delimeful · 1 year
Okay, I've been wondering this about your alien bois - did you come up with them all yourself, or were they someone else's brainchildren and you just said "I wanna take the Sanders Sides and write them as these cool aliens I found"?
Either answer is fine, the first one commands MASSIVE respect from me because I know how hard creating a brand new fictional race is (got one in the works and hundreds more waiting in the wings).
haha, yup, all the alien guys are all of my own creation :)
tysm, i really am proud of how much love and lore i've put into each and every one :'D
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kieraelieson · 4 years
...Okay, I know you asked for writing prompts that AREN'T Sanders Sides, but I do want to ask this: in your Centaur AU, does Thomas have a centaur trailer? You know, like a horse trailer, but for centaurs.
I’m gonna say...no. He’ll rent one if he needs to take Remy and Emile somewhere pretty far away, but for shorter distances usually he’ll just walk with them or ride one or the other. 
The people he’s working for now definitely have one though, and would be perfectly fine with letting him use it however he wants to.
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residentanchor · 5 years
Um...what's required for appearing as a cameo in Probable Theorem? I know full well that you'd run into issues if you included everybody who ever asked to cameo in your stories, I'm just curious.
Celery: Robin I know someone who can do a grandma voice!Robin: Awesome. Um... do you... wanna cameo? I think that’d be cool!Celery: !!! YES!!!
Celery: .... wait, I wonder who is doing Virgil’s dad? I never asked. Oh well. It’s Robin’s project, guess I’ll find out.
(tldr; Robin goes to nearby sources of people she knows and just uses that, it seems. There is no rhyme or reason for it. Just whatever is convenient and whomever works.
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impractical-au · 5 years
Dangit, I was gonna give you my character from my knee-jerk reaction to PT Ch14, but I scrolled through your already-introduced characters and saw you already had an animal-shapeshifter. If I was going to get a character with that exact field of power, she'd have to shapeshift into animals/creatures that don't exist. Hmm... (gets idea, runs off to brainstorm)
The thing with the powers is that you can meet someone with your exact same power but with different alterations to it. It’s a whole world, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was possible. Just do what you want and don’t worry about it.
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eeveebethsylveon · 4 years
In A Funk
I’m having trouble getting personally-assigned projects moving today.  I mean, I did a bit, I tagged one as far as I was going to (I only work on that particular one in the morning) and did some more work on another, but I kinda wanted to “finish” that one (in quotes because it wouldn’t be completely done, it’d just have a phase done) and I have two other assigned projects for myself.
Yup.  I have four projects that I wanted to do today, and I’ve only done one and a half.  Not sure why, am I just tired?  Or am I losing motivation?  Because I look at one of the ones I haven’t touched yet and I just go 
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ask-superhero-sides · 5 years
OH right, that was a thing. I jump back to the real world; everybody still okay? Virge?
@supnerds asked: Okay let’s go check on the real world. Page, thank you for your help, and your concern. We all love you, so don’t give up hope!!
@eeveebethsylveon asked: That was all Glitch needed to hear. With one ripple of effects that proved where she got her nickname, she vanishes from the void and reappears in the med bay where she'd left Thomas.
You come back to reality.
Your blood runs cold.
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fangirltothefullest · 4 years
I see you're dealing with a lot of jerks right now (I'll believe that the reason all the jerks are coming out of the woodwork is because of COVID-19 trapping them inside so they have nothing better to do), so here's a hug to help you feel better.
Thanks for the hug! 
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fangirltothefullest · 4 years
Just curious since fall's coming on and new seasonal treats are coming out: what's your opinion about candy corn? I like it, but I have to be careful how much of it I have at a time since it doesn't like me back: if I have more than a couple of pieces, I get awful headaches.
I don’t like it.... I also don;t like those chalky heart candies they have for valentine’s day lol.
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kieraelieson · 4 years
Most recent sentence?
There was a tiny nod, and Roman teared up.
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residentanchor · 5 years
Virgil? I...wow - I was going to say I hadn't heard anything from MCR, but I did some searching and it turns out one of my favorite Christmas songs that I have saved on a YT playlist was actually theirs! I'm blown away by this! Anyway, I haven't listened to anything else of theirs, any suggestions for a good second-starter? (the first being the Christmas song, of course; I just now listened to the official version, "mine" was sung by women - never knew there was edgy Christmas music.)
Virgil: I know everyone knows Welcome to the Black Parade but my first time seeing or hearing of them was their music video for Helena. Like... it’s so classic 2000′s emo, it’s a masterpiece. 
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residentanchor · 5 years
Midnight? Wow, I don't know what your job is, but I'd just about die if I had to work past ten pm!
Retail. Tomorrow I have to get up at 6am to go to work. It’s just how it is, but it pays all my bills so I deal with it.
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eeveebethsylveon · 4 years
I don't mean this in an offensive way at all, but you're either very stupid or very privileged. Please investigate a little bit about: (1) COVID and the repercussions it has on those who experience it, even cases where it isn't dangerous (such as: chronic breathing and heart issues, inability to use olfactory functions, headaches). (2) The fact that healthy people may be affected, and you do not know if you will be. And if you ARE, by the time you realize you're in that 1% of people, you'll already be in the hospital fighting for your life. (3) How fast it spreads. 1% of 10 isn't much. 1% of a million is 10.000. 1% of ten million is 100.000. If you look at that as real people and families whose lives get fucked instead of a number, you might realize why it's a big deal.
This isn't March anymore.
I don’t mean this in an offensive way either, but have you done any investigation yourself on covid, or have you been taking the word of CNN?  Hand soap, mouthwash, and sunlight all kill the covid virus.  Plus, not to sound callous, but thousands of people die every day.  Google “how many people died on (insert your birthday here),” and see what the number is.  I did it - according to the website I found, over five million people died on my birth day/month/year.  I get it, I get it, it’s devastating when a family member dies, but life has to move on.
Also...let’s be real here.  When do you think the country should reopen?  When do you think the world should return to normal, and turn the masks and social distancing into a “Necessary Evil Of 2020″ that becomes a thing of the past?  What do you think we should be waiting for?
You need to wake up and realize we’re being played by a bunch of people who simply want us to live in fear.  I’m an adult, I don’t want a government official playing at being my parents.  Whether I live or die, I want it to be on my terms.  What about you?  Are you a child, dependent on whatever the government says?  Or are you an adult, living independent and free to choose whether you stay healthy or get sick?  (Or are you a literal child under eighteen and needing to rely on your parents for food and shelter in the first place, in which case what are you doing criticizing me for wanting to get back to a normal life?)
This is my opinion, and I’m standing by it.
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eeveebethsylveon · 4 years
Sometimes it’s hard to get going on a craft project.
And sometimes the project just grabs hold of you and you have to struggle to put it down.
(My most recent project managed to twist some of my hair around one end of it while I was working on it and I had to fight it untangled.)
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kieraelieson · 4 years
Hey guys! The centaur AU has a recursive fanfic!
It was written by @eeveebethsylveon
Check it out!
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ask-superhero-sides · 5 years
I get off of Nerd, but don't get UP yet; consider me winded from the crash. "Page, you need some self-love."
@kieraelieson asked: Oh, no you are not! Don’t you dare say that! I never would’ve been able to deal with that flower if it weren’t for you.
@supnerds asked: It’s not fine page. I can’t apologize enough
@eeveebethsylveon asked: Glitch straightens up and stalks over (only way to describe her movement, honestly). "Page, you're not useless. You did your best to warn all of us within the bounds of the rules you were trapped by."
Page is blank for a moment, before curling slightly.
I don’t deserve love.
You notice a shift from an impassive third to first person in Page’s words.
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ask-superhero-sides · 5 years
What’d you find Thomas? You wanna share with the class?
@eeveebethsylveon asked: A rustle in the trees overhead signal that *something* is keeping pace with Thomas as he runs. [that's all I got, the "flawed" unicorn is unlikely to go tearing after him and possibly break a leg]
Thomas is at a full out run and suddenly, you can’t see him anymore.
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