#eh maintag can have this too
leafatlaw · 2 months
s3 shassie is quite literally making me mad. What do you mean Shawn instantly believed that Lassie didn’t kill someone? Why did Shawn call Lassie hot ??? Why are they so goddamn touchy ??????
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sylvermidnight · 1 year
You mentioned possibly a post of your opinions on TMA as a podcast? I would be very interested.
Oh! Sure! I won’t be maintagging this because I just got out of some drama and don’t want to go starting more. But essentially I don’t have a problem with the concept of TMA I think it’s really good and I listened to four seasons of it. I just think….Of Jonny Sims’ work it’s not the best?
To me the writing falls a little flat especially with the character work. A lot of the conflict doesn’t make sense to me as it boils down to people being angry at Jon…Just because he’s the easiest target for their anger? You get things like Tim telling him to just stop being paranoid and Georgie telling him it would have been better if he died. Melanie seeming to dislike him…For no reason? I mean of course all of the characters have reasons but they’re not great ones usually (I think Tim is maybe an exception but barely). Jon is just as much a victim as they are. I’m not a defender I just fail to see what else he personally was supposed to do when it’s clear he started the series already at a disadvantage.
On top of that there’s just. The concept of Daisy and Basira as a whole for me. Daisy canonically killed some innocent people in her tenure as a cop and if that were something Elias were lying about it wouldn’t have been effective blackmail. She commits an act of violence against Jon very early on that mostly goes undiscussed and Basira just. Virtually never stops making excuses for her. There was that awkward portion after the Buried where Daisy even? Befriends Jon? Which is very odd to me? It’s not technically copaganda at all but I just don’t think either of them should have been permanent fixture characters in the way they were. I won’t mention here the S5 police brutality episode because it has been addressed by the creators but it is very much a thing that happened.
Thirdly and this is a personal thing, I just. Did not like s5. I found it to be disjointed, uncomfortable, and an altogether different feel than the rest of the series that felt confusing and rushed and less “oh this is spooky! Fun!” And more “this has ceased to be escapism and is more uncomfortable than anything”. The ending of “maybe they lived but maybe they didn’t” is just. Too much for a series that ran for five seasons. You can have tragedy that feels fulfilling too is the thing. Jonny (and crew) have written many good examples in their time as the mechanisms. (UDAD, TBI, even HNOC is more satisfying than this) An audience can accept the heroes dying if it’s done properly and TMA just doesn’t leave me with that feeling it feels more like a bad marvel film where you go through all this build up for no payoff. They’re not at rest. They’re not alive. We get nothing. We are left. With nothing.
Finally? Rusty Quill as a company just. Seems eh? To me? I’m concerned about their business practices, how much they may or may not be inserting themselves into the production and distribution of unrelated podcasts they host, how they’ve been treating their employees including pay respect and the recent layoffs. I wish people would be more critical and realize that it is indeed a capitalist company and not just “those silly guys that made TMA”. They should be held to standards that I’m not entirely certain are being met. I have no proof just general observations and feelings.
But uh. Yeah? That’s about it. Love TMA it’s fun and I like to make oc content for it and poke at headcanons and lore. But idk if I’d ever actively relisten.
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