate place causes you to jolt back. Oberon raises a brow.
"I'm sorry, sir. That is, that is just a very intimate place for humans. It's for sensual matters, when between two adults." You try to explain. Puck sighs, leaning his head on Oberons knee while the king chuckles.
"I am aware. It is intimate and sensual for fae too. That is why you were being touched there." He says, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. Now, you are only more confused.
"Well, intimacy of those matters between humans happens between a-a married couple, and even then, it should not be openly discussed. A woman like myself couldn't, shouldn't ever bee with a stranger like that, not even a suitor before marriage!"
"I have heard humans are... less indulgent in the passions of life than fae. All those awful, boring rules. And yet you kill your leaders and revolt because your miserable? Perhaps. Eing unable to express those urges is why." He laughs, and Puck joins in. He sense your confusion and continues. "Fae do not believing in brief enjoyment and indulgence. We live life to the fullest. Our liquor is stronger yet we drink more, our food is richer, yet we all eat like kings. And most of all, we indulge in the passions of the flesh with each other more than your little mind could take. I think if you had the opportunity, you'd see it was the best way to live." He muses.
To your suprise, he suddenly moves Puck up from his calve to his lap, holding the thin man by the waist as Puck grins wickedly. "You see, me and my servant here are close, emotionally and physically. We have enjoyed many a night of passion, without the watchful eye of my queen, of course." There is some bitterness in Oberon's tone at the mention of his queen.
"You... you indulge in passion with those, of the same gender as you, o-often?" You ask. It is not wrong, you are just so suprised and curious. You are not even supposed to think about a man pleasing a woman, let alone a man and another man. It is such a foreign idea.
"Mhmm. Being a king is hard for his majesty, and Puck... I, am happy to help him with his desires. My king cares for me, and I care for him." Puck says, before gasping and cutting off. You blush, seeing Oberons hand has slipped below Pucks leafy loincloth, hand stroking Puck manhood. He focuses only on the tip for now.
"I am suprised seeing as you are so shocked by how touchy and sensual fae are, seeing as you bedded my dear servant." Oberon says, and you immediately shake your head.
"No! I've never, me and Puck did nothing together. We drank a little, but he took me home." You exclaim, and look st Ouck for answers. He's too busy letting out soft whimpers and moans as Oberon moves his hand the full length of Pucks cock, paying attention to his bulbous tip.
"Is this true, Puck? I find it hard to believe, my servant can't keep his hands to himself. I suppose this makes you seem even more special to me, that my Puck would wish to see you again so desperately, and rave about you to me even if he had not bedded you yet. That begs the question though..." He leans in to Puck's ear. "Why did you lie to your king?"
Puck groans, brows furrowing. "M' sorry, your majesty! I knew you were so busy, and if I told you I had found a mortal capable of giving such incredible pleasure, you'd be more likely to come and see what a treasure I had found." He stammers. The king shakes his head, slowing his movements on Puck's cock.
"You know better than to lie to a king with a temper, Puck."
Puck cries out, bucking his hips and trying to chase that friction against his kings rough hands. "N-no sir! Trust me, I know if she'd just indulge, the mortal would be wonderful! She... she could be our mortal, not just mine! Please sir, I'll be good, she'll be good, don't stop." He begs.
Oberon sighs, still frowning in Pucks direction but intrigued nonetheless. "Alright, mortal girl. I yell you, if you would only let go, indulge just a bit in the pleasures of the fae, you would live a better life overall. And, should you please a king of the woods, perhaps your... what is it your mother does? Herbs? Perhaps they would see a better yield. An enchantment perhaps?" He offers.
You gulp, body hot with both arousal at the sight before you and anxiety. "I couldn't. What would the people in town think, I-I would be outcast!"
"Who would know? Even if someone were to find out, no one would believe a quiet gardeners daughter slept with a wicked spirit." The king teases, tongue poking out from between his lips slightly. He pulls you to him, and you offer no resistance. "For an untouched maiden, I assure you there is no one better to introduce you to a world of pleasure than the king, and his most loyal servant."
As he says this, the moaning Puck latches his lips onto your neck, continuing to moan as he sucks the soft flesh. You gasp.
"Oh, oh, gods." You squeak, the sensitive skin of your nape never having been touched, much less kissed in such a way.
"No gods, here, mortal. No angels or demons, only fae. Only the spirits of nature." He leans into your ear, kissing the shell. "Only your king."
Soon, a rough hand gets your skirt pooled around your knees, kneading the fat of your thigh and preparing to spread your legs and allow the fae king and his srmervant a view of the untouched treasure that lies there. You shiver as the cold air brushes across your stomach, you've never felt so exposed.
"See, highness? I told you, she's the perfect, pretty little mortal. Tease her, please? For me? I want to see her face as she experiences pleasure for the first time." Puck begs.
Oberon raises a brow and the request. "Such demands from a liar who has already been granted mercy, and is still being pleasure bu the hands of a king." He pulls his hand from Ouck's cock, causing tears to well in the edged faes eyes, having been denied his release.
"Enough. I will allow you to tease and prep the maiden, so she may except you king. Before you say anything, be grateful I don't only allow you to watch, or send you home." Puck whines, but grins a little inside. He knows the king enjoys his presence to much to remove him from this sensual scene.
Oberons large hands keep your shoulders flat against the warm stones of the spring, while Puck, still hard beneath his tented loincloth, crawls unceremoniously up between your thighs.
"What are you doing, Puck?" You whisper out softly, looking into his dazzling green eyes. He smiles warmly, pressing his cheek to one of your thighs.
"I assure you, maiden, my wicked tongue is not only good for japes and jabs." He coos. You are still confused at what he could mean, until the two thin fingers parting your folds are replaced with a hot, wet muscle. Puck licks a stripe teasingly up your center, savoring the flavour but eyes never leaving your face.
Oberon smiles down as he watches your face contort and wrinkle at the new sensation.
"Puck, y-your majesty, what is- oh, what is he doing?" You ask, trying to form a coherent sentence at the odd feeling of pressure and friction against both your clit and your entrance as Puck explores your folds.
"It's called cunnilingus, maiden. Fae have many ways to pleasure each other, but many enjoys the feel of one's mouth on their most intimate areas." He chuckles as he watches Puck tasting you curiously. "Sometimes, I find filling his mouth is the only way to quiet him." Puck giggles, and the vibrations make your legs quake.
Soon, the muscle invades your entrance, as Puck is now groaning almost as much as you. It's a gentle stretch, but both Ouck and Oberon know it will be necessary for what the king is to do later. Your aroused and needy clit is not forgotten by the fae pleasuring you, as a free hand comes to tweak it gently. The feeling is overwhelming, and soon, that knot inside you snaps, and you feel a high you've never known. It feels as though currents, waves run through your body as your maidenhood spasms around Pucks tongue.
He removes it, but continues to lap at your spent clit, tasting the juices of your climax. Oberon smiles.
"Was he good, maiden? Did you first touch by a man satisfy?" He asks. You can only weakly nod. "Ah, answer, maiden. Your being addressed by a royal."
"It was... it was very good, m-majesty." You gasp out. You look away at the sheer lewdness of the sight and Oberon crashes his lips to Pucks so that he may taste you on his servants lips.
"She was a divine nectar, my liege." Puck groans, pulling away from the kiss and now trading spots with his king. Now Puck lays by your shoulders, playing with your locks and kissing your neck and jawline while Oberon moves into place.
His chisled body places itself atop you, his sheer size dwarfing you and removing the moonlight from your body, casting a large shadow. You gulp.
"I... I've never done-" he chuckles, cutting you off.
"I'm aware, mortal. All that talk of purity led me to that conclusion. But, you won't be that innocent for long. I will be gentle, but it will hurt at first when you accept me into your sweet cunt. It's all part of the process."
You tense a little at the feeling of something hard, much more rigid than Pucks limp tongue, prodding at your entrance and folds.
"M' scared." You admit. This seems to soften the sensual yet cold king, and he sighs. Even Puck gives him a sad, wide eyes look. He leans down.
"Don't worry, mortal. I will be as gentle as any man has been with a woman. My Puck was never one to be nervous, but I have had lovers in the past who were. I will take care of you." He says.
Puck holds your hand and nuzzles his cheek to yours to provide a semblance of comfort. "It's true. The king is a fair and gentle lover when he wants to be. Don't worry, my friend." He assures.
Oberon strokes your thighs to relax soon, and soon the tip enters your weeping slit. You whine, the intrusion burns a little, especially as he adds a few inches every so often. But, he is slow, and talks you through it.
"Shh, it's alright. Your taking me so well, especially since I am endowed with more than some. Such a good mortal girl, it will feel good once you've stretched to accommodate a fae's cock." He coos.
As he begins to gently thrust, the slightly pain gives way to a burning pleasure. You whimper, his thrusts rocking your ads back against the stone of the spring. His large, curved tip is hitting the right spots, cervix getting pounded by the large man of the forest.
"O-oh, shit! Oberon, please- please, m-more! I need all, all of you in me!" You cry, and he chuckles.
"That's your womb speaking. This is your first time, you couldn't possibly accommodate all of me. But I will give you what I think, ugh, what I think you can take." He thursts become rhythmic, rolling in and out of your stretched tunnel, as Puck holds you steady and plays gently with your chest.
Oberon humps against you a few more times, moaning at Pucks encouragement. "She is so close, sire. I can tell, she's all tense and red, come on! Give it to her, let her take you. Please." It's clear Puck is still needy from not having gotten his release earlier. Still, he seems satisfied watching the king fuck his newest treasure.
"Mortal, mortal. You squeeze like a vice, such a warm, needy cunt. You needed this, to feel such pleasure, didn't you? Needed a cock to fill this cunt?" He moans. "It was fate, wasn't it, Puck? Finding this maiden, all alone. It was fate for you to be brought to us." Puck nods as his master continues.
"Your majesty, I'm gonna- its happening again." You cry, and his pace doesn't slow.
"I know, I know. I'm, fuck-" one last thrust sends the king over the edge. He groans, feeling your tunnel convulse around him as his thick white cum fills you. Puck plants quick, overwhelming kisses across your face as you climax, secretly wondering what you would look like if you bore the king's child.
Soon, Oberon pulls out, and you lay there, trembling and on the verge of sleep. Puck leans down and plants a final kiss upon your lips. He smiles.
"Sleep, little mortal. It's okay, you are safe with me and my king. I'll return you to your bed, pretty one." He strokes your hair softly, until your tired eyes close and stay closes. He sighs, and looks at the king. It's clear he could go for a fee more rounds.
"Majesty, our poor mortal needed this so badly, her body was on fire for it. We can't... we can't well let her go back to her little cottage, all alone in the dangerous wood with no one to please her. She's trusting, and she broke all the rules of interacting with fae so quickly, what if a worse one came along and-"
"Puck!" Oberon exclaims, making the imp jolt and go silent. Oberon sighs. "I am not a fool. I know how much this unique mortal has captivated the two of us. You need not convince me to take her back to my palace. As fair as Titania will be concerned, she is a plaything for you, correct? I will not have her cursing this treasure." Oberons muscular arms cradle your slumbering form.
"Majesty, I know of your endurance. Perhaps when we get back to the palace, while our maiden rests, I may please you." Puck asks, eyes wide and innocent.
Oberon scoffs. "All this acting because I didn't allow you to finish, Puck?" Oberon says, seeing through Pucks facade of goodwill and selflessness. Puck pouts.
"Isn't it tempting, though?"
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lees-chaotic-brain · 3 months
The first years become one year old babies due to a curse and Gojo and his wife have to take care of them
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WC: 1.5k
CW: female reader (reader referred to as wife), slight jjk spoilers (dad gojo), swearing, not beta read
Note: here you go @sitarawrites!! hope you enjoy! sorry this took so long...
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When your husband walked through the door holding a takeout bag filled with your favorite spicy food you knew he had fucked up. That man wouldn’t touch anything even remotely spicy with a ten foot pole, so it always made you a little nervous when he bought it and brought it home for dinner.
“Toru.” You plant your  hands on your hips and level him with a firm look. “You’re not fooling me. Just get it over with.”
He batted his eyes innocently. “Why, whatever are you talking about? I haven’t even done  anything. I just got home.”
“Uh huh. Then what’s that about?” You point an accusatory finger at the takeout. “You only buy dinner from that restaurant if you’re trying to bribe me into not being mad. Seriously. I’ve been married to you for over two years now. Your cheap tricks don’t work on me anymore. Just tell me what you did.”
“Aw, can’t a dutiful husband just buy his lovely wife her favorite food every now and again?”  He finishes removing his shoes and steps fully inside, leaving the front door open behind him.
“Gojo Satoru.” 
You’re clearly not amused, and definitely not buying it. At the sound of his full name he gulps and shoots you a nervous glance, his blue eyes wide.
“I’m telling you I-”
“Spit. It. Out. Now.”
Your lethal tone cuts off his pathetic last ditch attempt at denial, and he visibly shrinks into himself.
“Fine. You got me.” He lets out a high-pitched giggle. “I just want to preface this by saying I took them straight to Shoko and she said they would be completely fine and back to normal by tomorrow.”
“Okay…?”  You already didn’t like where this was going, nervous anticipation settling deep in your gut. Nothing had better happened to the three first years. You loved those kids like they were your own. “Continue.”
He takes a deep breath.
His outburst winds him, and he wheezes, leaning against the door with a hand on his chest.
“What? Satoru I…” You trail off, staring at the small head that poked into your house through the open front door. A very familiar head of orangish-brown hair. Not moving a muscle, you blink at the toddler that toddles into your house. The toddler that looked eerily familiar.
“Gojo Satoru.” You speak, not taking your eyes off the small child. “That better not be my Nobara.”
“Well, erm, the thing is…one moment.” He steps back into his shoes and darts out of the house. As he fled, the tiny human approached you, clearly recognizing who you were. Deciding to let him be for the time being, you crouch down so you’re eye level with Maybe-Baby Nobara.
“Hey sweetie.” You boop her nose, eliciting a loud squeal. “Are you Nobara?”
The baby babbles excitedly and claps her meaty hands when you say her name, confirming your suspicions. Before you can process your realization, a shrill scream that you recognize as your husband pierces the air. Scooping the lively child up and into your arms, you hurry out the front door to investigate.
Upon stepping outside, the first thing you notice is a baby sitting in your front yard shoveling handfuls of grass and dirt into his face. The second thing you notice is that the baby is unmistakably Yuuji. Putting your husband's screams on the back burner for the time being, you dart forward to deal with him.
“No! Don’t eat that!” You gently pry the dirt from his chubby fists, unable to stop yourself from giggling when he gurgles at you happily with a muddy grin. Unfortunately, the renewed sound of your husband’s scream ruined the cute moment as you were forced to deal with your overgrown man child.
You grabbed Yuuji, propping him on your other him before standing and renewing your search for Satoru. It didn’t take long to find him, as he came hurtling around a corner, one of Megumi’s divine dogs hot on his trail. Confused, and enjoying his panic a little bit too much, you peered around the corner and spotted the last first year on the back of his other shikigami. Ah. That’s where the divine dog chasing you not-so-beloved husband came from. 
Trusting Megumi to make his own inside (plus he had grown up in this house and you knew his divine dogs wouldn’t let anything happen to him), you turn head in the direction you saw your husband sprint.
You wanted answers.
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The five of you sat in your living room after you had convinced Megumi to call his shikigami back and wrangled your husband out of the tree he had taken refuge in. Now Satoru sat in an armchair while you sat on the sofa in front of him, Megumi snuggled in your right arm, Nobara in your left, and Yuji on your lap.
“So. Here’s how this is going to go. You are going to start from the beginning, and tell me EVERYTHING. You’re not going to leave out any little details that might get you in trouble. You’re going to give me the whole story.”
Nodding sheepishly, your husband explained that he had taken them to a curse site and waited outside while the three first years completed the mission that was supposed to be his. When fifteen minutes had passed, and they still hadn’t returned he went to check on them and found them in their current state. Panicking, he had taken care of the curse and rushed them to Shoko who examined them and told him they would be fine by tomorrow.
“-So I brought them here for the night.” He finished his story, and shot you a pleading glance. “I’m begging you. Yaga will get me in so much trouble if he finds out. It’s just one night. We can take care of them.”
You scoff. “Please. I was there all throughout high school. The worst you’ll get is a scolding, which frankly, you deserve. So bring the poor kids to Yaga who is more qualified to look after them than the both of us combined.”
“Please? For me, the love of your life?” Desperation glimmered in the depths of his vibrant blue eyes.
You shook your head firmly. “There’s no way. We’re not equipped to take care of three tiny humans, even if it is just for one night.”
“Please babe?” He gave you his best attempt at puppy dog eyes. “We raised Megumi and Tsumiki just fine! We got this.”
You opened your mouth to respond, fully prepared to continue ignoring your husbands please when you were distracted by Megumi shifting in your arms.
“Mama…” He nuzzled sleepily into your neck with a soft mutter. Feeling your heart melt, you planted a kiss in his messy black hair and readjusted your grip so you could cuddle him better.
“I’m here baby. I got you.”
Stirring at the sound of your voice, Nobara gazed up at you from your other arm, clearly jealous of the attention Megumi was receiving. Wrapping her chubby arms around your neck and clinging tight, she made a face at Megumi. Thankfully he ignored it and peace was maintained.
Catching the way your eyes softened, your husband saw his chance and swooped in to take it. “Aw, see how much they like you? Imagine how sad and confused they would be if you left them with someone they don’t know that well? Plus I know you think  they’re cute. Come on. It’s not like it’s forever. Don’t you want one night to cuddle with them to your heart's content?”
Glancing down at the two babies snuggled in your arms and the third slobbering around his own fist as he sat on your lap, you couldn’t help  but admit that they were rather cute, and spending a night with them wouldn’t be the worst thing ever.
“Fine.” You concede, ignoring your husband's cheers. “One night. I’ll take care of them one night. If they’re not back to normal by tomorrow, you have to take them to Yaga. Deal?”
Your husband quickly agreed, too relieved to argue. “Yes yes yes, of course. Thank you. Thank you so much. You’re literally the best. I love you more than anything. My wife. The light of my-”
“Shut it.”  You cut him off with a sharp look. “Sweet talking isn’t going to get you out of this. You’re still on thin ice, and don’t think we won’t be talking about this later.”
With a pout your husband acknowledged what you said before leaving you to play with the babies while he went to go buy some baby food.
And despite your griping and idle threats, later when you were snuggled up in bed with the three babies while Satoru slept on the floor, you couldn’t help but be a tad bit grateful for the incident.
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grimesgirll · 3 months
“are you guys coming to bed?”
you’re sitting up halfway, half lidded eyes fighting the hard fight to stay open.
blue eyes meet yours from the inside of the en-suite. “yes, one moment, sweetheart.”
your chest falls with your huffy breath. poised to pout, you splay yourself back onto the bedspread. what the fuck is taking so long? you’re about ready to bury your face in the pillow.
needy is the only word to describe you in the aftermath of nights like tonight.
fucked several times over, you couldn’t stand to be so far apart from your men. at least one of them should be on the satin blue sheets with their sinewy arms around you. their absence aches. you know someone has to throw away the condoms, fetch you a clean sleep shirt, toss the used towels in the hamper, etcetera. however, you’re too needy for them to just throw you one of rick’s oversized shirts and hang out in the bathroom without you.
you stretch your arms in an attempt to extinguish the last traces of energy in your system but you know you’d feel infinitely better in a pair of toned arms. head rolling to face the bathroom, you’re unlucky enough not to catch either of their gazes. it’s only your loud pouts that snap them out of whatever conversation they’re having.
“is someone in there whinin’?”
rick’s sultry smooth voice reignites something in you that has you responding with nothing but a hazed out moan. emphasizing the manner in which you flip yourself over to your stomach, sticking your ass up when you bury your face into the clean sheets in protest.
“don’t tell me she’s poutin’ again.”
“sounds like exactly that.”
you do your best to hide your snide smile when the bed lowers slightly right beside you.
“what do you need? a kiss?” the ex-sheriff plants an arm into the soft bed beside you to lean over and rotate you onto your back, caressing your hair and tonguing your mouth open - not that you gave up a fight.
“mhm,” you yowl into his mouth.
a matching groan rumbles from his throat as rick reaches down to inspect your panties. he chuckles. “just as i expected, two cocks and you’re still craving another release, silly girl.”
whenever he gets his fingers in your hair, you’re putty in rick’s hands. the simple sensation is satisfying enough to have you wincing when he withdraws his fingers, nearly kicking in desperation.
you can’t complain though because before you know it the man is moving his fingers from your hair to attack your entrance.
“shit,” you gasp into his mouth when two fingers pry you open.
“pretty girl need some lovin’ before she falls asleep?” daryl whispers into your ear and appears on your opposite side.
“just a little more.” rick concludes, lazily pumping a finger into you while you squirm beneath him. “i think we tuckered her out. maybe we give her one last release for being such a good girl and put her to bed.”
you nod eagerly and like that daryl is descending between your legs to lift up your rick’s oversized sleep shirt. still underwear free from when you’d first climbed in bed with them, daryl’s tongue lands on your sensitive center.
the redneck’s auburn locks are in your hands instantly as you pant, “daryl, fuck.”
“this how you like to wind down?” rick mocks with a mouth on your rosy right bud.
you muster enough energy to nod your head. “mhmm.”
“do the sounds of daryl lapping up your slutty pussy help you fall asleep before bed?”
your mouth falls open at the question. all you can do is babble, blubbering when rick bites down on your chest. “rick!”
“honey,” rick’s tone turns serious. blue eyes honing in on your cloudy stare. “awfully rude to be just callin’ my name when dear daryl’s the one fucking you with his tongue.” you can’t argue with that. “why don’t you give him some credit?”
crying out, a sob starts your apology. “sorry, daryl. your tongue feels so good,” you stutter through teary eyes, legs and lips quivering. “thank you for taking care of me before bed.”
daryl doesn’t respond; too focused on the task at hand.
rick’s face is still smug. “why don’t you ask daryl for permission to come, sweetheart?” rick muses with a hardened nipple between his fingers, painfully turning it over the pad of his forefinger and watching your face twist with wanton need.
“daryl!” you’re howling.
the man doesn’t stop.
rick snickers. “try again, honey,” he’s traveling up the bed to bestow a peck on your lips before they’re parting to plead at the man who’s taking you apart with his tongue.
“daryl, please,” you’re borderline wailing now, tempting rick with your fucked out tears and irregular breath. chest rising and falling with every respiration, you’re red with the need for release and the need for the redhead beneath you to spare you some grace. “please, i need to come, daryl. please, i want to come so bad, can i come? daryl!”
for the first moment in minutes, the archer briefly pops his vacuum of a mouth off of your weeping slit to give you the most serious look before granting you permission to, “make a mess, girl.”
leaning into daryl’s blessing, you ground your hips against his face and squeeze the hand that’s intertwined with rick’s as the pressure that had been heightening explodes.
the circles daryl’d paired with his unforgiving tongue do nothing but pulsate the pressure deeper throughout your sensitive bundle of nerves. the same nerves that were flaring and rocking you in galvanizing pangs of pleasure as if they’d also gotten that memo that daryl had given you permission to cum, encouraged by the warm tongue flat against you.
it’s only when your legs are about to collapse on top of his tawny head that daryl retreats, giving your spent cunt a light slap for good measure.
his face is glistening just as your cunt had been when he dove headfirst between your legs.
you’re bending forward towards him in an anxious effort to have him on your lips again. he’d been so close to you - you need him to be that close again. that’s why you’re about to sob when he gets up to head to the dresser. your tantrum is paused once you see that he’s bringing your water bottle to your lips.
the thoughtful man brings the straw to your lips, allowing you to take a long drink and signal for him to place the bottle on the nightstand. it’s not ten seconds before he’s grasping your face and giving you the long, drawn out good night kiss you’re always craving from him.
daryl’s flush against your left when your lips disconnect. if rick hadn’t caught you in his arms, daryl would’ve been closer but he’ll be rising early to hunt anyways, and he wouldn’t want to wake you.
rick’s arm lays atop your pillow and his head tucked on top of yours as you start to drift off, “night, sweet girl” being the last words you hear before you fall into the coziest slumber.
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justabigassnerd · 11 months
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Pairing - Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x daughter!reader, Bradley Bradshaw x Mitchell!reader
Word count - 1,626
Warnings - swearing, mostly fluff
Summary - you and Bradley had kept your relationship a secret... but what happens when Goose and Maverick find out?
A/N - it be time for another request y'all! I'm so sorry with how long it's taking me to get through these but I really am trying y'all I swear. hopefully, I'll get into a groove and be able to pump more fics out for y'all. anyways I won't ramble, as per y'all please send in requests, feedback and enjoy!!!
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Growing up with Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell as your father, you’d been taught from an early age that you could tell your dad anything. He never let anything you wanted to tell him about feel unimportant. If you babbled to him after preschool about how Sarah had pushed over Tom in the playground, he was giving you his full attention and voicing his own thoughts on the matter. As you got older, you knew you could talk to your dad about any problem that would plague your mind. If someone was bothering you, Maverick would be there to listen and offer advice if you wanted it. He always made an effort to be there for you.
However, despite the trust you had in your dad. There was one thing he didn’t know about you.
Maverick was ignorant of one thing that was going on in your life and that was your relationship with his RIO’s son, Bradley Bradshaw. You’d been raised alongside Bradley, nothing more than half a year between the two of you and while Goose had constantly joked, much to Maverick’s annoyance, that you and Bradley would get together, he never thought it would actually happen. Not until the two of you moved out at least.
You and Bradley were quiet about your relationship, holding hands underneath the dinner table when over at each other’s houses and sneaking kisses when your parents were in another room. On the weekends, when Goose, Carole, and Maverick would go out for most of the day, you would either spend time at Bradley’s house or vice versa, or you would go out on little dates to places you knew neither your parents nor any of your dad’s team frequented, so you’d remain undisturbed. For the first few months of your relationship, this arrangement worked smoothly, and no one was clued into your relationship with Bradley. It wasn’t that you were embarrassed to share your relationship, it was more worry about how both your dad and Goose would react to the news. Carole ended up finding out about your relationship a week before your dad and Goose did, Bradley wanted some motherly advice on relationships, and he had asked beforehand if you were okay with Carole knowing which you were fine with, with the condition she kept it quiet until you and Bradley found the best moment to tell Goose and Maverick.
The moment that your dad and Goose found out came sooner than you and Bradley would’ve liked. One weekend, your dad and Bradley’s parents had agreed to meet up at the beach with Iceman, Slider, and their significant others while you and Bradley had opted to stay behind under the guise of wanting to study together and do school work. After the adults left the house, you and Bradley waited for a minute before shoving your books aside and moving to the sofa. You immediately curled into Bradley’s side as he switched on the television, looking up at him softly as he moved his gaze to look down at you.
“You okay, baby?” He asks softly, his gentle smile never leaving his face as you nod.
“I’m more than okay. I’m perfect.” You reply in a soft whisper, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his jaw.
“You missed.” Bradley says teasingly, leaning down to capture your lips in a sweet kiss which you reciprocate immediately, shuffling in his embrace to kiss him easier as you wind your arms around the back of his neck and Bradley’s hands rested on your hips. However, because you were engrossed in each other’s presence with the tv blaring in the background, you both failed to hear the jangling of keys in the lock and your dad entering the house.
“What the fuck is going on here!?” The shocked and raised voice of your father makes you and Bradley jump away from each other, worry crossing both of your features.
“Dad, what are you doing home? You literally just left.” You say with a nervous chuckle, attempting to diffuse the obvious tension that was filling the room.
“I forgot my wallet and it’s a good thing I did. Now answer my question, what is going on?” Maverick asks, and the moment you open your mouth to try and find a response he holds his hand up to stop you talking.
“Actually, you can explain it to Goose and Carole as well.” He then says, crossing back to the front door and throwing it open to see his RIO and Carole in Goose’s Bronco.
“Goose, get your ass in here! Carole, you too. Looks like a Bradshaw-Mitchell meeting is needed.” Maverick calls out to his friends and waits for them to come into the house, closing the door behind them and ushering them into the living room while you and Bradley remained frozen in place like a deer in headlights.
“Mav, what’s this about? Ice will kill us if we’re late.” Goose says as he enters the living room, barely batting an eyelid at you and Bradley sat closely together while Carole offered a sympathetic smile to the two of you, knowing what you’re about to endure.
“I just caught these two kissing. Like full-on kissing.” Maverick says, an accusing finger pointing at you and Bradley as Goose’s jaw drops, eyes widening as Maverick’s words sink in.
“Wha- these two?” Goose splutters, making you bury your head in Bradley’s shoulder in an attempt to escape the embarrassment.
“Hey, I need a bit of space between you two, back it up.” Maverick says, making you pull away from Bradley slightly to glare at your dad.
“Dad, are you serious?” You ask, and that’s when Carole decides that now is the time to step in.
“Boys, you two need to calm down.” Carole intervenes, getting both Maverick and Goose’s attention on her.
“But they hid this from us for who knows how long? How are you not angry?” Maverick manages to say, running a hand through his hair. At the silence that follows Maverick’s question, Goose connects the dots and turns to his wife.
“Honey, did you know about this?” Goose asks hesitantly, both Maverick and Goose watching Carole carefully as she nods.
“Bradley came to me a week ago. They wanted to tell you, but they were scared about how you would react and just from what I’ve seen their worries were proven right with the way you two have reacted.” Carole says, an accusing glare fired the men’s way as they exchange a look.
“y/n is my little girl.” Maverick weakly argues, making your face heat up at his words.
“Bradley’s my baby boy but I still want him to be happy and if he’s happy with y/n and she’s happy with him that’s all we should be focused on.” Carole says and it was Bradley’s turn to blush now, glancing down at his lap as you slip your hand into his and squeeze it softly.
“Brad, are you happy with y/n?”
“y/n/n, are you happy with Bradley?” Both questions leave Goose and Maverick’s mouths simultaneously. All eyes were on you and Bradley as you briefly glance at each other, smiling softly before looking back over at Goose and Maverick.
“Yes.” The answers left your mouth in tandem as Bradley ran his thumb over the back of your hand. Goose and Maverick exchanged a look before shrugging.
“It probably was bound to happen, wasn’t it?” Maverick says, a slight chuckle escaping him as he speaks while Goose nods.
“Well I did call it, but I thought they’d at least wait a year until college so we wouldn’t have to be victim to their teenage PDA.” Goose says, receiving a soft slap on the arm from Carole at the teasing aimed at you and Bradley.
“Oh hush, you know we were just as bad. And it’s not like these two haven’t grown up seeing us kiss, honey.” Carole says, leaning up to give Goose a kiss to accentuate her point. With the tension now gone, you curl back into Bradley’s side, smiling as he presses a feather-light kiss to the top of your head.
“Just don’t break each other’s hearts.” Maverick warns gently, glancing between you and Bradley as you nod.
“I wouldn’t dream of it, Mav.” Bradley says, his smile never leaving his face.
“I don’t think I ever could. I love him too much.” You affirm, looking up at Bradley before giving him a soft, gentle kiss.
“Alright, we’ll leave you to it. But I don’t want to be a grandad at this age so be careful you two.” Maverick teases as you groan and toss a pillow at him, missing and narrowly avoiding hitting Goose in the process.
“See that, Bradley? Don’t piss off a Mitchell.” Goose says with a laugh as Maverick rolls his eyes and jokingly shoves him.
“We should make our way to the beach, boys. I’m sure the others are wondering where we are.” Carole says, diverting the attention and both Maverick and Goose nod as you detach yourself from Bradley to find your dad’s wallet and give it to him before he pulls you into a hug.
“I love you, sweetheart.” Maverick whispers, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I love you too, dad.” You reply before pulling away with a gentle smile. After pulling away from the hug, Goose, Maverick, and Carole bid you and Bradley goodbye and make their way out to the Bronco.
“When we get to the beach someone remind me that Ice now owes me twenty bucks now that we know y/n and Bradley are together.” Goose says as he turns the key and starts the engine while Maverick nods.
“Got it… wait, you made a bet?”
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harlowcomehome · 4 months
Runaway Husband: Part Two!
Read part one first!
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Clay and Maggie exchanged worried looks, neither wanting to waver in their loyalty to Jack. Part of you respected the fact that they were keeping their loyalty a focus, but the other part of you was beyond frustrated.
Clay ended up joining Maggie and staying for a few days, making himself comfortable on your pull-out couch.
An overwhelming feeling of sorrow overcame you on your last night together, the four of you had spent the last few days bonding and making memories at home. Emmett felt the sadness too, as he was fussier than normal. His loud cries echoed in the house as you bounced him in your arms, eventually calming him down enough to put him in his baby swing for a nap.
Maggie insisted on cooking as she stood at the stovetop to made dinner, immediate flashbacks of your life with Jack flooded your mind. You remembered all of the times he’d rush home from a late night at the studio and make a grilled cheese for the both of you and how you’d stay up laughing for hours on end when you both couldn’t sleep.
Your eyes filled with tears, you had done so well at suppressing your emotions while Clay and Maggie were around not wanting them to feel caught in the middle more than they already were but tonight was the hardest.
Jack was trying to reach Maggie all evening, frantically calling her no less than 10 times. He had a meeting with his lawyers and was told you would be receiving a subpoena on behalf of his ongoing court case. It was news they tried to approach him with extreme softness, knowing you were a sensitive topic but regardless he didn’t handle it well.
The lawyers he hired looked to him with sympathy, letting him know they exhausted all other avenues and that they would pick back up tomorrow as they were done for the day.
Jack stayed alone in the room to collect himself for a moment. He had tried to shield you from all of this, but you were his fiancé at the time of the embezzlement so nothing was off the table. He had successfully kept the story out of the limelight, but that was no doubt going to change soon and he was overwhelmed with emotions.
Jack wasn’t able to reach Maggie, she was always his sense of comfort and the person he turned to for advice. It was rare for her to miss calls from him but she was more removed from her phone because she was around you and her grandson.
When Jack realized her location was off, he grew increasingly concerned and decided to call his dad for clarification.
Brian wasn’t the best liar and didn’t convince Jack in the slightest that his mom was out of town for a work-related conference. He sighed and quickly decided to call Clay to see if he had any insight into why their mom wasn’t answering his calls.
You watched Clay's phone buzz against the coffee table as dinner was still being made, Jack's contact name and photo appearing immediately.
“Clay- ummm your brother’s calling you” You picked his phone up, handing it to him. Your hands trembled at the possibility of hearing his voice.
Clay nervously answered, stepping outside to take the call. Within minutes he was back inside with a nervous look on his face, he had nonchalantly tossed his phone on the counter and didn’t say a word to either you or Maggie.
You could see that you were putting both Maggie and Clay in a compromising position, and you were worried that this would affect Emmett's relationship with them in the long run.
A wave of impulsion came over you, grabbing his phone and answering it as Jack's contact lit up the screen once more.
“Dude, why the fuck are you hanging up on me? I need you right now” Jack was yelling, his breathing short and shallow.
“Hey, sorry, it’s not Clay” you sighed into the phone wondering if he would recognize your voice immediately.
Maggie and Clay stayed focused on you, Emmett was babbling in his baby swing and you mouthed to Clay to keep an eye on him as you walked outside to sit on your back patio.
Jack felt like the wind got knocked out from underneath him. He was beyond panicked and hearing your voice was not what he was at all expecting.
“Hi,” you mirrored back, truthfully not going into this conversation with any kind of a game plan, as you anxiously picked at your nails.
“Why are you with my family?” he was beyond confused but admittedly happy to hear your voice after all this time.
“Just because we ended things doesn’t mean they have to” You let out an awkward giggle hoping to break some tension.
He laughed too, which gave you an opening.
“We have a lot to talk about but I’d rather do it in person” You didn’t feel like it was morally right to drop the “you have a son” bomb over the phone.
“I agree but I also have to tell you something now” Jack coughed nervously, his throat felt dry knowing he had to say things to you that he had been keeping a secret.
“Go ahead.” You could tell he was nervous by the tone of his voice.
Jack took a seat on his barstool in his house, “The night before we were supposed to get married I found out that someone on my team was stealing money from me.”
You slapped a hand over your mouth instinctively as he continued to speak, mentally putting the pieces together. You wondered why he wasn’t naming this person but you saved your questions.
“I’ve been trying to keep you from the embarrassment of all of this but I was told today by my lawyers that you’re going to be subpoenaed.”
Your breath hitched, “subpoenaed? Why me?” You had wondered if they thought you had anything to do with it.
“My lawyers think it would be beneficial if you were a character witness. The courts just want to know if you had witnessed anything while we were together. They want to know if I was lying about any of my finances or doing anything wrong on my end.” Everything he said sounded like one giant run-on sentence, he was nervous to talk to you and ashamed at how he handed things.
“So I’m supposed to go to court and speak to your character?” You stifled a laugh, you were still angry at how things ended, further proving you were still in love with him.
“I know, I’m sorry” he knew what you were subtly referring to.
“Is your girlfriend going to be there? Did she get subpoenaed too?” You couldn’t help but feel a wave of jealousy come over you, you’d blame it on postpartum hormones if you had to, but you knew that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“Heather? She’s not my girlfriend, we have just been hanging out. It’s just PR to make things look good” he wasn’t supposed to admit it to a single soul but he felt like he owed you that much.
“We will fly home with your brother and mom tomorrow and meet you at her house in the evening so we can talk. Sound good?” You hadn’t even realized you started the sentence off with “we” but Jack did, wondering if it was a slip of the tongue and opting not to point it out.
The flight to Kentucky felt excruciatingly long, Emmett was obviously very young, and that made you a nervous wreck about everything.
You had some baby items delivered to Maggie and Brian’s house that way things were set up when you got there. You didn’t expect Jack to already be waiting inside when you arrived.
He was sitting on the family couch with his head in his hands as you noticed the bassinet you had delivered was already put together and sat in front of him.
“How long has he been here?” You whispered to Brian as he softly took Emmett from your arms.
“Long enough to build that bassinet himself” he whispered back and the family agreed to give you both the room, leaving quickly to another room in the large house.
You stood in front of Jack who had only looked up at you now, his eyes were bloodshot and his hands were trembling. Otherwise, he looked handsome as ever, he had been working out, his arms were practically bursting out of his jacket and his hair and beard were fluffy and full.
“Is that for our baby?” He stood up, forgetting how much taller he was than you making you step back at his loud tone.
“Jack- let me explain.”
“It’s a yes or no question, do we have a child together?” He was closer to you now, unaware of how intimidating he may be. He had done the math in his head and it made sense.
You reached your hand out to push him back, “I’m going to need you to sit down if you want to have this conversation with me.”
He stumbled slightly unaware you’d be pushing him off balance, but he sat down on the same couch cushion he had been sitting on when you arrived. He was looking up at you now as you stood in front of him.
“Yes, that's what I wanted to tell you in person” Before you could continue Jack jumped up, ready to go looking for Emmett but you stopped him by standing in front of him.
“Jack, please! Can you just calm down and not go barging in there and scaring your son when you meet him for the first time?” You wanted to get all the animosity out of the way first.
“We have a son?” His face softened, that was the first bit of information he had gotten from you.
“I’ll start answering your questions when you start answering mine” You handed him some tissues out of a box on the side table in the living room.
Jack quickly wiped his drippy nose, collecting himself to answer anything you wanted to know. “Ask me anything.”
“Why didn’t we get married? Did you realize you didn’t love me? That I was too “boring?” You said that last word with air quotes.
“I’ve never stopped loving you, that’s the truth” he swallowed, keeping his eyes on you as you paced around the living room in front of him. You were wearing a long-sleeved purple body suit and black leggings, and new balances, a comfortable airport outfit but he still thought you looked beautiful.
“You’re still deflecting” You had zero patience for his lack of immediate answers.
“I don’t think you’re boring either” he laughed having to clarify. “The night before our wedding I found out that someone was stealing significant amounts of money from me and I didn’t want to get you involved. It was something I should’ve caught a long time ago but with the album and our wedding I was just distracted and it all came crumbling down so fast.”
You finally sat down, across from him as he spoke about the truth for the first time to you.
“Why didn’t you just tell me? It doesn’t make any sense to me. I was your fiancé, we were going to get married!” Your emotions were getting the better of you, as your voice was raised.
“I didn’t know how to tell you. I thought it would be easier if you didn’t know” and it dawned on you why things had become so complicated. Your mind was racing knowing of one possibility that would absolutely break your heart.
“My sister? Is it my sister?” You started to piece everything that had happened within the last year together now.
Your sister was already working for Jack and was the reason you two had met in the first place, this was her first “big girl job” and you and your family had assumed she was finally getting her life together.
Jack nodded confirming what you suspected, tears rolling down his cheeks.
When Jack called off your engagement, your sister stopped speaking to you and your parents, claiming you ruined all opportunities that came your way and that this would affect the both of you. She wasn’t even aware of your pregnancy, what was meant to be your wedding day was the day you lost both Jack and your older sister.
Your parents were never phased by her absence as she had always had a checkered past, so they never questioned why she disappeared since she had done it so many times before.
“You warned me to keep an eye on her and I just ignored it because she was your sister and I thought my team would catch any inconsistencies. Before the wedding I had them look into everything one last time for the sake of saying I did it but then they found out she was stealing from me and I didn’t know how to tell you…” He started to sob, a weight had been lifted telling you the truth but he felt regretful for missing out on so much. He was attempting to ramble through his tears as you stood up from your seat to approach him, kneeling to hold him as his muscular frame shook in your arms.
Jack loosely wrapped his arms around your body as you slowly stood up and instinctively wrapped yourself around him by sitting on his lap, holding one another through tears.
“I haven’t talked to her since that day. She doesn’t even know about Emmett” You nervously played with a stray curl, making him look up at you.
“His name is Emmett?” A small smile broke across his face, a twinkle in his bloodshot eyes that wasn’t there before appeared.
“Do you want to meet him?” You slowly stood up, embarrassingly realizing you had made it into his lap.
Jack nodded and you both walked down the hallway, lightly knocking on the door as Jack nervously followed behind you.
Maggie carefully handed Emmett to you. Jack made sure he was sitting down before you let him hold Emmett, the family leaving you both alone once again.
“Why wouldn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” He sniffled as he looked down at his son who was fast asleep after a long day of crying.
“You had already decided you didn’t want to be married, you told me you didn’t love me and that you needed to be with someone on your level. Why would I force you to pick me or raise a family with me for that matter?”
“You know now that wasn’t true right?” He finally looked up from Emmett to look at you. “Did you know that you were pregnant when…?” He didn’t want to finish that sentence and you knew that.
“I didn’t, not until a few weeks later” you shrugged, moving the blanket down from Emmett’s chin.
“He looks just like me” Jack chuckled, looking at you sympathetically “Sorry about that.”
You laughed, feeling the tension slowly dissipate at his comment. “It’s okay, it made me feel close to you.”
Jack smiled, finding comfort in the fact that you said that. “I’m sorry that I made things worse. I thought I was helping by keeping you from it and I didn’t know you were pregnant or that would’ve changed how I reacted.”
“Would it?” You were still hurt, and trying to suppress your need to subtly throw jabs at him.
“Yes, and I’m sorry” he couldn’t manage to say anything else, knowing he didn’t have a rebuttal.
“Anything I can do to make this easier, I will. If I have to go to court for you, I’ll do it. I always would’ve” You wanted that to be clear.
“I didn’t think it was fair of me to ask that of you. I tried everything to keep this out of your life” he sighed and you heard a knock on the door, Clay was wheeling the bassinet into the room for the both of you.
“Thank you” you hummed as he nodded and quickly left. You helped Jack carefully set Emmett down inside of it, his paternal instincts quickly kicking in as he sat on the bed next to the bassinet to keep a close eye.
“It’s not just about you and me anymore. You’re his dad and I want to make sure you’re okay. I’ll do whatever I have to and we can meet with your lawyers tomorrow” You sat on the bed beside him.
“Even if it means testifying against your sister?”
“I don’t have a sister as far as I’m concerned” you spoke to him as blunt as you could about that, wanting him to know you meant it.
“She stole a lot of money, and will likely go to prison for a long time. What if your parents don’t agree with your decision?” Jack was worried you’d change your mind once family weighed in.
“My parents won’t be upset with me, my sister has been causing chaos in their lives since she was a teenager. If anything they’ll just be happy you know about Emmett” You smiled, looking at your baby who was sound asleep.
“I just don’t want to lose you again, or him” Jack was immediately in love, but the reality set in quicker than anticipated.
“You won’t. You might want to call your lawyers first thing tomorrow and let them know you have a son though” you laughed, wondering if that would affect anything.
“I’m just glad I can stop hanging out with Heather” Jack nudged you with his shoulder knowing you were jealous when you mentioned her earlier.
“I like the sound of that” You leaned into him with your shoulder. He turned to you, his hands cupped your face as he went in for a kiss, something he had wanted to do from the moment you walked into the house.
Jack leaned back on the bed, grabbing your thighs and pulling you on top of him as Emmett was still asleep nearby.
“Jack- we can’t” you moaned between kisses, missing the touch of his hands more now than before.
“I just want to kiss you” he pleaded between moans, his kisses growing more and more sloppy as you straddled him, your fingers entangled in his curls.
You had no idea you had fallen asleep until Emmett woke you with his cries. Jack immediately rolled over, shushing you to go back to sleep as he kneeled to look for formula in the diaper bag on the floor.
“Do you know what you’re doing?” You whispered as he took a bottle from your bag, a look of worry came over him that you found endearing.
“I’ll show you” You picked Emmett up and held him against your hip as you walked with Jack to the kitchen, showing him the steps and how to test if the milk was too warm.
“I’m sorry you’ve been doing this all alone” he whispered, knowing he had a lot of things to catch up on. He bent down to quickly kiss you before testing the formula on his wrist.
“I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with all of this alone” you replied, referring to his impending court case.
“I wasn’t alone, I had Heather” he teased, making you roll your eyes as he giggled behind you and back to the bedroom.
“Don’t make me fly back home, you’re still on thin ice” you teased back, earning a scoff from Jack.
“Stop playing, this is your home now” he hummed, taking Emmett from you as he fed him for the first time. He flashed you a big bright smile, letting you know he was serious and you found all the comfort you needed in hearing that.
A/N: Special thanks to @vanwritesfan-fiction for helping me brainstorm the storyline for this part. I appreciate you so much.
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highhhfiveee · 8 months
stoner!mike who feels everything 10x more when he’s high and ur both lying in bed high off ur ass post sex
he definitely does (and i feel him. i love being high and i’m out of weed 💔)
you’re both sitting outside, enjoying the sun, when mike pulls a joint from his hoodie pocket. he waves it around in the air, eyes wild with amusement.
“my favorite part of the day,” he muses, and you hum in agreement, watching with intense eyes as he lights it up and takes a nice long hit.
you pass it back and forth until you’re burning your finger on the filter, and mike scoots closer to you, all touchy-feely and begging for it.
you’re quick to usher him inside before he takes you right on the front porch, and you both run to the room giggling like teenagers.
he’s pulling your clothes off piece by piece while he kisses you, your arms wrapped his neck and shuddering at the movements on your skin.
he takes it slow, making sure you have a pillow under your head and hips, and that you’re okay throughout the whole thing. asking, “still with me?” and “doing okay?” between position changes.
he makes you feel so nice, caressing your skin and holding you close to him in missionary, whimpering and babbling about how good you feel and how much he loves you.
afterwards, when you’re covered in a thin sheen of sweat and breathing raggedly, you both think you’re higher than you were before you had sex. it’s a nice feeling, a tingle that reaches all the way to your toes.
you curl into his body, basking in his warmth and grazing your fingers over his broad chest and shoulders. he’s staring up, eyes following the ceiling fan around and around and around.
“you okay?” you mutter, placing your fingers on his chin delicately. you turn his face to yours and giggle at how high he looks. he’s absolutely gone, and you don’t mind it.
“yeah…just…more fucked up than i thought.” you hum, watching the ceiling fan with him. it emits a dull buzz, and it’s all you focus on until he speaks up again.
bzzzzzzzzzzz, bzzzzzzzzzzzz—-
“feels nice to be like this sometimes. i feel weightless. only thing i feel is you.” you kiss him on his temple. you understand; this was one of his only ways of winding down, and while you were in the same boat, you’d never know how it felt to him. you hated that he ever felt pain or stress, and wanted to take all that away.
“i’m glad you’re able to feel like that,” you whisper, and he turns his body so that he can wrap his arms around you, squeezing you into his body and instantly dozing. “you deserve it.”
cute (: sorry if this was bad lol (me: sorry if this is bad, this: *post on my blog with the most notes* (((: love you all)
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reilicaria · 1 year
so lovely, it feels so right
First time actually publishing something I write. NSFW, fem na’vi reader, needy and dumb reader, some daddy kink, some degradation and Jake being a soft dom. English is not my first language, so I’m happy to take notes. Enjoy and if you liked it, you can send me some requests!<3 
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“Oh baby, you're getting so... loose. ‘Can barely feel you around my cock” he says, voice dripping with amusement, masked as disappointment.
Of course, he's just making fun of you, but you can't help but to cry a little for the embarrassment of what he just said. A new shed of tears gathered in your waterline, ready to burst. He has manoeuvred you into a spoon fucking position after having fucked an orgasm out of you in all fours. His arm is keeping your leg folded over his hip, your pussy stretched in the open air.
“S-Sorry, I'm sorry- I'm so sorry” you cry out, fat tears streaming down your cheeks, the burn of his words settling in your lower stomach and chest. “I- It's just- I can't help it. Feels so g-good...”
You couldn't help but to relax into his pleasure, to cream all over his cock, ring of white arousal gathering at the base of his girth. After all, it was your body's natural reaction to open up to him.
He kisses your temple before chuckling. Nevertheless, he doesn't stop his thrusts, punching the air out of your lungs with each tight snap of hips against your ass.
“I know baby, I know” he caresses your cheek sweetly before taking a hold of your jaw, your head tilting to the side, forcing you to look into his pupil-dilated eyes. “Fucked your cunt loose over the years. Am I right? Keeping this cunt filled-”
“I-I'm sorry. My mouth- It's better. I'll suck you off, please-” voice trembling, your following sighs are wet and shaky. Jake can see the desperation in your glossy eyes.
He moans, deep and long, the tip of his cock bumping inside the swell inside your gummy walls. It makes your cunt flutter, you see how his eyes roll to the back of his head, yours subtly mimicking his but keeping them shut afterwards.
“Yeah? You ‘gonna let me fuck your mouth? ‘Gonna let daddy cum in your mouth? Leave your greedy cunt empty?” His hand releases your face, the feeling of his fingers against your jaw still pulsing in your hot skin.
“Y-Yes, daddy! Whatever you want, I'll do anything for you.” You babble, mind foggy and already dumb on pleasure, the feeling of your belly getting tighter.
He can't help but to feel his chest tighten. You're so sweet, he knows you'd do it. You'd do anything to keep him satisfied, even if it meant not getting what you so desperately need.
“Lucky for you, I know just how to- ah yes, baby, keep those pretty eyes on me.” he gets distracted from what he was about to do when you look up to him again. Brows furrowed, all flushed in places he’s been touching. He chews his bottom lip before leaning in to kiss your cheek. When he pulls back, Jake can see how your eyes are filled with new tears, ready to be spilled. “Oh, sweet thing, don’t cry. Daddy’s ‘gonna make you all tight again. How does that sound?”
You can only nod, your head heavy over your shoulders, eager to do whatever he wants to make him feel as good as you’re feeling right now. It makes him chuckle behind you before he’s pulling out slowly. The cold wind of the forest hitting his drenched cock, making him whimper softly. You’re so empty all of a sudden, it makes you want to climb him to keep him inside of you forever. 
“’Wanna kiss” you say before you can process it.
“Alright sweetheart, I’ll give you a kiss in a second.” his hands grab your hips to manhandle you, back flushed against the soft grass, him above you. He’s leaning to meet your gabby hands, intertwining them over his thick neck.
When your lips meet, he moans against them sweetly, your tongue is quick and eager to search his, whimpering coming from the depths of your throat when he finally lets his to come out and play with yours. 
“Inside, c’mon daddy, inside. ‘Want you inside again.” 
“I was already on it, baby. You’re such a greedy little bitch, am I right?” you can help but nod shamelessly, the tip of his swollen cock now pressing at your clit it's all you can think about. You grow desperate at his soft attention; at the soft circles his head is drawing in your sweet nerves. 
“Please, oh p-please!” your hips are rising with each of his slow movements, trying to follow the way he keeps his pace unhurried, teasing. It’s making you crazy. Your chest is moving up and down, unnaturally so, and you feel like you could sob any minute now with how needy and stupid you’re feeling. 
“What? What do you want now? ‘You want me inside or just want to cum like this?” his voice hardens, his movements against your clit grow faster, and once again your jaw is getting gripped with controlled force. “Answer.”
“I don’t know! I-I-I want you!” you can feel the way your tail is swinging back and forth under you, deciding as if it had a life of its own, to wrap around his toned tight. Your head is screaming; you only want more. 
More, more of him, closer, deeper, harder. Then, your hand behind his neck is wrapping his kuru, pulling it softly. He lets out a short laugh, the assault on your clit stops, making you whine and visibly relax. 
“You’re that fucked out, right? It’s alright baby, you’re the prettiest when you’re dumb.”
He obliges you, taking a hold of your kuru to pull it over your shoulder as you do the same. Soft strands of bare nerves glow dimly between the two of you, and when you connect them, everything stops. Your breath is caught in your throat, a new wave of heat and sensibility is taking over your body, now you can barely feel your toes; you feel lightheaded. 
He isn’t much better. The need you feel for him is overpowering, his desire for teasing you no longer a priority. He just wants to make you cum, keep you satisfied until you’re no longer able to remember your own name.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck-” is the only think he can mutter, head empty and ready to fuck you senseless. The head of his cock is quickly prodding your entrance and making a swift way inside your awaiting cunt effortlessly, making you arch against his chest in a silent moan. “Fuck, baby so good. So soft and w-warm. Fuck- Im’gonna make you cum so hard.”
Jake can no longer afford to be eloquent, deciding instead to focus on your neglected clit, his own release so near is making him whimper loudly with each trust into your cunt. Hand pressing on your lower stomach, thumb reaching to rub your sensitive nerves in the way he knows will have you tightening and cumming in no longer than five minutes. 
“Jake! Ah, d-daddy. Feels so good- you’re, you’re... ah!” you trail off, unable to keep up with your words because of how hard he’s now fucking you, deep and so fucking dirty.
You can barely keep your eyes open, they feel heavy, and you can’t see much anyways, blurry behind your lids. 
“I’m ‘gonna make you cum? I know baby, I know you. I know this sweet cunt can’t cum without having your pretty clit touched. So greedy, it’s never enough.” he regains composure, each of his words making you feel closer to your orgasm. His thumb draws unrelentless shapes over and over again over your clit. 
“I’m- am I making you feel good too, d-daddy?” you ask, as sweetly as possible. 
You can’t help but to search for reassurance, especially after remembering how his earlier words made you feel. You know you are, your brain is literally connected with his. Still, you need verbal confirmation, his words never failing to make you feel warm and comforted.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me” he’s babbling and moaning, almost pussy drunk. He doesn’t miss the way your cunt is fluttering at his sounds, so he never actually tries to keep them down. “So good, sweetheart, you’re making me cum.”
You inevitably whimper at what he says, feeling the wet pulse in between your legs almost unbearable. Your back is sliding against the grass as he fucks you faster. Desperate, deep sounds coming from his open mouth.
“Ki-” you begin to say.
He’s already all over you, leaning forward, his forearm pressing right next to your head, noses bumping together and lips clasping wetly. Jake consumes almost all of your whiny and high-pitched noises, but his throat keeps groaning in low tones, unable to control himself no longer. When you open your eyes again, you can see how his temple expresses a deep frown. The idea is mild and subtle at the back of your brain, but you know he’s about to cum. 
“C’mon baby, I can feel you want to cum so bad... let go for me. Give it to me, now.”
His thumb over your clit is doubling its efforts, tight circles with just the right amount of pressure has you arching your back and raising your hips into the air, before closing your eyes and gushing all over his cock. You see pure white bliss while you’re moaning so breathy and so high pitched, your legs are trembling so hard, but he doesn’t stop. He’s making your clit go almost numb from oversensitivity.
When your orgasm feels endless and unnaturally long, you know it’s because Jake has cummed alongside you, the bond between your bodies masking it as one. 
“That’s right, sweet baby. So full of my cum, so mine...” his eyes are glued to your pulsing cunt, but he doesn’t seem to acknowledge the way you look at him, so focused on the way his softening dick is still pumping his cum inside you. “So pretty...”
When he’s finally pulling out, he moans softly, but you’re shuddering at the feeling of emptiness. You’re limp and exhausted, the both of you breathless. 
“How are you feeling, syulang?” he’s smiling widely now, eyes transfixed in your expression. With flushed cheeks, tired eyes and sweaty form, you try and sit up “Satisfied enough?”
He’s mocking you again, but this time it makes you laugh when you lean to kiss him.
“Well, yes. For now.” you begin, looking up to him through your lashes. “I don’t think I’ll ever grow tired of you and your...” you trail off, a bit embarrassed.
“Oh no, you can’t possibly be getting all shy now, aren’t you, baby?” he’s petting the crown of your head, rolling your bodies to lay in the cool grass. “I just hope to put another baby in you.”
His affirmation leaves you feeling hot and bothered again, but you limit yourself to only nodding and smiling at him while Jake softly pets the connection between your kurus with tenderness. 
“Wanna go again?” you suggest, the bond making you feel hungry and revitalized, as if you haven’t had your brains fucked for the last hour. “Just to make sure.”
“Almost as if you read my mind.” he says amused, leaning over you once again.
Likes, comments and reblogs are highly appreciated :p kdk if the end feels kinda rushed, i’m sorry!
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fourmoony · 8 months
omg haii, i read ur mini seiries called hope, and i absolutely ADORE it!!! you're probably already writing a part 4, but i wanna request an idea - her first b-day and she meets regulus and lily for the first time where regulus is kinda quiet, not involving himself that much and hope penguin-walks over to him and hugs his leg and regulus goes full-on sweet mode omgg and he baby-talks her like "heyy hope" and "i'm your favourite uncle, right?" and hope babbles back <333
i would be in total awe if i saw this in at least one of your parts, it's also my birthday in 10 days so perfect fit in with hope's birthday!!
tysm for reading <333
hi! I love this idea... sorry it took so long, I've been swamped with college work. this one only features Regulus because the story got away from me, but I could do a separate one for Lily if you like. happy belated birthday, I hope you had an amazing day :) hope you like it
𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 (𝟒) - james potter x f!reader - this part doesn't have much james content, sorry!
summary: Hope and Uncle Reggie fluff. 1.9k
masterlist - part 1 - part 2 - part 3
There’s balloons and banners on every wall, presents on every surface, toys strewn all over the floor, and paper plates dotted in various areas.
Hope stands in the middle of it all, in the eye of the storm, the brightest smile you’ve ever seen on her chubby little face. It’s strange, when you really think about it, that she smiles just like James. Considering she’s not biologically yours, nor his. But she smiles like him. Unabashedly, bright, all of her tiny little teeth on display, eyes crinkled at the corners from the sheer force of her happiness. You’ve wrangled her hair into pigtails and she’s wearing the pink corduroy pinafore Sirius bought her with matching pink socks. She’s the epitome of cuteness and your heart can’t take it.
It’s surprising – and yet not at all – that she hasn’t napped all day. It’s not long gone four pm, the party winding down, and there’s been not a single tantrum, nor a moment of calm from your daughter. James, on the other hand, has had several tantrums. He’s adamant Hope has defied all biological laws and is growing too fast. He says it so often you think he might have wished it true, because today, for the first time, you see it.
She’s no longer the baby James brought home bundled in a blanket, with a nervous smile on his face. She’s a bright, loving, happy little girl with so much attitude, so much love, so much energy, and you really feel like maybe she is growing too fast. You can’t slow time, no matter how hard you try, and that makes your lip wobble as you stare at your daughter, pointing sticky fingers at Remus who tries to dodge her, and your boyfriend, who’s trying to corral her with a baby wipe.
All the kids invited to the party have long gone, stuffed with cake and with a complimentary party bag. The cottage is no longer crowded or overrun by hyperactive children. Calm has resumed – well, as calm as any residence with your daughter and your friends inside of it can be. Sirius is half passed out on the sofa from hours of keeping up with his god daughter, legs swung up over the arm, a haphazardly placed party hat on his head. Remus is still trying to dodge Hope’s sticky fingers but is now the one with the baby wipe trying to corral her. He won’t win. You know your daughter and by now, Remus should know that his attempts are futile. But they’re both laughing, even if Remus keeps grimacing every time her hands land on his beige trousers.
“So,” James appears beside you, an overly fond look in his eyes, “Hope’s Epic First Birthday – success?”
You hum, lean into the arm he’s wrapped around you, emulating warmth and comfort and every bit of him you’ve come to love over the years – home – “Massive success. Best parents ever.”
James huffs a laugh and presses a kiss to the side of your temple. He tenses when the doorbell rings. It’s habit, after the war, but you’re safe now, so he releases you with a chaste peck to the lips and jogs off to answer. Remus has strong armed Hope into his lap and is wiping down her hands. You smile. He’s better with her than he would ever know. You can hear James happily talking away to someone, shoes are discarded with a familiar thump by the front door, and then he appears back in the doorway with a wide smile.
Regulus appears behind him, a tentative smile on his face. He’s so similar to Sirius it’s kind of shocking, but the differences are there. Where Sirius is punk rock and messy black eye liner with leather jackets and shaggy hair, Regulus is stoic, regal, neat and put together. It’s been an odd adjustment, watching the two brothers become acquainted with each other again after years of being apart, but it warms your heart every time share a smile or a joke, sometimes an awkward hug. Winning the war was mostly because of Regulus and his behind-the-scenes efforts and when Sirius found out, it shattered everything he’d ever thought about his brother. Watching him recover from what he thought would be mourning his brother, but actually turned out to be healing with his brother, has been beautiful.
“Sirius,” You call, “Regulus is here.”
Sirius perks up, all sense of exhaustion gone, and smiles wide at the sight of his younger brother. Regulus is wearing all black – slacks and a button up shirt. They have the same eyes, same cheek bones, same nose. But Regulus is, for lack of a better word, serious. He’s well put together, posh, a man of luxury, after inheriting half of the Black family riches two months ago.
It’s why, when you spot the sparkly pink gift bag in his hand, you have to bite your lip to stifle a laugh.
“Reg,” Sirius stands, hesitates, but ultimately decides to go for a hug, anyway, “You made it.”
Regulus hugs Sirius back, albeit a little awkwardly, “Of course.”
He turns to you and James, “Sorry I missed the party. All the people, I just…”
James waves a dismissive hand, bright and easy smile on his face, “Honestly, mate, don’t worry about it. Twenty screaming kids is anyone’s worst nightmare.”
Regulus smiles a little, nodding in way of an answer. Hope has wrangled her way out of Remus’ grip and is tottering across the living room floor, dodging stray balloons and wrapped presents as she goes. When she reaches Regulus, she stops, tiny fist clutching at the leg of his trousers. Regulus hasn’t spent much time around Hope. You don’t know if he really likes kids. But when he crouches, a soft look about his eyes you’ve never seen before, you release a breath you hadn’t known you were holding. James guides you to the armchair, pulling you into his lap.
You sit happily, watching the scene before you unfold. Sirius and Remus seem to be as mesmerised by this version of Regulus as you are.
“Hi, Birthday Girl,” His voice is quiet, sweet like honey as he holds the bag out to her, “This is for you.”
Hope looks enamoured by the pink glittery bag, let alone whatever could be inside. Regulus sits it on the ground, legs in a basket to get onto Hope’s level. The bag sits between them like a peace treaty. Hope stares at Regulus and he waits, face blank, lips upturned maybe a little. Her tiny, little hand reaches out, palm flat against his cheek and Regulus closes his eyes for a second before a wide grin spreads its way across his face. Sirius steps around them carefully to reach for the camera by the mantle. Without another word, Hope clambers into Regulus’ lap and sits down. She’s never been shy, so you don’t know why it surprises you so much.
“So,” Regulus starts, holding open the bag so that Hope can see inside, “Start with this one.”
He hands her a neatly wrapped gift, white paper with little pink hearts and you melt at the idea of cold, stoic, Regulus Black in a shop somewhere buying pink gift bags and wrapping paper. He helps Hope a little to unwrap it, and then holds it out in front of her. It’s a book, from what you can see, with a tiger and a little girl on the front cover.
“This book is called The Tiger Who Came to Tea. It’s a muggle book, one my cousin Andromeda used to read to me. I think you’ll like it.” He’s talking so quiet you really think he’s only intending for Hope to hear him.
Your daughter looks entirely fascinated, enthralled by the attention she’s gaining from Regulus.
Sirius snaps a picture, but Regulus doesn’t look up.
He pulls another gift out of the bag, a smaller box, which he helps Hope unwrap again, “Your Uncle Sirius says you’re going to be a famous Quidditch player, one day. This is Plan B. You don’t have to be magic to make potions,” He flips the lid on a little wooden box, engraved with her name, and inside are loads of scribbled on pieces of parchment, “These are my perfected recipes. You’ll go a long way with these, but something tells me you’re going to surpass them by a mile.”
Your lip wobbles as you watch. Throughout the nine months Hope has been your daughter, you’ve thought many times about her future. Sirius has a can do, no worry attitude about her becoming a Quidditch star. You think he’ll move heaven and earth to make it happen for her. But Regulus has given her the beautiful gift of his own potion recipes, and the ability to create and succeed in something she can do with no boundaries.
He’s given her an heirloom, a starting point, an incredibly thoughtful gift and it’s truly beautiful.
“Your mum and dad can probably hang onto this for a few years. But it’s yours, don’t let your dad nick it, I know how bad he is at potions.” Regulus looks pointedly at James, who wipes tears from his eyes as he laughs.
You place your hand over his heart and share a look you’ve come all too familiar with – how lucky are we to have a little girl who is so adored?
The last present Regulus takes out of the bag isn’t wrapped. It’s a teddy bear, brown and small enough for Hope to carry. She takes it from his hands with a wide smile, giving him a small ‘ta’ as way of thanking him. Regulus smiles, nods his head, “You’re welcome, Hope. Happy Birthday.”
She’s up like a shot once presents are finished – as is to be expected. She totters over to Sirius, who looks equally as teary eyed as you and James and shows him the bear with great enthusiasm. You stand to collect the box of potion lists from the floor, holding it gently, a smile on your lips. Regulus is standing now, so you look to him, finger rubbing softly over the engravement of her name, “Regulus, I- thank you. This is a beautiful gift. And the book, she loves tigers.”
He smiles softly, nodding his head, “Remus told me she made Padfoot wear a Halloween costume of a tiger.”
You laugh fondly at the memory as Sirius – who’s holding Hope in his arms as she wriggles – growls at Remus for recounting the story. Remus holds his hands up in surrender, a knowing look in his eyes.
“And the potions stuff is because there should be something from our world for her to access no matter what. I have a feeling she’ll be one of the greats, I wasn’t lying about that. Just like her mum.”
“Can I hug you?” You ask Regulus.
He nods, and so you do. It’s a little stunted, a little awkward, but it means the world over.
“Okay,” James claps his hands together, the remnants of tears on his cheeks like a little snail trail, “Cake?”
“Please.” Regulus nods and follows your boyfriend to the kitchen.
Sirius hands Hope off to James as he passes, who immediately reaches for Regulus. He takes her wordlessly from James, the ghost of a smile on his lips. Sirius reaches over to the mantle, hands you a photograph that’s been left to develop. Hope and Regulus are on the floor, your daughter curled comfortably onto his lap, smiling brightly up at him as he holds the book in front of her. He looks so happy, so content, nothing like the boy you knew in school, Sirius’ estranged brother. He looks like Reggie.
You smile, take your wand from your back pocket and wave it over the photograph.
In small cursive letters, underneath the moving photograph, appears: Hope and Uncle Regulus on Hope’s First Birthday.
Sirius beams.
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ajortga · 4 months
the alcohol effect
pairing: vada cavell x fem reader
summary: vada was expecting to get wasted at the party and have you whine, not the other way around and run after you while you get drunk for the first time in your relationship.
word count: 1.8k+
a/n: sorry for not posting! just wanted to say that i'll be taking requests now! there were some where i just had no motivation because there were no ideas of how the plot would go so i decided to just not write until i had an idea for that! enjoy<3
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Wind blew in your air as you peeked your head out of the window as Vada drove 5 miles over the speed limit, your screams of the lyrics being heard to the people that the car swished against.
Vada looks at you, wiggling her eyebrows when she makes it to your stop, shifting out of her seat and opening your car door.
"C'mon, don't want to let them have fun without us right?" She says, a silly smile played on her face as you rolled your eyes and took her hand.
Music made the house shake and the concrete vibrate against your shoes. You were at least ten yards away, you looked up at Vada and she gave you a reassuring ruffle in the hair.
"Just stay with me and we'll be okay, okay?"
A smile creeps on your face as you nod slowly, Vada opening the door for the two of you, "Okay baby."
The first hour of the party you and Vada's friend hosted was going well. You stayed by Vada's side the whole time and cuddled into her lap while making conversation with Mia and Nick, laughing the night away. The second hour you drank a little alcohol, a smirk playing on your lips after you lost a game.
Vada felt a slight shift in your demeanor not long after as you pulled her aside and made out in the corner of the couch for long moments, your hungry lips devouring hers as your legs wrapped around her waist.
She could get used to this as her hand creeped against your bare back, caressing your naked skin.
The brunette regretted pulling away from your lips and hushed you, telling you she had to go to the bathroom and talk to Mia for a moment.
15 minutes passed and your hair was ruffled, eyes dilated and red hot cheeks. You sipped your alcohol, talking with Nick in a slurred voice.
"..this is bUBbbly!" you say, your voice going high and low as you sip it and make a small tiny burp. "Eww... That was gross." You said, looking at Nick with an accusing glare.
Nick slaps your shoulder, "You burped! What the hell are you looking at me for?"
"Nuh uh. That was you, I can smell your ragged breath from here."
"Y/N I swear to-"
The world was spinning as you babble and interrupt him.
5 minutes you were arguing with Nick about knowing that it was he who was the one who took your favorite stuffed animal in second grade. Then the next 5 minutes you crossed your arms and rotted in the corner, sniffling and making cries about how you missed your girlfriend.
"Y/N it's fine. Vada will be back soon."
"But I want her now."
"I'll text her in ten minutes-"
"No! NOW!" You whine, kicking your feet impatiently as you glare at him, sniffling. You didn't understand. Did Vada not want to see you? The alcohol was making your brain go haywire.
"Does she not love me?.." You say, looking like you made a conclusion as tears glistened in the pupils of your eyes.
"Oh lord." He says, pulling out his phone.
nick: send immediate help
nick: mayday mayday
vada: wut happened
vada: huhh
vada: nick
nick: your GIRLFRIEND happened dumbass. your clingy girlfriend won't stop her stupid whining and complaining.
nick: come rn shes
vada: LMAOO im coming wya and don't call her a dumbass you stupid baotch
vada: nick?
vada: bruh
nick: vady bear! hi babye! i miss you! the world is spinning aORUnd!
vada: Y/N?
nick: vada!! i lobe you i lve you i lovae you i love you! can you come back baby i miss you im so lonely and nick made me think you hated me.
vada: hi baby, of course i dont i love you more than anything i'm coming right now
nick: acn we make uout when you come?
vada: are you really that drunk?
nick: ????
vada: yes we can kiss whatever and however much you want
nick: Yes yay:D
vada: where are you?
vada: baby???
nick: your girlfriend just snatched my damn phone from me pls help couches in the living room she desperately needs you om
Vada was only gone for seventeen minutes and fifty four seconds to see you on the couch, slurring to Nick inaudible words with a flushed face as he tried to calm you down.
"Oh my god," she mumbles to herself as she makes your way towards you. She's never seen you drunk.
You flop onto the couch, sipping on more alcohol as she approached closer, taking it out of your hand as you didn't process she was there.
"Hey! That's my dri- oh MY god! HI baby!" You squeal, your teary eyes immediately lighting up as you make grabby arms.
Vada giggles, liking the way that your eyes light up only for her as she bends down and hugs you, kissing the nape of your temple. Your lips part in a smiley grin as you curl up into her chest.
"Baaaa baaa baaahhhh.. Yahh yahh yahh." You mumble against her, your non-stop giggling never faltering.
"Love, I'd love to keep having our cuddle session, but how much did you drink."
"THERES A PIG!" You scream, not taking in Vada's question as she gets a little startled by your sudden scream.
"There's no pig," she says, stroking your hair as you kick your feet.
You point at Nick, "Yes there is! Right there!" You keep shaking your hands in accusation as Nick stares at you, his lips wide open and looking offended.
Vada laughs hard as she covers your eyes, "I think you drank enough for tonight, don't want you to insult anyone or me."
"Mmm.. No baby.. You got it all wrong. I think you're soooooo.. soo pretty. Hi baby! Hi hi hi hi hi hi HI!" You giggle, hugging her, "I just want to hug you like my stuffy every single day!"
Your girlfriend blushes, finding how you were so sweet when you were drunk.
"I love youu," she says softly, kissing the top of your head.
"No, I love YOU more!" you demand, scrunching your nose as you make a movement with your hands to annunciate just how much you love her. "You smell good. I love you! I just love you! I love you I love you I love you-wait no. Can we kiss and cuddle and hug and and.. and. OH! And get married too?"
Vada can't help but laugh and nod, "Yes we can kiss and cuddle and hug and get married." As she spoken, she realized you weren't listening as you still rambled.
"Yes yes, yay yes! And then we can have a puppy. Then a bunny. I want the floppy ear bunny. Not the fat ones. And then we can have babies! Baby kitties. You are so pretty! Do you know that? Kiss me!" You say, your voice desperate and all adorable as Vada smiles against your lips and kisses you softly, making your body melt against hers.
She feels your nose bury against the nestle of her neck as she cuddles you closely, "You doing okay? You must've drunk a lot tonight. You're a warrior."
Vada was really expecting you to be the one taking care of her when she was drunk but here you were, kissing her everywhere.
She could hear your lips kiss her nose, cheek, forehead, neck, nipping softly at her shoulder as you kiss her lips over and over again.
"You are the prettiest girl I've ever seen!!!" You squeal, kissing her over and over again.
"You are so beautiful baby. You know that."
You aren't listening, letting her ruffle your hair as you cup her cheeks and kiss her continuously. Vada talked to her friends and looking at them to show her attention as you were looking at her, staring.
Admiration showed in your features, your eyes sparkling and lips slightly parted as you tilt your head and look at her pretty freckles and eyes.
"You're beautiful. I love you." You slur quietly, quiet enough for her not to hear as she continued to talk and smile at you.
After a few hours, she was exhausted, in a good way. She was chasing you because you were screaming and running after someone with a burrito and were hungry. Then dancing and running out of energy so she had to carry you like a baby as you slept, you were finally home.
You were curled up in the passenger seat, asleep as Vada quietly opened the door and picked you up, seeing the way you made gentle snores as your head subconsciously laid against her chest. You made a soft murmur as you curled to cuddle more to her.
She opened her door and changed you into your sweatpants and her favorite oversized sweater, then placed you on the bed with care.
She put the blanket over you and wanted to get some water for you. But just as she was getting up, you made a soft whisper.
"Baby.. Stay. Don't leave me."
She saw the way you looked at her with such innocence, your eyes looking like they would tear up if she said no.
"But don't you want water sweetheart?" She says, coming back and stroking your hair back.
"I want your cuddles more."
"You're still thirsty, baby. What about you count to 15 and I'll be back. Okay?"
You made a sad frown, then hesitantly nodded as you sniffled.
"15 seconds my ass." You said, you wanted your girlfriend. You wanted cuddles. You squeezed your eyes shut. You just wanted her warmth.. Her-
"I'm here, see that wasn't so bad hm?" The brunette whispers to the crest of your ear, placing down a water bottle and lifting the blanket before crawling into bed with you.
"Hush, I'm here. Go to bed baby. Rest," she whispers, her voice soft like a gentle lullaby, shushing you to sleep as she enveloped you with warmth.
You looked into her eyes, mesmerized, like she was a masterpiece as she took her fingers, and shut them.
Her gentle, soft whispers and eternal warmth made your eyes flutter closed. Her beautiful figure becoming unfocused. Her arms wrapped around you in a protective embrace, kissing your forehead over and over as you begun to fall asleep.
"Baby?.." You whispered, barely audible, about to fall asleep.
"Yes my pretty star?"
"I really love you." You say, honestly.
"I know you do. And I hope you know I love you much more."
You couldn't argue with that, because as she looked down, there you were, head nestled into her chest, asleep in her arms.
Cute, she thought, smiling as she kissed you and hummed softly, falling asleep not long after.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 7 months
Pretty like the wind
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a/n the thirteenth part! I'm so so so sorry for the wait but girl drained her writing abilities too much and I just couldn't write and then couldn't give you all a shit chapter. I hope you will still enjoy this! ✨🤍 also, your girl is running on 3h of sleep so if there are mistakes, forgive me... I'll fix them when my brain is once again plugged to the internet.🙃
warning: kids, past trauma, substance use... low key seems too little of a list but nothing else comes to mind
Axel's been desperate for a couple of days now. He had managed to lift off the ground and do a couple of flaps with his wings at the start of the week. The excitement on his face when Azriel carried him back home was unmatched. Unlike anything you had seen before. He was glowing. Radiant. So deeply loved, and it showed. The boy had rambled about it throughout the whole dinner. But Azriel hadn't denied his excitement even once, a proud smile on his face as he let the boy babble on and on.
It felt easy. It was so easy to be there. In Azriel's apartment. To wake up next to him. To watch him come home after a long day. Fetch the kids for classes. Not to mention that his place was ever-shifting. After the first night on his mattress, which was rung by the furthest of walls, Azriel had shown up with Cassian the very next day. Boxes in hand, they got to work putting together the biggest bed frame you had ever seen. He covered the knives stand with some sort of spell. They were there still, a big part of him, but the kids could not reach them. His way of baby-proofing the space. Slowly morphing it into something that suited everyone's needs.
"Lift up and do ten flaps", Azriel's voice floated through the field. The day was beautiful. The sun was out. Warm rays of sunshine kissed the skin. You and Zofie were sitting on a big knitted blanket. The little girl beside you was threading flower crowns. Her tiny tongue was slightly out as she concentrated on her very serious task.
"I can do more", Axel urged. He was standing next to Azriel. His tiny Illyrian leathers clad his skin. His safety armor. A tiny little piece of comfort that the spymaster had gifted to him. Azriel shook his head as he smiled, "Start with ten, then we will see". You could tell that Azriel had also found comfort in teaching Axel. A second chance at a glimpse of a happy childhood. With him and only him in the center of someone's happiness.
For a moment, there was only a warm breeze humming through the field. You watched how Axel got into a position. His determined face faltered, and his eyes darted back up at Azriel. "You will catch me, right?", here it was, that same bitter fear of failing. Of not trusting himself. But Azriel didn't let it settle in as he kneeled next to the boy, "You won't need my help, but if you do, I will be right by your side". Axel's big, golden eyes blinked at Azriel.
"And if I don't make it...", the boy doesn't finish the sentence, but the premise of it is clear. Will you be disappointed? Laugh? Give up on me? Azriel cupped the Axel's cheeks between his scared palms. "Look at me", the spymaster muttered, "You will do it. I know you will. You have to believe in yourself". They looked at each other for a moment before Axel quickly nodded his head, "Okay. I've got this", the boy muttered, Azriel quickly ruffled his hair, "Hell yeah, you do!".
Axel found your eyes across the field. You smiled at him, nodding your head. He could do it, and you did not doubt it. The boy nodded his head one more. A deep breath in. And within seconds, his tiny frame shot up. Axel faltered ever so slightly. Gravity pulling him down. But with one determined flap after another, he managed to stay up above. "Look at me", he beamed from the sky, the wind dancing in his onyx hair. "Y/n! Zo!", he shouted. The girl beside you let out a gasp. Scrambling to her feet as she ran through the flower field to get closer to her brother, "Axel!", she squealed happily. "Good job, honey!", you called right after her, your hand on your chest as you tried to suppress your emotions. One beat after another. Just his energy strained as fast as it was mustard. And the boy slowly sank back down. But the smile on his face didn't seem to shrink.
"Did you see it?", Axel looked across all three of you, breathing heavily. "We did, my love", you beamed at him, leaning closer to kiss his sweaty forehead. "I flew like all of the Illyrians", the boy taped at his leathers proudly, his eyes darting up at Azriel, whose smile was just as big. "I'm so proud of you", Azriel said. "Thank you, pa-Azzy", Axel stuttered, his big eyes suddenly laced with worry, but Azriel only scooped him up in his arms, seating Axel on his shoulder, "You got it, bud".
The kids were far from, content afterward. Too much excitement rushing through their tiny bodies, and now that they were painfully aware that they had Azriel wrapped around their fingers, within a couple of hours you were back in the city, for none other than street pancakes. "You didn't have to say yes", you muttered to Azriel as you two trailed behind the two overly excited younglings. "Why, not?", he said straight away as if tending to their needs had already become second nature for him. "Well, I'm sure you have meetings or people to scare", you shrugged, making Azriel chuckle slightly. The expression easy to miss because his colder mask was back on. What you didn't miss was how some people looked at him. At you all. The emotions were hard to pinpoint, but it was clear evidence that one didn't find the spymaster of the night court casually walking through Velaris streets.
"Look, it's the fountain", the two little monsters came tumbling back, pulling at the skirts of your dress, tiny fingers pointing toward the water fairies. "Now, what did I say about pointing fingers, huh?", you huffed, and the two of them dropped their hands. Quick apologies swirled around, but the pulling didn't ease. Azriel took a heartbeat to look at you three. The way a laugh slipped past your lips as one of the fairy bopped Axel's face making the boy jump back slightly. All courtwork aside, the past couple of weeks have left Azriel feeling weightless. No burdens. No worries. And if something managed to cling to him after a long day, it would all melt away the moment he stepped through his apartment door, hearing your voices and laughter. It felt so good to finally have something that belonged just to him. And it wasn't that territorial fea-male thing. Well, yes, it was, but there was so much more. Azriel finally felt like he had a purpose. His bland days were finally filled with more color. He loved being able to take Zofie to her dance classes. Fetch Axel for training with Cassian. To come home and find you smiling at him. To kiss you softly.
"Can I get two?", Zofie's voice filled Azriel's senses, and his head instantly turned towards the pancake stand. An old lady was already smiling as she looked down at the kids trying to pick their orders. "You won't be able to finish them both, bug," you said as you brushed your fingers through Zofie's hair. "But I can't pick between jam and chocolate", she pouted. Azriel stepped closer, earning a slight bow from the owner, that he quickly returned with a nod.
"Azzy, you pick", Zofie quickly moved towards the spymaster, cleverly making grabby hands at him so that once the order was made, she would be able to see how they were made because, not like Axel, she couldn't see over the stand. "I would like apple crumble, please", Axel said, fingers twirling with the material of your skirt. "And jam and chocolate", Azriel followed suit. You shot him a look, but he was already too occupied by how Zofie was beaming in his arms.
"Add it to my account too", Azriel said firmly, and you shook your head. "Nonsense, let me pay for it", you reached for the satchel fastened to your corset. But Azriel softly took hold of your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. "Don't fight me on this, love", he simply muttered. And stop frowning; it doesn't suit you. Azriel's smug voice filled your mind, making you let out a huff. You're too full of yourself; let me pay for something. You muttered back, but Azriel only smirked. You are paying; it's our shared account. A breath hitched in your throat. A shared account? But only members of the inner circle shared accounts with their partners. And you... you blinked a couple of times. Had Azriel set his claim over you to Rhys? You're not an object. Azriel's velvety voice rang out once more.
You were about to answer him a gasp left Axel's lips, soon followed by Zofie. "Grammy", the two of them said in unison. Cordelia had just set her bags down as the two swarmed her. Jumping. Giggling. "My gorgeous bunch", the woman said, cradling them both in her arms, "I swear you two have grown an inch since I last saw you". They both beamed at her, pancakes long forgotten. Azriel's shadows made quick work of his mother's bags. Tiny little clouds got to work immediately as they moved to carry them back to her house.
"Azriel, Y/N", Cordelia said, turning to you both as you finally approached her hands full of food. "What are we celebrating?", the elderly woman asked. "Grammy, I flew. Azriel took me to the field. I was up in the sky", Axel said excitedly, and your eyes instantly filled up with tears, making you blink quickly. "Oh, sweet boy", Cordelia cupped Axel's cheek, "That's wonderful. Soon, you'll outmatch my Azriel. But don't tell him I told you so". The boy giggled sheepishly, catching a glimpse of Azriel, but his calm expectation didn't change.
"Why don't you two leave them with me", Cordelia said after a moment, "I'm heading home anyway". The kids instantly stepped towards her as if they didn't care for what any of you had to say. "No, ma'am, that...", "Cordelia, darling", Azriel's mom corrected you instantly. "You must be tired, and...", you tried again, only to be met with another smile, "Nonsense, these two are angels. Plus", she muttered, "When was the last time you two spent time alone?". Never. The answer was never. And the fact that the answers sank on you so quickly said it all. You and Azriel had never truly been alone. Had never been on a date.
"Exactly", Cordelia stated proudly. "I'm looking after my grandchildren, and if I see any of you at my doorstep before tomorrow evening", she narrowed her eyes, "Let's say you don't want to know what will happen". Azriel let out a laugh, shaking his head at his mother. "Thank you", he muttered. Cordelia simply leaned in to kiss her son's cheek before she squeezed your shoulder. "Have fun", she winked, turning towards the kids, already pointing them towards another stand.
"Do you want some more?", Azriel lifted the halfway-empty bottle, but you shook your head, "I still have some, thank you". Oddly enough, it felt strange to spend time with Azriel like this. No rush. No need to go places. No kids to look after. No serious worries. Just you two. A quiet apartment and a long night that was still ahead of you two. You shifted, brushing your hand through your hair.
"This feels strange in a way", Azriel breathed out, running his hand over his face, "I mean, I don't want you to feel like...", he was quick to point out, but you rested your hand on his thigh, "We're not used to being together like this". The shadowsinger nodded his head before he leaned back into the sofa, putting his glass on the tiny table that was set on the side. His arms reached forward, pulling at your hand. A chuckle slipped past your lips as Azriel tugged you closer to his chest. "What are you doing?", you breathed, still smiling. "Something I should have done at the start of the evening", Azriel mused, letting out a satisfied hum now that you were pressed against his chest.
Silence filled the room. You let yourself listen to the way Azriel's heart was drumming right beneath your ear. Warmth spread through your body. This, without a doubt, was how peace felt. "Should we play a game?", Azriel spoke up, finally making you lift your head from his chest. "A game?", you frowned slightly, pulling away. "Yeah, like, get to know each other game", Azriel breathed out, a slight pink tint brushing his cheeks. You let out a chuckle. "Okay, I am...", you breathed out, "Are Rhys and Cass your biological brothers?", "Straight at it...", Azriel let out a surprised breath, and worry instantly washed over you. "Was I not supposed to?", your big eyes looked at him. "No, no, it's okay; I like that you're taking the lead", Azriel reassured you wiggling his brows making you rill your eyes in return. You two moved to sit opposite each other. Your legs were tucked beneath you, but Azriel's hand still stayed on your thigh.
"And to answer your question, they are not", he said smoothly. "We meet in the camp. Rhys's mother pulled us under her wing; the rest is history but they feel like blood brothers". You found yourself nodding; you knew that they were in training together. Most people called them the inseparable three for a reason. The loved they shared always made you smile. It was rare. Especially between territorial Illyrian males. "Your mother was from Helion's court," Azriel stated, claiming his turn, "You've ever thought about going there?". You took a moment to let his words sink in. Rhys had brought that up a couple of times, but the idea of going to a place you knew nothing about to meet people you knew nothing about. "No...", you breathed out. "I mean, it'll sound bad, but Helion keeps his angels under tight wraps." Pulling the strand of your hair, you quickly twirled it around your fingers, "If he had use for me, he would have claimed me by now". A rumble left Azriel's chest, "No one can claim you; you make your own choices". His voice was thick with frustration. The thought, clearly, unsettled him. You reached for his hand once more, "Azriel, I know, hence why I said it would sound bad". But the frown between his brows didn't ease until your fingers carefully brushed over his skin.
You weighed your next question for a heartbeat before muttering, "Your hands, can you tell me the real story?", you watched as Azriel's face shifted with emotion. The man was almost a myth. The amount of stories told about him could easily be turned into a book but... most of them seemed so far fetched. For a heartbeat, you even regretted your question, but then Azriel let out a sigh. "You know about the basement...", the spymaster clenched his palms together. "This was one of their games", you shifted slightly, reaching for his hands as you clasped them in yours. Azriel's eyes lingered on your joined palms. "One night they wanted to test how quickly I would heal. So they dunked my hands in oil and set them on fire", his words sounded cold and distant. But then how else would you talk about the trauma that shifted your life. You bit the inside of your cheek as you leaned closer to him. But before you could fully rest against him, you pulled his hands up to your mouth, placing kiss after kiss on the scared surface. He didn't stop you. Didn't pull away. Soaking in the warmth of you. The tender touch.
But your movements stalled at his next words, "Your back", Azriel muttered. You let go of him instantly, drawing back, "What of it?", you asked, even if you knew more than well what he was asking for. In a way, your scars linked you both together. But you've worked your hardest to keep that side of you hidden from everyone. Even yourself. You let your head drop slightly, and Azriel's fingers instantly hooked beneath your chin. If there was something this man was against, it was you feeling small when you were with him.
"You don't have to", he breathed out, his gorgeous hazel eyes piercing through you. Eyes that had captured your soul the very same night you two had come for one another's throats in his room. You chose to swallow your words, turning away from him. Suddenly, your dress felt way too tight on your body. Azriel took that as a sign to drop the topic, ready to apologize when you muttered, "Undo the ribbon". Azriel swallowed thickly. Hesitation stilled his movements. But his trembling fingers still reached for the light blue material. Goosebumps trickled down your spine instantly.
Azriel could see the way your shoulders tensed the looser the fabric got around your chest. Leaning in, he placed a couple of loving kisses on your shoulder blades. He hesitated before letting the fabric fall off your skin, your hand instantly moving to cover your breasts in front. But Azriel was too far captured by the brutal slashes that even now shined red and black against your skin. The angel wings you had didn't start at the same spot where Illyrian wings rooted, which explained why the spymaster didn't catch a glimpse of them while you were in nothing but your silk nightgown.
"I hoped I could heal myself...", you muttered quietly, biting your lip. Azriel's eye snapped back up, and he instantly brought your trembling frame into his chest. Mother, strike him for letting himself gawk like that. He knew what being stared at like that felt like. The scrutiny. The pity. Blimey, his own family still shot him glances like that, and here he was. His strong arms cocooned your frame before he realized the lack of clothes covering your chest. Azriel's cheeks pinked, even if he couldn't see anything that he hadn't already seen. He moved to lift the fabric, but you stopped him, motioning for him to let you go. He got his clue here—you didn't want him watching, so his head wiped to a completely different side.
"I've never been with a male", you muttered after a heartbeat. Azriel's body froze once more. Something deep and territorial, way stronger than before, scratched at his chest. "Was I your first...", his words were barely a whisper, as you chased them away. "Everything so far...", you breathed out. Was admitting this to him awkward? Yes. But he was your mate. Surely, he would realize that eventually. Azriel turned back to face you. Realizing that he probably should have asked if he could turn around in the first place. But he found your shy eyes looking up at him. He reached for you once more. Pulling you over his lap, his hand resting on your hip.
"Thank you for sharing that", he breathed against your neck, brushing tiny feather-like kisses all over your collarbones. The tickling sensation made you giggle slightly before a frown washed over you once more. "I understand if it's not attractive", you breathed out, and Azriel halted in his movements, pulling back to meet your eyes. "Love, I'm more than okay with waiting till you're ready", he reassured you as he brushed his thumb over your cheek. "But that's... you have needs", you whispered, catching his wrist. Azriel let out a breathy chuckle, scanning your face before he leaned in to peck your lips. "I am no longer a teenager who gets a hard-on from any moving thing in front of him, but thank you for your concern, love", he said, utterly satisfied with his answer. "Ew, Azriel", you cackled, hitting his chest playfully. The spymaster's laugh matched yours in no time as he pulled you down on the plush sofa, nestling you deeper into his embrace.
You had hoped to wake up in Azriel's arms the next morning. The intimacy of last night's confessions still lingered. But once the slumber left your body, you quickly realized that the bed felt way too cold. A pang ached in your chest, but you knew that he was a busy man. A note you found in the kitchen proved just that. An urgent meeting. I hate that I had to leave you like that. I will see you in the evening, Az. You brushed your fingers over the paper, turning your attention to the bond, smothering it with soft touches, only to be met with a cold wall. You frowned slightly. But then, he always shut it off when he was out on duty. You knew that if something was seriously bad, he would answer. But nothing was seriously bad and you weren't about to become a needy partner. Brushing the nagging thoughts away, you smiled to yourself. No, nothing was going to ruin the plan you had for tonight.
And it started out so perfectly. From the way you had allowed yourself to explore the city. Wondering from one shop to another. Everyone greeted you with a smile. The streets were humming even in the early morning. All the smells and sounds fill your senses. You tested cheese from a local farmer's stand, listening to the stories about the sheep that he owned. You had forgotten what it felt like to live like this. Now fully understanding why Zofie and Axel loved it here so much. The white, quiet walls of the sanctuary felt more like a prison than a happy home when you compared it to the city.
Your arm was aching from the bag you were carrying, but it didn't seem to bother you today. Your eyes caught the stand full of freshly cut flowers. Like a little bee on a hunt for nectar, you turned its way. The lady greeted you with a wave. She, like the man before, shared her passion for the blooms before wrapping a big bouquet of peonies in paper. The smell of them made your lips taste sweet. But the moment her hands brushed yours, you felt a tight grip on your arms. Dark eyes looked at you. Sharp venomous teeth gleamed, "Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. You're burning in flames of pain for your mistakes", the thick words sounded, making you draw away, nearly dropping all of your stuff. You bumped into someone, pulling your eyes away from the lady, and when you finally blinked, a man was holding onto your shoulders. Steadying you. "Are you alright, dear?", the female called out to you, making you take a double look at both of them. "Yeah", you muttered, feeling your cheeks heating up. "I'm so sorry, I just got dizzy from all the smells", you breathed out, quickly taking hold of your things and hurrying away.
You hoped the feeling of unease would lessen eventually. That the image of that monstrous face would fade. But it stuck around. Sending shivers down your back all day long. The same way it did up at the house of wind. You had felt slightly better at Cordelia's house, where you stopped to get the kids, but the moment you crossed Azriel's apartment's entrance, it clasped right over your throat once more. "Do I put this in?", Axel called out, making you draw your attention back to the two kids. A pot of stew was bubbling on the stove. You pressed a palm against your temple, an odd throb aching there.
"Yes, sweetie, give it a mix too", the two of them had been desperate to make Azriel's mother's stew. Cordelia had cooked with them a couple of times, and now they had taken it upon themselves to show what they had learned. "I need help", Zofie muttered, pulling at your sleeve. She had been tasked with pulling some of the herbs from the stems and dicing them. Yet your body didn't seem to comprehend the request. Axel turned to her instead. "Show me", he said, but you could feel his eyes on you. Both of their eyes are on you.
"Y/N", Axel called out softly, "Is everything okay?" The real answer to that would be that you didn't know. It was the tightness and numbness in your chest that unsettled you the most. You've never felt like before. As if something was missing all of a sudden. You tried to claw out of the hazy daze, "Yeah, I'm...", but your voice died down to the sound of the knock on the door. Axel jumped off his step stool, but you caught him by his shoulder. "Stay here with Zo", you muttered. Deep down, you hoped that it was Azriel or someone from the family, but then Azriel wouldn't knock. He never did.
You cracked the door open as if you already didn't feel confused enough. There she stood. The prettiest pink dress framed her figure. Loose curls fell over her shoulders. Elain. You braced yourself against the doorframe. Mother, don't let this be what you thought it was. "Oh", the female gasped lightly. "I...", she stuttered, suddenly growing fidgety. "How can I help you?", you breathed out, trying to keep your racing mind at bay. "Azriel said we would meet here; that usually means alone", her tone was sweet, but every word sent daggers flying straight into your heart. Silly child, he is not your happy ever after. The voice echoed in your mind. You blinked rapidly, frown marking your features. For a moment, it seemed as if something flashed through Elain's eyes before she mustered a forced smile back on her lips.
"I apologize for interrupting", Elain turned to walk away but halted quickly as if changing her mind. "Actually", she muttered, "I forgot about a little gift", her voice trembled as she pulled her hand out of the dress pocket, opening her palm to reveal a crystal-clear powder. She blew on it gently, flecks flowing towards you. The same invisible hand clawed at your throat. You tried to gasp for air, but it felt useless. You staggered back, the sound of someone grinding their teeth drilled through your head. A scream echoed through the space as your body hit the floor. Muffled noises rang endlessly. Noises. Screams. Zofie and Axel. The last bits of your rational mind called out. You dug your nails into the floor, turning your body towards the kitchen. Black figures swarmed all around, both of the kids trashing in their grip. You reached your hand towards them, but before you could cry out to them, everything went black.
Taglist: @naturakaashi @hoemadegrace @just-m-2 @thereadinggremlin @i-am-a-lost-girl16 @hijabi-desi-bookwarm
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mochiroreo · 10 months
Oh goodie! (Teaser)
Pairing: Older!Eddie Munson x innocent!nerdy!reader (afab!reader) x Older!Steve Harrington
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Summary: being a latchkey child, you are used to being alone. So when your parents announced that your whole family is moving to Hawkins, you paid them no mind and just packed up your bags. What you are not expecting was that the house that your family just bought comes with two neighbours that are in dire need to have you in any way.
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns. DUBCON. NONCON. 100% FILTH. Smut. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it). Hidden relationships. Age gap. Cream pie. Size kink. Degradation. Corruption. Choking/slapping (in a pleasurable way). Pet names (no use of y/n). Fingering. Squirting. Overstimulation. Public sex. Recording. Dark!Steve Harrington & Dark!Eddie Munson
Author’s note: English is not my first language and I might have not proofread this- sorry if the warning is long already! It might be longer as I am adding more as I go with this whole fic. Let me know if I missed anything though, my sweets! 💜
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“Come on,baby.. Come on. You can do better than that.”
A pair of hazel eyes mixed with hints of green stares at you in awe, cooing on how you try to speak without being a babbling mess. You can feel the slow hum of wind outside from the window, the only thing cooling you right now despite it being humid, your skin feeling sticky and coated with a light sheen of sweat. The man fixed your glasses that now sat crooked on your nose after tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
You tried to look at him without whimpering, taking note of how his arms look taut and firm as he fold it in front of his chest with the sleeves of his black button down folded. His thick, hazel hair that are now peppered with white strands which was styled earlier is now unkempt. He is sporting his own glasses that sat handsomely on his face. His features are breath-taking. As if the angels took their time to make him, if only his eyes were showing softness instead of desire. Lust. He was clearly watching you with amusement, trying to take all of you in.
The sound was sharp and bounced on the walls before another one came.
“Look at her,Eddie. Isn’t she the prettiest? You are.. aren’t you?”
Plump, soft lips found your cheeks, trying to kiss your tears away as they pepper both of your cheeks with light kisses. The said man kept on thinking how they manage to get such an angel in this situation. Desire pooling his crotch at all the sinful things he wanted to do to you.
“She is, Harrington. She is..” A gravelly voice answered him. You tried to look up at the man that just spoke but another smack landed on your ass cheek. You squirmed under his hold, rubbing your thighs for a reason that you weren’t sure earlier but is now aware. You tried to deny how wrong the feeling is but you can only feel yourself getting wetter. Your thighs feeling stickier than earlier as you moan and sniffle. You keep on producing slick as your pussy clench on nothing. Suddenly, your clothes feel a bit tight with how warm it has gotten.
“Would be the most perfect girl if she can only count properly. She already forgot how many she was supposed to count, s’keep on moaning.” Eddie snickered, teasing you. He landed another smack before groping your sore flesh.
“Please..” you pleaded, looking back at the man that is currently holding you down and massaging your sore skin. His long, wavy hair is now tied in a messy low bun. Big, brown doe-eyes sparkling with mischievousness. His pale-tattooed arms holding you down firmly. You kept your eyes on Eddie’s face, drinking him in and his soft features despite landing blow after blow on your sore backside. Hissing when you felt his cold rings land where he smacked you, you let out a sob. You felt tired but also intoxicated as if your senses has been heightened. Your eyes were fluttering, eyelashes kissing your rose-coloured cheeks because of the warmth of Eddie’s body and the hot summer air of Hawkins.
You really don’t know how it started. How you ended up being bent over Mr. Munson’s and Mr. Harrington’s lap. Both men were taking turns at first on smacking your ass cheeks and squeezing it while making you count loudly, Steve’s fingers ghosting your clothed cunt that were slowly dampening the thin material of your underwear. While Eddie is whispering how you are just made for the both of them. You squished your cheeks on Eddie’s thigh, your mind slowly blurring the events.
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sugairsstuff · 6 months
Hi saw you're looking to write stories and was hoping to send some inspiration your way! I am a sucker for "Who did this to you?" Trope and I'm just in need of more Cassian from ACOTAR on this site. So I'm thinking of a little one-shot story of the reader getting hurt by an ex or a family member she doesn't get along with and the General of the Night Court being Angry about it.
Happy Writing! Can't wait to see what you come up with! 😊
thank you very much for being my first request! and i’d be happy to- sorry if i’m a bit rusty- i hope you enjoy how i approached this prompt!
who did this to you.
cassian x fem reader (a court of thorns and roses)
warnings: mentions of abuse, minor descriptions of violence
summary: you run into an ex who wrongfully treated you, and in his pathetic attempts to beg you for forgiveness he injures you. conflicted, you choose not to tell your mate, both suppressing your right to feel emotional and worried for cassian should he go after the male. but your mate knows you like the back of his hand, and you decide to tell the truth before cassian figures it out himself.
(credit to @cafekitsune for the divider)
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You stand at the end of one of the House of Wind’s scarlet-wreathed hallways, thinking only of how grateful you are of your dress’ long sleeves as your left hand rubs your opposing wrist- which throbs with the inevitable purpling of a bruise wrapped around it. Although you know your mate adores when you wear pretty jewelry of all kinds, something tells you that seeing this makeshift bracelet your ex-boyfriend gifted you today in the city would only make your mate’s crimson eyes see redder.
Your chest feels heavy, swirling with a flurry of emotions as you root yourself to the end of this hallway. The sounds of your friends’ voices- laughter- from beyond the grand doorway that stood opposing you overpowered the beating of your heart in your ears, though not the flurry in your chest that leaked into your brain, watering the seeds of your feelings and forging them into thoughts.
Your ex, so unimportant his name isn’t even needed, had ran into you accidentally whilst you were browsing a vendor selling handcrafted bookmarks in the city’s local markets. Once you saw him and made to slip into the crowd in an attempt of avoidance, it was too late, as he was already calling out your name in a tone that began in surprise and evolved into frustation. And when you didn’t look back, worried he wanted to pour his heart out to you, beg for another chance after the wicked ways he’d treated you in your past relationship, he wrapped his hand around your right wrist. He tugged you back, ignoring your sharp shout of both warning and shock as the crowd meandered past you without sparing second glances.
You didn’t really pay attention to what he was saying, your mind already in a frenzied panic as his grip only got tighter the more you tried to pull your wrist back to the safety of your side. His pleading, persuasive tone betrayed the vice-like hold he had on your wrist as he tried to force you to hear him out, hear his babbling of apologies and promises ‘to change’ and ‘to be better’.
By the time you had wrenched your wrist free, so desperate to simply get out of there, your response you threw at him was only a brief shout to leave you alone that came out more shaky than you were going for. Forgetting all your other leisurely plans for the day, you trekked back to the House of Wind, gripping your aching wrist and blinking tears back as you stared at the ground a few paces ahead of your swiftly moving boots.
So now you stand at the end of this hallway.
While your ex himself is old business, the encounter with him had resurfaced memories with him that left a bad taste in the back of your mouth. But they are old memories, you tell yourself to try and convince yourself there is no need to tell Cassian. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time, the bruise would heal, and Gods above did you not want to send your mate on a warpath with the destination of wherever your ex lives. As much as you wouldn’t mind seeing he who does not deserve a name get what he actually deserves, you didn’t want Cassian paying the consequences for his actions. You nod to yourself in self-assuring confirmation of your decision.
You’re startled out of your head with the sudden worry you’ve been caught standing and staring at nothing like a lunatic. You glance around to ensure no person nor shadow was lurking, exhaling in small relief as you can’t think of a reasonable enough sounding excuse for your current behaviour. Don’t mind me, just contemplating the meaning of life! You scoff to yourself at your own weak joke, and move forwards until you reach the large double doors.
When you enter, familiar faces turn up to greet or smile at you from their places on the lounge room’s velvet sofas.
“There she is. You’re welcome for babysitting your whining mate, believe me when I say he’s been waiting for you the entire time in here to return from your devastatingly long two hour journey into the city.” Rhysand smirks, joking elaborately in a playful jab at his brother, with one of his hands tangled with Feyre’s in her lap- who sat nearly next to him but mostly on top of him.
“We were just wondering where you were.” Feyre jumps in to avoid the brothers getting into a back-and-forth bicker about clinginess. Her blue eyes twinkle like stars as she leans forwards a little, “So, how much did you spend today?” the female grins, looking too much alike to her mate.
You make your way to Cassian’s side immediately, standing next to the large armchair he was sprawled in rather than accepting his soft invites into his lap. He reaches over to you with both a wing and hand, the former brushing your back and the latter reaching to graze against your fingers. Placing a smile on your face comes easy as you look to Feyre, “Hate to disappoint, I only bought fresh ink and a new book.” you tell her, patting the small leather bag that rests against your hip as your excuse to move your hand away from Cassian’s. One small displacement of your sleeve would leave you having explaining to do, which you really would prefer to avoid.
Feyre whines a complaint in how you need to treat yourself more often to luxuries- as if this family hasn’t done that enough for you- before her attention switches to the male sitting below you, “Aw, sorry, Cassian, am I stealing all the attention away from you?” she teases.
You look down at your mate to see the pout on his pretty lips that elicited Feyre’s joke. One look at him, and you can tell him missing your presence wasn’t actually what was bothering him. Instead, his gaze was focused on the hand you had, apparently not subtly enough, moved away from him. Damn you for underestimating how well your mate knows you.
Cassian’s brows furrows ever so slightly as he looks up at you, a few raven black strands falling free from its messily half-tied state, appearing as though he were deeply pondering something. He looks as though he wants to say something, most likely ask why you’re acting oddly, though instead he rises to his feet and his hand lifts to brush not your hand but gently against your cheek.
Grinning, Cassian turns to Feyre and Rhysand, “Well, call me now the thief of the thief,” he shoots back equally as playfully to the High Lady, “I think we’ll be off so I can give my mate a properly informal greeting,” he jests, wiggling his eyebrows and winking at the two as he stole you away using a large, calloused hand centred on the small of your back.
You know better, though, this is simply Cassian’s way of preventing you from being put on the spot in front of two pairs of prying eyes. Cassian led you through the House of Wind’s corridors, pace slowing to make up for your lack of height in comparison to the Illyrian.
“How was your day, baby?” Cassian asks, his tone too soft for your liking right now. He’s testing the waters, you are well aware, both trying to solidify his feeling something was off and see if you are okay.
“It was fine,” you tell him honestly- well, all the parts without your ex in it. You fail to meet Cassian’s eye, afraid that if you do your mate will see right through you and know for certain you are upset. But this response only makes your mate fall quiet for a beat too long, something rare for the extroverted, energetic warlord. You hear Cassian suck in a breath as you turn a corner, and in moments he’s opening the large carved wooden door to your expansive chambers for you.
Cassian kicks the door shut gently before turning to you. You untie your boots and pull them off before he has the chance to offer to do so himself, and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek. To avoid Cassian getting straight to the point and asking if something is amiss, you deflect before anything is sent, “I’m going to go run a bath. The place’s staircase is brutal,” you joke, speaking without thinking as you notice Cassian perk up a tad.
The male looks more relieved in his body language though apprehensiveness lingers in his gaze as he turns to you with a boyish smirk, “Am I invited to that event?” your mate tries.
You know you pause for a second too long as Cassian’s expression falls slightly and he begins to reel back his comment with something with just as much lightheartedness as there was worry for you, “Or shall I leave the lady to her flowery bubblebath and soap?”
You frown and shake your head. “No, no, it’s okay, I want you to come.” Normally, you’d make a sexual joke to lure him in the hot, soapy water with you, but the burden that Cassian will inevitabley discover exactly what is making things not okay in minutes was leaning over you.
“Okay,” is all Cassian responds with, and you inwardly cringe at how clear it is how simultaneously unsure and sure he is that something is bothering you. That heavy feeling in your chest returns, settling back to where it sat in that hallway as now you feel guilty for confusing your mate over such a small, meaningless encounter with a hostile ex. Or so you tell yourself.
It’s as if a tether is attached to that weight in your chest, giving a comforting tug that pulls some of it off of your lungs. You look up to Cassian, knowing that tether was instead that special little string that tied the beautiful bow of your bond. Your mate looks much more serious now as his deep red eyes flicker with concern, though he still speaks softly, “Come on. That bath’s calling our names.”
You stand rather than sit in the large bathroom as Cassian leans over the luxurious tub, hand testing the water as he makes sure it’s set to the temperature you like the most. You make no move to begin undressing, your arms wrapped tightly around you. The bruise no longer throbs as it sits untouched, but you’re still painfully aware of it.
Cassian eventually turns to you, his large wings extending slightly as he approaches you. Seeing as you are still undressed, his hand traces its way around your waist where two of his fingers catch the string of the dress’ corset, “May I?” he asks, though there are no lustful undertones in the warlord’s deep voice, despite him preparing to strip his lover in front of a steaming bath.
You nod up at him, but place a hand on his wrist before he makes a move. Cassian’s gaze flicks to yours immediately. His brows pinch upwards slightly in gentle questioning.
“Just- don’t freak out. Don’t panic. Okay?” you say vaguely, and watch as Cassian’s expression only becomes more worried. “Cassian.” you say, more sternly.
“You’re scaring me here,” he says, your name trailing at the end of his sentence rather than one of his more playful pet names. When you only look up at him with a pleading gaze, Cassian gives in with a sigh, “Okay.”
Your mate commences, tugging the dress loosely ever so gently. You can tell he’s alert as he stands over you, his wings and scent engulfing you as he peels off your day dress. You watch his face closely as he watches your body. Any other day, and you knew what you’d find there- sweet, honey-dripping lust and warm, intimate love as more of your figure is exposed to him. Right now, though, his brow is furrowed, and he’s looking at every inch of your skin, scanning you for what exactly your warning meant.
Cassian gently tugs the sleeves of the dress off of your arm. His crimson gaze looks to your left wrist, and then to your right wrist.
And then Cassian goes rigid.
You never understood how eyes could darken like the ways they were described to in all the books Nesta reads, but watching your mate now- now you fully understand. Leaning over you, eyes unmoving from the splotchy purple markings around your wrist, you watch as lethal anger fills his vision, you see your mate see exactly the colour of his eyes as pure, vicious anger seeps into his blood and runs it cold.
“Who.” Cassian’s voice is low, quiet. You blink at the husky, nearly strangled-sounding word that your mate managed out. “Who did this to you.” he says, his eyes finally meeting yours, and you see that the look in them has changed only slightly- just enough to show you it is far from you that Cassian is angry at.
You look down, your eyes stinging suddenly as tears brim your eyes and you have no idea why. You don’t answer, so Cassian speaks for you, tone low though not harsh towards you, “Was it him?”
You nod, and open your mouth to speak and curse yourself for stumbling over your words, “We ran into each other at the market earlier. He- he grabbed me, Cass, and he wouldn’t let go. I was so scared. I just ran.” you manage, feeling the cool trail of a tear drip down your cheek. The sight of that alone was enough for Cassian.
He curses, stepping back from you as his wings flare. “I am going to kill him. I swear to every God above, he’s a fucking dead male walking.” Cassian growls, both of you having completely forgotten about your planned bath together as he paces the bathroom like a prowling predator, as if he were plotting right now all the ways he’d make that male suffer.
You move towards him then, tears still running down your cheeks as you set your right hand on his arm, feeling how tight and tense the muscles beneath are. “No, Cassian,” you tell him, “you can’t. Don’t go after him, please, Rhysand can’t play favourites no matter what you do to him,” you tell him.
Cassian looks down at you, the fury in his gaze swirling and settling and then slipping away. He sighs, moving his own two hands to cup your cheeks gently. The large male uses his thumbs to brush away your tears. “Okay.” he says, sounding almost reluctant. “But I still can’t let him get away with this. I won’t.” Cassian tells you, his tone stern yet not harsh in an assurance that he would not let this happen to you ever again. He pulls you close to his chest, wrapping both his arms and wings around you, cocooning you in warmth. Cassian strokes your hair, letting you smoosh your cheek against his chest and listen to his slowed, steady heartbeat.
“I’m sorry for freaking out,” Cassian eventually murmurs once your tears have ceased, earning a small snort and then, blissfully, a laugh from you.
“Don’t worry, I just would rather only him being arrested then both of you.” you respond, and now it’s Cassian’s turn to chuckle. He releases you from his anchoring hold. “We can talk to Rhysand tomorrow, yeah? About the political and civil way to get him punished.” Cassian huffs, emphasizing his words in a joke.
You roll your eyes as you finish undressing, “Oh, yes, how very boring.”
Cassian only grins back at you, joining you once you climb into the tub and pulling you back against his chest, one hand interlocking with yours as he frowns momentarily at the bruising. “My idea of killing him is still up for grabs, though,” he hums.
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pinguwrites · 6 months
Drabble: William fakes a PTSD nightmare
pairing | william killick x reader
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Warnings: william being manipulative/possesive/controlling/kinda creepy, mention of PTSD trauma, implied to take place years after WWII, baby boy nickname, lowkey forgot how his house looks like
A/N: Ugh I've literally been so busy I can't believe I managed to get this out. I'm planning to get a long-length fic out but for now here's a drabble
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The wind howled outside, sharp and loud, as the trees rustled against the wood of the house. The atmosphere was bitter and tense, the air cold and the silence thick.
William didn’t dare apologize, and as it seemed, you had no plans to as well. He was by no means content to sleep on the couch, missing the warmth your body provided, but he wasn’t sorry for what he did. He wasn’t sorry for his possessive nature. He was only controlling you because he was trying to keep you safe, couldn’t you see that? And the way you demanded more freedom earlier today — like that was something you needed. You were being completely unreasonable.
But still, you were stubborn. William knew that this wasn’t going to blow over until a few more days, and by then he’d be forced to make some compromises. If only the whole thing had never happened . . . He would be in your arms, held by you, cared for, and loved again.
If only he had a nightmare like he usually did on stormy days like this. You would forget everything, start cooing him, comforting him, and being a good wife.
And that was when it hit him — you would never know the difference. He could fake it! He could fake it and then everything would go back to normal. There was absolutely nothing stopping him, and it wasn’t wrong to do. The distant thunder did remind him of bombs, and the reminder did take him back to Greece. It was only now that he was better at controlling it, at not letting these minuscule things take him back to that hell.
William got up and walked towards the bedroom, leaning against the wall, watching you sleep. Your chest rose and fell slightly, your hair slowly falling across your forehead until it finally rested over your face. It was a beautiful sight. Sometimes, while you were asleep and he was awake, he would sit upright in bed and just watch you.
My darling girl. The love of my life. Why do you have to be so difficult?
William put on his best performance. He pouted his lips slightly, forcing tears to well up in his eyes. He tried his best to look like a wounded dog.
Before he even called your name, you woke up. Immediately noticing the dark figure standing by your door, you gasped, but when you recognized it as William, you got rather annoyed.
“What is it, William?” you asked groggily.
William shivered. “I—I dunno. I’m sorry — you always told me I could come to you . . . whenever it happened.” He let some tears fall. “I just got so scared. I thought — I thought I was back there, and . . . and.” He paused. “I’m sorry, I’ll go. I’ll go.”
“William,” you said softly, shaking your head with a look of pity on your face. “Darling, come here.”
William didn’t hesitate. He crawled into bed with you, wrapping the blanket which smelled like your perfume around his body. The tears dribbled down his chin, and he sniffled, snuggling his head in the crook of your neck.
“I’m sorry — it’s just, you were there. In the dirt, with all the other bodies. I couldn’t protect you,” he babbled.
“Shh,” you whispered. “I’m right here, baby boy. I’m not going to die. Can you feel me? Here.” You placed his hand on your chest, right above your breast. Your heart thumped, and he could feel it.
William was almost surprised that you had been fooled so easily, but also heartened. Your care for him outweighed any suspicion. It was at that moment that he knew things would be alright. You were going to forgive him.
"I-I can feel it."
William snuck his hand a bit lower, on your breast, and cupped it a little bit. Maybe you were too sleepy or just didn't mind, but you didn't move his head away, and instead let it rest there.
"I'm sorry about the argument," he said softly, after a while. "I just . . . what would my life be if you are not in it? What kind of husband would I be if I didn't protect you as best I can?"
You were quiet. Then, "Okay, Will. I'll stop visiting my friends so often. And I won't go past the property line without telling you . . . I know you only want to keep me safe."
William let out a sigh of relief and affectionately nuzzled his nose against your shoulder. "Thank you, my love."
He was a bit afraid that you would change your mind, so the moment he got what he wanted, he pretended to doze off into sleep, his breathing becoming more rhythmic and patterned.
"Will?" You shook him slightly. "Have you . . . ? Oh, it's alright. Rest." You kissed him on his forehead, leaving a wet mark. "Sweet thing," you murmured, before you yourself drifted off into sleep.
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Taglist: @mrkdvidal1989 @slut4thebroken @qqquartz7 @madeinuk @flwrs4aust @httpxgray
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