#egs compy saga
egscomics · 2 months
Computer Saga Update
Hope to have next story comic Monday. I might temporarily adjust the schedule from there.
Many, MANY thanks to everyone for your support, you're why I'm able to make this comic, and replace the computer for making it so quickly.
That's the important information, but here's some additional details:
The switch to a new computer has necessitated some changes in software. In particular, I've been using CS6 Adobe software for quite some time, but Adobe has said "no" to my putting it on a new computer, so now I have to use the latest subscription-based version.
This isn't the end of the world, I knew it would happen eventually (or I'd somehow find time to learn different software), but I can't work as quickly adapting to the new version, and there's some stress involved.
For example, I nearly had an actual emotional breakdown when I thought they'd removed the live paint tool. It's still there, just not easily accessible by default. I genuinely don't know how I'd make upcoming comics if it were actually gone. It's possible the style would've just suddenly shifted.
Anyway, the further along I get, the more stress is decreasing, but I wound up a MESS today, and I'm going to bed.
(Seriously, thank you all for supporting the comic.)
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