#eh i was gonna make it all cool looking but graphic design isnt my passion..
0oey9ooey · 2 years
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Decided to make my own overwatch drawing prompts!
Feel free to use, redistribute and what-not. You can also apply it to other fandoms if you like.
You can make it into a challenge or a request form, skip some prompts or rearrange them. This was mostly for fun rather than a challenge meme (because I didn't want to do a lot of the options on most other challenge lists lol.)
Some terms:
one-shot: one hit KO, headshot, someone who got killed in one shot
AFK: away from keyboard, when a character is not moving because the player is away
pocketing: when one player is only helping one teammate (ie, mercy only healing and boosting one other teammate)
peeling: when a teammate goes back/disengages to help you fight off an enemy/protect you
feeding: when a teammate dies to the enemy team alone, giving them easy ult charge off of their death
carrying: when one teammate is winning the game for everyone else (also infers the rest of the team is useless or playing poorly)
nerf: decreasing the statistics of a character
buff: increasing the statistics of a character
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