#ef education-easy post
limonadecandy · 2 years
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Rapha X Palace special edition collab for EF-Easy Post's 2022 Tour de France kit
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phrandallanton · 25 days
do you have any tips on learning anatomy ?!1?1 im losing my mind over it 😿
Watch videos on YouTube about it or looking it up online, basic info I know. We live in the time where information is so exseable, use that to your advantage! The only place you should avoid is TikTok. Don't get me wrong there are some good creators on there but tutorials are better on YouTube and Google as I feel like they explain more. Here's some channels I recommend for not only learning anatomy but art as a whole:
Marc Brunet:
Draw like a sir:
As of tips I can bring to the table, the biggest one is don't stress over making things perfect! One of the reasons why I love the RANFREN style is how poorly drawn it is and that's what makes it look good. I know it sounds like an insult but it's not. The hands are always so effed up looking and that's my favorite part. Another example is Shin Chan. A lot of the adult's faces are always so wonky but it works and I love it.
Of course you need to learn the rules before you break them. Even the most exaggerated art use basic anatomy/fundamentals. But you don't always have to play by them. Art is subjective, you can draw a piece that has perfect anatomy and fundamentals and people may still not like it. Draw whatever looks good to you and makes you happy!
(This may differ though as if you want to get into a job where you have to draw in a sertant way/sertant thing the whole "I don't care what people think" isn't going to work. I personally do art as a hobby and never plan on doing it to appeal to others so I can bank off of it. If one day I can do that, cool. If not, also cool. That's how I see it! When it comes to trying to make art profitable a lot of creativity can be lost as most places don't want to take a risk of doing something that can effect them and the money. Little tangent, oops. But yeah, keep in mind that what I just typed out is coming more from a hobbyist stand point rather a professional one!)
Another thing is if there's something you don't like about your piece, then fix it. I use to say whatever when there was something I didn't necessarily like about my art because I didn't want to redo hours of work or mess up something, but trust me redoing it and getting it somewhere you like is so much better. Once again, the internet has lots of information to help so don't be shy to look up on how you can make something look to your liking. Criticism can also help with this. Always be open to constructive criticism when you're wanting to get better! Doesn't mean you have to apply said criticism to your art but it's still something you 100% should be open to.
Also with practicing try and do 30 minutes at a time and taking 15 minutes breaks in between. You're brain tends to absorb more information then studying for an hour straight. And don't push yourself to study every moment of your life. You should have a good balance of studying and free drawing. And please take breaks too. Burn out is not fun, it can take a long time to overcome it. (Coming from someone who experienced burn out for over a whole year.)
You also may not learn at it right away. Take your time and go easy on yourself! Don't compare your art to others as you have no clue how many hours they spent into practicing, and I assure you most artist have drawn stuff that looks horrible compared to what they post online. People will only post stuff they think looks good for the world to see. Your practice sketches aren't the best but it's one of the steps that's going to help you get where you want to be! <(^⊆^)_/¯
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celuloideycarbono · 6 months
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Young riders to follow in 2024 (from 2002 to 2004):
Isaac Del Toro (MEX, Team UAE Emirates, 2003)
Emil Herzog (GER, Bora - Hansgrohe, 2004)
William Junior Lecerf (BEL, Soudal - Quick Step, 2002)
Davide Piganzoli (ITA Team Polti Kometa, 2002)
Johannes Staune-Mittet (NOR, Visma Lease a Bike, 2002)
António Morgado (POR, UAE Team Emirates, 2004)
Per Strand Hagenes (NOR, Visma Lease a Bike, 2003)
Giulio Pellizzari (ITA, VF Group - Bardiani CSF - Faizanè, 2003)
Joshua Tarling (GBR, Ineos Grenadiers, 2004)
Thibau Nys (BEL, Lidl - Trek, 2002)
Darren Rafferty (IRL, EF Education - Easy Post, 2003)
Matthew Riccitello (USA, Israel - Premier Tech, 2002)
Cian Uijtdebroeks (BEL, Visma Lease a Bike, 2003)
Lenny Martinez (FRA, Groupama - FDJ, 2003)
Romain Grégoire (FRA, Groupama - FDJ, 2003)
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dimensionsvelo · 1 month
Édition limitée du casque Poc Ventral Air Mips EF Education-Easypost
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À l'occasion du Giro 2024, Poc propose une série limitée de son casque Ventral Air Mips : l'EF Education. Il est rose comme la tenue usuelle d'EF Education-Easypost ! Utilisé toute l'année dans ce coloris rose par l'équipe de Jonathan Vaughters, le casque Poc Ventral Air Mips EF Education-Easypost est commercialisé à partir du 13 mai en série limitée au prix de 300 € à l'occasion du Giro 2024. Léger (230 g) et disposant d'un système Mips Integra et d'une puce TwICEme — puce NFC d’identification médicale, il propose une ventilation importante avec ses 20 aérations. L'équipe utilise ce modèle toute l'année en parallèle du Procen Air. Crédit Jered Gruber et Ashley Gruber-Gruber Images Les réactions À propos de la collection 2024 en édition limitée, Lina Elfstrand, responsable du marketing pour POC, explique : « Vêtus de rose, les fans de l’équipe EF Education-Easy Post sont bien plus que des supporters : ils et elles font partie de l’équipe. Read the full article
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aabidhussainn1000 · 2 years
Anthony Fava Boston
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contentgreenearth · 2 years
Hello, everyone, I sat down in my easy chair this evening, and I was going to finish up two typings, which will likely be posts 9 and 10. But I also dug out biographies and autobiographies of other people I have I'm planning to type. I just got sucked into my Lady Gaga biography, and knew some stuff already from a previous attempt to type her using the biography, and was able to finish typing her in this sitting.
Disclaimer: I know Lady Gaga has a persona that certainly belongs in the EF camp, but I'm going to be bold, and not type her persona, but rather, the person behind it.
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Lady Gaga, who's real name is Stefani Germanotta, was brought up in an affluent neighborhood in New York City. She learned early that she had musical skills and theater skills. She studied both music and theater diligently, using traditional tried and true methodologies. Lady Gaga was quoted in the biography, stating that that's a unique thing that sets her apart from her musical competition- her tried and true traditional music and theater education. She also said being as educated as she is, in general, sets her apart. Yet, at the same time, she likes to put fresh and new twists on the tried and true old school stuff she likes. Without further ado, I will tell the process I went through to type Lady Gaga.
Step 1: Last summer (2021), when I read through the biography, I was just starting to learn Jung's definitions of the functions. I saw both D (Dominance) traits in Lady Gaga, in that she kept on plugging away, being determined, and being persistent; and S (Steadiness) traits such as self knowledge, liking routine, and maintaining the status quo. So from that, I was able to conclude that Lady Gaga was on the D-S axis of DISC, or the Te-Fi axis of Jung. I let the typing sit there, and I worked on other typings.
Step 2: A few days ago, I was talking to someone on discord about typings I had yet to finish for typing in practice. I mentioned that I still had to complete Lady Gaga, and that the next step was to determine whether Lady Gaga was D or S. So the first thing I did tonight, when I opened the book, was to look for instances of D and S. I found overwhelming amounts of S and significant amounts of D, and was able to determine that both letters are above 50/50 for her. And with no significant I or C traits present, I was able to assign Lady Gaga to the DISC profile S/D, which is the only DISC profile with only S and D above 50/50. At this point , we know IxFx so far, for letters
Step 3: There are 2 MBTI types that can get S/D results in DISC. S/D is actually the home profile for the fully differentiated Si-f (ISFP), and contains all the ISFP variants. S/D also contains 2 of the variants of Fi-n (INFJ). So, you guessed it, the next step was to identify Lady Gaga's perceiving axis. As I mentioned in the summary of Lady Gaga, she exhibits both sensation and intuition in the following ways: her object focus (sensation) is very old school and traditional. She likes to use her objects in the tried and true, archetypal way. On the other hand , her ideas focus (intuition) is new and fresh. If you've studied Jung's functions long enough, you learn that Lady Gaga's archetypal emphasis on sensation is found in people with Si. Therefore the intuition, to be the pole, must be Ne. Therefore Lady Gaga's perceiving function axis is Si-Ne. At this point, we know ISFx for the letters.
Step 4: So now that we know Lady Gaga's perceiving axis is Si-Ne, let's take a look back at the types I said get S/D results: we have ISFP and INFJ. INFJ has a Ni-Se perceiving axis, the opposite of Lady Gaga's. So we have a type identification...
Lady Gaga, the person (not the persona), is an ISFP
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cartoonsaint · 3 years
I'm loving your thoughts on the hlvrai characters! Can i ask your thoughts on Forzen for the ask game?
YEA I FUCKING LOVE FORZEN HE'S SO FUNNYYYYY also i love that they had scorpy double up sjfdljasdf like rtvs is a pretty big crew they couldn't find?? ONE other person?????
FAV CANON TRAIT: alright so there's lots of ways to interpret forzen and i know that "someThing like benrey" & "old enough to be shipped with other characters" are popular but they're not my favorite bc taking him at face value is just. so amusing to me. SO my fave trait is: he just wants to graduate!!!!!
sure maybe he's an older student but my first thought was 'COLLEGE??? this man's a BOY?????' like i am a year out from 30 (yay!) and let me tell you there's leagues of difference between who a person is at 20 vs a decade later. 20 is a KID. he's only just stepping into adulthood and he's fucking HERE, at black mesa? not just in the military (YIKES, not good for anyone, but the draw of a college education and upward mobility can be really tempting) but in the middle of an alien invasion?? and then his entire team dies and he STILL puts himself directly at odds against the bizarro super murderous science team??? and then has the guts to fucking try to talk his way out of it with BEYBLADES, and that WORKS???? and then he somehow kidnaps the immortal dog of the most murderous guy on the team (who also was the one most swayed by said beyblades) and has the chance to try to negotiate for himself... only he can't even articulate what it is that he wants?????????? honey u could have just gone home. the military's dead and gone man i don't think they're all that concerned about ur college education rn
this young man's only got a fraction of an idea of what's going on, but dammit he's got guts and he's gonna give it his all anyways!!... and then his all goes so, so badly. god, how silly. how wonderful. unstoppable object but it has no idea what direction it's supposed to be going so it just goes in circles and doesn't end up doing any damage whatsoever.
LEAST FAV CANON TRAIT: why why WHY does he speak french. he's canonically the last surviving member of the UNITED STATES military, not canada's so why does he speak french why would he do it in the middle of a hostage situation why pLEASE
FANON PET PEEVE: this is not quite a pet peeve but i do laugh every time i see it: there seems to be a lot of post canon domestic-y art that just... ignores him? forgets him? actively excludes him? like the whole crew will be there, the science team and benrey and sunkist and the g-man and darnold, and everyone's alllllll happy and together and forzen is just. never even mentioned, at all
why?? cuz he was a boot boy? benrey is some kinda effed up space god thing, bubby sold gordon out to the military, coomer tried to kill him with 300 clones, the g-man fucked around with gordon's life for the sake of his son's bday party. they've all done terrible things but they all get to be part of a happy, hopeful ending. and all we know for certain that forzen did is be part of a truly shitty organization (and, um, hold a dog hostage... but come on, sunkist was in no real danger), which to me doesn't seem like enough to exclude him from like. a future with happiness?
post canon domestic stories are about forgiveness, aren't they? they're about making up for what happened and finding common ground? about learning and becoming better people? forzen, ex-military ex-dognapper and outside of the hell that was Black Mesa, lost in life and probably never gonna graduate now, running into the group of people he'd expect to hate him most... only to find that he's actually welcome? that's a story i'd love to hear, is all.
also i think it's so easy to be funny with him. pleeeeeeeeease please use him more please i've never asked before <3
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srbachchan · 4 years
DAY 4443
Jalsa, Mumbai                    May 6,  2020                  Wed 11:27 PM
Birthday - EF - Zain Hussain .. Thursday, May 7 .. greetings and happiness peace and be safe ..
She graduates , from her College in New York , Bachelor of Arts Degree in Digital technology, in May 2020 .. and the lockdown and CoViD 19 has cancelled this very important moment in her life .. we had all planned to be with her at the formal function in the College, but all that came to a halt .. !
She wanted to wear that traditional cloak and gown, though, that graduates wear at the ceremony , along with the cap .. but ..
So the staff stitched an impromptu gown for her and made a cap .. and she went out into the garden to celebrate her DAY .. and take some pictures for the record .. as she put it ..
For a girl of her age it was most adorable for her to accept this situation yet be positive and have the kind of attitude she designed for herself .. so proud of her .. all her achievements .. and her spirit ..
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.. it is not easy for someone to bring the kind of attitude Navya has and be happy about it .. she and all of us were all  so looking forward to this moment ..
.. but her attitude has more than made up for the loss that we feel  now .. 
All kinds of predictions and formulae are being thought of and discussions being held as to how we shall all get back to work after the lockdown is over .. if ever it is .. and there seems to be some concern on this issue ..
.. there are as we know some very superior minds in the World and we hope that their thoughts and considerations on what the future holds for us shall soon prevail and a blueprint is getting prepared on that .. 
.. I have always believed that we as a nation have come about with extremely innovative ideas and thoughts .. science and technology .. superior education and the benefits of state and financial support has always produced some very good results .. but the simple yet very productive ideas that have come out from the innovative mind of the Indian has always been supreme ..
When there is a paucity of funds .. when there is not enough exposure to the rest of the world and their thinking and conduct .. the Indian deprived of all such luxury has always managed to find a way out .. its the survival instinct , and that is what has ever prevailed .. pushed against the wall , a solution is sought .. and that is what comes out from those that have ever lived a deprived life and existence ..
we shall survive .. we shall prevail .. we may not be the best and the most recognised .. but something tells me that immense good shall come out of the post Corona period ..
my wishes and prayers to all the Ef .. remain safe .. follow regulations .. be in discipline .. just be ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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limonadecandy · 2 years
This is officially a Magnus Cort Nielsen stan account.
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mihrunnisasultans · 4 years
Why is Emma Frost having COA detest baby Mary? This is highly inaccurate. Catherine adored Mary! She was her only surviving child. And even though Henry was initially disappointed by the birth of a daughter, he doted on Mary, calling her his “pearl of the world.” I can accept historical inaccuracies as far as minor subplots go, but THIS is ridiculous! Catherine loved Princess Mary more than anything.
I wish I could answer your question, Anon. I wish 😩
Especially since we know now it wasn’t merely just a post-birth first reaction, but situation lasting for months. Bessie Blount has managed to get pregnant and give birth and we still haven’t seen KoA even touching her daughter, and the only commnent she made on her in 2x05 was when she was wondering whether Henry might kick her out with her “useless girl” 💀
Yes historically they were happy to finally have a healthy child & it gave them hope for trying further, and we know that  even in the show Henry and KoA still have sex even if completely out of duty and devoid of any romanticism, so they still have hope for a son & it’s not like she got deprived of any more chances for conceiving because of Mary, so this “reason” does not seem to be true? And I can get Henry being potrayed as such even if it is false he was always a bad Dad to Mary, but okay he could be a very shitty father later and since they likely won’t have time to show this, fine, do it this way. But KoA? Why?
Lol at Daddy Boleyn being so much more “feminist” than our “empowered proto-feminist queen”, plot twist of the year.
Her inventing the way of gaining Henry’s favour by snatching a newborn from his mother was something I didn’t expect even of Frost...we saw her holding her husband’s mistress’ child and smiling while doing so because at the end this is what is most important for her - to have Henrat’s favour. Again, she is deprived by Frost of humane reactions and emotions - we are supposed to admire her inventing a way to “give Henry a son” (by child stealing lol) instead of admiring her as loving her daughter despite everything & fighting for this daughter’s rights to throne and education. It was all in history and sources. EF had an easy job to do something great with the sources we have without having to even fill in the blanks a lot. We are again supposed to cheer her on for fighting with a sword instead of admiring her for striving for peace & balancing protecting her country in sensible way with taking other things than only “battle glory at any cost” into account. She’s an empty vessel of faux feminism, not a human being. Periodt. All the good things she does seem to stem more from narcissism to show herself she’s not that bad and she does not deserve God punishing her. It’s like she tries to do good stuff to make God actually bless her with good fortune? It’s strange, truly.
When Magnificent Century did Hürrem rejecting Mihrimah initially it was clearly shown that it stemmed from Hürrem’s own trauma & her developing internalised misogyny in that system and trying to cut herself from other disadvantaged people in this palace, aka mostly women because she herself saw that “there is no life in this palace if you are not a man”. But MC! Hürrem was more like a Cersei Lannister type of character (and an anti-heroine), not a “feminist heroine” Frost tries to portray. KoA is not there to show how trauma & oppressive system may shape you to become an oppressor too and to end up simply making the oppressive system work to your advantage and in many aspects perpetuate it - she’s there to be a role model according to what Frost tries to present. Frost cannot write something more complicated than characterisation that is be taken at face value. Her writing is very basic. As such, I really don’t know what she’s trying to show. Because again even when Hürrem rejected her daughter initially, it all got solved before the end of episode& while her baby was still a newborn. Mary is I guess already around 1 yo in 2x05 and will be several years older in the next one. It looks really, really bad, since there is practically no explanation provided.
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IDK what EF meant by liking my tweet criticising her because knowing her it’s possible she did not detect sarcasm and took it as a compliment. No, honey, you aren’t capable of writing complex characters, sorry. Complex writing is clearly beyond your abilities.
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deannayoo · 4 years
5. Portugal
Portugal was the first country I ever visited! Back in 2012 I went on an 'EF' (Education Frist) tour in high school with my French class!
Two things you might be thinking, 1. "Wow, must be nice to travel in high school - she must have had money like that," and 2. "Don't they speak Portuguese in Portugal?"
First, I was not rich growing up. As a matter of fact, quite the opposite. When I was in high school my French teacher told me about these amazing trips she hosted in the summers -- ending with "You have to come with us!" I wish it were that easy. I wanted to go so badly, I had to find a way. I worked my butt off that year. I started working at McDonalds and raised funds peddling goodies from my desk. People from all over school would come to my locker and donate their used water bottles (I raised over $200 in water bottles)! My friends family helped me make cookies and hard candy to help raise funds. Even my teachers pitched in. This whole experience made me believe anything was possible. Leaving JFK, I knew with the right people behind me, the sky was the limit.
Second, The EF tour we took incompassed five different countries, Portugal being our first stop -- sneak peak: France was Last!
I am sad to say that most of my memories from this trip have subsided. I lost the travel journal I kept after returning home. This made me never want to keep a journal again. I have thankfully grown away from that ideology and I now continue to journal.
I do remember loving the weather in Portugal in June. Hot and sunny! The roads were cobble stone, like pictures I saw in books. The roofs were red and everything looked a little sandy there. I wish I could be a better guide for those looking to go to Portugal, but no worries I have a better memory for more countries to come in the following posts :)
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sadisweetomi · 2 years
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Executive ImpactWomen in business: Maiko Itami tells women in Japan to be curious
After accidentally taking a Krav Maga class, Maiko Itami is now a participant in the Shine On! Kids Executive Fight Night. Her drive and determination have certainly showed in her career and mind-set.Growing up one hour from Tokyo in Kanagawa Prefecture with Camp Zama, a US Army post, a stone’s throw away, Itami would often gaze through the fence and wonder how life could be so different on both sides. At the age of 15, Itami spent a year abroad in the U.S. state of Idaho, on an exchange program with EF Education First Japan K.K. (EF), where she saw a different culture and way of life.
With a new outlook, she attended a Japanese university and majored in anthropology, looking at the differences between people based on economic power and lifestyle. She wanted her own economic independence so joined an advertising agency, where she focused on understanding consumer needs.
Twenty years later, Itami returned to EF with the aim of making an impact in society through education.
What are the best and worst decisions you have made in your career?
That’s tough, because who I am now is the result of the best and worst decisions I have made. My best was probably that I took a chance and changed industry from advertising to education, and I committed to that change.
What has been the greatest challenge in your career and how did you meet it?
All the people on my team were new, so we had to start from scratch; there was nothing to work from. But once I put that aside, I thought maybe that’s a chance for me to create my own thing. The mentality of enjoying the challenge and looking at the positive side was important.
How do you achieve a work–life balance?
Something I totally agree with at EF is the “work hard and play hard” mentality. People here put 100% into everything they do. Your body follows and that keeps you mentally healthy.
What are some of your present challenges?
Prioritising! I have so many things I want to do, but need to decide when to do them and what is more important. For this, I feel changing the way we work and having an “always striving to make it happen” mentality is important. I also discovered a golden time, or my time, which is in the early morning before anyone gets to the office. There are no calls or meetings and that time is only for me. I think everyone should have a golden time, and use it to their advantage.
What challenges do women in Japan face when taking on leadership roles?
Some people think that women should not be in certain positions, but I also think this is jealousy—men are jealous! If I have issues like that at work, I will go up to my superiors and ask why that is. Women can use this as an advantage too; it is good to use diverse sources of power in business. You want different perspectives, and you can use that female power.
As a woman you have more options than men—you can be a mother, an office lady, or both, or be by yourself and be an entrepreneur, or even create a new option. You can choose which part you want to play and it seems to me that men only have one direction—especially Japanese men—and that’s being a salaryman. I feel sorry for men.
But we have to speak up because sometimes it is easy to get comfortable not speaking up, and in this role I feel I am helping someone to speak up.
What have you learnt about leadership so far?
Have you seen Inside Out? I’m not the type who likes cartoons, but the characters show that fear, joy, sadness, anger and disgust are emotions that drive decisions. The combination of those five emotions makes you, and helps you to lead. And being able to manage my own emotions is important so that I can help others.
What is your advice to the next generation of female leaders in Japan?
When something comes up, you must grab the opportunity. Then it is all about determination and commitment to make it work. Be curious. In Japan we have a fear of going outside of the box. We need to question how things have always been done and have more powerful women speak up like Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike. We have to be comfortable being diverse.
Who inspires you and why?
I really like Manny Pacquiao—outside of boxing he is humble and has multiple faces: basketball coach, senator, boxer and father. His way of approaching the ring, with speed, aggression and always moving forward, and his stamina, I think are amazing. Be it in boxing or at work, speed and stamina are key.
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dimensionsvelo · 1 month
Édition limitée du casque Poc Ventral Air Mips EF Education-Easypost
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À l'occasion du Giro 2024, Poc propose une série limitée de son casque Ventral Air Mips : l'EF Education. Il est rose comme la tenue usuelle d'EF Education-Easypost ! Utilisé toute l'année dans ce coloris rose par l'équipe de Jonathan Vaughters, le casque Poc Ventral Air Mips EF Education-Easypost est commercialisé à partir du 13 mai en série limitée au prix de 300 € à l'occasion du Giro 2024. Léger (230 g) et disposant d'un système Mips Integra et d'une puce TwICEme — puce NFC d’identification médicale, il propose une ventilation importante avec ses 20 aérations. L'équipe utilise ce modèle toute l'année en parallèle du Procen Air. Crédit Jered Gruber et Ashley Gruber-Gruber Images Les réactions À propos de la collection 2024 en édition limitée, Lina Elfstrand, responsable du marketing pour POC, explique : « Vêtus de rose, les fans de l’équipe EF Education-Easy Post sont bien plus que des supporters : ils et elles font partie de l’équipe. Read the full article
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speersport · 2 years
Paris-Nice stage 3 - Live coverage
Paris-Nice stage 3 – Live coverage
Refresh 2022-03-08T11:23:21.868Z The riders in the break are: Thomas De Gendt (Lotto Soudal) Owain Doull (EF Education-Easy Post) Alexis Gougeard (B&B Hotels-KTM) 2022-03-08T11:20:47.598Z As we pick up the action, with 25km on the clock, we have a three-man breakaway with a lead of five minutes. All is calm. 2022-03-08T11:16:49.781Z Hello there and welcome along to our live coverage of…
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kids stuff drives me crazy. it always did even when i was a kid. i never liked music marketed for kids or educational kids shows because when i was little i was so far ahead of the "age appropriate" shows that i felt like it was condescending that these overly happy fake sounding people thought they could teach that to me. i found no entertainment value in things with spoonfed plots. i didn't even particularly like the games that other kids played because i saw no value in being either duck or goose. this isn't me being hipster or bitchy, i actually always feel kind of alienated because i just can't have fun doing kids stuff. scooby doo gets a pass because it never talked down to me.
i only mention it because kids kinda drive me crazy. i would never be mean to one but i find it exhausting, especially when i'm interacting with parents. i don't care if you want to post pictures of your baby on social media because that's easy to scroll past but please stop sending me pictures of your baby on my phone. phones are for memes about cats, not pictures of babies. if you show me a picture of your school aged child, i'll just be in my head like 'yep i've met this child, i see no difference between this picture and the child that is 3 feet away' and if you show me a picture of that same child as a baby i'll be in my head like 'that looks like a smelly old man'. then i feel like a bitch lying to you by nodding along when you demand i tell you it's cute. i just don't care for children and don't get the warm fuzzies from them. i don't want any of my own and i'm willing to babysit if you need me to, but i do not want to be primary caregiver because i do not understand them and have never had anything in common with them. even the effing alphabet song irritates me, okay?
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farashasilver · 6 years
hey! so, i realize im late af, but i finally took the plunge by binging yoi today. once i was done you were the first person that came to mind. idk if you give recs, but i was wondering - what would you say are some essential must-reads for a newbie to the fandom? fic that really blends into the canon and maybe fills those emotional gaps? (feel free to rec your own work as well ofc!) i'd really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction as i consider you a huge yoi resource! 💕
HI I AM THE WORST you asked me this literal months ago and I’m only just now getting around to making you a rec list. It’s been a real busy back half of the year.
OKAY SO I’m gonna put these behind a cut because this is a wall of recs. At least it’s somewhat organized. Some of these are very strong in the canon setting, a handful of them are AUs. You’re not going to get much plumbing of emotional depths from the PWPs, although there are one or two that stand out as really grounding their relationship in skating. Please enjoy this massive list of fic and mea culpa for taking so long to answer you (and I only recced three of my own fics lmao).
Cute short fics that are Safe For Work
Easy on my knees by ineptshieldmaid - Victor’s subby thing explored as a character studyAddicted (to the taste of you) by smudgesofink - After the Cup of China, Yuuri can’t stop kissing Victoryou’re like heaven to touch by lazulisong - Yuuri is wearing Victor’s jacket and Victor likes that a lotYuuri Katsuki Secret Route Walkthrough/FAQ by Metis_Ink - Meta fic written as if the show is an otome game/dating sim, really cutebetter than sliced bread by ebenroot - Victor owns a Yuuri body pillow because of course he doesthe naming of cats by csoru - Otayuri, a little bit of their careers and mostly them gravitating together for a relationshipa slow invasion of the heart by radialarch - Otayuri, Yuri is straightforward about what he wantsIf We Had No Winter by FreshBrains - Lilia/Minako fic where they maybe had a relationship when they were younger and reconnect nowStay Close to Me by dasedandconfuzed - AU where Vicchan doesn’t die before the GPF in Sochi and Yuuri just barely doesn’t medalNight is Young and the Music’s High by opalish - Yuuri somehow gets roped into another breakdancing contest at the press conference for Japanese Nationals. Outsider point of view.Of Love and Other Emotions by smudgesofink - Two fics of nothing but incredibly tooth-rotting fluffthe warmest part of winter by dadvans - Wedding ficThe Bulge (Don’t Bring a Weapon to a Public Beach) by nagoyadelay - Yuuri posts beach pictures. The internet gains an obsession with Victor’s dick.Feet first (Don’t Fall) by gunboots - Otayuri, awkward teenage romcom shenanigans
Smutty Victuuri one-shots
all the sparks you’re trying to hide by pageleaf - Yuuri gets in touch with his inner doma little love, a little sympathy by pageleaf - Yuuri figures out that Russian names have diminutives and uses it to his advantagea day for all the rest by Etharei - Morning after the Cup of China, a Victor introspective plus sweet morning sexStraight to Video by SocialDegenerate - Pre-canon, Victor’s sex tape leaks and Phichit promptly sends it to Yuuri because Phichit is the bro we all wish we could havei’ve come to be where you are (i can’t help it) by incode - Just some nice kinky sexsmoke and mirrors by grim_lupine - Victor randomly gets de-aged to his long haired teenage self and they bonePraise Please by surveycorpsjean - Praise kinkVictor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing - Yuuri doesn’t bomb Nationals and ends up at Worlds in the season before canon, is extremely confused as to why Victor is so interested in himTalk to Me by SuggestiveScribe - Yuuri has a language kink for Victor speaking RussianSubmission by SuggestiveScribe - Shibari bondage and orgasm delay with sub VictorStamina Should Have Been a Verb by scribblywobblytimeylimey - 12k words of completely unrepentant marathon sex where Yuuri’s epic inhuman stamina wrecks VictorIMG_20140215.AVI by neomeruru - Victor finds one of Yuuri’s old sex tapes from college where he one of his ex-boyfriends has organized a gangbang for himMaid to Love You by Kizuna_Auri - Victor in a french maid outfit with lots of kink because why notNot an inch of you I didn’t cling to by Farasha - Post-Rostelecom body worship fic, gentle dom Yuuri, Victor is the subbiest service sub who ever subbed, the YOI fic in my repertoire that’s most grounded in canon, I think
Smutty one-shots for Other Ships
Green-Eyed Monster by flammablehat - Victuuri + Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, Yuri overhears them having sex and has an angry jerkoff sessionsix feet under by knightswatch - Otayuri, Yuri has a pair of sexy leopard print heels and Otabek is really into them. someone on the dancefloor, waiting just for you by verity - Otayuri, kinky stuffHands On Education by BewareTheIdes15 - Otayuri, hilarious internal Yuri narrative during awkward loss of virginity shenanigansTeach Me Just What Fast Is by Zee - Otayuri, some kink but mostly them figuring out their relationshipDevour by dannydevito - Otayuri, face-sitting and rimmingKind, Sober and Fully Dressed by probablestars - Chris/Phichit, Chris and Phichit make a sex tape togetherthe taste, the flavor by pageleaf - Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri asks Yuuri to help him get rid of his virginity, hints that it could be future Victor/Yuuri/Yuri OT3crimson headache, aching blush by pageleaf - Victor/Yuri, Victor gets drugged with sex pollen and turns to Yuri for help, also features Victor/Yuuri/Yuri phone sexSoft as Snow (But Warm Inside) by Farasha - Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri gets drugged with sex pollen and Yuuri is the one who gives him a hand, plus emotional codaPino Grigio Boys by cherrybulesque - Chris/Victor/Yuuri threesome, they have some fun together in the hotel at a competitionTonight, You’re All Mine by doncastaway - Chris/Victor/Yuuri, Yuuri and Victor give Chris a booty call and he is not complainingOff the Ice by Halrloprillalar - Chris/Victor, someone throws lacy underwear on the ice as a post-skate gift, they have some fun with itwhat flattery gets you by tripcyclone - Chris/Yuuri, pre-canon, Chris expected Yuuri to be shy in bed and gets a lot more than he bargained forVice by Halrloprillalar - Celestino/Chris, Chris has had a crush on Celestino since he was young and seduces him at a bar
Longer Victuuri Fics (any rating)
Maybe It Started Like This by dance_across - Character study into both Yuuri’s anxiety issues and Victor’s insecurity issues and how they navigate those in their relationshipkatsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian - Outsider POV fic on Yuuri and Victor’s relationship as covered by fan communities and social mediaMaelstrom by feelslikefire - Time loop/groundhog day alternate universe where Victor keeps repeating the Sochi banquet over and over againKintsugi by witchbane - Alternate universe where they’re both in the mafiaCall Everything on the Ice… by shysweetthing - Victor learns Japanese in order to better be able to communicate with Yuuri’s family, also a really sweet look at their relationship developing while they’re in HasetsuThe Boyfriend Experience by cryingoverspilledvodka - Alternate universe where Yuuri had to quit skating and became an escort instead, somehow he still ends up in Victor’s orbitlove like fools by lily_winterwood - Roman Holiday AU, Yuuri is modern Japanese royalty and Victor is a journalist, they run away togetherKings in Couture by slightlied - Devil Wears Prada AU where Victor is the fashionista and Yuuri is his brand new personal assistant (that he thirsts after like woah)we are lost, but we are not gone by persephoneggsy - Dollhouse AU based on the concept of the Joss Whedon show - programmable escorts that can be anyone you want them to be, heavy on the angst and mindfuckeryThe Lily of Kasagiya by Kizuna_Auri - Memoirs of a Geisha AU (kind of) where Yuuri is a famous Geisha and Victor is his favorite charming foreign clientnever stop until the grave by Naraht - A gritty, angsty look at Victor trying to balance coaching Yuuri and coming back to competition at the same timeFated by maydei - Technically a crossover with Loveless but the only thing you need to know about the Loveless universe going in is that everyone has cat ears and tails until they lose their virginity, the author does an excellent job of explaining everything else in the universe
Longer Fics for Other Ships (any rating)
adventures in personal growth by stutter - Otayuri, also features Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, series of three fics, Yuri completely and utterly fails at anything resembling “taking it slow”i walk my days on a wire by idrilka - Otayuri, long distance relationship with pining and Skype sexFrom Almaty, With Love by BoxWineConfessions - Otayuri, slow burn get-together fic where Yuri comes to train in Almaty for the summerNeon Pink Motorcycle by goldheart - Otayuri, soulmate/soulmark AU where Yuri’s soulmark is damaged so he can’t see ithe (walked like, looked like) burned like summer by foxfireflamequeen - Victor/Yuri, alternate universe where Yuri suffers a career-ending injury and seeks out the fae to get what he wants (in this fic, Victor is not a skater, he’s a faerie)Commemorative Photos by airspaniel & dance_across - Phichit/Yuuri, Chris/Phichit, Chris/Victor, Victor/Yuuri; a series of fics that starts with Phichit and Yuuri in college and leads into Victor and Yuuri’s wedding (where Phichit and Chris hook up)i know where my heart lies by orro - Yuuri/Yuri, an alternate universe where Yuuri is the 27yo champion, Yuri is the 24yo Russian ace who can’t quite keep up, and Victor is the bratty 16yo prodigyHalf a Chance by ratherunnecessary - Otayuri, also Yuri’s raging crush on Yuuri, a slow-burn fic of Yuri figuring out how the fuck to deal with his feelingsVodka Tonic by Halrloprillalar - Chris/Georgi, a hookup that starts after the Cup of China turns into something that resembles emotions over timeRed, Yellow, Green by dance_across - Chris/Yuuri/Victor, what starts out as a hookup turns into something like a relationshipbite down (to me) by pageleaf - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Victor and Yuri seduce Yuri through skating choreography because this is YOI and of course they doAn Excuse to Be There by shadow_lover - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Yuri kept the pole dancing pictures from the Sochi banquet on his phone, Victor and Yuuri know whyOpen My Heart by Farasha - Victor/Yuuri/Yuri, Alpha/Beta/Omega alternate universe where Yuri goes into heat unexpectedly, drags Victor with him, and they all have to figure out how to make it work
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